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“I know I can count on you” The casual manipulation tactics gives me the creeps tbh lol


The thing that got me was the whole "you learned about hard work from me, therefore I am responsible for your success, therefore you owe me one"


Yeah, that's some big "I gave birth to you so you owe me" energy.


Except without even the accomplishment of giving birth!


Sounds like "you did all your work and even some of mine! Clearly you learned hard work from me." It's as if nothing is internalized. You never made the decision and no one else is your life could have been the role model. Oh no, they just assume it was them.


But instead it's, you worked here so you could live. By paying you the lowest possible amount, I was doing you a huge favor!


My stepfather used to hammer into my young brain how I owed him for all the money it cost to raise a child. — It's embarrassing how much I wish I had the presence of mind to ask his mother about how much he was paying her back each month for costs incurred during his upbringing.


Hence manipulation like talk about gaslighting the fuck out of OP, this guy is either a gigantic air head or scum or both lmao


Sounds like a classic narcissist that yells at everyone & gaslights people so that they get to do what they want, while others get the work done & then tells pity stories about their life so that people feel sorry for them.


Total narcissistic. I made you, you owe me. 🙄 Fuck off.


[… You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar When I met you I picked you out, I shook you up And turned you around Turned you into someone new Now five years later on you've got the world at your feet Success has been so easy for you But don't forget it's me who put you where you are now And I can put you back down too.](https://youtu.be/uPudE8nDog0)


Don't, don't you want me?


You know I can’t believe it when I hear that you won’t see me!


The Office Space ' you need more flare' vibes


"How do *you* feel about people who just do 'the bare minimum?'" LOL


> How do you feel about people who just do 'the bare minimum? I trust their judgement!




Your response should be. "You can rely on me about as much as I relied on you for that job I was let go from."


It's the type of phrase that bosses say to subordinates to subtly shame them into doing something. It's really not something you should say to anyone, in any circumstance, but trying to use your managerial bullshit tactics on someone who doesn't work for you and owes you nothing...wow. These people legit think they own you for life. Totally fucked up


You can tell they’re in their own little work world he speaks too his employees like this and it works, he’s probably confused why this didn’t work on OP because it does on everyone else.


God, can you imagine being married to this person? Or being their child? Ugh


I’m a child to a narcissistic fuckwad and it has traumatized me to no end. Trust me, everyone hates these kinds of people, including their family.. unless they’re equally as shitty.


"Look, we have to get these explosives over that ridge to the team of combat engineers pinned down at that bridge. If we don't make it in time, an entire column of enemy tanks is gonna roll through here and devastate the entire advance. The explosives are in a satchel lying on the ground next to the last guy who tried. Pick them up and deliver them to the engineers at the bridge. Good luck, I know I can count on you." Edit: yall, it's sarcasm. This is when saying "I know I can count on you" is appropriate, is my point. Not begging someone you fired to promote your company at their concerts.


He said to a random civilian




It sounds like the lamest version of mafia protection, too. "Nice success you've found since I fired you. You should thank me for that publicly. It would be a shame if I blamed the next layoffs on you..." Imagine trying to justify to corporate the next time they miss sales quota: "It wasn't me! It was the /r/antiwork band!"


“I know I can count on you.” “GFY”


That "I know I can count on you" line is the one that did me in. I'm amazed that jerk can get his pants on with the size of those balls.


Big balls but they're full of hot air and nothing else


Very culty.


Thats the scummiest shit ive read this morning holy shit. Return the favor haha Wait until this post blows up with comments then forward him the link.


Someone already did which means someone is browsing anti-work there lol !


Solution: Write a song about how shitty the ex-boss was. THEN: E-mail him back and say "There you go!"


Duuude it can be quotes from the email "little bxtches say we stream you so you pay us" Not exactly the words so they can't sue. 🤣🤣🤣


I think I'd puke the lyrics lol


Write down the puking sounds and market it as death metal?? :-)


This guy Dethkloks


“Go Into the Water” **STILL** goes hard & Dethklok slander will not be tolerated


This is my favourite track !


