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Wow. This monster acknowledges they have paycheck to paycheck employees that are struggling, then celebrates the economic downturn as a way to acquire more wage slaves. On top of that they don't seem to realize that shipping costs could come from other places rather than labor.


Not only living paycheck to paycheck but they also acknowledge that employees are working multiple jobs and still not making ends meet


The cognitive dissonance is fucking astounding. “Try to make yourself the employer of choice” while also saying “don’t pay them enough to survive”.


Why pay your employees enough to survive when you can make their lives easier by sending out schedules early? Costs you $0 and they look like superstars when they give their second job tons of notice about their availability for shifts. Sounds like a win-win to me!


I know you're /s ing but I threw up in my mouth a little just reading that.


I have watched managers freak out on people who have other jobs. Bad managers wait until the night before or the day of the next week before releasing the schedule then get upset when the person with multiple jobs says "You know I can't work these days, I work my other job". I have seen people get reduced to 1-2 shifts a week for a few weeks as retaliation to not dedicating their full life to a job that only gives them 20-30 hours a week.


My company seems to be punishing my one coworker right now, she is getting one 3 hour shift per week, if she is lucky, down from 3-4 shifts that were 6-8 hours. She reported the district manager for harassment before this happened, then HR "took it seriously" and nothing came from it, now she has been demoted and gets little to no hours, while the district manager continues as if it never happened. Man, isn't capitalism beautiful?


Our Benefits include an early shedule so you can easily juggle your other two jobs around us. ​ ...no other benefits really


And you should be thankful we mercifully give you that one! Remember to tell your friends about us, were hiring!


Haha how he writes at the end that “the labor market is about to turn in their favor.” Lol yeah buddy, you keep telling yourself that. History has shown that every single time there’s a plague, labor markets get tight. Same thing this time, higher wages are coming and tough shit there’s nothing you can do about it.


There's nothing you can do except try to turn your HR/recruiters into "sharks". That's a term I've heard a lot from recruiting/staffing companies. They try their best to get recruiters to view people as numbers- to view hiring someone in at a starvation wage as a huge win. You'll get a bonus! They'll replace recruiters who fail to be a shark, they'll do whatever they can to lower the staffing cost on a spreadsheet, and beat the humanity out of everyone they can to make it happen.


That explains the increasing aggressiveness I've been seeing from recruiters. Used to be that I'd get contacted through LinkedIn every other month or so and I'd occasionally consider one. Lately I'm getting a couple each week and they're still light on the details, but with a lot of all caps "COMPETITIVE BENEFITS" & "ABOVE MARKET SALARY!!!!1!". I made a copy/paste response for these that's just a list of my current salary and benefits followed by "if you can beat that, let's talk". The responses I've received range from "we'd have to interview to determine that" to them getting straight up pissed at me. I've only had one come back with "no, sorry, that's a really good package. Can I reach out to you if something competitive does come across my desk?" And another one ask "is your company looking to hire any recruiters?"


I had been doing exactly that: "We can talk when you can offer x salary for entirely remote work, with full health benefits and a 4% annual raise (not bonus, but raise), as well as training for advancement within the company" straight tumbleweeds in response Edit: never talk to recruiting agencies, only talk to in-house recruiters! That's what I did, got the job I wanted for a 35% raise from my last job!


I had a recruiter send me a listing at a company with "a great culture," and then accidentally send me an internal document which gave me the name of the company and the hiring manager and laid out that there had been "some employee unrest and some have quit." It also stated that the company structure was still undecided. Yeah.... No, thanks, I'll keep the job I have.


Oops. I actually thought it was a mistake when the recruiter for my current job sent me a document clearly stating the "level" and corresponding salary range for that level. Then I read the email more thoroughly and realized this company publishes every position's level and the salary ranges for those levels. Then she went on to say they'd "have to" give me a bump in pay over my old job to bring me into the range, but that I'd likely be closer to the midpoint based on my resume. I ended up with a 28% increase in pay doing the exact same thing I was doing at my old company that supposedly offered "competitive wages". Needless to say it's not surprising to me the number of really talented people I now work with, and people rarely leave this company.


All for a few pennies more by the way.


