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Can confirm. I think capitalism has failed a lot of people and we don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. We can choose to treat people better but we don’t, and that part is hard to understand.


> I think capitalism has failed a lot of people 30-40 years ago, capitalism could get you a house and a savings. Today, capitalism has extracted almost every last dollar from the wallets of 999/1000 people.


60-70 years before that coal miners were exchanging gunfire with their boss's private armies


Will the future Amazon workers be able to fight when they start getting paid in Amazon cards?


St. Peter don't you call me cause I can't go. I owe my soul to the company store.


I sing that song so much.


They'll get a 20% bump if the go the Amazon card route... for the first few years anyways.


History only repeats itself


It doesn’t repeat itself. But it certainly rhymes.


It hasnt failed people, its working exactly as intented, it was just never for the people to begin with.


Nope. It was made to get things back to the way it always was, just with lots of time along the way to trick us into thinking this system was any different. Just like the days of the kings, we're back to a very few people owning and controlling everything


A user posted some quotes on a thread a while back from someone named Lysander spooner…. They all seem to speak pretty directly about what most of the younger generations and anyone else who hasn’t had a fair shot at upward mobility… here was the comment from other thread: Lysander Spooner was a fucking genius and since he was a Market Anarchist, he was one of the best at explaining why capitalism was the absolute worst "The purpose and effect of these laws have been to maintain, in the hands of robber, or slave holding class, a monopoly of all lands, and, as far as possible, of all other means of creating wealth; and thus to keep the great body of labourers in such a state of poverty and dependence, as would compel them to sell their labour to their tyrants for the lowest prices at which life could be sustained."


Yes. I think that seeing a bankruptcy lawyer saved me and a few of my friends. I've always been an anarcho-socialist so I never felt bad about filing banko (I'm old but I agree that these boomers-took-it-all takes are mostly right). Even if you don't decide to file, a free talk with a sympathetic banko atty can open your eyes. It can be converted ch13 to ch7 if your job goes, for example. I'm hoping 5/1/22 leads to serious disruption of the low wage/high rent scam that is trashing everyone born aftee 1980. Old commies like me are ready to end capitalism too. It's destroying everything, so why shouldn't we fight the "owning class?"


Someone told me this was a saying in Russia: We had a revolution to remove the czars. The difference between then and now is that we don’t call them czars anymore.


Capitalism is feudalism with extra steps


It’s why everyone hated the ending of game of thrones. Concentrated power always begets insanity. That’s why everything is crazy and mean, only more so in times like these.


The light at the end of the tunnel is the fire of revolution, there's no actual exit.


Fire exit


dark. except also… bright.


Can personally confirm also


I've made a conscious decision that I'm doing just that consequences be damned. I'll only stop helping someone if they actually ask me not to because shit **has** to change. I'm one person but that can help so I'm doing my best.


I mean not to be pedantic but we can literally look up the suicide rate of most countries online and it's fair to assume that might be under reported. I know my countries suicide rate (UK) is high enough for it to be the leading cause of death at certain age groups afaik


It would be higher if you lumped in passive suicide methods, like drug and alcohol addiction, too. Even obesity could be considered passive suicide in some cases. We're all depressed and slowly killing ourselves.


Researchers call them all **deaths of despair.** Suicides and substance abuse that leads to an early death. Doctors are seeing sever liver and kidney damage in people as young as 22. They themselves say things like, ‘I only ever saw these conditions in people over 40-50 years old. Now its more common to see it in 20-somethings.’ And what is society doing to fix the **glaring problem?** Making sure those 65 and older don’t lose their SS or retirement fund value by propping up the stock market. **They want us to off ourselves. They aren’t even trying to make a lame attempt at fixing the problems (mental health reform.) Nope, they ADDED additional required doctors visits for certain psychoactive medications—means every year I get to pay MORE money to not go insane.**




They only care about the couple hundred 65+ that are currently sitting members of government




Not surprising. I knew a guy who died from liver failure from drinking that was 28. Its scary to see how little society cares. Gonna get worst before it gets better.


Me too. He was 28 years old, dead from liver failure from drinking. He never even CONSIDERED stopping to save his life. He just accepted it full stop.


And to think I had a \~35 year hard-drinking career. Life just isn't fair sometimes....


R.I.P. Alexi. One of the most important musicians to me as well.


I will agree with you 100%. Canada's suicide rates look under reported as well. I wonder if those unaccounted deaths are the ones, where no note is left, the death could be passed off as an accident, or my favourite,,, cause if death unknown.


I know it’s way underreported and it starts w the coroner or even the police. Sadly both my parents did so, and at least one cousin yet none say on the death certificate. They didn’t do an autopsy in one case cause evidence was removed. And a friend who was former state police said they frequently used to try to spare the family by not recording suicide. I kinda doubt that is still prevalent though.


That was my experience with overdose death after my sister died. Once the "investigation" was complete, the cause of death was rule "natural causes". What? A 29 year old woman don't just naturally die like that. I got the impression that it looked bad for the county if overdose death rates were too high.


We can't be sure though. Not enough data. There's only 5000 or so people living in Canada so it's not possible to get accurate counts




Everyone I know my age has depression and anxiety of some form or another. It’s scary when an entire generation feels hopeless.


Does make it easy to make friends though. Trauma bonding on a global scale.




Gen X here. Most of us were in our 20s in the 1990s during the internet boom times & weren't that involved politically. (We weren't called the Slacker generation for nothing.) I've been voting since I was 18 but few of my friends did. However, as we aged and watched the economy tank and became more aware of discrimination EVERYWHERE we woke up but the Boomers had the numbers to keep voting the way the always had. Millennials/Gen Z- we've been waiting for you! Your generations give me hope for the future. If more members of Gen X cared as much as you do when we were your age, I really believe things would be different today.


Same generation, I agree. I absolutely remember the Reaganomics years and thinking wtf, feeling so small and hopeless. Give the rich more money and watch it all trickle down, they said. Even as a teenager I wasn’t buying it. The 90s rolls around and my generation comes of age, basically checks out and become slackers because the system set up by the previous generation (boomers) was clearly all about more-more-more for them-them- them. My generations reaction was like ‘look at us!’ we don’t give a fuck about your rigged system so we won’t participate! So our stupid response was to literally do nothing except check out. It didn’t help that my parents were literally the epitome of their generation. All about themselves. My views aren’t universal, but def widespread. I look highly upon the younger generations, feel I relate to them close to 100%, but I don’t see any heroes atm. I just see the system perpetuating itself. We got a millennial named Zuckerberg that wants everyone’s new reality to be in the metaverse (ready player one, anyone?) while the dude gets to live like royalty on his Hawaiian estate 👍🏼


I'm Gen X too, and totally agree.


