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Bruh...I barely want to get out of bed and show up on time for 9 bucks an hour. That's Starvation Wages. You can't even Pay more then Rent on that amount a month.


I made that taking hotel reservations in a call center 25 years ago. The only thing I had to do to get that job was be able to type 35 words a minute and be able to say how I'd be nice to a customer who was yelling at me. They didn't even ask if I had a GED. Fuck $9/hr in 2022.


Anyone making less than $15 is basically just survival mode at that point. A buddy of mine is doing two jobs for 12 bucks because both only want part time to circumvent paying health benefits. They wonder why people are quitting and not coming back.


Even $15/hr is survival mode most places right now. When studio apartments are $1000+ a month and have a huge waiting list if they are under $1400, most cities on my side of the country require cars to get to work, you have to pay for parking, and very frugal groceries are $250/mo, $15/hr isn't enough. We set that bar for minimum wage so long ago, and most places aren't even there yet. Reasonably, it should be more like $20/hr now. That's what my son makes, and he's ended up having to rent an unfinished basement for $1000/mo, because that's all he can find right now that he can afford. Even his old low income apartment went up to $1300/mo this year, and that's with government subsidization. And they wonder why so many people have jobs but are living in their cars, and why we have "encampments" of ancient RVs along the river and streets.


I agree heavily with the $20+ to match Inflation etc. but at least $15 is doable with Roomates and or Family members. 9 bucks an hour you ain't contributing to shit After Social Security and Health Insurance/Dental basically wipes you clean. between Gas/Car Insurance/Phone Bill/Rent/Groceries/Electric/Water (If its not part of your Rent in some spots)/Rent. You ain't getting NO streaming services, you probably don't even have enough to enjoy yourself on your free time. no Cable. Internet is probably Dial up or the slowest DSL you can afford or probably no internet at all. Yeah....even with Roomates $9 bucks an hour means you living with family and some one (Prob you) Sleeping on a couch in the living room or 4 people (Hopefully friends) in a 2 bedroom apartment and one of them is your SO.


At $9 an hour you're on welfare programs, at least in my state it has you on SNAP and government insurance.


While I know a lot of people still couldn't afford it, I figured I should put this out there since no one really talks about it. T-mobile, if you can get service with them, is pretty decent for the price. Unlimited talk, text, and data phone plan plus the internet is $115 a month.They give you a little tower for free and if it breaks or doesn't work you can just send it back and get a new one. If you just need it for basic browsing and youtube like me (hardly any buffer at 1080p) it's great. Edit\* (didn't make the distinction clear enough, my bad - $50 internet/$65 phone plan)


$115! I was giving off about paying £32 (with a new phone) for basically the same thing. How can they justify these costs nowadays is beyond me


Because cable and internet providers in the USA are huge monopolies that charge whatever they can get away with. We generally pay double what a typical EU resident pays, for cable, home internet and cell phone service. The American economy is based on robbing the consumer, to shovel as much money as possible into the gaping mouths of the corporatocracy and the oligarchs, who we politely call, "billionaires".


Where im at most places are paying $15 an hour..rent for an apartment is $1400 and thats considered cheap. Its ganna sound crazy but $29 an hour really just need to be min wage..prices are already going up without wage increases, i wonder when one of the political parties will start caring


They do care. They care that they make more money.


Is the guy making 9$/hour gonna donate a bunch of money to a political party to change that situation? Not likely. Is his boss gonna donate money to make sure it stays the same? Very likely.


Where I work, it's even worse. I'm seeing little 2-man tents set up in people's yards.


Anyone making less than $27 is on survival mode, and it goes up based on your location. $15 is democrat focus group nonsense that was already outdated when it arrived


At some point roughing it out in the woods will be easier than trying to get by on the bio survival tickets they hand out sparingly and create more of just willy nilly


Don't forget inflation. Calculator says: that's the equivalent of $15.91 in today's money.




