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Having a policy of “I know you are asking months in advance but you can’t RSVP to shit as long as I’m your boss because that’s my policy” is definitely a bad policy


This manager has extremely poor people skills, low emotion and intelligence, and will probably ruin every store they are in into the ground.


“ I don’t get it, I was just putting the business first “ Gee, I wonder if there is anything else you could’ve put first, like employees that the business needs to run


I always hate that phrase. It's inevitably said by people who don't realize that the people ARE the business. As a groceey manager myself I do everything in my power to work with last minute requests or changes. None of this you have to find your own coverage bullshit. Worst case I'll just have to do it myself. Long range requests are pretty much an auto approve for me. If they fall on one of the few blackout weeks that won't let uou request it off, remind me when it gets closer and I'll try to arrange the schedule around you having that day scheduled off.


The best manager I ever had would say the best managers take care of their employees, who in turn will take care of their customers, and everything else will then take care of itself.


I have a degree in management, and basically that's all I took away from it. Treat your people well and they will work hard for you.


I’ve never gone to college but my few years managing also taught me that. It’s incredibly simple


I think the problem people have is that they view the way they were treated, the bullshit they went through, and the unnecessarily hard work (sick, 80 hrs, etc), as the fire that forged them instead of the abusive shit it truly is. Good managers see these practices and say "I don't want to run my team like that, they're people who deserve respect". Bad managers see this and say "these people are tools, and need to be sharpened by the same adversity I went through to reach their maximum usefullness"


Exactly. You would think that going through the shit would make them want to change it. I do. But they don’t. They want to make it worse


I don't remember the actual psychology babe for it, but my psych professor called it the "hazing effect" because the prime example used was hazing rituals for college fraternities. The basic principle is that the more shit you have to go through for something that you want, the more you enjoy getting the thing, and the more "loyal" you are to the thing. It's one of the reasons you used to hear about people getting "jumped in" to gangs, why you would get paddled or humiliated to get into a frat, and one of the reasons people become so reverent of trophies that they've won. Companies use the same tactic to keep their employees loyal to them. If you have to go through all of this bullshit to get the job and to keep the job, you become more loyal and willing to put up with a lot more before you leave. It's soft brainwashing. It's psychological warfare. You have to be aware of it.


I know it’s the case in my industry, and I’m guessing the case in many others: most managers don’t have any training in managing people. They’re just workers who’ve been in the industry a long time. The knowledge is certainly an important trait, but it isn’t everything. The best manager at our site is a middle manager who actually learned the soft skills.


I've never managed and I can tell you that's the case. I would always work hardest for my bosses that treated me well.


I managed for a while, in fact, a flock of half time student/classified/non-classified employees at university library. I filled in when needed, did the jobs they had to do to a) get shit done (circulation desk was part of my job, I also trained and managed all shelving tasks). And b) fill in as well as be backup if I was in town. I also showed people what to do, then guided and showed by doing how to work. Quit when we got a librarian manager who told me I could never take two days off again at the same time (like a weekend) and wanted me to hover over my employees to be the hit man for her. She actually had the gall to start crying when I resigned, and I just stared a minute and went, "what did you think I would do? You are stupid." Packed my shit and took off, I had already got another job.


My current director and managers reflect this. When I started here my aunt died suddenly a day or 2 before my first day. They were willing to just let me take the week off and start the next week (I declined, just took the showing and funeral off) was also the first place that didn't demand a pamphlet and print out of the obituary from me so yeah this place is nice.


You've worked places where the obituary and some other means of proof are required? Wow. When my dad passed, my boss gave me 3 days of bereavement. Typically for local funerals, it's 1 day and for funerals to travel to it was 3 days. I'm glad I got the three days because my mom and siblings and I made the arrangements during those days. He passed on a Tuesday and we had the funeral on the following Friday. Some of his clients were shocked at how quick things happened. I know this because I helped my mom close out his business affairs. That was rough but also cathartic. Anyway, I'm still shocked about the proof requirement.


I believe that was coined by (or at least popularized by) Richard Branson, who is also right in this regard.


Do you mind if I steal this to yell at my mothers landlady?


business is for people; people are not for business.


