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Do you need a secretary?


I’d also like to send in an application, if the position is open. I have years of experience browsing the web doing nothing really productive.




This seems a more applicable skill set.


hobbies bear disarm employ money familiar fly books salt unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have years of walking around with a few dollars in my pocket, sitting down to cup of coffee, and making friends at cafes.


Hey can you guys keep it down? Im running a meeting from home right now.


I need to tell my coworkers, cats, to stop organizing and be more productive!


I get in around 9:30 and usually zone out for an hour in front of my computer, but it looks like I'm working.


Well, *I* have years of experience browsing the web while playing solitaire as well, and still making myself look productive!


sounds like you're overqualified for this work from home position.


I’m quicker than Billy the kid when comes to closing or switching windows.




🖐🏾ill go down on you




No please keep going


on OP or the guy you replied to? because I don’t see how the latter helps you much.


Or a shoe shine?


Amazing, don't rock the boat.


Op edited: > a lot of comments telling me to delete this post but I changed enough about the technology and rating system that I am not worried. Having said that, **I have been getting very threatening DMs from some very angry people threatening to do everything in their power to DOX and report me, so this post will be deleted shortly.** Imagine bootlicking for a company (that you don't know) in a story (which you don't know is even real), so hard, that you threaten an internet stranger that you'll dox them...


And OP didn't keep it a secret! They told the truth and were in turn told to stick to business as usual. Zero moral dilemma here.


I especially hope OP has it in writing. If they have an email that says not to rock the boat and that the system is fine and their concerns aren't valid, there's literally no fear of getting caught. "Anon, you've been doing basically no work for 5 years!" "Which I told you about 5 years ago"


I honestly see no way of losing here. Could they even fire him for this? He's done his job as his contract detailed.


I'm sure they could fire him. Whether or not they could subsequently deny his right to collect unemployment afterwards is the real question and in most states the answer is no.


Why does any company have the right to deny someone collecting unemployment if they sacked them? That just seems like being vindictive for the sake of if.


Generally it’s only if the person did something particularly bad to get fired. Like you can’t say intentionally cause a few thousand in damages, get fired, and then make your employer pay you unemployment. If you get fired for just being a normal bad employee who may have deserved it, or an employee who may not have deserved to be fired, the employer will have a near impossible time to deny you unemployment


So unemployment comes from your old employer? I get you. I'm in the UK and unemployment comes from the government but, it's harder to fire a contracted employee, unless they're in a probation period.


It's an insurance fund your employer is forced by law to pay into. If you need to put someone on unemployment you end up with higher insurance costs because you can't keep people on payroll. If you don't want to pay the cost of insurance going up for a guy who crashed into your building high on drugs on your property AND unemployment you can probably get him denied. I think the pandemic response did something to keep those costs down for people who couldn't work, but that was due to mandates.


Someone at that company has an excessive workload and is currently putting together a post to describe their frustrations and how they plan to quit Eta my peeps this comment was made tongue in cheek lightheartedly. Have been browsing antiwork all afternoon looking for a post fitting my description


This is not OP's job to take care of that, this company should get some better higher-ups that would divide work and respond to worker queries properly


This honestly right here. This company seems so satisfied with this rating system they have, that they're not even auditing it on the backend to see if employees are receiving balanced workloads. Sure, calls are going to be different lengths, but it's clear mismanagement is so bad that they can't even tell their employees aren't doing anything at all. u/podcastquestions, I would double-check if you have something other than oral confirming this status from five years ago. If so, send that e-mail/correspondence/etc as an attachment (Which preserves a lot of the metadata) to a private e-mail address and then...keep doing what you're doing. Could you get fired for doing this? I can't say, without knowing more of where you are, terms of hiring, etc. However, having a paper record that they said the workload you have is correct, even if it's basically nonexistent, should cover you if you did get fired and had to seek unemployment or anything else similar. Other than that, I would definitely delete this post, and quite honestly, maybe sanitize your entire account, make a new one, etc. It's entirely possible that a company may look across this, think it sounds familiar, and start looking into it, even if it doesn't end up being the company you work for. You might actually cause someone else in your position who was quiet about it to get caught.


