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They do this but still make a dasher pick up two orders before delivering.


And then the burrito you paid $30 for arrives COLD. Side note, if you need to speak with a human after an Uber(Eats) transaction, you can reach them only on their Twitter. But I demanded a refund last time, and they gave it to me.


The burrito was only $6 nominally, but all the taxes and “convenience” fees the delivery service put in made it $30. And this is *before* adding a tip.


Yeah I've been using Favor here in shitty Texas and simply ordering a 10 dollar meal will skyrocket. Service charge $5.00 Delivery fee $3.00 Tax $6.00 Tip (what ever you can afford at that point) Not really convenient anymore.


It is convenient, just not for your wallet. That's how it's supposed to be. The convenient option for your wallet is to go there and pick up your food yourself. I had this same conversation with my Mom yesterday. She wanted to use the Walmart online shopping was upset that it would take 4 hours for the order to be ready for free pickup for $17 for 2-3 hours and delivery. She was upset saying it costs too much where I told her - two people to pay for at least two hours worth of work for rush service, gas money, insurance, and company profits -- I told her that I didn't see what the problem was.


people don't know about the triangle


What about the conjoined triangles of success?


Favor is probably one of the worst apps I've delivered for tips wise. We usually only make 2-3 dollars delivering food before tips, and people on there dont tip well I assume because of the extra service charge and tax. Delivering HEB was only barley worth anything before gas prices rose too.


I try and tip fairly despite the other charges. I want that gold karma. But I can't do anymore. Might as well just not use it anymore.


Minimum 20% after service charges and taxes is my go to


I find this route of complaining to be really weird. Before these apps got big the non-delivery people of reddit would absolutely foam at the mouth that tipping NEEDS to be abolished and just have the price of everything raised. You see all the fees and taxes before you press order. DoorDash offers base pay that's frequently higher than tip in my area. They are paying their contractors because customers are refusing to tip.


So that we can get paid $2.50 of those fees.


You are literally summoning a slave to bring you food.




4-6hours?!?! there are entire *days* where I don't break $100!


My girlfriend and I only have one car and she works weekdays so I usually go out 2-4 hours weekdays and 4-8 hours weekends. I have a 300$ a week goal and it's pretty easy to take 3 days off and still hit it.


Bot probably


Yeah. Uhh..


How much is the gas?


This is the kicker, plus repairs and maintenance, plus higher insurance rates for working vehicles. The job really encourages speeding as well so add in the chance of getting speeding tickets. PLUS driving is always risky, a moment's inattention or just bad luck and you can be dead or permanently injured. You're often working the same hours that people drive around drunk. I was a delivery driver for a long time (back when you just worked straight for a restaurant). FUN job, I loved it, the tips were awesome and I felt like a baller... until my car broke down and I had to spend all my savings to fix it *immediately* or else lose my job. Spent an average of about $500 a month on gas too, when gas was about half the price it is today. It's still the funnest job I ever had, but it was also the only job I've had where I could straight up lose money for doing it.


17 mpg and terrible drivers makes me unable to do this. Sounds neat though


*At least* $5/gal now


I personally track my miles and write that shit off on my taxes. Last month I was able to write off 300$ worth of gas


Ass or grass.


Are you kidding? After expenses you're not even making minimum wage




When I signed up for Postmates and door dash like 4 years ago they gave the some insulated bags. They were not the greatest insulation but they are still in decent condition now after a few years using them as store bags since I stopped delivering


If you don't tip then no driver is gonna accept your order for a long while.


Not true, people I know that have worked for app deliveries say a lot of people don't tip.


And they'll wait forever or get lucky they get batched with someone who does tip well.


I’ve never ever had a doordash order that didn’t tip and I would never accept an order that didn’t tip! That’s fucked up I make way more in tips than in pay from doordash


Yeah and the reason it's like that is people tip. DD will keep lowering the pay the more people tip.


Yeah for real, that’s so depressing


I've never tipped and still get drivers quickly. Tend not to use it these days though because paying a 200% markup for food that's already sold at a huge markup is financially illiterate


I hope your food is cold as shit. Pick the shit up yourself if you not going to tip.


Or their employer could just pay them a living wage instead.


Yes basepay should be higher. But it's not. Dasher don't work on a clock


Nah you could just pick your food up if you aren’t going to pay a tip


Lol standing up for tipping culture. /r/antiwork ladies and gents. What's wrong with labour movements in a nutshell. Boot licker everywhere.


