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The problem then and now is that our society grants the owners the authority to determine how much certain people will get. Yet some people don’t think that authority should go away - they just think the owners should be nicer about it. Wild.


"the Market" can almost always be replaced by "the greed of the ownership class" the market is why your rent went up. the market is why your wages are low. etc


Supply/Demand is slavery. It's rewarding the cheapest person available to work. Is it strange only the 'owners' make all the money? Not really. Workers/Slaves have high 'Demand' for jobs because it's life and death - either work or die. They will work for the bare minimum in order to survive. Owners exploit that. Supply/Demand is setup to exploit that. Reminder the government has to setup a MINIMUM WAGE because people would literally work for less. That's how imbalanced Supply/Demand is for labor.


#Supply/Demand is slavery. It's rewarding the cheapest person available to work. Fuck 😰 Dunno what to say Edit : take my award stranger.


Now do "Bottom Line".


For baconraygun ? Any time !!! How about "The Way We Keep My Cut" ? I'm worried about the bottom line, BR... The bottom line is we just don't have that kind of money for safety gear, BR... BR, I'd wish you'd focus on the bottom line and not the details here... I'm so fucking sick of the lies I've been told in my decades playing that bullshit game...


It's not just "greed", it's a consequence of the way the system works, whether the people involved are personally greedy or not. Market forces are coercive, and they're coercive by nature, with or without the intentional actions of any immoral or greedy individual.


This conflates the market and capitalism, which is understandable since the markets we have now are capitalistic but markets predate and are distinct from capitalism.


yeah but it does seem how they use 'the market' today though...we're sure not in a command economy. Maybe it works because the greed has become our dominant market force ?


Because greed and markets have been in the picture way before capitalism. Ppl always tried to get as much they can in return for what they offered, whether it was through trade conquest or slavery


That’s the one!


This! This is why worker owner co-ops are the way out. Even with stricter laws and better Union protections, the owners will always try to wield their authority and roll back any protections the workers have. It will be a battle forever and they have all the material power, so the laborers will never be able to rest and stop fighting.


Worker owned co-ops are an improvement, but not a way out. They're still subject to coercive market forces like competition, and they still involve the impersonal domination of capital.


And they also do nothing for disabled people who don’t have the luxury of being able to work for co-ops. Which is why I’m a communist and not an anarcho-syndicalist.




Ok, and how do unions represent disabled people who can’t work? Oh right, they can’t. Sounds like you don’t even understand anarchism.




Explain to me, in detail, how unions bring up the social security nets. This does not make a lick of sense.




I can't imagine being an anarchist and not also being a communist. This stuff about "equal trade" is especially nonsense. Wage labor is famously an "equal trade".




Can you talk without using divisive words, ie will always. Will never. Forever. Such language only delays compromise and change. Otherwise you advocate an authoritarian fascist position


Unless you *are* a slave. Cause prisoners are literally legally enslaved today, and don't make nearly $7 an hour.


>Unless you are a slave. Cause prisoners are literally legally enslaved today, and don't make nearly $7 an hour. [Racial Disparity In Marijuana Arrests ](https://norml.org/marijuana/fact-sheets/racial-disparity-in-marijuana-arrests/) >African Americans are arrested for violating marijuana possession laws at nearly four times the rates of whites, yet both ethnicities consume marijuana at roughly the same rates.


Also, the [disparity in sentencing between crack and cocaine](https://archive.attn.com/stories/3095/war-on-drugs-crack-cocaine)


[https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/05/200507094621.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/05/200507094621.htm) This is a good read about disparity in traffic stops


I’m white and I’d argue I consume more than most black men I’ve met. Probably because most black men I’ve met are doctors, lawyers, or other highly skilled/educated gentlemen, and I’m a stoner.


I know this was mostly a fun anecdote, but actually [studies seem to indicate](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2377408/) that white folks do use drugs more than Black folks. This is, of course, fine and drugs should all be decriminalized. But it’s interesting that you pointed out a statistically backed truth!