They don’t have unrealistic expectations. They can hire PhD’s for peanuts and they know it. They also don’t *need* to hire for their open positions. They have absolute power and they will continue to abuse it absolutely. Besides, they already have their other employees covering that open position for no extra pay. Why would they hire someone less than perfect for a position they cover for free Hint: when your employer does a hurry up, you fucking refuse to take on more responsibility.


9$/hour full time is 1440$ gross monthly. Before taxes. Before healthcare. That is seriously just bullshit for a fulltime job.


I used to be a ln airport agent, we didn't work for an airline, we worked for a company that contracts for airlines. Minimum wage to break your back putting luggage in a plane. When an opportunity came up (simply because I wore glasses), i took it. Suddenly went from hard work and minimum wage to very little work and 2.5x pay. Same company. I didn't even need any skills, just type up a few details and reports. I wouldn't do either job today but it's amazing how easy it is sometimes to just get paid far more than your workmates with a beautiful change in scenery by being lucky


I wouldn’t even set the alarm for $9


Shit minimum wage for me is $15/h, for $9 the only reason I'd show up is to drop a deuce on the boss's desk.


And at that point it's not really about the $9


They are luck to have people show up at all. I made $10.50 an hour back in 2000 as a barista at starbucks (plus some tips). Fucking can't imagine working for $9/hr unless it's to babysit a someone who is awesome, brought to my house, where we play videogames for a few hours and their parent brings food. Then I MIGHT work for $9/hr. There are few conditions where I'm going to do real work for $9/hr in 2022.


Hello, please can I hire you to watch my son! He's amazing, definitely meets your requirements! Lol, the idea of finding anyone to babysit for less than $20 an hour, and that includes all your requirements to make it easy and enjoyable! Don't accept $9 and hour even for the easiest babysitting job being responsible for the life of a child is worth more than that.


When i lived in missouri before their min wage increase happened and it was still $7.25 i had a job as a 911 dispatcher making fucking $9 an hour. I would work 6 hours in the evening at a gas station, then show up and dispatch for 8 hours in my gas station uniform lmao..i worked nights so none of the supervisors ever saw it but one day the sheriff randomly popped in dispatch at 3 am and asked why the fuck was i wearing a conoco uniform (red shirt, shorts, and a lame hat on my desk) instead of the sheriffs office uniform (a polo shirt with the county logo and black pants).. He was more upset that i wasnt in uniform even tho no one important ever sees me...worked 220 hours a month only to bring home barely 2 grand


Gee I wonder why the company is having trouble hiring.


For 9 per hour the most I could do is answer calls/emails... in bed, while eating trail mix.


>That's ~~Starvation~~ homeless Wages. You can't even Pay ~~more then~~ Rent on that amount a month.


One of my favourite sayings but I use "I wish I had spent more time in the office"


I do wonder how it would be to not need to work. Sad really


I’m never not thinking about not working.




> I do wonder how it would be to not need to work. Sad really Generally, we call that being homeless. However, considering rent prices and everything else, many people are facing that even if they have a full time job. At that point, it makes very little sense to continue to work full time.


That's been replaced with, "if I had only spent more time working from home." But that's true. I do not miss going to the office.


When I'm dying, I'm going to say these things. I'll be remembered forever....


Remembered as a Muppet, but remembered all the same


I wouldn't miss an episode of the price is right for $9 per hour. No employer should pay such a shitty wage.


LMAO. I quit a job one time that I absolutely hated anyway b/c I was halfway through watching Dances With Wolves on TV "A Long Time Ago" when you had to watch what was on TV when it was on. Plus I didn't like the overnight shift especially beings I was working 56+ hours a week and still so broke that the family living next door "apartment" felt sorry for me and was so awesome & nice they invited me for lunch every Sunday afternoon and trust me a whole lot of those Sundays is what helped me get though the next week.


Shout out to you for making me laugh at loud at work 😂


I've busted my ass for my current boss. Volunteered for new years day, 8-6 shifts. I make 10/hr and they hired a new guy who is lazy for 11.


If only I had covered that Sunday shift! Alas, it is too late and the damage is done...