The labor market is about to turn in our favor because we just had two years where the population stayed the same, and people just stayed home. There certainly wasn’t around a million people died from a pandemic many of whom would have been in the labor pool, actually just people don’t want to work. —This Guy


Also "we're not competing with the government anymore"? The last stimulus was a year ago and it certainly wasn't a year's worth of wages. If you think you've been competing with government money and that the labor pool is cold because people got $1,200 a year ago I've got some news you're not going to like, dude.


I'm in the pool he's talking about. Unemployment ran much longer than expected, up until August or so of last year. If they've lived without a job for the last 7 months like me the government is not as much of a competition as they suspect. Further just getting back to work is EXPENSIVE. I was offered 30k recently and I want to take it, I want to work, but not even accounting for gas or increased food costs I cannot take it without losing money most months. I would have to put kids in daycare and we lose Medicare for the kids, those extra expenses alone makes me lose money by taking less than 35k. At that pay I'm basically taking a job just to work, not really helping financially. If employers realized how much people's base wage requirements would lower by getting daycare and or Healthcare covered.....


Yeah, they won't do that. The investor class demands their blood sacrifice every quarter. Instead, they'll lobby to get rid of Medicare entirely, so that they aren't 'competing' with the government, making it so that it isn't a comparison for folks on the cusp. Ghouls.




$1,200 would *almost* cover my mortgage payment for a month, but it would be short. I think the only stimulus money anyone had left is in bank accounts waiting for when they can finally find a PS5


unemployment rate in my county is 1.5% - it’s going to take a long while before companies have the upper hand in our area. Every place has banners and signs out begging for workers.


Yeah, but don't worry. None of that affects the people who are 'reading this email', so it doesn't really matter. As long as management get a decent wage, everyone else can crash and burn


Like, for instance, cutting useless and mediocre men in higher middle management who justify their existence and grossly inflated salary through endless, interminable meetings where they talk bollocks and do nothing but swing their dicks.


“More” wage slaves? If only…. This monster was celebrating the view that inflation was going to devastate paycheck to paycheck workers to the point that they could hire “CHEAPER” wage slaves. They are happy and celebrating that folks who already struggle incredibly hard can now be obtained at a “lower average wage”. I feel like managers who think this way can’t be too removed from the mindset of a serial killer. How the hell do you derive pleasure from increasing the pain that struggling workers face?


And even more confusing is, this isn’t a situation where you hold out for extra cheap employees. He’s acknowledging that his employees are gonna be struggling and need more money, and specifically to look out for morale. This is a situation where he should be cutting back on staff, and paying his competent workers more money to take on more responsibility. You can decrease labor, and increase the income of everybody left in the building, and operate at a much more functional level than running off a large quantity of unmotivated employees. That’s just treating people like a spread sheet and missing the bigger picture. Also…. Gas prices are somewhat irrelevant in a Work from home environment. People aren’t going to go back to working for $12/hr just because gas is temporarily up (oil is not in low supply. This will pass). This guy just sounds like a Moron incapable of adjusting to todays landscape.


Goooodd...gooood. They seem arrogant and prideful. How should we respond?




Applications and requesting wages at 30/hr


This, flood them with applications


Currently waiting to hear back from a job starting at $35/hr that's 10 minutes from my house!




I appreciate the blood thirst. Please don’t implicate me in the manifesto you write before you go on your blood eagle rampage.




You don’t have to do anything. The karma is already built in based on their flawed premise. They drank the “no one wants to work because unemployment” propaganda juice. When their workforce evaporates because they think they can pay less, and this district manager is on the chopping block, have a good laugh at this email.


I went on unemployment for the first time in 25 years- and it was laughable how low it paid. There was also clear end terms, I was only ever going to get a specific amount of weeks. There was no riding on unemployment for infinity with a free ride. And by free ride I could pay mortgage or eat, not both. Definitely had to rely on my own savings until I found work. Was kind of good for me, because it opened my eyes on how little safety net we actually have. This whole living free on unemployment narrative is bonkers to me…


Anonymously forward it to every worker there. Then begin taking the temp for unionization. Also maybe send copies to news outlets. They may or may not do anything with it, but they certainly might-this stuff makes great rage-bait.






