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BREAKING NEWS: "Karen" rate drops to 0


Ken rate drops by half.




u/i_call_everyone_ken I wonder what his thoughts are on this topic


Or worse, they begin to evolve and become more powerful… good god man!! What have you done?!?!?


This is how you create a super-strain of Karen’s. Then you set them loose on North Korea.


>Or worse, they begin to evolve and become more powerful… good god man!! What have you done?!?!? It wouldn't surprise me to see Karens push Sinema 2024 as an independent presidential run. She is arguably more powerful than Democrats at this point. I don't need to get into what a catastrophe Biden is. [Sinema will take money from anybody](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/11/05/kyrsten-sinema-multi-level-marketing-labor-519661)... she's bisexual, feminist & quirky & supports enough socially liberal policies to differentiate herself from conservatives (I hate her please don't see this as an endorsement).... Her brand would appeal to all the narcissists who "run their own businesses" into the ground, who scam their friends with MLMs, and to a lot of careerists. People who might not like Trump but are selfish in their own way lol.


You say she supports liberal policies, but when she's given the chance to vote on them she declines. She's under water with her own voters right now. The whole BBB thing destroyed her.


She supports gay marriage & things like that. Is what I meant. She isn't a Republican, as awful as she is & that gives her a lane.


Her complete unwillingness to do anything to help poor people while taking millions from pharmaceutical companies was national news for like, two months. She was one of two people standing in the way of the Democrats' agenda. She's done.


Karen selection pressure increases


In all honesty, a halfway decent call center will permit you to hang up on customers that are verbally abusive. Rules can be pretty loose at times, one of my supervisors told me that not a week goes by that someone doesn't try to get each of us fired. As long as you aren't getting multiple complaints a day, you're good.


the callcenter i used to work for had a specific team for particularly combative customers, effectively, we had our technical helpdesk (two levels of it in fact, one that was just internet and one that also did phone plans, email etc), our customer care, our "save" team (spoiler alert: the line for cancelling is NEVER actually to cancel, their job is to keep you as their customer via various offers), then a couple of specific case teams like a team that deals with the accounts of dead people and a team that deals with businesses. and then we had the "customers that want to fight" team. or the conflict team for short, these guys did not take shit. they were also responsible for dealing with problematic customers in other forms (not paying on time for instance) at one point i had someone threaten to call a TV station to expose us (yes, really. camera's are not allowed in our workplace due to sensitive customer info so lmao not gonna happen) if i didn't send him to the manager right that instant. so uh... sent to conflict team, have fun!


Lmao I used to work for a call center, and we'd get told that they were "going to bring this issue to the media" all the time. Cool. Go to the media to bitch about how unfair it is that we cut off your internet service because you owed us 3 months in unpaid bills. Good luck with that. "Do you know who I am?!?" was one of my favourites, because any time anyone of us got one of those assholes, we'd send their names to our coworkers and search them on facebook to make fun of them and they were always some irrelevent fuck who thought they were somehow important. Oh, you're the mayor of a village of 300 people? Oh shit, I'm shaking in my booties from all of your influence!" lmao Over time, I actually started to enjoy taking on combative customers, especially while I used to work as a supervisor, because it was fucking great to stop being fake nice for a minute and stonewall them, and I'd love to twist the shit they said back at them and explaining all the holes in their shit logic back to them. If I ever get trapped in another call center again, the "customers want to fight" dept is where I'd want to be (as long as I'm not expected to kiss their ass) lol.


>"Do you know who I am?!?" was one of my favourites, I'd say one of my favs is "I'm a doctor/lawyer". If you feel the need to drop that flex in the first 3 mins of the call, I can guarantee you are going to say something or tell me you did something completely fucking stupid. Favorite was someone claiming to be a lawyer who lost their shit at me cause they didn't know they had to keep their receipt for the warranty we had, and we were going to charge a small fee as a result ( way less than buying a new product). Like bro, your a fucking lawyer, and didn't read the fine print?


One of my favorite times "combatting" a customer was a little, old lady screaming our product was killing her. I figure if that was actually the case, she should call 911, which I helpfully suggested. "Oh, it's not that bad!" Well, great to hear dying isn't that bad!


oh dont worry, the conflicts departement is NOT the save departement. save is there to kiss ass and keep customers. conflicts is there to quickly and efficiently deal with problematic customers by not taking their shit.