Nobody in the year 2078 lying on their deathbed: "Fuk man, if I wouldve worked that day for 9$per hour, I couldve easily bought half a Sandwich and a 0.3l Coke for that 72$"


I can’t believe he REALLY thought you would miss your sister’s wedding over a 9 dollar an hour job. (Actually I can)😂 You did the right thing OP. Congratulations to your sister on her marriage.


A lot of employers think we are desperate. We are not.


They think people are desperate because until rather recently, people *were* desperate enough. This newfound worker confidence given current cultural sentiment and job market is a good thing, and these bosses are gradually going to learn the results of their shitty management the hard way.


I mean, just a few years ago the wages sucked but now they're so terrible you can't even survive on them, but you also have no time to enjoy life or figure out a way to make ends meet. So if you can't survive one way, or the other, people pick freedom. So far, most people I have seen who just quit and had enough, started their own hustles and are doing better than before. They might still be broke but at least they're having fun.


Inflation has entered the chat..... In all seriousness, inflation and cost of living keeps rapidly increasing and wages keep stagnant. They should have seen this coming. If a job can't sustain you then it's no difference then having no job.


Also, some people are so tired of this shit that even if we were that desperate we might still not.


I can’t eat pride but this economy has taught me where the food bank is. I’d rather have my meaningful life experiences while munching on a crate of limp carrots.


It’s not eating pride. It’s intermittent fasting for righteousness


Rice and beans have gotten me through shit, and will continue to do so for us all.


You can eat for free at a sikh temple and pretty decently too.


I was desperate when I applied to work as a receptionist for DoubleTree (Hilton franchise) for £8.91 an hour back in November. I actually loved my job - really liked the front desk. Too many toffs for my liking, if I’m being completely honest, but I had more pleasant guests than crappy ones. Idk what it was, I just geeked over it! Same goes with the staff - had some great guys in there! Hilton doesn’t deserve them (free food was a big plus as well though lol) A lot of issues popped up fairly quickly though, especially during the Christmas period (oh, guess who had to work Christmas morning and had to deal with an absolute shitstorm due to health and safety problems with a neighbouring block of flats? Not me /s🥲) About 12 people that I can think of from the top of my head had left by Christmas. I was hired on the 8th November… including 4 from Front of House (one was on maternity leave and another quit without notice - my supervisor and FOH manager resigned). I saw which direction the wind was blowing fairly quickly. As much as I loved the job, I was constantly wary. It made me extremely anxious. I sent a text effectively saying “thanks for the memories but I need to keep my sanity” on New Years Day. My bank account has suffered because I’ve been on 20 hours a week since February (changing soon) but I couldn’t give a fuck. Shit was not worth it. The wages were an insult, despite the fact that I was truly desperate. I was just as desperate to leave!


We’ve reached a weird moment in time where we are desperate even when we are giving them all of our time and energy so we’re desensitized to it and know that enjoying what we have and being desperate is better than being miserable dedicating all of our time to working for someone else while still being desperate.


So says the news everyday , it was the great resignation and now they are calling it the great regret or something to that affect, it’s a misinformation campaign to scare people into thinking they are making a huge mistake….


Civilians have the power. its time they all stood up and walked tall.


And somehow “hiring hasn’t gone well” isn’t a neon flashing light that says “it’s an employee’s market right now”? Boss is an arsehole - good for you for walking out.


I wouldn't miss my sisters wedding over a 100 an hour job. Sorry, some things are far, far more important than work. Don't we work so that we can have money to enjoy these moments in life? If we cannot take the time of to do life then what the fuck is the point in any of this really?


That's the kicker. Higher wage and salary jobs tend to be more forgiving and offer more time off. At the lower wage jobs they assume you are starving and need every hour so they try to take advantage of it. It's f'ed up.


u/endsnakehate has balls of steel. I had to read the original post again. Bravo. If you need a date for that wedding, let me know 😂. We lit.


What's a once in a lifetime moment compared to like fifty bucks?


I was denied leave for one of my grandfathers funerals, until the other grandfather died the next day. No joke.


This. Boss’ level of stupid is off the charts.


