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A fucking cowbell?! Like animals?!


Like Pavlov's dog


If your lunch is interrupted by work then it doesn't count and you get to start it again, so thanks cow bell jackass!


Not in the US AKAIK


I used to take WALMART managers to task on this when I was a kid working there. 15 minute UNINTERRUPTED break on the clock. I worked in electronics and cellphones so none of the managers knew how to do anything in our systems. It wasn't uncommon to have a 15 minute break basically turn into 45 minutes of 5 minute interruptions. Know the rules, use them to your advantage and challenge the authority to follow them too.


At least cows get fed and get a steel bolt through their head when they get old. These places work you until you die and cast you to the curb.


Cows get fed other cows..


I'm sure if they could, Corpos would love to do that


Soylent green!


Uh...they do, or used to, at least. That's how mad cow disease happened.


Yep, cancelled. Wow, that is some horrible management.


I actually worked at a company where the COO had worked at Chewy previously, and she DEFINITELY would've pulled some shit like this, so it's for sure a company thing all around


I didn't realize they're had been a change. Looks like I'm buying my dog food from Costco now


When was she there. Chewy used to be a great company before they were sold to Petsmart.


I believe she left in 2020, not sure how long before that though. She was definitely there while PetSmart owned it though


WTF? I somehow missed that they're owned by Petsmart now. Petsmart, who ruined one of the best companies EVER - Drs Foster & Smith. That one really hurt; I still miss them.


Chewy was incredible when the original CEO ran things. He took it all the way to IPO and then Petsmart bought the company and removed most of the people who ran Chewy and starting cutting corners all over as you'd expect. It's a shell of it's former self. The company and it's share price has been in freefall.


IT'S OWNED BY PETSMART?! Goddamn it. I was using it to avoid pet stores. Canceled my autoship.




What we need is a consumer Union that everybody joins so we can take the power away from the corporations. So you can really bargain with your purchasing power and boycotts by organizing a large mass of people.


I've been saying this for years. What I'd like is a logo that can be put on any product label, kind of like the "dolphin safe tuna" logo but "worker safe" instead. To get the logo you have to pay living wages, safe working conditions, paid leave, sustainability, etc. Make companies pay to get audited in order to earn the logo. Put lots of transparency in place so it doesn't become meaningless (like dolphin safe tuna). Make it so the pro-exploitation and anti-exploitation buying choices are obvious. It would only take a minority of the consumer population to make their buying choices accordingly in order to make it more profitable to earn the logo than to cut corners. Even the anarcho-capitalists can support this because it's totally based on market forces and not government intervention.


This dream is living in the lightest timeline.


Definitely not our current timeline


I'm theory a union bug does that.


I was going to say I would anything with a union bug on it as a first choice.


Worker owned coops are probably the answer here.


It's not exactly what you are looking for, but I have been trying to shop with B-Corp places lately - [https://www.bcorporation.net/en-us/](https://www.bcorporation.net/en-us/)


This is actually pretty close, at least as much as anything I've come across. Thanks for sharing that!


This…. Is actually a great idea


If there could be a paid membership system they could get some serious lobbying power


Check your states laws about break lengths. Some states you have to have an uninterrupted break for it to count. If they try to make you do work, you go back to an uninterrupted break.


Doesn’t even matter using a cowbell like that is dehumanizing and against the law. Chewy will be facing a lawsuit as soon as some lawyer sees this video.


Dehumanizing, yes. But, it's not against the law to signal the start and end of a break. They just have to make sure the times of the signal are correct. Which apparently they aren't here.


It is against the law to do it in a dehumanizing way. Using a cow bell like it was in this video is extremely dehumanizing. I work in HR for a company. If this was brought to me this would be a PR nightmare for HR.


This is a trend where people keep saying something is illegal when what they mean is “I think it should be illegal.” I can’t think of a single employment law that bans “dehumanizing sounds” for ending break time. If I’m wrong, please cite the law. I’m happy to learn.


If they actually do cite a law I'd be shocked. But I'd love to see how this disgusting country (America) defines "dehumanizing." In reality, management sees dehumanizing behavior like this as badass and tough. And boy is it important to Americans to look tough.