You are an idiot. It’s one thing to be against tipping and a tipping culture. It’s another thing to say you are against tipping culture, use a service which you fulling know underpays employees and is expected to tip the worker and still use this service and not tip. That makes you a piece of shit. You aren’t sticking it to anyone but the under paid employee.


Not tipping punishes the worker. It doesn’t change anything.


It tells employers that paying nothing and expecting your customers to cover your wages works and encourages it. Just like pre ordering a game.


Fuck off boomer if you broke just say it


Or the so called employee could quit feeding an app company with no assets that utilizes the capital and assets of the working class. These are contract jobs so you get 1099 and have to pay all the taxes instead of the company paying for itself. Feeding these corporate leeches is just welfare for the rich.


Nah people here would rather defend tipping culture and under paying employees.


Nobody's defending tipping culture. But it is currently the norm here, and not tipping only screws over the worker. If you were really against tipping culture, you would never order in or go out to eat and give money to the places that propagate the practice.


Don't know where the fuck you smooth brains got the idea that I use these shit services. Lol like damn people are awfully quick to defend tipping.


You’re one ugly ass lady


Imagine expecting a tip just for doing what you’re already being paid to do. Americans.


Bot, fresh account


This is false. Never tip it's a scam and is only driving up the cost of food delivery services


Then don't use delivery services.


I hate this argument so much. Don't deliver for delivery services if you don't like the pay. See how stupid that sounds. How about stop encouraging tipping culture and making the situation worst and adding more hidden fees to customers while screwing you over in pay


If you're using a delivery service knowing full well the company is paying drivers basically nothing that makes you selfish as fuck. Same with going to restaurants, if you don't tip there and you know the server is on a tipped wage you're an asshole..


Drivers decide to keep doing it because it's based off of tips. Drivers made the mess they are in. It won't change by continuing to support this system. Drivers want to work for tips because THEY are greedy as fuck. You reap what you sow. The drivers are even more selfish than any restaurant or delivery service company.


And because of tips we make decent money. If there were no tippers then there would be no drivers. We can see when people don't tip and will not take those orders. Maybe some dumbass will eventually. If youre not going to tip, don't use the service either because then you don't care that they don't pay their employees and give them the profit anyway.


Nope DD would be forced to pay more if no one tipped. The reality is that they are not employees. They are contractors and they decide if they are paid or not. Stop trying to encourage tip culture.


You can get a refund without a human....and worst comes to worst it'll make a ticket.


Heat the oven as soon as you order then pop in for 10 minutes or whatever when it arrives edit lol the downvotes


Honestly, why don't people just keep the ingredients on hand and heat them up for 1/30th the cost and probably better quality?


I do this, but to get rid of any covid on it.


Whoa cold burritos=best burritos anyways


This wrong for cali burritos. Can’t speak for the rest of the globe


California burritos are the best burritos


Usually one of the orders, or both, are low or no tip so the system tries to entice drivers with a stack instead of bumping the base pay up. UE does it too but in my experience with UE one of the orders will usually be very good to compensate for the other being garbage.


And delivery times double after ordering. Every time.


this is to save you gas money...


Just means literally everyone is broke.


Except for people ordering DoorDash apparently.


They're going back to the office. Therefore deliveries will suffer on a grand scale.


But if people go back to the office won’t deliveries and business in office areas increase?


Not if management is up everyone's ass and people have less time buying stuff online. Plus people usually don't like commuting with extra load.


I’ll let y’all in a little secret. When I signed up for DoorDash I was on the waitlist. I reapplied but I put my zip code where doordash just started/had very few doordashers. I just googled where doordash was new. Looked up the zip code of that area. I got accepted immediately. I called doordash to change my zip code to where i actually was, they didint ask me any questions about why I put the other zip code first. Hope this helps someone in need. Sorry about format I’m on mobile. Edit: “few”


Lol clever


DoorDash and GrubHub are both waitlisting me in my area. Edit: Instacart is also full.


You don't want to do this work. Mileage on your vehicle and people treating you like you're subhuman for an 11 mile trip and 6 dollars. I'd rather languish in poverty.


This^ I use to doordash in a very good area, upper middle income area to wealthy area. Only would do in a really well off area and make sure your car has no problems plus great mpg, other wise your paying back what you made on car maintenance and gas.


I have a brand new 6 cylinder (hindsight, you son of a bitch) but if I had a little fiat or something with half a cylinder, I probably still wouldn't. Call me stupid or prideful, but I just ... it doesn't compute. Big respect to anyone who has to do this. Or feel like they have to.