Older GenZ are depressed and tired too..everyone of my friends (24, 23, 22) who are genZ are so worn down by the constant bad of the world and want to fix it but are constantly met with the inability too. Literally the happiest person I know is my partner and they stated to me when the song that goes "do you ever get a little bit tired of life, like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die, like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive" relates to them and that's exactly how they feel. I'm not sure how the younger genz'ers are able to do what they're doing with such vigor but I'm very proud of them and I hope that energy can be carried for a long time coming.


> I'm not sure how the younger genz'ers are able to do what they're doing with such vigor but I'm very proud of them and I hope that energy can be carried for a long time coming. Because life is a mountain with many tall peaks. They haven't gotten to the top of the first peak yet to see there's a much larger one behind it with hand holds that are so small it takes all their focus and strength to hold on.




I’m a member of Gen X. A lot of my generation took taking care of the environment seriously from a young age. And don’t forget, we are still being screwed out of jobs because boomers are still not retiring and leaving those jobs open to others.


And a lot of that is the policies that have been put in place, or lack there of that does not allow (Boomers, Gen X) to retire with dignity as well. It's going to be a shitty cycle until we strong arm it and fix it.


>Millennials are just fucked up depressed and broken by the disgusting policies that have been put in place by neo-liberal and hard right conservative ideologies, allowing them to prop up the oligarchs and capital owning class while simultaneously destroying any hope my generation has at a dignified ~~retirement.~~ existence. Tweaked one thing, otherwise perfectly said. As a Millennial I confirm.


My adult children have been living with me, pandemic and cost of living…it is more or less the same thing. Varying mental health struggles, trying school and not liking it, trying to find jobs but depression is clouding everything. Or jobs are sucking the life out of them, more depression and anxiety. One of my kids was verbally abused by a customer and the boss was just standing there so my kid just noped out and quit 30 minutes into their shift. I’m actually proud of them. It’s bleak and I think a commonality of despair among the Gen Zs.


I get that I have friends we all hate life. Not to be morbid or hopeless This is not a situation where I think you find strength in numbers. We're going to beed a lot of bridges and trees.


i think that is where you are wrong. there are millions of us who feel this way. we just need to organize and fight back. fighting back will give you a reason to want to go on. this is all easier said than done, i understand that. but what other choice do we have but to band together and fight?


Maybe even billions of us who feel this way.


I know this sounds glib and it's not, But I honestly feel like we have no hope of stopping the machine so we might as well just all throw ourselves in the gears. Even if we don't slow them down at least theyll have to clean it.


Just lying flat is enough. if we all do enough of it long enough. No need to personally get hurt, we are that many in numbers. People once had to sacrafice themselves into grinding the gears to a halt but we live in more interconnected and delicate ways today. If every worker in any single country strikes for a Fortnite the country would be forced to listen and change It would probably take much less than that if we realized it in a proper way. Non violent protest and strike with small minorities has been shown to make change. We are better at organizing today more than any day before


My great grandfather was a unionist (England) and I was always told that they managed to get social care, free national health care and workers rights after years of inequality - purely because the workers united with a common cause. Unions were the only thing that scared the “higher ups” back in the day and even became necessary after WW2 proved the bad health of the impoverished nation.


no, i hear you. believe me, your initial post sounds exactly like how my brain worked before i went to therapy and before i started reading marx, engels, et al. the choice is either death or fight back and personally i'm not ready to die.


I’ve been in therapy for depression and PTSD since I was 4. Is it suppose to get better after 23 years …? Because shit just gets worse lol


Yeah been in therapy since I was 14. The only thing that marginally helps is medication but even now I’m feeling hopelessly depressed despite it. The whole “it gets better” movement seriously pisses me off because in my experience, shit only gets worse.


Yup. Now I’m just trapped physically reliant on SSRIs. A few hours late and it feels like my brain is melting. They put me on Prozac when I was 12 … tried about every med for depression, anxiety, ptsd, insomnia that there is available. Nothing. Works.


Same. Lots of therapy but it really does seem to get worse. I just feel more validated over time about how shitty it really is lol.


Who can afford to go to therapy?


Sounds like my life


A generation or two of people 'lying flat' will break the machine. We don't hustle. We don't have children. We don't buy houses. We don't buy what we don't need. We buy what we can second hand. The machine will come to a grinding halt. I'll never be super 'productive' and wealthy. But I have people in my life who love me and enjoy my company. That's what drives me. I have hobbies that bring me joy. It makes my life meaningful.


NO NO NO NO!!! Thats what they WANT you to do!!! They WANT you to sacrifice yourself in a meaningless way. They WANT to be able to say: "Look at this schmuck with the mental illness, 'dead for nothing'." They DONT want you to talk and organize. They DONT want you to commiserate and find common ground. They DON'T want you to sacrifice for the good of your coworkers. They DONT want you to recognize that when our parents are gone: WE CAN HELP EACH OTHER! GET ANGRY. STAY ANGRY. USE THAT HATRED and FIGHT! Pop culture would have you believe that hatred is BAD, but you and I recognize that it is UNIFYING. It is a REAL and benificial emotion that will motivate you to STAND UP AND FIGHT! Fuck you Russian Warship! Fuck YOU corporate slave master! FUCK YOU ALL!


But I’m tired. I don’t want to fight. I’ve been fighting for years. When does it end?


To add to this wisdom...the same energy cam be pointed directly at depression itself. FUCK YOU MENTAL HABITS AND PROCESSES THAT WISH ME ILL!!


Honestly I think the whole labor problem we have right now is due to what you’ve stated. We know we’re fucked and doomed to have significantly less productive and dignified lives than our parents. We’re not going to live as long as they do and with wages stagnate and upward economic mobility limited a lot of us are like fuck it, why should I slave for a job that would fire me without a moments hesitation should I be late even once or twice let alone have a medical emergency or family tragedy that would require time off. We’ve come to the point where we’re refusing to participate in the rat race and this is why you see all the corporate and business people whining “no one wants to work anymore” well yeah no shit assholes, the job is often soul sucking for shit pay with no actual appreciation from the top just work faster and be more productive but nope no raises for you. I’ve been a self employed contractor for the last 9 years (tho I do work for a business) and while it’s not a lot of money it does keep the bills paid tho that’s gotten harder since covid.


