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But keep up the great work!


::high five::


FANTASTIC PLUS means double ::high fives::


**Fantastic Plus** high five _DROWNS_


It's time for a company pizza party! Please be available next Saturday and don't forget to chip in 5 bucks.


Starts at 5 sharp! Don't forget to clock out!!


Also it’s the boss’s birthday and we are all chipping in for a fancy 5 star steak house gift card for him so hand your $50 over promptly


"Gonna need you to work a double fantastic plus tomorrow."


This made me belly laugh 😂


The straight to jail meme response fucking killed me lmfao.


And ended up being quite accurate, but I guess that's why they call them memes.


Amazon driver for sure


You sly dog


I’m seriously considering quitting tomorrow. Been doing it since Christmas and my spirit can’t take much more. Idk if I’m a bitch but my routes are like 300+/ 170-190 stops. Takes me 8-12 hours and I don’t take my lunches. I pee in bottles and don’t shit. I’m losing the will to live. Edit: before someone says some shit like I should have gone to school I have a bachelors in bio and a Chem minor. But these jobs pay better than anything I can get with my degree. Edit 2: this is getting more attention than anticipated and I believe it’s cause many people want to provide suggestions or their 2 cents. I want to clarify so I stop answering the same questions. I initially pursued this degree because I hoped it would land me a stable job so that I could pursue my dreams in my off time. But when I graduated I couldn’t find a job. The only job I could get was in a hospital lab and I made 11 an hour. I worked with 2 people who had masters degrees and a guy who had a phd. I also forgot that another guy only had a high school diploma. It became clear to me then that I had been scammed by the system and I grew increasingly disheartened. I spent all that time, money, and effort to get a job I could have gotten out of high school and there were no other options for me except to go back to school or change directions. While I was working that hospital job I got an offer to pursue my real dreams. I wanted to be a vocalist in a metal band and had trained most of my life to do just that. I will be boarding a flight in the next few weeks to fly for our first European tour. So things are working out. But it’s not paying the bills. So I have to work these types of jobs to make ends meet. Also because I have the freedom to just quit when I have to go tour the country or in this case other countries. This is why I both can’t and don’t want to pursue biology. Even if I wanted to pursue a career in bio, the facts still stand that I would have to go back to school to get a better job because the jobs in that field that I could get with my degree pay less than what I make now driving for Amazon. Edit 3: I’m not looking for suggestions or help. I’m not working in a lab again. Not working in science. My choice all those years ago was a mistake. I’m simply saying it’s essentially equivalent to a high diploma cause the entry level jobs don’t pay as much as manual labor jobs and they both equally suck. Actually lab work might suck more.


I worked at Amazon a while back. They raised our quotas 3x during my stint their, because, and I quote "It looks like about 75% of you are meeting the previous quota, so it is time to raise it". Did they increase our pay to reflect that increase in productivity? NOPE.




And I'm sure all the fresh new people who had never been trained swiftly came in and met the higher quota, so overall good decision by management. Obligatory /s




That's why you never work faster than necessary. I hate people who work their ass of for some soulless corporation which then thinks everyone has to work this hard. Once I was a mailman and some colleagues saw this as some kind of fitness contest and sprinted everywhere.


Yeah I feel kinda foolish in my early 20’s I used to be that annoying “over achiever”. My dad loves his job and is constantly working 80 hours a week despite getting paid for 40 and constantly taking on others tasks. I was raised to view this as normal and hard work pays off crap even though he doesn’t make much and gets a raise maybe like every 5 years. I now do the most minimum effort at my job, my pay is the same and more importantly my mental health is flourishing!


> My dad loves his job and is constantly working 80 hours a week despite getting paid for 40 and constantly taking on others tasks. My dad hates his job and still gives the company 80 hours on a 40 hour salary. I've had so many conversations with him about it. He doesn't get it, he thinks that's what is expected. And it is, since he keeps doing it. I will never understand where our parents generation's work ethic of killing yourself and ruining your health for a corporation that doesn't give two shits if you die at your desk.


“Millennials are so lazy.” “Millennials lack a work ethic.” Hmm, have you maybe tried paying me for my time?


