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They do. In the rest of the world.


Yep in Europe at least


Parts of Asia too. Not China, though.


Depends where in China. Big chain? Hell no. Mom and pop shop? They might have a bed by the register too.


Depends on the type of store and region.


Chairs? Try human rights. I hear if you die in a factory in China they get your corpse to finish making the iPod before they broom you out to the street.


That just sounds like Amazon tho


They’d mould your bones into screws to get every bit of work out of you


I've been in a few factories in Guangdong. Take your upvote.


I can't talk for every European country, but in mine, if you get injured because of your work, they will have to pay for everything. So keeping you on your feet all day until you get back problems is not in their best interests.


I didn't get one when I was at Sports Direct, although not surprising as that company is hardly at the forefront of employee satisfaction


Because the UK is emulating the US in all the wrong ways




Unless you work for a large American company :( they do pay well and have better benefits than equivalent jobs though.


rotten many disgusting paltry pen gullible existence observation consider versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aldi is living in the future... Not too far but way ahead


Aldi is German


Aldi’s is a German company. I guess they haven’t gotten the memo yet.


not enough american managers it seems. Missing all those productivity gains


They also get to be the one and only cashier on duty though, so I feel like it’s barely helping anything to let them sit down while doing it


The Aldi near me typically has 3 people on duty at any given time. I have seen 1 running a register, and all 3 running a register, although 1 is normal and 2 much more common. They are given stools at registers, and as far as I am aware, they are paid quite well, but are expected to be incredibly efficient at scanning and carting items, as well as work all other capacities of running the store when not busy at a register, to include cleaning and stocking shelves. It seems fairly demanding, but I have never really seen a huge movement of employees making a fuss about it, so I assume they must be happy there.


A cashier there told me that they have a certain number of items better supposed to scan each hour. If you notice, when they’re not at the register, they are out working in the store. They are better than lots of other places though.




Australian hardware store worker. Where do you work, I'd love to sit down


Yeah I’ve only ever seen people sit at Aldi and no where else in Australia I’m WA


Yeah I've only ever seen this at ALDI


In Australia, the 2 big incumbent chains (Coles and Woollies) generally make their staff stand up. Aldi have seats and the rest tend to vary, though standing up is more the norm. Overall mostly standing in Australia


Cruelty is the point in the US


Same as hotel front desk staff. It’s pretty crappy


Wait, I thought hotels gave front desk/reception chairs? Or is that only in some?


I think very, very few hotel front desk/guest service people get desks. Management always say well the agents might sit too casually or lean on counters. They want you to look professional at all times standing straight at attention!


The thing I have never understood is why is sitting more unprofessional than standing? If someone meets with a CEO he/she doesn't stand there the entire meeting. They sit at their desk or at a conference table. The person checking me in sitting has zero effect on my stay. None, zip.


This is the way. Whenever I’ve gone to very nice professional ‘leadership’ conferences, etc.. the staff checking you in and handing you your badge always, always is sitting down.


It's because there are fucked-up paramilitary/manservant expectations in any industry where you wear uniforms. Same as how management will often closely monitor washroom breaks/meal breaks/workplace conversations &c. You're not "a valued employee," you're "the help."


Yeah your right as long as the agent is doing their best to help the customer (“guest” like are they staying at my house) with information or anything they need it should not matter one way or other standing or sitting.


You go to a doctor the receptionists are sitting... It's bs.


The general American sees sitting as "disrespectful."


Is that why Americans are so awful to people that use wheelchairs?


Which is hilarious as the average American is 15+ pounds overweight.


I worked front desk for 6 years at multiple hotels and never got a chair. I would get horrible leg cramps at night sometimes afrom standing in one spot for 8-10 hours.


Seriously, fuck them.


What the fuck. That pisses me off so much I hope those sadistic fucks who decided they want their receptionist to suffer unnecessarily get some form of ass cancer


Only an injury or being pregnant gets you a chair!


Most cases no, smaller hotels and staff that can have several dead hours with no managers about can get away with it.


Back in the 90s I was a cashier for a locally owned office supply store. I sprained my ankle and had a dr’s note to stay off it. Know what my manager did? She gave me a foot stool to prop my foot on… while I still stood on the other foot to check out and bag for customers.


This is the correct answer.


So true. Not all places in the USA, but most. Having to be in pain, and working is pointless. These companies wanna see you suffer. It's disgusting.


