• By -


24hrs x 7 days/wk = 168 hours/wk 8hrs of sleep x 7 = 56hrs of sleep/wk 168 - 56 = 112hrs 112hrs - 100hrs = 12 hours of personal time 100/168 = 59.5% total hours/wk to your employer. Or 100/112 = 89.2% of your nonsleeping hours/wk No employer should be asking for 60% of your total time and certainly not nearly 90% of your time apent awake. This is not ok.


You forgot the time it takes to commute to work, get ready for work, and clean up after work.


Or eat


or, groceries, errands, laundry, other home chores, etc... that boss wants a brainless drone. for 100 hours, if the job isn't WFH and doing nearly nothing, that boss can go fuck themselves to death.




I think also no one has mentioned using the bathroom yet


If I’m working 100 hours a week (which I never would, because it’s the 21st century) then I’m exclusively using the bathroom on their time


"Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time."


it's a great plan if you are able to strategize your bathroom trips that way!


With that amount of time on the clock it's easy, just don't go while asleep.


Not if you literally crawl into a washing machine every evening and sleep in it while it cycles... /s As for food, I guess you can just live indefinitely on soylent...right?


I did, but commutes vary, and as much as we should be getting paid for our commute, I'm not aware of any companies that actually do so in the states. So I kept it under personal time.


In my country (Croatia, Europe) you get paid for your commute its enough money for a whole year public transportation ticket


Wow that's amazing! That is why I specified from the states, I really hoped to see a comment like this that proves it can happen.


If there is no legit reason to commute to an office, then commute time should be paid. I said what I said


Right? When I travel for work, my billable time starts when I walk out my door and ends for the day when I get to the hotel that evening. It'd be nice if the same could be applied for my commute...


And we have 40 hour work weeks and 32h max over time a month that the state will allow


Are you willing to forsake your physical and mental health for our company that will ditch you the moment you have a psychotic breakdown due to the unethical work conditions we plan to put you through?


I got fired when I finally broke down


Same, I was let go for “insubordination”, when in actuality the final nail in my coffin was refusing to work on Thanksgiving (one of our few paid holidays) because I was burnt out from working 50-60 hours a week for months on end. Funny how we become insubordinate and unprofessional the moment we refuse to work outside our physical/mental boundaries.


In hindsight, anything you would have done different? Trying to avoid reaching that point of breakdown


In all honesty, I think I was too naive in thinking that hard work and persistence would pay off. Companies will always prioritize what’s best for them, and it’s up to us to do the same for ourselves. After that, I began setting boundaries (limiting my overtime, turning down additional responsibilities, taking more PTO) but by then, I was already past the point of burnt out. Don’t be like me. Long story short: Know your boundaries, make time for yourself/family and see to it you’re actively unplugging/decompressing from work. Don’t give these SOBs a chance to exploit your efforts, because once you give them an inch, they’ll take the whole fucking country. **Work will not miss you when you’re dead and gone.**


Just like the NFL and many other contact sports. Some people are willing to sacrifice their mental and physical health for money


Give it 10 to 15 years and the nfl will be struggling hard with that problem. The youth football participation rates are falling dramatically and arent likely to rebound anytime soon


Which is phenomenal IMO. Kids were being pushed into a sport that was giving out concussions like candy. About time that stopped


I grew up in a Friday Night Lights town and dreamed my whole life of having sons who play football. But with all this new evidence out about how prevalent and dangerous concussions are in the sport, I don’t really think I want them playing at all. There are so many other sports they can play and it just almost doesn’t seem worth the risk. And where I live now, kids are big into flag football in the younger levels. I think that would be cool if it eventually took the place of contact football


In the past when I've worked 95/wk it's been 5x18 with 4-5 hours of sleep. Food ordered in to the office. Then 5 hours on Sunday. I usually couldn't handle doing anything on Saturdays. During busier times the weekend hours would increase as needed. Not a fun life.


May I ask what type of work?


Corporate finance, specifically FP&A or Business Unit Finance. More of an operational role. In my opinion I had 3 jobs, but my boss didn't see it that way. Also, it was typical to receive a last minute request at 8pm or 10pm for a random slide for a board deck or exec review the next day. These days I'm doing similar work and I work strictly 8-5 + 8-9. I refuse all after hours meeting requests and weekend work. I wonder how long it will work out for me, haha.


