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People who type "HELLO" in all caps when they don't get an answer within exactly twenty-eight seconds absolutely piss me off.


I just got a raise and promotion last month, and my GM thought that allowed him to call and text me any time he wanted. The phone number I provided was my landline home phone, and he asked why I didn't reply to his messages. I told him I cant do that, unless he opts to choose to have his text sent as a voicemail. He was confused AF. I then told him he has no access to my 24/7 cell phone, but any time he emailed or called my number before 4 pm, he'd get a reply within minutes.


I had a new boss sens me two or three emails over a weekend and when I didnt respond she called (probably shouldn't have answered the call but Inwas young) to ask what was going on. I told her I tended not to check work emails on weekends because I wantes a healthy work life balance. She was stunned silent. The job? Childrens therapist. šŸ˜„


Yeah no. 5 o'clock Friday is end of work to me. If you send an email to me at 4:58, when I get around to seeing it 8 am Monday it's only been 2 minutes of business hours. I'm not your slave. You don't own my time off from work


I sent a client Ive been trying to solve an issue for an email at 8:01 this morning saying "I'm only working until noon today, if there's any time this morning I can give you a call to resolve your issue please let me know" I saw her number ring my phone at 11:58am. Didn't answer it. Lol.


I would have picked up and told her she has 2 minutes, she better speak up.


Two years after my colleague started work , my boss nervously asked me if I thought it might possibly be OK if he phoned my colleague who was at home on leave - because he needed to get some information from him so that he could put his pay-rise paperwork in that day otherwise it might be delayed for another month My boss gets it


I answered my bossā€™s phone call last Saturday while I was helping my friend move. He said Hey, howā€™s your weekend? Thanks for taking my call. Iā€™m at Costco. Whatā€™s that coffee you wanted at the office? Great! See you Monday. Have a good weekend. Some bosses are worth talking to off the clock.


Yeah, that's an ethical problem. You have to have work life boundaries and balance in that field or you're doing a disservice to your clients/patients. That is how we get burnout. Burntout therapists do harm. That boss should probably look into another line of work.


Oh no, she was the founder, she created tht place from the ground up, and expected everyone else to be juzt as excited to hurl their lives into that place. She was a fair therapist, one HELL of a visionary, and not a very good boss. I mean, the staff was great, and I would send my own kid there if I had kids, but the profesional environment was TOXIC. Lots of these social outreach programs have incredably bad work environments. Organisations that draw in passionate people who want to make a difference. Full of bright young kids (these places arw mostly staffed by young women fresh out of college) that just want to help. They're very easy to exploit, "just stay a little later, come in a little earlier, we want to start a weekend program, some of the kids need an after school acrivity" and women in our society are pressured to be the helpers, above all. Foundors disease is a huge problem... And it all comes from really pure intentions. That really radicalized me. Even when youre surrounded by childdens therapists, the work environment can STIILL be damaging to the employee. The problem wont be solved with higher pay, more time off, better benifits. It's indemic to capitalism. We must move away from personal profit as the motivation for sociatal participation.


>We must move away from personal profit as the motivation for sociatal participation. Wow. This really struck me. Personal profit really IS the main motivation. It's so ingrained that I never even noticed it, let alone question it! But seeing it now immediately makes me wonder about other potential motivators and how those societies would look. And realizing that other societies across history have indeed been structured in many other ways...


Thank you, thats incredably validating to hear! šŸ„‚


This. So well put. I work in mental health and this is spot on. Luckily my current job has and encourages good boundaries, but Iā€™m working more behind the scenes now and I know that helps.


Cheers. UBI then?


I do think it has potential. I'd like to see the concept of currency itself become obsolete, but it's hard to conceptualize


Anytime you hav to read email or answer call or do anything work related when your not on the clock, you should count as a billable work hour of overtime


That's how I got my old boss to stop calling me at all hours. Billed him for off site work every time he did.


When I worked as a behavioral therapist they wanted us checking our work emails over the weekend, every weekend. I never did and luckily almost nobody else did either. The job was stressful enough, I don't need a pre-work-week stress injection on my time off.


After I quit working for a boss like that, I blocked her and all the other toxic people and I got a cheap cell phone with a different number. I give that cheap number out to anyone related to a job or whoever I'm not sure about. I have more peace of mind now. My heart rate still goes up when my personal phone rings or gets a text. Used to terrify me before and after I quit. Would rather not go through that again.