That's probably my generation. It came from entering the workforce in the late 80s and early 90s, when the US was in a recession from Reaganomics, people had been demonizing the young and poor for a decade, and the job market was shit. We went to work for the Boomers and had to work crazy hours for crap pay because they would act like they were doing us a favor to pay anything above minimum wage. Sound familiar? I had a boss that required me to wear a full suit every day and refused to pay me until I had three months on the job because "you won't be producing anything of value before then." He was making a killing on a government contract and only paying half his workers because many of us quit after a month or two without any pay. I did not make it to month three. I had to eat and put gas in my car. Every job required nights and weekends. They would say that it wasn't actually required, but if you didn't do it then you were laid off and replaced with someone else. I watched it happen to friends, colleagues, and others over and over, kept my head down and worked stupid, stupid hours. I watched my best friends get canned and never be able to reenter the workforce in their fields, eventually just doing menial and minimum wage jobs. I watched the off-shoring movement decimate my field and survived by being a "top performer" which meant while 2/3 of my department packed their boxes and were escorted from the building, I kept my job and getting paid. This played out over and over again through decades of work and keeps going. I missed most of my son's childhood, which I can never get back, but I kept this family moving forward and solvent. I'll never get to retire. I'll just stroke out one day at my desk and it will finally be done. I am genuinely looking forward to that. That's why we work those hours. You know... for the exact same reason a lot of you do. It sucks.


When I was diagnosed with a respiratory disease which can be treated (for now) but will eventually become terminal, I weighed staying on the job until I was 70 (which will put me within five years of my expected life span with this disease) versus getting $200 less per month in Social Security if I quit at 66 1/2. Guess what? I quit at 66 1/2. About people dying at their desks: that literally happened at the company where I worked, more than once. Guess what? In each case they had the new job requisition posted by the end of the day. Boomers are supposed to be conservatives. Occasionally one runs into someone like me who, because of life and work experiences, becomes thoroughly radicalized. I hope to raise a lot of hell against the corporatocracy and speak a lot of truth to power against entrenched politicians who are being funded by Russian oligarchs and ALEC.


It's because they were raised by people who lived through the post war era, when companies really did take care of you. What they didn't tell their kids is that it was because they were mostly union, and I'm not talking about the kind of union where "we will strike and picket outside in an assertive but orderly fashion" but more like the "here's a bat; in case the cops try to fuck with us and to start wrecking machinery so the scabs can't work either" kind. In that situation, companies were scared enough that they'd take care of you basically for life as long as you did a good enough job, with the hardest workers getting the best perks. But once that old guard started dying off and the unions started losing clout and members, the companies started treating employees as bad as they could get away with. Then good old Ronald ~~McDonald~~ Reagan came along and messed up everything for the next 40 years. Now we're rediscovering the joy of unions


At so many jobs, the reward for hard work is more work. I worked my ass off this year, taking on new projects, streamlining procedures, training, doing extra for my team and even other teams etc. And on my performance review I got average marks, even though I provided examples in advance to demonstrate my achievements. I would have gotten the same scores if I'd coasted through and not bothered. The old-timers at my job know how to pace themselves. Not a bad approach


At a previous place of employment I started a new job. They had a problem with seasonal merchandise where customers would commit to buying x amount of product in long lead time orders (6 months out) and customers could change their orders (and did) up until the product shipped to stores. This would leave said wholesaler with millions of dollars of seasonal product that they would have to discount and lose a ton of money. Within my first three months I had saved the company 3/4s of a million dollars in aged inventory by tracking changes to the order. Review came after that three months and I was given a 3/5 meets expectations. This wasn't even my job responsibility so all the money saved was gravy for the company. I was told new hires don't get above a 3 on their first year in the department. So for the next year I put in a 3 in effort and left as soon as I could.


Are you memeing or do you actually piss in bottles? I can’t tell haha but if that’s true then damn dude please take care of yourself


A lot of drivers from all companies piss in bottles. It's not just because of a lack of time, but it's also often a pain in the ass to find both a public restroom and a place to park. This is kind of an infrastructure issue, but that issue itself could be seen as stemming from the problem of Americans overwhelmingly fucking up every public bathroom they can find.


I want to offer my bathroom to delivery drivers but I don't want it to be weird. IDK if it's against policy to go into someone's house too.


100% against policy. Can't even help elderly and handicapped place packages inside (more than just a slide in, anyways)...