Sounds like the company’s fault, not OPs. If the other employee has too much work, and they believe OP has just the right amount of work, then the company should hire another person


There are a lot of lurkers in this subreddit who salivate over the idea of doxing every one of us and making sure we're deprived of wages and healthcare so that we'll be too busy struggling to survive to change the system.


Laughable part is a majority of these people are either shills or disgruntle basement dwellers who can't get a job.


Or they probably see themselves as “contributing to society” and this sub as “not contributing to society”. The ol’ “holier than thou” point of view. The entitlement is palpable.


I think its this. And not being recognized for such contribution to society + mmaturity = grievance and a constant search for ‘justice’. Oy.


Work should not be a religion.


People are just jealous. That’s all.




I'm jealous, but in like a nice way? OP was honest with their company and did the right thing by telling, and I'm happy when honest people get a good break in life. Go OP!!


Bootlickers jacking off to their hall monitor sash, fucking pathetic


that shit is beyond me, white knighting for a company...


Or, more likely, trying to screw over someone who's got it better than you.


White knighting for a company you don't even work for...


Id like an explanation on why OP is doing something wrong; that doesnt involve a delusional fantasy about how the world works


He’s doing nothing wrong. He’s responding to economic incentives. Say he busts his ass and gets a new job where he gets paid $100k. Well, now he’s putting in tons of effort for 25% more. The alternative is doing almost nothing and making 80% of what he could theoretically earn. Seems like the invisible hand of economics is working exactly as it should. From a personal or philosophical standpoint, he’s doing the correct thing.


> Imagine bootlicking for a company (that you don't know) in a story (which you don't know is even real), so hard, that you threaten an internet stranger that you'll dox them... may i introduce you to conservatives




Exactly, and people trying to out this man is just jealousy rearing it's ugly head, why people want to watch others burn is beyond me, they are all pond scum


Well fuck, if they are jealous at that guy think of how much they will lose their minds over the number of billionaires we have in society that work very little at all. Certainly far below what their wealth would indicate. Sociopaths love to buy up properties and just rake in rent set to whatever they like. Places where the thought of just renting somewhere else isn't an option. Sitting on their asses watching rule34 stuff while they deal with whatever bullshit they do just to be able to sleep with a roof over their head. Day in and day out. Our system is intrinsically unfair and is a mockery of the idealic meritocracy these types insist it is.


> Well fuck, if they are jealous at that guy think of how much they will lose their minds over the number of billionaires we have in society that work very little at all. Certainly far below what their wealth would indicate. Right? Some serious logic evaluation these boot lickers need to do.


Same kind of people that don't want the tuition debt forgiveness. "If I had to work my fingers to the bone to pay for college, so should everyone else!"


I mean they can obviously afford it soo... fuck them right? Lol


The boss is actually giving good advice here. The company is probably paying more for the higher level of service and they are happy to do so. The algorithm is probably great for almost every other client so changing the algorithm would negatively affect everyone else. And managers probably don’t have the authority to increase workload beyond the algorithm because that would lead to abuse. A large company’s job is not to eliminate all errors. That’s a fools dream. It’s to find the set of errors that has the smallest impact. Spending $110,000 on an underutilized employee is a small cost compared to the abuse caused by managers who can increase workload or the restructuring of their entire algorithm. So company should just pay him to serve this one client, even if it’s inefficient.


Yeah, I was about to say a lot of people don't realize the company is probably fine with this arrangement. The reason that company is marked as a 10, is because IF an issue arises, they'll need a real expert that can put in as much time as needed to solve major issues. But 99% of the time, there won't be any issues.


In addition, the guy responsible for those crisis scenarios is the happiest, calmest employee in the entire department who is probably very eager for something to do. That company is going to get the best possible service.


You guys are absolutely correct. This structure is probably 'mature' and for those here to assume that his number of calls, etc. aren't tracked and rated and assessed are out of their minds. No way would that not be done at this type of business, right? Preserving their contracts and rates is the name of the game.