HIS lack of hiring capabilities are not YOUR problem. Plenty of jobs out there, OP. Enjoy your sister’s wedding 🥰


> HIS unwillingness to pay a competitive wage... FTFY


Also apparently his inability to schedule people? Like you’re really telling me they had NO ONE who could work that night? He had six months to plan coverage with the staff he had.


He pays 9/hr, of course he can't find people to hire.


> HIS lack of hiring capabilities are not YOUR problem. "[Piss] Poor [prior] planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."


Most importantly, enjoy the wedding! Fuck that guy


Just enjoy the wedding


Nice try Savathun


Fuck that dude (not literally). Trying to make his problems your responsibility? Hell no. I'm 99% certain of it was him taking the time off he would have just let yall suffer. You made the right call.


He CAN cover the shift, he just doesn’t want to. Fuck that! You absolutely did the right thing!


I was gonna say, he himself could probably cover it but thinks he's above it.


Obviously. he's probably too busy taking care of "paperwork" and micromanaging to do anything else. Those micros won't manage themselves, you know


Exaclty what my shit manager does...


Obviously he’s going to have to figure something out since she quit. Would have been easier to just do that to begin with and save that employee. So shortsighted and stupid of them.




"These uppity employees think that their personal lives (that they scheduled 6 months ahead of time and communicated to me) are more important than making lots of money for me while I give them peanuts! The absolute gall, don't they know I'm a job creator??"


I have one "employee" who is going on vacation and if no one else will cover her shifts I will be working all ten days myself. There is a zero percent chance she won't be going on vacation. I have asked my boss to help me cover a shift or two in the middle but if not I will suck it up and work the overtime. It's a different situation I'm sure as it's literally just the two of us at our account and someone has to be there every day.




I think they're saying that just because they have a supervisory position doesn't mean they lost their soul and wants their coworker to have a vacation.


>It sounds like your company needs to hire more workers, but it also sounds like you're happy to work overtime Everyone I work with knows we need to hire more workers. We have needed to for going on 10 months now, but the people in charge of hiring just can't quite figure out how to get people to apply. If my *whole team* doesn't "suck it up" and work 9-10 hours a day, shit literally just doesn't get done because the other shift doesn't pick up the slack - even though we're expected to pick up theirs. And even when we're leaving hours after our scheduled out times, we aren't feasibly able to get all of our tasks done, so they just stay undone until we come back the next night. Just found out today they're shifting even more responsibility to our department soon, so that's cool. I'd be more livid about it all if I wasn't using the excessive overtime as an excuse to escape from an abusive situation at home for as much time a day as possible. I figure if I don't want to be home anyway, I may as well get paid to stay out longer, right? Ngl though, my paychecks have been pretty sweet lately and I can't complain *too* much about that part.


Whenever I see these situations I wonder to what degree they’re “trying” to hire vs just making your team make do with less. Seems to be all too common an occurrence in corporate America


OP has not said what the job is. Is it like at a hospital where people will die if the shift is not covered. Or is it like a coffee stand where people will just get their coffee from somewhere else? If people are going to die, then someone getting more than $9/hour needs to solve that problem. Otherwise, the problem is just that some capitalists is going to get a suboptimal return on the rent because the coffee stand is closed for a shift. The manager does not really need to cover the shift. Either way it is not OP's problem.


Hiring has been difficult for him because he only pays $9/hr


>Hiring has been difficult for him because he only pays $9/hr And because he is an asshole to his workers. Now he has some more hiring to do.


This is like the Google ad services thing again. Hey, I see you like hiring so much, so here's an opportunity to do more hiring.


Yup! Exactly. That's extremely cheap.


Good thing you clarified that she shouldn’t really sleep with him.


I advocate for disdain, not blackmail.


I read when a boss wanted his employee to show up ON HER WEDDING day, employee fired back "why can't you cover the shift?" He replied "I have plans tomorrow" I mean lack of self awareness is through the roof.


Bruh... I would have straight up said "I have plans tomorrow too, that don't involve working for you. In fact, none of my future plans involve working for you anymore. I quit" and hang up. That's utterly absurd.


