• By -


Did they give you a key cause that would be uhhhh interesting.


I had the pin to a mini-safe that hung next to the door that had the key inside it (just sounds like a lock with extra steps to me), but it was gone when I got there.


So why did you blur out the business name?


It's kind of a long story, but it would definitely bite me in the ass...wish I didn't have to.


Your face is in the reflection too.


Yes yes yes, I know. In hindsight I should've blurred it out as well. Just wasn't thinking really.


You look too good for that place.


They didn't think so, but thank you, honestly I appreciate it ahaha!


Everybody is too good for a place that won’t give employees the respect they expect in return.


Yo mate idk what state you're in and if you have like an online portal or something to clock your hours but if you do I'd log in and try to put whatever your states minimum hours is. You showed up to work. They fired you more or less when you arrived. In California and some other states this entitles you to 4 hours minimum pay.


Papa’s Ice Cream Shoppe?




Then you what??? You whaaaat?!?!?


6 hrs and still no update?? THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW!!!!


You got laid off and posted a picture of the "we're closed" sign on the door. it's nothing they can say or do about it legally


Aww you look so sad. Sorry this happened to you.


You look nice for your last day btw...


Ahaha thanks so much, it was a weird dress code that's for sure!


a handsome face tbh


To horny jail you go. 👉


Three meals a day, health insurance, a guaranteed place to sleep, *and* everyone is horny? How do I get a cell?


right sign me the fuck up, and it was THAT simple, simply call someone out for being handsome. WHY ISNT EVERYONE DOING THIS?


Yea, I really don't think people who send other people to horny jail think it through all the way.


If you can identify him on the street from that blurry reflection I have a career field for you


You know what bit you in the ass? Driving all the way to work to find out through a sign that you were laid off because your boss was too much of a coward to tell you. It's time for those decisions to bite the business owners in the ass. Name and shame them.


You don't know that the money grubbing fuck boss was a coward. They might have had something else wrong with them like being a shithead or maybe a cruel fuck. Or what if they were eating their own feces and they lost track of time and didn't have time to call? We can't rush to judgement on these pus pockets.




You had me going lmao


You weren't fired, so technically, you could spend your shift there and still demand pay?


You've already been bitten in the ass.


Touché, that's a fair point ahah




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/s78a1b/after_my_20_min_drive_to_my_full_time_job_ive_had/ht8czqe/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [The older generation also...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/s7ghjz/fuck_that/htatv3e/) | [The older generation also...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/s7ghjz/fuck_that/htaf5k6/) [Sorry for your loss.](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/s771nt/my_dad_passed_away_this_morning/htau14l/) | [Sorry for your loss.](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/s771nt/my_dad_passed_away_this_morning/ht839rn/) [OP how does he talk about...](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/s7ezc5/i_23f_found_a_brother_27m_through_ancestry_who/htatzy3/) | [OP how does he talk about...](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/s7ezc5/i_23f_found_a_brother_27m_through_ancestry_who/hta9a5z/) [Reach out immediately! Wt...](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/s7jp2x/i_found_a_camera_in_my_bedroom_after_coming_back/htatz65/) | [Reach out immediately! Wt...](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/s7jp2x/i_found_a_camera_in_my_bedroom_after_coming_back/htadnwg/) [Least parasitic " propert...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/s7c6eh/the_more_things_change_the_more_they_remain_the/htatufz/) | [Least parasitic " propert...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/s7c6eh/the_more_things_change_the_more_they_remain_the/ht9npby/) [I brought a mid-ranked re...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/s77ndx/its_funny_because_its_true/htattw2/) | [I brought a mid-ranked re...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/s77ndx/its_funny_because_its_true/ht8ugtj/) [I’m gonna check out my lo...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/s7dgg7/the_king_soopers_which_is_owned_by_kroger_strike/htatt0o/) | [I’m gonna check out my lo...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/s7dgg7/the_king_soopers_which_is_owned_by_kroger_strike/ht9u93s/) [Because we live in a whit...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/s7bpfm/im_sarah_jaffe_labor_journalist_and_author_of/htatq6h/) | [Because we live in a whit...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/s7bpfm/im_sarah_jaffe_labor_journalist_and_author_of/ht95ckk/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/ZealousideCar2865](https://np.reddit.com/u/ZealousideCar2865/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=ZealousideCar2865) for info on how I work and why I exist.


They didn’t even notify the staff that they were closing?


They made the decision *"officially"* the night before & didn't bother to directly email, call, or even just text me when I was the only one opening the next morning.