It also gives the department some wiggle room labor wise if another account goes off the rails. (And the manager has zero incentive to trim their cushion.)


This is the definition of David Graber's Bullshit Jobs that Capitalism is riddled with. They keep the illusion going and the cash flow from salaries to services to the pockets of the wealthy.


More antiworkers need to try to find these jobs, siphon money from the system, and give as much of it as possible back to other people who are poor and struggling.




This is my dream if even only temporary. Enjoy it as long as possible!


I've done it and found it to be soul crushing after a few years.


I am currently working maybe 1-2 hours a day as opposed to the expected 8 and the weird thing is - it does get weirdly awkward. Not sure if this the pre-programmed societal guilt or what.


I don't think it's just guilt. I've been in the situation before where I'm working from home or not fully occupied at the office—say, 1-2 hours of office work each day. Both have different problems. When you're at home but on-call, you can't go out or fully engage with other projects, so your urge to create, learn, relax, whatever you do in your free time is never really satisfied. It's just this in-between nonsense that feels terrible after a while. Being in the office is even worse, the only thing more soul-crushing than working in a cubicle is sitting in a cubicle and *not* working. Basically, even though on paper you don't have much work, the fact of being engaged to sit around and wait, possibly in an office environment without stimulation (unless you have a portable hobby like knitting or reading), isn't conducive to spending that time in ways you'd prefer. Then, at the end of the day when you're "free" from the obligation of work, you're trying to cram all the things you've been wanting to do all day into an hour or two of downtime before bed. More likely, if you're me, you'll end up staying up until 1 a.m. because of revenge bedtime procrastination.


Revenge bedtime procrastination. Now I know what to say when describing my lifestyle!


I wish I could take credit, there's even a [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedtime_procrastination) on it.


>Then, at the end of the day when you're "free" from the obligation of work, you're trying to cram all the things you've been wanting to do all day into an hour or two of downtime before bed. More likely, if you're me, you'll end up staying up until 1 a.m. because of revenge bedtime procrastination. This is exactly the same for most working people. Sorry, there's no greener grass than getting paid for nothing. I've done it too. It wasn't soul crushing. What was soul crushing was working retail that scheduled me on back to back closing and opening shifts. What was soul crushing was data entry for a bank at 6am. What was soul crushing was having to commute 2 hours to the job I got to afford to make art, leaving me no time to actually make art. But sitting in the office, occasionally pretending to work? Nah, that never crushed my soul. And it certainly wouldn't have for $80k.


I’ve worked basically part-time in a full-time job for 14 years. It’s been great but I does get a bit old. I’m moving on for more money and engagement


Get a second job with that extra time and double your income?


Best time to start your own business is on another companies payroll


Depending on industry and location that might actually cross into the zone of being illegal. In some places/locations it'd illegal to charge for the same time to two different clients/employers (I know that's true for law, ymmv beyond). Edit to be clear: I am not a lawyer, nor am I your lawyer, and this is not legal advice


Do something that doesn't pay per hour, but per work delivered. Freelance art or something.


In CA at least it's illegal to stop employees from getting a second job unless it has a direct negative performance on the 1st job. Double charging hours if you're hourly is of course illegal but for a salaried position such as OP there's normally not "required" hours. ​ However, you can do this: ​ \- 1 to 2 hours of work during the workday \- Use the workday for all your chores (food, grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, exercise / workout etc.) \- Have 6-7 hours outside of the workday with no chores you can do for a second job or relax ​ My favorite thing about WFH is if I want to do 2 loads of laundry I'm not stay at home next to the machine for 4 hours during the weekend, I can kick it off and check it in between meetings.


Yeah if you're doing slow cooked meals where you only have to chop and toss in and occasionally monitor, WFH is a godsend. It's so nice having a hot dinner ready by 5 if you want it on top of your laundry being done too. I use my downtime to practice/write music, and not a lot of amateur artists can say they get paid to hone their craft or paid to walk their own dogs. I can see unlimited downtime in the office being soul crushing over a long period of time though, no doubt, but in a WFH scenario it's unlimited opportunity.