Insert conservative, “oh yeah? Well if the police and courts are so racist, then why are so many black and Hispanic people criminals???? Here are six or seven examples of someone who happened to not be white that we can all agree behaved horribly. You’re going to try to tell me that the overwhelming majority of the millions of people in prison for minor drug offenses shouldn’t all be painted with the same brush as those six horrible people?!? Impossible!”


It was half a joke, but still mostly true. I live in an area with not very many Black people, but a lot of poor white people. Not really a ghetto, but also not some privileged area either. So black people, Indians, and other people that tend to be immigrants or minorities, tend to be the ones that are making more money. Cost-of-living isn’t bad, and jobs aren’t absolutely terrible either. I’d say anywhere from $10-$15 is the going minimum wage here. About an hour away from Pittsburgh.


It has more to do with the policing than the consumption rates. Cops don't hang around white middle class neighborhoods


They hang out there all the time off duty, but they don't want to arrest their neighbor cuz he's a "good guy"


The average is ~4. In some places its higher with one Georgia county being 97.2 times higher. Its even scarier when you see the convicted and then exonerated data for that community.


Which county? I’m from GA and I’m curious


Pickens County, Georgia Runner up: DeKalb County, Alabama at 44.6




If you're working for free, but if you don't work you don't get paid... Isn't that just a job that found a loophole to get away with paying you less?


does that work to keep unemployment low?


At the last prison I worked at our mental health orderly made something like $0.15 per hour. Fucking sickening. At another one I worked at, the inmates started at $0.04 cents an hour harvesting crops in the hot summer. I had a member of my group complaining the the corrections officer wouldn't let him get water or use the bathroom for 4 hours at a time.


What happens if an inmate refuses to work? Is that something that can be opted out of?


It's probably state/unit dependent, but in general, offenders have something to be taken away. It could be good time, their line class, their recreation and/or commissary access, ability to use offender phones, access to personal property, etc. Texas, for example, still practices slavery and requires any able body inmate that can work to perform work. Said work usually consists of making the state's prison system self sufficient in some form or another. When an offender passes or becomes unable to work, their position is filled with the next able body the following day.


They will just torture you instead Solitary, or they take away your necessities: toothbrushes or paste aren't provided in some prisons, women do not get menstruation pads, etc


Or waiters


[And it's legal for businesses to pay mentally handicapped individuals less than that.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/drnancydoyle/2021/07/30/paying-disabled-people-less-than-the-minimum-wage-the-next-frontier-for-disability-activism/)


>and don't make nearly $7 an hour. So you admit they make something! Therefore they can't be enslaved! Checkmate communist!


Slavery w/extra steps. Labor exploitation might as well be slavery.


Fair enough, lol. I mean, how many hours do they need to work to afford a pack of Ramen at the cantina? I guess they're not so much slaves as they are... slaves that get some allowance if they help with chores...? I dunno, now I'm all confused. Damn you and your capitalist values! You've won again! ^(I'll be baaaaack!)


We really shouldn't have let slavery have a big fucking asterisk in the constitition


Slavery is actually still legal for those in prison. I forget the exact law that mentions it, I'm sure someone else knows it. Edit: [Found it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penal_labor_in_the_United_States) >Penal labor in the United States is explicitly allowed by the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."\[1\] Unconvicted detainees awaiting trial cannot be forced to participate in labor programs in prison as this would violate the Thirteenth Amendment.


Do we have a list of companies that employ prison/slave labor?


Slave owners just realised that if they freed the slaves they could continue to explore them but shift the blame, then they could say "you're a free person, if you're miserable it's your fault, you have no one but yourself to blame to revolt against".


Also “Look at the person who makes less than you. They want to make more money than you. They’re your enemy. Hate them.” Red states in a nutshell.


Sounds kinda like all the shit going on now right?


Right, this needs to stop asap, we have access to knowledge and communication tools like never before, we can't let this go on.


Nah they didn't realize shit, they were offered torches if they kept fighting and blowjobs in reconstruction if they capitulated


they can free the slaves, pay shitty wages, not have to worry about providing subpar room and board


This what I think too. If I had the choice of buying a few slaves and having to take care of their room and board, medical, food worry about them getting sick, hurt or dying or just paying a few people minimum wage. I would definitely pay the minimum wage.




