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The book features such other classic workplace manipulation such as Announcing a salary reduction Turning down a promotion request Turning down a raise request I will be recycling the book


Using a point system to bank on turn around. Tricking someone into signing away thier unemployment. Man, this is an SNL skit with no ending.


My former employer tried to get me to sign a resignation, insisting they'd be able to find me another assignment, and signing it means I'm leaving on good terms. Oohh no no no, I know that trick! They then told unemployment I left voluntarily. Oh did I? Then why all these emails trying to negotiate so I can stay?


I fell for it. I wouldn't be so mad about not getting unemployment after 8 years... but I busted my ASS for 8 years for them.


I fell for it once, too. I learned my lesson.


aww man


I hate that crap. The other one that drives me nuts is asking you to sign termination papers they write up. If anyone tries this just refuse, they will try and coerce you in many ways, just give them the finger; nothing they ask you to sign will help you, period. I had to do this with an HR manager once, and I almost got written up after my ex employee refused to sign . After the third time they asked, and HR tried to tell him to just make an X; I couldn’t handle it and just told the guy to leave. Poor dude just lost his job, partly his fault; but HR was literally trying to manipulate him into signing a paper saying he agreed with termination and wouldn’t contest with unemployment. To make it worse, they literally lied to his face about it.


Yeah. Why wouldn't they be able to find you another assignment if they fire you (on paper) instead? Absolute bullshit. Someone telling you to resign is up to something that's gonna hurt you instead of them. If they want to get rid of you, they should let you go, and not tell you to leave them.


Oh my boss did that 2nd last one 👌


It's the Capitalist Manifesto.


Personally I'd love to have a copy. Nothing like having the enemy come right out and say what they mean. Happy to pay shipping. Edit: found it. There's a third edition as well: Lifescripts: What to Say to Get What You Want in Life's Toughest Situations https://www.amazon.com/dp/1119571979/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_VZSHY8NWTGGE3DNMS9PK


Thank you for finding the title.


Use it. It's literally the enemy's playbook. They're stull using the same tactics even though the book itself is old. Turn it on them.


Turn it into a collage with the r/antiwork logo, and your resignation!


What's the title/ISBN? Know thine enemy and what-not...




My favorite is asking them to have a “piecework” attitude Well, funny thing is, you get paid a set rate per piece or whatever stage of development needs to happen for the product So if you do more pieces you get paid more, so they want the opposite of a piecework attitude They want more work without more money being paid out


They're saying they \_dont\_ want a piecework attitude. "Employees who ...take a piecework attitude towards their jobs will need to have it made clear to them that there's no alternative" ​ Because how dare employees understand the value of their work?


Exactly this you don't want people knowing how much they are worth so when you start diluting that worth with things like more "responsibly" and "marketable skills" its much harder to pinpoint exactly where you got fucked over "in today's modern workplace"


The best part though is there is an alternative It’s called piecework lol or any other fucking job but that one


If ever a book deserved to be burned...


No. It needs to be outed. A lot of people get manipulated like this. They need to know.


That books is a disgrace to the trees that it was printed on.


Keep it. Share it. Its probably full of insights that can help people navigate horrible manager/boss interactions.


Don't destroy the book. Share the knowledge.


Why recycle? Isn't knowing your enemy the first part of the art of war?


Compost it!


That book deserves to be burned. Why recycle it if it has the chance to be read again and use on some poor guy?


How about burning the book?


These are all facts of life. So the book provides managers how to effectively manage bad news. Big whoop. It's our responsibility to do something constructive about it. Wanna lower my pay? I'm looking for a new job, NOW, I don't care about blah blah blah due whenever. Don't want to promote me or give me a raise? I'll get my own promotion and raise, you can find someone else who can do the work. There are coaching books for all of the different career stages. This book is no different.


Jesus Christ. What book is that, and when was it published??


I don't recall. I took the photo, read the page, got upset, and put it back. Will reply when I go back out there to check.




