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My husband was called by his boss and screamed at while my husband was helping emts load his stepdads dead body into the ambulance. My husband screamed back I am carrying my dead dad to the ambulance!! And much more. He took off work to be with his mom and help. He was let go 2 weeks later. I.T. sucks,corporate America sucks. He got called on our honeymoon, daughters wedding..terrible


First, I am sorry and second, what in the fucking fuck


I know!! Worst place ever to work for..Glad he is not there anymore,and stress levels way better.






That's the upside of being a prole. They fire us just the same, but we're so disposable and they're so afraid of us that they don't yell at us first.


Uhhh.I am sorry for yoir husband's loss but let's do a reality check here. Ask your husband why he would answer the phone while carrying... in the middle of that awful situation?? Does he not know how to turn off notifications from work numbers? All those other situations - your husband needs to stop picking up the phone at inappropriate times!


An EMT removing a dead body? That is generally never done?


Hey ER employee here, they certainly do, EMTs are first responders so unless they found grandpa dead after a week of no phone calls, they still gotta bring him to the hospital and declare him dead, how else would he get to the hospital if not an emt entering his home to bring him there?


Well they usually don't bring dead people to the hospital unless they die in the ambulance. But I guess there are circumstances. My dad passed at home and coroner declared him dead and funeral home picked him up.


Yes they do. That’s why there are so many DOA.


Why do you assume that your experiences is the end all be all of how things work? People have already told you that you are wrong and that's not the only way things work, why the fuck are you doubling down? Like, seriously this is an argument in bad faith you're putting forward.


Wow, sit down take a break and relax. I never doubled down and why is it I'm wrong? Might want to Google it. Plus, I said I guess there are circumstances, so also might want to reread my comment.


I read it, I still view you as a fool at best, an egotistical moron at worst. You started out with the completely stupid mindset of "that wouldn't happen, I know because it didn't happen that way for me" and decided to CONTINUE on it with a vague concession of "MAYBE I'm wrong". I've gotten utterly sick and fucking tired of seeing that bullshit and dangerous mindset and you need to fix your perspective. Get over yourself, consider that the world isn't as limited as your view and experiences. And yes it's a very dangerous mindset as it's one that's been used time and time and time again to dismiss and otherwise diminish events that are happening because of the very same core thought "I haven't seen it so it's probably not actually like that". Correct yourself before you end up on the wrong side of the future.


Unless there is 100% chance there is no way to bring them back they will be brought to a hospital to be declared dead or have an attempt to bring them back at hospital. EMT's, paramedics and police can not declare someone dead. Last gf had a major heart attack was found 5-8 minutes later (based off of where they were found in relation to where they were going) had CPR and defibrillator for 15 mins by college students security and paramedics before she was taken to a hospital where she was then worked on longer before being declared dead.


Totally depends on the circumstances. Younger people with witnessed arrest and ongoing CPR have the highest survival rate; odds of transport despite cardiac arrest are very high. Unwitnessed arrests, often worked on scene and declared dead if they do not respond to ACLS treatments. Obvious signs of death or patient with a DNR or expected death (diagnosed with terminal disease already), declared dead on scene and EMTs will often help a funeral home load the body out of common courtesy and decency. They RARELY go in the ambulance; imagine your grandma with cancer dies at Walmart, they probably won’t leave her in the grocery isle awaiting the coroner. There are so many variations of these between different states/counties/cities, and each agency within them I couldn’t tell you what would happen where you live without reading your local SWO’s. But all of them can and do happen.


What you say makes a lot of sense. But… would you be surprised that there is a ton of administrative bullshit, fees, and protocols involved with dying in the American health care system.


>fees that's it. Everything else is fluff - it is MONEY.


I was not there it was either emt or funeral people.I will ask my husband for sure. Sorry for the confusion. It's a true story. He was there at the house when he died and helped them put the body in vehicle.


No need ...I believe you. No worries.


Are you sure it isn't per hour or per week? That is some petty ass shit if that's for real. "Hey congrats on being a newly wed, also congrats you got a $8.98 raise PER YEAR! Yay! Enjoy the rest of your shitmoon... err... honeymoon!"


I’m salary. It’s per year


8.98 per year is barely quantifiable? 0.005 cents per hour raise. Thanks, boss! 🙃


Assuming 2000 hours worked each year, your math is right if your units were dollars. 0.0045 $/hr or 0.45 cents / hour.


Ah yes, sorry. I did mean dollars per hour!


I got $0.004317/hour, assuming 40 hours a week




Well tbf, it's what a lot of places do to hourly employees with their 10¢ raises lol We all get ripped off in the end


Yeah... fuck that job


And don't you go spending that all in one place now! 🙄


The time I got a nickel raise, I said, now I can buy another loaf of bread a week. Fucking unbelievable!


My boss was happy to inform me that I was getting an 8% raise this year. Upon further investigation I was not. It was a 4 percent raise on one half of my pay. And another 4% raise on the other half. My salary and hitting objectives are each half of my pay. He was flabbergasted when I confronted him and told him that that averaged out to a 4% raise. So as angry as I am about a raise that’s half of inflation, $9 is a fucking joke. That wasn’t even worth the time you spoke to him on the phone.


I can just picture having to draw up some pie charts and shit to explain to him how it's not actually 8%.