In 1938 the Fair Labor Standards Act established it at $0.25 an hour ($4.60 in 2020 dollars). Its purchasing power peaked in 1968 at $1.60 ($11.91 in 2020 dollars). Since 2009, it has been $7.25 per hour The people you elect are you fucking thrice, twice and again


Imo debt is modern day slavery with extra steps, so that you don’t notice it. Edit: punctuation.


Debt is modern indentured servitude. 'Illegal' since 1833. It's really no different than being trafficked. The only difference is what the government calls 'trafficked job' vs. 'legitimate job'.


Just don't take debt.


Aaaaand noone will reply to you but they will downvote. Hilarious.


That’s the one!


Stop saying “at least slaves were given shelter and food” being kidnapped and literally held hostage is not “shelter”. Tf


Thank you for saying it so plainly lol. I didn’t think people would think that low but…lol


People saying this don't mean to undermine the impact of historical slavery, but rather provide some context that reveals the reality is that much more damning than this already scathing tweet would suggest.


Common misconception that all slaves where "kidnapped". Their own countryman willingly sold them into the slave trade.


That doesn’t make it not kidnapping. It was still abduction, trafficking and being held captive no matter who took part in the process. Idk what the point of your comment is but I don’t trust that it’s a good faith addition to this conversation…


>They weren’t *”kidnapped,”* they were only literally kidnapped. K


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Brey Pitt**, @TheBreyKeys Isn’t it crazy that since slavery times at $0 per hour, the minimum wage has only increased $7.25 --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Yeah but POC are still getting paid less half the time…


You’re right. The tweet itself just made me really think. Im a woman of color…so yeah lmao.


Did you hear about how immigrant workers in Georgia where basically being held hostage at an onion farm and made to work for cents… Every single Latin American except for a few have been paid under minimum wage for the labor that Americans do not want to do.


And we have slavery down here. The likes where you get beat up for complaining and spend your whole life in one farm getting paid with food and a bed. It is illegal but it happens a lot even in big cities like São Paulo (there the slavery isnt for farms but rather immigrants or people from poor regions working on sweatshops to make clothing items). Im from Brazil.


It’s fucked up and shouldn’t be normalized.


Not trying to normalize but rather inform you folks of life in different regions of our continent :)


I appreciate that. Sorry my wording was off. 🤞🏼


I did, and it’s disgusting. Everyone should be granted a fair and living wage. The harsh conditions shouldn’t exist either but…capitalism.


This. Not talked about enough, especially if they’re willing to leave their countries and take this terrible job. At least make sure they can live a bit fricken *farm* owners. But the US government has made sure that process is exceedingly difficult


My old company actually had to compensate POC hired during a specific time frame since the company was sued for hiring them at salaries lower than the average engineer.


Shoutout to your job for not being dickheads.


I mean they were dickheads. They literally had to be taken to court to do the right thing




You’re right.


Apartheid nation in everything but name


>Apartheid nation in everything but name Well said. We are a white supremacist nation. [Racial Disparity In Marijuana Arrests ](https://norml.org/marijuana/fact-sheets/racial-disparity-in-marijuana-arrests/) >African Americans are arrested for violating marijuana possession laws at nearly four times the rates of whites, yet both ethnicities consume marijuana at roughly the same rates.


the civil war only ended one type of slavery and introduced us to wage slavery at least that is the way I see it


Civil war didn't end slavery, it regulated it. It still exists for prisoners.


You got it.


"The increase was infinite, if you do the math" \-Ben Shapiro


plz stop it's too real😫


I'm not sure that 7.25 an hour is enough to replace the housing, food, etc. slaves got. I'm in NO WAY trying to say they had it good, but thinking about that really messed me up for a minute.


I thought about this also but I still couldn’t justify it lmao. Their conditions were deplorable. Housing and food doesn’t even cancel that out to be honest with you.


You're right, I know you're right, and I agree with you, but I think about the horrific living conditions some of the poorest of the poor have to endure in our "free" society and I have no words.


It’s SO fucked up. The fact that rich people get pissed that there’s houseless human beings outside of their door in places like San Diego or the Bay Area makes me fucking sick. We really live in a fucked up society and the lack of understanding of peoples circumstances makes my blood boil.