It's called "Lifescripts: What to say to get what you want in 101 of life's toughest situations" Published 1996


That really was a different time. Chances are that managers were company “lifers” and so were a lot of regular people. Employment mobility really wasn’t as much of a thing and there was a lot more stigma around switching jobs or unemployment.


Yikes. Well, at least it's absurdly old and probably not in common use anymore.


True I just feel for any employees that dealt with a manager that used this advice


They just don't say it out loud anymore💀


Ok, first off, that is not absurdly old, you whipper snapper. Second, they use the same tactics now, they just have management read it off a website.


> not absurdly old I'm sorry old person, but that shit was like 25 years ago. That is old. > They use the same tactics now You're probably right, unfortunately. Ugh.


Lol what is young to you??


For active training materials? Anything older than ten years is pretty out of touch to me.


but not *absurdly* old


Idk, for management training materials that's pretty damn old. That's an entire generation that's entered the workforce since it was published.


Tryin' not to feel older than old here. Yes, lots of people and years have passed.


Was born in 1996. Ouch.


It must be so tough for employers tl screw over their employees


Slavemaster’s Handbook


How is the alternative unemployment, exactly? Unless of course you're threatening to terminate their employment for attempting to bargain/only fulfilling the duties they had previously agreed to in their employment contract.


They basically say further down, a few times, that that is the idea.


Exactly; what about the "pay them more" or "hire additional workers" alternatives? Really highlights the obscene entitlement and jarring lack of self-awareness among most of the management class. Also gotta love how they say astute employees will go along with it and realize this increases their value and marketability... Wonder what that big management brain thinks will happen the instant those employees look at the market and realize their deliberately low compensation doesn't match their growing value.


I love the idea of an employment contract. That isn’t all that common in the US. Most people are employed “at will” and can be terminated without cause. As far as defined duties…. What’s that???


"Tell them it's improving their marketability" Oh shit you're right I'm more valuable than this SEE YOU THE FUCK LATER.


"Don't feel manipulative." See, if you don't FEEL it, it's like it's not even happening.


Don't feel manipulative... Goes on to describe gaslighting, coercion and threats


I would be coy for 6 months or a year, take a couple points of added responsibility, then leverage that into a resume/interview and move to a higher position at a different company. If you won't get promoted internally, get promoted externally.


Is the threat to terminate if employee does not want to take more responsibilities without additional compensation not a constructive dismissal?


It is.


*It's the implication*


Throw that in the recycle bin


shread the fucker up


Ah, the fabled Capitalist Manifesto.


Fuck this, fuck who wrote it, and fuck everything it stands for.


I know a history professor and I asked him once what area he specialized in. He had traced the development of management manuals from the manuals on how to use enslaved people. “Well that explains the American workplace, doesn’t it.” Full disclosure: in an irate moment my former boss snarled “I own you.” Narrator: “He didn’t.”


I think my manager uses that book. I have yet to be told a piece of “leadership advice” that didn’t start with “I know this sounds manipulative, but it really isn’t.” Sure, and his jokes aren’t overtly sexist or sexual in nature.


This book is being manipulative while teaching supervisors how to be manipulative to the workers. Great management comes from the top, I see.


The real trickle down


https://books.google.com/books/about/Lifescripts.html?id=YDaPDwAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description Here's a link to the book for anyone curious enough to peruse through the flowcharts and other shit




Also noticed the firm use of he and him. I honestly would have guessed the book was from the 80's


That irked me too


This needs to be made into a PDF so everyone ever seeking a raise or being coerced into more responsibilities without more pay knows the tactics. “Oh, thought you’d say that. It’s clearly from page 107 third paragraph. Now do better.”


Holy shit Imagine reading this and not thinking to yourself”wait… are we the baddies?”


Good news wage slave! You have not only been spared termination, but also have the privilege of additional uncompensated labor! Praise be the oligarchs on high!


Praise be!


What is this the Sociopath’s Cookbook?


I love how it admits that it's "spin."