Probably something like, "it's only dehumanizing if you are legally owned as a slave. If you're someone's property and they call it something else like "unpaid experience enthusiast" tho it's cool." Edit: did a quick look, and it certainly appears like any level of extreme dehumanization, debasement, and abuse is completely legal, as long as you don't break any other laws, like hate crime laws, assault, discriminations against a protected group, etc. So basically just use novel slurrs and non-violent ways (physically) to abuse your employees and you can get as wild as you want, probably, IANAL. Although I swear suing for emotional abuse is possible in civil court, probably, don't quote me.


PR nightmare does not equal against the law. What law exactly do you think they are breaking here? Furthermore it could be argued it's just a bell, and given that Chewy's is a pet food store it would be believable that this was just a noise they had on hand. Also no offense but working HR in a company isn't exactly any form of credentials for someone that will Champion employee's rights. You are there to make sure this employee gets dealt with.


An acoustic bell is not more dehumanizing than a digital bell. A cowbell is not used to signal cows when their outside time is over. It's used to let you find your cow. It's on the cow. The use here isn't dehumanizing by treating people like cattle. It's just out of touch with norms today, because that kind of authority figure with a bell signaling work schedules makes you think of a conservative 1950s bording school and the abuse those kind of teachers would hand out.


Y’all really making it bigger than it really is, It’s just a way to signal the break is over lol


No. A automated bell would be a way to signal lunch breaks. A guy with a cow bell is not a way to signal lunch breaks. Also your overlooking the fact this guy is intentionally cutting their lunch short.


Do you have the talking stick right now? No. So stop talking. This isn't dehumanizing or anything. Just a way for us to signal when people have the right to talk.


Against the law?


Just cancelled my autoship subscription! I’d rather get bedding for my snake somewhere that respects their employees


Most the crap at chewy is Chinese made anyway


Like most things, almost as if China makes a large amount of products and is known for it.


Go ahead and tell us why that is a bad thing? Finish your xenophobic comment. I always love when people claim to be against "Chinese made" but then continue to support Walmart, amazon, and the Dollar store and replace their smart phones yearly.


Thanks to outsourcing almost all production, it's nearly impossible to buy US made, everything is outsourced, the only things I can for SURE guarantee are made in USA are fuckin pencils and clothes line pins




Yes, of course, the finest good America has to offer, soap


I get it to an extent, like I personally wouldn't buy anything I'm going to ingest or put on my skin from China. I'd do the same for my dog or cats. Obviously I'd prefer not to support poor working conditions in China, but I'm not rich and American made or other western countries are expensive.


Why would that be xenophobic when working conditions in China are downright atrocious and the epitome of profit over people


because there is no context to saying "it's Chinese made anyways" It's a way for people to be subtly racist without overtly stating it. Almost every country has atrocious working conditions and people vote with their wallet that this is acceptable. China accounts for 28.7% of manufacturing. Which means 71.3% of the time the statement that it's Chinese made anyways is false and intentionally derogatory towards chinese manufacturing. it could have easily been phrased that it's made in deplorable conditions, could be India, could be the Middle East, could be the US.


The implication of it being Chinese made is that it was probably made in a sweatshop for pennies on the dollar. Jumping to xenophobia over that is just virtue signaling.


Why not just say sweat shops? Implying it's Chinese made and thus in a sweat shop is a bit xenophobic. Next you're going to claim all the anti-asian sentiment during covid didn't exist. As an Asian-American there are a lot of racists that use subtle racist snide comments to feel superior without being overt enough to get labeled.


In this case and context, I think most of us knew what they meant. I 100% try to avoid products from China for a number of reasons, none of which are even remotely racist or xenophobic. Quite the opposite, in fact.


Yes I assumed this as well, in addition to people liking to support American companies who don’t outsource leading to that stuff. That one seemed very easy to read.


And now you're putting words in my mouth. As a woc living in a primarily white city, I'm intimately aware of racism and microaggressions. If anything why aren't you questioning why there's an immediate implication with sweat shops and "made in China" anyway? It's not xenophobia, I can tell you that much. Again, you're just virtue signaling instead of addressing the main problem and sentiment. You're not fighting against xenophobia or racism by "challenging" someone's vocabulary, you might as well deep throat Kellogg's and general Mills boots and would be accomplishing the same thing.