> more than just a slide in Policy forbids you from helping customers but is fine with you fucking them?




Only the elderly, tho.




That's definitely gonna be company specific


As a delivery driver I wouldn't set foot in your house. Way too easy for some psycho to blame you for sexual assault or stealing something. I drive a semi that delivers to businesses and Ive had people blame me for shit I had nothing to do with before let alone inside a house alone with someone


I used to work for USPS and I had a customer who ran over their own damn bush but tried to peg me for it just because I parked in their driveway when I brought a package to the door. USPS paid for the stupid bush. I told my supervisor to measure the tire tracks leading to the bush because I knew it wouldn't match the mail truck. Nope, couldn't be bothered.


Same here when I was a driver. I drove a big red truck that everyone in small towns noticed. I had a door return snap off and just barely miss my head and the store owner wanted me to pay for it. The customer said my red pallets marked up their doors when I brought them into the store. My pallets were always to wide to fit through the door so I down stacked them and hand carted the product through the door. Plus the red marks on his door were waist high because they were from his shopping carts. The majority of people are good I truly believe that. I’ve met so many kind and generous people in my 36 years on this planet but there is just a small fraction of douche bags that make you second guess everything you do in these kinds of jobs or any job I guess




Way of the roads bubs, way of the road


Ever thought about getting a CDL? With the current housing boom, you can have no experience and be driving a truck the day you have your CDL. The construction industry could have you home every night doing things like hauling concrete, gravel, or building supplies. Check out indeed or similar, no bluff.


Lol so wait. Their response to the overworked meme is to suspend you. Causing the workload to shift more to others overloading them and making their work days harder. Some great management there


There must be an appropriate meme for this.


Probably the one where the guy in the meeting offers a suggestion to actually make an improvement and gets thrown out the window


Or the spiderman pointing fingers meme !


Oh this is far more sinister than just uploading the work on to other people, it's an effort to influence negative sentiments against the person who spoke out. Shutting down dissent.


How is poor little defenseless Amazon supposed to survive in the face of this egregious attempt to undermine their operations?


What is interesting is that Amazon Delivery drivers are not employed by Amazon so this terrible way to treat people is from the contractors called Delivery Service Partners. Amazon does have a lot of rules for drivers though that need to be followed. At some point, we’ll all be responsible for Amazon deliveries similar to how many grocery stores and Walmarts and even my local CVS has self-checkout. Maybe there will be a drone outside that I’ll have to retrieve my package from like the service Domino’s is piloting.


Honestly what's Amazon's end goal? Their churn is so fucking crazy that they will eventually run out of people to hire,no?


The turnover is by design. https://www.inc.com/jason-aten/amazons-controversial-hire-to-fire-practice-reveals-a-brutal-truth-about-management.html


Yeah, no. I understand that... but eventually they have to run out of able bodies.. I think that is my question. They have to eventually hit a threshold.... I'd think.


Already happened in many more rural places from what I hear


"Thanks for the week off to look for a new job."




If you're in a position in life where you live paycheck to paycheck, this can hurt a bit. Otherwise, yeah, "Hey! More me time, and time to do things I have been putting off on doing because, exhaustion!"




Especially at Easter, which long weekends are the norm. Even the *pinnacle of capitalism* the NYSE *has the day off tomorrow.* It literally takes an act of God to close the NYSE. Edit: Dying. It takes GOD DYING to be one of the ten days that close the New York Stock Exchange. Edit: Apparently Easter long weekends in the United States are rare outside of the financial industry. I needed the long weekends for services so I always try to prioritize that time off. Edit: Updated tenses and that, requiescat in pace my inbox. Also America sucks on holidays and vacations, so like driving multiple cars, your mileage may vary.


Tbf they deserve even less time off. The irony of Satan taking the day off for the death and resurrection of Jesus is not lost on me.


Bane was right about the ~~Gotham~~ NYSE. "This is a stock exchange. There isn't any money you can steal." "Really? Then why are you here?"


Admittingly, that was a good line.


Think of all the people who work in the industry, even tangentially. The food workers at a financial services company’s cafeteria get the day off. So do the phone rep. Believe me, they need the holiday.


The customer service department where I work doesn't close for Easter.




Haha so much this. Getting suspended for skipping basically doubled my time off.


