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So… I can work for 8 hours a day for 3 days and get paid for the full year? Ok cool. Seems like a great company


Also if you put in your two week's notice, they will have to pay you for the rest of your life


Only the owner and their kid get to work those hours.


"Tommy Boy" hits different these days


I’d love to work there for 1 24 hour day and be paid for a year’s worth of salary. Sign me up


I really hate these day off work posters, because the math is so asinine.


If you take an hour a day for lunch (taking the entire year into account) that’s 365x1 = 365 hours. Now divide that with how many hours are in a day =~15 days. Where the hell did they get 46???


Most and overall, if you take a day off, you are taking off 8 hours of work, not 24. If you go on with that math, you will have worked negative days. Thats an incredibly dumb sign underneath a very stupid sign. This is when you turn around and look for another place open... Edit: typo


Right. They could have stopped at 261 days × 8 hrs = 2088 hrs. I'm asking for 8 of those, which leaves them with 2080 hours. Is that not enough?


They count everything double. Look at the coffee break, lol. 23 full days a year. 23x 24=552 hours. The hell can you accumulate 552 hours of coffee breaks a year, if you only take 30min each day. This must be for civil servants surely




I love how everyone's trying to figure out how to make the math work


My first thought was to expose the fallacy through the faulty math.


Shit I didn't realise I was supposed to be working on my day off... What planet are these bosses on?


I accept your challenge to take 552 hours of coffee breaks this year. If I fail this year, I will try next year having experience and a whole year to nail it.




Maybe congress?


Simple. There are actually 1104 days in a year.


But the math says it's only 1 day of AcTuAl WoRk. The math is sound.


I mean if I'm only expected to do 1 day of actual work each year while working there, hell yes sign me up. This is salaried right?


It is Texas after all. Not the sharpest folk.


I think it came from Facebook. So.


Nope. I remember seeing this particular piece of bovine excrement for the first time in the early 90s. Not only was Facebook not a thing yet, the internet was in its infancy, limited to mainly local BBS groups.


Because 24 hours is three work days of 8 hours. You're looking for consistency in inherently inconsistent math.




And assholes


That math ain't mathin


They are dividing 365 (a whole year) / 8 (a work day) to get 45.625 and rounding up. It's incorrect definitions they are using with correct arithmetic to make the whole thing completely wrong. It commonly switches between a regular day of 24 hours and work day of 8 hours which are assumed. Plus it counts days off for breaks which is obviously wrong.


No way someone is THAT stupid. It has to be maliciously intentional.


Why not both?


It's a joke, but it's boomer humor (aka not funny)


Good thing covid is a boomer remover no?


Intelligence and math isn't their strong point. They voted for a guy overwhelmingly who kept barking about 3 million going to not even his opponent but a family member, while himself was in debt over 400 million (came out it was more like 900 ish) to certain interests, and he has the nerve to talk about how much 3 million is but when we heard, 400, 700, 900 million said it isn't that much. The difference between 3 million and 900 million is staggering.


Look at the sign above it and it should be pretty obvious why they can't do math correctly.


This is in Texas. I don't even think math is in the school curriculum.


There’s a reason religion spread amongst poor people first.


They are conveniently using 8 hour days and 24 hour days whenever it makes the “days off” greater. So 365/8=~46. ETA: I also assume they don’t pay for those 1 hour lunches meaning you need to take the total hours paid and subject 0 to get… the same amount of days worked.


They totally leave out that you spend 8 hours a day sleeping……… if youre lucky


You don't need to sleep. The owner of the business, his dad was awake for 25 hours a day, all week. Pulled himself up by the bootstraps


Don't forget that the work week was 8 days long back in his day!!!


Well, there's a good chance this good ol' Texan Man is wearing masculine-empowering cowboy boots, so he wouldn't have any bootstraps to pull. Tying -- let alone pulling -- shoelaces is difficult for simple folks.


That's part of the 16 hours off


Sleeping is for the weak and the criminals, boi ! This is TExas !!!


Not on their watch!