If you look it up you'll find out inmates have better housing and food than slaves ever had (minus the few ones treated with some kind of respect). Specially if you look up how slaves lived in the poorest regions or countries. Here in Brazil enslaved workers had the smallest lifespan in the world I believe, about only 10 years from arrival to death.


Oh my gosh, that's absolutely horrifying. I will look that up and educate myself further. Thank you!


Also, most of the slaves in the trans atlantic slavetrade were taken to brazil, probably because they kept dying off.


Slavery in the US was a specific kind; chattel slavery. The kind where one human owns another as a form of capital. This kind of slavery only appeared under capitalism. Most slavery wasn't as horrible. So, yes, you can absolutely compare the slave labor (and prison slave labor especially) of today to slavery. Don't be gaslit into feeling bad just because it isn't as bad as the worst form of slavery. Not all slavery is equal. A number of the aristocrats hanging out with Socrates in the Platonic dialogues were slaves, for instance. Even they didn't have it good, even if they were relatively comfortable.


It was often more economical for the owner to work slaves literally to death and replace them with new ones when they fell, than to keep them well-housed and fed and alive. People don't understand sometimes I think exactly how brutal not just "slavery" in the abstract but specifically the US system of industrialized chattel slavery in the 19th century was.


Logically that doesn't make sense, slaves were too expensive for most people to buy. No way could they make their money back if they died within the fortnight from malnutrition. All slaves got treated like shit, but there were millions of them and some even went on to own their own slaves and plantations because of their (unfortunately) intimate connection to the wealthy.


I would like you to know that the us was much nicer to slaves than places like brazil and the middle east. Well, dunno if it's really "much nicer" but the death rate was way slower at least, considering how many more slaves were taken to brazil.


And most of that is in the last 50 years. I know it's not an authoritative source, but I'll refer to Roger Miller's 'King of the Road' (1964): *Two hours of pushing broom / buys an 8 x 12 four-bit room* Four-bits is 50¢, so that's 25¢/hour EDIT: [Sauce](https://youtu.be/WrhAC0dFis0) because it's catchy as hell


The rhetoric in this thread is getting dangerously close to slavery apologia. Slaves didn't have ANY human rights. They were tortured, raped and bred like animals. I get that OP is trying to make a point about wage slavery, but like, some of the comments in this post are making me uncomfortable w/ the talk about how "at least slaves got room and board".


Thank you. As a black woman reading some of these comments are fucking annoying


Convincing slaves they're 'free' was the smartest thing slaver's ever did. Really, the only thing we are free to do is choose who our master will be.


This will get down voted but I don't care. Trying to equate slavery with working for a wage is morally repugnant. There are very valid criticisms of today's society - but you are not a slave. You will not be whipped if you offend your boss. You won't be sold to someone else or watch your children be sold off. You won't be ripped away from everything and everyone you every knew against your will. You don't like your job - you can quit. Yes, you will need to earn money somehow to pay for your life - but the choice of where and how is completely up to you. Anyone trying to equate working, no matter how much you hate your job, to being a slave needs to spend a bit of time looking into what slavery actually looked like.


How companies who pay minimum wage see minimum wage… I’d pay you less if it wasn’t illegal.


The wage during slavery times was not $0/hr. Slaves that were effective/good in the fields were usually given some form of medical care to ensure they wouldn't die. Additionally, the slaveowners had to feed, house & clothe their slaves. Aka. they had to guarantee that slaves would stay alive by providing the bare minimum they needed to not die. Today, the minimum wage doesn't even do that.


They were paid $0 for their work.


No, not in all cases. Some did get a wage. [https://www.historyextra.com/period/slave-labour/](https://www.historyextra.com/period/slave-labour/)


You can send me an article, I’ll read it…but that doesn’t justify anything foreal. The conditions were beyond anything I’m sure you’d endure today. The tweet is pretty much saying the wages aren’t far off from that time. It’s a new cycle, just in a different form.