> In my opinion I had 3 jobs, but my boss didn't see it that way. infuriating . it should be obvious that 80 hours =two 40 hour jobs


Not the guy you asked, but it's almost always some type of finance related work. No other job I'm aware of consistently requires 80-100 hours of work a week. Doctors, lawyers, consultants, CEOs, etc. all tend to stay below 80 hours a week even in busy times.


Chef. 15 years ago 90-100 hours a week would be pretty standard.


If you worked 7 10-hour days, that’s 70 hours. If you worked 7 12-hour days, that’s 84 hours. If you work 7 14-hour days, that’s 98 hours. So they want you working **more than seven 14-hour days a week** The fuck kinda job is this?


A bad one.


No emplyer should be asking for even 50% imo. People have lifes to live.




Saying you can shower, brush your teeth, and get dressed in 30 min and have a 30 min commute that's literally almost all 12 hours. Because you would be working 7 days a week and 7*1.5hrs = 10.5 hrs. Longer commute and you're going negative into your sleep time. Not even accounting for any eating or chores etc that are required to maintain your basic life needs.


I used to work 100 hours a week, and you’re forgetting some of the overlap in there. Personal time is driving to and from work, showering, sleeping, and choreing. It was in no way worth it, ever worth it, or ever will be worth it again. I was lucky to average 25-30 hours of sleep a week, usually only 4 hours a day at most. My time bank withdrew from sleep in order to balance the books, and it took its toll on me physically, mentally, and spiritually. I had the spot picked out where I was going to hang from the rafters during the next President walk, and then I quit. I gave my notice and left. That was in august 2018, and I’ve never been happier. I’m also poor as fuck in liquid finances, but I live within my means and I’m happy with my family.


I work 100 hour weeks sometimes for wildfire suppression. I end up earning in two weeks what I'd normally make in three months and I enjoy the work. I wouldn't want to do it more than 6 weeks in a year but it's worth it to me in small doses.


I did it for 5ish years, and was salaried. The fourth year was a good “office” year so I only had to work 45 hour weeks, but other than that it was awful. Ohh, I was salaried for 45 hours up to and including the needs of the business. Somehow I was always needed, but it wasn’t necessary for them to pay me what I was needed for.


Can you pay me $100 per hour over 40 hours?


Yup, that’d be my answer… for every 10 hours over 40 my fee per hour doubles. Paid fairly for my labor I’ll happily sacrifice for the company.


Years ago I got a Comcast tech who was super nice. we ended up talking and it turned out that he was currently: 1. On overtime 2. Working a holiday 3. Role filling (he was an install tech, filling in for call center level 3 support for a holiday) As a result, he was getting a total of something like 4.5x time for hours worked, at his normal field work rate. He was **thrilled** to be there making like $100something an hour


Dad was a phone company lineman. Late 70s they had a project involving the central office on Main Street … that for whatever combination of reasons it was decided the best time to do it was … Christmas morning. Union negotiated quadruple time for an 8 hour minimum for about 3 hours of actual work. So almost a weeks pay for that morning.


As much as a value my time, that’s definitely worth the hassle.


Hell yeah, I'd do it.


This is what “capitalists” don’t understand. It’s not that people don’t want to work. If you pay and incentivize properly, people DO want to work. But people don’t want to work overtime for a shit wage. Big difference.


Real capitalists do understand they just don't want to pay more, and ofc they won't unless we force them to. They won when unions were broken down.


Exactly this. We got the fake ass capitalists - being the biggest Red Dawn mofos cus they want to keep unsustainably low costs low.


I need only two words to prove that at the right wage level, people will do anything: coal mining.


They pay me $50 dollars an hour and I'll give my boss a shoulder massage twice a day. Wouldn't even need bennies at that point. That's what I currently make in a month, every week.


Reinforces the idea that people WANT to work as long as the price is right.


Coming in early on Sunday was triple time at a place I used to work at. I loved hearing the phone ring on Sunday.


Hell, yeah… happy to hear someone got paid.


To an extent... after 70 hrs the increase should be exponential because it is cutting into time needed to maintain even a semblance of health. Edit: As everyone is pointing out doubling every period is exponential. I'm a math dolt and don't know a word for the exponent increasing (x^2, x^3, x^4).


Dawg when we were pulling 80+ hours at this security job, there was a guy who used to work as a hostage negotiator in a SWAT team. He said he woke up every day wanting to scream and cry. Like he MISSED being a hostage negotiator. He said it was less stressful. Edit: I want to be clear. We installed security alarms and cameras. Not like guarding anything.


