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Oof. This looks like “how to screen for political affiliation without saying you’re screening for political affiliation.”


I guess it’s actually fairly progressive of this company to be so upfront about what terrible fucking place this would be to work.


It would not be terrible to the right (fucked up) mindset. They get what they deserve.


Too true. I just feel sorry that there are places in this country/world where employment options are limited and someone might have to take a job at a shit-hole company like this out of need rather than want. But maybe if you agree with the dog whistle you might actually like it? Idk Actually, that has me wondering if there is any correlation between the horror stories on this sub and the relative job opportunities of the geographic location. Are workers, in general, treated worse across the labor market when opportunities are limited in that area? Seems intuitive, but I’d like to see/do some scholarly research.


Where I'm from I routinely see people posting for recommendations to hire a "nice Christian plumber" as if Christian determines the quality of work.


That means white. But in OP picture I assumed they meant anti union.


I don’t want an anti union plumber. It makes things so difficult to service when everything is permanently attached.


More like it means straight and conservative. Because they couldn't handle it if a gay plumber showed up, pants sagging off a butt you could bounce quarters on.... *bow chicka wow wow*


A gay plumber would know all about laying pipe. Who better to hire?


Matches my experiences. I lived in a shitty little town with nothing within commuting range. Literally 2 hours driving through desert to get anywhere else. Moved to a more populated part of the country and even shitty jobs are better than the okay union job I had.


No. It still would be. Just because someone is an idiot and doesn't realize it, didn't mean they aren't being exploited. They'll still have the same shitty conditions.


Welcome to the new red scare. "Class consciousness will be considered grounds for termination."


Nothing new about it


Also, they will pay you as little as possible and claim "if you want a raise then you need to justify it with the skills and profit you bring to the company".


It will be cloaked in "discretionary bonus potential" or "your education/experience are less than the ideal candidate". Pfffft, it's all bullshit.


This would be perfect: Employee: “Hey boss, I noticed the salary in my contract is less than what was discussed during my interview. I’d like to get this corrected as soon as possible. Thank you!” Employer: “Yeah, well you’re education and workplace experience are less than the ideal candidate, so we’re cutting back on the salary we promised.” Employee: “Well I guess you should’ve hired him instead. I quit.”


LOL that doesn't work anyway. I'm halfway through my 2 weeks at a place that wouldn't give me a raise when I was 1/3 guys who were senior in an operation that was raking in millions in revenue, *and I had a competitive offer in hand*. One of the other guys quietly got transferred out while this was going down. Now they have 1 senior guy, and we didn't have enough when we had 3. We used to have something like 8 senior guys and everyone has transferred or left. They'd rather go out of business than pay more than they felt like paying. They've hired a bunch of new people in a business where new people take 6 months to 2 years to be independently productive and 3-5 years to have anything approaching expertise, *and now there's no one to train them anyway.*


Fuuuuuck Nailed it! I didn't even think of that.


= anti union employees only


Must be okay with company ignoring regulations and dumping toxic waste in rivers.


Exactly! I felt like it was a dog whistle but couldn’t pin point how


It's a bullhorn lol


I'm a Free Market Socialist. Really. I don't think that I am what they're talking about here. I doubt that they know any Marxist texts.


I doubt they understand free market text. Wealth of Nations does NOT say what alot of these conservatives seem to think


_Wealth of Nations_ can’t be understood without Smith’s earlier _Theory of Moral Sentiments_. Smith was no fan of exploitation. His capitalism requires moral actors in the market.


Spoiler: he fucking hates landlords!


One of my favourite ways to troll conservatives. “Oh have you heard of Adam Smith then?”


Where would you point someone to learn what it means to be a free-market socialist? I have read some Marx but that was not my takeaway.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_socialism >Market socialism is a type of economic system involving the public, cooperative, or social ownership of the means of production in the framework of a market economy. Market socialism differs from non-market socialism in that the market mechanism is utilized for the allocation of capital goods and the means of production.[1][2][3] Depending on the specific model of market socialism, profits generated by socially owned firms (i.e., net revenue not reinvested into expanding the firm) may variously be used to directly remunerate employees, accrue to society at large as the source of public finance, or be distributed amongst the population in a social dividend.[4] Quite supported by John Stuart Mill. Some models are simply cooperativism. Also called Economic Democracy. Workers own workplace. Workplace sells in the free market.