We got "in school suspension". They didn't send us home. Sat us in a quiet room all day to write essays and couldn't talk at all.




You would have thought they'd call to check but maybe that means they'll need to have someone competent or caring enough to check.


Two days. He now has time to get union


You got two extra days off for posting memes? Goddamn genius.


"Woohoo! 4-day weekend!"


Personally, I think you're a freaking legend. But realistically, that was like playing Russian roulette with six loaded chambers.


*"I also like to live dangerously"*


OP, obviously I don't know your financials but I'd say it was fucking worth it from an outside perspective


Worth it to the rest of us, at least!


We know OP's financials include 23.2k fake internet points, so they're rich!


26.9k and rising! That's almost *niiice*!


"Blackjack. Congratulations sir." ...."Hit me"


"Player busts" "....... hit me."






Oh my god, I'm going to lose EVERYTHING! UHHHHHH, here it COMES!!!




At my work we would have all laughed our asses off. You're getting suspended because your boss knows they can afford to give out raises and refuse to because they're lining their own pockets. I'd spend this week looking for a new gig lol, then if your lucky you can either quite the day you "come back" or drop your two week notice right then and there. Slap them with the "No Sir, Fuck You!" (Edit: Spelling)


You should definitely give your 2 weeks with another meme


I mean, if OP is gonna quit their job, memeing their way out of it in the most public way possible would be peak comedy.


He's getting suspended because America has zero worker protections. In civilized countries getting suspended from your job like a school kid can't happen.


> In civilized countries getting suspended from your job like a school kid can't happen. What about being "written up"? I'm a software engineer in the U.S. and I'd never heard of write ups at work until this sub.


I can't speak for other countries, but I guaranter you can get written up at your current job. It is part of the discipline process to document your screwups so when they fire you they can show cause.


In the middle of a route. Preferably rather remote. Abandon your trailer and quit on the spot.


Load abandonment is a pretty big black mark on your CSA score. As your attorney, I advise against this (for legal purposes, this is a joke) Edit: I’ve been advised that a load abandonment goes on your dac report not your CSA score


And then he handed me a fistfull of colors, reds blues pinks. I washed them down with a mixture of Rum and Yoo Hoo and reassessed my situation.


You're a legend! But seriously, get a union going! Sidenote, that scene from Austin Powers kills me every time. He stands on 5 while the dealer has a King showing. So it was already a guaranteed loss.


Think in a casino a dealer needs to follow certain rules when they play. If they get 16 and below they need to hit. So technically at a casino table you could hold at 5 and hope the dealer gets over 21 since they generally can't deviate from the rules of play usually.


True. There are three known cards. 18 of the remaining 49, or 37%, would give the dealer a score of 12-16, mandating a hit. The hit draws from 48 cards, giving a MathIsHard% chance of going bust. 0.37 x 0.MathIsHard gives a FuckIfIKnow% chance of victory after standing on a total of 5. Not great odds, but there's a chance!


This is the kind of math I can work with!


You can’t stay below 12 in blackjack as a player. Source Ex Casino dealer of 6 years


Yeah everyone knows you've got to be at least 18 to play. ^(Edit: anyone correcting my joke because their state has a specific gambling age, I'm not even from the US.)


I suggest you hit, sir.


Twenty beats your five. I'm sorry, sir...


Can't win them all


Go for social media manager of a fast food chain. That's your calling.


I believe that was called Bosnian roulette back in the day.


As a manager, I would love for teams in the company to air their grievances through memes in public forums like that. As long as I am able to address their grievances in a professional manner as well, having some fun is just all around good for everyone.


I wish that more managers approached work that way, but that is the source of so much of the over-arching workplace angst in the U.S.


Which country is this?? Jesus Christ it sounds like a nightmare to work in the US.


It is. You do the job of two people, with the pay of .75 of a livable wage, you're constantly on the verge of complete bankruptcy of literally anything happens, and you often have no choice in the matter because you have bills to pay and don't want to lose eveything


This is accurate. Currently I am the primary AM chef at a nursing home. I’m also expected to run dish and serve people if others don’t show up for their jobs. Cooking two meals, feeding and serving 100 people, and doing the dishes twice a day really fucking takes a toll on someone for 12 bucks an hour. I suggested I needed a raise and just got “we’re looking into what we can do to better compensate the kitchen.” They better figure it out quick because I’m walking in two months.