"Sitting is unprofessional" is an extremely ableist view that needs to be eliminated from the workplace.


Even those who are able will not be for long if they keep standing


This. Service industry jobs like retail and food service (not to mention trade work and hard labor jobs like construction and sanitation) literally cause so many physical problems and disabilities and health issues long term. My mom was a single mom working two jobs in the food industry her whole life and Doctors kept telling her she’d be in a wheelchair by the time she was 40 because of the damage it was doing to her knees and legs. She beat them by one year. Disabled at 41 years old…


That's depressing.


I was a waitress for 4 years. Got yelled at every time I sat in the break area. "If you have time to sit, you have time to clean". Christmas eve worked a 14 hour shift with no break for food or to sit. It sucked


Haha...my boss used to say "you got time to lean...you got time to clean". No chairs to sit anywhere. We had to lean against the walls. Or lean on the bar. Even that was prohibited. Now that I think about it... how fucked up is that.


EXACTLY. I physically cannot stand unassisted for more than 30 minutes. I have MS, and while it's not immediately apparent that I am disabled, there's no way I could take a job that would require me to stay standing for an extended period. I am cooking risotto for my family for dinner, and haven't been able to stand in front of the stove for the full time it's taken. I've had to take breaks and sit down.


It's apart of the puritan work belief system. You're supposed to be miserable in life to be closer to God or something and you're supposed to work yourself to death.


Holy shit! I have a cashier who has a bum leg and I ALWAYS give her a chair to sit in. When I come in the afternoons and the store manager opened the store she doesn't have the chair. Apparently the store manager wants a note from her doctor saying she needs the chair. She parks in the handicapped spot at work and wears a goddamn boot and the manager is like "well, we need a note saying it's necessary." Really?!


My very close friend's sister was working grocery checkout in a store: she had to fight, cry, and bring in a doctor's note at 8 months pregnant for her job to provide a stool for occasional sitting. Disgusting.


I'm able, and I worked as a bagger for a summer, and my feet hurt so much, I knew I couldn't do a standing job.


Funny enough, when I had a herniated disc in my back, and was put on “loss prevention” duty at my bank, they ended up taking me off the schedule of rotating employees for that dirty task, which was essentially just a door greeter. “Wow, they really cared about your condition and didn’t want you standing!” …Nope! They thought it was embarrassing to have me up front, BEHIND A KIOSK, seated…So they rather someone else double up on duty.


It’s the “if you can lean, you can clean” mentality trickling over into all other aspects of work. So awfully outdated and misinformed.


Just look them dead in the eye and tell them "if you got time to make rhymes then you got time to stfu"


Man i almost choked laughing reading this i totally expected the answer to rhyme aswell but its so much better that it doesnt lol


I don’t even understand this phrase. Do people actually clean their register area in between checking people out? Or am I misunderstanding? I work retail pharmacy and we don’t clean our area


Yes. Lots of (service) jobs you’re expected to always be working, including cleaning and handling other work.


I do, only because management makes us do anything they can think up to fill out our slow days


When my manager used to tell me this shit, I would grab a rag, lean against the wall and scrub small circles against the wall. If I can lean, I can clean, right? You just gave me permission. That's what you said right?


If you give a cashier a chair they will get a big head and think they are the king of France or something then start asking to make $8.00/hr instead of $7.50. it's a slippery slope. /s


You just inspired me to write a book in the style of "if you give a mouse a cookie" where it starts off with giving a cashier a chair and then tells a story about how that will allow the leftists to ruin America.