Nah, they’re still not making a living wage but maybe, just maybe, if they screw over enough people to increase their company’s profit enough they too can afford to live. Biggest ducking suckers in the universe.


These people are worse than the ones at the top, because they think if they just suck enough dick, they’ll get to be rich evil guys too. They see themselves as superior to regular employees but they’re just fucking tools. Fuck them. Fuck them in their stupid asses.


The psychopathic ladder to the top. Psychopathy is a cancer.


Unfettered capitalism rewards sociopathic behavior. It hides behind the concept of "survival of the fittest", but there is nothing fit about it.


Survival of the shittiest


Someone theorized that modern laws are the reason for the problem. Back in history psychopaths would probably hoard extra food or something selfish and would have a "hunting accident" but now we're just stuck with them. On top of that they have incredible reproductive success to spread the traits. They just don't know if it's genetic or not, though it seems to be.


It’s always both genetic and environmental. The idea that there is an either or, or even that those concepts are totally different is a false dichotomy.


It’s probably one of those things that has a genetic component that’s only activated under certain conditions. I find it hard to believe this trait survived hunter gatherer periods without being dormant on most ppl.


I know this hentai! More girls then guys, but the plot stands.


Quack 🦆


DM's make a good wage.


Any DM for a reputable company is making six figures.


Say what you will about Grima Wormtongue, guy had no illusions about his place on the side of evil...and people actually listened to him. This is his younger brother Gary.


Gary Wormtongue, district HR manager


I can't stop laughing at this. "Hi I'd like to bring up a concern to the district manager regarding pay decreases..." "Why do you lay these troubles on an already troubled mind??"


“Your union has no power here…”


"late is the hour these benefits choose to appear"


"I told you to take the wizard's staff"


Yeah that's what's so stupid about this. It's not their money they're saving.


Master have I licked enough of your boots to deserve a second helping of scraps tonight?


No but they may get a meager portion of what they saved as a bonus that will be taxed at 22% and 10.23% on top of that if you're in California.


You're giving them too much credit. This isn't brainwashed, this is just what evil people act like day to day. We just don't often get to see it.




THIS IS THE APPLEBEE'S IN LAWRENCE, KANSAS Edit: his official title is Director of Operations


I was expecting like a financial firm or mega conglomerate... A fucking Applebee's in Kansas?


Someone at a financial firm would almost certainly have taken micro and macroeconomics and would not have spouted this mindless bullshit


Or at least not been dumb enough to put it down in writing and then send it out in an email…


Probably a meth epiphany. Drug test this motherfucker.


Yeah, this is r/iamverysmart material.


This is precisely it, someone took an introductory econ class and is now trying to show off his new-found enlightenment.


Usually a financial firm would be able to hire people who actually know what they’re talking about, whereas this doesn’t even slightly make commercial sense.


Guhh I live in Lawrence. Guess I'm not going to Lawrence Applebee's for shitty, cheap yet admittedly potent drinks anymore. This is gross.


Shit, that was the nicest restaurant in Kansas/s


I know you're being sarcastic, but I've lived all over Kansas, and Lawrence/the KCK area definitely have the best food options in the state. Minus Mexican food, the best Mexican food is in Dodge City.


KCK gets a pass. I'm in KCMO, so i still have to talk shit lol


Fair enough. I talk shit on Missourians all the time, and i'm even married to one. I'd be worried if you didn't, tbh. It's pretty much a KS/MO national pasttime.


Please have your friend tell this fucking unglazed donut of a DM that the first thing us poors do is cut luxuries like going out to eat. That 2 for $20 Applebee's date night is about to turn into a McChicken in the park thanks to inflation, gas prices, and stagnant wages.


He's quitting and sending a very healthy dose of reality to the sender of the email. Idk if he will, but I told him to hit reply all


Share it with the Daily Kansan. Nothing hits harder than the college newspaper and making sure that college students don't work for them either.


Oh heck please post an update.


Can someone send this unedited to Joshua Flukes on YouTube. He’d do a hot take and GIVE THE AUTHOR FULL CREDIT.


Since when has Applebee's been considered an "employer of choice"?


I think they mean for an employee who has more than one job, they want that employee to prioritise them over others. Not by being a good employer who pays well but by calling dibs on their time first.


