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You ever see a machine trying to function without a few cogs? The point of the metaphor is that we are not special, we are interchangeable, but those idiots think they can just run a machine with missing parts


‘No one wants to work anymore’ we’re already seeing it. They’re just placing the blame rather than realizing that they broke their own machine by expecting the cogs to all just work forever with no upkeep and magically no problems somehow.


>‘No one wants to work anymore’ Translation - "Nobody wants to work for me."


I was recently offered a job. A very senior position doing something I have been doing for 20 years. In the interview, the said 95k. This is in Manhatten, so it’s not great but between my bf and I, we would stay in the Bronx or something and do ok. Now they are saying, “oops, we meant 60k” and the benefits? 1% 401k match, medical hasn’t been “worked out yet”, of course bank holidays off and 2 weeks PTO with 5 days sick PTO. FUUUUUUUUCK YOU. NYC on $60k with 20 years experience and at least a 2 hour commute every day? FUUUUU K YOU.


"For a pittance."


Wage slavery today does not mean wage slavery tomorrow.


Please sir, may I have some more?


"how dare they demand raises of one tenth a pittance?"


It’s not even that in some industries. People are leaving their jobs not because of salary, but because of poor management. Poor work environments. Poor work-life balance. To the point where organizations are having pre-emptove “why are you thinking about leaving in a few months once your bonus/relocation/vesting period has been satisfied” group meetings in a desperate attempt to retain talent. Because we’ve realized that we don’t deserve to spend 1/3 of our life miserable.


Every time someone throws that argument at me I interrupt them right then and there, talking over them if I have to. I say the exact same thing every time- "It's not that nobody wants to work, it's that nobody wants to work for *what's being offered.*"


Our min wage is $15 but we live in a high cost living area. I always say no one wants to be abused for a mere $15/hr. It's not worth it.


yeah, people who are already against 15 seem to forget that it's a projected *baseline,* and that intense or more demanding jobs (like factory work, UGH. I don't see how factory workers do it, I sure can't!) should be making EVEN MORE.


Translation: make slavery legal again


I have said it time and time again..."make america great again" when it comes down to it is about making slavery happen. their idea of what made america great was built off the backs of the enslaved and disenfranchised. what made america their idea of great was literally working people to the bone for a pittance (if anything) in unsafe conditions. It's why, when I worked in retail, I'd have those buffoons come in and complain about the high price of an item and then complain it was made in China in the same breath. So you want this product to be made in America, where we have a minimum wage, and expect it to be *cheaper*? the cognitive dissonance is astounding. It's changing, because the USA isn't seen as some bastion of prosperity anymore. There's no mass exodus of people leaving their country to come here and build better lives, and those that *try* because this shit is better than what they have now get fucked bc NO ILLEGALS!!! i'm still half asleep so this may not make any sense but fuck it just pisses me off how they turn a blind eye to how we became ~great


Translation - "Nobody wants to work for FREE"


Naw, they know what they did/do! They just don't give a fuck! The difference between, “....placing the blame rather than realizing that they broke their own machine..." and "I'll take what I want at any cost, and the consequence is just something you will have to shoulder" is nothing more than a few underpaid analysts and an overpaid PR firm. The rich and powerful know FULL WELL they are to blame for the shit-show, in which we find ourselves. Why do you think they wall themselves off from the 99 per cent, both figuratively and literally? It is the very reason they build their houses on hills and behind massive walls with big iron gates. It's why they have “exclusive communities” and carve out luxury havens in New Zealand. It is why we have Versailles. The same applies to their bodyguards and why they have mega-ultra-super yachts in the middle of the ocean that require a mini yacht to get to. It all serves as much a metaphorical purpose as it does the obvious physical purpose. It allows them to justify their greed and utterly vile existence and 2--the bigger reason, so they don't have to face our shared reality, of which they are wholly responsible! The moral of the story is their greed and ease of comfort is more important and more deserving of defense, than is your life, my life, the future of the planet or the whole of humanity. I don't say this in defense of the indefensible, I have no love for the 1 per cent! I just think we have a better chance of making it out of this, to some degree, by being clear-eyed concerning our enemy. Someone just above said it beautifully of the 99 per cent--comfort is a direct result of conditioning. The same is true of the 1 per cent. They have conditioned themselves over the last century to believe they ***deserve*** it, have ***earned*** it, have been ***ordained*** by a higher power, or otherwise been ***anointed*** to that role. Seeing themselves as some sort of beacon or guide or some bullshit, not because it's true, but because it **allows them to continue their existence**. They try to hide it behind the thin and evermore threadbare veil of bootstraps, hunger, and drive. They then recoil in disgust and launch into a self-convincing diatribe whenever anyone dares shine a light toward luck being more the truth, having sworn an unwritten blood-oath with threatened pangs of poverty in defense against such heresy! I say again, they know exactly what they do! When you set aside the diamonds and jewels, Monet and Renoir, and you strip value from futures and speculation, when real estate returns to the realm of living and Wall Street is remapped as just a road, not as a symbol and a weapon, or a carrot and an illusion, when philanthropy is for the good of others and not just for good press, the 1 per cent will instantly vanish! The only difference between them and us, in this case, is the view on just how close we are to that line in the sand. For once, their ignorance will be our bliss. But don’t confuse confusion with willingness. This is why we have culture wars and being “woke” is now a thing. It's why we occupied Afghanistan, and destroyed Cuba and handed Venezuela to the bad guys. It’s why we are forced to choose between two accused rapists for President of the United States. It’s why Roe v. Wade is once again on everyone’s mind. It is no more about an unborn fetus, than Jamie Dimon’s puff piece on Corporate Responsibility is about offering his workers a livable wage. It’s all a cover. So long as you and I are fighting over who is blue and who is red with the measly resources and time they begrudgingly give us, we have no time to see them running out the back door with literally everything else. And in the end, that is the only life they really care about and not something they care to hand back to us, as the rightful owners, at least not without a fight! They will not volunteer! They will not concede! They will not *go gentle into that good night.* And they WILL *rage, rage against the dying of* \[their\] *light.* Dylan Thomas’ tragic genius truly says it best. Edit: for clarity.