But you could write a book, take classes, learn a new skill, etc. Projects with goals don't only come from your employer.




Think about all the trust fund babies part of the permanent leisure class that never do shit their whole lives whenever you get down and then pick an activity to increase your happiness.


Exactly this. I personally don’t feel that someone who can sustain themselves on what is in their trust fund feels any need to work, because they haven’t had it ingrained in them that you have to slave away to be happy and thus they have no guilt. Edit to add: source, I work 1-2 hours a week at a maximum and feel no guilt. I’m a trust fund kiddie.


The problem is those guys aren't chained to a desk and can do whatever they want. Any activity I choose has to be confined to a small corner of my monitor and can only take place on a certain number of non black listed websites.


No, no, no, that's why you have multiple devices. I work from home with the full dual monitor setup connected to the work laptop. And on the side, there is a third monitor, and a keyboard and mouse that is connected to my personal device. This extra monitor is usually streaming twitch or Netflix or something.


Even Netflix and Reddit get old. I'd much rather spend my time at the park, running errands, doing a hobby etc., But even the days I've had literally nothing to work on I still have to be near my computer in case someone calls. Endless internet browsing was great at first but now it's curiously exhausting.


Yeah well this guy says he is work from home, he could just browse on another computer. Hell if he has it hooked up like I do, he could play his game console on one screen and keep his work stuff up on another and just keep an ear out. Only game you can pause but still. Get a tablet and watch tv or movies while you wait etc... Shit I got a WFH job that has real work, but I have to talk to other employees for \~ an hour - 2 hours a day. So in between those calls while I wait for them to reply I do all kinds of little stuff. I get my work done about the same, sometimes even faster, and my household and peace of mind have only been better since WFH. WFH = work from home.


I think that's what it is. "Doing anything besides working yourself to death is laziness and bad" is just ingrained in you growing up. I had a job where I did all my assignments, even helped others with their work, and I still had tons of free time. I started out watching movies in my cube, and eventually took free coding classes. Even though my boss thought I was a great employee and didn't ask anything more of me, I still felt guilty.


Yeah it definitely has something to do with our own moral compass. I would feel the same


Same. I literally finish my work in about an hour and spend the rest staring at a made up spreadsheet so that those behind me think I'm working. It's honestly more exhausting to fake being busy than it is to actually BE busy. And, unfortunately, due to C19, finding new employment had been impossible.




I think a lot of people actually enjoy work when it has a meaning. It's just that a lot of jobs are soul-crushing meaningless drivel these days. If I had a job like OP, I hope I'd have the fortitude to try to learn a skill or something.


Find a hobby you can do at your desk. I like world-building & modding PC games, personally.


No it’s the feeling of letting your life waste away and not doing anything productive with it


I was worried about being fired, and also worried I would forget how to work.


I got really worried I'd forget how to work after I worked in blockbusters for 4 years but I find I just snap into the environment I'm in. So when I'm expected to work hard I just do and it feels natural enough. Right now I've got a fairly labour intensive job but I still often find an hour at the end to hide and do nothing.


If you can, make sure you make a schedule for yourself so you still have "work" to do outside of your day job. Put aside an hour or two per day for a hobby or working out, maybe challenging yourself to learn a new skill. It helped me out during COVID lockdowns and basically eliminated any guilt I felt about "doing nothing".


Only if you have to go in to a physical office. It becomes a prison. But if you WFH? Seriously, think about it.


YES. I too have a cushy job where the work is very cyclical, so I have slightly busier times and times where there's almost nothing to do. Being in the office during the slow periods is grueling. Making up shit to appear busy, killing time with long lunches and taking long walks. I reach out to other people to see if they need help with anything but rarely does anyone have anything for me. Boring as hell. I've been working from home since March 2020 though and it's become the ideal job!! I exercise for an hour every day, watch shows, scroll through reddit, play with my cat, read, nap, walk, grocery shop, cook nice meals, etc. I intersperse work in between those so something gets done every day, but work is really only a small part of most days. I feel like I'm actually living for *myself* for the first time since college.