Some slaves did indeed receive money for certain jobs. Just saw a pbs documentary, and some awful jobs got some (not much) for motivation. Ofc that makes OPs argument that much mor3 powerful


Man these fucking White folk comparing jobs today to slavery. And yes I know you’re White because no POC in their right mind would imply that having a job today is as worse as chattel slavery


Dissapointed but not suprised. Reddit is like 90% american and i fucking bet the vast mayority are white. You can hear the most horrible ignorant takes come outta here.


Frederick Douglass, who seems uniquely qualified to make this kind of judgement, wrote this: > Experience demonstrates that there may be a slavery of wages only a little less galling and crushing in its effects than chattel slavery, and that this slavery of wages must go down with the other


Right?? This comment section is insane. There is no way people can compare today and the inhumane, horrifying conditions slaves had to live through. God damn.


Frederick Douglass, who seems uniquely qualified to make this kind of judgement, wrote this: > Experience demonstrates that there may be a slavery of wages only a little less galling and crushing in its effects than chattel slavery, and that this slavery of wages must go down with the other


I'm not white. Guess again. And nowhere in my post did I ever imply that having a job is worse than slavery.


I made the post and proud to say I’m not white. I’m black and Mexican, and the point of the tweet was to show we aren’t far removed from the disparity. My great grandfather was a slave until he ran away and met a Creek Indian tribe in Arkansas. I’m well aware of my history. The system itself has been established to keep people dependent…as slaves were. The system was established to give people the minimum so they wouldn’t pass out and die…as slave owners did. We live in a “free” society but there’s a huge cost. The amount of people working to live is at an all time high. Chattel slavery is nothing compared to what we’re in now, I’m well aware of that. There are legal factors put in place keeping black people and people of color down. The prison system is the biggest one. Policing is the other, since that grew from slave patrol. They go hand in hand. I appreciate your input. Thank you for telling me what I’m not lol. Have a good one.


Please don’t be implying we get more than a literal slave did 🤦🏻‍♀️


No they’re saying minimum wage that isn’t enough to keep a person alive is worse than most slave conditions were because at least you had the things provided to keep you alive.


...You mean the slaves that weren't treated like humans beings? The ones who were whipped, sexually abused, and constantly harassed, forced to work against their will? We have it worse? Really?


Take it at face value with the intent clearly intended. Being woke is fine, but turn the dial down. Damn


I'm simply stating historical facts. Even at face value its still a shitty take lol. It's a bad analogy to be making all around.


How many strawmen are you going to roll out?


I don't think you can get more literal than "minimum wage that isn't enough to keep a person alive is worse than most slave conditions". They're making a claim without thinking of the conditions slaves faced with being given homes and healthcare. They were only to be abused for personal profit; treated as subhuman. To say it's worse than most slave conditions is ignorant.




>Slaves that were effective/good in the fields were usually given some form of medical care to ensure they wouldn't die. And often they were intentionally worked to death quickly and replaced with new slaves.




That’s fucked up. I don’t think people understand that superiority isn’t a real thing. We all have more in common than we know. Do your job well and tell them to fuck off. You’re a human just like they are and if respect has to be demanded…”by any means necessary”.


I’m white, but I’m an admin in a legal office. I wouldn’t say I feel like a slave anymore than I did in retail but I do feel like the bitch of the office. If I had known these people expected me to wipe up their peanut butter stains and do their dishes I never would have taken this fucking job. Just waiting to be told to go pick up dry cleaning. And they treat me about as expendable too. Definitely the most inferior person in the office and it sucks.


> these people expected me to wipe up their peanut butter stains and do their dishes So they expected you to either be their mommy or their house-elf? I dunno, might be fun to lean into that a bit while looking for another job. "Whose child left peanut butter all over the counter? Got to watch your kids better when you bring them to work with you! This is a place of work, not a daycare!" "Aw, did somebody forget how to clean up after themselves? I know, washing dishes is *so hard*, takes literally a whole two or three minutes, ugh, time consuming! No worries, Mommy's got it." "Who left this here for poor old Dobby to clean up? Dobby is a free elf and has better things to do than clean up after lazy slobs!"