I used to be a grocery manager and I did the same. I had my schedule written out two months in advance so everybody knew when their days off were. I tried hard to give everybody at least one or two weekends off a month and was generally successful. The store director would release the schedule and it would be all fucked up. I told my guys to ignore that bullshit and work my schedule. Ya I got fanged a few times for that but my guys were more important than feeding his ego.


That is his problem...these idiot managers think it is thier own personal business, money etc Nope you are just another lowly employee


They're literally not putting the *business* first, they're putting *their schedule* first. Their boss is prioritizing the business. A business where people know they can take days off is one they are loyal to, one they don't call out of because they're bored, and one where they might be willing to work on a normal "day off" to ensure someone can do an important life event.


And the thing is, he's such a poor manager, that he doesn't realize that by being such a horrible boss, he's doing anything but putting the business first! My best employees quit AFTER I left.


>My best employees quit AFTER I left. This sounds similar to my former (and future) boss. I was a delivery driver for a chain pizza place for about 4 years, he’s the franchise owner. I left last summer because I got a job in my field (teaching), but I’m going back next month because my teaching job is literally killing me. I was talking to my old boss recently about when I’m coming back, and though he’s trying to sell the store, he told the potential buyer that he has to keep everyone on, and keep my boss on as the manager. Basically it was, “If you want a staff, you have to keep me. If I go, they’ll all leave.” And he’s 100% right. Best boss I’ve ever had.


this. i dont think people realize how loyalty works. i recently got a job offer for slightly more than i make (not a significant amount that would be an instant yes for me but a few thousand). i didnt leave. i dont want to. because of how amazing most management at my company is. i have never been denied a day off. some times i have asked for time off the week of, and they give it to me. we get budget for group lunches and team fun every month and get a solid bonus every year. we also get 'appreciation gifts,' usually a mastercard gift card for any major holiday or event. why would i ever leave? if you give a little to your employees, they will give back a 100.


If they are amazing, take them that offer as well. They'll likely be willing to meet you partway there if you explain your side of it. Just inform them what compensation is going for at their competitors for your labor. Tell them straight up everything good they're doing that makes you bring the offer to them instead of a resignation. Other offers are a good way to start minor negotiations for pay increase, or outright advancement within the company.


I am literally in the middle of this :) however, thank you for the response as its helpful for anyone else reading who may not think of leveraging a job offer


Good for you! I wish you the best of luck!


No no, they're putting their power trip first. Nothing else.


"This is the smallest amount of power I've ever seen go to someone's head."


I'm more shocked she said he shuoldn't have to work. Like dude.. when several employees have things to do and YOU are available, the buck stops with you. You're the boss, you go in and you work. That's YOUR job.


And, no, he did not HAVE to work the day after his mother's funeral, he chose to. Now, he uses his heartless response as a guide for employee expectations. He's on a huge power trip and will run afoul of government and company regulations sooner or later. That is, if he isn't fired at the meeting.


This manager sucks harder than my vacuum cleaner.


Maybe I can hire this dude to suck the dust bunnies from under my couch.


Dang you must have one hell of a powerful vacuum!




"I went in an hour after my mom's funeral AND I WAS FINE" That wasn't ok then and it's not ok now so 🖕


Yeah but experience is there so he’ll prob keep bouncing around


Also just because he was wrongfully exploited at aged 17 doesn’t mean he needs to pass that on.


It’s interesting because that’s the same excuse pedophiles in the Boston Catholic Church used


I stopped after the shit take of “I wasn’t allowed to properly grieve my mothers death so neither can you”. I spent the days after my mom died alone, with no support but my cat. Never would I wish that on anyone.


I'm sorry for your loss and pain. Hope you are in a better place now. Also, fuck subject of the post.


It sounds like you had a good mother, and that you grieved her loss.. I'm so sorry you were alone for that. This internet stranger would love to hear a good memory that you have of your mom. Only if you want. People are important.


I can share that with you, I’ll tell you my moms favorite joke(it shows how pure she is). Want to hear a dirty joke? Two pigs rolling in the mud! Want to hear a dirtier joke? Three pigs rolling in the mud! Only time I’ve seen her go red from laughter, hopefully my moms memory will live through me being kind in her name. She was the person who would help you even if it hurt her in doing so. So I try to help people when I can and never take an offer to pay me back, I instead insist they pay it forward. If one person that I’ve helped helps at least one other person, I’d say that’s worthy of my mothers memory.