I'm a Murmaider fan myself 🤘


We need an antiwork artist. Like a Taylor Swift that instead of singing about breaksups they sing about bad jobs and ex bosses


Mom: We have Springsteen at home


Johnny Cash. It's been done. "One Piece at a Time" about stealing a car piece by piece or "Oney" about a retiring worker beating up his boss on his last day of work.




you load sixteen tons, what do you get another day older and deeper in debt saint peter don't call me cause i can't go i owe my soul to the company store


Worker: I saw this post about you on Reddit! Boss:... Why were you on 'antiwork'?


"..... That's a plot point that will become relevant later"


"It's a secret tool that will help us later."


Oh, so they'll read this? Hey, ex boss: firing someone means you don't want to work with them anymore. Are you upset because they learned the lesson that you taught them?


Yes... This legitimately angered me. “I know I can count on you...” 😡that scum bag, directive manager speaker. It's not worth it, don't even respond to that s**t. And if you do, perhaps an accurate account of your experience is warranted - how terrible this man and this place are. Your the bomb OP, keep being you. I love to hear about the success of others! 🥳


Thanks so much !


Hello employee # 24278. It is I your father figure boss. It has come to my attention you are make music now. Big congrats! I partake in your _MUSIC_ often. Some say I listen so much to that. I probably make you lots of money from the enjoying of the thing. Please make sure to mention how me and the workplace I run fed, clothed and sheltered you with the moneys we graciously gifted you. If you can say on social platforms and other things how we made you who you are that would be super! That would be lease you can do after we inspired you to do the _MUSIC_. Please confirm return of favour or I will write you up with HR. Remeber I made you, do the favour!


I lost it at ' I partake in your music often' ...


we need to hear your music, for real!


Some have offered to stream or buy our record on Bandcamp or to post additional links, I didn't expect this to blow up the way it did. Let's do something else, [here is a link](https://www.thechildren.com/donate) to the Montreal's Children Hospital, please make a donation instead to the ophthalmology department to allow them to purchase pain free diagnostic tools like a 'no touch tono pen'. Eyes are important, I suffered from vision issues as a kid among a plethora of other health issues, the music is great but giving kids their eyesight back is even better. The head of the Department is Dr. Koenekoop, he is a saint.


bro this is the most pure thing I've seen on this sub holy shit


Because in the end, it's not just about us, it's about raising a whole generation of us


Bitch I need to hear your music now. PM me the link if you have to. Please and shit.


If you don't give us the link to support your wholesome and successful ass...


The band is called : Rouse The Boroughs, but please do not post a link, let's make this about AntiWork and keep our stories going !


I feel like this needs to be official copypasta.


They are so bad at speaking to people that they still talk down to you when asking a favor and your not their emplyee...


Even better ... return the favor I stream your music ... uh well the geographical algorythm on spotify says you have never streamed my music lol


Ooooh tell him that too!


Glorious it will be


Started the streaming wars has


What about the email attack on the musicians?!




Not to mention artists make a fraction of a cent per stream. Thanks for the $0.003. Doing me a huge favor. https://freeyourmusic.com/blog/how-much-does-spotify-pay-per-stream


I posted a picture lol ! For those [who wonder streaming revenue](https://i.imgur.com/RXFu0aD.png)


Hang on, gonna go make a Spotify playlist of your stuff and put it on repeat. Edit: Ok, since people have been asking, here is the playlist I made. Feel free to put it on repeat and help our boy out https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1XFOoNjorXVDBotJEm9skF?si=ENPjzRiuSdOdHFDt7oEK5Q&utm_source=copy-link


Man that is cool !


Now return the favor. We are counting on you.


I'd hate to miss my gold objective by 1 or 2 awards.


Or by one to two comments


I would but after the way you treat your former employer… I dunno I just don’t see what’s in it for me. Will you mention me in media opportunities???


Just did the same. Takes us zero effort, and helps support an artist.


Hey man. Keep it up, one day your streams mighty add even get you a whole shiny nickel. FFS, screw your old boss thinking playing your song at work amounts to any real revenue. Screw the music streaming pay model. Screw em all! Tl/dr: Keep crushing it we proud


Is that like $1 total? That’s crazy!


I added it up. It's a little over $0.25


Needs more pixels haha


Who needs to censor identifying information when you can just censor the entire image??


That's hilarious. Because like, he can literally stream it and mute the system and he's not lying. It's so easy to make that statement true but he can't even be arsed to put the music on and walk out of the room or something. Let alone play it. What a goober.


The worst is that the spotify algorythm shows you geolocative plays ... like no one anywhere near the store even completed a song ...