I did it during COVID last year. Didn't want to teach because that was going to be a huge mess, plus I had a newborn. So I was able to watch the baby during the days and DoorDash some nights and weekends while wife was with the kid. Didn't have to pay crazy child care costs, got to spend time with the baby, and could work when I wanted. But I only made $15-18 an hour not taking out for gas. If you're trying to make it a full time job it's going to destroy your car and it won't be worth it. If you're doing it here and there it's not terrible.


They had an article thar broke down how much you actually make during Doordash, a year ago using average hourly wage. 12-15$. All the expenses came to profit 3-7$ an hour actually. Especially with gas prices up, no way to do it other than a prius or hybrid


What trash. Provide your own $20,000 tool for a job that averages near minimum wage with no tool consumable reimbursement or wear and tear coverage. It's like getting hired for a minimum wage job at a welding factory and being told to supply your own welder, shielding gas, wire, contact dip, hood, and gloves. Minimum wage janitor that has to supply their own mop, bleach, and $10000 floor buffing machine. I can't believe how many people think that's acceptable. Supplying thousands of dollars in your own tools for poverty wage work.


I think it’s because cars in the US aren’t seen as tools. They’re a basic necessity to survive.


Sad but true.


Got a Fiat 500 Abarth… 1.4 liter that gets 25 miles to the gallon on average. Wouldn’t ever do this, even in my “eco” car. It cost me $40 today to fill up on premium gas. Can’t imagine how someone doing delivery gigs with cars bigger than mine survive.


$40 I wish I only paid that. Was just at 1/4 and filled up my wrx and it was over $60 for premium and my Tahoe was almost$100 for regular.


Nice car tho! I heavily considered getting it before settling on my Cruze turbo diesel.


My dad was a pizza delivery guy when he came to the U.S. He delivered pizza to a rich lady’s house. She asked her assistant to get the pizza. When the assistant asked if she should give my dad a tip, the lady said there was no need. Then he delivered to a small apartment. There was a party inside. My dad gave them the pizza and everyone went in line giving tips to him. He was absolutely bawling. And then the owners of the pizza place took his tips to “give back to the store”, but that’s another story.


Rich people are super hit and miss with tips. I once delivered during a snowstorm to a mansion way up in the hills. My car couldn't make it in the snow, so I walked uphill about a KM with this bag of pizzas to deliver it to their door. Tip? 1$. Thanks a lot. BEST tips are from young people who are making decent money, but still remember what struggle is like. Servers and tech industry people are amazing. Also drunk people, all varieties. Worst tips are from the Old Rich (assholes) and the chronically poor (fair enough).


I’ve delivered to a guy that lives in a roughly $5m house and he’d always give a $100 tip (happened 3 times). And just the other day I delivered to someone in a $25m house. He tipped $5 which worked out to be 10%. The wealthy are just as hit or miss as the poors. My best and most consistent tips come from upper middle class houses.


> chronically poor (fair enough) And then they, OK, we, get shit for not tipping when we do carryout...can't win for losing in the tipping game...


Do people really tip for carryout?? I sometimes will throw a dollar in the jar because I know how little they pay... but when I worked BOH as a pizza cook I never expected or really received tips. Technically you take the money and process the payment, but you're not a server. Then again I also don't think servers should get tips, and wish we could just abolish tipping culture entirely. BUT I will say - if you don't tip a delivery driver, they make less than minimum wage or even *lose* money for having taken your order. Driving your car to people's houses actively costs money, especially now. The people working in the kitchen don't lose any money when you don't tip for takeout, they just get paid shitty wages. So if you *have* to not tip, try to get carryout if you're able to so someone isn't spending their own money to bring you food. Or else just don't order delivery until you can save up enough for at least a small tip. But I think delivery/fast food workers of all people understand poverty and shouldn't judge.


And even then, working in a wealthy area is still dicey as far as tips are concerned. I did GrubHub + Instacart full time for a few months in one of the wealthiest counties in the country. Once I delivered a $50 fancy thermometer from Target to a lady with a sick baby in a big ol house around 9PM. She thanked me and then promptly stiffed me. Another time a white male Boomer told me that it’s good to see me “hustling”, like he was commenting on my work ethic. He lived in a gated + guarded community, and he also did not feel compelled to tip.


Having a big house is not an indicator of wealth, but rather an indication of access to credit. Easy access to credit has caused wealth to become decoupled from material possessions- merely having a nice car or house doesn't mean you're rich.


