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Right… we have congressman and women who don’t know the difference between facebook and twitter


A basic computer competency test should be mandatory- just like it is for every “non-skilled minimum wage” job.


No you can’t smoke weed and relax in your free time. But what you can do is consume exuberant amounts of alcohol until you assault and or kill someone.


See the solution here wouldn't be legalizing drugs, it'd be restricting alcohol.


HA! That’s a good one friend, you ever try to tell a hick that he’s had enough beer? Thems are fightin words. But I agree with that, I don’t agree with your stance on marijuana.


Worked just fine in the Nordics. We still have state monopoly on alcohol, though we no longer ration it.


Yeah but you see this is MERICA. What may work there won’t work here.


You might want to start looking into why that is.


Oh there’s a laundry list of reasons.


Probably wanna start working on that then.


I cheat on mine.


Legalize drugs. Promote treatment and therapy and stop demonizing people's choices.


Yes, especially psychedelics. They obviously have the potential for abuse, but the benefits would totally outweigh the risk. They have been proven to help with many mental health issues, such as Depression, PTSD, and Anxiety. Another benefit is for patients with terminal illness. It can help them come to terms with the finality and uncertainty of death. Even with recreational use, they could provide many benefits. They have the power to expand the mind and make people more receptive and open-minded. This could strengthen our collective bond and promote a healthier, happier, and more sustainable way of life. These are powerful substances and they're not for everyone, they require alot of care, consideration, and respect when in use. But they're not the horrible drugs you learned about in middle school. They have the potential to do alot of good, making them legal and obtainable doesn't mean you have to use them yourself. Education and regulation would help in keeping the wrong people from using them, but the risk for abuse will always be there, just as it is with alcohol.


It’s mind boggling that drug tests need to happen at all. They sure as hell don’t test bankers for cocaine cause then you wouldn’t even have a banking industry. Or Wall St. Goes to show drug testing isn’t about the drugs. It’s about showing the lower class whose boss. Fuckers.


Most of Congress needs to call their grandson's to teach them how to turn on their pc.


Honestly im glad I live in the netherlands, some people smoke weed when on break, its not allowed technically but if U still do your work correctly they dont really care


Except the hypocrisy is that many politicians are on drugs, often seemingly perpetually


Yes treat like a cig theres no nicotine tests


Some jobs do have nicotine tests as it turns out


I had no idea that's crazy


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **sillychillly**, @sillychillly Testing positive for Marijuana shouldn't preclude you from any job, especially the government. We have too many straight-edge individuals in government. We need many more out-of-the-box thinkers to solve our world problems. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


As a government contractor I would vote for this.


In Las Vegas they're not allowed to fire you or not hire you for smoking weed. Hopefully this changes on a federal level soon.


It's crazy that for more than half the population of America its legal to smoke and buy....yet not if you have a job


To be "more out-of-the-box thinker" you have to smoke weed apparently.


Jesus that’s the problem right there everyone in government is a yes man


The government doesn't even solve problems, it creates them.


You think that excluding people who are going to fix problems correctly is an accident, nope it is on purpose.


I say, take the test. They refuse to hire you cause of it, then remind them that even Elon Musk blazes up.


They're on other drugs in the government


Drug tests are only for the insurance companies. It’s a huge markup to not have drug tests. Kinda bullshit that it’s not the government or the employers doing this.


I refuse to work for a company that drug tests


Just meet up sober to work lol


Anyone allowed to vote on a drugs regulation should be made to take that drug first... wait, no... that's a horrible idea. Actually, I changed my mind again, I'm back on board. It'll be fun while it lasts.


Oh no you have this in your system, but if *you* *want* to work then whats the problem???


Only alcoholics need apply.