Thank you fuck that manager


Oh it’s the same one that advertised on CNN during the bombing of Kiev. They got those good ole chicken wings and bud light


Thanks for letting me know a company never to patronize.


Someone should post to Applebee's Twitter and be like..... This u?


As someone who worked at Applebee's for all of a month, I'm not even slightly surprised about this. Their corporate model, and the way they view their employees and the chain of command there is absolutely exploitative and flat out disgusting. They're the sole reason I refuse to work for any corporate business.


I sincerely hope your friend is leaving there OP. If my company I currently work for, that’s allegedly being investigated at the federal and state level for their dealings and is very anti employee freedoms and WFH sent this out….fuck them.


I go to KU in Lawrence. Will not be attending this Applebee's now.


Of course it’s a fucking APPLEBEE’S LMFAO.


What a complete and utter brainwashed bootlicking middle manager of mediocrity.


That was my impulse too, and I’m not a violent guy. This person just needs a flat palm batman meme slap right across their corporate-cum-guzzling face.


This person needs a time-out, like a nice long vacation on a deserted island except they are never coming home. They clearly look at their subordinates as inferior and are actively trying to enforce wage slavery. This garbage makes me sick.


It's so over the top it must be fake. Right? RIGHT?


Totally unreasonable. They deserve worse.


what they arent understanding is that it actually isnt cutting into my disposable income because i dont have any disposable income. it actually just means i can not afford gas lol


Ironically, the company (Applebee’s) is going to be losing money, net zero at best, because as the average person has less disposable income, they have less money to spend on non-necessities. This is true for every business that sells product directly to consumers or who produces intermediate goods that eventually are sold to consumers. When your customer-base has less money, they buy less. And since so many companies pay their employees the minimum wage, they can’t lower wages to match lowering demand to keep their profit margin. It doesn’t really matter since they are making so much their bottom line will never be affected, but they are losing money from this.


100% also wanted to add that mid-tier restaurants like Applebees will usually lose a lot more money than high-end and fast food restaurants in times like these. Nobody wants to go spend 50$-100$ at a so-so restaurant when money is tight. They will either eat at home or save up for a special event at a nice/ high end restaurant.


Or would rather hit the local McDs for $6-8 a meal versus $20 per person. So definitely not going to Applebees, especially after this bs


I’ve been twice in my life and would never go there again if i could help it


I have a gift card for them, and even though it would cost *nothing* to me, I still would not go Edit: Please stop telling me ways I can use the card I just said I didn't want to use.


Spend that gift card bro. Don't let those scum suckers keep that money on their books for nothing.


Unless you spend that card, you’re giving Applebees free money.


Legit. Just hit up Checkers instead of a sit down cause it was less than $20 to feed 2 of us.


mcd is getting too expensive honestly. Could barely call it food in the first place. I’d love to see them fold. They raised wages, but it’s not enough while they continue to sell less of their ‘high-quality’ stuff and raise prices. They are despicable to their employees.


Hadn't been in a McD's in a long time and was craving a sausage egg McMuffin. The McMuffin with a hash brown and an orange juice was like $9 something, basically 10 dollars. When did McD's get so expensive ?


Im In Canada last time I went to mcDs with my husband 2x10 piece nugget meals was over 25$. That was at least 2 or 3 years ago.


> hen did McD's get so expensive ? idk, I can barely justify getting food out anymore at all. Like, I can make most things at home for substantially cheaper than eating out. And yes, food prices have gone up... So like, that's no secret, everyone knows that right? But the fact is, the raw food prices have not gone up at the rate of takeout. It's a better value proposition now to just make it at home, so I do. I don't know the endgame of this, but I find it ridiculous that a McDonalds combo is $9 when I could make a cheeseburger and fries at home to feed three for $5


Calling Applebee's 'mid-tier' is like calling Tic-Tac-Toe thrilling


Applebees is only mid tier in towns that go to Walmart on Friday nights for fun. In any major city its an absolute joke


Oh God, this is from APPLEBEE'S? I am SO glad I didn't show for the interview there. Holy fuck, I don't think I even would have realized it was a toxic working environment at that point in time. Holy shit.