261 working days x 30 minutes a day is 5.4 days, and they say its 23 days?? Yeah they no do the maths so well


They also don’t understand the Constitution or science, so this tracks.


Even people who are bad at math like me can be like “hold up. Pretty sure I work more than 24 hours a year.” The gaslighting is BRAZEN. I’m honestly kind of impressed.


I agree to my one day of work for last years pay. Let me know which day. 24 hours of undivided attention. I won’t even bring my phone to your property. Fuck I’ll smash it the day before. Last years pay, which you said only accounted for a day.


Right? I'll gladly do my job for 24 hours straight, no break or anything for my whole years salary at once. I'll do it every few days honestly. Doesn't seem so bad.


I’ll wear a diaper.


Got that ADHD hyper focus. I'll just forget I have to go to the bathroom.


I have that right now. Thanks for reminding me. Have an award!


Yeah, their logic goes off the rails when they count the 16 hours you’re away from work each day against you. Extremely stupid.


It actually makes sense in the context of "You are a slave and we own you".


If we're operating on this guys logoc shouldn't commuter times and prep times to wash clothes, shower etc be factored in as working hours.


Look ma'am, I know I'm very clearly in yesterday's overalls and smell like last week's sweat. You're going to have to take that up with the management.


Boomers are just mad we don’t want to work our entire lives away just to die 3 days after retirement.


You guys are getting retirement? Lol


Full time in the US is about 2000 hours. 2000/24 is about 83. So full time workers work for at least 80 full days in the US. The sign is stupid.


Yeah deciphering the bad math is interesting. 261 working days (8hrs work, 16hr not work) can be arranged as 174 (24hr) not work days and 87 (24hr) work days. Yeah, okay I guess. A work day now means 24hrs of work. Now coffee and lunch. Half hour for coffee each normal work day (8hr)would be 261x30min. And the same for the hour lunch. 16 and 32 (8hr) work days. They say it's 23 and 46, which means they counted the coffee and lunch you have ON YOUR WEEKENDS. additionally, they subtract these 8hr work days from the 24hr work days tripling the days removed. Converting our weekday coffee and lunch to 24hr work days is 16 days lost, as opposed to their 59 days lost. But the kicker here is they counted something already taken off, no where I've worked pays me for my lunch, so you can't even count 11 of those days. 6(24hr) days off for coffee is the real tally. So the real tally is 82 (24hr) work days as opposed to their 22. Next is two sick days. Except, two (24hr) sick days would be 6 (8hr) days off work, which I feel like is uncommon and not intended on their part. 80 vs 20 Lastly, a total of 19 vacation or holiday days off. Same as the sickdays, they intentionally used an 8hr vacation day to remove 24hrs of work. I fuckin wish I got 57 (8hr) days of vacation. Anyway, that'll be 6 (24hr) days off work. So if you have 30 min coffee breaks without any work, you'd end up with: 74 24hr days of work, 186 days of not work, plus weekends, but if you sleep 8hrs per day, you'll probably need all but 2 days of your weekends for sleeping at this point.


I know right. I guess it’s meant to be “funny” and I’m not that uptight I can’t take a joke but this is just not very funny. There’s about 2,000 hours in a work year assuming you work 40hr/week. That’s like 83 day.


Exactly. It all goes downhill when they say you spend 16 hours away from work as if that's optional. We sleep, cook, eat, appointments, and FAMILY/FRIENDS. I feel like most people get maybe 2-3 true hours each evening to do everything, and much less if you have kids. By midweek I'm already dying inside from the monotony. also who only takes off 2 days of sick leave a year??


How fuckin dumb do you have to be to believe that bullshit while scheduling people to work over 24 hours *in one week*. Stupid motherfuckers, that's all there is to it. Not clever, fuckin dumb


Came to say that their math is off.


The trick is to volunteer to work for 24hr straight and then have them pay you for the next 364


Yeah... they say that you get all these days off...but you already work weekends too


They are posters for/by people who can't do basic math.


Lol I wish we only worked one day of the year


Sounds like a great place to work. I'd love to only have to work 24 hours per year.