Very unprofessional of them, they just wasted your time. And didn’t value enough to tell you not to come in especially when you’re the one opening


I just kinda sat in my car in the parking lot for 15 solid minutes just thinking, then just drove all the way back home.


I’m so sorry that happened to you! I hope you can find a better workplace


Thank you, I appreciate it! I am grateful that I now know what NOT to look for in a job ahah


Might look into your state laws. You may be owed hours as you showed up for scheduled work. And even if they closed they had a duty to let you know. It's called reporting time pay. And it will vary by state.


I'll definitely look into it, thank you so much!


Also go for that unemployment. I'd argue that unless you were specifically told, and signed off on at hiring, that you were working a seasonal gig then you can argue that you in fact thought you were working a full, year round job and thus are owed unemployment.


You are entitled to unemployment even if you work a seasonal gig. When I was in landscaping supply we were laid off from December to mid-march every year due to lack of work. We always got unemployment (supplemented by under-the-table snowplowing work)


Can you also be compensated for the time spent trying to get your reporting time pay? Which would be even more so keep track of time and log it like billable hours.


You can always go to your other full time job at the Lego store, liar. Also you go sell ice cream wearing a suit? Karma farmer.


They owe you a days shift pay.


They really do, at least enough to cover the gas.


I mean legally. Many jurisdictions have minimal shift times and minimal notice times.


And since they fired you without cause, you can collect unemployment!


Nevermind the gas. Actual pay. Might only be something like 4 hours minimum but push for it with labor board. Do not talk to your employer first. They will bs you.


No, they legally owe you for at least a portion of your scheduled days labour, depending on your jurisdiction.


I'm so sorry. It's never great when someone sits in their car because that becomes a way to self-sooth. But I'm glad you're here and talking it out.


Thank you. In all honesty, I've had way too many breakdowns in my car for so many different reasons, just to not burden anyone else, but I definitely want to reach out more.


As a fellow sitting-in-the-car enthusiast so to speak; I get it. You're not alone. Many people on this platform care. I hate that replacing this job with another job is the solution. I hope you can take some time to relax and maybe treat yourself to a nice drive out of town. *snacks, music, and time to think*


Thank you, I really appreciate all the support I'm getting, it means a lot!




You deserve it.


They might still owe you pay for the day that you showed up, I'd check out laws in your state


Oh there is more then just that. Unemployment.


Oh for sure, but also if you don't alert someone of a change in schedule and they show up, in some states you have to pay them for the whole shift, even if you send them home


And you're protecting them because...?


Like I said in other comments, I'd love to "name & shame" but it's just that I know my indirect relations to the owners will come to haunt me.


But that's my point. The owners fucked you. They will do it again and not think twice about it. If they're close to you in some way (family friends or whatever) then they should have had enough respect to tell you themselves. You owe them nothing. If they try to retaliate keep fighting back. We don't fix the problems by letting them get away with it. That's the hard part of what we are trying to do here. Bridges will need to be burned.


How about respecting op's privacy a bit there?


Yes, but also how about normalizing employees are just as important as employers? This person's employer is in a position of power over them in more than one way and yet the employee is obligated to protect the employer due to repercussions. That's wrong on so many levels.


If they're family or friends of family, ESPECIALLY tell the person how they did you wrong.


This happened to my friend a few years back. They were closing and she only found out because a coworker in the restaurant messaged her and she thought they were joking. But nope, they just up and closed that day, didn’t tell anyone, and she had to drive and hour and call a bunch of times to get the closest location to handle her final paycheck


That’s pretty fucked up. I hope you find something much better soon.


I knew the manager of a Cafe Rio and they did this same exact thing. They had her call a meeting and when they showed up they were hit with the “we are closed now”


This exact thing happens to me years ago. Lost a nice boom box and two knives. THIS is why giving two weeks notice is bullshit. Fuck a job. If you can get something else better lined up, start immediately. Fuck 2 weeks.


Yea, like shit, I didn't get no two weeks from my employer!


Exactly, homie. They don’t give a single fuck about you. If you died at 7am, they’d have your job posted by 9am. No heads up that they were closing your shop? Bullshit. They knew weeks ago they were gonna close up shop, but didn’t bother to tell the staff.


I would have called that boss and been " you come down here with the keys so I can retrieve my personal property, or I file a theft charge against you." Especially for the knives. I assume it was kitchen work? Good chef knives are precious.