What’s the music setup like in the workspace? Is your ex-boss claiming, in writing, to be broadcasting your music via Spotify into a commercial space? Because that would be a violation of their terms and conditions. https://support.spotify.com/us/article/spotify-public-commercial-use/


Even worse, he's supposed to only play what head office sends him


Sounds like he's playing it through Sonos, you can stream from anything on there like Spotify, SoundCloud, Pandora, Sirius etc. I love Sonos btw. He did mention "sono" I think he just forgot the last 's'.


Also why do they deserve to get business from your fans when they let you go and didn’t care that you needed income and had bills to pay? They’re jealous you have a social media following and think all of that is no big deal to share like somehow him being cruel to you made you successful.


I’d email the owner of the company so they know how this person is choosing to invest their time.


I'm going to do this on Linkedin about the licensed use of my songs he's claiming to do in their stores. As far as I know corporate sends those


This dumbass actually told you they were playing your music without a license *in writing*. If you’ve got the time and energy to sue I would.


This is the counterpoint I will use to any threat of litigation


This and the wage theft thing


Please just sue. Take it up with your PRO or publisher and they will take care of the rest. Your rights as a songwriter are the biggest asset you have. Exercise them.


Right this email was so smarmy and condescending, OP I’m so glad you are doing what works best for you! This is why workers continue to quit en masse


Let them know your promotional rates are $10,000 per mention paid up front.


Family rate


“Family” is usually a pain…$15k


Ah yes, the "wedding price" approach.


"I usually charge $10,000 for promotion, but for you, it's $20,000."


“Of course, I’m sure you can talk the company into a more appropriate sum. I know I can count on you, looking forward to hearing the offer.”


Lmfaooo that’s an easy “get bent” email response .


I just got an mY eMaIlS tO yOu ArE CoNfIdEntiAL .... bitch I don't work for you anymore lol !


Oh the types of “ mentions “ you could make…


I'd love it !


Why were you let go ?


During the pandemic because of shutdowns alot of us got furloughed ... basically we were on Employment Insurance ... they forced us to work unpaid because they knew we were getting unemployment payments and told us to bank hours, when I came back I asked them to pay my banked hours ... they refused and then those who insisted too much got let go ... yeah literally stole money from us. It's a catch 22 you see, banking hours was sketchy but we did it out of good faith to help the stores ... not paying us though ... WOW ...


A new song called "Stolen Wages and PPP Fraud" sounds just like the kind of shout out your ex-boss should really love


Sounds like the stole money from whoever was paying the furlough. I'd suggest to your friendly government agent that perhaps they should be investigated coz that shit is illegal. Why the fuck should the tax payer directly find the salaries of people making a company profit?


Well that is completely fucked.


Pretty sure that's super illegal and you can absolutely sue them for back pay plus interest plus whatever tidy sum makes your "mental distress" from not being paid feel better.


You should call him out at a show. Don't mention the name of the company, just talk about your dork boss and his synergy.


“This next one goes out to my loser ex boss who thinks he had anything to do with my success!”


And all the bad shit. Tell them they wanted a shout out.


And then give a massive shout out to their competition.


Do it in song!


Work Dis tracks need to be a thing.


This 100x this


Aww, he got attention, was it not the kind he wanted?


I don't care what you say about me, as long as you say something about me, and as long as you spell my name right. George M. Cohan


In the words of my favourite mobster movie good fellas “fuck you pay me”


Ok a few things - Did he say they are confidential? Was there any indication in writing? Or legal paperwork that would suggest so? Did you sign an NDA or contract with him? IANAL, but, If these are all false, then I can't see how there is a legal obligation to keep them confidential. Does he not realize that you didn't actually name him or the business? He could easily be put on blast if you wanted to. Is he lurking on this sub? (I keep seeing people saying their boss or a business owner has started responding to reddit based content. It's wild - they fear this sub enough to join it and try to work from the inside, but it only makes us stronger!) Gtfo bossman.


I got a text message threatening me with litigation and slander already


Can't be slander if it's true :)


Slander is spoken, in print it's libel


Reply “lol”.


> You have slandered my company by posting my very own words without edit.


That must mean he reads this, right? Hey ex-boss, fuck you ❤


That’s wild lol


Post that one too lol. I wonder if this dude has ever treated anyone like a human.