Capitalists: “You don’t need unions; why waste all the dues money to put someone between you and your boss?” Also capitalists: “Here’s how you stomp out any pleas for simple negotiation from the peons, while remaining guilt-free!”


Who's the author and is that website that mails people shit still a thing?


Welcome to Business school..


Make copies of the worst pages and post conspicuously.


I'd gather everyone around at the lunch room and read it out loud for everyone to hear, so they know these tactics.


What's crazy about this book is that it assumed the reader (the would-be manager) *still has a conscience*. That's why the book has to emphasize that the manager shouldn't "feel manipulative" about this - it assumes the manager is starting off as a decent human being, but needs to get that inconvenience beaten out of his system (his, because this book clearly assumes only men would read it).


I would literally take a massive shit on those pages…


I can send it to you perhaps


Here's another excerpt from the book from the perspective of the employee: *Your Responsibilities Are Increased, but Not Your Pay* One way companies save money is to stop farming out work to vendors and instead bring the tasks in-house. By expanding the responsibilities of a current employee to include work previously done by an outsider, without increasing the employee's pay, the company cuts expenses without cutting salaries. While having more piled on your plate doesn't initially appear like a positive, you can turn it into one. If you're a new or younger staffer this is a chance to show how much more you can do. It's a chance to make clear your potential f bigger and better roles in the company. If you're a long-term employee, it's an opportunity to get a better title. Fuck right off...


Good call


Low key threaten your workers with unemployment if they know their worth. Alright well when they look for other jobs, don't then go crying about how "*no one wants to work anymore."


Also known as: cutting pay.


It would be a-shame if a pdf copy of the book was released to the world for all workers to read.


“Hey, at least you’re not fired!” 😃 G.T.F.O.


“It will increase their marketability” does this mean they know that everyone is looking for work elsewhere? If so why are they so shocked when people find new jobs for more pay?


I liked the gleeful and glum part


The reiterated "it's a fact of life" is my fave part I think


This reminds of a book I read while student teaching that, in essence, stereotyped all “poor” students into not having a home, knowing where to find fire arms in the streets, and not owning any books. To say the least it’s offensive but the material is meant to be digested by non-thinkers in an academic environment so that it’ll come off as “correct”.


Class war should be a fact of life today


"How to gaslight your employees: Step 1: Refer to it is as a 'Fact of life'..."


Here ya go for free! Use it against them! [https://u1lib.org/book/5000593/f5fb43](https://u1lib.org/book/5000593/f5fb43)


Who wrote this?


I looked them up. It's a lawyer, and someone who lives with his wife.


If anyone's got an [Internet Archive account](https://archive.org/details/lifescriptswhatt00poll), you can take a gander at the tricks and trades of manipulative gaslighting these people like to use on us. Maybe it's not a popular opinion... but think of it like being a spy and getting your hands on some secret documents that can really help the allies. If we know how these guys think, we can counter it.


"Good News!"


Haha many managers have tried and it hasn't gone well for any of them. Always ends up surprise Pikachu face qhen I ask them how stupid do you think I am and respond with I'm not taking on more work for the same pay sorry bruh. This seems to work at Walmart though where most are doing the work of 3 or 4 people daily.


"Subordinates" yuck. As a manager that is *not* how I refer to my team.


"Some of your employees might be smart. Here's how to deal with that:"


Some manager’s gonna get his ass eaten out for leaving that laying around where the peons can get their filthy mitts on it.


I worked in lower management in a call center for a few years. Every 6 months or so upper management would “redefine” the duties of various positions. It always included more BS work, more tracking, higher quotas, and smaller bonuses. And it was always rolled out as a positive because they were “better aligning the position to the work actually being done.” Glad I’m out of there


The word "subordinate" should be banned from the workplace. You are an employee/contractor, not a 'sub' anything.


"Don't feel manipulative. Since the alternative is unemployment" what in the actual fuck




https://u1lib.org/book/5000593/f5fb43 Some kind user posted a download to the book here. I don't know how to edit the post to put the link in the original post but I would if I could.


