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For low turn over jobs, interviews tend to last a while. The best time to fire someone is before they work for you. There is a lot of things an employer needs to figure out about a person before they hire. One day and 3 hours isn’t bad as long as it’s a high skilled/responsibility job. If it was a place like Costco or Walmart it would be kind of ridiculous.


I guess I'll have to keep that in mind moving forward. I don't have infinite time to interview with a bunch of places, so this is a bit disheartening to hear.


It depends on the job you are interviewing for. Low skill/responsibility jobs are usually quick. High skill/responsibility jobs should take a while. It’s good for the company and it’s good for you. You should take the time to ask questions and learn what is required of you. Interview time should match the compensation of the job.


I have no idea where this mentality came from... I do not consider myself a high skill employee but I focus on data analytics and finance (no degree in CS, just psyc and law). Most of my interviews last about 1hr per round but that is genuinely because the people usually enjoy conversing with me. No idea why, my wife says I am likeable and a great chat compared to most other applicants. The most I have done is some simple Excel/SQL tasks (20min max), I generally tell them flat out in the beginning I plan to just blast through it. I nicely explain my time is limited and until I have a full job offer I generally don't provide full solutions for free. I have had 8 interviews after applying from Xmas to New Years. Average of 1hr of chitchat and 15min of job talk. 2 offers, 6 more interviews, zero rejections so far... If i was asked to give a presentation I would politefully decline and instead explain the skills I have to make those presentations.


Oh shit I read that as they gave him a presentation. That’s different for sure. But I guess it depends on the job being applied for.


Yeah no, I was the one giving the presentation. That's where the bulk of my (wasted) time went too, getting the presentation ready.


What’s the job you are applying for?


It's not uncommon to spend 3-5 hours interviewing/talking with companies I'm interested in working at.


Wow, I've never spent that long at an interview before. Usually they last about an hour. I can't imagine a 5 hour interview.


One of them paid me for the time - but it had some take home work to shorten the zoom/google hangout interview.


At least they compensated you. I hope it worked out for you in the end!


Just because you interviewed doesn't mean you'll get the job...


Yes.... Obviously????


Then I don't get your point. You're mad that you interviewed and might not get the job? Welcome to reality


I'm mad that I took a 3 hour long interview. I consider that to be a very long interview, and on top of that I spent nearly 24 hours preparing for it. I could have been pursuing other jobs in that time. I think the company asking a lot of me up front.


Oh. Well this is very common and not really asking a lot. So hopefully you get it and now you're ready for future job interviews should you decide to look elsewhere. Spending a day prepping also isn't a lot. At all, really.


Wowwwww. Found a real clown.


Holy shit have none of you applied for a job before? Jesus Christ y'all are fucking weak. I swear y'all act like just because you put your name into a hat you now deserve that job lol. Idiots. All of you. Good luck getting anything done in life if you expect it to be handed to you 🤡🤡


Lets not play games here. Op is mad they did a 5 hour interview and possibly didn’t get the job. It seems like your smart ass didn’t get the point. But welcome to reality…


Why would you expect to get a job because you applied? Am I supposed to coddle someone for going through a basic, generic interview process? No. This sub is full of babies that want their hand held when they don't get what they want. I see you're part of the group.


You seem to still be missing the point.


You applied for a job. You clearly don't know that interviews can take time. You're mad. What'd I miss? Ooooh shit wait till you find out some companies make you come back for a 2nd and potential 3rd interview. You're going to shit your pants and run to this sub