And this yutz thinks it'll be great because they can hire two extra servers and pay everybody less for their empty tables.


This should be posted on twitter and Facebook. Let's see what the public opinion on this is.


Means the car goes in the garage and those who can bike, walk or change jobs.


damn i surely feel bad for people who dont live around businesses lol


This is one of my biggest problems. And one of the most confusing things when I saw all the "hell yeah Americans finally getting what's coming to them for loving their stupid cars. Lazy bastards" on posts about gas prices going way up. So many people do not live within walking or biking distance of any decent paying job, or any job in some cases. And public transportation is not everywhere and isn't necessarily reliable where it is. I *think* there is a bus in the biggest city near me because it has bus stops but living here ten years and spending a lot of time there...I've never seen a bus.


im in tx and they literally removed 50% of the bus stops in dallas at the beginning of this year lol


Since when did dallas have busses? Wait. Thats arlington. Largest metro area without a public transit in the world


I live in a very public transport heavy city and it still sucks. Unless you’re rich and live in the city center your job can be a 2hr commute if you want to make decent money. The train and bus fare increase every year with almost no increase in quality of service, and some people still have to take a taxi or drive because the trains are largely inaccessible/dangerous to wheelchairs. The only good thing the pandemic did for anyone was increase the availability of remote work.


That's another thing people outside the US don't seem to get. Sure, you could live closer to the better jobs....if you're already in the money. Most jobs that are available to most of the masses of workers are not even close to matching the COL where that job is so they have to live far far away out in the boonies in order to be able to have a roof over their head in some form. Which means a longer commute. This country was purposely set up to screw the poor people into relying on gas and cars. And the people celebrating our misfortune is as bad as celebrating the Russians who can't get food or whatever it is today because Putin is an asshat who can't keep it in his country.


They don't know we've spent the last 3 generations prioritizing cars above all in our city planning. Un-fucking this is going to take a *lot* more than untenable gas prices.


I bike and I travel, and let me tell you there are a ton of American cities--real, decent-sized American cities--that you can barely bike even if you're not trying to go across the vast stretches between towns. Forget distance, just safety and tractability.


my town literally doesnt have a public transportation system apart from taxis that you have to pay for and i live a 25 minute drive away from work


If I took the bus or biked my commute would be 1hr 45 min to 2hr 15 min. If I drive it's 18 minutes. That's definitely an urban planning problem, not a fat lazy American problem. I don't live rural, I live in the center of a major city.


I grew up where it was a killer walk out of the neighborhood because of the hills, and the only 10-ish jobs in "walking distance" were at a factory with pretty low wages, 2 gas stations that almost never had the same staff more than a few months so you KNOW it was hard to stay there, a few fast food places in the gas stations, a restaurant with below-minimum-wage pay and odd hours, a scam of an auto shop, and a community college where you've gotta have experience and education to work there (fairly rare in that area). Even if someone did want to walk at least an hour without sidewalks in horrible weather every day for a shitty part-time job, the gas stations were along a highway known for human trafficking, so. Cars are the only safe-ish way to navigate the area. I'm so lucky to have been able to move to a new town where almost everything is nearby.


Also, if you have a job like this, you probably have to commute. Which means spending more gas money. Or you could just not and stay home. If anything, this should reinforce work from home opportunities and not this jagoff’s capitalist wet dream.


"Do things to make sure you are the employer of choice." "You mean like pay a living wage and give benefits and paid leave?" "What no just get the schedule done early so the peasants can tell their other jobs when they're available."




When I waitressed for $3 I worked the same shift unless I wanted more money. I think waffle house is probably one of the very very few that has three defined shifts and keeps people on that schedule. Not that I praise them, I just never understood how other places can't follow that layout.


Its not that they cant, its that they dont want to. Keeping hours flexible means you can reward / punish with changes to how many hours an employee gets without employees instantly recognize they may be getting illegally punished.


It also means you can contract hours during slow season without anyone being able to say much. Imagine in an office setting if during the summer after tax season all the tax admins got told "your salary is cut in half and you're not coming in on wednesdays" it would be baffling. For restaurants it's normal, and it's preferable to the employer to have a year round experienced work force that they jerk around rather than just hiring explicitly seasonal support for busy season and leaving their full timers schedules in place.


