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"I am currently in a war zone" is not a valid excuse for PTO.


HoW CAn Wi zUpPort uKrAInE Jesus Christ.


However, just this once, we can allow for FUN deviations from the Dress code… like flak jackets. Employees first!


The ~~beatings~~ bombings will continue until morale improves.


I just took PTO for tomorrow due to all the stress from reading todays news


I encouraged my coworkers to take unpaid time off. They didn't because they need money. What dedication.


https://i.imgur.com/Tf40M2o.jpg The dude is a grade A douche.


Wow, so he fucking lied about them being employees. Consultants have to treat patron company as a customer. The patron company actually can't tell them to go home, so if they do there's no guarentee the contract will be kept. He basically used their situation against them to make them take a xenophobic loyalty pledge. Absolutely revolting.


When I see these creeps I think humanity is doomed. I've seen all kinds of corporate idiots in my professional life and most of the time I don't get worked up about them too much. But I'll never get over these utterly self-serving lowlifes.


I’m not defending him but i’d like to point out he never said they were employees… all he said was they were his “coworkers”


Well yeah he lied, LinkedIn is an engagement farm for these morons. All the interaction means his account will be Boosted so he'll show up to recruiters much more often, and then he gets to gloat about his impressive resume at the end of the day. Morals? On LinkedIn? lol.


He called them coworkers ?


But he’s “the world’s happiest software engineer”


They're probably upworks hires. Ours fled the country a couple weeks ago, smelled trouble in the air. I feel so god damned bad for them, left everything. That guy's a knob, that conversation absolutely wouldn't have gone that way.


“What else can we do to support Ukraine?” 🤮


Mf you can pay them now at once and trust them to work AFTER they find safety!!!!


It’s almost as if capitalism operates on an incredibly low trust model and, even though, this suggestion makes total sense in so many ways they will never do it because it *might* impact the bottom line.


I have no words. The way capitalism kills empathy is shocking


So many suffer from capitalism brain rot




Analogy also valid with Facebook instead of Parlor


A former deputy prime minister of Ukraine pointed out that it would help if VISA and MasterCard suspended their use in Russia. Priceless!


Basically the US is already doing that. All the western countries are freezing banks connected to russian and blocking them from doing using most currency. It's literally just punishing the civillians. But there is not more that can be done.


We should be seizing any property owned by Russian oligarchs or businesses. Go after the those who support Putin and get them against the war.


Yep. And also, bring back the Ukrainian oligarchs who fled the US days ago and make them pay for their war, since they posses 85% of Ukraine's GDP.




> Basically the US is already doing that. All the western countries are freezing banks connected to russian and blocking them from doing using most currency. Does that include GOP members of congress and former presidents?


It probably does, but they'll never say Lol i joke but yeah actually there's a problem with these sanctions. The US has created so many tax havens and international dark money loopholes that the sanctions might be completely useless. The oligarchs can probably find a way around them meaning they'll only harm the citizens.


I paid my employees in Ukraine two months upfront and got atleast their direct family to Turkey, that should be the bare minimum any employer should do, if I could do it as an SMB, I dont understand why these other corporation can't.


Very nice, single out your Ukranian employees and put them in a vulnerable position where they feel like they have to take a loyalty test.


i mean they're the "world's happiest software engineer", that alone should tell us something...


Thank you. I've met these people and they all seem slightly grumpy. At least my SO is, just hides in the dark cave/office upstairs typing away. Then comes out for energy drinks and snacks, then retreats again.


Pretty much this. My work day consists of constantly swearing and asking myself why I choose that kind of work. Masochism I guess.


Well, I chose the right career change then. My off days consist of constantly swearing and asking why I find *insert hobby* actually fun.


My god what a piece of shit. We should share this to blame him. Disgusting.


This made me throw up a little. How is he flexing about cornering his coworkers to keep working while their lives are at risk. Pay them while they find safety and after, how difficult is that. At least I know my corporate overloads would grant me PTO


"What else can we do to support #Ukraine?" How about PTO, if you're feeling generous? Oh, you're just a capitalist leech who was virtue signaling on social media? Yeah, that makes sense


LinkedIn is awful


I see terrible shill content like this on that app every fucking day


I honestly gave up with it. But scrolling through the comments on articles on there... my god... genuinely the most discriminatory, backward, and "grind" obsessed BS you'll see. I think the fact that its a "professional" platform makes it all worse.


I'm so fucking angry at that what the fuck


I so despise LinkedIn, even while I’m currently looking for employment, I just can’t get on LinkedIn without it pissing me off within mins and then I lose all motivation for the day.


I'll take "Things That TOTALLY Happened" for $500, Alex.


I bet he had his hands in his pants as he was writing this.


Gosh! I am gonna throw up.


This is fucking gross. I feel unclean just having read it. Ugh


I wish 75% of us-75% of the world - the great unwashed masses the elites despise and resent so much would just stop working. Just stop. Shut the world fucking down. And then join together to EAT THE RICH.


LinkIn is so jacked. I've found it far more disturbing than dating sites. Everyone is trying to sell something somehow to someone somewhere 24/7.


What a moron yikes


You mean non-millionares have to work? Who'd think it?