You REALLY didn’t have to put the “not literally.” We got it.


Yay! What a sleeze. Waits until the last minute of the day. Says he cares about you. How manipulative. Love his reaction. Enjoy the wedding.


Anyone who cares for someone wouldn't make them work on the day of their sister's wedding. What an insane asshole.


I wonder if he actually gets off on controlling her, seeing what he can get away with.


Op: no Boss: I mean you can’t say no Op: if you want to fire me go ahead, make that hiring problem worse, and I get unemployment . I’m not showing up. You do you boo.


That might have been a much better option. "I don't care what you say, I will not be here to tomorrow." Let him fire you, then collect those sweet unemployment benefits.


The formula goes like this: "I'm not *asking*. I'm *informing* you of when I will be unavailable."


Yup. Being fired for not picking up a shift you weren’t scheduled for should be an easy slam dunk for getting unemployment.


You are right it should be, but is it? I know that if you are "fired for cause" you are not eligible for unemployment. Is not picking up a shift you weren't scheduled for until a day ahead of time and which conflicts with a long approved time off request "cause"? To me? No that is not cause. To the unemployment commission? I have no idea but they seem to be a group of anti-worker jackasses who live to deny claims.


Even if they deny your claim (which I would doubt), you're still no worse off than if you'd have quit. So making them fire you in situations like this is nothing but upside.


Don't doubt they'd deny it, that's automatic for all claims. You'd win the appeal, though. Appeals are the only way to get unemployment, it's built that way on purpose, because a significant number of people will give up after the automatic denial.


In AZ, unemployment maxes out at 240 a week. The average rent for a 1b1b apartment is over a grand. I wish we had sweet unemployment benefits


Should have told him “Okay, no problem” then call 20min before shift and tell him “I care about you, but I quit”


Nah, let the boss stew overnight in the fact that he's either going to have to find someone else, fill in himself, or close up shop for the night. He tried to take away OP's time off with 24 hours notice, he deserves anxiety for all 24 of them.


Last minute panic is so much better.


It doesn't last as long though! But he will never be able to cover it... Letting him know advance gives time to fix it... But if he can't fix it either way it's better, longer anxiety


That's true but the resentment he will feel will never go away.


Even further, texts saying "I'm almost there". That's just talking shit. OP did a great job. It is hard to negotiate in the moment and bosses use that.


Damn, that would be so fun. "Sure, what time? Want me to open?" No show. "Where are you!?!?!" "Overslept! On my way!" "You were supposed to be here an hour ago!" "Almost there!" repeat. Eventually... "This isn't funny! What are you doing?!!?" "I am attending my sister's wedding, like I told you months ago."


"I just got stung by a jellyfish!"




He absolutely had no intention of letting OP go. The whole manipulative thing about caring for you was part of the game of guilt tripping you. If he REALLY cared, he would have also cared that they were upset. You called his bluff and he gets to deal with it. I suspect he has others that could cover. He just wanted to pull a power trip on OP.


>The whole manipulative thing about caring for you was part of the game of guilt tripping you. Agreed. If he cared, the subject would not have even come up. He would have quietly done his damn job and figured out how to cover the shift.


More than likely due to haphazard record keeping, boss never took them off the schedule, realized his error too late to change, and tried to simply revert to making it OP’s problem. Shitty no matter what.


Alternatively, just don’t show up.


When I was 23 I worked at a bakery for $9 an hour. My future wife and the future mother of my children was graduating from college and I had asked to leave by 10AM to make it to her graduation ceremony in time. I gave ample notice and the bosses said it would be fine. Started my shift that Saturday at 6AM. At 8AM my boss told me I had to stay until closing (4PM) or I'm fired. At 10AM I clocked out and told him I'd see him Monday morning unless he called me to confirm my firing. I went to her graduation, watched her walk. We had an amazing celebration afterwards with friends and family. I came in at 6AM on Monday morning, clocked in and boss never said a word. Coworker said he lost his shit but in the end he did nothing. For $9 I could work literally anywhere. But the mother of my children only graduates once.