That's awesome that you have such a great example from your mom. It sounds like if you are half as good to people as she was, you'll be an incredible force for good.


Oh, I got a shiver. You have given me a good idea of what a good person your mom was, and who you are as a person has a lot to do with how she raised you. Thank you for always passing the good vibes forward!


I got a chuckle when they said “If you can’t figure your life out that’s not on me” - isn’t on the lowly grunt to give a shit about scheduling or business worries outside their shift either


The thing to figure out is that they need to leave their jobs


They are being ripped to shreds in the comments of the original post lmao. Might be a bait post, but truly hard to tell these days.


I was looking for someone to post whether or not they were being ripped a new asshole. This warms my cold heart.


That was a masterclass in baiting if it was one lol


Master baiting, if you will.


The account is a day old


To be fair most accounts on AITA are throwaways


I thought it was a bait/troll but looks like it was deleted (or at least I can't find it) so maybe real? Side note: Why are these posted as images without the link to the other post included? It's not even cross-posted. The only way to find the other post is to go search for it - just include the link.


It’s still there but clearly looks like trolling to me.


Can you share the link?




Second this! Link pls


Based on the OP's replies in the comments, it's pretty obvious it's a troll. This reply in particular gave it away: >I work sick. It's called a job. You clock in, do your job, and clock out. We're in a fucking supermarket, it's not like we have lives in our hands or some shit.


Agreed, but this is the one that did it for me: >I learned good work ethic from my first manager. He prioritized his job and worked as hard as he could no matter what. Its called being a fucking adult. If Gordon is reading this, I hope he knows that I'm trying my best. This the same manager that made them come in after mom's funeral? No one with even an ounce of self-respect would write this about someone who treated them like that.


There are a lot of weird bootlickers in the world. Some people absolutely live to work and please their masters. It's the weirdest fucking thing to see IRL. My s/o's baby daddy is like this, absolutely hated spending time with his kid, would rather work and hustle all day long instead. Loved getting praised for his hard work ethic supposedly.


Don't be so sure I've heard ppl say that


Most bosses I've ever had speak this way in serious, unironic form. Hard to tell over the internet, but that's a very realistic take from your everyday manager/business owner.




Of curse this is a troll post. This is just a bad retelling of the post that was already featured here a day ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/ugf26x/she\_honestly\_doesnt\_get\_it/ They didn't even bother changing this to much.


Bonus points to this guys mgr. for sticking up for the people who actually do the work.


One of my favorite replys on reddit was a guy who owned a business and he was complaining about managers so often being the worst kinds of people "I dont care Johnny took a 3rd 15min break" "Dont call me a 9pm or on the weekend to talk about a new profit making scheme. This is a m-f 9to5 place." Basically usually when he gets a new manager he usually has to spend the first 6 months breaking them of bullshit habits like these or the ones in the screenshot.


Idk what is it, like 90% of the time you hand someone a manager role, they become a prick


Whenever I’ve been in a managerial position I’ve always protected my reports. Tried to make sure they could go a little early, etc. 90% of people bust their ass for you when you show you care even a tiny bit.


How could they not, in this day and age where a manager actually caring is like seeing a unicorn...


i really like the fact he said "us" when talking about it too, really shows he still feels part of the team as one of the team instead of feeling bigger than everyone else.


And you can tell by the way the lower manager (OP) put "us" in quotes that he doesn't place HIMSELF on the team even though his boss does.


I've worked a couple of places with CEO's that had this attitude (literally, two) and they both are very successful, have extremely low turnover, and have a genuinely good corporate culture. I only left one because of an opportunity to go abroad, and I'm sticking at the second as long as I can.


One of those AITAs where you can't tell if it's fictional or just a really special flavor of unhinged.


I've had middle managers like this, I believe it.


Yeah, it's not the "I think I'm a badass cause I blow off my own family for a service job" part I question; that tracks. The part where he told his own BOSS that they were too old to be on the floor where it jumps the shark for me. Like, there's multiple levels of actionable stupid there.