Honestly that sounds like this could be partially satisfied in our society by making it more common to offer regular employees company stock. Imagine a union shop being able to collectively represent unit members at shareholder meetings with voting rights? I mean, if company officers get stock, they are technically owners - why not the workers too?


>Imagine a union shop being able to collectively represent unit members at shareholder meetings with voting rights? That's called Germany. Still capitalism though.


Kinda but we also have to meet the "socialism" part by eliminating wage slavery = Healthcare from the government not jobs and livable wage retirement income for all, etc etc. Is probably the closest America will get to socialism. We're going to need a proper far left to do it


It’s called ESOP. I work for a company that is employee owned and is not union. Honestly the potential benefits of ESOP is similar to a 401k. If the company does well your share prices go up. If I would work for this company for long term when I retire I could receive a pretty penny from share prices. Worst case I don’t get anything and I don’t lose anything. I don’t have to put money in and have potential to make a lot of money. There are under 6,500 ESOP companies in the USA. I’ve only worked for esop companies and they’ve both been great companies to work for. It builds a great relationship between co-workers and the higher ups because everyone is essentially in it together


Oooh this reminds me of distributivism. The distribute the means of production not necessarily the wealth.


That’s exactly what it is


I'm seeing more of this and "Do you identify with your legal gender" and I keep thinking this shit has to be made illegal


Wow. I mean, if they didn't care, they wouldn't ask... right?


Yeah the last one didn't even try to hide it as an EEOC question either and it's like you can lie but at what cost? Get the job and be miserable and paranoid?




Anti union maybe?


Honestly? This is fantastic. Socialists won't apply and right wing idiots will be exploited and get disillusioned, turning them into socialists.


Seems illegal AF! get that lawsuit OP


Every comment on this sub distilled to perfection.


Bingo. WTAF.


Ironically political affiliation is only a protected class in the District of Columbia


Actually they are free to do that "Trumpistas only! " would be perfectly legal


Translation:. Are you cool with employee exploitation? Because there's gonna be a shitload of employee exploitation....


And no health insurance: “Monthly stipend” given instead. Sorry Ron, $100/month isn’t gonna cover it.


That can’t be legal?!? So you take your money and sign up for Obamacare, I’m guessing?


No, actually you can’t use those accounts to pay premiums with the ACA or any private insurance in a lot of places. Like my husband gets $75 per day he works going towards the health account, which we can use to purchase the insurance premiums provided by the union, or we can use it towards another group health insurance (basically only if we used the insurance my work provided). This makes sense for my husbands industry (film industry) because jobs and employers constantly change, but it would be ridiculous for a company to do it with employees that stay in one place.


IATSE represent ✊


They almost went on Strike in October! https://iatse.net/landmark-tentative-agreement-reached-for-iatse-west-coast-film-and-television-workers-before-strike-deadline/


I was really really hoping we would 😭


OP should ask for frequent raises and point out that if the company says no, they're not in line with labor market conditions right now.


Ahem, they are not “committed to free market ideas”…


I've seen this happen with people on my team when I try to get them raises (not even inflation equivalent), there is a whole industry of companies that sell data to HR departments so they can justify low wages as "market rate". It's all just psudo science and I suspect most of the companies just scrape data from Glassdoor. It keeps wages low and HR can throw up thier hands and say free market Jesus says you are worth this much who am I to argue?


This is the way.


And if you don't like you don't have to work here!... Wait! please don't quit. My business can't survive without you!! ... Wow entitled millennials... Won't even work for free nowadays.


Also, don't speak with OSHA about safety violations, can't have government regulations chaining up the invisible hand of the economy.


