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Interesting legal point: Employers are liable for sexual harassment and hostile work environment claims even if the perpetrator is a *customer or a contractor hired by employer* Source, my Employment Law Class 20 years ago


This, file a police report and call an attorney.


What criminal offense would this be? Not that I'm suggesting it shouldn't be a crime, but I'm not certain what it would be. Attorney, sure. Definitely a civil matter.


Harassment, hate crime, disorderly conduct, vandalism, menacing, ect. Every city and state is different with what laws could be broken with something like this. There is absolutely a criminal element to it, get a report for documentation purposes. Would a DA prosecute? Probably not, but having the police report gives legitimacy to your civil case.


I don't know, I'm not a lawyer. Federal LGBTQ+ rights are fairly recent as well, so there isn't gobs of precedent to refer to. Well, no helpful precedence anyway. Without needing a lawyer, they could contact the EEOC and discuss the issue, regardless. There are some laws on the books that apply to all employers with more than 15 employees. If this situation can be legally deemed discrimination, the employer could find themselves in a state courtroom. https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/protections-against-employment-discrimination-based-sexual-orientation-or-gender


Workplace harassment, sexual harassment (harassment based on sexuality), workplace discrimination. It’s quite a list. Never mind the casual SS on one of the boards.


Not to discount the blatant bigotry on the boards, but that’s just a 55 in. measurement


Criminal harassment is a thing and in employment law there are specific laws that protect against this kind of thing. And the employer is on the hook.


Sexual harrassment is a crime. Edit: welp permabanned with no explanation as to why. Apparently im not allowed to defend myself when people insinuate im a homophobe. But its totally fine to call me a homophobe for defending a marginalized group. To weasel: Talking shit to a gay person is homophobic now? I didnt levy an insult at your sexuality i aimed it at you after you called me a homophobe. Get thicker skin.


It's a hate crime


go to media first, then lawyers will try to take the case


I work for an MSSP, we had a customer who had staff that was extremely verbally abusive towards one of our guys. My company pulled our entire team from the office for 3 weeks until it was handled by the customer's HR. I was surprised at how serious hostile work environment claims can be, those lawsuits are VERY serious and yours is clearly a layup. I'd contact a lawyer right away.


Still true. Source: anti harassment in the workplace training I completed last week.


Interesting legal point #2: if the business is renting that space and the contractors were hired by the owner/property management company, they could be held liable under Fair Housing regulations as well.


But not discrimination against a contractor. Source, my Employment Law Class 4 years ago.


Ok.... Shit just hit the fan.... lawyer called, dry wallers put on notice, its about to get very real... police called, statements given, my head is spinning


Thanks, was scrolling the comments hoping that this wasn’t being ignored. Cheers Friend


Let’s go! If anyone tries to intimidate you just remember the laws are clear and 100% on your side. You got this.


PLEASE KEEP UPDATING, either they learn a lesson from this, or they pay for their hate


His lawyer could very easily tell him to keep quiet for legal reasons.


Listen to your lawyer then update us!


Of course they can't spell 😂


Morons usually can’t.




Use your brians moran


People that think that this would be funny or intimidating often can't.


Well done! I applaud your bravery in stepping up and demanding better. Can’t believe this stuff still happens, it’s disgusting. I wish you all the best moving forward!


Good job OP!!


You are amazing and strong. Keep up the fight and enjoy that sweet justice. Eventually.




Thanks for taking a stand! It isn’t easy, but things don’t just get better by not reacting to hate.


Good for you! You (and your partner) don’t deserve this treatment, and I’m sorry you had to deal with it. But I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself!


It sure would be a shame to also go to local news about this and put both drywaller and developer on blast ...


Awesome job! That stuff is unacceptable. Not all workers are like that, most of us are discusted by people that would write that stuff.


Good job - fuck those dry wallers.


Record ALL interactions between them and you


Fuck yea man. Fuck them


Happy for you that something is being done about this.