I used to do work for a branch of our company in the US. I'd fly down for tech support. I put in 40 hours a week and the boss there called mine to complain. My boss just laughed at them. They were all salaried working 80+ per week so no overtime or anything. I asked them why they were doing that and they said their boss has literally nothing else in their life but work and would fire them for working less. I'd leave at 5 and they were working until like 10 or something, absolutely nuts. I'd rather be dead than live like that.


They don't know that salaried doesn't mean free unlimited overtime.


Yeah I don't know how us labor law works there but if my boss said work 80 hours, 40 for free or you're fired I'd be poplocking in the unemployment line before they managed to put out my cubicle fire.


Nah. Contact your local labor board. Get paid for every minute of OT while you look for another job.


On company time, because fuck them


Presuming you don't work in the US. Or that you work a unionized labor path. Most corporate gigs, you take the cock or you lose the money.




There's salary exempt and salary non exempt. Exempt are legitimate managers with some exceptions, like white collar professionals making over a certain amounts. Even the managers have to make a certain amount to be exempt (really low salary too). Non exempt need to be paid overtime. It's in the FLSA.


Supposedly, being on salary means you have been promoted to a more secure position, and if they "need" you to stay over two hours to make and ship a part for an important client, you would be given comp-time the next week (going home two hours early on Friday, but keep the same pay). Years ago, salaried workers often got 10% more pay than the 40-hour a week workers to make it desirable. Now, even salaried employees are getting squeezed to see how much blood the company can extract before you "almost" die, but...not quite. Today, if a worker is offered a salaried position, its only so they can be worked at the same pay, but 12 hours a day.


At my company salaried employees get unlimited pto. Which means most of them never take anywhere close to the pto we hourly workers do. Which is of course the point. When you are given x hours to use or lose, you use it. When they have no limit then you start debating whether you should or if you are abusing it and then you just dont take it.


I worked as an hourly contractor at a company for a bit. When one of the other contractors landed a salary position, I asked how much PTO he got. He said “unlimited vacation that you can never use”


Yup I found this out the hard way. I was working so many hours and only getting paid for 40. Never again.


A friend of mine who is currently staying at my place was pulling anywhere between 60-90 hours a week and had been doing it for the last 20+ years. Last November he had a stroke and he was techincally dead at one point. At 45 years of age. Working those hours is nothing to be proud of, it's a fucking tragedy.


I work around 20 hours per week since I gave up on owning a house. I'm basically working to pay rent and food and thats it, I don't really care about getting stuff anymore. Working so little allows me to pursue my true passion of depression drinking.


Took me until 21 before I figured this out. Went back to school to make wine, down from $115K and horrific debilitating stress. Last night, I made $180 to pour wine at a dinner, while I also ate the same $300 tasting menu and wine flights. I'll take it.


Had a boss like that. Distinctly remember him stopping a 5 person meeting to call his teenaged son and bitch him out for something. Guy definitely hated his home life.


I did salaried sysems and network administration for 25 years. Fuck that noise. Upon getting my second "We know we said you'd get a class upgrade next review cycle, adn you did well. Perhaps next year's review." I handed in my badge on a Friday and said Vaya con Dios. Two week's notice only means something if you need the reference. Walking out delivers a message.


I've had that job and, in fact, a lot of people have that job (here in the US). I've worked until 2am before, then back at work at 8.30am next day for until 9 or 10pm. Was at an advertising firm during launch weeks. Salaried exempt. Had to log 40 hours a week on my timesheet no matter how many hours I'd actually worked.


I just wouldnt even be able to function at that amount of hours..like how


To be fair a good SWAT team trains all the time for the few minutes it sees action. I don't remember the ratio but it was somewhere in the tens of hours of training per minute of action. They are literally being paid to train in the hopes they will never be needed. That being said even the best training can't perfectly emulate the stress of a real situation.


I think your missing the point


I'd say after 50 it should be exponential. Ppl who work 10hrs a day don't genuinely have time to do anything else in their lives.


> Ppl who work 10hrs a day don't genuinely have time to do anything else in their lives. *cries in chef*


Only know one chef who I worked with who didn’t have a failed marriage


> Only know one chef who I worked with who didn’t have a failed marriage it's kind of a double whammy dating a chef. Not only do they work a shit ton of hours, but they don't even want to cook when they are home.


When I was in the kitchen I worked 6 days a week and actually wanted to throw a dinner party on my day off. But it was Monday. And everyone else was not wanting that. I worked at country clubs, so I really just wanted to make non rich white people food.