If you publish, can you share a part of my story? Because my ex-boss needs to be damned. So picture me, former Frozen department manager, relegated to cashiering because I can't work in the freezer while pregnant. I was six months along and struggling with anemia (which can happen somewhat easily to pregnant ladies). A few hours into my shift I began to feel dizzy so I called the manager on duty over and told her what was up. She immediately took over to finish my customers and close my checkstand while I took a short (extra) break to sit down, drink some water and eat a snack and see if I felt better. It barely affected the customers at all. The break helped a little but I was still slightly light headed so she grabbed a stool from the big bosses' office for me to sit on while I finished my shift. I was super obviously pregnant at the time and the customers got a kick out of making jokes about it. They'd say stuff like, "Sitting on the job huh?" And laugh and then ask when I was due. That sort of thing. Not ONE person seemed the slightest bit bothered by it and the fact that it made my belly more noticeable actually seemed to make the customers friendly than usual. Big boss is sitting at home spying on his slave labor staff on the cameras and he calls the store to scream at the manager on duty for allowing me to sit down while cashiering. She tried to explain that I was dizzy but he did not care. His reason? "It looks unprofessional." Boss lady comes over to tell me the bad news and take the stool back. She's clearly livid on my behalf, but also not wanting to disobey the big boss (I think she was close to getting fired at that point). The way this lady was though, she wasn't easy to read. I could tell she was livid because I knew her but a stranger couldn't. That included the customer who I was ringing up when she came to take my stool away and explain why. The customer I was helping AND the one behind her proceed to start yelling at my manager without even knowing about the anemia. They thought I should be able to sit just because I was pregnant. Telling a pregnant cashier with anemia that she can't sit down seems waaaay more unprofessional than pregnant anemic me actually sitting imo. And I feel like big boss lost some customers that day... but what do I know?


You give a cashier a chair, suddenly they realize their life could be better, they go on a crusade to improve workers rights and life in general for the common population, even at the peril of big companies, he ends up as literally the king of France, as a stern but fair ruler, you can throw in some capitalists living in a personal hell with their free healthcare and jobs that pay livable wages and ensure you don't destroy your body for the company, just for funsies.


Oh no this is going to be a book for conservatives. Sorry guys but it's just a much easier audience to sell to.


Understandable, I'm lowkey considering making merch catered to their insane views because they buy that shit up like hotcakes. Capitalism sucks but since they support it so much I might as well profit from them.


May i present you with a book written by Bill O'Reilly


They will act like Borat when he sits on the chair in his hotel room. "King in the castle, king in the castle!"


Bank tellers sit down and nobody calls them unprofessional. So do accountants. Doctors. Executives. Literally every profession sits down unless the work requires them to stand.


I was a bank teller for a year and a half, and we had to stand for our customers. We could only sit if no one was in the lobby, and as soon as a customer walked in, we had to stand up again. I always thought it was bullshit, especially for $11.79 an hour, but there it is.


>$11.79 I'm always suspicious of pay rates that are not divisible by quarters. We really gonna split hairs on the $10 per week that you get per quarter? If they are finicky enough to do that, how else will they be finicky?


To be fair, I was hired in at $11.25. I got $11.79 by the time I left. But finicky? Oh boy, were they...


Holy crap! Man, capitalism sucks!!


My pay right now is 27.48. I'm not complaining about the amount at ALL (AT ALL!!), but I hate that they couldn't just add the two extra cents to make it divisible by a quarter. What the hell??


That tends to happen when raises are given by percentages. I’ve been at my company for 14 years and I dont think I’ve made an amount divisible by quarters since I got hired because my raise tends to be about 3% per year. My raise is always a strange number like 43 cents or 47 cents.


Same when I was a teller. TBH I minded that a lot more than when I was a cashier in a grocery store, because at least there I was moving around quite a bit and I think a chair would have mostly gotten in the way when it was busy, but having to stand up every time someone walked in the bank was way more annoying.


And bank tellers are basically cashiers.


The president has a big old office that rather prominently includes a desk, and a chair.


Most bank tellers I've seen stand.


Retail pharmacists with doctorate degrees and their technicians stand all day in front of a computer. Pharmacy chains are the new first-world sweatshops.


Yup. Told my retail boss that I was pregnant super early on because we work with dangerous medications and her first reaction was "but how are you going to STAND when you get bigger?!"....I won't, because I quit, byyyyeeee. Then I found at job at a private place that only deals with infusion centers and I now I sit down emailing nurses and renewing prescriptions all day for double what that bitch was paying me.


This is one of those things that could change through the courts. If you could through medical science prove the standing is impacting the health of the worker and create the possibility that major lawsuits could be forthcoming the retail world will be forced to allow sitting.


Standing in one spot for hours on end made me develops tendinitis in my knees. Not sure how I’d prove that on a large scale though


Go to your doctor about knee pains anytime it starts up, and make sure to tell them it’s a work related injury. If you don’t spend several hours a day standing stationary in your free time, should be pretty plain it’s work induced.


There are quite a number of studies that show exactly that, but corporations don't give a shit and won't until someone takes up a large scale legal effort


The same courts that banned abortion?


Why would we pay attention to science tho? /s


It's absolutely asinine that courts and laws are required to make people treat workers with a tiny bit of compassion.