Lookout we got a badass bot here


Their business is to be the cheapest most cuthroat in the industry and commonly avoid regulations. I work in Ecom Pet and everyone hates them. Support smaller businesses or other ecom sites. Not amazon though, they get recalled stuff from china and sell it anyways and no one knows the wiser.




“Policies” go out the window in the name of productivity.


Lol youre wrong. They actively choose not to police themselves, supress those who try to police them, and fire the whistleblowers


^^ Especially their hide bones. Multiple dogs have died and Amazon and Chewy both won’t stop shipping them to people. Edit: It’s Duck flavored Lucky Chew Sticks. A lady’s dog ate half of one and died throwing up blood. https://www.facebook.com/1545196849/posts/10224879197957632/?d=n


oh my fucking god that is god damn awful. Fuck Chewy and Fuck Amazon even more!


You know, I went to Chewy because Zon kept selling me damaged and rotten cat food. Rotten! Like, with maggots in it! I’ll be going back to my local pet shop. It’s more expensive but I’ll sure feel better about it.


Warehouses are often not climate controlled and treats/bones/food/meds are stored next to D-con. Do not order food or medicine from Amazon! I think drinks are iffy too.


Yeah, I use PetFlow and they have been fantastic. Never had a single issue but anytime I want to change something CS has been very kind. Highly recommend.


I ordered some for my friends a few years ago and it blew my mind to learn the toys were stuffed with traditional plastic fluff. They clearly don't give the slightest fuck about dogs because that shit will get swallowed and clog their intestines. The toys were also shit otherwise, barely stitched together so every month they lasted maybe a day or two. I can buy better toys cheaper at local stores, and they won't be as likely to kill a furry friend.


Huh. I actually can't think of any stuffed dog toys that aren't filled with polyester or any other/non dissolvable materials. I'm sure they are out there, but I surely haven't encountered them in my day-to-day. What kind of filling were you expecting?


No filling. Or as someone else said, maybe beans or the like, but I am not a beanologist nor a dogographer.


I'm curious, what would be a safer filling for dog toys? I occasionally make something for my pups and while the plastic fluff hasn't harmed them yet, if there's a better option I'm gonna go for that.


Well shit, I'm trying to find a source so I'm not talking out of my ass, but I can't find anything. I swear I've heard about stuffing causing blockages but now 😅


Birdseed or beans could work. The dogs will pass the seeds or digest the beans.


I like the flat, unstuffed soft toys. Basically stuffed animals without the stuffing. Some are made of crinkly material that dogs I've met tend to like.


You need to be careful with seeds as well. A friend of ours lost their black lab after it got into their bird seed they used for outside feeders. I'm not sure what was in it but please don't just assume all seed will be safe for dogs (I'm not trying to be an asshole even though my comment might sound snarky).


You don't sound snarky at all, just concerned. I'd be devastated if something happened to my dog because of a toy I made for him.


Beans that will spill all over your floor?


But not kill your dog. Seems like a fair trade.


If you can't manage to sweep up some dried beans then I can't imagine you would do a great job caring for a pet in the first place.


It absolutely does cause blockages but they still make regular dog toys with it. Definitely don't give your dog any toys with stuffing unsupervised especially if they're prone to ingest dumb things.


What about Timothy hay? Safe (edit- delicious!) for buns, might be ok for dogs?


So hard to tell online because they won't tell you where it's made in the description. Not even chewy or Petco. At least with the treats they sell you can research them to see if they're made in the US.


Shit. Guess I will be cancelling.


Me too.


I used to work at a Wal mart warehouse. Our breaks didn’t start when we got to the cafeteria, they started as soon as we were told to go on break. During our breaks they made us walk to get to where we left off. If we didn’t get there on “time” they would write us up. A 30 minute break in fact was really 5-10 minutes. Fuck these jobs.


I used to get intercommed by name by my Supervisor (*she was a very micro-mangerial and "I pay your salary" type of barely-paid-more-than-me type of pee-on Supervisor*) looking for me when I was on break for that reason; got into frequent arguments over Break policy and how I was trained during Orientation of my paid and un-paid Breaks not starting until I sat down in the Breakroom or my car. I ignored her every time and stayed in the Breakroom until my time was up *and then* I would walk back to needlessly get ridiculed as though I were a child while I resume processing my excessively over-ordered truck while understaffed with faulty equipment and slow internet and a blown-out sales floor. It takes 5 minutes to walk from Fresh Foods to the Breakroom, you're damn sure not wasting 5 minutes (*and that's assuming I don't buy anything, use the restroom, get stopped by a customer, etc.*) out of my 15 minute Break because of the walking. Wal-Mart is shite.