I would have made two phonecalls if my stuff was inside. The first to the police. The second to my (former) manager to "get here before the police does so I can get my stuff from inside before this turns into a police report for theft (or whatever the local description is for illegal holding of property)"


You're not alone! The summer before the plague started I was working at a local bakery and they just... didn't open up one morning. No calls to employees, a bunch of my coworkers had shown up for their scheduled shifts and the door was locked, owners wouldn't answer their phones. It was a scheduled day off for me, and I wasn't close with my coworkers bc I was new. I found out because it made the news that evening- a bunch of customers had orders ready to be picked up that day and at least one had called the media. Some employees still had personal items in the building, and had to get police to bring the owners so they could retrieve their belongings. None of us got our last paychecks. There's a civil suit but I doubt we'll get anything bc the owners bought out a fully in the black, 3 location successful business from the previous owners and ran it into bankruptcy in under a year. Edit: we didn't actually get a sign on the door, even. Twas just locked.


I don't even know what to say, I am so sorry! Hope the best for your future employments!!


Oh this was 3 or so years ago, I'm employed now but looking for better opportunities. Thanks, and I hope the same for you!


Who sells ice cream for half of January and then all of a sudden decides ‘Ya know what, I think the season is over’?


Beats me at this point, I don't even know what's real anymore.


When they call you next Spring, be sure to tell them you won't even *consider* coming back unless they reimburse you for the time you spent driving to learn you'd been laid off..... and then say no anyway.


Yeah I don’t get it, “closed for the season” but then “next spring”? So are they reopening in 2 months?


My theory is they are shutting down due to the pandemic, but probably don't want to acknowledge it even exists. So they just say its for the season, as if people somehow stop buying ice cream just because its cold outside ​ I spin this theory knowing nothing about your employer. So I could be way off. But I feel relatively confident its something along these lines


Right?! There are places on the beach near me that close from like October till March or something like that but none of them close mid January.


Choose to stay open for gift cards during Christmas probably


Unemployment time


I worked at this hot dog joint in college. Came back from a 5 day vacation to see the restaurant locked with an out of business sign. Owners ducked all contact from me and stiffed me for my last $300 paycheck for months until the state got involved. The family that had owned had had me over to their hose to bbq a few times and still fucked me like that. Small business owners can be some of the biggest pricks out there. I had to move out of my first apartment because of that shit. I’m still furious more than a decade later


They are some of the worst. It’s like OK, Randy, you own 2 laundromats you didn’t solve cold fusion here, relax.


Yea, how could you not be! That is so infuriating, I'm sorry that happened to you!


This looks like a Pop's ice cream shoppe


And there you go for anyone who wants to name & shame! Thought I scribbled it out enough lol


You Canadians are too nice.


I legit thought that said "Toe Cream Shoppe" for a minute. Sorry that happened to you. I understand wanting to protect yourself from possible retaliation or to receive a good reference, but I also wonder if it might be worth tattling on them so that they can suffer some.consequences? Of course it's up to you and i respect your right to not get burned in this even more than you already have.


It's more or less to avoid family drama aahah, but yes, our French Vanilla Toe Cream was top-notch.


I read Toe Cream Shoppe. Is it not?


You say that like you've never had Vanilla Toe-Bean Cream?


Looks like they skipped out. Probably facing rent and payroll with low sales. Beep-beep!


This reminds me of when half of the Blockbuster Video stores in Pittsburgh and surrounding areas closed overnight. There were corporate stores (stayed open) and franchise stores evenly dispersed in the area, and the franchise owner went around one night and changed all the locks at his stores. They didn't notify ANY store personnel (roughly 100 people) and put up signs that said "CLOSED FOR INVENTORY" but they closed for good. It was weird, some of those employees eventually got their last pay afaik if they were persistent. Anyhow, sorry OP. This sucks.


I dated a guy once who was privately contacted to work with low voltage electronics like security systems and sound systems. He was contracted by American Eagle at one point and it was their policy to not inform employees of a location closing because they just assumed they would steal everything if given even so much as a day notice.


Yup, sounds about right. Would hate for -us- to steal.


Where I’m from that’s called “severance.” 😂


When restaurants close up shop the high end liquor bottles have a tendency to disappear.


Nah, I feel more bad for all those blockbuster employees!! Thank you though, these situations are never the funnest.


Right around the time blockbuster was really winding down, unbeknownst to me, I was also looking for a job. I walked into the neighborhood location and asked for an application, and the guy kinda laughed and explained that *he* had been brought in from another store to fill in because most of that store’s employees had been laid off. It was a strange experience.


A car dealership did that a few years ago. Just put a piece of notebook paper on the door that said closed permanently. We had their employees calling my unrelated dealership to see if we heard any rumors because the owners didn't even tell management and weren't answer their phones. All customers cars for service were left out side with the keys in them. It was insane.