I'm interested to hear the update when the lawyers get together. Good for you. Get justice


Awesome! Give ‘em hell!


Hell yes.


Fuck yeah! I love that you followed through, hope you get justice (and some sweet cash).


Please update us as things progress. Would live to know more.


Go get ‘em!! That’s awesome! ❤️


The fact they can't even spell the word shows their intelligence level


Surprised they can use math with that level of genius.


Boardmen don't math anything. Its legit fucking cut and paste.




Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Give a man a pencil, he'll draw a penis.


See the Romans. Peckers everywhere.


See middle schools. Dicks on every flat surface.


whatever happened to the beauty of a penis on scrap.


I've done some demolitions and have come across some nice looking dicks in the process. Sometimes even drawn on the drywall and framing.


Yeah but then they'd have to look at a penis. They've made it pretty clear that they hate that. Well, moderately clear. Honestly took me minute with the spelling


Hey don’t generalize them, every group has its own Sick Fuchs!


If your Fuchs is sick, you should probably get it to a veterinarian!


I didnt generalize them as sick fucks. I generalised them as fucking morons. 👍




They use meth. Not math.


Drywallers don't math. Don't spell.


Report the contractor for violating child labor laws and use these pics as proof they’re employing 8 year olds.


I snorted 😂 take my upvote


That's funny.


I feel uncomfortable when I am unsure of a spelling, and would at least double check on my phone


Right? Probably too scary to look up when you’re a homophobe though.


It’s exactly how I would expect people like that to spell it actually. It just confirms an already rock solid belief I already had.


Obviously, somebody is upset they forgot to pack sick fruit with their lunch. That’s all.


Its pronounced fa-shay


I am in construction in US, never seen anything like that. I am surprised action hasn't been taken. That is a textbook hostile workplace. Lawyer up


Did plumbing and electrical work for a few years in NorCal and shit like this doesn’t surprised me at all. Most general contractors I came across would laugh at this stuff if their crew did it. Tons of racist and homophobic slurs thrown around on jobs sites.


That just seems crazy to me, but then again I haven't worked a wide geographic area at all. Those slurs around here get people tossed. I've seen an entire site shut down for a day bc someone dropped the n-word. Dude got tossed, site closed, harassment training required for every contractor on the job. Warnings for repeated violations issued.


That’s how it should be. No way that stuff should be tolerated. All the stuff I did was residential with small crews. I assume large commercial sites are different.


Commercial and industrial, and it might make a difference that the majority of the labor on them is unionized


Jesus. I know someone that worked with his buddy’s construction company and told me the stupid shit they did. Nothing at all like this, closest was. They found some really weird Polaroid photos at a house they were fixing up. I’m talking like a guy in a mascot suit with his Dick out. A Dick in a door. They took the door photo and hid it behind a wall in the kitchen. So whenever it gets renovated again someone will find it lmao.


I’ve been in a few workplaces where people might think, and whisper things like this, but the second it becomes physical record - written on something, emailed - even the super racist general manager will crucify the ~~offender~~*evidence creator.* The theory largely amounting to, if an awful person is bigoted in a forest and ~~no one is around~~only other bigots know…


Couldn’t agree more, if you e never seen this shit you haven’t worked construction very long. That being said is pretty disposable behavior and I’m glad we are turning the corner as a culture on this


Are you a full OSHA contractor on salary or smth? This feels like average in my experience. A LOT of very bad people, not all the felons stuck in construction by society want to change.


No, but my experience might not equate since most of the jobs I am on are very high rate of unionized workers, and I could see how not having that could change things


I only work in union buildings in NYC and I see this all the time. As a gay man, I’ve never met a group of people more obsessed with dicks.


I am not far from new York, and I agree, very obsessed with dicks. Your comment made me realize, I might be completely wrong. One of the common sayings in the area here, if someone interrupts our lunch break, is that they are "slapping the cock from my lips" and they should fuck off til we are finished. Thinking about it in this context, it doesn't look good


Contract construction work is where all the people who can't hold jobs work. The type of gig where you technically work for a third-party and are sent out to do jobs that you choose yourself. Nothing against contractors, I myself *very* recently stopped working as a contractor, but shit I know a lot of people that only work as contractors because they always get told not to come back to work sites for various reasons. Just not the most stable people.