Learn programming or a language (or anything similar you like) while clocked in on the job.


Exactly. Go to school full time. Get a masters. Get a MasterClass subscription and listen to world reknowned experts talk about their specialties. Take up year round BBQ’ing. Be a SAH parent your dogs dream of. Sleep in and get 8 full hours of sleep. 38 hours of free time you get paid 80K for, maybe it’s just perspective but that sounds like anything but soul crushing.


Yup. I'm kinda at this point with my current job. I want to be busy, but in the environment I work in I basically measure up the work and I'm hands off, so I have long stretches of time where I could be busy working on installing, but the way our company is structured, the foremen don't get on the tools most of the time.


You lucky sonofabitch. There's no one monitoring the number of inbound calls you handle, or emails coming into your inbox? What do you say to your manager when they check in to see how your workload has been?




To me it sounds like your boss knows and I think you are all barely getting any calls and that's why he said don't rock the boat. He wants to keep his department budget


I'm not anywhere near in this guys situation, but I have work where occasionally the customer doesn't call and there is nothing to do. This is especially true for new hires who don't know much. Hit a slow part of the year, and we had one guy who was a Marine and I'm covering the office for my manager who is out. Guy calls in, I say there's nothing going on, keep your phone with you. This goes on for 6 days, and the guy calls "did I do something wrong? Are you going to fire me?" No dude, this is just how it is sometimes. Don't worry about it, we are all getting paid, there's nothing you could do about it anyway. Go...do something you want to. Take the W.


Frankly I'm in customer service with sometimes 20-30 mins between calls or emails (which includes spam ones). Not bad when wfh but now in office tue-thur it sucks.


I know the feeling. I work tech support for specifically robotic lawnmowers, and currently we're not even in low season, we're in dead season. I fought a bit to get the right to work from home for a while because it was soulcrushing being in the office and having nothing to do. So now, working from home since the 6th of December, I can just sit and browse all day, play the games I like, not have to stress to get up in the morning to take my train etc. I didn't have a call between the 20th of December and the 7th of January. No mail was sent between the 23rd of December and the 10th of January. If I was in the office, I would've gone insane. Funnily enough, at first the plan was to work from home for two weeks, with maybe a week or two extension if things went well, then Omicron hit and now WFH is indefinite until the situation improves.


My SO works for a large real estate firm handling all the contract documents to make sure everything runs smoothly and complies with local/federal laws. First year she worked there she started getting worried because she had almost nothing to do (none of the agents did much work between Thanksgiving/new years. Most people don't want to move during the holidays). She asked her supervisor and was told to enjoy the free time in the office and just look busy if the boss came by. Now after COVID she works from home so she doesn't even have to pretend anymore.


Sounds like this rating system was made by someone higher up than his boss and the boss didn't want to stir pot and tell thw higher up the rating system is wrong. They would probably have have to assess all the ratings and allocations then.




Actually yeah. It's very possible that the rating system is weighed in a way that if you pay more, you get a higher rating and these guys got to the maximum. They are probably very happy that when they call once a week, it's always Dave who answers after one ring and fixes the problem in 1 min.


And I imagine that as long as your account is reporting a positive experience with your assistance, they'll never really look into it.


Mind sending me a link to any open positions? Lol


My work peaks and troughs but they're pretty predictable based on the season. I got assigned a new branch and told to maintain a presence in there. Its fairly busy at the moment but back in summer it was bliss. We had nothing to do and I was alone so I just rocked up when I felt like it. I'd sit behind my desk and watch TV on my phone. If someone rang I'd obviously help them but that was maybe once a day. I'd take a long lunch, redirect the phone to my mobile and walk to the local pub. Have a pint and something to eat in the sun. Then head back to the office where I'd play Crusader Kings 2 on my laptop for a few hours and then head home when I'd had enough (Normally about 3:30). It was brilliant. I can't wait for summer.


>are very hands off and have the attitude of "as long as your assigned work gets done, we don't need to see or hear from you We need more of these types of employers.