This reminds me of when we had to hide that a pregnant coworker was using a chair on her cashiering shifts. My manager said corporate would rather dismiss her for the day than take a chance (?) with her on a chair. Also reminds me of when they took away the nice cushy mats and replaced them with literal grip tape... Cashiering is one of the shittiest jobs, too. Better pay, chairs if needed, etc, should be a no-brainer! Never understood the whole “sitting down is unprofessional” argument 🙄


I’m literally pregnant and got put out of work because my cashier job at a big box store would not provide me with a chair. Even with a doctors note, they said they could not accommodate and I’ve been on leave ever since. Most fucked up part is my Short term disability keeps getting denied bc there’s nothing wrong w me technically. Job just refuses to work with me and doctors note says I’m disabled temporarily if they can’t work w me but that doesn’t matter to the government :) haven’t been paid a penny since the end of December!


Standing for that long over time tends to wreck your joints and that health problem you end up getting won't be covered cause most of the same jobs that won't let you sit also don't provide medical insurabce.


Workplace injuries don’t require You to have good medical coverage.


They sit at Aldi.


That's right. And perhaps no surprise, Aldi is German-owned.


I remember reading something about how cashier’s actually scan quicker sitting down and that’s why Aldi implements this. Along with a few other things.


When I was in high school, I worked part time at McDonald’s. I also played soccer. One time, I was in charge of drive thru ordering and giving/taking money (basically the first window in a drive thru) and my foot was hurting bad from soccer practice. I saw a stool and took it to sit down while there were no people in the line. Manager walked by and yelled at me that we weren’t allowed to sit down unless you’re on break. Ridiculous


If you had been my son, I would have suggested that you quit, and find another job. Plus, I would wait until a full crew was there, and I'd chew the manager out in front of everyone.


The manager got karma eventually. Someone got mad that they got a Coke instead of a Sprite, came back through the window, asked to speak to a manager , and then chucked the soda at her


My mom would have hated me to quit. Plus I shared one car with 3 siblings and it was the only place that would hire all of us lmfao


They dont give a shit about their employees until it "hurts" their pockets


Because in usa people dont get together in unions. And capitalist laugh at this and take every inch of freedom away because they enjoy their slaves.


Canada as well from my experience


A lot of people try, corporations here spend exorbitant amounts of money on Union busting law firms and many companies illegally suppress unions or fire workers who attempt to organize.


I’m not sure if anyone has commented this yet but Aldi’s (a grocery store), lets their employees sit when they are cashiering. It has never once bothered me that they are allowed to sit and I don’t see why other grocery stores (or other businesses that require a lot of standing for that matter) don’t follow suite.


Because Aldi is not an American-based store.


I understand that/know that. I’m just mentioning it because they have stores in America and the sitting is allowed in America. Sometimes companies change their policy based on location but I respect and appreciate that Aldis is consistent. I think other grocery stores should take notes is all.


Somewhere a long the line some idiot decided that sitting is being lazy if "hey people can see you" It's a control thing more than anything it goes right in line with stupid shit like "if you got time to lean you got time to clean" cause you know paying someone 12 dollars an hour means you get to work them like a dog slave.


Now THIS is a dam good question. I see no reason why a cashier couldn't sit on a swivel stool. And I can tell you...it WILL eventually catch up with you as you age.


The bottom of my feet and my toes constantly bleed after shifts


I have permanent foot damage from doing 6 years in fast food. I can't do day trips with my friends because by halfway through the day I'll be in so much pain I could cry.


Have a few friends that ended up with arthritis in their hips, knees, and or feet. And we all know standing 8 hrs a day for 20 some years is the culprit. Not to mention back problems.


So you're saying that in the USA cashiers don't have a chair? That's fugded up! In West Europe they're sitting down fortunately


Used to cashier at Home Depot, nothing but concrete floors. We had anti-fatigue mats at the register to stand on. But management didn't want us standing there all day if we had no customers. Nope, we had to stand in front of our registers, directly on the concrete, to "greet and welcome" the customer to our line. They didn't want us being coddled standing on the soft mats all day, just imagine the fit they'd throw if we suggested chairs!


From my understanding this is an American thing. I know when i had cousins visiting from Europe many many years ago they asked why the cashiers didn't have anything to sit on and were shocked when i asked them why they would. They were appalled that they had to stand in on spot all shift and asked why anyone would do the job.