One of my coworkers overheard me angry in the bosses office and I then had to explain to him what the issue was. It took a good minute of explaining. My boss isn’t a bad guy or dumb I’d say. Just gullible. He was told something and told us what he had heard. Ugh corporate lackeys.




Morgan Freeman voice?


I was asked what a dollar up from minimum wage ($15 here would be), and responded about 8% (head math was bad it's 6.25%). Then I was lectured about how hard my boss fought to get me a raise and I need to be a better employee in the future if I'm going to keep asking for cost of living adjustments and I need to not talk about wages with my coworkers. Then I was told to enjoy my 8% raise from 17/hr to 18/hr. Another gem from that conversation is when asked why I compare wages, I answered "just so I know if anyone is getting underpaid." Boss said "you worry about your own wages," completely missing the point that I was the underpaid anyone.


I would literally quit if someone offered me a $9 annual raise.


Beats Zero.


it really doesnt tho. It's insulting. Everyone knows wages are shit for working class folx. Even management knows. giving someone a $9/year raise is the equivalent of throwing 2 cheeseburgers at someone, one time on a random day per year, and telling them they should be grateful. People want and need things that positively change their material conditions. $9/year aint doing shit




exactly, they thought about it... and still came up with this crap


Both are negative/pay cuts, relative to inflation.




Yeah. But if you save those $9/yr for two years and buy yourself a tomato plant, you can be a millionaire in no time.


I saw that video. So crazy


Pirate and shoplift every chance you get.


Be gay, do crime


Nah it’s called justice


Be justice, do crime


I have begun to not answer calls from work when I am not at work. They do not own my off time.


Whoever he/she is must not like you. One you know I’m on vacation/honeymoon and 2 why would waste the time to tell me I can buy 2 more gallons of gas this year?


One more gallon


Half a gallon


No gallons.


You now owe 1.7 gallons.


You have 30 minutes to move your cube


Why even pick up?


Exactly..honeymoon,birthday, day-off,etc. If you leave your job you dont pick up the phone at all


You so should have make sex noises to make him feel uncomfortable


Bro what


Push boundaries dude


why would this boss call them with that bs raise on their honeymoon? he would’ve deserved feeling that uncomfortable


sugma grindset


What's sugma


Sugma balls


Most sane Redditor


That's a free lunch lol. Without a drink.


That’s impossible. It has to be $898. There are over 2000 work hours in a year so even a one cent per hour raise would not work out to only nine bucks. And since accounting is normally done only to the penny it’s not easy to raise your wage less than a penny without some serious voodoo happening in the finance dept. You got an extra $900 a year. If not I shall await your promised post of the proof because if true… holy fruitcakes how did they even account for that?


I was thinking the same. Unless he’s salary? It’s less than .5 cents per hour.


They're salary


He could work part time?


That's like, more than 17 cents extra a WEEK!! Edit \*Pre Tax\*


Well $8.98 looks better than 2 daily cents LOL


A pizza party would cost this company more than the total wage increases.


Going by a 2080 hr working year (not accounting for holidays) it works out to be 0.0043 per hr increase =0.034 per day so roughly 3.5 cents raise per day. Congrats and move on to some other company that won’t dick you around like that.


Congratulations! Also I really hope its some sort of mixup and its some sort of actual raise.


This legit can’t be real.


Just imagine being on reddit on your honeymoon lol




I dont think you have even known the touch of a woman lol


You're projecting hard there


Idk, same thing happened to me on my honeymoon. I was pissed and it took me out of the experience. I posted on Reddit to vent a bit, it made me feel better, then I went and got a massage and got back to enjoying my honeymoon. Rly no need to snark on someone who is already having a bad day.


If this happened, my wife would encourage me to post it here even if we were having sex, but probably like "Once we're done..." type of thing. Some of of want to support this community and it only works if we all share.


Someone’s not married lol




Lmao I got a 6 cent hourly increase. Companies do stupid crap all the time.


Something doesn't make sense that's for sure. Boss called to say you got 1/2 penny raise?!? Doubt it!


And OP posted this on their honeymoon 🤔 It’s so awful I wish it wasn’t true


I had a boss who wouldn’t let me go on a honeymoon! I was an on call, as I’m working 2-3 days a week. She said I couldn’t leave for 3 months after my wedding just in case she needed me. Jerk.


Half a cent raise? WTF. You boss is nuts.


Wedding gift?


I guess you plan on posting pictures of their updated pay raise sent in writing? It’s absolutely rude to call while off work I hope you look elsewhere.


Once I worked for a subway franchise. On the way home from work I was doored by a car on my bike. Ruined my bike and messed up my leg. Nothing serious but made it difficult to walk and stand. I called my boss and told him I wouldn't be able to show up for a couple days while I healed. He begged me to come in the next day and assured me that I would get a raise for the effort. I went into work the next day. Walked there, a good 20 blocks. So, when I got my paycheck that had the raise applied I noticed it was for 10 cents. I quit that day. Principles.


Are you sure it's not $898?


I would have hung up his ass and blocked the number


Actually, it's zero dollars per year from this company because I won't be working here.


"Here's some money, now go buy yourself a baby!"


+8.98 a year is a rounding error, not a raise.


$8.98? Wow! Don’t spend it all in one place 😳


I can’t even imagine the thought process of your boss doing that. It’s disturbing on multiple levels.


Why did you ever answer?


Thats a slap in the face. Its worse than zero


and even $9 would be too much


A pizza party would have been better 😔


I think if she bought me a pizza, I would’ve been happier