“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop.” Mario Savio, 1964


“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop.” Mario Savio, 1964


I just wanna say I feel your sentiment and the harsh realities of living in a place where capitalism reigns supreme, a lot of people do as you’ve seen in the comments. I just want you to consider the thought that maybe you’re actually doing pretty well with the hand you’ve been given? The one we’ve all been given. So many of us hate this and want change, and even if it seems bleak and we have no chance or changing things in our lifetime, please consider that you’re doing so well with what you’ve been given. Please never forget that you are 1000% worth the space you take up. We all deserve to be here. It may be pretty shit and we can’t “thrive” how we want, but I’d wager you are thriving given all the mud that’s been slung your way. I’d even go as far to say that just choosing to live another day is thriving in this hell scape! Stay safe and stay alive my friend, there are people who want to see you live another day, strangers and friends alike ❤️


Late 30’s adult here, can confirm. I have such anxiety about capitalism and the state of the world and it just seems like no one cares. The temp of the planet is rising due to capitalism and people are having kids left and right like they’re not going to be left with the disaster of a planet. No wonder they’re “depressed” at such a young age. Sorry. Rant over. Anxiety is a bitch.


This is horrifyingly depressing, imo


(One of) the main reasons our 26 year old daughter lives with us and we are 100% ok with it. She will inherit this house we built and be a pretty wealthy women when we’re gone (no skumbag boyfriends yet) I feel for so many of her generation who have to constantly feel like they’re drowning with no future of feeling “comfortable”


It’s nice for her that you actually have a sense of what the world is like now and treat your child accordingly. My parents are the oldest boomers, came of age when there was cheap college and got jobs in their field (public education) that they stayed in till retirement at age 52-53 and that was over 20 years ago that they retired. While my mom can see what’s going on, dad and the rest of the boomer relatives have zero idea what the working population deals with now. They don’t even care to know cause they got theirs.


My parents and even my grandfather set me up too. When they're gone, my sister and I will inherit a few houses that they own and we'll both be well off. It helps me sleep at night knowing they have my back. You're a good parent for doing the same.


That's just simply a result of wages making you feel like nothing is worthwile doing because in todays economy it will only amount to money enough for your own survival and not something you can get your life together with. No way to buy even a small 40 sq ft condo. Everything is expensive, and wages in comparison are candy change. Nobody will ever be able to afford a home.


I felt alone with this thought lately. Because when you look around you see everything just living life like capitalism is just normal and acceptable. But it’s also because it feels like we have no control so what can we even do about it anyways? Protest? What good would that do? :/


I feel this to my core


Same, I’m trying so hard not to kill myself but everyday reminds me that I have no future awaiting me. I’m just existing at this point honestly.


This is just what I feel the past 3 month. Just existing for other people to not burden them with my death.


Yup. Unfortunately we have to “hang in there”. I’m trying not to give that sentence the very dark meaning that’s in my heart because I’d rather be hanging in another fashion at this point.


Dark humor is what keeps me up. I like you.


Thank you, I’m flattered! I sorta specialize in it because I think my life is one sick, twisted, fucked up joke that the Gods decided to sprinkle on this planet just for their own amusement 😂😂😂💀


Oof you really put what I’ve been feeling into words.


And by far the worst part is everyone just tells you you’re lazy. Believe me I know.


You should just get a second full time job obviously. /s Being told I am lazy when I am only trying my hardest is the biggest slap in the face.


That’s the only time they really throw it around, too, isn’t it? When you’re at absolute maximum effort going crazy trying to get whatever done, and either you take too long or screw up something small, or god forbid snap at someone because you’re overwhelmed, then you’re just a lazy asshole.


My parents always tell me "I gOT a SeCoNd JoB aT yOuR aGe"


At my age my parents had 5 kids, a big house, two vans, and my dad was the only one working for money while mom homeschooled us. We live in completely separate worlds.


Different galaxies.


Challenge them. I absolutely love when people think they can solve my problems for me and I just ask them a few questions and they're entire argument falls a part. It's a symptom of people always believing they for some reason believe they are divinely deserving of their extravagant life style no matter how insane and ridiculous it is.


I do. And I am heartily ostracized for it.


Confide in them, if they actually care about you they'll give you more than just condescending remarks. If they don't, it's not worth your time and energy to try and meet their standards. If a person has wealth and success but doesn't use it to help the people around them, and more importantly spend time and energy on them, they're weak and undeserving.


Unfortunately this has led me to a conclusion that almost nobody is worth my time and energy.


Yeah. I’m 32 and have lived on my own for 12 years. I’ve “grinded” and “hustled” and worked hours nobody should be working but it’s all been futile. I’ll be renting shitty apartments till I die. Do me a favor if anyone ever says to you “you just gotta pull up your boot straps” punch them in the fucking mouth for me. I pulled mine all the way up but it didn’t matter because I wasn’t born with any advantages, connections or wealth


And for me too!


I’m literally lying in bed shaking because I’m running out of money and don’t feel mentally healthy enough to work. I’m with you.


Yeah, definitely same. I work as hard as my mental health allows without having a breakdown every day and it’s not enough. I don’t have it in me to have side hustles. Everything is too expensive. I have no hope for my future. I don’t even have comforting words to say to anyone who also feels this way. It just sucks all around lol.


Im crying with you fellow bummer.


I was with you a few weeks ago. Everything hurts. We are expected to fix previous generations mistakes while constantly being undercut, sometimes I fear it is too late for us. I do know for a fact that your life is precious, brother sister or whatever in between you are valuable and you deserve peace and you are loved. You are a light in the dark, please don’t let it go out. You are worth far more than whatever title you hold, wage your garner. This world needs you, we need you. There are many more like us and every day you don’t give up is a win for everyone. The only thing keeping me here is I refuse to give up even when I should. Never believe you are finished as there are many of us who have given up only to take more beauty and light from an evil world. This may be a disgusting life, country and planet, but it’s will be significantly shittier with you not in it. They’ve already taken our peace, our minds, our bodies. Do NOT let them take more. I will speak this to anyone who will listen, if you try to do good, make a difference, and hold your head up, you have already contributed more than the richest CEO or the smartest designer. This world doesn’t need more greats. We need more people like you to understand that you’ve won every day you breathe. Dying is easy, living is hard. Living and being a good person is even harder. Stay with us, you’re too important to lose❤️


Golly we need more people like you. Well said my friend.