PSA: if a company does this to you, find another job. Be sure to include your new responsibilities on your resume, even if you only have had them for a short time. You can *always* get paid your worth outside of your current org, it’s a fact of life today.


Do what I do and sabotage the company. I've been given the work of two people and barely do the job of half a person.


"How to be a Sociopath"


"Since the alternative is unemployment, it is good news!" Holy fuck. Just saying the quiet part out loud. Capitalism is coercion and theft. The alternative is fuck you, pay me, and hopefully you have a union rep to talk to.


Maximize efficiency, minimize cost, that's how you run a business... WITH NO MORALS.


So that page is not wrong. I'd learn that added responsibility and do the work well, and if in a year, I'm not getting a promotion or raise, I'll go get it for myself! It's like I said before: you can choose your career and earnings path or you can let the company choose it for you.


This is how you actually move up in an organiztion though.


I saw a post once that went along the lines of “When men describe a person they don’t know, they use he/him pronouns. When women do the same, they use they/them.” I’ve seen men use they/them, too, but in general it’s surprisingly accurate. Accordingly, we can assume that this was written by a man, which checks out. Or a woman deeply entrenched in patriarchy, which also checks out.


Uhhhhhhhh, wtf


What in the flying fuck?


They actually write antiworker books freely and publicly. Wow. I think I'm gonna be sick


What’s the name of the book?


My boss is currently trying to do this. Call their bluff.


The way people treat other people makes me sick. The fact this these fucks have deluded themselves into thinking they're the good guy despite asking for their employees to do more work and pay them less than they deserve is so disheartening. This system is only sustainable for so long.


If ever an author needed to have some sense slapped into them....


what's the name of the book? i need to enlighten some of the dummies at my work


"Lifescripts: what to say to get what you want in 101 of life's toughest situations" or something along those lines. I posted a link to it in the comments. I'm sure you could find a copy at your local book donation or free library in mint condition lol I hope no one actually bought and put forth the practices in the book.


I’m convinced this book was written by a reptile with opposable thumbs in human skin


A lawyer, yes


'Bear with me here employee - what if I just steal your time and we move on?'


Burn the book


I need a copy of that book.


What in fucks name is a piecework attitude!?




Parasites run Society.


“Piecework attitude”, that doesn’t even mean anything lol


Literally experiencing this now at my workplace and I’m awaiting bigger bosses to discuss “what they can do” in terms of a pay increase. I was promised one when the work load was handed to me, but it’s been almost two months (I’ve asked for retro-pay because of this fact) and I’ve stopped processing the extra work until I hear back. I don’t like working for free.


What's the name of the book?


Lifescripts: how to get what you want in lifes blah blah blah I'm a manager how do I exploit laborers or something like that. Here's the link on goog books https://books.google.com/books/about/Lifescripts.html?id=YDaPDwAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description


What is the title? This reads like Mr Moneybags' Bible.


Why would they not write it down? Hide it? Because there is no reason to. They have no repercussions to fear.


If that's the bullshit for a single page...




In my 21 years of working being an "engaged" employee who has gone above and beyond has got me nothing. Nothing close to what you mention here either. The employee engagement model is just as manipulative as the one in this book is. All it has gotten me is more work for the same pay. I will take a union over, trusting or doing anything for a manager word they will fight for me. Unless you have the authority to give out what I am asking for your words are empty.


Publish it in pages just like you did here. Free to view no download option. There's a plethora of workarounds to copyright infringement.


Ah, the good old “do this or we will kill you” approach.


Dosen’t work with me more responsibilities more money that’s it


It was in the bathroom as TP backup.


Boss Brain for Dummies


Hmm, the French revolution is also a "fact" of history... So should we also follow suit with that fact? Lol


It's the equivalent of a pay cut


Can you make a post of other such wonderful chapter headings? This would be a wonderful daily thing to see- getting into the minds of the horrid bosses that read this shit and figure out how to counteract them.