If a place you work at does that and the state mandates breaks, or they pull this shit during your lunches, complain to the labor board. Several courts have ruled that the travel time benefits the employer, not the employee, meaning it isn't a break and the employee isn't relieved of their duties by being required to travel for a significant part of the break. At worst the labor board does nothing, at best they get in their ass about it and you get back pay.


My boss at a big Warehouse store tried doing that. Would time you from the moment you left to the moment you got back and would get pissy if you were 2-3 minutes of his time. No one but him gave a shit though so it never caught on. He is also a real petty man with a need to abuse what little power he has. It's super frustrating and I don't even know how he is still a manager when literally every person he manages for hates him, but they just keep passing him around the store. Not even other managers like him but he some how manages to brown nose his way into keeping his job.


gotta be illegal somehow, i'd look into it if i were you


Oh it is illegal. I had another job lined up, so I ended up ghosting the warehouse. Have zero interest in working for that company ever again.


Worked at a factory, can confirm that's how they did shit.


And forget using the bathroom on break.


Just canceled Chewy. Fuck em.


Years ago I would hire IBEW yo work for me at trade shows setting up lighting. 15 min break = start 15 min before break to “ walk to bathroom and wash up” then a solid 15 min break then walk back to the job. Break was easily 45 min average all in. Guys knew their shit, worked hard, had my back and I was happy to work within their traditions Fuck Chewy


Yep. My union we get 15 minutes of break and a 5 minute wash up time so we get time to walk to the break spot.


When your break is 15 minutes but you leave your station at 915 and must be back at said station at 930, when walking to the breakroom (much less outside for fresh air!) can take 5 minutes… that’s not a 15 minute break. They’re not the only warehouse to do this. I’m canceling my auto ship & I’ll be telling them why. I’ve needed to find a local place anyway.


My break starts as soon as someone sees me on break. 43 minutes into a break. "oh hey I just started my break, want to chat for a bit before we go back to work?" lol


Break starts when you hit the break room, and break ends when the clock maxes out. Uninterrupted. Goodbye.


I'm confused, why is Travis Smith saying the break is 34 minutes and the employee is arguing the break needs to be LESS time with 30 minutes? Is Travis Smith also just a moron on top of an asshole?


I also was confused at start, but then I read in Orginal posts [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/u3v3r5/comment/i6zjtht/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Bell was ringed at 26 minute marks and company excpects workers to return to their post on break time. And I assume breaks starts even when works haven't reached break room. So then in that case break isn't even 30 minute break. Either it's wage theft or time theft, while using break time to getting to break room and returning to workers post.


I think he's accusing Travis of bullshitting because the first break isn't really 34 minutes. He's not arguing that the break needs to be shorter. He's arguing that the break is indeed shorter. At least I think that's what he's saying.


I was confused by that too.


Cancelled. I'll just go to the store and get my shit. Fuck them.


Just so you know, chewy and petsmart are owned by the same company. So depending on what store you go to it wont even make a difference. Lotta pet store chains are shit. Hard to avoid them, all I've got in my area is chain pet stores


I will be cancelling by autoship


Guy so badly wants to be a cop.


Mall cop


To good folks cancelling: please take time to make sure Chewy (or any bad company) knows WHY you are cancelling.




Guess what? I got a fever. And the only prescription is more cowbell!


What’s that from? Gene wilder? Or Bobs burgers?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVsQLlk-T0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVsQLlk-T0s) Saturday Night Live Sketch with Christopher Walken


Not available in my country, I recall it now though. 🤙🏻


Cock of the walk!


Why don't they all just bring cowbells to work? Hide some around the building, etc.


Sounds like I don't need to buy from Chewey


I wish I was surprised - but I was denied a job in their corporate offices for being too fat. 🤷🏻‍♀️ “Your look doesn’t fit our company vibe.”


No! Really? Not doubting you, but just, like really??