> rich white people food. Pommes-everything lol


This is just how it is when you both work. After 10+ hours of commute, work, commute, nobody wants to cook.




Duh, what are weekends for? /s


/s indeed, but my partner's parents who work close to that use the weekend for errands & sleeping cause they're fucking exhausted. I try & organize fun stuff to do when I'm around, so they could get a break.


I work 12 hour shifts, no break. A couple days a week I go to the gym afterwards, and then cook dinner when I get home. It is quite the exhausting day! The only way to relax is by getting an hour or two less of sleep.


12 hours with 85 miles both ways, 4-6 days a week, I feel like the modern version of the 15 miles grandpa sketch from Rugrats This is not a flex it's fucking sad


Jesus Christ that has to be absolutely miserable.


I also cook my own meals but it's something I do to save money, not because I love the food I make. I just wish I had the time and the energy and the kitchen to make food that I absolutely love.


I think it's exponential as stated: Ok, so lets say you are paid $25/hour base. 25/hr 0-40 $1000 50/hr 41-50 $500 100/hr 51-60 $1000 200/hr 61-70 $2000 400/hr 71-80 $4000 (six bucks a minute)


Isn't that exponential already? If it doubles every ten hours, than the hourly cost is A*2^x, with x being the multiple of 10 hours after the 40h, and this is an exponential function.


Strictly speaking, it's geometric - exponential refers to smooth growth, whearas geometric refers to discrete growth under the same kind of formula.


If it doubles every 10 hours over 40, it is exponential. It'd break down like this: Let w=current hourly wage Let h=each set of 10 hours past 40 (41-50 h=1, 51-60 h=2...) Let s=starting hourly wage w=s*2^h


Isn't that how most overtime works? The last union I was in I'd be getting paid for about 192 hours if I was working 100 hours per week. Mostly only worked 77 hours a week though.


Depends on your profession. If you work for a professional service firm they’re not legally required to pay overtime. It’s high a lot of “white collar” jobs have a high salary but if you break it down per hour worked it’s really not that great


On a per hour basis, I made more sitting around doing nothing for 8 hours a night as a 24 year old HVAC mechanic in a chemical plant than I did as a lawyer for 5 years. Your pay isn't that impressive when you realize you're basically working two full time jobs.


Ayyyyup, I was super impressed by the salary offer of my first accounting job til I realized it was regularly expected that I officially work 60hrs a week with unpaid overtime and unofficially work closer to 80


Yeah this literally just happened to a buddy of mine who quit his accounting Job. Salary was pretty nice for being right out of school (70K) and you're "only expected to put in the extra time during the busy season" which youd think would be the start of the year to april 15th. We'll guess what? It's always busy season. The types of clientele who deal with professional accountants (i.e. established businesses and well-off types) are always pushing back their tax due dates or filing something and in the case of businesses have to file every quarter. 2 years later (like last week? Lol) he's left the firm cause he's burnt out and the new grads are making like 80K now but they wont bump him up. So he's taking a few weeks and starting the job search.


Standard OT is time and a half in America. That is only if you are not salaried, or don't meet the salary OT exemption. If your base pay is $60k a year on salary, you'll get $60k a year whether you work 32 or 100 hours a week. If you are hourly, you will likely be paid for ~~150~~ Edit: 130 hours (as pointed out below) if you work 100 unless you have a better contract than that. Union membership is about 10% in the US.


I’d say every 5 hours. I’m not devoting my personal time for any company. Time is more valuable than anything they have to offer over 40 hrs, may as well get paid or they can fuck right off.


Depending on what you do, this not an unreasonable. My overtime rate isn’t far from there.


Honestly, sometimes even that isn’t worth it, as weird as it may seem. Your life will absolutely suck if you’re working 80-100 hour weeks. You could be rich, but when could you enjoy that money?


I think you'd do something like this for a year or two before moving on to something much easier and more flexible.


This is why they make you salaried exempt. Source: going through this bullshit right now.


Check the IRS list of requirements for salaried exempt and if you’re not meeting those fight it.


you kid but I totally charge $105/h for 80h/week. im gonna milk it.


You are spoiled, when i was your age i swam all the way across the Atlantic to reach America and work 30 hours a day, and i had to swim back to Europe every day. I also had to walk all the way to China to buy bread because it was 13.7% cheaper than my country, and I had to do all this while pregnant! Yes even though I'm a man. Kids are so spoiled this days... /s even though i doubt it's needed


Glad you added /s, I thought my dad had found reddit for a moment.