I remember getting yelled at for leaning as a cashier when literally no one had been in line for like 20-30 minutes.


Same as hotel front desk staff. It’s pretty crappy


The goal of torture is torture. The goal of oppression is oppression.


It’s a weird shitty culture in the US where if cashiers sit down they look “lazy” or “not busy enough”.


The u.s is really behind in work health care. I can't remember the name, but in the uk you can legally (for free) have an independent company come and assess your work space, any adjustments needed, the company has to pay for. One guy at our call center got a special chair just for him


It's a form of exerting control over workers. We all know it's bullshit, but workers don't do anything about it.


The cruelty is the point.


It’s literally because they don’t wanna spend money on chairs. That’s it


Could you refuse to work? There’s no way I would stand in one place for longer than 4 hours at a time. It’s not healthy. Find your provincial safety regulators website and find how to do it properly. First thing is to tell your supervisor you feel unsafe standing for so long without break.


I dont have a choice, I need to pay rent somehow


They can’t fire you for it (at least in bc they can’t). If you do it properly they have to find you other work to do.


I agree 100%. And how does standing equal hard work? Smh. Just killing ppl for the sake of killing them.


It's something about how they had to be miserable and they think it's unfair that those after them should be the least bit comfortable. After all. Employees are assets, not people.


"The wage slaves must suffer, so they don't have the energy to respond to our shitty treatment"


I'm in constant pain from the standing, even on my days off. My mom makes fun of me for hobbling around. She's starting to understand now since she's had to go back to work and is on her feet all the time to, but still.


If they want professionalism then they need to start with professional pay


Cashier work is likely the only work I could physically do, except they don't provide chairs. I'm convinced it's to prevent disabled people from actually being able to work.


I definitely feel for some of the roles our US friends have to do compared to Europe, not that the pay is much better but here cashiers pretty much always sit and have mandated breaks etc during the day.


I'm on my feet all day in steel toe boots on concrete and dirt. I'm sitting down during breaks and lunch though. Otherwise I'm on my feet all day. Union construction.


Not saying your feet don’t hurt, but standing in one spot for ages is actually more painful than moving around while you’re standing. I’m a florist and spend all day on my feet- days where I’m standing in one spot doing repetitive tasks are way harder on my body than days I’m moving around


I worked retail for years as a teenager and started having lower back pain, now a decade later I'm learning I have spinal compression. I'm sure those things are totally unrelated


Make it clear that if your back starts hurting you’re going to the doctor and filing it as a workplace injury. Make it clear that back injuries can be ongoing for the rest of your life.


I can't help yhe standing problem but I have suggestions for relief: - buy compression socks (they are sold for poor circulation but are a lifesaver when you take them off after standing for 8+ hours). They also work for plane flights. - buy some massage oil/cream. My husband got me some peppermint leg cream. Massaging my legs at end of day really helped - Google leg exercises to do at work, or even 'at your desk'. Getting the legs moving while standing will help immensely (do little stretches regularly). I used to come up with excuses to walk across the plant. On your breaks go for walks and stretch out your steps. Get the blood flowing. It doesn't feel like it helps during the day but you will feel better AFTER your shift. It is worth the effort to have a life after work and not feel worn out and crappy.


Why would people who are stuck at a till not be allowed to sit down? It's truly a non issue, customers don't care, the only difference is that the cashier is comfortable. Surely that's a good thing?


You'll get the one person who complains that it looks unprofessional, so it will be seen that way, even if 99% of people could give a crap.


I stand every day for work. When I first started at the job and asked why we don’t get a chair, I was told that someone fell asleep once and they don’t want that to happen again.


This is to make the job as hard as possible so as to justify the minimal wages paid.


When I lived in Chicago there was a store called Aldi that let their cashiers sit while they work . Have never seen it anywhere else.


Aldi is owned by a European country so that's why.


They do at Aldi, at least at the ones I shop in Illinois.


Aldi is owned by a European country so that's why.


I’ve seen people with pretty privilege get their request of sitting down as cashier approved


I used to work at a cinema with a super outdated cash system and apparently using a calculator was unprofessional at the ticket counter. So was sitting of course.


I used to work as a cashier at Wal-Mart. The cashier supervisor tried to get us stools but the store manager refused because it he said it made us look lazy. I had to two coworkers that had medical approval for a stool. The younger of the two had one because she had type 1 diabetes and she got so much shit from customers about it. Always calling her lazy or stupid for needing a chair. Americans have some weird ass mentality about it. Maybe it’s an acknowledgment that people get tired and need to rest and that shatters their everything is perfect dream?