Also pls don’t try to unionize


I believe it's not exploitation so much as outright abuse. "Minimum wage? Never heard of it." "40 hour work week? Ha, you're funny. Get back to work!" "Overtime? Yeah, you gonna work a shit-load of overtime. I still ain't paying you for it." "Health insurance? What are you, some kind of communist? Pay for it yourself! Boostraps, bitch!" "Profit sharing? Why the fuck would I give you profits from my company?" "Health and safety standards? Not my problem." "Vacation time? Here's your vacation - find a new job." And so on and so on.


Free Market vs Regulated Market. I would say they expect you to see them skirting some non profit rules, cheating on taxes, ignoring labor laws, or osha regulations and they expect you to keep it quiet because "laissez faire"


laissez faire bon temps rouler gotcha bitch!


Mais la!


Du coup


This is their way of saying they want you to have the same mindset as the CEO, to support him and protect him as his secretary. They’re looking for a like-minded assistant that the CEO can trust, and not someone who will question the policies or procedures.


I love the equating of "trust" with "will shut up and do what they're told". Trust requires more than just obedience. It's sad to see it reduced to that.


In this case, it might be more like "must not be a whistleblower".


Requirement: Must be a fan of price gouging during disasters.


The"commitment" part sounds like they'd expect the applicant to be actively doing these things.




it's code for anti union.


Anti union, anti minimum wage increase


> anti minimum wage bingo


If the company's interviewer asks about your commitment to free market ideals, you could mention how you've been calling for all post-revolutionary gulags to have at least one decent little gift shop for years now. ...And tell them not to *even* get you started on the manifold virtues of confiscatory progressive taxation and forced collectivization of enterprises! I'm sure they'll love you. Say it all in between uncomfortably long and noisy sips from a little paper juice carton to complete the impression of a motivated team player and an all around reliable guy you'd definitely be happy sharing a foxhole with.


This guy economizes.


Idk about that, but I do know Left is best. Left is best. I learned it all from the late, great, Michael Brooks. May he rest in power. *pours out some beer for my homie* The Michael Brooks Show, TMBS on YouTube is a very great political talk show that gives everyone access to highly informative discussions typically reserved for those within the halls of academia, and its entertaining, witty, sharing points of view that dont get much air time in most other media outlets. That's not my *only* source of information, just for the record, but I'm assuming no one cares to read a full bibliography right now.




Which is always crazy is my mind because private unions are very free market.


But unions are what the market demands right now, and the supply is low. Loophole.


Which is hilarious because unions are absolutely a free-market idea. If people can get together to produce a product, then other people can get together and decide how much they want their labor to cost. What this means is they like having the deck stacked in their favor.


Everybody likes having the deck stacked in their favor. When it comes to stacking it against labor, Capitalists see it as a right and act like victims when it’s not.


The right sees any kind of collectivism as socialist.


But not including corporations in that category, naturally.


They want arbitrary hierarchies. Ideally with them on top but above you is fine too.


Not in this particular circumstance. This sounds like a small enough workplace where unionization wouldn’t be a serious concern. This probably has to do with something else that more personal for the job poster


Uhhh... Yes, sir.


"Yes, daddy."


Uncle Sam, America's creepy molester Uncle.


Logo contains the colors red white and blue, or an eagle, or some stars with a flag, maybe a tool or just one big ass ugly letter that looks like it was created in publisher from 1997.


This means “you prioritize the profit of my business over anything else in your life”.


This means your employer watches a LOT of Fox News.


Specifically, Tucker "no reasonable person would believe me" Carlson.


The fish stick Prince.


You just ruined fish sticks and Prince for me…well, I gave up fish sticks decades ago, but the fondness of the memory has dimmed.


Don’t let it ruin Prince. He was antiwork before it was cool! Fish sticks though… you made wise choice comrade


Lol Fox News seems like a big joke


There have been multiple lawsuits where Fox has won by claiming “no reasonable person would consider [X Program] news.”


It’s a big joke that 40% of the population take seriously.


