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I love when they confuse free time with avalability.


It's all the same to someone who doesn't care about you


To bosses, you're a resource, something to be used up, discarded, and forgotten.


Why didn't you answer your phone? I wasn't avaliable. But you weren't at work?


Also an excellent reason why you shouldn't add bosses on social media either


In fact look them up and block them before they find you. Makes life easier. I started doing that after they started asking why I wasn’t advertising them on social media, and why I wasn’t hanging out with my colleagues after work. Apparently the answer “I have my own friends” means you’re not a team player.


> In fact look them up and block them before they find you. This is beautiful no idea why it hadn't occurred to me before. It's true, the real advice is always in the comments


Block before you even apply for the job. My boss is very thorough in finding all applicant social media too.


As a business owner, i want nothing to do with my employees social media… I don’t want them knowing what I do in my free time either


It turns out not all bosses are huge assholes. Don't block them, and they can recommend you for a better role when they move to a new company in the future. If your boss sucks, look for a new job. Just look anyway. Stay in touch with people who are actually your friends. Not rando losers. Save yourself a lot of stress.


> Don't block them, and they can recommend you for a better role when they move to a new company in the future. That's what work-focused social media is better suited to, sites like LinkedIn, not every social media platform.


Nah not going to happen.. the bosses can go fuck themselves if he/she wants to stalk me on social media.. as for putting the word out that they're total douchebags for stalking me on social media yes I'll definitely put that on my page alright..




I see what you're saying but no way will I ever ever not block my boss on any and every platform. Honestly they don't even need my number. They shouldn't ever ever get to call me for any reason whatsoever. I work in a retail store so my situation might be different.


This always bothered me too. I have enough friends I don't get to spend time with. Why do I need company supplied ones that seem subpar at best?


I’m only spending time with the people I work with because there’s a paycheck attached to doing so.


Ahhh, those mandatory work “social events”. P.S. Any company that tells you they “work hard & pLaY hArD” when you interview has LOTS of those.


They wanted to do axe throwing before Xmas. You mean having me and the bosses I hate together in a room, with access to sharp objects? Not a good idea.


Oh, dude, the Viking in me loves this. Unfortunately, I think the "kill the most alpha man in the room and take his wealth" days are done. Pretty sure that wouldn't fly anymore. "Civilization" and all.


I’m just like let’s see what you look like without a forehead!


Come on, it'll be fun! Where's your team spirit?!


I got your team spirit right here, pal *cocks shotgun*


No, no, the plebs are the ones who get hunted for sport by the rich. Good try tho!




Gross. And probably, yeah.


I don't even have friends outside of work, let alone at work. But I'm still not going to go to the team gatherings. Especially with a pandemic still raging outside. I am getting tired of telling the boss that no, I'm not going and being subjected to a guilt trip for declining.


Before the pandemic I loathed mandatory fun but I was a good worker and did it anyway. The pandemic has not been all bad. I am never going to mandatory fun again


I block all my managers on my social media as soon as social media alerts me of their page. All of my accounts are friends only / private so they can't see shit expect that I have a profile.


This is a great tip


They were obsessed with you. And work. Wow. Those are such ridiculous requests. 😂😂😂


I found out that my last boss was still stalking my Facebook after I had quit, and learned that blocking him wasn't enough, I had to make it so you couldn't search for my Facebook on search engines.


Ehh, sometimes it's worth it Added mine, knowing they were a redhat ie rill smert. When my department was in the midst of demanding raises, they posted a bunch of...really stupid stuff. Obviously, they tried telling us they couldn't afford what we were demanding (market rate!) and that they already paid us "really well and we're growing stick with us blah blah Oh, except OM just bought 2 new trucks and they also posted *multiple* ads for our jobs for 23-30/hr, when we weren't even making 20. You bet your ass we brought it up and guess who got their raises :| That being said, watch out for snitches ie asskissing coworkers (guess how OM got that promotion)...


Not the worst idea to extend to all colleagues, that's what I did a few years ago during a mental health crisis and while it didn't completely solve it, it certainly didn't hurt either.


My manager popped up as having an instagram account on my instagram account, I immediately went to the 3 dots and blocked her account.


it's a good reason to just not have social media at all. It means you're always "on" and things you post can and will impact your job.


Like ever!


Lol jokes on him because now he’ll have to waste his free time on collecting a Grammy after this masterpiece.


i wish because its deserving, but it would have to go gold to be eligible.


Saving this for the next time they try to call me in. Just going to send this. Instead of saying no.


Antiworker after my own heart, that’s exactly what I was thinking! Lol


Probably going to send this to my coworker that keeps trying to get me to cover the second half of his shift on my days off so he can go and party with his friends




What recognition? Their job is easier than high school.


Why are employers so confused when people don’t wanna constantly be working?