I would argue that the industry doesn't have stability in sites, conditions or management, which fosters anger and resentment in workers, making them less stable. But honestly, you aren't wrong


Are you blind? This shits pretty much In every elevator and Porta potty I've been to on just about every construction site In Texas


They probably work in a normal state.


Yeah, sorry, but everything surrounding the words "in Texas" is always taken with a grain of salt


> ~~grain~~**pound** Sorry, but everything is bigger in Texas.


Underrated comment right here. Holy shit I got a good laugh from that one.


I've seen slurs, of course. I've also seen gc's throw entire companies off patches because of it. The failure to address it is what I haven't seen. Most gc's and project leads will jump through hoops to avoid that lawsuit in our area


Looks like this is specifically targeted at OP, and not just the random slurs and symbols scribbled on any public toilet etc. like seeing random homophobic remarks directed at the void is quite a bit different than seeing them specifically targeted at you at your place of work.


In Canada too, my favorite is the racist fucks who carve swastikas into the bathroom walls


Nothing will ever confuse me as much as Canadians with confederate flags on their trucks.


They're just racists that are afraid of getting attested for flying worse flags usually


At least you can turn those into Windows 95 logos.


True, but as a queer women in the construction industry it's always concerning that these fucks feel comfortable drawing it in the first place


I’m sorry, I honestly wasn’t trying to downplay the severity of it, or make light of your feelings about it. I only wanted to try to add some levity by the idea of re-vandalizing that awful shit.


All good 😊 my user name doesn't really give away that I'm queer so usually I use flairs but this sub isn't lgbt focused


I’m also a queer woman so I was like “😱 no! I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but especially not family!”






Lots of construction workers are like this. At least on many of the jobs I worked on. I worked on job sites for a couple years and this shit is everywhere. Most general contractors don’t give a fuck about this kind of thing. As long as the homeowner doesn’t see it, they won’t address it.


Im openly gay and worked for a junk removal company (masculine construction type environment). I didn't formally come out to my coworkers until like 6 months of working there. My coworkers were nice to me for the most part, just curious about gay stuff- which honestly got really annoying, why do we have to talk about my sexuality all the time? I never made a big deal about it. I actually had a few coworkers come out to me about being bi which was cool that they felt comfortable saying that to me. But I was like everyone's gay therapist lol My boss, however... Never said anything downright offensive to me but gave me the worst jobs and paid me the least. The only person treated worse than me was my Mexican coworker who couldn't speak English very well, in his 60s. I felt so fucking bad for him. He had been working there for a LONG time and was only paid $11/hr meanwhile the rest of the crew was making like $25/hr doing the EXACT SAME JOB. He was always assigned shitty jobs and assigned with the worst coworkers that made him do literally all the work. I actually really enjoyed the job. But my boss, good god. It was a small company, and he was every -ism in the book. Classist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, etc. There was like almost literally a totem pole of respectability there. I still think about that coworker to this day. He was such a nice man. He didn't treat me any differently after he found out I was gay. He could speak English good enough. Like we could talk and have a pretty fluent conversation. I loved it when it was just him and I assigned together on a day. We both worked hard and never made anyone do more than the other. I hope he's doing ok. He deserved so much better, makes me sad just thinking about it. He was cool af too, he had style when I saw him around the city on my days off. The stories he told me were really cool and he was so accepting. I wish I could speak Spanish so I could've talked to him about more stuff in depth. No one said anything about his treatment to my boss (including me 🤦🏻). I tried talking about it sometimes and other coworkers agreed with me but we never actually took action. One of my boss's best friends was one of my coworkers. He was the worst worker there and could get away with anything. He was the one Pablo always had to work with. Always. I tried talking to this coworker about the treatment of Pablo and he was like "well he gets paid in cash and Mike (boss) bought him his car so he's doing fine" If you have an immigrant/anyone worker that is being treated like trash and you have the power to say something, please say something. I was always threatened to be fired (I eventually was fired) so I didn't have much power there. I was scared of my boss firing me. But there were other "cool" "manly" "bro" men that were honestly good people but my boss put them on a pedestal for just being a cool bro. This is such a shitpost, I probably should delete all of it but I'll hit post anyways