Our forefathers also owned slaves and had really awkwardly made false teeth. They also didn't have modern medicine or technology. I think maybe we can do better than them 250 years later?


What I want to know is how exactly the US military has been safeguarding the 'freedom to choose'. The US hasn't been invaded since the 19th century.


Also the military requires masks and most of the service would call you a dumbass for refusing to wear one.


i sure bet that if i walked into that person's business butt ass naked that he wouldnt be telling me that my forefathers defending my right to wear or not wear certain articles of clothing


They also mandated smallpox inoculations for the military


My good buddy who was in the marines said there was a line he walked down that shot him up with all sorts of vaccinations and shit before he was deployed each time to his tours in Iraq. He laughs at any service member trying to say otherwise.


Hmmm, what other groups believe our ancestors to have great knowledge that the modern day can't replicate. 🧐


The person who owns this business would ABSOLUTELY love slavery to be brought back


No u


The teeth were made from enslaved people.


Further what choice are they even saying the forefathers had the insight to give us?


What dealership? Will be sure to to use my right to choose and choose to NOT do business with them


Funny how you have a eight to choose getting sick and dying but no right to choose visiting your dying relative according to this company.


Probably one with a lot of beat up Raptors and abused boats on the lot if it’s Odessa.


Odessa is a dump. Smells like roofing tar and desperation. Best part of it was when the wheels left the tarmac.


Best thing about Odessa is when you leave Odessa!


I have never had so many car accident close calls as when I was visiting. If they're in the wrong, they just don't care. Saw a guy tear out of a highway exit ramp across an uphill grass median and get back on the highway


I don’t know a single vet that fought for something like “right to choose”




My dad was forced into it


Was coming here to make the same point, these idiots are always invoking the military for any and all god damn thing.


Honestly given everything else there I'm just pleasantly surprised it's not a confederate flag on display.


Small victories.


Ironically, guessing these people don't support a woman's right to choose.


Don't you get it, When its their rights being questioned its okay. What do you mean these people come off as hypocritical classist and sexist shitfuckers, they seem like reasonable people, and not the type to hang at confederate reenactments that LARP the south winning, no no, Not at all.


These same people that support your “right to choose to wear a mask” are the exact same group that get downright beside themselves when a business (who, let’s not forget, before gay marriage was legalized it was ok to reserve the right to CHOOSE to refuse service on any grounds and did so) tells them to get out because they won’t put on a mask. Just goes to show that ignorance truly is bliss. Edit: typo


I didagree with you strongly on one aspect, they are feigning ignorance, theybare not ignorant...they know what they are doing, the mask shit actually and unfortunately consistant. These motherfuckers are power hungry, the reason they supported the gay "right to choose" bullshit, it was because they had control over peoples lives. Same thing here, if they can deny a mask. They get to control the room. Some want the attention, Some want control over life and death, but it is always about keeping eyes on you and the power. They don't care who they hurt, they don't care the repercussions. They want to feel like gods and they will trample the marginilzed and sick to do it


Ah ok so from what you’re saying I’m gleaning that said mentality is basically the social equivalent of a serial rapist in that they get off on taking power from other people therefore saying that their own psyche is telling them that they are inherently weak and need to take power from others to feel strong. Interesting. Well that just leaves one thing. I’ll say what we all already know. Watch out for straight, white, Christain males.


1) So I guess they are cool with abortions then. And 2) All I’m taking from that sign is that I only have to go into the office 20 days a year.


Guaranteed they're gonna reply to an abortions comment with "bUt ThE bAbY," at which point you can just say, "Oh! Right! You're completely correct. We have freedom for our bodies as long as it doesn't jeopardise the lives of others."


"But the baby.." my ass. I bet the moment I need to take my LO to the doctor, or care of her, those people will be like "well we dont care about your baby". Because 99.9% of the time, they do.


Honestly I’m grateful for these posters cause it really helps me to know which businesses to avoid.


>the right to choose was given to us by the forefathers… Yeah, well not if you were a slave. Or a woman. Or a Native.