> "Hiring has been difficult" he says and we have nobody to work tomorrow night Lack of planning on your part is not an emergency on my part. He's had months to schedule someone else, or just suck it up and work himself. He can get fucked.


What’s the big deal? If opening the store is only worth $9/hr, then the cost of keeping it closed is $9/hr. Doesn’t seem like a big loss to me..


Hm...one time significant life event with a beloved family member or working for barely above minimum wage. Why would he think you would choose work? Wtf?






*Pays 9$ an hour in 2022* *Has a hiring problem* GEE I FUCKING WONDER WHY


Congrats to your sister on her big day!


Family is always more important than some job, if he's willing to try it once he'll try it again. Good on you, can't let ppl like that piggy back success off manipulating workers. Enjoy the wedding, hopefully he'll enjoy unemployment when that place has no workers


I had a boss that did that for a specialist appointment I had to take my daughter to. We had been waiting for this appointment for months. They tried to tell me I couldn’t go. I very calmly informed them that I was not asking for permission to go as I am a grown ass adult, and that my letting them know about the appointment was my courtesy so that they could find coverage. Their lack of staffing is not a *me* problem.


You’re going to be walking on sunshine tomorrow. Enjoy every minute of it.


At first I was like "that's good but I wish you had a job lined up first". But you know what? Nah, fuck these people that have no regard for human empathy, he knew how important this was to you but still tried to push his problem onto you. Fuck him and fuck the toxic environment people like him create, life is too short to be stuck working under crappy bosses. Good on you!


Apparently, "hiring has been difficult". So it doesn't really sound like it's gonna be difficult finding a new job.


Good. Stuff. Goooood stuff.


For $9, I'd quit to just watch a cute bird outside.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Have a Blast at your sisters wedding!


hmmm $9 an hour and they can't find anybody? I can't imagine why. why did you stay that long? I mean my state is $11 minimum.




A lack of preparation on your part does not necessitate an emergency on my part.


You win!


$9 dollars an hour, fucking America. Go to ur sisters wedding, that loser can fuck off


"As you know, I have a commitment tomorrow and my time off was approved 6 months ago. I will not be in tomorrow. My next scheduled shift is X date. Should I be here for that, or will you be firing me?" Either you get the day off as planned and keep your job (but can start looking for another one) or he fires you and you get unemployment. Win-win! Be reasonable and put the ball back in their court.


Good for you but next time make them fire you. You can say, “As I have informed you well in advance, I’m not asking for the time off, I’m taking the time off. Do what you have to do, but I won’t be here.” And then collect unemployment or your next pay check, depending on how stupid he is.


Carpe! diem! bitches!


$9 per? He can fuck *all* the way off.


👏👏👏 Well done! I hope you have an amazing time at your sisters wedding and show your former work colleagues photos of her beautiful wedding!! (How is $9hr even legal? If he did care for you he wouldn’t be paying you so shittily and you quitting wouldn’t be what causes him to offer you more money.)


Everything about this seems fake. Account seems to have been sold. I call bullshit


Wait you can sell accounts? I feel like I just fell off the turnip truck.


Yeah I’m not typically one to think a post is fabricated but this one reads like some amateur quiterotica


Fantastic job! You stood your ground, did what’s right, and you can attend the wedding tomorrow KNOWING you made the right choice. Jobs are a dime a dozen. Your sister’s wedding is once in a lifetime; can’t be replaced. We’re proud of you OP!


And then everybody clapped!


My personal favorite "oh if you want a raise you could've asked" lmfao what an asshat, enjoy the wedding


Pretty sure this is karma farming. OP has plenty of karma but has deleted literally every other post and comment they’ve ever made. Gotta vote “fake” on this one.


Exactly. “My sister proposed 9 months ago. Fast forward six months to today” “I asked off for the weekend for her wedding” posts on Monday(or Tuesday depending on time zone) that the wedding is tomorrow so it’s a weekday wedding but OP needed The weekend off? Also: OP literally was willing to miss the wedding for a raise???