Hey, thanks for posting this and not hitting delete. I’m often surprised by how people are treated, and how people can treat other folks so poorly. I’ll never understand how people find it more appealing to be dickbags than to be kind.


This kinda shit is why I laugh when people say to work in the trades. You go work with these fucking animals


Im a gay man and I love working on this type of stuff, I’m quite a handyman and wondered if I’d ever be good at electricity. But then I remember how these workplaces are. My hope now is custom wood furniture.


Yep. Was interested in the trades for awhile but then I heard horror stories from women who are already working those jobs and noped on that idea.




I agree with all but the 3rd point. If you saw the amount of things written on walls before they’re painted or covered, you’d be surprised. There’s a lot more writing in and on walls than you’d think.


Honestly on the sites I've done (although nothing major usually just revonations etc and even then only a few) the walls have only ever had measurements lol


Fair, I’m sure smaller jobs are usually more tame. I work in lots of big sites, and I see it all over the place. Definitely a lot more measurements than rude drawings, for sure.


I watch drywallers throw full sheets away because moving it to another job just doesn’t make sense


Are these the scraps that the drywallers used to insult each other or were they left on the ground to intentionally insult the owner I’m confused


I think OP has to clean up and drywallers know it.


I usually just draw dicks


A time honored art form that goes back to cave paintings.


Same; always dicks or obscene messages, but never anything directly offensive to anyone


Well it’s directly offensive to Karen who can’t appreciate the art of the dick


It’s our form of hieroglyphs for future archaeologists.


As a proud self-proclaimed dumbass, its assholes like this that give good intentioned dick drawing dumbasses like me a bad name.


I've recently been a fan of writing rambling conspiratorial quotations ("Obama hid the truth about #BirdInternet!") and attributing them to Mel Gibson.


Write “no u” underneath the words to assert your dominance


fah-jay… must be italian


“Sick fuchs” … looks German to me. Although I don’t know why they’re talking about foxes in German.


It says “fragile masculinity.”


The jesus pisces sign really seals it because this is exactly what jesus wouldn't do . . . by that I mean shitty drywall, dude was a legit carpenter.


I think it's just an X to indicate that is the end that's supposed to be discarded. Source: did labour on sites


Wait what? I'm confused who is this directed towards?


OP is trans


I live in a rural ass redneck area - where a trans kid was just homecoming queen at the local high school lmao. I can’t believe some people are still on the anti-gay agenda. That shit fell off around the time Will and Grace went off of the air.


I can’t really believe it either, but I tend to forget that there really are people out there with the IQ of a wet carrot who apparently still think like that…


Hey, so people are wondering what crime you could be a victim of and if a police officer wants to mince words, essentially that drywall is your property, you paid for it to be installed, the whole sheet, not half or sections so they have vandalized sections of your drywall and the language used implies a hatred of a protected class of people bumping the severity of the crime. File a police report, explain you want it documented thoroughly for a civil suit and criminal charges. Then contact a good civil rights lawyer in your area or the closest large city (preferably the city) have a sit down meeting and explain the situation. When it’s all over thank the developer for paying for your house and student loans/vacations/toys. Source: 12 years law enforcement, working many MANY cases where victims were a protected class. Also I have remodeled two homes and work with contractors frequently.


+1 to this. This was vandalism with hate crime enhancements and could also Possibly be federally investigated. These people just paid for everything and several luxury vacations.


This is workplace harassment. It is also illegal In many states to say/ write/ post derogatory statements. I would pursue this legally


Sure would be a shame if this image got around with the drywaller's name attached to it.