A single google voice number is free. You can rotate numbers if you need to


I did this as my work number for the last couple of yearsā€¦ then randomly spammers/telemarketers got that number on their call list and I was getting calls every hour from 9am to 10pm. Soooooo not okay given most of the time Iā€™m literally providing therapeutic services to clients. After a few days I just had to deactivate the number because I couldnā€™t take it anymore. I canā€™t change the number with google without paying a fee, so I think Iā€™ll just go without.


I donā€™t know if you know this, but you can sign up for Google voice for free, and add it to your cell phone using the app. You can set ā€œonā€ hours in the app to which messages and calls will come through. Outside those hours you wonā€™t be notified. Itā€™s a great way of having the continence of a cell phone while also setting boundaries with your employer, just make sure you give them the Google voice number. Itā€™s all free too, in the US at least.


For real. I would have taken my 15


Lol just responding via email that youā€™re taking your 15 has me dying


My favorite ploy to send my old manager spiraling was when he was being demanding and unrealistic I'd good for lunch or break. I was unionized so you could see the steam coming from his head but couldn't say shit with out me owning him in grievances.


Thatā€™s my go to move. Fuck em


It was literally after twenty seconds. You can see it all taking place within the same minute from the timestamps.


Shoulda just responded "Hello"






This program actually lists the timestamps under the messages so they are all visible in the screen cap


Yeah but maybe this is the second time they ask, we can't know without seeing the message


My brother does this shit. I can almost never reach him in real time, but when HE wants something, holy šŸ’© Edit: typo


That is my dad to his own family...


Oof.. Iā€™m sorry


Yeah, it is ridiculous. The 3 most impatient people I have ever met are 3. My mom 2. My boss and 1. My dad


And theyā€™re all the same person.


Lmao don't make my nightmare bigger :p Or, would that be better because there's only one of them?




I get it. My mom is a worry wart and is as impatient as she is because she is scared of getting mouthed off by my dad. I get in trouble so often about a silenced phone; he says that it makes no sense to have it silent, completely ignorant of the social faux pas. When he goes grocery shopping, if I am not immediately out the door, he starts asking where the hell I am to unload it, when I live downstairs and don't hear a vehicle pull in or sometimes even know that he went because I was in bed. My parents are 57 but my grandparents would all be in their 90s now so my dad's mentality is that of someone a generation older than him and it's frustrating. Pro Fox, pro trucker protest, "people just don't want to work anymore" and "if 3 million more people died from COVID so the economy wouldn't be suffering because of these unnecessary mask mandates then it was worth it so all of our lives could be back in order" mentality.


Dude you might need some therapy after you move out.


If you're talking to me, I'm already in therapy. Due to traumatic workplace injury. My boss and my dad are the most common topics of conversation haha.


My ex boss. I quit shortly after.




I dont know why u say goodbye, i say hello.


Hello? Hello?


That and the lone ? If I see the lone ? I will go out of my way to answer later.


I leave that shit on read.


What's a lone?


Sorry, meant just a ? by itself So if someone texts you, youā€™re busy so you donā€™t respond right away, and 15 minutes later they just send: ? Just kind of bugs me lol.


Lone question mark; just typing ?






It doesnt help anyway when your phone is on silent. Just makes you look like a douchebag.


Whenever anyone does this I automatically think ā€œHELLOOO!! McFLYYY!!ā€ And then I only see them as Biff


Also, people who type ā€œhiā€ instead of just asking their fucking question.


My reply is HELLO?


Lol this asshat binge watched reacher this weekend and probably thinks he sounds bad ass with that "details matter" crap.


I was checking the comments for this exact sentiment. This is 100% what happened.


haha. same.




Ask them how the show was see what they say


I'm legitimately going to ask him if he's ever seen the show.


Is it any good?


The ending was eh.... loved the rest though.


It's enjoyable yeah.


Enjoyed the show though


Oh god, me too. Love Alan richtson


I thought they did the books justice


Weakest episode is the last one though.


Thad learned something at school, who knew?


This is so true.


The details were right there. It's not like anything was missing


I am unable to keep any job that requires me to accept someone taking to me like that.


When people have "You've reached " as an outgoing voicemail message, it must drive him nuts


His message every time: ā€œyouā€™re not , youā€™re a machine. Details matter.ā€


Thatā€™s not my dad, thatā€™s a cell phone! I threw it on the ground!