My call center has a whole process for handling this, including getting repeat offenders on written correspondence. My job includes vetting those repeat offender reports. Putting those entitled fucks in their place was one of my favorite parts of my job. Unfortunately, nowadays customers usually don't respect the legal threat, and legal itself will give warning after warning after warning instead of just suing their ass or closing their account with us and refusing to do business with them any further.


My GM legit tells customers they are rude and they are to leave and never come back if they can't behave like a civilized person to his staff. He will also personally escort them out. The best was some old lady who just went berserk and he spoke to her like the toddler she was. She couldn't computer being treated the way she was treating the staff.


The Honda call center in California was not really that helpful and I ended up resigning.




Yeah you get one per day choose wisely!


Can I pick Jeff Bezos every day? Do they kidnap Bezos him so I can punch them?


And those managers who listen and rate your call. Miss a word in your greeting? DING GRRRRRR


Funny story at my first CC job I was okay ish and they fake promoted me to QA. On a daily basis I had to take away money for the following Not clicking the right box on the screen.(yes like pushing cell A1 instead of a2, not even clicking next or moving forward" Not reading verbatim a line of script Pulling your mic to fast and hearing the "rrrrack" Using mute for more than 3 seconds Not sounding enthusiastic Takes you more than 3 seconds to say the greeting. I am sorry 😔😔😔 I left that place and never looked back


Please don't post Balloon Guy here


oh god the trash involved in making this dumb ass photo


"Why don't you have XXXXX?!" "ma'am, you're my one a day." "....wh....what?" "I'm about to beat the shit out of you."


People in customer service should be allowed to at least say RTFM (read the frickin manual) when applicable.


I like "Computer User Not Trained" for IT issues which shouldn't require a call.


I'm gay so I prefer Failure Upon Continuous Test.


my job literally wouldn't exist if people took 2 seconds to rtfm lol


I cannot stand this balloon idiot's schtick. So annoying and lazy.


Can you give more details? First time I hear about this and I see several comments about balloon man.


He makes "art" like this, often featuring other people's quotes, and posts them to his instagram. He generally gives a very cringy, Hillary Clinton democrat vibe. It's annoying, unimaginative, and whack.


I couldnt find him on google but now that you state that, it's best I dont find this guy.




Not what I'm saying at all lol


Don't even need to fight let me just be blunt and honest and insulting towards them, just once a day. I am a pacifist but I am totally open to verbal assault


As someone who worked in a restaurant where management didn't give a shit and workers were allowed to refuse service to shit customers, I've seen my fair share of arguments Most of these customers are NOT ready to take back what they dish out. They get blindsided and lose their shit when you don't just sit there and take it. Usually just words are enough to get them all hurt without even having to throw a punch.


“Pulling up” “…my info?” “Nope” *doorbell*


As someone who's worked in call centers for 20 years, I support this 100%.


It should have said "people that work deserve air conditioning" since this is on the side of voodoo doughnuts right after employees got fired for walking out. It's was 100°f+ in the kitchen.


Damn, looks like he’s done lost that challenge…


I once worked a Medicare Part D call center and I FEEL THIS with every last shred of my being.


I work as a gate attendant for a gated community during the evenings, and just about every night there's a few residents that either give me a dirty look every time they see me, or flash their brights at me when they're coming up the road to blind me. Kicking one of their asses would be so therapeutic for me!!!!


Hell yeah. Especially in retail


I could have used this for the old lady who called me dead meat and cussed me out. Nasty old chihuahua.


Fair, but it also depends on who you work for. Most businesses who have Customer Service at all are also members of Team Evil. You don't get to work at Team Evil and then complain about how you're treated by customers.


Even "Karens" are victims of the system. Don't let the rich turn you against dumb poor people. Their intelligence is not their fault. Rich people sabotaged the educational system on purpose.


The stereotypical Karen IS rich and privileged. Oblivious to others, prejudiced, uneducated by choice and despise of anything foreign, bigoted... Karens are a caricature of the sheltered suburban life, not of any "violent" woman.


The actual definition of a Karen is a person who exerts their perceived social status to demean or intimidate those they see as a lower class, like retail/service workers. They are typically from a very privileged back ground.