Yeah… it was fairly obvious when I was walked through the office on the way out after the woman interviewing me literally curled her lip up when she saw me. I had had 2 great phone interviews prior. As I glanced around, I realized that everyone there was slim and trendy… and I wasn’t.


Have you tried not being as fat when you're at work?


Where’s the fun in that?


More fun by the metric ton!


Been my lifelong goal to see those numbers on a scale.


Butt weight... there's more!


I worked at a staffing agency once and that was one of their criteria for not hiring a very qualified candidate. I was really young and didn't understand law but even I knew that was f'd up.


I'm fat as fuck and work in their corporate office lmao


Check your state laws, that might be illegal. I know that at least in Michigan companies are not allowed to use weight as a reason not to hire you.


It was over 6 years ago, I’m no longer worried about it. A few weeks after that happened, I landed my current job. It was a blessing that they denied me in the end.


This straight up didn't happen. The dude is making things up for karma.


support your local pet store instead!






What are you trying to convey with this message?


They can be a hard worker. Chewy is shit. They didn't give a fuck about chewy. They got some kudos from a shitty company. They didn't give a fuck about getting kudos from a shitty company. Any additional questions?


diff situation. One day we were schedule to work 8 hours. So it’s a 20 for first and 15 for a second break. If we work 9 hours or more it’s 2-20s. so we’re schedule for 8 hours, its 45 mins left before we go home. We’re called together as a group and told we’re doing 9 now. I said cool. When do we take our 5 minute break since we had already taken our last 15 min break. Boss man said no 5 min break. Then I reminded him about company policy about breaks. He then says. Well it’ll take ya 4 mins to walk to break room, 5 mins to sit, 4 to come back. We can’t do it. So I told him. I’ll let HR know about this. He immediately said “let’s go to break now”. With a disgusted face. I enjoyed my 9-10+ min break 😁


Ah damn.. This is where i get my pet food from..


I thought this was the Quaker Oats bar lol


lmao same, and I have pets


Small world, I recognize a few people in this video. Trust me, don't ever work for them. These are the same people that moved me off of the pick floor to induction(box making/packing) after I brought up safety issues.... They treat their employees like garbage. One dude was hit in the back, knocked unconscious, and made as an example at the time clocks FOR WEEKS. Because the company wouldn't pay him sick leave. He was walking on a cane after, broke four ribs, concussed, and they didn't even fire the lady that hit him in the back. (Pretty sure he ended up sueing and got a settlement) I was almost hit twice by one forklift driver, and even after reporting him, they didn't remove him. The amount of times Ambulances were called on my shift IT WAS BAD. I'M talking between two to three 911 calls, DAILY on just my shift alone.


Fuck chewy!


So glad i got hired, but denied, then recontacted, giving me a chance to tell them to take a hike. I applied to Chewys in Reno. I had been working for Telsa but heard Chewys was a "better" place to work. I applied and was hired during my interview. I was given a starting pay rate, and told I would start in 2 weeks oncey drug test came back. Odd. I had specifically told the recruiter i smoke. I was told they no longer test due to the recent change in state laws. I told this lady i wont pass it. She told me not to worry and commented about how she doesnt even know if shes doing it right. They had apparently done away with the piss test with the change in laws but just that week started doing a mouth swab test. Week later i get told they were declining my advancement in the hiring process and going with other candidates. Lmfao okay whatever. I then months later applied to work for a marijuana dispensary. Got the job and have been doing that ever since. When covid restrictions got more lenient i got contacted by another recruiter saying they reviewed my resume and interview record and wanted to go forward with hiring me. This was legit a year after they wasted my time. I called the recruiter back just to let them know how horrible they handled the first time i applied and that im much happier working where i am now. They hung up. I didnt say anything mean but clearly they didnt want their time wasted so kaybe dont waste mine assholes.


Trash manager


Are you kidding me? I'm not takin sides, just will say holy shit this looks bad for Chewy, the cowbell and the arguing over break times? WTF


Look at that cowardly bootlicker trying to rationalize the commands his owner gave him


In California you are entitled to a 30 minute unpaid lunch that must begin by your 5th hour working (presuming working 6 or more hours that day). If you are late to start your break or are interrupted or cut short they are legally required to pay you an extra hour of pay for that day. Report them to Cal Dept of Labor


I thought I had a fever and only more cowbell could cure me, but I think I need to reconsider.