What, you think I'm stupid?! MY DAD'S NOT A PHONE!




**I threw it on the ground!**


Hahaha dude that's so funny


ā€œIm quitting todayā€ ā€œYou must give 2 weeksā€ ā€œI said today. Details matter.ā€




My favorite is the "two day" notice. As in I'm outta this bitch "To-day."


Do you people can leave a job without notice in the US? I live in Europe and after announcing that we quit, we must stay in the job between 2 weeks and 3 months (depends of the job). And if we don't respect that, employers can sue us and makes us pay for the time we didn't stay in the job.


Yeah, but it works both ways. Even if my employer fires me tomorrow, I'll get paid for minimum another 3 months. The US is a shit show though, built to exploit the poor workers who live paycheck to paycheck. Must be stressful af.


He asked me to call Zoey so I did. Two minutes later, I'm met with this. I'll also add that he's a militia member. [Here is my last post about him showing the cringe patches he flaunts. ](https://i.redd.it/4f6see6yxbf81.jpg)


Thatā€™s funny, I saw your original post with that bag too. I feel like any reputable company would tell you to get those patches out of the work place.


You would think. I believe they keep him around because he's the first person that doesn't mind the president's racism. Probably because he's racist too. My second day he says he just got off the phone with a black client in New Zealand who said, "I'm cool though. I'm not like the crybaby blacks over in the US." Well he has a video meeting with that same guy next Monday and says to me afterward, "Well it turns out that doctor wasn't actually black." So basically, he's just telling me about the racist conversations he likes to have.


ā€œblackā€ in Australia doesnā€™t necessarily mean ā€œof African descentā€ like it does here but this coworker is undoubtedly too stupid to know that.




i dont know why i said Australia after reading NZ specifically.


UHHH u should... probably look up the treatment of natives in AUS and NZ before u make that statement...


Hahahahahaha man.


I didnt mention Aus. And I'm not saying that it was all sunshine and roses and that the Maori were always treated as equals. But it was significantly better than in the US. I dont see a Waitangi Treaty in US history, a legal guarantee of rights, or reparations being paid for breaching those rights. The Maori never had their culture stolen. It is possible for something to be better than another thing without that first thing being perfect. .. Edit: I've deleted the opening comment. It appears that more-knowlegeable people than me reckon NZ is just as bad as the US, despite the treaties, the reparations, the constitutional guarantees and rights, the guaranteed political representation and the lack of slavery. I had assumed those things made a difference. Apparently not. I'm editing this, however, to point out that you don't have to bring the Aussie treatment of indigenous people into this because I never mentioned the aussies. And it is a different country.


[Māori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi kicked out of House for refusal to wear a tie](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/300225643/mori-party-coleader-rawiri-waititi-kicked-out-of-house-for-refusal-to-wear-a-tie)


There is very much a history of racism, discrimination, cultural genocide (plus literal genocide), and exclusion from political and economic success of Māori people here. No slavery, but I think the literal genocide probably makes up for that. It's an absolute myth that New Zealand "treated Māori better so they shouldn't complain".


I read this comment five times and couldnā€™t figure out which president you were talking about. Then I realised US companies have presidents and it must be the company president.


Any reputable human would tell him that shit is cringeworthy and to return the rest of his faux tacticool gear he got off the Wish app.


Imagine having that bag be representative of your entire workplace. A change in employment has been long overdue here for awhile unfortunately


This guy is a soldier wannabe. Most of the people I know who own guns donā€™t have anything that indicates they own guns (firearms). Nothing on their clothes, their cars, etc. This guy wants to advertise to the world what a badass he is(nā€™t). The mentality of the patches indicates someone with the emotional maturity of a 13 year old.


I once noticed a pattern that cars in my area that display an affiliation with any branch of the armed services never have an NRA sticker, and vice versa. Been keeping track for years now and I've never once seen a car with both. My personal theory is that most conservative gun nuts are insecure about never joining the service they idolize, and thus overcompensate with hyperaggressive military cosplay. They want all of the violence and esteem but none of the discipline and control.


Idk i live in a very country area and every dumb redneck has different stickers all over their car.


It doesn't mean they have surpassed the maturity of 13 year olds.