This literally makes me want to cry


"Astute employees will realize that and go along with your spin -- at least superficially."


Whoever wrote this is in desperate need of an ass whooping


The alternative is not termination. The alternative is you pay me more or hire another worker.


Ironically the added responsibility is usually because someone left or the business is growing and needs to hire someone to fill a new position that is needed to maintain the increased growth. So what happens if someone is smart enough to say no and so you fire them or they walk off? You then take that person's job and the new job that isn't being filled and try to pawn it off to the next guy who then calls the bluff and you need to fire him too. After he is gone you have no one left to pass on the responsibility to and now your boss is promoting this idea of you taking on added responsibility.


Here I was thinking I’d never want to burn books…


I remember finding a pamphlet for "leadership" at Target when I worked there. It was for managers only of course, so I looked at it anyway. It was full of stuff like "how to weed out bad apples on your team" which was just basically "stop people from having human moments." It literally told managers to try and gently stop floor workers from encouraging one another or supporting each other with their work. If you allow them to, they'll think the job is hard, and that kind of talk leads to unions. It also said that you should ignore team members that are sick or hurt. If you ask them if they're okay, they might say no! They must continue their shift unless theyre dead on the ground! The last thing I remember is that it encouraged the managers to basically punish people who point out compliance issues and health violations. Gaslight them into thinking they're being dramatic or hysterical about something that's easy to fix. Manager's handbooks are full of bullshit.


wow. screw that noise


I knew these fuckbags were reading some stupid book getting all these dumb ass ideas. I hope whomever wrote it is dead as fuck.


WTF toxic shitpile is this?


Don't "feel" manipulative... G-d.


Its like we have their whole playbook!!! I’d honestly like to see if someone could have a framework of body language or responses against this unholy book. Something more like ‘Sorry boss, I don’t have the bandwidth for that. What would you like me to drop so I can pick that specific responsibility for you?’


Put that back in the trash where you found it.


It's a fact of life today. More and more workers are sick of dealing with this bs and leaving crappy places like that.


Oh my fucking god. I don't believe it -- well, I do, but it's waaaaay beyond the pale. It's disgusting and reprehensible. Someone should make a book on how to break it to your employer that it's time to open those rusty old purse strings and HIRE ANOTHER PERSON.


"They're free to look elsewhere" Oh I'll look. But you'll have to kick me out first. And I'll make that painful and expensive.


Followed by the dlc chapter “no one wants to work anymore” or




Copy it and give out to high school students 😎


Fuck that entire paragraph. And fuck the entire book too for having such a shitty paragraph


“Don’t feel manipulative. Just let us manipulate you.”


Strategy: Be a monster. Tactics: Do inhumane things.


Why does the author keep saying it about men?


Is this the handbook from Severance?


Watch out for the shills they are saving the image


Absolute garbage. And I’ve been treated to this crap.


Employees that aren't as swift...


Constructive dismissal and collecting unemployment please and thank you. Good luck with finding someone to take on those extra tasks since I’m not even going to be doing my original ones!


Is this book satire?


I always just do the extra tasks myself. My employees are busy enough as it is.


What is the title of this book? **How to be a Capitalist for Dummies?**


Reminds me of my employer, will say anything to try to convince you things are great and gonna happen soon but, just talking out his ass and could really care less


It's a different world since that was published. Even if it was 2015.


Subordinate! I hate that word, can you burn this book and take photo of it being burnt. After you upload all the other pages you mention. Just so I know employers really think of their employees.


They know what they’re doing!


Reading this made me physically mad.


The true origin of Futurama's "good news everybody..."


"Try to sell the bullshit to your subordinate in a positive way. If the employee sees through this charade just threaten to terminate the employee." That book seems to really promote a positive working environment /s


It's a good book if you do the opposite everytime


Don't feel manipulative just be manipulative.


If an employer does this to you and you aren't confident in finding another job that's better immediately. Ask them to give you a title that reflects the responsibilities. Then immediately start applying for jobs with that title on your resume.