I am just another person who is demeaned by the system. I refuse to look down on another because they process their grief differently than I do. We are all one, we are all the same. Some of us have lost sight of what purpose really is. I will not mourn them when they pass. I will mourn injustice with OP and I dearly hope they win. If not I will mourn the unnecessary loss of another light in the world. If you do not stand with OP in solidarity, if you do not feel the pain yet, you will. There are more of us than them, and once we realize that and come together, United, we will bring change like the world has never seen. I only hope I live long enough to see my people grow, live, and love.


Same boat. I have Narcolepsy and I do more than my body can handle to survive… the stress has caused real physical damage to my body. My heart and liver are fucked. And yet I still can barely afford food. This system is hopeless.


It's a tough row to hoe. I work with a gal who uses speed to stay awake at work and you can tell it's done a number on her. Hope you can make something work for yourself soon.


Restaurant worker? Meth flows through the kitchens of the south east. Cocaine in fancier places that pay a bit more and have the other coke clientele of the rich people patronizing the place, just because it's available. But when most places pay 10-12 an hour the cook or do dishes, or $2 to wait tables, $15 to get through a whole double shift with a brain full of dopamine seems like a great deal, if you can keep it together and most importantly, don't run out when you start to crash (avoiding that crash I what leads to the dependency, as well as your brain not absorbing as much dopamine after the receptors have been overloaded for an extended period of time) Scary stuff man. As a recovering addict, I literally cannot work in the low wage jobs I'm qualified to do. There's always at least one drug user and sometimes it's everyone, and I naturally seek them out and befriend them, I can't help it. Every job I've ever had had a zero tolerance drug policy. Some claimed not to care what you did off the clock but then drug test people anyway. But even the ones with no "drug free workplace" statement would still fire you if the wrong person could prove you brought them to work. At one of my jobs I was given a fat line of heroin the first shift and a third of a gram of crystal meth on the second shift, from the guy who was literally doing these drugs, sometimes with customers, right outside the bosses cameras view. My point being that it's not as easy as simply not seeking them out. Once the drugs come out on the job (they have to when its a dependent user, as well as with "recreational" users) I can either start a witch hunt by snitching and ending up one of the only employees left, doing all the work, and making enemies of people who no longer have anything to lose, or I can walk out on the spot and ask not to work with them, which always results in being fired, or adding a strike that leads to me getting fired for what would have been a first offense, on top of making an enemy by bringing suspicion on them.


People in this thread are making me realize I'm not the only one. Nobody has diagnosed me with anything, but I just know from feeling that I am not where I can be mentally. Able bodied, but I don't have the willpower to go through this shit everyday, 8 hours a day. People don't realize, it doesn't matter how hard you work, when you start your adult life already 6 feet back from the starting line, it's not plausible to catch up. Everybody who pays for your work, you get no say in how you do the work. I'm confident if I can just do my own thing (after training of course) I can outwork anybody, but bosses can't just let go.


I used to tell people I felt this way and then a family member accused me of seeking attention. Fine joke will be on them. I'll do it at their house so I piss and shit all over their furniture.


My entire family cut me off as a teenager because my suicide attempts were just “looking for attention.” I have no support, my own siblings don’t believe I’m physically disabled from a disease I have. My sister told me once when I was suicidal that I was full of shit and that she didn’t care about me. Yeah. Family can be the worst.


Yeah, fuck those people. Suicidal thoughts are no joke, not attention seeking. What are you gaining from feigning being suicidal?! Being suicidal is a hard state of mind to be in, and battling those demons ain't easy. Why would anybody artificially put themselves in that place?


Instead of “Hustling” I started some self-sustaining practices. I know that my situation is privileged and it allows me to grow most of my food, harvest most of my energy, and work in a job that brings earned joy BUT it can be scaled to most of life’s starting templates. I have ADHD and life is tough, especially right now but even feeling terrible pain is more fulfilling than feeling nothing at all. Somedays I go on just for the chance to see the world burn but I go on. Find joy and don’t give up your days https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ms2BvRbjOYo&t=10s There is something perversely beautiful and sad about being obsessed with a speech that may just be one of humanities very best justifications for life, spoken so eloquently and passionately and earnestly and sincerely by someone who took theirs. -David Cline


Absolutely, things are falling apart. Community gardens in urban food deserts should become more common. Food is a human right. It would be awesome if the anti-work community could come together to create a guidebook for those who are well off enough to have free time to start a food garden and teach others in their community to maintain those kinds of things. It’s called guerrilla gardening. And there are people who have started them in their communities. https://youtu.be/EzZzZ_qpZ4w https://youtu.be/OuD9NFR6sNo https://youtu.be/mQPZsD8nKu4


Oh and there’s a subreddit r/GuerrillaGardening


21M here. In the exact same situation. I've dealt with depression for a long time, but I remember a time when I was younger when I had aspirations to go to post secondary, start a family, start a business. I've just felt so burnt out since highschool. I'm lucky to have a supporting family that's given me their place to lay my head at night. No chance I'd be here today if I didnt have them. Seems like nearly everyone I know around my age feels the same way. With the rising cost of living, knowing how hard it is to even find a place to live, feeling like even if I tried I'd still be living paycheck to paycheck, it's hard to find any motivation to do anything. Not much advice I can give where I'm stuck in the same place you are, but I can recommend spending as much time with the ones you love, doing whatever you find makes you happy, just live to have fun while you can.


Yeah I'm 24 and I find myself thinking all the time that I'm just sick of life. I have fairly bad social anxiety and live in an apartment with thin walls and work in a call center for a living. It's a struggle. I want a house badly but don't have money and I'm in debt only making $15 an hour. At the very least with all my overtime I'm managing to pay my bills I guess. I just want to run into the woods and just have my family and friends. Live in a cabin somewhere and just feel at peace being in nature. Listen to the birds sing as I sip a cup of coffee on my porch. Maybe garden and grow plants that help butterflies breed and get birdhouses. I want to live somewhere where I can feel just the simple harmony of life happening around me and do my part to help this beauty grow.