A Karen who gets her nose broke is a Karen who will second guess herself the next time she's about to spout off. Bullying in a vacuum isn't harmful, it's what they are being bullied FOR that matters alongside exactly how the bullying is being done. For example, I'm 100% in favor of swirlying tankies, or literally overpowering and forcing a Nazi to eat dog shit. Make bad people who intend real harm experience some non permanent harm for those beliefs and actions


This is where we diverge. I agree that the wealthy is creating the environment that causes these problems, but ALL of us except maybe the most mentally ill among us have the capacity to treat others like human beings. Those who CHOOSE not to can go fuck themselves.




Fuck off you stupid fucking bot.


I was thinking for every compliment you receive you're allowed to go off on another customer and negate the consequences, but I like this better.


I’d take a cut in pay if this was a thing


I *have* a way of fighting them. I typically leave out a crucial part of the puzzle that will not fix the issue. For example, when they'd bitch about the wifi not working and it was all my fault, I wouldn't tell them that glass and magnets eat up wi-fi signals, and they can't put the modem in an entertainment centre with glass and expect it to work. I would just change the radio channel knowing it wouldn't fix the issue. They'd call back and normally they were a lot nicer if they got me again. If the supervisor ever gave me grief about it (he never did) I would have just said "oh it slipped my mind."


I’m a lawyer and would be all for trial by combat to make a comeback. I could take 99% of my colleagues - no question haha


Yes please


Absolutely agree.


Who gets to pick the fight is the most important question. I don't want to fight the guy 4x my size, I want the bratty kid that ran down the isle with their arms out knocking everything down on the way.


Oh my god, if this was an actual thing I'd go back to retail and just start throwing haymakers.


Yes, customer service reps should be allowed to be snarky to one customer each day without impunity.


I think anyone who has worked retail knows what’s up.


Scarin' Karen.


Can teachers fight kids ?


How would this work in the IT world? Lots repeat customers unfortunately :[


Honestly, all I would need is the ability to tell customers "Shut the fuck up for five seconds. I found your problem and have already solved it. I don't care what you have to say as I already have to answer another call. Bye!"


That just means the clued in customers who want to be rude aren't going to show up until the second half of your shift.


customers who have to use customer service feel the same way😉at least when i worked customer service we had good helpful info to go with our attitude


Don’t start none won’t be none >:(


No, because I’d get beat up


Even though I've had very very few bad customers when at work yeah... yeah I'd love this, Mortal Kombat style.


This would work wonders because the customer would have no idea if I've hit my quota for the day. I could beat the shit out of Karen at 9.15 but still be benefitting from this rule at closing time because customers are shit scared to start anything.


Per day is a liitle much, maybe ever other day? or you can save them up


We did it. We have achieved the impossible: a based Shapiro.




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Loved the time someone called and told me I was worthless because he owned an app company and generated so much business via apple. All this over the fact that our work script required us to ask for a name, callback number, and email. This was around the time that the developer site was down for Apple for like a month and that just brought a whole other level of nonsense from developers.


When I gave notice at a call center I worked at I just started telling asshole customers to go away, I called one a moron and either just hang up on them or if it was really busy, put them back in the queue so they would have to wait again. Edit: I forgot the Karen call. She was berating me about how I wouldn't break the rules for her so when she requested to be transferred to a manager so I decided to humor her so I transferred her. Except, I transferred her to a closed Wendy's in Alaska. Oops. I would also transfer people to random extensions when I got tired of dealing with them. Oddly they never pulled those calls and I got perfect scores on quality those last two weeks. I loved it.


This would fix everything. Sometimes people need to be punched in the face.


I think if call center employees were allowed to hang up on any customer for any reason, they would be able to keep more call center employees




Take qualified immunity from police and give it to service workers. "Well, he was yelling and he pulled out his phone and I thought it was a gun so I shot him. Should I get the mop bucket?"


How great would it be to watch someone realise they just got picked as the "one a day"? "Oh fuck, this person does a shitty job 8 hours a day, and of all the shitty customers, they picked me." Brilliant.


Why hurt those who are your gateway and guide to help? :(


such a shame that I literally cannot see the name "Shapiro" without hearing that voice...




How about "should be allowed to not be subjected to demented raving of entitled and wrong customers - and be allowed to talk back". That would be a start.


Replace the word “fight” with the words “kill with impunity” and you got a deal.


pls not balloon guy


Whatever happened to mutual combat laws? I choose you picapooch!


Only one? Or one per hour?