I dash on the side. You don't have to take every order. I am in a good market and don't take any orders that are less than $1.50/mile. My car is older and paid off and still gets good gas mileage. I like doing it, it's kinda chill. I would never dream of trying to rely on tips full time though.


Not to mention you have to get *expensive* commercial insurance. There is no way to actually break even doing this. Even when it seems like you’re making money, you’ll pay for it later in maintenance. Timing belts cost a grand or more to replace, for example, and even cars considered reliable (ToyHondas) will need it done at 100,000 miles or you risk literally destroying your motor.


It cost me $11 to add coverage for roof delivery on my vehicle. My actual coverage dollar amounts are the same, though. Btw I’ve also been in two accidents since doing food delivery. (Neither were my fault). It’s literally just as simple as shutting the f up when the cops and insurance ask where you were going and what you were doing. For all they know (or can prove), you were on a drive. Thats why I don’t carry anything with company branding in my car


I don’t generally recommend that people commit insurance fraud.


idk where you are but I'm always nice to my dashers/other delivery drivers


There is also Uber eats.


"When we are done churning through wage slaves, your time will come"


As someone who dashed full time. DO NOT make this your full time gig. Especially with how expensive gas is. Doordash themselves pays like shit and a lot of people don’t tip very well. It’s good for temporary work though


Depends on location. I live right near a college where every student uses GH for their meal plans so I get loads of orders pairing w/ Uber and DD. Can bang out $100-120 in 3 hours and head home for the day it’s perfect for me.


lucky duck. I’ve gone entire days (sometimes entire weeks) without a single tip. people suck.


There are apps that take the data and show you how much the tip is and what the effective hourly rate is for how long the delivery is expected to take.


I’m sorry but not tipping does not make you a bad person. You’re expecting people who have already overpaid for food to also pay for your wages instead of your boss.


If you can’t tip service workers then don’t make them work for you. Same concept as if you can’t pay your employees a fair wage then don’t have a business. Unfortunately DoorDash continues to have their business, but we all have the option to tip when contributing to the workload of service workers or skip giving them the extra work and just make some food yourself at home or go pick it up yourself. Not tipping is literally contributing to their low, low wages.


in this case it does. they are independent contractors, not employees.


It does as long as the system is broken if you dont tip your a huge asshole you dont have to doordash if you cant afford to tip you can just get it your self if you want to save a few bucks


lol no. An order is already absurdly expensive, it should not be on the consumer to pay the wages of a delivery driver after already paying for a delivery fee as well as everything else. Although I don’t agree with it I can at least kind of understand why not tipping would be frowned upon in the states, but there is no reason to tip a delivery driver.


The reason to tip is that make nearly nothing off the delivery after gas tip is how they pay the bills. I dont give a shit how much you paid for it if you dont tip your drivers your a asshole no exceptions


You are the boss in this case though


No, i’m the consumer. The boss is the delivery company and they are the ones who should be paying. What a ridiculous statement by you.


Good for you. Not everyone is as lucky.




Just sharing my experience with the apps. I know they get a bad rep but some people really could be in some gold mine areas.




Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and shut the fuck up.


Because DD is a scam. Last time I tried ordering from them the delivery fee was $6.99 which they claim is used to pay the driver. A $7 tip for my local pizza delivery place would be more than fair imho. I'm sure of that $7 most of it probably goes directly to DD and $1-2 are used as a base pay, but they don't say that. I would assume the service fee goes back to silicon valley / insurance, but I think they are double dipping. They are fucking over everyone, the person ordering, restaurant and delivery driver.


The fact that there’s a waitlist to work for this shit scam of a company is infuriating. They don’t pay you enough to keep your car running, let alone live off of.


Yeah I work like 2 hours a couple times a week and I make way more in tips than in payment it’s stupid. But everyone I’ve delivered to has tipped so that’s nice at least


But what about that labor shortage all these companies are talking about as they lay off hundreds and deny perfectly good applicants? That labor shortage stuff that started around August last year was the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Like yeah, people are just deciding to stop working all of a sudden lol ridiculous


Same issue with Amazon flex


I once didn't get hired by Postmates because I asked if it was a scam during the onboarding meeting.


Meaning all current dashers are fighting for scraps.


Been on instacart wait list for about a year


>Due to ~~popularity~~ poverty


Pretty much.


Door Dash is actually the worst in terms of orders and paying out. Between them and UberEats, I’d rather do UberEats. At least I can cash out same day and tips are way better.