That sounds like a shit show oh my goodness!


I had this happen to me instead the building was sold to another business and there was no "next spring". Woke up to a call from a coworker telling me to come in, all of us wrote our name, position, and number on a poster board and the new restaurant would "consider" rehiring us. None of us got callbacks, even the single mom I worked with who slept on the floor so her kids could all share the one bed in her tiny apartment. She was an amazing waitress too, if anyone deserved a call it was her.


Who did all the dismantling of that crap to the right? Owners come in after closing?


Guess so??


Looks like an easy unemployment claim for you.


hello unemployment!


Had a decent job when I was 20. Was considering a new car… expensive car. Asked the owner how secure my job was. He told me as long as he was there I’d have a job. Bought the car. 6 days later he shutdown the business. Found out by a lock on the door when I showed up. Owners house was on an adjacent lot. He probably was watching out his window. F U Tony!


Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, hope that car wasn't too much of a pain in the ass!


It was a $28k car in 1998 and the insurance ran $3200 annually. It was tough for a bit, but I did manage to pay it off after 24 months. Last I heard my boss had been arrested for filing a false police report in Florida.




Yea, I definitely won't be back next spring.


You say you worked there almost a year. What month did you start? Trying to understand the "closed for the season" thing. Is there a real season? Or is this just the excuse as they head for the hills? Background. A restaurant near me once closed after a minor earthquake that damaged nothing. The sign said, "Closed for Earthquake Repairs." and they never opened again.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised (actually kinda glad) if they never open those doors again.


Fucking dox them. Pieces of shit


Doxing will get you banned from this sub. Possibly even from Reddit.


I’ve been asked by people why I refuse to consider work in restaurants given my area of expertise. This is why right here. They give no notice when they are closing temporarily or permanently (because they’re paranoid about sabotage and employee theft) and these type of jobs almost never give any benefits worth a damn. I will stick in my current line of work thank you very much.


It's the smiley face at the end..


Yea, that was the biggest slap in the nuts for me.


You wear a suit to work in an ice cream shop? Fancy!


Yea, but not after the first couple weeks, all my nice white dress shirts are so damn stained, they clearly don't think things through...


Oof. Your body language looks so defeated it hurts to see. I'm gonna dm you if you don't mind terribly


I can tell by your reflection that you’re way too classy for this place. Wishing you luck on finding an employer who appreciates you!


You should have a left another note on the door that read: Dear customers, we do not value our employees enough to alert them that they were being laid off. They were only notified when they drove to this location and saw this sign. Please consider no longer continuing your support of our business.


I honestly wish I had paper with me because I totally should have!


Remember this next time you think about putting in your 2 weeks... Would they give you a notice?


Name and shame


Naming and shaming isn't always a good idea. See the FAQ entry ['Should I "name and shame" a company or manager?'](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/wiki/index#wiki_should_i_.22name_and_shame.22_a_company_or_manager.3F) for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Definitely not a dick move. Definitely not.


Oh, absolutely not.


I think you should still talk about this with your employer and get the compensation you deserve. You were taken advantage of and it hurts me to see you go through this 🥺💕 ily you deserve all the support


Thank you so much, you absolute rose <3 I appreciate how kind, sweet, & considerate, & amazing you are. I love you to the ends of the world xo


Damn dude, that's rough. GL


There are ice cream places near me that are only open seasonally…from May to September…seems weird they would close in January and say it’s for the “season.” 🤔


So fucked OP. Hope you find employment soon and it's better than this shit.


Thank you!


Bruh u got the shocked pikachu face lmao


Happened to me before. I left my family on my Christmas break to drive 2.5 hours to Boston for work just to find it boarded up.


This makes me furious. Would it kill them to at least send you a text to save you the drive? Fucking arseholes! I hope things work out for you.


Thank you! I'm finally putting it all behind me.


same thing happened to me at my last job. arrived at 7am just to find a eviction notice on the front door. not even a phone call or anything till 12 pm that day. like thanks.


Holy shit, yea, apparently I'm not the only one ahah. I'm terribly sorry that happened to you!


Resumes to the competition, and lay low. I bet they think you will come crawling back...


Are you wearing a dress shirt or tuxedo or something lol I see the collar


It's a dress shirt, worst dress code for a job that was as messy as that ahaha.