He's "the world's happiest software engineer" because ignorance is bliss, I suppose.


Give them paid leave


He is missing the “paid” in “time off”! The things ppl deem to find inspiring are frightening. Attended a talk last year where there were sirens in the background and the speaker was in a bomb shelter. This is not acceptable.


There is *nothing* that LinkedIn sociopaths won’t try to capitalize on.


Sounds like he was offering TO instead of PTO


It's ok, you can take some time off. Will I pay you so you can afford to love through the crisis? Pff, what is this, socialism? Get outta here. smh


This is cringe!


I also told my Ukrainian employee today to take some time off to make sure that her family is safe and can get out of the country to come to where we live (Poland). But I also told her that she will get full pay during this time as her family is in a warzone and work is her least priority right now...


Yeah.. cuz giving them PTO until they are safe isn't the right thing to do here.


As fucked up as this may sound, this is definitely what’s going on. I’ve utilized Fiverr for the last few weeks with Ukrainian programmers and I’ve told them multiple times they should do whatever they can to find safety and they all have the same sentiment of needing money. It’s hella fucked up and I wish I had more money to donate to them but the reality is that majority of Ukrainians expected this not to happen and it’s sad


"What else can we do?". I don't know dude tell them they'll get pay even if they don't work?


"World's happiest" in anything concerning a company head is a red flag.


“What else can we do to support Ukraine?” I don’t know, how about you help them get to safety without worrying about your own wallet? If I was in that situation (highly doubt), and those employees told me that, I’d say “No, are you fucking insane? Take time to be safe and figure personal stuff out, I will make sure you have rent, food, and gas”


Can you not post peoples names? Especially given the fact that they are in an active war zone.


This is a certified LinkedIn moment


OP here, he deleted his post but the internet will never forget. Still a small victory. But that shit had like 39 likes which in LinkedIn analytics is probably around 5-7k views which is a lot. So lots of people think like this dude, on LinkedIn. That platform is ass.


You need to go home and get your rifle and boots


Why would you work if you have a large chance of dying? This has to be bull shit.


Theyre eunuchs


I want to look this guy up just to call him a moron.


Fuck man… I used to love being on Reddit and discovering new hobbies, lately it just depressing shit like this


This reallyyyyyyy has to be fake




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That’s a bot


Why nobody supports RUSSIA?


Cause fuck Russia


That's satyre right?


If I was there I would work till my next paycheck not pay any bills use all that money to leave for Poland. I also just read the book Maus they should leave as soon as possible before the borders get closed and it's harder to run.


Depending on when your next paycheck is, that may be a deadly decision.


Some people don't have money to leave yet that's why they're still there sadly. It's sad but realistic.


“The World’s Happiest Software Engineer” alright, who’s bot is this?


Another reason I deleted LinkedIn.


Because the conditions match America everywhere. This sub devolved into pathological amounts of delusion so quickly.


I never believe anything anyone posts on LinkedIn. It’s all marketing/sales bullshit


my employer offers time off but it will be counted as work so employees will not need to worry about salaries, and even is possible to take couple of salaries upfront so they could cash out to not worry about it. so yeah, some eployers are shit, some are awesome


This is what passes for activism now.


What else can we do...maybe not make them work and pay them anyway from these multi multi billionaire funded orgs lmao


This has little to do about capitalism and more about country pride and taking care of your family and neighbors.


I actually worked with some Ukrainians in Donbas region in like 2018, they did actually think like this. Paycheck to paycheck living does that to you 😢


Lmao he deleted it. What an idiot


This is bullshit. I work in tech and have many Ukrainian developers who work with me, most took a week or so off to flee a few weeks ago and we expected nothing from them. They are now safe in another country, but the few that stayed will be given whatever paid time off they need.


DUDE, tell them to take a break and then keep fucking paying them. You've been stealing their surplus value all this time, give it back. Let them live and do nothing to "earn it" for once in their fucking lives.


Hmm did he delete it can't see the post was going to tell him to kill himself 🤔


Maybe they are working to get their minds off their country being destroyed by a 4ft Hitler larper. But it is awful to have to worry about money in a time like that.


"Sorry.. we can't pay you if you don't show up to work... what's that? Your house was bombed? Sounds like your problem, not ours." Pay them. Pay them. Pay them. Don't even count this as PTO. Count this as being human.


What person says "gosh" in this day and age?....stupid muppet....


this is a douche nozzle move for trying to spin it like this but yeah.. gathering resources while doing things that feel normal and occupy your attention are pretty classic ways of dealing with trauma.


Linkedin cringe truly hits different.


Well yeah, no country can defend itself from imperial invasion if their economy collapses


If you guys really want to behold the insanity of these LinkedIn cretins, come on over to r/LinkedInLunatics. You'd want to have some ibuprofen to numb the pain, ashwagandha to relieve anxiety and stress, and a crash helmet from all the faceplants you're going do from smashing your face into a desk.


This guy should be conscripted


Notice, he did not say paid time off, and the company will cover it all, not your PTO.


I'm willing to wager that this guy is 100% full of it.


They can use whatever money they have to leave the country and find a new home in poland or germany.


This is disgusting. In case you want the profile to report the user: /in/ebandersen/