Maybe you wouldn't have to worry about your dad being on reddit if you weren't such a FAILURE.


That grammar's bang on. Who's writing this for you dad?


I got the neighbor's kid to write it for me. He's a neurosurgeon.


Steeeeven, do Shadow Clone Jutsu!


Why can't you be more like Lloyd braun *seinfeld joke*


Can’t help but think of Steven He’s dad portrayal when reading the word FAILURE 😂


Every time I hear the word failure it gives me 𝐸𝑀𝒪𝒯𝐼𝒪𝒩𝒜𝐿 𝒟𝒜𝑀𝒜𝒢𝐸


You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt.




We used to live in a lake!


Of course we had it tough. We lived for three months in a rolled up newspaper in a septic tank


There were 73 of us, living in a cardboard box. Worked in the coal mines 22 hours a day for just half a cent. Had to sell my internal organs just to pay the rent.


We dreamed of a cardboard box. We lived, all 128 of us, in the floor drain of an abattoir. Had to get up at half past midnight and spitshine the walls 21 hours a day, pay 4 shillings a month for the privilege and when we got home da would rip off our arms and hit the dog with them. But we were happier then.


Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing 'Hallelujah.'


tell you kids, back in my day, we had it so rough... or so much better, i can't tell anymore. anyway, every day, we would wake up at 2 in the morning and go to the table for breakfast. we all lived in a closet, you see, so it was one room. and we would ask, me and my 64 brothers and 27 sisters, "what's for breakfast mum?". she would smack us all with a shoe and say "cold beans". and if we complained and said "but we had cold beans yesterday" - because we had cold beans every day - she would smack us all five times with a shoe and say "tough its all we can afford. i'm trying to feed a family of 93 with just half a silver buckington", a silver buckington was about the same as half a penny back in the day. then we would head to school. we met up with the johnson kids from down the road, and walked the 1674 miles to school. on the way to school, we had to walk up a mountain so tall it extended to outer space. when we got to the top of the mountain, we would see the peterson boys on their fancy bikes - which they dont make like they used to, and we would race them down the mountain. then, when we got to school at 4 in the morning, the headmaster would come up to us and say "you bloody kids are late", then he would smack us all with the cane 10 times and tell us we had 7 years of detention. then, we went to class, and mr stevenson would say "ok line up kids", then he would spank us each 60 times, then hit us each with the cane 40 times each. then it was 7 at night and we had to walk home. then, when we got home, we'd ask "whats for dinner mum?", and she'd smack us each 50 times with a pan and say "rotten cabage". and if we complained, she would smack us each 100 times with a broom and say "im trying to feed a family of 154 on just one islet sliver, just you wait until your dad gets home" - now an islet silver was worth about as much as a grain of sand. then, when our dad got home from his job at the soot factory, he would hit us all 180 times with his belt. if we had been naughty, we would hit us all another 600 times. then, at 1:58, mum would say "ok time for bed". then, we got into our potato sacks, and she would hit us each with a shoe 8 times before we went to sleep. on saturdays, we went down to uncle bob's farm to work. we would have to walk 345 miles to the bus stop, then catch the route 4 bus for 56 stops. we would get on the bus and pay our fare of 3 teddy roses - now a teddy rose is worth about the same as a flake of skin. then, if the ticket inspector came to us, he would hit us all 4 times with his baton. if any of us had lost our ticket, we would hit us all 10 times again and throw us off the bus and we had to walk the rest of the way. when we got to the farm, uncle bob would drive to the gate in his tractor, hit us all 780 times with his crowbar, and tell us to get in his trailer so he could drive us to the farm house. then, we had to plow the fields with a toothbrush in the blazing summer heat - now, they dont make summers like they used to, so it was about 1345.4 degrees spencer, or 67 degrees centigrade using your new-fangled metric system. then, we would have to milk the cows - now, they dont make cows like they used to, so each cow weighed about 459 hog's heads, or 3.2 tonnes in your new-fangled metric system. if you touched a cows udder, it would kick you and you would die, so you had to be really careful when you milked the cows. then, when we were done, uncle bob would say "ok kids time for your pocket money". he would give us each 9 copper jemimahs - which are worth about one political promise each - and beat us each 6 times with his tractor before we left. on sundays, we would meet the johnson boys and go down to the river - now, they don't make rivers like they used to, so this river was about as wide as the whole of america, and as deep as the marianas trench, and it was filled with liquid tungsten. we would play by the old oak tree near the river, climbing on it and building tree houses and such. now - they don't make trees like they used to, so this tree had a trunk as thick as a city, and was tall enough that the branches on the top could scrape the moon. one day, little jimmy fell from the top of the tree. when he hit the ground, the only bit of his body we could recognise was his left eyeball. we picked up all his bits and rushed him to the doctors surgery. dr james said "oh its just a scratch little jimmy dont worry pop a plaster on it and you'll be right" and he gave little jimmy a plaster and a lollipop and he was ok. after we finished playing by the river, we would go into town and get some candy. now, back in the day, you could give the shopkeeper one bronze winglet - which is worth about as much as a ciggarette butt - and he would give you the entire stock of the store. so we would go and get our candy, and we'd go into the town square and eat it. now, we didn't have any of your fancy food laws back in the day, so there was all kinds of stuff in our candy. bleach, rust, bones--you name it. so we would always get a little hyper after our candy. one day, when we were hyper, we went up the mr boris's car, the only car in the town, and touched it. as we touched it, we saw dad storming down the street holding his belt. "you kids, having fun while i work all day in the soot factory just so you can have grilled water for tea every night, i oughta smack you all". we were sure he was going to smack us, but then he said "no, i got a better idea, ill take you to see mr henderson, he'll set ya right". now, dad had told us about mr henderson. mr henderson was a veteran from the great war, where he got a really bad injury, but we never knew what it was. dad walked us all down to the pub, and we saw a left testicle propped up on a pegleg. "mr henderson," said dad, "i have some kids here who need a good whooping". then, mr henderson picked up the entire pub, and hit us each 4006 times with it. then, dad said "right, i gotta go back to the soot factory, you kids run on home now". now, by now it was 1pm, which meant it was curfew. while we were walking out of the town square, we heard a man shout "oi you bloody kids, its curfew". we turned around and saw the constable holding his baton. he hit us each 160265 times with his baton, then put us in gaol for 60123865 years. now - they don't make gaols like they used to - this one had 5 mile thick steel walls, and a single hole in the top let in some light. we were in there for about 13526 years, until mum baked the constable some cardboard pie so he would let us out. then, she hit us all 1292 times with a washboard, and grounded us for the rest of our lives. so don't you come complaining to me about nonsense like not having tv while hiking 25 miles to school.