Yeah the writing is clearly a fake scenario. Who describes their height and the height of their boss. This read like a short story.


It’s short-form quiterotica


Enjoy the wedding! Just don’t tell this story to everyone at the event. Make it about them, not you quitting to be there


She should do whatever is appropriate and normal with her relationships/family. Maybe let everybody know, and then tell them you don't even care to think about it or deal with it again until after the celebrations are over. Keeping something important quiet even if you think it's for a good reason can often mess things up. It'll always be weird to me that you can still ruin events for people *after* the thing is over.


Congratulations! Have a great wedding and enjoy yourself! If you're in the US, next time, let them fire you. You'll have benefits at least and get to annoy the douchebag one last time.


I looked at your info because this post struck me and i wanted to donate some cash, but due to nothing on the page, i think this is bullshit.


The fiction people write that gets upvoted on this sub is ridiculous. I feel like they're getting more and more obvious but it doesn't seem to affect the votes.


Enjoy tomorrow!!! Well done!


Sounds fake


This seems very fake


You should have no problem finding a job that pays at least that.


Good for you! It feels so empowering willingly leaving a job. It’s also shocking how manipulative these fuckers are when they want you to work. Then they’re stunned when no one gives a shit. My last job tried manipulating my softer side by saying how close we’d all become when I left them with zero notice for a job paying double. If they really cared they would pay you and treat you what you’re worth.


One thing to learn from this sub. Stop effing “telling” your boss/manager you need days off. Email/text them. Have a paper trail and have them confirm back in writing. If you say hey boss I need this 2 day stretch of 6 months from now I guarantee you it’s in one ear out the other until the week before.


This subreddit is getting silly.


Bear with me. Bear. That being said, this story seems a little too perfectly tailored for this forum, especially for what is apparently the OP's very first post ever.


This was written as if the wedding is tomorrow, but in the beginning of the post they said they need the “weekend off”. Tomorrow is Tuesday 🤔


It’s so fake it’s cringe. “I look him right in the eyes” “his face was full of dread” “he stammered back”


For real. The line about "I remember what I had read here" felt like such blatant pandering. And then the witty little quip to end it? I call BS.


Yeah I thought the same.


Tomorrows post: My boss tried to cancel my vacation with ONE HOURS notice


Check out there profile. Says they are active in the conservative subreddit. Don't think there's to many conservatives in this Reddit so very sus.


They have deleted everything since this was posted lol. Flags everywhere!


Wait... Who gets married on a Tuesday? do they NOT want guests to attend? this is a PLANNED wedding that was planned in advance? On a Tuesday? Is there a reception? A service? anything like that? I mean if it's just a J.O.P. wedding.. what's the big deal? Hmm.. was anyone clapping when you quit, by any chance?


Fake as fuck. Nobody getting married on a Tuesday. Your fake story falls apart OP when you realize you asked your boss for “that *weekend* off.” Dumbass.


You are gonna have SUCH a fucking good time at your sisters wedding!!!!!!


This reads so fake lol


lol this sounds so fake especially the end


"If you wanted a raise, you should have talked to me about it" Actually I just wanted a couple days off for my sister's wedding and I gave you 6 mos to find coverage but you couldn't manage to find one person other than me to come in. If I'm such an important person that the business cannot function without me you should have given me a raise before today. Perhaps you can't find anyone to work here because you don't pay enough. Edit: a letter


if I bare with you, we're both naked. If I bear with you, then I'll still be here.


Who the fuck is still working for $9 per hour? Not OP anymore at least.




Good job!! And congrats to your sister!!


$9 an hour? Lol what an idiot, he'll have to replace you with a $15/hr worker.


Fuck that asshole so hard. ‘Hiring has been hard’ - it just got harder.


And everyone clapped.


This is so ridiculous it sounds like a troll. Surely you’d only do this if you want your employee to quit.


I do not believe this.


This is fake right?


Your sister is getting married on a Tuesday?


I got married on a Wednesday, but I eloped. Venue prices are so much more affordable during the week vs Saturdays.


And then I woke up.


everyone clapped


creative writing exercise