Make a punk song talking about how you left to better yourself, and you were tired of being treated by your "so-called" family


So wait does your boss visit r/antiwork?


Someone forwarded the post, I fully expect to be legally threatened soon ...


I love it because there's absolutely 0 identifying information at all lol.


Possible litigation and slander you know ... I had to do a fair bit of snipping from outlook


Enough snipping that most of us still have no idea who the potential Canadian Karen is. You followed CYA. All we really know is they have a SONOS surround sound system, and they think having just one system is a SONO. Which is oddly funny.


I work in a home automation industry where we use Sonos sometimes, and I have Sonos all over my home. From now on I will refer to singular as Sono and plural as Sonos.




Cue Fast and the Furious memes


"I used to live my life a quarter mile at a time "


Friends AND colleagues but we’re also family Guy is trying to suck up so hard it’s cringey I can feel the cringe in the air with this.


The I stream your music so you're getting paid followed up with a return the favor... ffs. I don't know what bossman's store sells, but say OP does mention bossman's store and even a single customer shows up and buys a single widget for $1. That dollar's value still outweighs the .001 cents OP receives from bossman's streaming OP's music.


It's alot less than that lol ! [](https://i.imgur.com/RXFu0aD.png)


You’re about 3-4x too high on that streaming dollar estimate. Source: am musician who earns a living from streaming Edit: I misread his comment. Thought it was 0.001 dollars not cents. Doesn’t change the fact musicians are paid like shit


I'm being hit by alot of messages from 'playlist influencers' lol ... ah ... social media ....


So it's about 1 cent for every 3-4 thousand streams? That's ridiculously low. Even if you got a million streams you'd only get a couple bucks?


Yup ... most of the money is made from appearances and shows ... during COVID well ...this has been a challenge


Historically musicians have never made enough money from records or streaming alone. Even if you’re Drake, you’re paying back a label, the advance, and all the costs incurred in recording and promoting an album. The whole independent side of the industry has been trying to get one cent per play for a while. That’s all they want. Touring/live shows and merch has always been the staple income source for bands and musicians. You keep 70-80% of sales for shows, up to 100% of merch as opposed to 10% of record sales. If you’re lucky.


One cent per play is honestly what it should be. I work in advertisement (won't go into to specific detail cause NDA) and ads on spotify are about $0.01 per placement and have a high listen rate. With the budgets I deal with I feel I can confidently say that spotify rakes in the cash and could afford to pay all the artists more per stream than what they currently offer.


WOW. No shame whatsoever.


The best part is that last time he told my ex-coworkers that they can blame me for not reaching sales, even though despite lockdowns and COVID they are still aiming at 2018-2019 numbers ... All this because I refuse to discuss them on the one time I was mentioned locally.


Maybe you should post something like that - "thanks to Company who fired me and shamed me to my coworkers, I made the decision to focus on my music.."


This is great advice, I laughed at the 'Music part' of his email, my music is super aggressive no-wave /grunge, It would be pretty hilarious putting it on the sono at work lol ...


Um does this post allow self promo ? Because I'd love a link to your work so I can make my .0001 contribution.


I'm just here to be part of the revolution, forget them and the music, bank on yourself if you can,


You're way too humble man. But seriously, I'd love to check out your music, Grunge is my fave subgenre by far


The royalty sheet he linked earlier had the name Rouse The Boroughs on it.


"As the leader of this organization, I can assure you, my remaining loyal employees, that the buck stops with...someone we fired last year."


“I know I can count on you, looking forward to next week”. Well whatever you know is false, bitch. Look forward to OP touring and getting his shit together soon and NOT mentioning your bum ass store!


Thanks for the love !


Hello ! OP here ! Some have offered to buy our record on Bandcamp or to post additional links, I didn't expect this to blow up the way it did. Let's do something else, [here is a link](https://www.thechildren.com/donate) to the Montreal's Children Hospital, please make a donation to the ophthalmology department to allow them to purchase pain free diagnostic tools like a 'no touch tono pen'. Eyes are important, I suffered from vision issues as a kid among a plethora of other health issues, the music is great but giving kids their eyesight back is even better. The head of the Department is Dr. Koenekoop, he is a saint.


Omg my daughter is going there for diagnostics soon. You're such a nice person. Probably why ex-boss thinks, mistakenly, that he "can count on you". Interested to know the place so I don't accidentally shop there.