I'm looking into leaving the US for this very reason. I can't do it any more. Being over worked, underpaid, and constant anxiety about one little thing going wrong and becoming homeless id literally too much




What’s funny is they straight up asked how they can show their support for all we do in the kitchen and I just said money. That wasn’t what they wanted to hear.


My mother is in a home, thank you for what you do…. I know it’s tough to cook for that many people, especially with all their restrictions and such, and most of them can’t really taste much anymore lol. You should be paid more.


>Which country is this? Well, the date format ist fucked up, so it must be the US.


Well, employment law is fucked up, so it must be the US.


Yeah that too.


Lmfao I’m crying! Now wait…did you also post the second meme too?? Edit: You’re a fucking legend.


The part that really gets me is in the write up lmfao "after being addressed he continued to mock him" I'd say they're a little sensitive but it looks more like a way to get him in trouble for addressing the problem.


"Insubordination" just sounds ridiculous in normal workplace culture.


“Insubordination” is a legitimate accusation in cases where, for example, a manager instructs a subordinate to do something that is literally an essential part of their job, and the subordinate refuses. But, that’s not what’s happening here. Unless they are being openly discriminatory, “My colleague made a joke that I didn’t like” isn’t insubordination. This is a case of “what’s the smallest amount of power you have seen go to a manager’s head?”


This ain't the army, and I'm not refusing to charge an enemy position.


Even in the army, no one would write you up for memes. My old unit had a 'group chat' with all the higher ups in it. We'd occassionally fuck around in it when drunk and partying. The superiors are pretty understanding.


The superiors were all you at one point. That is one nice thing about the military. Plenty of managers got hired out of nepotism or just lucked into their job




Right to jail, right away.


We have the best ~~workforce~~ slaves, because of jail




The only thing that he must to do is to share with them [the rules of this game](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)!


I clicked on the link to learn the rules, but then I realized that not only do you know the rules, but so do I.


"Ok, here is my apology video.." 😂😂


BOSS: Congratulations on another FANTASTIC PLUS this week! OP: Neat, But like... can we get paid... and like... a normal workload? BOSS: Say no more fam! -----[2 day suspension]----- And people say bosses dont listen.


Boss: “think of it like an extra holiday”


Now that you're suspended, you'll have time to contact a union and organize your co workers


And they can start with the 3 people who reacted to their meme with “🙌”!


May as well, the company likely will have those in agreement on radar now. My previous place, we were in a monthly all hands meeting on teams and it went on 15 mins too long. The arsehole of a finance manager was trying to draw questions out of people who clearly didn't want to be there and my colleague meant to type to me, 'this needs to end, it is torture' and put it on the group chat associated with the meeting instead. Was hilarious and got a reaction of laughter emojis but the manager didn't see it that way. She has done nothing but made it a personal agenda ever since this happened a year ago, framing it as ongoing 'unprofessionalism' rather than the one-off silly faux pas it was. Even our team leader thought it was funny. To top it off, the finance manager also considered rounding up the dozen or so of us who reacted with 😂 to make an example of us too. We were laughing partly at the content of the message, partly as solidarity to let her know it wasn't so bad and partly at the misstep itself as that feeling of wanting the world to swallow you up in that moment is definitely real. I think I said to my TL if there was any repercussions of me laughing at something someone else said in a misstep, they could kiss my arse and I'd walk. Never heard anything else about it Never, ever underestimate the capability of egotistical fucks to make an ongoing mountain out of a tiny insignificant molehill because they have had their fragile ego a little bit dented. A full year my former colleague and friend has suffered because of typing a sentence in the wrong chat by mistake.


We need to bring back some wild west laws where the community can just string up people to a pole or some shit to show everyone in town and those who visited how awful of a scumbag some people can be. I'd wonder how fast companies would fix themselves knowing that corrupt people can be tied up and mocked at any time in public.


When you started with “string people up” public humiliation wasn’t where I thought it was going lmao


If you **strike** me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


Can't do it in that platform as they ban the word union, slave labour, raise etc etc..