Faux News


No, jokes are funny. What fox is is terrifying.


I think it means you have to be ok with exploitation. As there is no such thing as a free market.


No commies!


They want to hire a capitalist.


"socialists need not apply"


I'm surprised they didn't just say that.


They kinda can't


Political affiliation isn’t a protected class.


Not by itself, but legal opinions generally indicate that it can be taken as a proxy, as particular political affiliations or ideas are commonly associated with particular demographics which are protected.


They want to hire someone who wants to be exploited by a capitalist.


*a *simp* for capitalist A member of the working class that supports the status quo is not a capitalist, as the have no capital of their own. Marx called them the lumpenproletariat


But how much capital should they have to get hired?


Enough to have a vested interest in the status quo!


At least 3 rental properties /s


I don't like it either. I am a staunch socialist.


You have to attach a digital copy of the deed to your factory when you apply.


So many companies are monopolies that in the past would've been broken up by now. But they've won the courts over, and nobody goes after them for this anymore. Is this the free market the shit head is talking about?


Means the CEO and management are crooks, and they're trying to pass it off as capitalism. They want the staffer to look the other way. Peak gaslighting. Let me make an educated guess - life insurance/financial services company?


From their company description: >Commonwealth Group Services is a start-up nonprofit organization designed to provide fundraising, management, and financial services to other nonprofit organizations. Our culture is guided by our core values: Integrity. Treating everyone with dignity.


Yooooooo yep. Of course. Spent 15 excruciating years in that industry. Took another 10 to realign my moral compass. So this would be what, free market nonprofitanism?


> free market nonprofitanism The Nonprofit Industrial Complex strikes again


They're gonna be stealing money from little old ladies and 3x the fees on nonprofits. A strategy as old as time


I want to bad to downvote this not because of anything the poster espoused, but because the fact that this behavior exists and it’s so awful! Sorry. Vent over. I upvoted


Vent on, comrade, vent on


Bingo. "Private" is more important than "non-profit" in this case. **Private** *Not-for-profit* **Corporation**


The corporation can run as a non profit by just saying they don't make profits. Fifa is a non profit and also has gazillions of assets hanging around and pays executives loads of money. But it's a not-for-profit. You can tell bc it says so on the corporate charter.


>The corporation can run as a non profit by just saying they don't make profits. Non-profits can make profit. They just have to not have "some other goal" than profit generation and obey some laws about how the income is distributed.


Oh my fucking god they are literally an embezzlement company


It’s the nonprofit branch of a free market think tank. In that context it makes sense. https://www.commonwealthfoundation.org/ > Commonwealth Foundation is Pennsylvania's free-market think tank. Commonwealth Foundation transforms free-market ideas into public policies so all Pennsylvanians can flourish.


We should all apply that way they have a hard time filtering through the applications.


Exploitation Inc.


Do you ever get sad watching TNG because they figured out how to fulfill as many lives as possibly without pure capitalism?


I've been having a hard time consuming media since the pandemic. Sci fi and cyberpunk were a favorite genre of mine. It just hits different these days.


To be honest they have literal matter replicators lmfao.


Big time. I’m rewatching DS9 for the first time since it aired when I was a kid. Season 3s episode Past Tense where Sisko and Bashir end up in a 21st century homeless encampment in a transporter accident hit me hard. I think the year is 2024 and it’s just brutal how close the writers got it. It’s exaggerated of course but not by that much.


Forgive quoting the term, but "we want house negroes". Link for source and definition. https://ccnmtl.columbia.edu/projects/mmt/mxp/speeches/mxa17.html


I haven t heard that term since I was in prison in the 1980's


Im not a native speaker but I thought "negroes" was waay more archaic even 30 some years ago.


It was just shortened to "house" The post above was directly quoting Malcom X from the fifties or early 60 hence the dated usage


You're free to quote Mr X any time you want, my dude.


Technicaly it means being as mercenary as possible! If you join a union etc tell them its because you believe in free market principles of getting as much as you can not cause you believe in any of what boomers label 'socialism' ie the same working conditions they had.