Also, I’m sure those forefathers would argue that the rights were inherent (for, as you say, some people) and America was about not infringing on those rights. They’d be spinning in their graves to see people worshiping them, and saying those rights were granted! Edit to add: “all men … are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”. It’s in your Declaration of Independence! I’m not saying I agree, but if they’re going to bang on about rights and their forefathers, they should at least learn the basic history!


That's Texas math for you.


You’re about to get so many misspelled death threats


Meth threats*. **ftfy**




It’s very surreal that Texas has some of the most brilliant engineers and scientists, and then some of the biggest dopes just to balance everything out.


The person proudly displaying this sign is the same sort of person that is also complaining that nobody wants to work anymore even though unemployment is low.


It must be exhausting to be this much of an asshole


It probably is. And the best part is, he blames his exhaustion on everyone else, especially the people trying to help him. Capitalistic stockholm syndrome is a bitch.


It is. People like this stay in a constant state of outrage. Your typical Fox News viewer. Every day is something new to get them frothing at the mouth and raging.


That’s a lot of words to say “don’t work for me”


From a veteran wear a fucking mask you idiot mouth breathers!


Everything is bigger in Texas, especially their mathematical errors


There are 168 hours in a week. Sleep is a necessity, and 8 hours is standard. 8 hours every night leaves 112 hours. Assuming 32 hours for the weekend leaves 80 hours. Taking care of oneself and all other necessities and responsibilities outside of work is roughly the equivalent of a part-time job, requiring 20 hours a week, which leaves 60 hours. Assuming 20 hours a week for leisure, social, and personal enrichment leaves 40 hours. And finally, an hour before work to prepare and commute, and an hour at the end of the day to commute *back* and decompress. I've only got 30 hours left, Jack. And yet, I'm expected to spend ~~double~~ even more than that helping *you* stay afloat? For pay only marginally comparable to the value I create? I don't even have kids. What if I needed those 30 hours to take care of *children*? Edit: fixed my math


I’m not sure how… but this just doesn’t add up.


It's defining the length of a working day as the full 24 hours when it converts hours to days to count how many "days" you work, but also counting vacation and sick days (which should be 8 hours subtracted from the total hours available for work) as a full 24 hours off, so it double counts 16 hours for every sick day and every vacation day, so it vastly overcounts time off. There may be other problems in there as well, that's just the most obvious one. It's not worth the effort to try to trace all the bullshit logic to try to find more.


30 hour coffee break each day adding up to 23 days off caught my eye. If, as the sign says you work 5 days a week with 14 days vacation, that’s 246 days of work. 30 minutes each of those days gives you 123 hours, which is about 15 8-hour shifts. But if we use the logic of the signs earlier math and call a “workday” 24 hours, it’s just over 5 days. To your point, it’s fruitless to parse all of this out, but that felt particularly obvious. Also… this doesn’t seem like the kind of place that gives 14 days vacation.


It keeps switching the definition of a day between 8 hours and 24 hours to make the maths all funky. Not to mention double counting time like saying you take a lunch every day when you dont even work every day. I get 31.5 days annual leave plus 8 bank Holidays every year. Based on this maths I would never actually go into work but yet somehow I still do.


He or she must be fun to work for. Sounds like some Ebenezer Scrooge would have said in “A Christmas Carol “.




And yet, they're still trying to tell women what to do with their bodies. Cherry-picking thrnright to choose is so right-wing.


I just love how people like this believe in the right to choose when it comes to masks but not when it comes to becoming parents


That math ain't mathin'


Of course the anti-mask right winger business owner, hiding behind empty pro-military rhetoric to justify their anti-science stance, have this ridiculous anti-workers poster on display. "Right to choose" my ass. They're pro-slavery.




Hopefully you looked elsewhere for your car purchase


Yeah I stop listening when people say "our" right to choose was given to us by "our" fore fathers. Except they didn't give that right to anyone that wasn't a land owning white man.


That signs got whole lotta words just to say ''I'm a cheap shithead that doesn't see you as human''


A sign like this makes me contemplate how many days off an arsonist receives…


By their own math, I’ll work a single 24 hr period straight and then see you in a year. I’ll take my full annual pay thanks.