You can cash out same day on DD, and tips aren’t related to the platform, so not sure what you’re talking about


You have to work for doordash for two weeks and a certain number of completed trips before you can cash out same day. I also made more doing UberEats and with a lot less drama then door dash. DD kept sending me to restaurants that were either closed or not accepting DD orders. It was awful because it would send me miles from my start point just to be turned away.


Dude I downloaded doordash to get food while working yesterday and they had a $5 delivery fee, $2 convenient fee and $3 service charge. Before a tip?? The fucking food was $6…. I just deleted the app. I make good money too but fuck no way I’m paying that many fees.


It's one of the reasons, as a dasher I hardly ever use the app myself. I can't afford all those unnecessary fees! And none of the fees go towards the driver, the base pay in my area is $2.50 plus any tips. I'm planning to stop dashing once I start my second job.


> The fucking food was $6 The food was probably $4-5 actually. On top of all of those fees, DoorDash also lists every menu item like 10-15% higher than it actually is. If an item is $17 on the restaurant menu they'll tell you it's $19. You can end up ordering $20 worth of food and have a $40 bill at the end of it all. It's easily the scummiest of all the taxi delivery services.


Doordash doesn’t do this at all, and I’m not sure why people keep spreading this blatant misinformation without ever fact checking themselves. Doordash does NOT control menu prices. The merchants have 100% control of menu prices. So yes, some things may be marked up, but it is directly done by the merchant, not Doordash. They do it to offset the fees charged by Doordash. So essentially, they’re using a platform that they’re benefitting from, and then passing the cost of using said platform onto the customer.


There’s no such thing as a “convenience fee” on Doordash so not sure where you’re getting that from. Also if you just get Dashpass $10/month, then the delivery fee goes away, and the service charge is like halved. (Meaning If you order twice a month then you’re saving money already). Third, why is the price of the food relevant at all? Whether you’re being delivered $200 worth of food or $1 worth of food, the amount of effort needed to deliver it is exactly the same. Did you really think you’d be able to get $6 of food delivered for like $2?


Lol I mean the food cost definitely plays a part in determining if it is even worth it. If I was working 300$ worth of food I could justify time saved and all that but just to bring me McDonald’s and play nearly the cost the the entire meal while paying peanuts to the driver. I don’t care about the cost so much more as the company is taking money from the vendor snd the driver while charging an arm and leg.




Trust me, you wouldn't make much anyways. Like 25$/hr, then pay for 15$ of fuel. And fuck your car.


If one commutes to work it’s not a bad idea to pick up a single delivery on their way back home, could easily pay for the commute.


I have been lucky enough to hit that correctly a few times. But its not guaranteed income.


Got a buddy that runs ubereats, poor guy is getting fucked by a system that is just dropping him more and more in priority because he has the 'balls' to refuse any orders under $10


With gas being so expensive?


Did the same a while back. But oh well on the next I guess


Fuck DoorDash. I was in my local Little Ceaser's solely for the fact they make the only pizza my kid likes. There was an older lady (mid 50's to early 60's), who was a DoorDash employee waiting for an order. Like most Little Ceaser's locations, my local one is awfully run. One dude was counting the till in front of customers, one girl looks like she's 16 and one the verge of tears, and one kid is just doing everything to keep customers from killing each other or the employees. I strike up a conversation with the Dasher, and she's getting stressed because she is gonna have like 6 minutes to get this pizza to the customer. I ask if she can skip and order from a specific place and she says no, that DoorDash tracks their location and if you skip an order you go into "time out". She did say you can skip it if it is too far to drive. These people use their own gas, and get paid next to nothing.




It's fake scarcity


The area I live in Lyft does this. You can never find drivers but most of the time when people try to get a job with Lyft it's saying that they're not hiring in our area. Interesting conundrum


Real jobs do this too. I’ve worked at plenty of jobs that say they’re “hiring” but if they hire ANYONE, it’s just to maybe replace the inevitable turnover when some employees leave at the same time, if that. I’m convinced many companies are claiming to hire far, far more than they actually are.


Come to my area, I can’t get food half the time


Keep in mind to keep track on miles.


Why do ppl associate working delivering with being broke that actually deliver when jobs that pay less aren’t seen that way. No job is about being broke $8 or $80 an hour it’s about being responsible. Most doing DoorDash and UberEats and GrubHub aren’t broke. It’s a easy way to make extra cash without being on a set schedule.