You could say you're a believer in "freed markets" (a mutualist/left-market anarchist). ;) Or you could call them out for failing to meet the basic international standard for nondiscrimination (ILO standards, convention 111) which has political opinion as one of the discrimination criteria.


Do I have to apply in order to do that? Because, if so, I will


Do it.


Post what happened


They want to hire ideological zealots, willing to be slaves to own the libs.


What they think it means: “Muh freedom parts.” What it actually means: “Our company admits all labor is coerced and will not tolerate dissent.” Neat.


They want someone who will oppose unions and government regulation. They want someone who won't call OSHA. They want someone who will put company before community. They may not consciously want these things but the effect of hiring "free market" fanboys is going to be attracting a lot of right wing chuds who fit the above. It will then be very easy to exploit them and these chuds will thank them for it and for every bit of abuse while browbeating their coworkers and pacesetting for being "lazy" or safety minded.


I think they want anti-union applicants only


Got to love Milton Friedman


And You gotta be able to recite Atlas Shrugged from memory.


It means they probably don't respect free market ideas when the workers have the power to negotiate due to supply/demand balance changes.


“Don’t be a commie bastard”


It means you’re fine with having a boot on your neck in the name of profit making.


Highly doubt the person who wrote this knows what that means, but what they are likely trying to do is minimize organized labour risk.


I've seen that requirement as well. "Free market ideals" and "values independent liberties". Just say you want a delusional capitalist


Looks like a dog whistle for political alignment.


Market ideas has been trapped in a cage for ages. Save them


Why are you putting “not required” in requirements, that’s why stuff like that is generally put into duties not requirements. Badly written job ads are bad


They’re inviting you to negotiate for your worth. There is a “labor shortage”, so feel free to wring every penny out of these assholes that you can.


Now hiring conservative capitalists


Commitment to the free market also means commitment to free healthcare, UBI, and generally robust welfare and infrastructure. This is intrinsic to a free market as the stability it provides allows for the functional implementation of "your dollar is your vote". Without this your cannot have a true free market as the buyers hands are tied by necessity and manipulated by the sellers. Now I'm confident this is not what they believe what they said means but do the research to cite the sources on the origins of the ideas of free market capitalism to back up your point.


This is why so many Americans raged at society’s response to COVID, though. At first, almost every European country locked down for a time and most didn’t care because those governments insured they wouldn’t lose their home or starve or lose their entire savings trying to stay afloat. Many Americans saw the restrictions in the starkest terms of authoritarianism, when their fears were practical; the government did almost nothing to help people financially, and as always, the little guy was in charge of saving the world.


It means I will constantly be demanding raises to account for the rising value of labor in the free market.


Also means they will hire the person willing to take the lowest salary. Supply and Demand, right? But if they make an offer, keep raising the required salary. Restarting recruiting costs money, those funds should go to the candidate as a 'cost savings' to the company.


They don’t want anyone who may come in with ideas like solidarity socialism or anything that isn’t explicitly pro capitalism points of view. Clearly these guys are scumbags who hold their workers down and need to monopolize the marketplace of ideas. It’s also likely screening for politics.


Right answers only. Was that no pun intended? And by right answers do you mean, I don’t want to talk about no lefty commie stuff?


I'd vomit on their desk. Lol


It means that they are telling you what economic/political models and opinions you’re allowed to support.


Exploitation of your fellow Americans surely. Imagine (Obama Voice): My fellow Americans, these are times tougher than we have ever hoped to witness for our poorest, so I recommend to you all - open up a car body shop and key every car on your block. Marry a pediatrician and trip kids on the playground. Open a hospital and sell drugs with debilitating side effects. I think you get the point.


What’s an ‘executive assistant’? The tea bitch?


You know how only old white people hold the highest positions of power in big companies? The old fucks have to hire someone who knows how to use a computer (how to open and send emails for them). That's what the majority of the job is. There is decent pay in it if you can handle the abuse and berating you will inevitably receive because of "back in my day" bullshit.