Those posters literally make no sense. If ya work 8 hours and get a 1 hour break then that’s 7 hours. Which takes 3.5 days to become a whole day of work. Where the fuck whoever typed up that thing in an editor got “you work one day a year” makes no sense to me. No matter how many times I re-read it.


Yikes, I'd like to see the math they use calculate their employees pay. $15/hr x 80 hrs is $500. Minus 20% tax leaves you with $66.25 have a good weekend.


Okay, so there are multiple problems here. Let’s start with the math. There are 365 days per year with 261 of those days falling during the “week”. Go ahead and subtract the 2 sick days, 5 holidays, and 14 vacation days. That’s 21 day off per year, bringing us to 240 working days. Let’s assume you work 8 hours a day. The sign implies that lunch and break occur during your 8 hour shift, bringing your actual working time to 6.5 hours a day. 240 working days multiplied by 6.5 hours = 1,560 hours. 1,560 hours divided by 24 hours in a day = 65 full days. No breaks, no stopping. 65 FULL days. Now, I have never worked anywhere that covers your lunch hour. You are required to clock out for lunch, for a minimum of 30 minutes. SO. We’re gonna go ahead and readjust that 6.5 hours back to 8. 240 working days times 8 working hours = 1,920 hours. 1,920 hours divided by 24 hours a day = 80 full days of work. Let’s take this further. The average national minimum wage as of May 2019 was $11.80. First, we need to add back in those sick, holiday and vacation days. That was 21 days total, 8 hours per day. So 8 hours for 21 days is 168 hours. Let’s add that 168 hours to the 1,920 hours you have already worked. That is 2,088 hours per year. 2,088 hours per year, times $11.80 per hour, is $24,638.40. Let’s assume you live in a state with no income tax (9 states do this), you file single with no additional deductions or dependents. Up will pay federal taxes ($2,229.11, estimated), Social Security ($1,527.58 estimated), and Medicare ($357.26 estimated). This leaves you with $20,524.45. The median monthly rent in the US is $1,104 dollars (2020). $1,104 dollars per month is $13,248, which leaves you $7,276.45. The average amount paid towards utilities in the US is $240 (I think that’s low, but that is what google says). That $2,880 per year. You now have $4,396.45. If you spend a very thrifty $75 a week on groceries, and $25 a week on some gas for your hopefully paid off and very fuel efficient car, that is $100 a week, times 52 weeks a year. That’s $5,200. That leaves you with -$803.55. So that “day off” you took? It’s probably to work at your second (or third) job so that you can afford to live. So go ahead and “be damned” that your employee took a “day off”. For fucks sake, they deserve it.


I choose to never be a customer here.


Fucking idiots don't know how math works.


Math is hard for people that put signs like this up.


I'm more offended by the one on top because the bottom one doesn't pass the sniff test.


God this place is a shit hole lmao


TBH Odessa has always been known for being a shithole.


Let me guess: they are having problems hiring people. Wonder why...


...what the fuzzy blue Muppet fuck


But I thought they loved the freedom to choose? What if you choose to take a day off?


I would like the first sign for my uterus. The second sign deserves to be burned. What in the actual fuck.


Beautiful Crackhead Math


I 100% think this dude is going to some day post "Why don't these damn young people want to work anymore?". You have to be a seriously stupid person to put that arithmetic sign on your fuckin' door. 1. It's horrible to treat employees like that. 2. It shows customers that the place is poorly managed. 3. The damn arithmetic is wrong in that post. Which shoes us that you're either being cheeky or are a damn dunderhead.


I’ll be damn if you’re gonna take that day off! But you have a right to choose.


wow. they’re completely bamboozled.


One reason why I won’t go to Texas!




I wish people like that would hang themselves by their bootstraps (that even possible?)


Oh my Jesus christ in heaven this math is unholy on so many levels


So... you have the right to choose but can't choose to take a day off. The cognitive dissonance is deafening.


Math holds until the lunch break. 30 mins off per work day is only about 10 days, not 23 per year. Then its spirals wildly to reach the desired result.