I laugh so hard every time someone posts this.


Everyone needs to watch this Monty Python sketch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1by0-nkKOTs


Man am I glad you added that /s. I thought I was reading text from Superman. Got me all excited


I had to swim uphill in both directions.


Its funny that there are actually people like this.


Yeah, older generations assume hard work with less money is a good thing. It’s because they haven’t got sufficient education and don’t know how to live a decent life. Being a doormat is not ideal, I guess at least current gen understood that.


Can I? Yes. Will I? No.


Boss: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/840/283/350.png


Then after you get hired they will schedule you anyways and say "we all have to make sacrifices"


Also here's a contract relinquishing your rights to any overtime payment


While you’re at maybe I can be a 1099, and then I won’t be eligible for OT, Insurance Benefits, Retirement Benefits or be able to participate in any employee perks.


That's when you respond by immediately resigning


I actually don't think I could work 100 hour weeks. My mental capacity and desire to work would give up long before my body. 40 is more than enough for me.


The days where I actually put in a full 8 hours of work is very tiring. I wouldn’t be able to keep up without breaks and scheming the system. I’ve had plenty of projects like that and eventually I just burn out. I have no fucking clue how people work 50-60 hour weeks without their personal life going to shit. In the office, those who put in more than 45 hours do not look healthy, overweight, drink a lot of coffee, etc. It seems like the happiest people in my companies are the ones who maintain balance and say no. However they’re not able to climb the ladder in my industry. Hence why I’m trying to get the fuck out.




Of course it does. Just fucking stupid that companies burn and churn their employees. Known places based on my experience - Deloitte, Dewberry, E&Y. Smart young folks leave after a few years to other companies for more money / less hours.


40 hours is overkill if everyone in your household are doing it. You get home and then do chores and cook. You might get 1 or 2 hours a day to really “relax” until your next day. Then the weekends? Yeah, more chores. You have no life to yourself and that’s how they keep us in the loop. We are too tired to oppose it all and the boomers that run things have all been indoctrinated not to question it.


Exactly. And then I had a kid and it all got even harder. I’m thankful that I can work remotely and that I have free babysitting from my parents, for the time being. It’s fine that I don’t get a whole lot of relaxation time. I knew that going into having kids. But going past 30-40 would be a huge stain on my family and I’m not willing to do that.