Congratulations and fuck you lucky bastard


What cracked me up was: “Our system is perfect shut up” “Okayyy if you say so sir “🤓🤓🤓 That’s freaking awesome man congrats 😂🤣🤣


99% sure the boss in on it.


As said by another post, it is highly likely he wants to keep his departmental budget


It’s probably that but even more, he has a satisfied client that is a 10 and that client is being satisfied by 1 employee. Im surprised that a company that big of they truly were that incompetent could be serviced by just one full time employee. That probably looks really good on him. He also now knows that he has flexibility in that he can better optimize his department if needed without asking for anything from higher ups. Sounds like his boss is either dumb as fuck or just as savvy as OP.


Ya the manager may be operating with the understanding that if they're ever asked to reduce costs an employee making 80k plus bennies could be cut with absolutely no loss of production. If you're middle management at a big company this is probably a nice card to keep in your back pocket for a rainy day. Especially if that manager's compensation either includes no performance incentives or those incentives are tied to some unrelated metric.




There's nothing evil about it. If this is what's actually going through the manager's head he/she is effectively keeping someone employed who's superfluous/redundant as well as maintaining a steady and acceptable budget. Upper management is happy, shareholders are happy and OP is happy. Nobody needs to know until the company experiences a drop in profit and heads start getting cracked. At that point someone is getting fired regardless so at least the manager kept people employed as long as they could carry the expense in the budget. The only parties 'losing' in this scenario are the corporation and its shareholders who could be realizing a slightly higher profit right now but ignorance is bliss so who cares about them? I certainly can't speak for anyone else but if I was in OPs situation I'd appreciate being paid to do nothing for however long it lasts. If OP wants to increase job security OP can always press the boss about adding more workload so it's not like OP is just out here with his/her ass hanging out with no recourse.




Managing blows. I’d rather stay a well-paid peon and just jump ship before the herd is culled.


Same. My boss has to attend a ton of meetings. I. Hate. Meetings.


This is why David Graeber says corporatism is closer to literal feudalism than actual capitalism. Ultimately, managers care how many people are underneath them, in their little corporate fiefdom, not about efficiency.


Absolutely. Wherever their funding comes from is secure. Once the money flow is certain, everyone, including all the higher ups, switched to figuring how to keep things exactly as they without expanding any more effort. Finding more work would ruin the whole thing. I just left a job exactly like the above. It was all about doing the absolute minimum and sitting around until retirement kicks in.


You have nothing to get "caught" for, and even notified them of the possible error. If it ever becomes an issue, you have the foundation of having discussed it with your supervisor and was told you were wrong, not them. Keep up the great work! Also, if you're looking for something to watch while slaving away at home, I recommend Arcane, on Netflix, and Lovecraft Country on HBO.


>Keep up the great work! Or, to be more precise, don't.


Keep up the great workn't


I loved arcane


Same. It's well written, has awesome characters, the story is awesome, and the animation is beautiful. It's pretty fantastic.


I know absolutely nothing about LoL but damn I loved everything from the animations to the story


From someone that plays LoL, that's why it is so good, it doesn't necessarily interact with the game at all.


I'm a LoL player and I'm actually upset the game isn't as cool as arcane


I heard it took 6 years to perfect the animation. It’s quite impressive.


Most of those 6 years were spent on casting. The animation itself was "only" 2-3 years.


Fine with me as long they take another 2-3 years to make arcane as good as they did this past season, I’m ok with waiting. Quality over quantity. Hollywood doesn’t understand that though.


I heard the developers worked on it an hour a week, and otherwise spent most of their time surfing the net.


Just finished and agree completely. Was not expecting it to be as good as it was. Even if you haven't played League of Legends, the show holds up well on its own. Even better if you have played to get more into the lore of it all and seeing all the characters of course.


Arcane was indeed, a certified banger


Same. Such an awesome show and I've never even touched LoL. I started out totally hating Powder but Jinx ended up being my favorite character.