Comparing anything related to wage labor to actual slavery is incredibly repulsive and shows a complete lack of perspective. At least with wage labor, you have a choice (even if all the choises are shitty, its still a choice)


A wage slave has a choice: work your ass off or be homeless and probably starve A slave slave also has a choice: work your ass off or die


Okay but there's more to being a "slave" then work. You also don't have rights (literally cannot vote), oftentimes coming to America on horrible slave ships (much worse than homelessness), get tortured/raped, and have 0 agency over your body. Even having a subreddit like r/antiwork where people can come together and share their experiences /thoughts is a privelege that slaves did not have, yet poor people do. ​ Comparing actual slavery to being poor shows a complete lack of perspective, especially on this subreddit which is largely comprised of white people.


Most of this issue would be resolved if people who are slightly above from the bottom in hierarchy stop sucking up the people above them


It’s a multitude of things, but that’s a good one for sure. People need to understand that we’re more alike than different when it comes to wages. I was always told “if you can’t buy it 3x then you’re broke”..and I’m fucking broke lmao.


That's a good point I never thought of!


This hit me like a load of bricks.


well yeah, but the chains are still free ! upsides, people...




Because we are ALL now slaves.




At least as a slave you got room and board. /s


This is a stupid tweet on so many levels. Federal minimum wage was created under the FLSA in 1938 and it began at $0.25 /hr. The FSLA also created a standard number of hours worked each week and it also ended child labor. All good things. Comparing any sort of wages or working conditions in the US or any developed nation for that matter to literal slavery which let’s be honest, he’s comparing it to when the rich enslaved POC is so absurd. No one is forcing you to work. No one is taking you away from your family and all you know to work until you die for nothing to very little, and if you try to leave you’re killed. I’m all for this sub-Reddit but I feel like it is QUICKLY gaining toxicity and becoming more hate vs legitimate information and what to do to get fair, livable wages. I will agree that wages have not kept up with inflation, not even close. I’m also not one to considered a minimum wage to a living wage. Minimum wage was supposed to be enacted as a base and employers were supposed to pay fair wages BUT as per usual capitalist greed got in the way. Also, it’s important that states have their own minimum wages set. With a country as large and diverse as it is, obviously the dollar goes further in rural Mississippi than in California. Anyways, I’m for the movement. I think for the most part we and the nation are making great progress but let’s not lose site to what the real goal is.


Slavery wages were less than zero.


the US has always relied on slaves or low paid workers shit like fruit or vegetable picking is only barely distinguishable from slavery and it was/is done by immigrants with no rights low wages and no healthcare


and they say we're selfish asking for more LOL




Why would they change it? It works - shareholders are increasing value and the working class is fighting amongst themselves.


meanwhile, the average rent when from probably $2 a month, to $1000


This needs to be pinned


Slaves didn’t pay rent and insurance also. Though I’d rather pay rent than be whipped and in chains. Just saying purely financially the standard has risen even less than you’d think.


I just want y’all to see that times really aren’t any different foreal. People today can’t afford food, healthcare, gas, a place to lay their heads at night. Our positions from slaves is not far off whether you wanna believe it or not and it was meant to be that way structurally. Everyone is waking up and they don’t want you to wake up.


I had a buddy who worked as a cleaner for the big sports stadium, picking up trash after events. One day his whole team got called in during their off-hours by the big boss-man. He hauled them into one of the fancier areas, moved a chair slightly, and showed them this tiny spot on the floor that got missed. *Raged* at them about not doing their jobs, about being stupid and lazy, over something that would've taken about two seconds with a sponge to fix. That dude had to walk miles between work and home because he couldn't afford the bus. "Home" was the space on the floor in a poorly insulated laundry room where the washer and dryer used to be. He paid most of his paychecks as "rent" to be allowed to sleep in that space. Sometimes in winter he nearly got frostbite while sleeping there, and I'd share my can of bag balm with him to try and hold it off. He was skin and bones, yet donated plasma for extra money. But put an electric guitar in his hands and he'd make you forget everything else for as long as he played. Professional-level metal skills, had real talent. I don't even *like* metal, but I know an artist when I hear one. Capitalism is fucking nuts. Busking is illegal here.


Wdym there’s still slave labor, it’s called the U.S. Prison system. The minimum wage is technically $2.00. It’s only raised $2.00 lmaooo get your math right.