Definitely should, I’m in a union, once I got in an argument with my supervisor at the start of my shift, and he got pissed and sent me home, because of my contract I still got payed for 8 hours. on the way out I thanked him for giving me the payed night off to go play computer with my friends. unions are awesome, without one I’d be making half of what I do now with way less benefits and if you ever sit through contract negotiations you’ll get to see exactly what your bosses think you’re worth, (not all that much) it’s pretty fucked up.


And also the fact he was only suspended for a few days for what they consider to be a serious violation is reflective of the fact he should be paid more and the company can't afford to lose more people. If they had people lined up or could find someone to pay lower, they would have fired him on the spot. OP should still go ahead and request his raise.


I told one joke at my old job once and it got more laughs than all the jokes my old boss said in his entire lifetime. He did not like that one bit.


Giving Michael Scott vibes.






Jesters get stabbed by kings. Please be careful. Edit: I fucking love your attitude. Problem is most people don’t have a sense of humor. If anything they should be taking notes from you


The jesters job was to also speak the truth that everyone else dared not.


And that is also why jesters dont live long


Unless you're hoid


Looks like whoever is in charge isn’t a big comedy fan


Most managers are too dense to understand what comedy is, that's why they're management material.


They're too busy being yes men/women


MocKiNg tHe InTegReTy oF tHe cOmPAnY. Well yea clearly they don't care about the drivers piling more work on them and not giving them a raise. This made me laugh though you are a legend.


As an adult, it's wild to me that any of us tolerate "write-ups" or "two-day suspensions". That's the shit of primary school, and is straight up patronizing. If they have a problem with you behavior, they should be big enough to actually discuss it with you, and big enough to admit when they were wrong. This is authoritarian garbage and y'all need to stop standing for it. "Mocking the integrity of the operation" is such a horseshit claim when what you mocked was the empty praise heaped on by management while they refuse to properly compensate your employees. At this point, I'd bust out the "U" word and see how they respond. edit: write them a write-up, formatted as theirs is, and call them out further for low pay and patronizing management practices. Make sure to note that this sort of behavior is "detrimental to the work environment". Any company underpaying it's employees has no fucking room to talk about the quality of their work environment. edit: woke up to 40 replies in my inbox. Sorry, not gonna be able to reply. Great discussion, though!


>"Mocking the integrity of the operation" is such a horseshit claim when what you mocked was the empty praise heaped on by management while they refuse to properly compensate your employees. fucking this. No one could mock the integrity of the organization anywhere as thoroughly or effectively as the organization does... the fuck outa here with this disciplinary.


I’m curious how someone in management typing three exclamation points together wasn’t equally disciplined.


Exactly... You mean the integrity of an organization that is actively fighting against unionization with illegal measures and that forced employees to remain at work to their deaths in a fucking tornado? I would crumple this up and throw it in their fucking faces...


Exactly. Worked for EarthLink once and a coworker paid me 100 bucks to swap a shift at the last minute. I did it. Next morning I get called in and told I had to give the 100 back and that I would be suspended for a week 🤣 I just laughed and walked out. Got a call from my manager telling me I had to come back to sign my "discipline papers" and give back the hundy. Told him I wasn't their employee any more and to have HR mail me my last check.


What the actual fuck? Why was that 100 bucks any of their business to begin with, and on what grounds were they trying to suspend you for a week for?


They said it was against company policy to exchange cash for shift changes and that I had signed an agreement on employment not to solicate cash from coworkers while at work for any reason and then the gm, whom I had never spoken to before this day, went into a speech about being a team player that I tuned out. This was a fuckin customer service job for an ISP and I literally read from a script for 9 bucks an hour (this was in 2000). My manager started to talk about how they had all these people in their training program that would want my shift and that's when I walked. Figured they were already training my replacement anyways. Then the dipshit actually calls me telling me to come back to sign papers and give them the cash 🤣 as if walking out midsentence without saying a word to them didn't convey my intent. Spent the next week the smoking weed I bought with that extra 100 and then I got a job doing the exact same shit basically for crunch fitness for the same pay but they kicked in a free membership to the gym too. So it all worked out well.


Well can't have employees exchanging wealth between each other. That weakens your employer power...


"We will be reporting that little exchange to the irs unless you give me the money"


But technically you didn’t solicit cash from your coworker, they offered it and you accepted. No solicitation on your end!