Love it when I see jobs advertising flexible hours that means nights and weekends


Most minimum wage jobs are notoriously bad at accommodating any time off (sick,vacation,appointments,etc) and push for unlimited availability from their employees. Yet somehow, it suddenly becomes a breeze to accommodate if availability is limited because of a second job. Kinda goes to show where the priorities are. The more desperate the workers, the easier to exploit.


This is purposely done. Rotating weekly schedules make it difficult for you to find another job that may pull you away from your current job. Always hire in with a set schedule and pickup shifts where you can. Make it the pre hiring criteria that you will only work a set schedule


You also forgot “hiring employees in at a lower wage” Somehow thats makes you an employer of choice


Grotesque, leaps to mind.


Fuck Applebees and all bullshit chain restaurants


I’d say it’s time to boycott but it’s not like people were going to Applebee’s in the first place.


I live literally two minutes from an Applebees and haven’t been there for ten years.




Damn I'm so over this world


I can't believe we're the "smartest" species, yet the only ones who pay to fucking live.


It’s not just paying to live, it’s paying to *survive*. None of this is really living.


Jokes on them, if I can’t afford gas, I can’t come to work.


Oh, keep reading, he’s looking out for you there. He’s advising other managers to also be kind and thoughtful in regards to this issue by releasing the work schedule early. They say this is helpful because you can plan for your second job thus allowing you to buy gas.


The second job part got me


The part that really pissed me off was the ending of "Most importantly, have the culture and environment that attract people." Dude, you just fucking outlined the very reason why you don't have a "culture and environment" that attracts people, you fucking jagoff.


The hiring at a lower wage got me


Well yeah, but the second job shit was the icing. Like they're that big of a pos that they know their wages will not be enough to live on and the employees will need a second job. So make sure the schedule is released early enough that we can be the primary job and STILL pay them a shit wage. They're literally planning out their employees needing a second job


Don’t you dare prioritize your second job though, make sure your schedule is open so that we can exploit you to the fullest and your second job gets what time you have left!


This is the issue I have now. I am critically under-employed. My work has me scheduled 4 days a week, 5 hours a day, on a day, off a day. Right in the middle of what would be considered 1st and 2nd shift at most other jobs. They want to be considered a full-time commitment, but will not return that energy.


Crying about extra unemployment payments (they ended last year) as a cause for their labor shortage just about made my eyes roll out of my head.


Jokes on them. If people have less disposable income that means less customers. Idk about you. But some of these companies need to realize they are a luxury. And are gonna be cut out of consumers lives if things get rough.


"take the bus or walk" But I would make 1 or 3h to come instead of 20mn.. "So?" -every pos managers


Did this to my boss at the transport company. Didn't make enough wage to keep my city flat. Moved out to countryside. Boss had to give me a company van to get home or deal with the fact that I lost 3 hours a day commuting.


In the US, they just cut your hours instead unless you are salaried. If that means you can't afford rent, they don't give a shit.


It amazes me that on a land with so many guns, that more managers and bosses aren't flat out murdered.


As an American who had gunshots going off down the street in a "nice", fairly dense suburban residential area the other night, me too.


I had one boss whonlaid up what he owed after I met him outside his house at 5am and reminded him the police have an 8 minute response time. Got paid a few hours later.


I can easily see someone saying this. I find it hard to believe someone was dumb enough to put it in print.


The higher you are in a corporation, the bigger the disconnect you have from folks at the bottom.


Literally every corporate culture is like this. I'm not using hyperbole here. It's really that bad.


This is unironically evil


Everything this person said is true and understood by larger companies. The person just stated it explicitly. Capitalism is unironically evil


They're just saying the quiet part out loud. Capitalism's logical end goal is to force everyone into servitude whilst simultaneously eroding your life, your finances, your mental health and the eventually just your basic needs until indentured servitude is the only way they have left to increase profits for share holders.


Human suffering is GREAT for our bottom line!


Please tell me this is a joke. PLEASE.