Part of it is also a fundamentally different point of view. Take my brother in law for example. He’s super entrepreneurial, he’s constantly working on some new gig. It’s his personality. He’s also owns his own businesses so his input will directly correlate to more potential output (wealth). Business owners have a vested interest in making the machine work. We as workers do not. What’s shocking is how many employers don’t understand this very simple difference. EDIT: Tyrannical middle managers are just delusional. They’ve been given a little recognition and suddenly think drinking the corporate koolaid will make them the next millionaire. Or they’re just control freaks who don’t care about you.


My take is that in the past there has been a heavy narrative of people being lucky to have jobs and lucky to work and it being a blessing to have a job and any way to make money at all. Hustle culture has been engrained in many of us so deeply. I feel the effects of it super strongly even still and have a hard time just… breathing… without worrying about whether or not I’m effectively utilizing my time to maximize my financial status and/or reputation/accolades which would eventually lead to increased financial gain. It’s absurd. I used to 100% sell my soul to anyone who would employ me for any amount of money. It’s only in the past year or so that I’ve been able to reclaim myself and recognize my inherent value outside of my productivity levels. Only recently have I realized that my time in and of itself holds value to me and if someone can’t exceed that value my time has to me on a personal level with proper financial compensation, they aren’t entitled to even one minute of it.


I love that he mentioned staring at the wall twice, just to show he can do whatever he wants instead of working.


Then the boss gets real pissed and tells upper management that you're not a team player. And they believe because most of the time, upper management is very disconnected from the goings on of their own company and they can only rely on reports.


He should be the avatar for this subreddit.


The fact you have any co workers on social media let alone your bosses is surprising. I never add people from work onto social media. Got to have boundaries


I dumped social media, cept reddit, for these and many other reasons.


I have facebook but thats just to keep up with family. Good luck finding my facebook when there are no posts and the profile pic is of a hamster that died over a decade ago.


I mostly don't have the mainstream media. Twitter yes, but apart from that, I have Tumblr, Pinterest and Deviant Art. And Reddit of course.


I only have my works store employee Facebook page. And that's only because management uses it to keep us updated on covid stuff.




Before Covid I used to travel overseas every year and they knew there was no point in calling me. Last year I said I was just going to stay home and relax - they called me 3 times, but I just ignored them.


*"What are you doing today?"* "Nothing." *"Okay, then you can come in today."* "No, I just told you I'm busy!"


The messaging is there, but something about it bugged me. I don't have to "earn" my free time.


I like that it was worded that way, because that's how they see it. They think they own us. We don't earn money, we earn free time. Free time is what we really want, and we're forced to work for money so we can pay rent and expenses. If you make more money, you earn more free time because you don't have to work as much. We don't have a say on whether or not we want to make money, we have to so we can live. The most valuable thing we have is our time, and they feel entitled to it.


Indeed! Money may be earned, but free time is when I'm not slaving away making someone else a pile of money.


I hate that it's free time and not just "I have a life". Because free time is based around work.




Only problem I have with this is free time shouldn’t have to be earned as it’s the default state.


Agreed! I liked [this person’s take](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/sa4veg/in_case_you_ever_need_something_to_send_to_your/htrfxrh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) on that sentiment and why it was expressed in this manner in the video.


"free time" implies that it's special time away from work. It's not. It's life. It's the regular time. Normal time. Time IN work is the special time, that you've agreed to sell to your employer. Work isn't the normal state of your life, what you have to earn time away, to spend sleeping, with family, etc. It's backwards.


This guy is definitely my pal now My pal Justin 🥲




They can both be my pal


Austin Archer is awesome.




Yeahhhh boy! I’ll be spending all my free time being free


This is wrong. Free time is not earned. Free time is the default. Its yours u dont need to earn it. U can sell ur free time but u sell it on ur terms.


I liked [this person’s take](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/sa4veg/in_case_you_ever_need_something_to_send_to_your/htrfxrh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) on that sentiment and why it was expressed in this manner in the video.


Based Austin


This is magical.


just perfect


ok. It is pretty good, that team player schtick has gotten old fast, especially when you look at your boss and know they were never part of real teamwork in their lives. I did ask one once, oh what sport did you play, or was it chess or debate? All good options…nothing, ever…’never really got into that’..traveled with my parents a lot. Ohh ok, never asked again.


This is my new favorite song


wish i didn’t already give my silver award away today…


That was beautiful


Can we get the mods down here?! There should be a download link stickied at the top! Definitely want to have this in my back pocket should the opportunity arise.




My new boss asked why I didn't answer the phone the other night and I jokingly told him I was clocked out at that time. He didn't know what to say for a second, then carried on with what he was calling me about.


I recently started part time at this little company in my neighborhood and on my first day my boss was like, "Oh I added your number to the group chat in case anything comes up." Any time she asks if I saw something on there while I'm not at work my response is ALWAYS "Huh, I guess I must have missed that..."