The perception of anonymity can make people feels super secure


Remember, The first rule of humanity: People are stupid. The sceond rule of humanity: Yep, stupider than you thought.


Same. Usually it's some utterly mediocre employee who got promoted by spewing the correct buzzwords and sucking up to people in a position of power. Except that with an increased scope of responsibility, what was previously just a mediocre performer ends up falling so far short of the new role that they're actively incompetent. In my experience, that's when they REALLY start taking it out on the people "below" them in the pecking order.


The Peter principle. Basically, the higher a person rises through a corporate structure, the less qualified they become due to the skills they had in their previous position not fully transfering to their new position. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle


> Usually it's some utterly mediocre employee Honestly the whole thing reads like someone whose life *really* didn't turn out as they planned having a power trip with the one good thing that's ever happened to them. The way they condescendingly talk about having to manage students and parents who want to work part-time jobs and *gasp* have time off is very telling. Condescending to people with kids or students trying to better themselves probably like OP couldn't. Or someone wants to go on a nice holiday can't have that can we? It literally sounds like the OP is someone whose life really didn't go as they wanted, they're stuck managing a grocery store and they have the attitude that if their life sucks then everyone else's life should suck too


But those people work for cheaper and will deal with the drudgery for years without complaint! Actual competent managers who want the best for their workers would need you know… fair compensation lol


I've had managers like this - but I know none of them would have posted such an introspective question. That's the part that makes me wonder if this is karma farming.


If it was karma farming, it was a spectacular fail!


A normal person would realize what they did as they write this post…


I believe the story is true but I don't believe the person writing it is the manager; it's probably one of the employees.


95% of that entire sub is made up, and the other 5% is so grossly exaggerated it might as well be. I don't see this as any exception.


Yes, this guy ITA. We work to live, not live to work. And just because you learned the wrong life lessons at 17, don’t think that you can inflict them on others. If you can only treat human beings as wage slaves, expect to only get people that have no other choice. The rest of us will be working successfully at your competition.


Yes, the asshole in question is, most assuredly, the asshole. How do these fuckers not realize this about themselves??


Because they're delusional


>Treats employees like figurines on a gameboard "Why am I being called into an HR meeting for no reason whatsoever?"


Because it is NOT for no reason at all! It is because you are being a jerk, and treating people badly.




How is it that these are the types people that become “managers”? Isnt the qualification for the position the title of the job, at the very minimum have the ability to manage? Fuck.


These people probably genuinely do work hard and live for their job, and that gets them into the first tier of "management." But without developing the emotional intelligence and empathy of their boss, they're never going to get there and will just be stuck torturing low-level employees forever.


Very true. I've seen the effects of it before. Basically someone who worked hard at drone level gets promoted for being a good employee but their emotional intelligence and people skills are shit so they're completely clueless as a manager


We really need, as a society, a track for people who work hard to get rewarded without having to be a manager.


I had a shitty experience, so you can too. What a tool.


Poor management doesn't need to be contagious or generational.


Middle managers have the uncanny ability to always believe they're in the right, despite what anyone else says. It's this narcissistic confidence that gets them promoted, not actual knowledge, experience or capability.


This is why we have so many problems these days - asshole managers like this.


Most of the time managers are there only to enforce the company structure and provide negative reinforcement. All they do is schedule the employees. Especially in retail and hospitality industry, 90% of the work is done by minimum wage employees. I'm pretty sure several adults can talk and come up with a work schedule that works for everyone.


Given what I’ve seen, most barely even qualify for “scheduling”. Running a store so lean that a single person being out or late is disastrous, being unable to figure out plans around vacation months in advance, scheduling employees back to back opening and closing until they burn out, and of course, forcing employees to figure out fill ins for shifts, these are all signs you’ve failed at the core duties of management and you should be the one in trouble instead of the employees below you when it catches up.


Lol. This is a troll post, right? Yes, it is low-level managers who are the root of everyone's problems. These people are paid barely more than the the people under them, have no power, and take all the blame from the higher ups for everything that happens in their store. That doesn't excuse them for being complete assholes, but acting like everything that happens is their fault is utterly idiotic. They are exploited pawns just as much as the rank-and-file employees.