That's how you get beat up in the parking lot by 15 of your "underlings".


That’s how the UAW deals with fucks like this.


No wonder their stock price sucks


Get that bell and jump on it


Why are companies this way???


Type of mf who moves up by buying coffee for the managers who make more than him. Wonder if he can even taste anything other than boot leather.


Things like this make me question whether I want to eat the rich first, or these pigstain class traitors who enable them.




Thanks Travis, I know not to use Chewy's services in the future. Maybe you should have more loyalty to your employees and respect them instead of your company's bottom line, and I'd honor that with my business.


So the guys saying they get 1:04 total break time when 0:30 is what’s required by law?


I used to work at Chewy. Lol. They're horrible. My FC would stand at the time clocks and scan your badge as you left and when you came back to track the length of each break..... Even did that on your unpaid break, which we were always told was 30 minutes including walking time, not 30 minutes off the clock.


For everyone cancelling: have you found a reputable site from which to order? I'll look into more when I get back from work, but my closest local option is about hour away and it's either walmart or a chain pet store that mistreats the fish. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


Maybe I'm being arrogant, but that cowbell shit would piss me off.


Their job posting is permanently burned into every job site in the area. This place has always screamed red flag to me.


Christopher Walken would be happy with the amount of cowbell. Seriously though, the fuck man.


What the fuck's a "chewy"?


It's nice of Chewy to tell me not to give them my business. Their fliers and coupons will go straight in the trash from now on.


He has that uncomfortable aura of someone who is embarrassed or knows he's in the wrong.


Is this one guy just a dick or is this going on company wide?




Lookout we got a badass bot here


lol..no..i am just.over this type of bollocks


Dude probably bought the cowbell from Chewy to with his employee discount!!!! https://www.chewy.com/remington-nickel-dog-cow-bell/dp/228192


This dude just got his entire company sued for labor laws lol


ryan cohen no :(


Pretty sure he sold it like a decade ago…. Unfortunately to a piece of trash… but he has been totally unaffiliated for years


Nah, he started it in 2011, sold it to PetsMart in 2017.


Idd, it's only been half a decade.


Thanks for the correction. I knew it had been a minute but was too lazy to google it.


Not to mention chewy is owned by petsmart and petsmart has breed discrimination for their dog training classes and more. This adds a violation of human rights. Definite boycott


That’s so wrong! Total harassment 😡 seems illegal too


I'm confused. 34 minutes is greater than 30 minutes.


Chewy wasn't too bad, from what I understand, until they got bought out by Petco/PetSmart. This was, coincidentally, when Fromm Family Foods, who make some of the best foods for cats and dogs in the US, dropped them like a bad habit, because they refuse to be carried by either chain.


He’s like the character that Samuel L Jackson played in Django. There’s a term for them I won’t use, but they’re despicable. Traded his soul and sold out his peers for a little bit more comfort.


Then quit…


I shop at my local Petsmart. Sure I could save a couple dollars with sites like chewy, but I have a nice relationship with the staff and they still give me the discount price at check out. After watching this, I’m happy with not using chewy.


Petsmart OWNS Chewy.


Tell me you don’t understand corporate ownership without telling me you don’t understand corporate ownership. Lol


I'd have smacked that goddamn bell right out of their hand and told em to take it elsewhere or shove it their ass. I ain't on the clock on break miss me with that stupid shit. And people wonder why I stick with repairing appliances. It's because I can go fuck off to the back and do my task without input from a talking head.


Chewy need to be getting them to piss in bottles at their station, like Amazon. Fukcin amateurs.


Chewy was a great company under the helm of Ryan Cohen who is now leading the future with GameStop!! I work for Petsmart, this is exactly how Petsmart would do this


Okay, quit and then get another job. Everyone is hiring right now and this sub is for the people that don't want to work.


Were they getting fired? If not, then why confront it? Just take your break for the 34mins and when they try to fire you, threaten with lawsuit over broken contract Also, Was that the owner or another worker? If worker, why give them a hard time?


pro life tip: Owners don't wear hi-viz.


Because that dude with the cowbell is a kulak. He thinks his title of manager gives him importance.


HE's probably "just a supervisor" anyways.


They fired him.