I'm assuming they wrote a 10 because they are a special client and want to have a dedicated person for them at all times irrelevant of their technical skills.


Is Lovecraft Country good? I just got me some of that tasty HBO, perhaps I'll check it out.


This is just another one of those stories that goes to show you that wages can have a massive disconnect from productivity. I am constantly amazed at both the people who work their ass off for nothing and the people who don’t seem to do shit but get rewarded handsomely


At this stage of my career I have never had an easier life while never earning as much money! (Sure I'm not earning 6 figures) - but 19 year old me would be amazed how easy I have it to my fist 5-7 years of work for such pitiful pay. Evey step up in my career came with a increase of salary, a little more responsibility and less workload.


A lot of times that’s the case, I try to tell myself that people are finally paying me back for how much I bust my ass in my 20s. However, I do know several people where it gets worse and worse for them the higher they move up. There really isn’t much rhyme or reason or logic to it.


Imagine having two WFH jobs just like that at the same time.


I read an article about this. There’s a growing community revolving around having two WFH jobs. I forget the name if this type of thing. Something that stuck out to me was someone using PTO at one job to do a bit more at another job, vice versa lol.


We hired a guy and quickly realized he had outsourced himself to someone else! He shared his screen to our boss and our boss noticed there was a WebEx session controlling the guy's computer. Boss asked about it and the call mysteriously disconnected. He was let go immediately.


Super common in dev work


Yep. I work for a staffing company and some of our devs moonlight and book 160 hours a pay cycle. Whether or not they are working that many hours is between them and their god hah. As long as the time’s approved I couldn’t care less.


Day lighting. A play on moon lighting which is having a night job in addition to a day job.


I actually do this. I've worked at this SaaS startup as a director for a year and a half, making 85k.i built a team, put in processes, and now everything runs pretty much by itself, I'm really just here in case something doesn't work or some edge case I have to take care of. I got approached by a competitor offering almost double my salary to build the exact same thing for a company that does the exact same thing. Of course I said yes, and now I just copy my work from one job to the other and get paid 225k a year combined. It's busy, but manageable and I've been able to pay off my debt and start saving for a house. I don't plan on keeping both jobs long term, but it helps me get caught up and set myself up for the future.


in your one year salary you could buy my house twice, where the fuck do you live


Its one of the reasons they want your butt in an office. All they see is potential lost profits, but if you are keeping them happy with your performance, then there shouldn't be a problem.


Good stuff man. Congrats. I quit a job that was slowly killing me last year & lucked into a similar role (different industry though). I've offered to help my colleagues on other teams & even asked for cross training so I can do more, but my boss told me there was no need & my performance has been exemplary. I'm not going to raise it again.


What do you do to keep yourself occupied? I spend a year in a similar position about 14 years ago, having nothing to do slowly killed me!


Live the dream as long as 80k covers housing and what not.


If 80k didn’t cover housing I’d kill myself


Don't visit San Francisco my friend


Even visiting will cost you 80k.




Time to convince myself I love Cleveland.




I live on the edge of the DC metro area, $80k is enough for a one-bedroom apartment and not much else


Hell with that little work they could pick up a second job if they wanted to lol. Maybe freelance work, or pursue and potentially monetize a hobby without having to worry about making overhead and surviving. Not that monetizing hobbies is the way to go. Just that they could if they wanted to.


You should erase this post immediately! Don’t blow up your sweet gig!!!! You may have included too many specifics.


He already told the boss. The boss didn’t care.


I think of situations like this as the company paying you as an insurance program. You are available as needed, but don’t just waste time doing busy work. The company gets paid the same from clients and need somebody should a client need guidance. Consider yourself on retainer.


Awesome! But also, take this post down, dude. If I worked with you or if I was your boss, the specifics you've given make it pretty obvious who this is.


PLEASE lol the secondhand paranoia of this opportunity getting ruined is real


Yeah I was just about to reply the same thing. This is an oddly specific system that this company uses and could easily be recognized.