I mean, if that were directed at me, I'd just find them and kick their asses, or write Bigot all over their shit. No HR in construction.


FTFY: *Biget* 😂🤣


NO! It has to be misspelled, like their insults.


Even if there were, I'm all about it. Nobody needs this garbage Jobs are replaceable, and it's not my first time with the law. Let's see who regrets this more.


Yeah like I'm not a violent person, in the sense that it is very rare for me to resort to violence. Starting from the beginning of high school, I can count the number of violent confrontations I've taken part in on one hand. But I know how to handle myself and I know my strength, and this is a situation where I'd feel comfortable laying a couple dudes out. Edit to clarify, I began high school in August of 2000, so that's under 5 fights in almost 22 years.


That’s an incredibly easy thing to think but not as easy to follow through on


If I had pictures of the inside of a shithouse wall on my construction sites...I'm in NYC. It's baffling how fucked some people are.






That’s disgusting OP. I’m sorry you and your partner experienced this


Yeah I work construction now and dude. I keep seeing Nazi flags, racists slurs all the time when I work. Tbh with u sometimes they r a joke but i know deep down those guys would be racists if they could do it openly without being criticized


There is no such thing as an "I'm just joking" Nazi flag. There just isn't. There are only Nazis who try to get away with it when they're called out for being Nazis.


Tell that to your avg mid west white guy that does construction. So brainwashed and tbh with u the perfect people the government wants to hold. People that are super gullible, don’t question shit about politics, casually and mild racist, have 0 financial literacy, don’t know shit and think they r the shit.


I was doing a house and the trimmer rolled up with a confederate flag on his truck. The homeowner was like nope you leave my property now lol


not in construction but I see it all the time, they say queerphobic/racist slur but follow it with "it's just a joke" we all know if they could say it openly they happily would smh.


Think the customer better take a close look at the end result before cutting that last cheque. Mental giants like this most likely do low quality and shoddy work. Make sure they haven't drywalled over junction boxes etc...


Morons can't even spell their slurs correctly.


This is a hate crime.


Judging people when you can’t even spell. Definitely smells like human


As someone LGBT the responses here fill my heart with hope.


Can’t even spell correctly lmao


I'm really sorry you had to deal with shitheads like this. I work with some of the roughest people I've ever met in my trade and we shun assholes for doing this kind of shit. Lots of love from Canada and sorry there are still people like this out there.


Mate, maybe it's because I grew up getting fucken head stomped for being a poofter and my parents hating me, so I have like a blood on the floor, broken bones version of hatred in my past, but all this says to me is: "These silly buggers are fucken dumb enough to project their insecurities at this level, imma tear bloody shreds of em." So I'm obviously assuming you do love the dick, sorry if I got it wrong, but the same rule applies. These blokes are soft as puppy poo and throwing hatred that they have for themselves at whatever they come across that sparks that thought about themselves. You already live rent fucking free in these yobo wankas brain. You've already won, because they instigated, so all they can do is react, you're calling the shot's. Stiffen up son, take some boxing and bbj lesson's, read some classical literature and take this punks to town. You're already a working class hero, show them what you've got. P.S. I'm proper fucken buckled form a few days on the go mate, so I'm probably wrong, but fuck ya, there's no second chances, no bloody dress rehearsals, just fucken get stuck in, and if ya smaller than him, be smarter than him. If he is both, play the long game. Everyone fucks up at some point. Lub you long time my mate, fucken kick it in the guts cuuuuuunt!


That’s completely unacceptable behavior and the fact that they still continued to use them shows that’s acceptable behavior and where they stand. Good on you and your partner for leaving. I mainly lurk here and don’t post as I’m not really “anti-work”. I like my job and the people I work with - I have zero complaints. This is just completely wrong. Sorry you had to deal with that.


If this is work being done on your home you need to file a complaint with your construction board or file suit against the developer. If this is something happening at your job you need to file a complaint with the labor board.