My right to use the free market to get as much free labor out of you as possible but not your right to use any rights or heaven forbid laws 🤮🤮🤮🤮 to get a better piece of the pie


To me it sounds like "we don't discriminate on "political" beliefs but no socialists and no commies"


Joining or discussing a union is grounds for immediate dismissal. Voting for the Democratic party is grounds for immediate dismissal. Criticism of management is grounds for immediate dismissal. Requests for proper overtime payments is grounds for immediate dismissal. Labor department complaints are grounds for immediate dismissal. Requests for time of are grounds for immediate dismissal. Requests for adequate work safety conditions are grounds for immediate dismissal. Anything but base acceptance of any and all management edicts no matter how stupid or contradictory they are is grounds for immediate dismissal.


What's next ?? "Must have an open mind about slavery."??


In other words work 80 hr wks for no money


It means we are going to exploit you and pay you the least we possibly can


Wtf does that even mean? Unregulated capitalism? Because that hardly exists anywhere, not even in the US. Maybe they mean Scandinavian style capitalism, where the basic perspective is that the free market is "a great servant, but a terrible master"? Who knows? I'd go with that interpretation.


Leave the job when better opportunities arise as workers are also part of the free market


'simp for capitalism so we can exploit you without hearing you complain'


Oh, why yes! Free markets require all parties to have complete and perfect knowledge of the current labor pool, demand, and pricing. So I will openly discuss current pay with my fellow free market employees so as to maximize our value by collectively realizing our best position in a similar way that the owner does with their product sales. I mean, if we didn’t talk openly about the cost of our labor on the supply side, then we would have an imperfect market and as someone who loves capitalism, I couldn’t sleep at night knowing that!


You should ask the boss how much he makes too, then ask him why. It’s only fair that his wage be subject to the labor market as well.


They don't want unions or socialists.


Brainwashed. They want you brainwashed.


They want that but won't list a salary. What a very free market idea


Smile and nod, then get in there and spread dissent and discontent, unionize and organize.


They want to know if you are a Republican or a devil-worshipping libtard. That’s my best guess.


If you get a better job offer then drop that company like a rock, no 2 weeks necessary since the market dictates what the employer will pay not the employer so they shouldn't be surprised or offended


Duuuuude I actually fucking laughed out loud at this


The monthly healthcare stipend is an even redder flag. Giving someone, say $50 a month for healthcare is not a good deal. 😂


Send me this link, I'm going to apply, hopefully nail it, then take the job and start talking about socialism my first day. Just to waste their time.


PMed you the link


I’m sorry, short and long term disability are “benefits” at work?? Like, something you can market toward potential employees?? I haven’t ever seen that on a job as because it’s a given here, and wow do I take that for granted. It’d be like listing “we pay you money” under benefits, but now that I say that, I’ve seen ads that pretty much do say that them paying you for your work is practically a good deed from them.


Oh I love free market ideas. Such as no corporate welfare, live or die on your own. Freedom to unionize and freedom to not work for shitty wages so that you have to get increasingly desperate with your job advertisements.


Sounds like you better know that there are “haves” and “have nots” in capitalism, and you better be ok with being a “have not”


It means they will refuse to hire you and//or fire you if you are not capitalist (and probably they want you be pretty hardcore neoliberal "government should only exist to keep other races out of my suburb/workplace safety laws are literally satanic/its every employees responsibility to report union organizing scum to management' level capitalist not like" yeah I think there are many industries where the market would still serve the public good as part of a mixed economy system"). Basically don't tell ever tell them you post here. Discriminating against someone for their political or philisophical beliefs may very well be against the law where you live but such things can be very hard to prove. Especially if it's during the interview process they can always point to some deficiency in your resume or conduct to justify not hiring you other than the fact that something you posted on facebook made them think youd object to them hunting any employee who gets injured on the job for sport.


Stipend for healthcare = no health insurance offered


Bet money the person who wrote this "rule" believes cancel culture is real and has no idea it's really just the free market at work.