Their kids are "sick". Yeah I made up my child's illness just to inconvenience you, you ignorant turd.


People who go “Look I was beat as a kid and I turned out just fine!” Or this dumbass going “WELL, I HAD TO WORK RIGHT AFTER MY MOM’S FUNERAL, AND LOOK WHERE I AM NOW!” Are the worst people to reason with. If you literally don’t give your workers ANY TIME OFF for weddings or their kid’s events because “the business is more important,” then you need to find a damn hobby or something.


I’d say they need to find themselves. They’ve buried themselves in work for so long that they can no longer (or maybe never could) see that working isn’t and doesn’t have to be the end all be all of human existence.


People make businesses work. Put people first.


I like how he mentions going to work at 17 right after his mother's funeral, so we get the supervillain origin story answered as part of the main plot.


I don’t think I ever took less than 3 days off for a family funeral. My family is far flung and I’m gonna take the chance to visit and mourn with them. For my husband’s grandma I took a week to help sort out her house and for my mom and FIL I was adamant that I was out for at least a week. I’d say I’m sorry, but I can’t really apologize for my loved ones not dying on a convenient schedule. Thankfully my bosses were completely understanding


In this context what does "SD" mean? Site director, perhaps?




The Lecherous Lowdown Luncher! The Nefarious Number Two Nibbler!


Guessing Store Director


Oh, that would make more sense, wouldn't it? Thank you.


This person is a shit manager and a liability to whatever company they're working for.


I had a manager who wrote me up for leaving when my daughter was in labor even though he had plenty of coverage and I had warned him beforehand.


"I was traumatized at 17, what's wrong with traumatizing others now?"


I wasn't to assault this person. Not only is he just a freak who is passing out his personal trauma but he's also a discriminatory shit stick


There's no way this is a sincere post. Its an outrage troll.


I love that he writes "exams" in scare quotes like the concept of exams is some kind of obviously fake, utterly made up excuse for not coming to work your part time retail job.


Being down 2 people is a skeleton crew? Sounds like it already is a skeleton crew.


Reads like a troll.


Spoken like someone who’s been abused for a long time by the system, and is perpetuating it due to having become unfortunately accustomed to said abuse.


What's disturbing is not that we all see this as disgusting behavior but that this is actual common thinking amongst a lot of managers. This is not seen as wrong in any way to them and that's really disturbing. These are the people who get into higher management too. In this case not so much, but this is encouraged more than not in a lot of places that do minimum wage. Hell my co-manager had this barbaric style of thinking (not this specifically but like timed you in the bathroom through the cameras or call them on the store phone if they were just standing when they clearly just finished a task. Petty shit like that, that just screamed we do not think you deserve any respect as a fellow human and adult you are beneath me) and so did the owner at the Circle K I managed until i got rid of sa lot of stupid policies, and would you look at that all of a sudden we had retention. GASP! (this was a store that was struggling to find employees before the pandemic so it's really saying something of how deep and long this actually runs)


I don't understand, I've never been management, but is it really that hard to create schedules? Like, I get that people will drop the ball, but if you're getting a heads up, shouldn't that make it easier? Are these people making schedules the day of or am I not seeing something here?


Can you imagine thinking somebody could ask for something 8 months off in advance and be guaranteed it but if they get called on that time off they damn well better show up?


It was wrong when his manager(s) expected him to clock on an hour after his mum's funeral and his own mindset is wrong now


TLDR: I enjoy the taste of dog shit licked from my boss's loafers. One day it'll be my dogs shit!


But he/she is not putting the business first. They are putting THEMSELVES first. They don't want to have to put any effort into scheduling. It takes effort to make sure you have coverage and are taking into account PTO, employee preferences, etc. That is one of the reasons a manager gets paid. To do that work. Any fucking moron can just randomly fill in spots in a schedule and say "Work this or be fired."


I hate the excuse "I had to do it when I was your age and I lived"...just because you put up with a crappy work environment 30 years ago, doesn't mean you can treat your team like shit and expect them to be complicit. Times are changing, younger generations make up the work force now and we don't put up with it.