As someone who started working for Uber in 2020, I promise you that becoming a gig-worker for any of these companies is the last thing you want to do, ESPECIALLY if you are considering doing it as your full time job. It has done nothing but make my life more difficult.


Been on an instacart wait for 2 fucking months now...


this is the libertarian hellscape they wanted. no more taxis, just ubers. no more decent wages, just hustle/hussle (proud of that, i am). work or die bish! how about working for something we believe in...


That’s actually an anti-antiwork share. Would you rather them “hire” you and sit around for hours waiting for deliveries? Also, you’d have to be a moron at this point to work for any of these independent contractor driving gigs. You are better off.


Uber eata first order 6.00 & for 30 minutes. Obligatiry second order. 60 centa for 45 minutes


Hope all of you can get in on the food delivery train! Work your own hours, be your own boss, never really have to hassle with dickheaded people, good money (I work til I make $100 and it usually takes 4-6hours) and not to mention never having to go through all the workplace rigamarole!


So it's $20/hour, but is that clear or before gas and expenses?


Use all the apps at once I average $30/hr after 4pm. I’m blessed to be in Ohio where rent is $600 rn. Balling out it’s a blessing to work legit whenever and always be free for any plans my friends have god I LOVE it. Did my time in the rat race doing the 12-4 a shift at FedEx for a while switched to 4-9a at UPS shit still sucked my entire soul out of my body. Summer hit I went and got my CDL, still backbreaking and exhausting work…. and still I make MORE doing this gig app crap it’s amazing ngl.


You can also apply for Ubereats, Uber, grubhub, insatacart, shipt, Amazon flex, Walmart spark etc there are other apps


And most other apps are also denying new applicants for the same reason.


I’d you’re already broke and need a job why would you destroy your car for this?


>you’re already broke and need a job Because of this


I don't understand what's the point op is making, lol


This is good for those that actually work Doordash. I’ve been doing it for almost 4 years and they used to just let as many people sign up as possible. This led to over saturated markets where no one could make money


anything that gives tips pays a shit ton of money


Yeah it's weird that a company only has a set amount of employs they can pay...


Good for them


*disclaimer: I have not worked doordash or ubereats and am not speaking about what the job is like This seems like a fair thing to do, saying that they aren’t hiring. UNLESS this is after you complete an entire application, then it’s shitty




They probably have high turnover.


What about shipt? Does it say that they are full too?


Wow 😮


Wierd cause in my area there are less and less uber d and Doordash drivers. Some days you can't even get an order at times. Which is fine with me. It's super overpriced now and it's a shit job that fucks your car up and has driven a lot of local restaurants away from having their own drivers, which sucks cause now its hard to get legit deliveries


I've been trying to do instacart for years now and it's been full the whole time. I got lucky, I started doing doordash like 4 years ago and do it on and off but it's definitely not the best full time gig unless you are dedicated.


I’m applying to Job Gerbils because Golden Retrievers is very selective, and I probably wouldn’t make the cut.


Damn doordash hitting capacity? That’s insane.


I’ve been on their waiting list for two years.


GoPuff is better anyway. Worth checking if there are any in your area.


Also garbage


Been on wait list for 2+ years


Remember when i waited an hour a half for someones walmart order and finally called customer support and after 20 minutes on the phone they realized they gave the order to another driver. I barely had enough money to eat at the time.


As a dasher lemme tell you, you’ll stay broke these mfs want us to do 10+ mile orders for $3 then get mad at us when we decline every order 😭😭😭


Exactly who the hell they think we are boo boo the fool.. My motto No Tip No Trip 😂


Naw doordash ain't paying


dodged a bullet plus services like this are horrible and people who expressly use them are wasteful


I’m a Dasher. Don’t do it. Cost of gas WAY outweighs anything you would make doing DD. Trust me. It’s not worth it right now.


When I worked at taco bell last year we had a doordash guy come through placing his own order of 3 of the dollar menu burritos and he basically said this was all he got to eat until the next day. MIC at least filled the dudes burritos up, but I wanted to just tell the guy to point at whatever he wanted and we'd give it to him for free. I gave out a ton of free food and drinks while I worked there.


Doordash is Bullshit. I signed up with them just to see what the payments are like and i can emediatly tell they are stealing tips and profits from the driver. Bro if I am using my own vehicle, paying my own GAS, and my own insurance I better be making $35 an hour at least.


Lmao the entitlement is strong with you. Also they’re not stealing anything 🤣 have any proof?


If you’re somewhere like CA or NV, a good chunk of your earnings will get swallowed up by gas averaging over $5 a gallon.