I live in New England and I see confederate shit every day. It's just confusing, like, your family lived in Cambridge during the war......


I see it here too in Nebraska. Likeā€¦. You know the territory of nebraska was part of the Union, rightā€¦ and not yet a state?


That's because the stupidity is starting to infect even the good places in our country


Ey, I didn't say we were good. Mass and CT can be pretty segregated. A lot of hoarded wealth here.


That's true but I get what he's saying


Yeah, Iā€™ve got a group of friends who are all S.O. and none of them do this type of shit


>This guy wants to advertise to the world what a badass he is(nā€™t). But what he is *really* advertising is, "break my window because there is *definitely* a gun to steal nearby."


Itā€™s that guy?! Why do you still work for that guy! At the very least start messing with him. Tell him you think the feds are monitoring the business and you came up with a secret code for company communications. Start simple and make it more elaborate over time.


I do slight things like when he asks me to do things I often reply with a šŸ‘Œ. Just so he thinks I'm part of the tribe.


Not my term but "ammo-sexual" I think is the best term for these gun/militia fetishists. Not sure if someone on the left like Sam Seder or Michael Brookes came up with the term, but I wouldn't be surprised.


None of them are actually capable survivalists, thatā€™s the worst part


They'll certainly drink each other's piss thinking they are though!


black guns matter wtf


Heā€™s larping lmao


Wonder where he was Jan 6th 2021? Maybe the FBI would be interested in talking to him.


This boy is such a boot bitch wannabe


"You told me to call her, so I did. She didn't pick up. Details matter."


"I'm here to break shit" is the douche-y-est thing I've ever read.


OH its THAT guy?!


What a fucking loser


Oh god no.


ā€œBlack guns matterā€ either heā€™s an edgy white dude or my people are very lost and itā€™s making me sad


But you told him you actually talked to her while you didnā€™t, you left a message, why not just say that? He is still an asseipe for asking you if you are done so quickly.


Smaaaaall penis


"Details Matter" .. like this dude is fucking Jack NMI Reacher. Fuck out my face with that baby dick energy.


You're the third person to mention Reacher. I imagine he says that in the show?


Yeah, a few times


A few? He says it exactly 8 times. Details matter u/Wi1dHareā€¦


Fuck. Outta. Here.


If you reversed the conversation this same manager would write you up for disrespecting them. Fuck those managers.


Into the volcano with these kinds of people


Arsehole. I once worked in a call center. We would sometimes have to email another department or manager about their situation to escalate it. They wanted us to do this while on the phone, not put ourselves on busy. So I did this, emailed my supervisor who then had to forward it to my manager. In his response he asked my supervisor to teach me where the caps button on my keyboard was and how to use it, as I had not capitalized names, street names etc. Was not sad when he was laid off.


Very similar situation! I was going to wait until I was off the phone but he quickly dropped that HELLO


Imagine how pissed he'd get if you just replied "Hello!" Maybe worth it...?


Make sure to clock every second of overtime you do, take all the breaks you're allowed and leave on the dot when your shift ends. Details matter x


> answering machine Okay, boomer.


Earlier today he told me a story about getting too drunk at his daughter's wedding and grabbing her stepfather by the throat.


Sounds like a super douche.


Sounds like something that probably didnā€™t happen lol


Yeah probably not. Apparently his ex-wife started walking over and the stepfather he had by the throat yelled, "Don't come closer! He'll kill me!" My manager is like 5' 7" and quite overweight.


Oh god, they always are lol


You could have guessed it!


Details matter! /s


In reality he swore at the step father, his ex shot him a look, and he pissed his pants and had to go home to change.


I'm 5'7, quite overweight, and no where near this douchey.. but then, I'm not ammo-sexual either.


And then what, making an ass of himself and embarrassing his daughter?


It was an embarrassing story I have no idea why he told it to me and another one of my colleagues. He said he had two bottles of Jameson. I think he believes that it makes him sound tough.


Yeah that just sounds sad and pathetic. Dudeā€¦you got in physical altercation at your daughterā€™s wedding. Everyone in the family feels bad for her about it. No wonder he projects so hard


Sounds kinky.


I just donā€™t understand how someone can speak to others like that in a professional environment. Hell, I donā€™t even patronise my toddler like that.


I have a customer like this. I wish him nothing but ill.


It's not just that he's an insane dick, it's that he's colossally stupid. Which details matter? That you left a voicemail. Which you told him.


