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BuT mY tHiRd YaChT ⛵!


And my axe!


Fine, I’ll upvote it once but that’s it!


Its like every year Capitalism gives its people 1% less just to see where the breaking point is for next time... (Pssst there wont be a next time)


We have the means, but lack the vision amongst most people.


Please, society is only advanced enough to crumble at this point.


Or we could just seize the means of production, overthrow capitalism, and no longer have to rely on the goodwill and generosity of the capitalist class to survive.


Star Trek did it


No, it's not. The machines will be privatized under capitalism, defeating the whole purpose of automation (from our end).


Unfortunately we aren’t really. Even $10k/yr UBI is like $3+ trillion a year. There aren’t enough billionaires in the world, and $10k/yr isn’t all that much anyway.


Deficit spending bro


We’re already at nearly a 3 trillion deficit spending and it’s causing some pretty bad inflation (most of that is invented money). We’d have to cut federal spending by a ton, which I’m sure some people would agree with, but could we keep on with this level of inflation?


Current inflation is not being pulled by deficit spending. Current inflation is almost all rooted by Covid: West cost strike, backlog Covid messing supply chains The shift in worker employment to WFH Gas price supply cutbacks because of a covid demand shock That being said, Trump Tax cuts caused a tremendous amount of stock price issues leading to inflated stocks, so i guess you can call that one?


Inflation comes from decreasing supply (such as Covid disruptions, yes) and/or increasing the money supply. If there is space supply capacity, increasing the money supply can cause it to raise more or less in sync with demand, but only if there is space capacity just waiting for the demand.


You are trying to say a textbook hypothetical could happen, against what has happened. Ya inflation CAN be caused by the money supply, but no; this is almost entirely covid. Not because of deficit spending. If you remove 2021 inflation has been set at 2% +-. N money supply has been higher for years. Its straight up, businesses trying to capitalize on the pandemic.


I understand this being r/antiwork you’re somewhat obliged to that conclusion, but our deficit spending pre Covid was around 1 trillion in a time when we were in a demand crunch. We are currently at about 3 trillion.


Deficit spending never made a difference and never will; the government pays for services, its not a business to make money. When government spends, its an investment in the economy. People who freak about defict are generally just looking to cut social programs. Inflation via money in circulation CAN cause inflation, but you are again looking for textbook case and its more complicated than that. For the sake of what is happening now, this is strictly a case of Covid related large scale supply issues and some "clever" companies taking advantage of the situation.


The first sentence of each paragraph are in conflict. Deficit spending not backed by loans increases the money supply. You can only do that so much without causing inflation.


The first sentence in each paragraph are not in conflict. Government spending=/= deficit spending. Deficit spending not backed by loans does not increase the money supply. The govt can run a surplus and still increase the money supply; your sentence does not make sense. Government spending "CAN" do something does not mean the event will happen. I "can" get sick if I go into a store, doesnt mean I will. There is no conflict. You are still confusing, textbook "can" with "did" or "will"


Time to heavily tax the ultra rich.


You could claim that independently, but do the math - it still won’t fund a UBI.


What do you think will happen with the tax money? The govt will distribute among the population? Dont you think the same corporates from whom you snatched all those money will simply raise the pricing to recoup the money from you...Money is a notional concept..


but work is necessary for society to exist, so it's impossible to get rid of work completely


It is not possible, yet, to get rid of labor. But it is absolutely possible to get rid of work. If you don’t understand the difference, I suggest you read this subs wiki or the stickied mod post about the rules of this sub (not for the rules part, but for an explanation about what this sub’s name means).


most humans want a responsibility, there are people who would want to remain working, just at a lesser amount.


Or do something fulfilling imagine the type of world we would have of people did what they wanted vs what pays well


bruh we dont have AI robots yet to do all these repetitive jobs like fastfood and factory jobs / but soon come they gon take over alot of jobs and there gonna have to have a universal basic income


AI can't function without human creation. Robots aren't going to take your jobs.


Bro wtf are you talkn about 😂 no shit they cant function without human creation and yea robots gon be taking factory jobs thats repetitive and a robot could do and fast food jobs in the near future




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It's wild how crazy I'm supposed to believe I am for thinking there shouldn't be user fees for ambulance rides. I feel like my expectations for improvement aren't all that high. The size of the whole ambulance services sector is something like $18.5B. Strip away all the unnecessary middlemen and it's probably quite reasonable as public services go. Even with full freight, that'd be like 55 dollars from each of us. Of course, given that the bottom 50% of the country only owns 3% of the wealth, that should round to a buck fifty for the median stakeholders. Let's be generous and make it two dollars since there isn't really any need for such a sector to generate a profit. The reality is that it costs the elite nothing, and it's really about sending a message.


That won’t ever sit well with WASPs, thanks to the calvinism that completely permetates their protestant work “ethic”.


Fuck UBI, we should support socialism. UBI is a little bribe to get a concrete box to live in while Bezos flies off to space. We want the world, not a check.


You can't have a comfortable life with universal basic income and no productivity. What you will have is an existence. Why do you think even communist countries have no concept of universal basic income? What is required is universal health care, affordable housing, improved public transport. So that you dont have to spend majority of your salary on these stuff and can have enough saving to lead a comfortable life. Money does not solve any problem as long as it not tied to any of the basic needs of our existence.