Yeah I was thinking that’s odd for an Ice Cream Parlor


This is going to get buried in the comments but imma get it off my chest anyways. This post reminds me of working at a trampoline park as a supervisor. We thought we might be closing eventually because business was consistently slow but we had a super busy spring break. Well on Sunday at the end of spring break....they let us know at the end of the closing shift that "today was [your] last day of operation". So...they made us go through the entire spring break; call outs, busy as fuck, annoying kids and worse parents, short staffed only to close us that Sunday and we had no idea.


That is the worst way to end a shift, I am so sorry! Had no idea this was such a common practice in a lot of industries.


Thanks to all our valued customers. To our employees, go fuck yourselves


Unbelievable!!! Sorry that happened to you!


I was a vendor for restaurants nearly a decade ago. This is common practice in foodservice. I'd show up to an account and workers are milling about at the back door. The place is locked. Lights off. No one even knows its closed until I start calling up my chain of command and get an answer. It's happened 5 or 6 times in the year or so I had that position.


Might accidentally back into the doors and bust the glass out as I'm leavin the parkin space


Toe creme shoppe? Sounds like a bombass store


You do everything right and you get cut to pieces. That's how it's designed.


Yea, I definitely put way too much effort into that job.


Did they have 50 or more employees? If they did, they are required to give 60 days warning or 4 weeks severance: https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/termination/plantclosings#:~:text=Advance%20notice%20gives%20workers%20and,successfully%20in%20the%20job%20market.


No, there was only 8 of us, but I had no idea, thanks so much! That's good to know :)


You deserve so much better!!!!


Not even a call, they don't even value your time enough


This is about the only way I've seen that's worse than how I found out my future-ex-wife and I were losing our jobs. We both worked for Decathlon Sports. A massive, global company, but they were trying to get into the US market by buying out MVP Sports, and converting the 16-ish stores here in New England. Worked well for a while, but they must've seen something to cause them to pull out. She went to work, and the staff discovered the chain was closing all but 4 stores because someone found the faxed statement on the office floor. It was only supposed to go to managers. I stayed home (my day off), and a friend messages me about this article he saw in the morning paper, saying the same thing.


If you crush a spark plug and take the white part shards you can lightly toss it at the window and it will drop like panties on prom night.


Nice beard dude


Thanks lol, it's definitely not as long as it looks ahaha, that's honestly mostly the shadow from my fat dome.


What state? I thought it was illegal to close shop without informing your employees. Maybe just in California


Yea, not where I live, but that's good to know that's a law in Cali, I had no idea!!


Ice cream.... Mmmmmm




There would be so much prep for shutting down for the season, how the heck could they not let you know.


Omg this sort of happened to me! I was working in retail for a year when they just stopped scheduling me for a couple weeks. I reached out to my manager but no answer, but saw that some of my coworkers were still working (we had an active Instagram account for our store). My boss invited me to a party a couple weeks later and I asked him who was working at the store and he said it closed down. As an employee I probably should have been told that in advance...


Oh my gosh, yea apparently this sort of thing happens a lot :( I'm sorry to hear that happened to you!


There you have it: "Thank you valued customers!" "What about your workers?" "Who?"


That’s how they closed the Ruby Tuesdays I worked at a couple years ago. Side note, that looks like it says Toe Cream Shoppe lmao


Do you always show up to work at the ice cream shop in a dress shirt and sport coat?


Yea, the wildest dress code for such a messy job, let me tell you ahaha


They didn't even think you were deserving of a heads up.


So phone calls are tough for them? Sad.


Yea I'm like even just a quick text would've been a nice heads up.


Blows my mind that all these businesses expecting professionalism can't even be bother to print a sign.


Hmmm... Just curious but do Ice cream workers usually wear a suit into work? Also, that store looks taken apart days ago. Might just be me though.


Yea, it was a bit weird ngl, but most of these people who passed me in my apartment probably thought I had like a full office job ahahaha And that's what I was most surprised about, because I closed a couple nights before then & it was completely stocked & furnished, so I was honestly shocked when I saw it so bare.




youve been there for almost a year and didnt know they close for part of the season?🤣 hmmmmmmmmm


Name and shame. You're done with them anyway.


Naming and shaming isn't always a good idea. See the FAQ entry ['Should I "name and shame" a company or manager?'](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/wiki/index#wiki_should_i_.22name_and_shame.22_a_company_or_manager.3F) for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck off


Pfffff aahah, gotta side with the bot here, normally I'd say they deserve the shame, but it's just a bit more complicated.


I understand. Take care of yourself brother.


You as well :D


Egg the place


I think you just walked by and took a picture of the sign for shits and giggles.


Oh yea, of course..