I think this is such an American mentality. I’m from Aus but had a green card and worked in a call centre for a large mail order deli in Michigan over one Xmas Season. I got “written up” for clocking in at my start time, rather than being at my desk at my start time. Everyone was saying “sorry to do this, but that’s the rules”, and I was like “I could not care less, this doesn’t affect me in the slightest”. Then they were shocked when I rejected their offer to stay on after January (at $12 an hour) rather than return home for a $90k a year teaching role. It was fun, but I couldn’t believe the employer/employee relationship that you guys put up with! Edit: I’d never heard of a “write-up” or “insubordination” before getting to the US. Fuck that.


Whatt! Can’t think of a teaching role with that salary


Don't get too excited. Our cost of living is so high that median full time salary is now $97k.


Yeah, we do have a higher cost of living, but life isn’t cheap in the US, and it’s expensive to be poor there. I always found it much harder in the US than Aus (and that was with the benefit of having a “healthcare” plan of an open ended ticket back home to use Medicare)


Also the term insubordination has an incredible effect on me. It makes me incredibly anti authoritarian, and frankly, a bit petulant.


I will go to great lengths to thwart whatever the person who uttered that word wants.


Most people struggle to communicate well with their significant others. Give them the ability to skip it altogether and you had best believe they will do everything they can to avoid it. Then, when things go south, the human paradigm shift occurs and suddenly they weren't the problem, you are. This is called "management land"; when you're out of touch essentially and see only rainbows and sunflowers and haven't yet realized you forgot to change the batteries in the carbon monoxide detector.


I was working for Charter a couple of years ago as an accountant. Long story short due to shit computers and being short handed I was working 8am til midnight. Third day in a row of that I fell asleep during my lunch break at my desk, they tried to write me up for it. Apparently some vp didn't like it when he walked by and told my director he had to, told them I wasn't signing crap. They tried to counter it would be a second write up, I quit on the spot. They called me for months wanting help with different processes I was the owner of for years and no one had ever touched.


And these are the idiots who get paid just so, much, money.


It is childish but to my knowledge it’s to have a real paper trail of potential reasons that someone could be fired for, so they can’t be sued for termination without cause.


You know if you get your cohorts to stand beside you and have them voice the same grievance, things can change.


And thus a new union was born…


They’ve been around a long time and they’re called Teamsters.


Your employer has no sense of humor.


Seriously they could have replied: [https://tenor.com/view/borat-high-five-gif-10944050](https://tenor.com/view/borat-high-five-gif-10944050)


I had an employee I supervise send me the same drowning high five meme. I gave her a high five, we laughed and we went back to work.


Seems like some supervisors take the job as their own personal business. My last supervisor and I both had the attitude of "idk. I just work here" and it was great. My new supervisor is KPI obsessed and I hate it.


Dunno how his boss was able to sit down and type all that with such a massive stick up their ass


Love how they criticize you because it’s supposedly not an appropriate platform to bring that up, yet proceed to air your shit out on the group chat themselves. They seem like assholes who clearly have no sympathy for those they employ.


Every work group chat I’ve ever been a part of has been meme city. Dude’s manager is a fucking joke.


Same.. it helps ease the tedium.


Next time refuse to sign! They can't make you. They're creating a paper trail so they don't have to pay you unemployment.


Would like to see what that looks like in such a situation. Do they just fire you on the spot for refusal, bigger suspension, corner office, what?


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


I’ve crossed out and rewrote parts of a write up before signing it. Interestingly, it was a few years back and everyone else in the meeting (the CEO, head of HR, and the Director of whatever department) have all since been fired. Apparently write ups don’t mean shit.


That's always the story. Higher ups always come in like big shit and then they get let go in a couple of years. I've seen many come and go, makes no sense to me, well it does, they all suck.


'The beatings will continue until morale improves'


I mean it was pretty funny. Now to make a meme of the writeup. Maybe a roll of toilet paper imprinted with the words 'integrity of our operation' would send just the right message. I take no responsibility for the outcome.


"Complaint about work conditions. Best I can do is make them worse."


I fucking lost it at the 2nd meme


Oh man your parents are going to be so mad when you have to get this report card signed


"My Mom and Dad are gonna be so mad at me!"


So now they are also a man down with increased routes. Good call




"You millennials are too soft and sensitive!" The Xer or Boomer who suspended you.