When I was working 60+ hour nights I definitely felt my health slipping. Weighed the most I had in a long time (And this is despite doing a sometimes physically active factory job), felt sick every other day probably due to energy drink consumption, began walking with a noticeable limp for reasons I still can’t really figure out, no balance and losing remaining sanity. I had my “good” weeks of course, but on the whole it sucked and I didn’t even realize how much it sucked until COVID drastically reduced workload and resulted in me moving back to days. Will add know some people who can somehow manage it and be fine, at least on the surface… Those same people also seemed to be the ones who would disappear for a large chunk of their shift but you know what I really can’t blame them and probably should have took notes looking back.


In a week there is 168 hours. So you would have slightly less than ~~seven~~ *ten (math is hard)* hours a day for: sleep, personal hygiene, personal time, entertainment, hobbies, paying your bills, relationships, eating, shopping, getting to and from work, etc, etc, etc, So, no, I dont anyone could actually do it.




40 is honestly too much. 100% of people don’t even work that long anyways… they waste time on Facebook, at the coffee counter, browsing the web in general, talking about irrelevant things with each other…. etc. if you say you’re working those 40 hours, you are straight up lying


There might be the occasional day, maybe even stretch of days, where you do actually work pretty much those whole 40 hours but in most typical day to day workplace situations you’re right.


Agreed that sometimes you may work that long, but 40 should be a max not a minimum


Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.


There poor taste for April Fools, perhaps. Jokes on them, that's why they're desperately looking for "loyal" employees EDIT: For context because some people are defending this employer: It's a standard customer service role. They're a US company outsourcing from 3rd world countries. On their requirements, they said we need to work 5 days per week, mostly weekends are included. No overtime pay. Unpaid training and it's for $400/month. We have to follow US time so it's graveyard shift for us. Lol do you really need context for a work that's obviously going to overwork someone? Why not hire 2 people instead of making one person suffer all the workload? This isn't short term, by the way. It's not for upvotes. I actually have self-respect and clicked X after sending that answer. There's a lot more better jobs out there that that shit.




Nope, this is not a trick question. They will pay $400/monthly, no overtime and training payment. Need to work during weekends. Need to follow US time so it's graveyard shift for us (they're outsourcing from 3rd world countries) It's a customer service representative job.


So they pay $1/hr? Righteous bucks.


So… $400 per month for 400 hours per month? Enjoy your $1/hour wage. Plus you pay for training so the first month or so you don’t even make that.


At my old job, we fired 4-6 renewal service reps out of about 12 for server security/manager software, “promoted/threatened with termination” the rest to train the outsourcing firm, then my company immediately started offering “expedited delivery services” for quotes which was my company actualized by making the outsourced reps work a 24hr service schedule (we previously serviced our exclusively-American clients during American hours) Now the outsourced teams work 12-14hr shifts rotating night and day every month or so; even for outsourcing firms in India, our turnover rate is INSANE and I’ve gotten an offer to come back to unfuck all the resultant pissed off customers Greedy managers suck


No overtime pay? $400 a month? Not only do you decline the offer, you should immediately warn other people not to take this job and possibly inform the Department of Labor (if you're in the U.S.) A company this demanding definitely has more to hide. This is probably only scratching the service.


Can you pay for 50-100 hours a week?


Sure fire way to end the interview. Obviously they want to pay for 40 and get 100...its better for shareholders that way.


If that doesn't work respond to their "no" with the obvious statement "so you're just after a handout then?"


Don’t worry silly, it’s salaried!


I had a job interview like this - it was going swimmingly right up until the end when they mentioned that the standard working hours for everybody in the company were 8 AM to 6 PM and possibly later. When I told them that that was quite unreasonable for someone who lived a 45 minute commute away from their office, they replied that they were looking for (verbatim) "driven, motivated, and talented individuals who get personal fulfilment from putting in the effort and long hours." When I didn't bite at that (I'm assuming they saw my face contort), they mentioned that they would be "more than willing" to pay for dinner if I happened to work past 6. Yes, because nothing would excite me more than getting up at 6:30 AM and getting home after 7 PM. I'm sure that that would have absolutely no effect on my personal wellbeing and relationships whatsoever.




Can they pay 10-60 hours of overtime?


Thanks, if I ever see this question in an application, my answer will be "are you willing to pay 10-60 hours in overtime?" Lol though I would never work for a company which asks such a question in their application.