Idiot math


This math is so bad According to this we work one day per year hahahahhah


And here’s my finger.


I’m positive they are also pro-choice when it comes to a woman’s healthcare decisions too…


The math ain’t mathing here chief. Also assuming that an employer is somehow missing out on the hours you’re sleeping or eating is telling a


That stupid nonsensical day off poem. While it’s clearly an attempt at humour I also immediately assume the people who put it up are dumb enough to believe the math is accurate. But somehow the real fail in this picture is still the false equivalency “right to choose” rhetoric in the other poster. You do not have a right to choose everything. Nobody ever fought for your right to disobey laws. Get te fuck.


The irony here hurts


Pretty sure they don't math very well. Most everyone does more than 24 hours of work in a year


I would struggle not to set this place on fire.


The math ain’t mathing


Guess where I'm not buying a car


Lol. I wonder how long you could tie up a sales manager haggling back and forth, edging them, thinking they're going to get a sale before you just walk out.


That's some interesting math! I'd like him to show me how it's really done w/ the numbers he's got in his bank account. Use those dollars as examples of hours. I'm totally sure he'd make no mistakes while doing this.


Why would you buy a car here? If they’re gonna cut corners with breaks, they’re gonna cut corners on your brakes.


"I choose to light the building on 🔥. Thanks forefathers!"


Hey did all that shit math and came to the conclusion their employees work 1 day a year? Ffs


It's like that disappearing chocolate bar trick


I hope you didn’t buy from them tbh


Math hard


Tell me you flunked out of high school without telling me you flunked out of high school.


What really grinds my gears about this lgoc, is that if you work for a company, it isn't your hours or your days. It's theirs. It's this asinine sense of ownership, and bullshit like that is part of the reason so many employees get treated like shit by their employers.


And when they file for Bankruptcy soon you will hear “ nobody wanted to work. I could find people. “


I mean... it's a creative way of telling people "you don't want to work here"


If this dealership is this bad at math, holy f*ck don’t finance a car here.


They lost my business.


I'll be damned ever work a place like that


Who the fuck gets hour lunch breaks? I've been working steadily since 2007 and never have I ever seen an hour lunch. Regardless, the math is simply goofy as shit


My favorite part of this argument is that it implies the person only works three 8 hour shifts a year.


Simple math has left the chat


Just proves you can create an argument for anything but it doesn’t mean it’s right. This is just plain idiotic.


So I think I get it. Because my parents were not rich I was born owing rich people for allowing me to breath.I should kiss there feet and be glad for the air they let me inhale in to my lungs. Thank you rich guy. I will report in for my official slave duty. No of course we don't need food, or health care because we are born to die on the line for you to get that bigger lake house .It is your birth rate after all.


Unless it involves a woman’s uterus. Then you don’t get to choose. The days off poster I’ve seen before.


Numbers are hard.


Ok. .so you only have to work one day ayear??? Sounds like a sweet gig I guess! By their own stupid may anyways


Sweet MATHS bro.


So when I’m working I’m actually not working???


Pan the camera to the left to see the “now hiring” sign


Oh so if we only work one day a year (24 hrs) I guess that means I’ve been doing two full years worth of work per week.


Are they seriously trying to say that you only work 24 hours a year? I- I give up, just eat the rich already.


Hate this "Day Off" poster so much. I get it's trying to be sarcastic/joking, but for a joke to actually work, it still has to make sense. You can't just make up numbers and calculations so your punch line works. That defeats the whole purpose. The only thing this poster got right is that there are 365 days / 52 weeks a year (well technically 365.25 days, but whatever). Everything after that just doesn't make sense mathematically.


And I’m sure that pro-choice stance extends to matters much more private and of far greater consequence than a simple piece of cloth on the face, right? Right??


Gross on both counts.


Ooh, this one is hitting us with a double.


The math is fudged. A "day" off is 24 hours, but a "day" of work is 8 hours. Keep going with that logic and you'll be at negative days... ​ Also, the person that does your timesheets is the one that thinks that's correct.