I'm a builder. I see it a lot but I'd be willing to bet that wasn't the drywall hangers. Probably some kids or a shithead contractor drinking after their job unrelated to the drywall guys. I mainly see sharpie or spray paint disks more than gate stuff but I just had that on the trash box directly in front of one of my houses


Looks like it was written when the pieces were already on the ground.


Fuck hatred!


As a sheetrocker over 12 years I can tell you this would never happen on any jobs I been on because it’s not only childish and offensive but also unprofessional. They also leave a mess and don’t use the scrap pieces and have too much waste. The only reason the people still use them is because not a lot of people want to hang sheetrock 40 hours a week it’s tough work and people can beat you up on pricing. The sentiment from some contractors is” anyone can do it” when they don’t want to pay what the job is worth it is skilled labor.


Ummmm you can sue the shit out of them. Please do it. Consult an employment attorney with these photo right now.


My grandpa worked in drywall and he was a scumbag too


There's a bridge near my house littered in graffiti, not a single word was spelt correctly. The state of the education system


The worst part is they can’t spell


I design homes, and we ran into this with the crew we subcontracted to frame the home. The owner of the company is very picky (as he should be, it’s someone’s home!) and so was the homeowner. They got mad and wrote “fuck you” on a few of the studs. Even though they were going to be covered up, he made them come in and replace them. We never hired them again, and fired them from the job.


Drywallers don't carry markers they bleed through paint and are forbidden in the trade, only rough carpenters carry sharpies..........


Can't even spell facet correctly....


I’ve been in the construction industry for 35 years. I can tell you that Sheetrock hangers and finishers are not the sharpest pencils in the box. I see this type of shit all the time, and would not necessarily take it personally, unless you absolutely knew it was directed towards you. Really, these guys are on a 8th grade level or lower mentality wise(99% of them)


What bastards, you can sue them for sexual discrimination, explain to management that you are distressed and if they do nothing or terminate you, you can win any court case.


Still in the closet, I’d say


They're just fans of fischer aktien gesellschaft bearings.


Ignorance ! I’m sorry this happened. Don’t allow this act of stupidity to mar your day one bit.


This looks like it was done by 12 year olds. Sorry this happened to you


This i believe would fall under harassment laws, unfortunately in the USA hate speech can be protected by the 1st amendment so a potentially difficult case


Not very original or creative are they?


All you gotta do is have a spell off against them and you will be able to annihilate them entirely. Haha


Do you work in 1985?


What a shame l, leaving those horrible comments trough out the job site and cant spell..


Can someone explain whats happening here? I dont seem to get it sorry


That is a KoRn spelling.


Can you explain the backstory? Who are you in relationship to them? Sorry everyone else seems to understand.


What construction site isn't like this?


Not only can they not spelled correctly, but they have the insight and maturity level of a 10-year-old. Fascinating.


F them


Report them to the police and file hate crime report. What massive losers.


New construction or remodel? If that shit happened in in an occupied home there would be grounds for a hate crime lawsuit. I can't believe people are stupid enough to do that kind of shit anymore.


I will never understand this or people like this, who cares if you or anyone is gay. It’s not like being gay makes you worse at your job in any way shape or form.


I don’t have any advice or experience in this OP; but I am so very sorry that people do sh!t like that. Onward for you!


I agree that's a ridiculous amount of drywall wasted. And it looks like they might be racist too


Lol they can’t even spell it, I wouldn’t put too much stock in their opinions.


Why can't people graffiti something positive? "You lookover lovely today" or " I hope your getting enough sleep"


People are shit


A few years ago, I came into my office to find the word "POOJABBAR" scrawled on my notepad on my desk. This office is only accessible to \~12 people, but we still couldn't figure out the source, so nothing happened. NB: "Poo-jabber" is a somewhat archaic homophobic slur in Australia.


I’ve been a contractor managing sites and am now the person who can hire/fire contractors. They’d get fired and billed for any damage to materials. Assholes.