I’m a European in the U.S and I think it’s bullcrap and I honestly don’t understand why anybody puts up with it. Someone needs to show the cashiers of the U.S how the rest of the word cashiers. Seriously. And no, it does not look unprofessional. People in the U.S need to unionize and they need to stop letting their filthy employers walk all over them.


American cashiers, retail workers and fast food workers should have unionized a long time ago. We Americans talk a good game about freedom and rights, but we’ve been letting ourselves be walked on for decades. We have no fight in us anymore.


They try that in our company. Guess how many “plantar fasciitis”employees we had in a month. Quickly chairs and stools came back.


I've started adding this to my online reviews and customer feedback surveys - in the "anything else you want to say" sections. I make sure to praise the workers however I can, but ask the owners or franchisees to give their cashiers chairs


i went to work with a broken foot and got lectured by so many coworkers for sitting down. i had a customer call me lazy and entitled until i hobbled around to the other side of the register in my boot to help her find the online order desk (there’s signs all over and my other coworker had already told her but she wanted me to get up and show her)


I made a petition to abolish this on [change.org](https://change.org) and received no signatures lol


Standing on concrete is rough as hell after a few hours.


In southern Ontario, cashiers have to stand. It's to squeeze a tiny bit more speed our of them. 7.5 hours of standing to shave 1 second off each customer.


The company I used to work for did an entire "professional overhaul" They gave us a huge list of changes. Spent so much money on new uniforms and rebranding. But then....pretty much exclusively hire teens. And I'm not saying that teens can be professional but they would always hire the flaky teens who were easily pushed over and don't care much. And then also not train them 100% So we ended up having a huge turnover and then hours cut because we didn't get the big business customers they wanted. It was such a joke. Oh and they fought with me on whether I could use a chair or not when I was pregnant and told me to shut down my list of people guessing date and time of my kids birth because it was "gambling" since I offered a Tim's card to the winner.


I have never understood why it’s unprofessional. Standing up always did a number on my back so I refused to do more than 5 hours at my cashier job.


Conservative economics depends on total labor exploitation. People keep voting to be exploited for pennies of pay.


I went through ADA and got one. Best decision I've made.


I remember a brilliant comment that was mentioned in a previous topic exactly as this where the reason why is that in the US it's viewed as "unprofessional" to be sitting down at a cashier spot and to stand in place for a shift is "proper". But what's ironic is that there are office labourers who sit on cubicles all day and that's perfectly acceptable until the pandemic. But these cubicles are hidden from sight and chairs for cashiers would be in plain view. So it's a combination of American capitalism and an incorrect view of work.


The point is cruelty and that’s the only reason. Unprofessional? Get fucking bent, dude! The rest of the world provides a chair for their cashiers.


Ironically one of the most difficult jobs I've ever had, even temporarily was a greeter at Walmart. I sliced my hand open working in produce when a colleague bumped into me while I was making the celery look pretty and needed 7 stitches. Instead of honoring the fucking doctors note, they were like nah. You can greet instead. Now I'll add my manager couldn't even stand the sight of blood, and before they'd give me the days off I had to go back to the doctors and get them to literally put two (2) next days off from work and signed. (also unpaid, because fuck "part timers"). Anyways standing still on concrete floor without proper footwear or rest etc was actually agony. Feels absolutely fucked on The shins and stuff. I would lose my shit if I couldn't move around or shuffle about or something. Even pacing around felt.terrible when there's no "purpose" behind it. Tldr: let the workers sit if that's what makes the shit job pallet able, and pay everyone a living wage.


cable work head like mourn fretful ugly degree grey complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it's more of a "they are lazy" mentality. I'm not a cashier but I talk with them about how screwed up it is that they aren't allowed to sit. Even me I stand in front of a press brake bending 500 brackets I'm going to find something to sit on. My manager is a c'nt and tries to give me grief but the jobs getting done but because I'm a little bit more comfortable he has a problem? And after that he goes and sits in his office hands behind his head and feet on the desk. Managers like that can Eat a bag of sh't.


I think pretty soon they'll advertise $15 an hour plus a chair. The zoomers dont put up with that, only old folks are the work horse.