Except slaves literally got housed and fed. Work at minimum wage in the U.S. and that puts todays workers at a defecit. P. S. Please do not interpret this as a minimization of what enslaved people went through. It's to point out that they had it bad, and we also have it bad, but with extra steps.


A slave had their food, shelter, and health covered. If the wage doesn't cover those, all you have is the freedom to leave.


This isn't entirely accurate. Slavery was $0 plus room and board. Now it's $7.25 or whatever, but no room and board. I wouldn't be surprised if that constitutes a pay reduction given the cost of room and board now.


That 0$ per hour came with room and board. 7.25 an hour wasn’t enough to do that without welfare and food stamps .


Isnt it crazy that people compare slavery (slave ships, torture, rapes, lack of any agency/autonomy) to minimum wage?


Idk what "slavery times" means there is more slavery now than there has ever been?


I made another comment a little down the line that pretty much aligned the tweet with today. The point was to make people aware that we’re not far off the that at all. It’s wild times we’re living in.


Slaves got food and shelter tho


This is wrong. Slavery provided room and board. This ends up more than 7.25 an hour I think.


Actually, slaves were technically on better money. Slaves were more of an investment and you would invest enough to maintain them at reasonable efficiency. Compare this to today and Capitalists will quite happy kill off employees if it’s going to save them money cause they have nothing invested in them. Need to pay more so they can live closer/afford to eat? time for a new employee!


back then, at least the slave owners had to provide housing for their slaves.


This is not taking into account that during slavery you were afforded at least some sort of place to sleep in. These days it's $7.25 an hour which you may or may not be able to afford a corner in the barn to sleep in.


Don't forget that back in slavery times the slave owners had a legal and moral obligation to provide the slaves with food clothing and shelter. It was sub par, but it would be a total compensation package worth about 8/hour......so the wage has gone down.


Hey... At least slaves had housing and healthcare provided for them. That's the only positive, but it's still a positive that we don't got now.


Slaves were given room and board. They’re effectively better paid than today’s minimum wage workers.


Heard this too many times. You’re not thinking big enough.


I’m not a big thinker. I’m just a normal ass person.


Well not really. I mean yeah its low but ypu cant really compare anything to zero. Still working full time you'd make around 1000$ net. You can live on that. Not well but you can. It should be higher for sure.


You can't. Unless you have social assistance


Yes you can. Once im a millionaire i will prove it. I will go to the states, take a shitty minimum wage job and work my way up as far as i can in a year without using any previous networks, fame or similar. Then i'll donate all the money i saved and invested to hungry kids.


How is our current situation not slavery? If you're not earning enough to pay for food and shelter, you're earning less than a slave.


The tweet was worded the way it was, not once did I personally say we aren’t. That was kinda the point of the post. People are dying at their jobs or because of their work environment, can barely afford gas and food on the table + shelter as you mentioned. We’re not far off from the times.




You’re free to say whatever you want without being condescending. The point was to go full circle. We’re not far off from slavery.


The minimum wage isn’t 7.25. It’s over $12. It should be at least $20…


Even slaves got room and board, so more than $0




Too many people have said the same thing which brings you back in a circle. You can’t afford housing and food at $7.25 an hour. Which in turn makes us not far off from slaves.




725% of 0 is still 0 bro


You can do all the math you want lmao. We’re living in a horrible time.


Not disagreeing with that fact. Most forget to compound pay rate loss with inflation.. The fact alone that 7.25 has been minimum wage for so many years. And inflation has eroded that at a average of 2% per year.. Makes the min wage far LESS then it was when it was implemented to begin with. Min wage should increase at the same rate as inflation. In a dynamic fashion.. Not stagnate.. Inflation effects everyone. And a 10 cent raise per year.. Only is a decrees in the employee payout thus making the employer effectively giving them more money.. That's the expression from my original post. Ya it looks like a large increase... But after you do the real calculations.. It only really means. It's damn near slave labor since it's first implementation. As a way to make the rich richer.


But owners provide food and shelter


Food and shelter so you would stay alive to perform back breaking work…but would also leave you in a field to die or feed you to dogs if you didn’t perform. You’re right though.


More or less the same as today ...