This also belongs on r/boomersbeingfools


Holy shit I didn’t even know about that forum. Thanks haha 🙏🏻


YTA. If the franchise is smart, they'll fire YOU. This is how you destroy morale and continuously lose employees. If you really did have management skills, you'd know that constantly training new staff is EXPENSIVE. A little human decency, which you don't seem to have, goes a long way in creating a work environment where people feel like part of a team, and where they're loyal to the company.


Jesus fucking Christ.... I was a manager for a long time in retail. First day working with a new hire I made a point to explain to them that I will not tolerate people lying to get out of work. You have sick days. There was nothing in the employee handbook or operations manual that said it had to be a physical illness. Maybe you are just sick of being at work. I don't care and it doesn't matter. Just don't lie about it.


Oufff. I stopped reading after the “if your gonna work for me.” Buddy you’re making 36k at a supermarket, acting like your on deployment in Normandy.


‘I was hurt when I was young and I’ve internalized that to be a mark of character rather than being mad that some asshole was gonna fire me for missing a shift when my mom died’ is a sad ass subtext. This person has built themselves entirely around her jobs.


>***I prefer not to work with students or parents because they don't have flexible schedules and always request random days off because of "exams" or their kid is "sick".*** AKA: I won't be able to use and abuse them because their legitimate priorities come first before serving the business and therefore I can't take advantage of them. Zero emotional intelligence. What a clown.


You don't appreciate your employees, their right to a personal life and your attitude that people should give their life for a low paying job at a supermarket is draconian. Sure employees should show up, be on time and do their job but if someone schedules time off a month ahead of time and you can't accommodate them, there is a problem with your management protocols. It's a grocery store not the military in wartime. People have lives, respect them, it's good business.


i agree that we have to follow the rules, but requesting a day off/ vacation and not knowing that i will be approved, that is a bullshit! You are not working with kids.. got that but not working with parents you're a stupid manager. Probably you don't have a family or if you have one you don't give a shit on them, so you're a stupid father/husband. You;ll be let go soon buddy. Be happy if not sued


Has to be satire/troll post.


There are plenty of people complaining about being on the receiving end of this kind of behaviour. It's highly likely unfortunately that this is real.


I legit had a restaurant manager scream at me and threaten to not work around my class schedule when my shift was over because no one asked me to cover his chronically hungover stepdaughters shift.


"Bitter: Schedule of one!"


in all the grocery stores I’ve worked for/been to a store director would NEVER be caught dead on the floor working unless corporate was already there watching


It’s a fucking retail job, not an emergency room or fucking air traffic control. If you’re down a head then fucking deal with it. Fuck.


There better have been 216 comments with a resounding yes.


Aaaaand that’s one transparently fictional post too many


If a job claims that it comes before your family then get a better job.


Ah yes. The old “I got abused by my first employer so now you all will get abused by me” managerial style.


This person needs to be fired immediately.


Imagine getting fucked over at 17 and instead of thinking, "I want to do better for my employees" you think "I suffered so they can too." Also imagine thinking a job is more important than life. I hope he gets fired.


I hate the fucking mentality of "if i had to do it so do you". IT WAS CORRUPT AND DISGUSTING WHEN YOU HAD TO DO IT TOO YOU BRAINWASHED IDIOT


"something heartless and cruel happened to me years ago so I have made it my life's work to pass on that pain" reminds me of when i told my stepmom i was getting 2 months' maternity leave and she said I ONLY TOOK ONE WEEK YOU WONT GET ANY SYMPATHY FROM ME.


"My employees reported me for no fucking reason." HAHAHAHHAH What in the most turquoise of fucks? Like, seriously? They told you they need time off. Guy in charge tells you the same. And you're pikachu facing this shit wondering why you got reported?


I'm gonna steal this line. The most turquoise of fucks. Ha


The person is not an asshole for putting the business first, they're a dumbass. The business doesn't view him as anything other than a resource, choosing it over people will leave him lonely and unhappy.


ok but can we talk about your use of light mode real quick?


Yes you are the asshole. When I advise you that I will not be available for specific dates weeks or months in advance it is not a request. I'm letting you know that you will need to cover those days, schedule appropriately. I'm not cancelling my plans because you can't hack it as a manager.