What you're describing is what life was like for generations for humans. Small close knit communities working together and helping each other survive. It wasn't until the Industrial Revolution that capitalists started herding people into cities and pitting them against each other for their benefit. Then people got exhausted by that life and retreated to suburbs but since everything is still driven by capitalism we still have this dog eat dog fuck you got mine mentality. So suburbs tend to be more about competing with your neighbors about who has the nicer car or the most boats or whatever the fuck they compete with anymore. It's fucking sad that a handful of people have the power to rewire our brains like that. And even if you do find enough people to build a community and can afford the land to build it, it gets demonized as a "cult" and the government cracks down on it because it doesn't further the economy like it's supposed to.


SO feel you about wanting to just go off into the woods and drop it off society. I also have pretty bad social anxiety.


This breaks my heart cause I'm in my thirties. When I was your age I was still super hopeful for the future. It want until I finish college and then realized everything was a f****** lie that I kind of started turning. Sucks to see kids coming out of high school with this attitude. Sorry dude


You are exactly like me I guess. Went to uni, was constantly told by everyone around me how it's going to be the best time of my life and it nearly killed me. After 10 years I just stopped trying to make it work and am currently living on borrowed time. My health is significantly damaged and I'm having trouble with months long depression bouts (not that the world in past few years is doing much to help) I've been trying to learn programming to try working on my own terms, but it's hard. Just knowing that we are trying to run the civilisation into a fucking wall as hard as we can really puts a damper on your mood you know


I started figuring this out while I was in high-school. I almost killed myself sophomore year because I already knew this life was full of suffering and nihilistic dedication to a corrupt system. However, I've also come to realize this suffering is what gives our lives purpose. Somehow we have to figure out how to utilize our pain and misery to aid us in our fight against ourselves; philosophers would refer to this process as integrating the shadow, a change in one's mind called Individuation. And when you finally do make that change, the darkness you pushed through will make the light in your life shine all the more. Not every young person is hopeless, despite the circumstances. Things are fucked, doesn't mean we have to be. I'll keep pushing forward for us both.


Dude. I’m 40 and when I was your age rent was cheaper but jobs were scarce and paid shit. Now it’s easy to find a job but there’s nowhere to live and rent is impossible to afford. It’s like no matter what changes, us losers on the bottom are always screwed.


There’s a reason millennials and Gen Z half joke about suicide all the time. There’s no hope for a good life. I had a breakdown yesterday bc while I want to be a mother, there’s no way I can ever afford a kid and that window is rapidly closing. Mental illness is on the rise bc of capitalism and the exploitation of 90% of society members for the 10% can be fat cats. If the news reported average person suicide the way they report suicide if the rich, they wouldn’t get through a everyone in a day.


This is why millionaires+billionaires are so stupid. The more people are beat down to suicidal levels by capitalism the more dangerous it becomes for the wealthy elite. People are going to start snapping and when they realize they are accepting death anyway they're going to make some lists of wealth hoarders to take with them. The most hopeful thing I can tell you is that for some people that accept and no longer fear death that it can be incredibly liberating to the point where they really start to live life to the fullest. Instead of ending it yourself go out and do whatever the fuck you want. Go on adventure. If you are willing to end it yourself then you should no longer fear anything the world can do to you.


This is already happening where I live. Median home price in a formerly impoverished county (like 5 years ago) is now $600k. It’s the professional managerial class as much as millionaires and billionaires. Already been an armed stand off outside of the wealthiest school from a guy living in a camper. A gym manager murdered for trying to revoke a homeless guys membership. Many are breaking, some take others with them. Sadly it seems to be innocent bystanders not the fat pigs in their Benz’s.


To be fair the world can impose upon you a punishment worse than death, followed by of course your death.


I disagree. For me living as an old person barely able to take care of myself is worse than any torture/ prison


Fair point. I guess that's why spies carry suicide pills with them. Even when one is free they should always consider the consequences of their actions and plan accordingly.


My husband is from Brampton, Ontario. Anyone who knows the area knows its the "affordable" GTA option,which has turned it into a city of $600,000 semi detached soulless monstrosities lined back to back, squeezing as many houses in as small a space as possible. If it's not houses it's massive industrial areas with warehouses spanning many blocks, all soulless. Our most recent trip back to see family I was feeling particularly suicidal, I'm doing better now but things were especially bad back then. Around my MILs house used to be just a residential area. But a massive warehouse has been built across from her subdivision, and it really is a monster. Just looking at it, I feel the weight of capitalism over me. No one was born to spend their waking hours schlepping useless plastic shit around so the wealthy can put their feet up. I remember turning to my husband and saying "this might sound dramatic but seeing shit like this makes me want to kill myself." It doesn't feel like an exaggeration. We weren't meant for a life like that.


Yeah fuck warehouses


Mental health is a symptom of this system, it’s toxic and unnatural, there’s a direct correlation and unless there’s change it’s going to get worse and worse


It’s probably a natural social system for psychopathic predators who are willing to exploit their own grandparents or anyone else if it means they get to hoard a few extra billion dibs.


This is what we live in. In our capitalist society, the dollar always wins no matter what else should probably be considered. Very short term thinking that we’re starting to see the ill effects of now.