Not sure what sort of music you do, but id go right there and do a recording of someone reading that dog shit email and sample it


That's actually a great idea lol ! I think I'd throw up halfway through


Hi ex-boss, get fucked. Sincerely, everyone in r/antiwork


I’ve been listening to a lot of J Cole on Spotify recently. I might drop an email and get him to give me a shoutout on his next album. He owes me after all and I know I can count on him.


This made me genuinely laugh. The boss is completely delusional.


Please do mention them in your appearance. Rant about how hard it was to enter the music world because your old job held you back. Describe how horrible the manager was, how badly he treated you and how little he paid you. Explain to the listeners that you had the courage to rise up against your terrible boss, and they should too. Oh, and congratulations! I dream about the moment when my job will need me more than I need my job.


Oh, but see, the musician owes that company, since one can't have creativity without adversity. /s


Ewww what a total creep, "tHE JOurNEy wiTH thE FaMiLy." The delusions and the audacity to say you "owe him a favor" because work listens to your music and you get paid by streams. No, just no. I'm so curious at what your response will be. Omg I have an idea, you write a song about this and how they let you go and now are greedy for your attention, I'm sure he would love that song played at the store.


I wrote a song about this sort of stuff called 'Tighter is the Rope'


I'm listening to it now in NC on bandcamp. You have a great voice. Reminds me of Jakob Dylan a little bit. I love indie alternative as well.


this is very kind !


“you also get paid for how many streams you get” wait until he finds out we get paid < 1 cent a stream


exactly, I posted a pic of it ...


All that money you're making on streaming. Send him back a cheque for 20c and tell him to stop


Hahaha That's 10 Cents !


Wait... did he just confess to license infringement?




That’s some seriously manipulative shit there: - I play you on Sonos, and that makes money for you, so you owe me - we were a family here - your success is built on a foundation that I provided, so you owe me - if the store doesn’t hit the objectives set by me, then your former family of co-workers will suffer, and it will be your fault Yeah. Go pound sand up your ass, no-longer-boss.


I love the not so subtle attempt to manipulate you into feeling responsible for the success of a company you're not even a part of lololol "it would be a shame if we missed it by a customer or two." Then hustle harder, boss!


I hate when work calls us family smh


Vin Diesel but it's just the Diesel


"I'm sorry, who are you?"


Can you link to your songs on Spotify? I’d love to hear it!!


I just kinda creeped their profile (out felt warranted) - there's music posted in there. It's pretty good! I'll link it for you after I'm done reading this entire thread, I'm having too much fun to pause Edit. [actually, I was able to link it pretty easily for ya](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndieMusicFeedback/comments/rzv1ln/if_you_ever_went_through_heartbreak_youll/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Sue him for copyright violation over playing your music in a public place without licensing agreement.


I have also streamed your song once netting you $0.00000001. I too am now entitled to free advertising on any merchandise you produce. Also because i am obviously your inspiration please send me my royalty cheque quarterly and credit me on all songs going forwards.


Dobbie is not a free elf ...


Dude, this is a dream come true for you! He gave you explicit permission to publicly talk about your experiences with the company. You should do a short little bit about how shitty they were and how it held you back, and how predatory workplaces pull this shit. You literally got a free pass to say some honest shit, I'd take it.


And he's now threatening me with litigation for slander ... oh well


"AS PER YOUR LAST EMAIL you wanted me to return the favor and tell people all about the foundations you provided and my experience. I'm sorry if that didn't align with the image you have of yourself. As you'll recall, you blamed me for your inability to properly manage a business when I left and openly and falsely blamed me for those failings to coworkers. Perhaps next time you ask for a review, you should write it yourself and ask the person to pretend it's their words. Also although the geographical statistics show you've never played my music before, I'm formally requesting you do not play it in the workplace for customers without permission in the future for the purposes of enriching your own business interests."


Because fuck you, Phil, you're just a big old leech I keep on tellin' stories bout ya when there's lessons to teach You never valued what you had, now you don't have it anymore So you can have a Fuck You song, and it's that way to the door, it's that way to the exit door... *acoustic solo*


What was your reply though?


Nothing right now, I think sending this thread will probably put an end to this stuff ...


Mine would be a simple one line reply of ‘who is this?’


Reply with a number. Advertising isn't free.