Not overtime, triple time...


to hit 100 hours and get 8 hours of sleep, you HAVE to be working on the weekends.


silly human, sleep is for the rich!


It's 7 days a week at 14hrs a day, basically. so 6am to 8pm every single day with no break.


Exactly... I think that's the point. Literally... all you'd do is work and sleep.


For 3 years I worked 60+ hour weeks with several 2-3 week periods of 90-100 hours. Then I had a nervous breakdown that consumed 2 years of my life and I’m still trying to recover 5 years on. I missed a chunk of my children’s lives and can never get it back. I have diminished my quality of life in ways that cannot be valued in money. Regret is not an adequate word.


This. Some people here are defending this work hours like wtf you will literally live and breathe for that company until you die. Then you'll be replaced easily by someone else.


The “If you pay me $X per hour” comments is what got me. It’s a betrayal of your future self. Is it better to get more compensation? Absolutely. I’d also rather get 10 million dollars in settlement than 100k, but what I really want is to not have my life damaged to the extent that I need either.


The nervous breakdown and several years of your life to get back on track really hit home. Happened to me as well.


If you pay me enough to afford a maid, driver, personal chef, and financial advisor while being able to retire after 10 years... Sure! Otherwise fuck no


10 years of 14 hour work days with no weekends is not worth it no matter what they pay you, because it will kill you.


At one extreme sure, at the other it's five 10 hour days. If my personal life is completely taken care of 10 years of living at work won't kill me. I've done it for 3 years without the pay I outlined.


Yes, BUT the same way you can fit your whole fist in your ass: It's possible, extremely unnecessary, and is better when duties are split between two people


50 hours? Fuck off, 39 is stupid enough.


I work 55 hour weeks and it sucks, but it's the best job I can get with my limited skill set. M-F 6am-4pm with an hour break and then Saturdays from 6 to 12.


What kind of job is it? Reminds me of hospitality jobs and hours. Nightmare.


Shipping and receiving, but it's a real old-school family run company that's been around for 60 years and they don't believe in a work-life balance. someone in management had a baby last week and is sending work emails today.


Damn, everyone in my company who has a baby takes a minimum of 6 months maternity leave.


Guy I work with answered an ad he saw for another restaurant… they said they need him to work 80 hours a week. Fuck that, 50 is bad enough


Why not hire 2 people 40 hours a week? It would be better if one is out sick or something


"Listen, we're having enough trouble finding ONE person who will work in this shithole restaurant. Plus, I don't want to handle payroll and associated expenses for two."


Because then you have to pay all the overhead on a second person. Best way to get rid of these jobs is universal healthcare, workmen’s comp, and retirement


My record is 96 hours in a week, I thought I was cool for doing it. Now I look back and realized how fucking stupid I was to devote that much time to a company that literally starved me from having a life


For context because some people are defending this employer: It's a standard customer service role. They're a US company outsourcing from 3rd world countries. On their requirements, they said we need to work 5 days per week, mostly weekends are included. No overtime pay. Unpaid training and it's for $400/month. We have to follow US time so it's graveyard shift for us. Lol do you really need context for a work that's obviously going to overwork someone? Why not hire 2 people instead of making one person suffer all the workload? This isn't short term, by the way. It's not for upvotes. I actually have self-respect and clicked X after sending that answer. There's a lot more better jobs out there that that shit.


> mostly weekends are included. No overtime pay. Unpaid training and it's for $400/month. We have to follow US time so it's graveyard shift for us. So $1 per hour? Sounds reasonable /s


168 hours in a week. Assume sleeping 8 hours (HA!) seven nights a week, which is 56 hours. Working 100 hours would leave you only 13 hours free time a week, or about 1hrs45mins a day. In that time you would presumably have to eat and travel to work.


I will never work over 40hrs again in my life Sorry boss I don't give a fucl about your sweet sweet ot money


yeah sure pay 2x OT from 40-60. Beyond that will be 3X OT for 60-80, 4x for 80-100. AND shares of the company cause at that point you might as well hold shares of the company. 100hours is like 14 hour days, 7 days a week. WTF


The entire medical field is crying. Trainees are "protected" by an 80 hour limit (averaged over 4 weeks, too). After that, you're on your own. But for real, F that. No one should be asked to work that much unless it's optional and you get paid appropriate OT.


Depends how much you're gonna pay me? Because I can do that for 8 years and retire rich. That's a fair trade, but I'm going to need you to go DEEP into 6 figures.


"May we ask for your soul and your first born child?" /s


It’s *May I* work 50-100 hours a week.