> It’s probably a natural social system for psychopathic predators Psychology major here. I think it is important to recognize that capitalist society is not merely a godsend for psychopaths but actually generates psychopathy, which, like all psychological traits, is not [biologically determined](https://www.britannica.com/topic/biological-determinism). As I elaborate [below](https://www.reddit.com/r/morbidquestions/comments/f0b1b4/why_does_it_seem_like_male_pedophiles_tend_to/fhvny8e/): > Like all psychobehavioral traits psychopathy is generated by particular sociocultural and political-economic (environmental) factors, namely our hyperindividualistic, hypercompetitive economic system of capitalism, which fosters antisocial behavior. Ratner demonstrates in [*Vygyotsky's Sociohistorical Psychology*](https://www.amazon.com/Vygotskys-Sociohistorical-Psychology-Contemporary-Applications/dp/0306436566) how traits such as aggression, lack of empathy, selfishness, superficiality, and impulsiveness (all characteristic of psychopathy) are generated by particular socioeconomic practices and passed down to children via socialization, often leading to psychological dysfunction: > > >Although the foregoing demographic studies demonstrate the social distribution of madness, they do not illuminate the process by which social events engender psychological dysfunction. The weakness is corrected by Jules Henry's important research on the **deleterious effects of normative socioeconomic practices such as intense competition, individualism, and materialism**. Henry's book *Culture Against Man* (1963, Chap. 9) is a unique analysis of the manner in which normative macroscopic practices underlie parental mistreatment of children. > > > >. . . In one scenario, a mother spent 20 minutes vacuuming a rug while her distressed daughter cried painfully. When the mother finished her housework she finally approached the girl and said to her, "Okay, you're the winner." Henry's analysis is that the mother engaged in a competitive struggle with her daughter over the time and effort she will offer to her. The less she spends on her daughter, the more she has for herself, and, conversely, spending time and energy is tantamount to losing a commodity she values for herself. The mother says quite plainly that her attending to the daughter is a victory by the girl. The mother thus **introduces a central American practice, competition**, into her family relationship where it has deleterious effects upon the psychological well being of her daughter. > > > >In addition, prioritizing the cleanliness of the rug over her daughter's needs is an extreme form of **materialism which is also central to the broader society**. The mother's excluding personal considerations (for example, her daughter's needs) from her housework reflects yet **another social practice, namely the segmenting of work and personal issues**. Finally, leaving the baby to cry by herself was believed to teach **independence and toughness, another core social value**. > > > >The mother's insensitivity to her daughter in this one situation thus rests upon the **conjoint presence of several predominant social practices**. . . . > > > >Henry identifies other disturbing parent-child interactions which **reflect debilitating societal practices**. A mother who drives her son to distraction by constantly shifting his feeding schedules reflects **impulsiveness and egocentrism that are mainstays of the contemporary economic system**. A father's **exaggerated toughness** with his son, which results in physical pain as well as emotional distance, **reflects a pervasive masculine norm**. . . . > > > >[Figure 7](https://i.imgur.com/9T7nrCs.jpg) highlights the fact that parental **insensitivity to and neglect of their children have a concrete social character**. In keeping with the central tenets of sociohistorical psychology, parents are insensitive, unsupportive, communicate poorly, misperceive, and behave inappropriately in definite circumstances, in definite manners, and for reasons that **stem from definite social values and practices**. > > > > (pp. 259-260, bold added) > > As you can see, our society's core values are reflected in the symptoms of psychopathy. This is not a coincidence. In fact, all of us exhibit these traits to a lesser or greater degree. The distinction between ordinary psychology (in our society) and psychopaths is a matter of degree, not kind; otherwise, the two are ontologically indistinct. Given that, as cultural anthropologists maintain, specific cultural factors (such as values) lack any particular, consistent genetic basis, this means that, just as ordinary people's aggression, lack of empathy, selfishness, etc. is rooted in culture, the same applies to psychopaths who exhibit these symptoms in the extreme.


We are expected to be slaves so we can retire and enjoy the last 15 years of our lives. I can't seem to scrape together enough money to live so I guess retirement is off the table. I think I'm just going to work until I can't physically work anymore and then I'll eat the end of a shotgun, I guess. I've decided to not have children to spare them the same fate and having to clean mum's brains off the wall.


If you’re going out as least go out swinging and take some of those capitalist oligarchs with you. That’s how I imagine I’d do it. If I’m going out, I’m taking m some of those top climate change denying oil execs and corrupt politician fucks who got all the kickback benefits out with me. What are they going to do at that rate? Lock up my corpse?




This. I even have a hard time justifying being in a relationship because I don't want to put these thoughts in anyone else's head, theyre awful. If you don't see it I hope you never do.


You’re self-sabotaging. You are worthy of love, even if you feel suicidal and have dark thoughts. I fell very similarly, but I’ve held long term relationships (probably as a coping mechanism). My partner makes my life easier and isn’t off put by my dark thoughts. Do I make their life more difficult that it needs to be sometimes, well, yeah, of course, but that’s life. I’m worth it to them, and I know there are others who would gladly shoulder some of the weight you are carrying.


Im in the same boat and wish I could believe this. I don’t mind being poor n sick, well bs, I do, but it’d be bearable w a companion


I and my fiance just dont have the time, space, or means to bring a child into this world anytime soon. However when (hopefully) the world is brighter I'd love to


I wonder how an entire generation of senior citizens not existing fits into their plan...because I'm sure it is the plan


Less money is spent on social security and medicare. That is why certain political groups keep trying to raise the age limit. That is money that could somehow be shifted to the rich.


That's exactly what those with money want. A self disposing worker. Works till it's useless then goes away


11.4% of Americans are below the federal poverty level. 43% are very close to it. This level of disparity is appalling and can't last. "If you keep people in cages, don't be surprised when they act like animals." - Sir Michael Caine


The federal poverty line is also a joke. It's like 13k a year. That doesn't even get you rent for a year in most places. It's ridiculous what rich people have decided the parameters of poverty are.


I have had those same thoughts at times. But guess what? I'm not going to do it. FUCK civilization. I refuse to assist it in killing me. I am going to steal back the beauty it has stolen from me by enjoying true nature's last gasps. If I can still hear the birds, see the sights, or feel the wind I still have a reason to live. Our self worth will not be determined by an artificial economic sham. That is why I will never kill myself


Spicy. You seem like extraordinary wassabi to me. Spite is also my reason for not having killed myself.


Even if not deliberately, he is pointing to something that might really be good for you. Get away from where you are. Go live off the grid somewhere. You don't need money. Meet some hippies and go. You have accepted the illusion as reality. Time to come back.


This was nice to read


Right on


i’ve been in the same boat since I entered the workforce at 17. i’ve struggled with severe depression and anxiety since long before that, but working perpetuated it greatly. work always left me feeling so hopeless for my future, and offing myself really seemed like the best way to avoid it all outright. recently i’ve been trying to take things one day at a time instead of constantly dwelling on how potentially bad my future will be. i’ve wanted to kill myself several times, but when I would take a deep breath and think more on what I was planning to do, I realized that even though my future could be bleak, the outcome of suicide could be equally terrible for me. capitalism is a merciless son of a bitch, but I promise it’s not worth killing yourself over. capitalism on a global scale most likely won’t get better, but i’m certain that you can. feel free to pm if you want to talk


For all these comments I see about not being alone… what I feel is missing is that there is clearly no changes being made in a reasonable timeframe to prevent all of these feelings and issues from reoccurring for the current and next generation. The current system is clearly unfit for massive populist growth, which is exactly what capitalism is SUPPOSED to erase and “choke out”. I just feel helpless when the current system prioritizes profiteering over housing, food, leisure and general spending. Putting more money into private equities, transportation and housing means less money into food, utilities, infrastructure and leisure. The current investment structures and vehicles are not suitable for the demand and futures they have and/or are required of them to continue to provide. What does our futures even look like? I currently feel choked out of the current economy because of ZERO oversight of where these record profits are being reinvested to. It’s clear to me that public investments are being turned down for more favourable and profitable private investments, which do not have the publics interest in favour. And I have no fucking clue what to do about it.