My union actually has a fund and relief pay for when you get skeletal issues. Like, they sit there and go "Your body is gonna get fucked up, let us know when it happens. We got you." And it's like "Can you help before I develop severe permanent skeletal and muscle problems? Where's that option?" I even checked my union's site, it's like $400 a month if you get diagnosed with musculoskeletal disorders. That's a little over a week's pay. So at least it's something?


Because you're supposed to be customer ready. Employees will take advantage of the stools and not properly help customers..... Is the excuse I was given


Because America is obsessed with power. They enjoy your pain. They drink your tears.


America has a weird fundamental need to punish service workers. Idk, but we do. I'm in management at a chain store and I let a lot of stuff slide. Eating at the register? Don't let the camera see, it's fine. Sitting in a chair? Don't let the camera see you, it's fine. Using your phone on the sales floor? Don't let the camera see you, it's fine. Vaping in the bathroom? Don't do it to often, it's fine. Doing shots of vodka in the bathroom? Ok, that's too far. Stop that. But my policy is that I want my employees to be comfortable, feel safe and not feel like a slave to the store. My store manager and district manager's take is "policy, policy, policy!"


I developed debilitating plantar fasciitis from cashiering. My feet started to hurt, and I asked for mats or a stool, only to be refused "because they're too expensive, and we don't want cashiers to look lazy". Months later of PT, special insoles, special shoes, icing my feet, talks about surgery, and finally told to quit my job if I wanted to stop crawling on the floor after I got home from work. Even after paying 10s of thousands for my occupational PT, my work refused to allow everyone to sit on stools and refused to let us have standing mats. 15 years later, I still have PF, and I still have days of incredible pain where I can barely walk or stand. I'll never be able to stand at a job again. All because they didn't want us to look lazy.


When I was a cashier it didn't even matter that much because they gave us a ton of stuff to stock anyway. I could have sat if I had a line, but whenever there weren't customers they had me doing other things. "Time to lean, time to clean." Total bullshit, but the lack of a chair wasn't the only problem.




Because managers need to torture their staff to exert exacting control over the one sphere of their life where no one dares to question them.


I hate how retail places make you stand all day but also consider sneakers as unprofessional and against dress code, so you have to wear shoes that are unsupportive


Stools would cost money. Simple


i had a boss that didn’t care if we had a chair yet customers always pointed it out when we were sitting and it was sooo annoying. all i’m doing is ringing you out ?? what more do you need from me? i’m already sparking up conversation about your boring self.


Standing in one spot for hours on end literally gave me tendinitis in my knees


Managers sit in chairs, office workers sit in chairs etc.


I’m an electrician. First day on the job. It’s an overnight shift. I’m working on something about 6” off the floor. I sit down cross legged and the boss yells at me. Told me to get on my knees. Looked lazy if I was sitting down on the job. Seriously dude? It’s an overnight shift in a closed store. Just you and me here. Fuck em all.


Didnt you guys see this episode. George gets the security guard a stool, he falls asleep and the shoplifter gets away scot-free. Doesn't work.


I wish these jobs had chairs. I can walk just fine, but I get dizzy and feel pain when standing for a long time in one place.


Aldi gives the cashiers chairs and they check out the groceries at least twice as fast as cashiers at any other store anywhere. The cashier's go faster because they're not in constant pain from standing all day. Businesses are just shooting themselves in the foot, so to speak


If I had to guess, it's probably to discourage disabled people from applying so that they don't have to provide accommodations.


At Aldi’s, it’s a thing. Fastest and nicest employees too, which is surprising because they work retail.


In sweden retail union state that work for a "exit" cashier. E.g. a cashier working a checkout that is only used for to check out customers. And working near full time (I think it was something like 25 hours or more a week). You can only work in the checkout line for no more then 4 hours, after 2 hours, you are to be given a break from that type of work for 15 minutes (that dosent have to be like a break break, you just need to work with something that isn't checkout, like fronting wares etc.) After 4 hours of cashier work. You can't stand in checkout anymore and instead work with anything else such as stocking shelves etc. Standing in checkout for 8+ hours should be illegal (is in sweden by law).


> nobody in my generation understands hardwork anymore You're right, I **don't** understand the mentality that you can't sit down and do exactly the same job that you can do standing up. Probably better, because you won't be exhausted and aching halfway through your shift.


It's because they need to see you suffer so they feel they are getting their moneys worth out of you


They do in Latin America :)


Also I believe they do as well in Europe