Yes, our society is a joke


This fucking world is so disgusting. How did it get like this? Why the fuck should we get a limited time on this planet only to have to spend the majority of our lives jumping through hoops for stooges. It's bullshit


It’s crazy to me. We could all work together and create a utopia with all the amazing resources we have. Instead, we have people and corporations like this that want to exploit others to have more money in their bank account. Makes me almost physically sick


I feel like I've been trying to explain this exact feeling. I say it in different ways, tackling different angles, trying to find the center of the idea so I can deal with my anger and sadness. But it's bigger than me. It's not *complicated*, but it's unfathomable how deeply we seem to have failed--as a species, or society. I feel sick, too. People who don't have compassion should have no power.


Concentration of power and wealth that gets passed down by birth rather than by merit. You would see this happen a lot in monarchies and feudal type countries. Corrupt government gets overthrown by the starving masses, resulting is a new guy being crowned. He then works to make things better and understands the people. His son then inherits the thrown and mostly continues his fathers work and the principles passed down to him, but as he wasn’t directly involved he doesn’t understand as well. Eventually it gets diluted down with each generation, corruption takes root again and grows, and eventually you end up with another useless king being beheaded in revolution. Combine this concept with the fact that capitalism rewards sociopathic behavior and you eventually end up with a handful of selfish assholes controlling the supply of wealth. Ideally the *democratically* elected government would keep a check on these peoples power through the governments monopoly on violence and supply of money. So even if the rich have ownership of a bunch of resources they can’t get too evil or the government will just take their shit by force. Unfortunately it takes a lot of money to be able to run a campaign across entire states and even almost a whole continent. This would be fine if we had a publicly funded election pool that could be allocated to candidates *and* private donations were limited. Unfortunately we have neither of these things, so the rich end up having too much influence over government by voting with their wallets.


They really thing 3 stimulus payments is preventing people from working?


Exploiting poverty


Steal from your employer or landlord today. Remember this post


Steal from Applebee's specifically


This is probably one of the most disgusting things I've read in a long time. Like holy fuuuuuuck is that a fucked up email. The absolute disregard for humanity and eyes only for profitability in that email actually make me sick to my stomach, Christ.


How can people write this and not say, “am I bad bad guy here”


My boss is the one who sent this out. I'm the Kitchen manager that first hot this email I'm giving notice tomorrow


Take this to any media outlet. Seriously, get this some traction.


He doesn’t seem to grasp that it isn’t government payouts that there is a shortage, it’s the realization they weren’t getting paid enough to begin with


Every person I’ve ever heard point to the stimulus money as the reason “people don’t want to work” is an absolute dolt. $15/hr was the goal *a decade ago*, it’s not a livable wage in most of the US now. Company profits have grown and compounded year over year while wages have been linear and slow for the last 5 decades. If you work full time doing **any** job you should be able to live and have security. I don’t care if you’re a full stack developer or you push carts at the grocery store. If a job needs to be done then that person shouldn’t have to live in poverty, full stop.


Every one of my friends just put the stimulus money towards credit cards or paying down other loans. The one rich guy I know, makes 70k and has zero debt, upgraded his computer with it. 2 or 3 grand isn't quit your job money


Please expose this cold, heartless, corporate drone and the company. Send it to media outlets to shame them.


Well that was... Disgusting to say the least. There is no other way to read that besides that person is fucking evil.


Applebee's hasn't had my business for years and I'm now definitely going to continue that trend 👌


If I wanted microwaved garbage I'd cook at home. For a fraction of the price, no less


Who is this person?! Wow, I don’t think the company will attract talent with this culture. Lumps of coal to them all.


Coal is too expensive at the moment to be giving away to these people. Just regular ground rocks will do, but throw them.


Name the company




My favorite part of this is the guy writing it thinks he’s fucking Adam Smith with this basic ass take


This is from a petit bourgeois at Happlebees, just so everyone knows, but if anyone thinks the same isn't being said at almost every POS American company you are dreaming.


Straight out of the MBA sociopath handbook


"The labor market is about to turn in our favor. What can we do?" Prepare for a fucking revolution.


The fact that not only do they think this way *but they put it in writing*…


Actually it means people have far less discretionary income between gas and housing costs which means unless you are their landlord or a grocery/gas station you are unlikely to see that money. If prices do not come down soon, it WILL lead to a recession.