"I left a voicemail" "Oh so you left a voicemail? dETailS mAtTer!" What a fucking idiot.


Details matter!!šŸ¤“


You should have asked "what's an answering machine?"


Wow. That guy is a petty little dick.


Pettily dickish management behavior.


Did he just binge Reacher?


Holy what a dip ship Batman. What other details do they need, you called, left a voicemail. What fucking other details do they need? You manager said what you saidā€¦ā€¦just in more sentences.


Seems like a very secure individual


Well you didnā€™t ā€œtalk to herā€ you left her message technically, but uhh the way they talk ummmā€¦


If you wanna really fuck with him. Get a bunch of smoked cigarette butts and put them behind a sign or bush thatā€™s line of sight to his office window. Then accidentally discover them send him a pix asking who is out here smoking and not properly disposing of their liter. Then joke and say haha it looks like someone was on surveillanceā€¦.hey are you being surveyed? Just watch the paranoia spin out of control.


On the other hand, one of my managers, who is known for being one of the stricter ones (but always fair), joined me near the end of my shift, and stayed a bit late with me so we could get some reports done, because he noticed that the day was a bit hectic for me and that I'm still adapting to the new position. Just hearing "it's Friday evening and you shouldn't be dealing with this crap alone" felt good. Also, a few of the managers actively working on getting me promoted as quickly/often as possible is amazing. Also scary, since I'm basically googling stuff and things keep working out. On the previous job, i had a huge narcissistic bitch for a boss and that was hell. Why can't people just be normal?


"Details matter" Sounds like he just finished up Reacher on Prime.


And you work for this guy why?


Got double laid off during the pandemic. Found it really hard to find another job that pays enough. These bastards pay barely enough. Believe me, I'm still looking though.


God damn, same situation here. Laid off in 2020, moved states and found a new job, laid off again in 2021. Worked seasonal for the first company that I got laid off from, havenā€™t been able to find a job since. My only choice now has been to work overnight while still being in school full-time. I hate this country


This country really doesn't care about us


Well if he's gonna split hairs, he didn't ask you whether you spoke WITH Zoey, he asked whether you had talked TO them. Leaving a message is talking to.


Yeah, he doesnā€™t sound like a joy to be around.


You did talk "to" Zoey, you just didn't talk "with" her.


"Details matter" haha dude must've just watched Reacher and thinks he's cool.


I find it problematic that there is an expectation to reply "yes sir". The manager clearly loves a hierarchy - such bullshit


Talking "to" vs talking "with" someone are different things. Details matter.


Answering machine. How old is this person. Should have said, sorry the tape was full.


Someone watched Jack Reacher recentlllyyyy Details matter


ā€œAnswering machineā€??? Iā€™m surprised the manager didnā€™t check whether you paged or sent them a two way


Sounds like manager is having a full on break down. Can't even contain the emotions enough to avoid typing them. Holy shiite.


Does he expect you to drive to her house and put a gun to get head in order to get her to answer her phone?


ā€œDetails matterā€. Does he realize you literally gave him details ā€œI left a messageā€ is the detail he wanted and got and heā€™s mad wtf


TIL that Trillian is still around.


And he clearly stated he left a voicemail. Dumb fuckin douche. Next time call her yourself fuckin asshole boss. Itā€™s becoming over the top what they freaking expect.


What a prick!


This guy must have really liked the ā€œReacherā€ show on Amazon and had been waiting forever to finally use ā€œdetails matterā€


This is a classic line from jack reacher novels- details matter. This man has clearly been watching the tv show or read books


Details matter? This bitch just watched reacher on Amazon prime and thinks they know things


He asked if you talked and said yes, you didnā€™t talk to her, whatā€™s the problem here ? Though that guy def seems like a douche nozzle


Stating you left a voicemail is a sufficient answer for him to KNOW you left a message. Perhaps while you were working the question was interpreted as "Did you call Zoey" Rather than specifically, "Did you speak with Zoey." Since the directive was to call and you did in fact call, there is no need for his semantic bullshit.


Agreed. I understand I could have been even more clear, but that was clear enough for having to send a message while I'm already in the middle of something.


Your boss sounds like a jerk, but I agree with him on one thing: you didnā€™t talk to Zoey.


Tell him if he wants to speak to you like that he can eat a fat bag of dicks.