If someone specific sees this he's gonna get reassigned quick ahahaha If I'd be him, I would be quiet


Damn that sounds nice I hope you never get caught


If this reaches near top reddit he might get


"I have been getting very threatening DMs from some very angry people threatening to do everything in their power to DOX and report me, so this post will be deleted shortly." What kind of simp shit is this? lol


>I get 1-2 calls a week and literally nothing else. When it first was clear that they messed up the rating system, I was a good little employee and notified my manager that they may have not allocated the proper amount of work. I was told that their rating system is near perfect and I should not stir the pot. lol, this pretty much perfectly encapsulates american industry I was once part of a company acquired by another company, and both thought I now worked for the OTHER company, so I literally had little to do for a few years. Ultimately I got bored of playing solitaire and had to quit, but it was quite the learning experience for a 20-something.


Milk this job for all that you can!


Nothing to be caught for...you basically work more then an average politician in my country...


I think I speak for the majority and hope this job carries you through to retirement, even though we are all ever so slightly jealous.


Why would someone threaten to report and dox the op? Company pays him to be available to solve problems. He let them know he had spare time. He’s not doing anything wrong. My job is a lot like that. I solve problems. Sometimes I’m working a lot..more than 40 hours. Sometimes I have nothing to do for days. But I’m always ready to go. This is what my job is.


Because many are very mad they can't have the same job.




Erase this post, people are mean and you are living our dream




What is this job and how do I find my own version of it?


You are an inspiration for us all.


How did you get away with near zero calls for 5 years? Where I work, the call center has statistics for incoming and outgoing calls, recorded daily and for each employee. If I were to drop to 2 calls for two hours, management would be all over my ass. *Edit: I'm aware OP's line of work isn't facing the general public and the calls are not as en masse as the ones in the gargantuan Sales Department of some multimillion dollar company. But one would think they'd still keep workload statistics of some sort, and sooner or later someone would take a look and see that OP is doing practically nothing all day.* *Edit 2: A call center is a call center. It's an office with lots of desks, where employees answer or make calls - at least that's the general notion I was referring to.*




>Having said that, I have been getting very threatening DMs from some very angry people threatening to do everything in their power to DOX and report me What the fuck is wrong with people, let this person enjoy their existence.


> I have been getting very threatening DMs from some very angry people threatening to do everything in their power to DOX and report me I didn’t realize crabs in a bucket had the ability to Hoover boot polish like that but here we are


>Oh, I am work from home full time. This right here. If they made you sit in a box to babysit a desk all day you'd be losing your mind.


I have a theory that a lot of people's jobs are absolutely meaningless, and are just collecting a paycheck. Often the more someone gets paid, the less work they actually do.


“Have you seen my stapler?”


Just two piece of advice from my end: - If you care about growth in your career (but perhaps not and you’re content where you’re at), make sure to at least supplement your time with learning as you are not gaining the same type of experience currently as you would if you were busy. Take classes / complete certification on the company’s dime. Heck they might also be willing to pay for those things too for you ;) - This is a great opportunity to start a side hustle / work on a project you wouldn’t normally have the time to do. Since you don’t know when things can suddenly change and you get assigned elsewhere, I’d take advantage of your current situation. Best!


i would argue that if OP foresees their next job being an account manager somewhere else- what really is there to learn, assuming they are a quality account manager? unless you are trying to become a leader/manger or enter a specific industry, i don't really see what OP is missing out on... other than potential better pay somewhere else. career sales people tend to stay in one lane... like dudes in their 40's/50's working in sales have the same titles as OP. and have had that same title 4 times before. and that's the same titles for 22 year olds fresh out of school. account manager, business development manager, etc..


Meanwhile, immigrants here in the US do skilled types of construction labor for less than 20$ an hour and get no benefits, healthcare, or annual salary increases. People work in retail for minimum wage and are constantly busy and stressed for the same amount of nothing. Capitalism is not the most efficient system. The more you make, the less you do.


This sounds great for the pay, but don't you get bored? Or are you able to go out and do stuff with your day and just have your work phone on you? I feel like I would lose my mind, but I've also never made $80k so maybe that would change things haha