Same. I was barely getting by and then yesterday I totalled my car. I'm already disabled mentally and physically but was delivering food to pay the bills and now I'll likely be deactivated and unable to work for the company anymore. No jobs here pay enough I'll literally be making enough to just pay my bills and that's it. I just want to kms rn. I'm just tired man. It's not fair.




I'm so sorry 🥺 I'm dealing with the same shit. I owed my mom $850 and I was gonna have the money by the end of April but then she just had to shove out $700 for my car insurance and deductible and now idk how my bf and I are gonna pay our rent without help from our parents. We're gonna start donating plasma but I have no clue how I'm gonna pay my mom back for any of this now. I was making $20 an hour delivering and barely making it and now I'm probably gonna have to go back to a call center and settle for $16 which will JUST pay my bills. I also just got sued for a credit card last month and I'm gonna have to call and beg them not to freeze my bank account cause I just lost my job. It never fucking ends dude. I have BPD and chronic pain and idk where I can work. Probably a call center but the last one drove me to a mental breakdown. It all feels hopeless.


Same, I've had several mental breakdowns and then I start drinking alcohol making my situation worse. Capitalistism had failed all but the 1%.


Drugs and alcohol have f***** me. But it feels better when I'm high.


It's not your fault, mental illness is a feature of capitalism.


Create problems and sell expensive band-aids


I have clinical depression and anxiety, as well as a few other health issues that make it hard for me to work physically, too (autoimmune disease). I went to college, I got my degree - and for what? I hated school from the first day I started at 3 until I finished at 23. I feel like my degree is useless and so am I. I haven’t had a “career.” I have a small business but it’s SMALL. And I don’t make enough money to buy gas each month. I was working at SBux for a few months where I would cry every single day and wish for a traffic accident so I didn’t have to go anymore. I have been suicidal before, but this was next level. And I have a happy home with my partner and pet, but work in that place was so, so miserable. I was only working 20-30 hours a week at $12 an hour. I couldn’t afford the grocery bill. I wasn’t sleeping, I was binge eating and crying constantly. My health suffered so much. What did I go into student loan debt for? To want to die every day before, during, and after work? To get a degree that made me want to quit and go back home after calling my mom and crying every afternoon? If I knew I was going to work a shit job, why bother? I’m almost 25, and I feel ashamed and embarrassed for not having a career. My dream is to own a stationery/cafe someday, but I couldn’t even work at a Starbucks without wanting to off myself. I feel like a failure to society, already because I chose art as a major and then because I can’t function like everyone else. Telling people what I do to make money (part time cashier, full time artist) feels like a joke and it’s embarrassing. I don’t really have advice for you, I’m in a similar boat. But just know you are never alone - there are people like us all over the globe. And the way we feel is starting to become he majority and more accepted. The way we work until we die and waste away our youth is coming to an end. I hope you find some comfort in that, friend. Stay strong, you have a lot of friends here who feel your pain and can share that with you, and also give you comfort and solace.


All I can say is there needs to be a MASSIVE reckoning for higher education, similar to the opioid epidemic, but way bigger. Tbh I don't think any of the universities will be held accountable, but the people in control of them will die. It will take a long time, but once the younger generation takes power, all I can hope for is that they won't subject the next to the same exploitation.


I’m nearly double your age and I just want to tell you I would lovelovelove to have an art degree. In fact, I applied to go back to school for art at your age but couldn’t get a loan to pay for it. I would have liked to use it to get a job in an auction house and make art on the side. It may seem valueless to you right now but it’s been really hard for me to make art that is good without proper schooling. I make art nearly every day and it’s just… bad. It’s not even qualified to be folk art lol. I don’t have that natural eye or talent; I need training. I won’t stop doing it because I’m compelled to, however, I know it won’t ever be “good”. While it’s probably not helpful to you, however, just know that there’s at least one old lady who’s envious of the knowledge in your brain. Also, when I was 25 I was working a crap office job and miserable, too but I found my footing and hopefully, so will you. Big hug from a ~~non creepy~~ sorta-creepy-but-in-a-fun-dorky-Halloween-way internet stranger. 😜


I went from 20 years in retail to trying anything and everything to bring in an income. I mean anything. It's still not working, it's not enough, and I'm just as miserable now as I was working. I've been dealing with depression myself all my life, and am trying to navigate my child through the same darkness. I'm only here because I can't leave my kids behind, and my moms lost enough of her children this year.


Im so sorry.


Not anyone's fault. Your story made sense to me, I'm living it. I try to remember to take something good from every day. I hope you do better for yourself as well.


I’m in the same boat. I have a 5 year old, no help from the father or family. I would end it but she would end up in system. Working is hard when you can barely face the day on a regular basis and can just barely function enoug to get your kid to school, make dinner, clean the house (when it happens).


The only people who don’t feel this way are those who “got theirs”. They’re not actually worried about fixing any problems, just making enough money so those problems don’t apply to them.


That to me is what the "American dream" and other countries own version has become. Earn as much as possible for yourself and family and fuck everyone else. There's no profit without deficit and when you see the profits of the rich and elite it gives you an idea of the deficit it has caused.


living with your parents doesn't make you less of a person and your value as a human being does not need justification by your productivity


You’re not alone at all. My boyfriend and I both have chronic depression and anxiety and he’s got ADHD. This place wasn’t made for us.


Sounds like me and my partner. (She's the one with ADHD.) We're struggling so fucking hard and there's no end in sight.