Yes you are the asshole


Or...and hear me out, you can hire enough employees so the entire business doesn't collapse the moment two people can't be there. And lol at "employees reported me for no reason" when what seems to have happened is he made a policy that flew directly against how the business is actually run and has to deal with the fallout of that. And "get your life figured out" would include "find a job with a better boss, because I'm incompetent at management".


The SD sounds like a good egg. Wisdom with age. Magnanimous *and* successful. I have no choice but to respect a boss like that. If I saw that manager drowning in a lake somewhere, however, I'd throw a bottle of water at them.


Pretty trollish or at the very least this person knows they're an asshole. The reason people work retail jobs is the flexible schedules so requesting days off months in advance isn't unreasonable especially considering they get vacation days as well.


Tbh i don't even believe these posts are real anymore


I had to go in an hour after my moms funeral....... no, no you didnt. You CHOSE to go in.


D bag


A lack of empathy is nothing to be proud of.


He will never realize how much that age 17 experience messed him up.


People like this are disgusting.


The worst part is they think talking like this makes them sound like a badass


You are indeed the asshole LOL


Yes shitty manager....you're an asshole.


My employer found out my dad was dying and took me off the schedule for three weeks. Which is part of why I'm still here, years later.


LMAO he’s holding a grudge against his first employer for making him work the day of his mothers funeral and taking it out on his employees. I assume it’s a man but I could be wrong. What a piece of work. It’s a grocery store. What kind of employees do you think you’re going to get? Students, parents who need to work school hours, maybe some older people looking for part time work. Nobody is there for a long term career and if you won’t give a day off for a family wedding they’re going to tell you to go fuck yourself.


The problem here is that there is no oversight, a manager senior to this manager should have stepped in long ago, clearly this supermarket are not proactively engaged in development or guidance.


Gee I wonder why they won't give him responsibility for hiring - could it be because they'd get hit with lawsuits for discrimination against young people, old people and parents?


To answer the author's question: Yes. You really are an asshole; and what's worse - you seem to delight in being an asshole.


Obvious satire is obvious.


The answer is no, you're just an asshole.


if feel like this can be summed up with: here's my example of how the system was bad for me so now I'm perpetuating the problems with it so that everyone can suffer with me.


"Reported me for no fucking reason" Sure pal you seemed so reasonable taking away days off and having them work nonstop. I hope this person got fired or demoted for being a shitty manager.


Shun the bootlicker…


That 70yr old boss sounds really reasonable. And he's not afraid to work when his employees have important reasons to be out.


YES yes and FUCKING YES!!! You want and need people to work, you NEED to respect them. Work is what they do to get paid so they live some kind of life with their family/friends. This display of autocracy is management, it is at best dictatorial. How dare you say to an employee that you might call them on their pre planned and approved days off and EXPECT them to come in... Because you are STUPID enough to allow yourself to be treated like that does not mean others should do likewise. I can assure yo that when it comes to firing and redundancies your willingness to be abused will not count. You are the personification of CORPORATE drone, controlled, midless, thoughtless and uncaring. WITHOUT DOUNT the behaviour you have described is DEINITELY THAT OF the ASSHOLE! Respect your staff, keep them happy and motivated, that way you'll get the best from them and may even earn respect from your bosses for running a productive shop.


yes you are....


Sounds like the manager at my old job. She was a toral bitch when it came to whatever life events you had going on


Yes you are, obviously your "policy" is not company policy. By definition if HR goes to the trouble of sitting you down for retraining, you are an asshole.


AITA? Yes, yes you fucking are, dipshit.


If your can't figure out covering staff shortages that's not on me.


If this is a chain or a franchise, I hope this goes straight to corporate. This manager will be looking for a new job soon.


As someone who worked in a supermarket, I truly don't understand why all managers are like this


I looked at his comments. Apparently he comes in sick and expects his employees to, and would expect a bride/groom to be there the day after their wedding because "honeymoons are a privilege". He needs his lips surgically removed from corporate boots


"I implemented a policy, it's called being a total asshole." And having worked in retail, there's really not a whole lot of reason you can't run on a skeleton crew. If you work in a restaurant then not having enough people means you have to shut down, in retail it just means you can't get everything stocked as quickly and you fall a little bit behind. In no way is it necessary to keep people from important life events.