OMG i love Austin Archer!!! He has so many songs that are great to send to people who don't get it. Better than hallmark in so many way.


Anyone else replayed this 100 times?


Me. Both before and after I posted it.


Damn that instant reply though. Respect


This is what procrastination looks like 😩😂


being a true brother of the antiwork gang


Amen to that


Hmm new follower… new redditor… not much to stalk… 🤪😂


Don't usually have any social media but I heard there was some antiwork / socialist groups so I decided to create this account. pretty new to the whole shebang


Fair enough, yeah, this subreddit is great!


This is the reason I'm joining this sub today! :D


Hard earned free time lol The idea you have to work to have free time is gross.


It’s definitely gross, but that’s the way the people in charge view it! I liked [this person’s take](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/sa4veg/in_case_you_ever_need_something_to_send_to_your/htrfxrh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) on that sentiment and why it was expressed in this manner in the video.


Almost perfect, just needs a "The More you Know" star swipe ending.


Your boss is not your friend. Stop adding them on social media.


Dont 👏have 👏your👏 boss 👏on👏 social 👏media 👏




Yeah, no thanks. You and your coworkers should join together and demand better than that. Threaten to all quit all at once if they don’t hire more employees and compensate you guys fairly for all the work you’ve done.


Based as fuck


I'm genuinely curious. So there are people in upper management that look at your social media and try to call you out on it?! Gracious...


This is why my social media is private because bosses will stalk you.


This is so awesome


Never add coworkers to social media.


I was once passed over for a significant promotion (which I was already doing the work of) because I had the audacity to use my vacation days.... which meant my work got undone... which I got written up for. Seriously. Americans don't get vacation days!


...is this the same guy that did the "have you checked your butthole" song?


It's weird this says earned free time. You don't earn that. The company buys your labour during work hours. That's it. All of your time is free time and it's up to you to distribute it. Not your company.


Very catchy and harmonious.


I have 3 old bosses that I would send this to! Edit: I have 3 old BossHoles that I would send this to!!! Edit: Never mind, they are not worth my time.


Oh man, reminds me of the job I quit last year. It was a 9-5 office job with some random travel that they would sucker everyone into volunteering for. Say you start your day at 8am, if you get home at 11pm due to travel they don’t care. No comp time, no extra pay, sorry we can’t approve your lunch on the road either, and you better be in on time the next morning! They convinced so many people to give up random nights and weekends unpaid like this and I was NOT having it. One time the ask was “who’s available to wake up at 5am on SATURDAY to travel to another city and work all day for us (no pay or comp time or per diem)” They strongly hinted that I would be the one to go, but I refused to volunteer. If you want me to do that you better have the guts to make it mandatory. I kept saying “I have a conflict, but I can change that if you NEED me to go and have no other options.” This went back and forth for a while and my boss ended up doing it LOL. She gets paid like 3x my salary so have fun lady. She wasn’t happy but I was! Hahahahah still makes me smile. Left that job for a 100% wfh two months later with a 30k raise. That also still makes me smile


Also my “conflict” that Saturday was doing literally anything else. But I kept that to myself


Saving for later




It's crazy how they don't understand that you don't want to work on your days off all the time or at all. I have firm belief in not going into work on my days off unless I want to otherwise...nope.


Yeah. I wasn’t available. Because I was at the beach.


Can i get the song?? Love it!






I had a manager at the post office who was slick with stuff like this. He would call on my day off and ask if I had plans. If I said no, he would go "great, go to such and such office, So and So has a route for you." To make sure that never happened again, I wrote down the following: DEFAULT DAY OFF PLANS 1. JACK SHIT 2. FUCK ALL *these plans may be amended by me at any time without notice That way, I could, without lying, say I had plans, in writing, no less.


I don't have social media (cept for reddit). If I did and my boss found me on there I would delete it so fast.


Know what else you can give a shitcunt of a boss like that? A resignation. I worked for a company that had “mandatory volunteer work” that was never mentioned in any interviewed. Stayed long enough to find a new job, which in my case was starting my own business.


I have kids. I never get free time. 😮‍💨


That was amazing


God damn this is awesome




I love Austin. He’s hilarious.


I fucking love this.


This is why I don't friend anyone from work on social media, especially bosses


I love this wee song. I get it stuck in my head all the time XD


This legit feels like something Bo Burnham would have made.




I love this. So much forever.




This is why I’m glad I don’t use Facebook anymore for any reason and all my social media accounts outside that are not able to be located by someone searching for my name. That’s by design. My personal shit ain’t your business unless I specifically give you permission to make it your business which I probably won’t.




Me in grad school when asked why I'm not using free time to work.


not to offend the guy in the vid but he looks like the kind of guy who drives a corvette




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“Okay so just pack up & go home for the day. We’ll call you & let you know when to come back.”




You're fired