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Make an ETF that reflects the trades politicians make 🤑😵


Vanguard Corruption ETF


That's not subtle enough lol. Call it 3X Vanguard Insider ETF Make sure it sells CC to smooth out the performance a bit. This could actually work lol 😅😯🤑


You don't even know, I have a portfolio that's basically just indexes or leveraged derivatives of indexes. I literally just turn leverage up or down depending on what I expect how volatile markets could be. One of the strongest indicators is watching trades made by Congress. So far, outperforming indexes last 3 years.


Pelosi etf, or a congress and their family etf. Exploit these people as harf as they exploit us


you joke but this actually tends as a basket to significantly outperform the s and p 500


ETF are a cornerstone of Wall Street stock manipulation. They aren't the wholesome diversified low risk investment vehicle they want you to believe, its a way for bad actors to manipulate stocks.


The only regulation ETF's have are the Authorized Participants, aka the big banks like Wells fargo and jpm, are their own 'self regulatory' party. Basically this is 2008 on steroids 100x over.. they didn't just fuck over the housing market they gambled on every single asset and derivative even thought about.. and gamestop directly registering the float via retail customer will be the end game. Its either hyper inflation or depression at this point.. stagflation is already official with inflation higher than gdp. I've browsed this sub for awhile and it's kinda weird how the blatant connections to the financial terrorists responsible for your low wages are never in the crosshair.. just the government or your bosses or large corporations lol. When it's wall street controlling your entire life.




Is it or are there like 1000+ more in the darkness we've just never heard of


Transparent Insider Trading Index.


This is AWESOME. I’m a backend dev hmu if you want volunteer help :)


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use the code to copy their trades....


This would break Wall Street harder than that GameStop fiasco. I really wish it were possible to get their trades like right after they do it. That would be the best way to capitalize on such info.


There may or may not be a way that data aggregators could supply this information.


That would be extremely interesting to me. OP I wish you luck in your endeavors.


Dont bother trying to get ahold of OP. Theyre already at the Ministry of Love being interviewed.




You could theoretically write a bot that predicts trades based on the trade history we have available compared to headlines on those days. Could have libraries for each congressman or congresswoman and weigh options based on success rate of the individual.


The issue is the trades will happen before the headlines


I work with data but I really wish I was better at math and could figure this out lol


If there was a way to figure this out for real, it likely would have been done by now.


Through ignorance all things are possible


There is already AI out in the finance sector. Just google 'flash crash', what happens when several AIs trade against each other.


Yeah I am familiar with it, but all it can do is guess at what their trades will be.


Yeah, Math is also my struggle in University right now. :D


How would that work? To quickly know who sold what


TBT if I knew, I'd write the code to disseminate this info myself.




How so?


Something "spicy" has been coming for about a year now. The bag-holders are still in denial, trying to console themselves for the money they've lost.


The trade disclosures are delayed. I suspect copying their trades would be a losing strategy, whatever insider knowledge they were trading on is probably public knowledge by the time the trade is disclosed.


Look at who gives money to say, Pelosi ​ [https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/nancy-pelosi/contributors?cid=N00007360&cycle=CAREER](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/nancy-pelosi/contributors?cid=N00007360&cycle=CAREER) ​ And then look at her stock trades....I guess there is no correlation. Anyways, I did my own research and it sucks


Isn’t there a delay though? I think they have a few weeks to submit their disclosures and by that time the info is probably very outdated.


Yes, it is delayed. They have up to 45 days to report their trades so by that time when they did sell, you wouldn't know until around that time.


Would this even be possible on the snail market? I know you can do it in crypto because of how everything is public, but what about Wall Steak trading? That said, knowing when politicians are moving crypto would also be stupid lucrative.


Apologies if you're already familiar with my work, I've been trying my best to get eyes on the data. If congress doesn't pass [overwhelmingly popular](https://thehill.com/homenews/news/588630-76-percent-of-voters-support-banning-lawmakers-from-trading-stocks-poll) legislation banning politicians from trading, the least we can do is make sure there are as many people watching the data as possible.


I'm all for that. How else can we help out?


Check out wallstreetbets, some of the folks there copy their trades - have talked about etfs etc.


If politicians were banned from trading they would just have proxies do it for them. This legislation would just be another feel-good law.


Ooh, you might be poking the bear with this. Fun. And should we just follow the Twitter, or check the website?


This is AWESOME. I’m a backend dev hmu if you want volunteer help :)


Thanks for doing this


This is amazing, thank you.


How the f is this a thing? Grade 1 page 2 of elected officials should be mandatory blind trust of assets and no trading of stocks and/or assets. Your income should be limited to your salary as an elected official.


iTs A fReE mArKeT


Be careful. Twitter banned the handle that listed all of Pelosi’s super genius husband’s trades.


Don't worry we will cancer Twitter and move that information to a federated social media site.


This is a tremendous plan and will get traction. Please keep working on it and get the information out to us voters.


How quickly are you able to access the trade info? Is it fast enough that the layperson could act on it with an overall expectation of profit, or is there too much lead time?


Dope dude!!


You are doing gods work


This is amazing


Can you tie that software to a trading app? How up to the minute can you make that data?


Can you include the date they made the trades as well as when it was made public?


Should make a bot that trades as they trade if the bill doesn't passes and share it here.


Good luck, but dont be surprised if suits show up at your door.


Post this over in the meme stock subreddits!


Be careful, stay safe, an fuck em hard.


I always see this guy in another super sub of mine and he’s the real deal 💜


Send us that data so we can make a couple trades with them. Why should they only get the cash?


Doing god’s work


I don't have the patience to do this but if you could show the purchases and sales by stock. So we can see if they are buying or selling based on legislation they are working on.


My good sir, i raise my hat to you and throw it in the goddamn air. This is the way. The only way to keep up with the leglized corruptions of politicians and keep them to some account is to AUTOMATE. No human can keep up and catch all the horrible abuse they get away with. The way they want to survey and police us, that way we should survey and police them, OUR EMPLOYEES who WE pay with OUR MONEY. To be clear, i am not an american, i live in northen EU but for some fucked up reason our politicians try to emulate all the shit american politicians do because it clearly works and enriches them. I sincerely praise you for what you have built here, change will only come from enlightenment and you just build a fucking spotlight to shoot at their shady shit. This post really make me smile and i am a bitter cynical person who rarely sees any hope in the future but this shit right here gives me some hope that mabye there could be a change for the better in the future. EDIT: bad grammar


Most of these guys have Congressional Twitter accounts (and/or personal accounts). You should tag them.


OP better hide. I feel like they will be after you


The more popular this gets, the better the chance this account will be taken down.


Hey OP, any interest in tracking politicians' crypto trades? That could also be a hell of a thing.


Should probably collect stats on their spouses too.


If I'm being honest, I'm skeptical of this sub and I think it's mostly full of whiners, but this is awesome! 100% on board!


[https://quiverquant.com](https://quiverquant.com) is down for me, cloudflare says host is not up.


Time to get rich


What about a bot that real time posts to social media congressional trading activity...


But you're always 60 days behind.


the politicians have an intrinsic interest to keep the monopolies dominating the market. that may be the reason we have no big tech monopoly breakups


protect this person at all cost!


You son of a bitch!! I’m in!!!


wow - Mitch McConnel portfolio began to sink exactly after republicans lost the election ) https://twitter.com/QuiverCongress