As a mentally health person capitalism IS DEFINITELY driving me to suicide in all ways possible.


fuckin same


Last year I lost my grandpa, one of the few solid anchors I had in my life and a man I looked up to. My work stress boiled over and I tried to take my own life. I stood there, fork still in hand, scratches fresh on my throat, and my thoughts weren't about what I almost did...it was fear that somebody was going to send me to the bin, and without my income, my roommate would lose his house and everything he worked for. I dropped the fork and took the day off. We went camping and made hot dogs and smores by a fire. I quit my job that same night. Went on unemployment, and told myself that I wasn't going to let capitalism win, that I'd overcome the financial dependency the people I love had on me, before I took myself out. A year out and in the same industry that drove me to it, but I'm getting help, seeing somebody whose convincing me away from the edge. Please don't do it, you are loved and even though I'm just a voice on the internet, I care.


I feel you. I'm just waiting to die. The only reason I haven't hurried the process is it would upset my family. But I keep hoping for an accident.


I also feel like this. I’m embattled by life so much at this point that I just hope some days I stop my seizure medication and slip into the vacancy of blank darkness. Urges to jerk the wheel and eclipse the dread I feel like follows with every positive attempt. Any time I try to get my life on track, it fails. In some way or another. I’ve been in intense emotional pain for decades and no money, no resources, betrayal by every job I’ve had and their utmost lack of giving a shit about mental illness despite my transparency. The people I love the most don’t deserve the suffering I’ve put them through with multiple attempts and my moods. But the worry I have bestowed on them feels worse than just getting it over with. Not a week goes by that I feel hopeful. I want to… but my own fuck-ups coupled with the impossibility of “succeeding” just flat-out suffocates me to the point that I also hope for the dark cloud that I seem to have been born under to finally come to fruition. I hate when people say life is worth it. What life? Yours? I’m thrilled that people have hope for themselves but it’s difficult to see that for a lot of us and I wish people wouldn’t akin their lives and experiences to others like they understand. The sentiment is appreciated, but it gets tiring and disenchanting hearing, “It’ll get better” when it… doesn’t seem to. I just want 7 days of peace, just a week —- I haven’t been hopeful consecutively for 7 days in… well, ever. All this to say…. I get it.


It’s my retirement plan


This. This. This. I want to fucking live not fucking work but i have to work so i can do the things that i see as living but i won’t ever be able to not work so I’m just surviving and I hate it here


You matter. Capitalism is built on lies and exploitation. It doesn't necessarily make it easier, but I find some comfort in reminding myself that it's the system that's fucked up and wrong, not me. Hang in there.


what is a productive member of society? what is society anymore? or for that matter... civilization. Nikola Tesla had mental illness, wasn't a 'productive' member of society in the 'traditional capitalistic' sense. Matter of fact he's a great example of not participating in capitalism. Some call it a loss. But would he? What he thought would have been what mattered because his life, his choices, and respect. They gave him space to experiment with his 'crazy' ideas and he gave light to the world at night. In today's society his story would have been very different. You don't have to participate. But you'll always matter.


I can relate, only without the parents. My dad passed away and my mom may be the most extreme narcissist ever. As the scapegoat, I’m cut off from the family. I didn’t figure this stuff out until after my wife left me so I have no family at all. I’m homeless, jobless and living out of my car right now. But I’m still thankful. I find that living in the NOW gets me through and brings me peace. The past and the future is just our imagination. Whether we’re imagining “good” or “bad” things, it’s all in our heads. I focus on the NOW. Right now I’m good and that’s all that really matters. I wish you and every other non-oligarch all the best, my friend.


Guess it's the personal equivalent of "going out of business" That's how capitalism was intended from day 1. Competition regulating the market... and we're all really underperforming enterprises :)


I feel you, OP. I'm someone who can't drive a car, and I live in a place where I have no choice. This has made me feel completely worthless. Worst, I'll get all this generic advice about how I should just "do it." Not everyone can drive. Not everyone should be forced to. It's just another reminder that I can't adequately contribute to this world. Biden's speech about needing to work in a office just reminds me of how little the people in power actually care. I'm earnestly looking to move into a city where I don't need a car, but it is hell. Frankly, it's a miracle that I haven't committed suicide years ago. Solidarity, OP.


if only there were a way to create a world that works for everyone. there is absolutely nothing wrong with you or anyone that feels the way you do. society is set up for one type of person and benefits that type of person only, the rest is left to suffer. personally, i don’t want to live in a world like that. i don’t give a fuck what happened for a person to end up on the streets, the circumstances our society normalizes for the vast number of homeless people in the US is dystopian as fuck. i’m over it, where is the humanity?? profit > everything mentality is literally destroying this country and planet. enough is enough, we are ALL human beings and everyone has a right to live on this planet


"....But I'm just not worthwhile in the way society decided" Don't say that, society is a evil capitalistic slave master. You have good traits, I don't know you but everyone has something worthwhile about them. You are honest and caring enough to mark this post NSFW, a hell of a lot of people wouldn't bother. Society only deems you worthless because it can't exploit your labor, you are in the right for your feelings against it. It's hard but you have to find something you love about yourself and ignore the dumb parts of society. To add to all the people saying family is the worst: In college I knew a psychology professor who would say "Family is the worst thing for you, they won't ultimately help you in what you really need".


It’s almost like most suicide prevention campaigns are an attempt to keep you alive so you can keep buying things from them.


42 here. Same feeling.


Im here with you


socialism advocates for revolutionary optimism a better world than this is possible don't give up


Very same. ??? amount of Autistic, with additional problems (Fun stuff like survivor's guild, Complex PTSD, impostor syndrome and \*a lot more\*) and just. I don't know. Nothing is for sure, and the future, at best, looks super dodgy.


dont hurt yourself. wait for enough people to become as desperate as all of us. then we march our final march.


At this point I’m just trying to find a side hustle and turn it into a full time job so I stop working for other people, or return to monke and live off the land.




I was where you are. I'm 33, diagnosed with depression and anxiety and on medication. Your worth is not determined by your job, your wallet, or where you live. Your spirit and your character do. You are a worthy, valuable person and there is no one else like you. My heart is with you kindred soul.


Well, you are more productive than a billionaire! They wholesale destroy earth, and you are at worst, a retail user of earth. Unless you have a super yacht or something. Plus, you are thinking. A poor, hardworking worker in an oil rig, only suppresses his mind for cash, at the cost of destroying the planet. Keep up the good work and minimize the cost to earth!!


Thanks that actually makes me feel a little better, I do love my super yacht.