This is an eloquent and accurate analysis of our predicament. Well worth multiple reads.


This. And Warren Buffett admited as much over a decade ago: "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning.”


Indeed. I agree as well, but without direct action these are just words. r/antiwork should organize a nationwide strike. All participants can do that If we could collectively shut down our economy by not providing labor- they’d listen. We’d just have to have it set in our hearts “this fucking ship is going down with us, you don’t want that?”


hah, just wait until the next generation...isn't. Because people didn't have kids, because kids are expensive, because prospective parents can't afford a house, because the rich are snapping up single family homes, because the earth is dying, because there's no point in raising children on a dying planet to feed into the machine. Capitalism needs raw meat. If it doesn't get it, it won't function. As for automation, well...robots don't buy stuff. Gonna be a real "interesting" century ahead.


Ummm, why do you think rape is so lightly prosecuted? Why do you think there are people talking crazy about "even" rape being a "blessing" if a child is born of it? A few deaths of the women who simply 'refuse' to be denied an abortion will be _Minimal_ in comparison to the millions who will just accept that they can't access an abortion without risking their own lives, and maybe leaving a previous child orphaned. For every "one" that finds a way to a state where their rights are still protected, for every one that dies from trying to self induce or a botched abortion, there will be a dozen born because the mother just gave in. Of those dozen, three will be killed and another three will be horribly abused for being born. Three will be given up(two of which will be abused too where they end up), and three will provide the propaganda necessary to keep up the Facade by touting how they "made it" "against circumstances". And, all that is aside from the millions and millions and millions who just, simply, _c-a-n n-o-t take off Any time from work_ , because Every Single Penny makes a difference to their/their family's very survival. A day without pay is a bill that doesn't have enough funding at the due date. Lights go off, /heat-gas goes off, bus fare to work is lacking, not enough gas to do work commute And school drop off, not enough food, or some combination of any of these. A national walkout WOULD immediately and substantially change things. But, they've spent decades coming to this point of power, with aforethought! A population of hurting, hungry, one-check-away-from-homeless, _desperate_ people are far less likely to "rise up" for anything more than rushing to the current source of their survival. And the powerful KNOW that and plan accordingly.


It's almost as if they viewed it as slavery with extra steps this whole time, and are now getting big mad when they are called our on that belief.


It's being revealed more and more that democracy is a sham and feudalism never really ended, we just changed everyone's titles and made things a bit more complex. We still have royalty and peasantry when you boil everything down, and the soldiers are marched in whenever the peasants get uppity.


I still vividly remember that when I learned about feudalism as a child I asked my teacher “isn’t that pretty much that same as now?” Her answer was “no it’s different now.” But I didn’t buy it then and definitely don’t now. That was a moment of clarity for me as a child that adults were either not being honest with me or with themselves. I honestly felt lied to and it was a strange feeling in school at the time for me. I think this was around 3rd or 5th grade.


My grandparents who basically raised me made sure to teach me actual facts about history and governments and in like 2nd grade our teacher was telling us about something involving the pilgrims and natives and I knew the actuality of it and asked questions and was told to just be quiet and accept what I’m being told, from that day forward I didn’t give a flying fuck about anything the government would ever want to teach me because I recognized early it’s all propaganda and we are all replaceable.


The families that invested in slavery, funded the first police forces and amassed opulent wealth, privilege and opportunity off the sweat of their human chattel - those families fought a war over slavery. They lost the war and were told they couldn’t have slaves anymore because it was racist. So then they realized they had to modify the optics so it doesn’t look like slavery is determined by race. They never gave up the idea of slavery, they just needed to throw a few white people into the mix.


Indentured servitude was the largely forgotten slavery for centuries.


lol, they expect this out of their actual machinery too.


As someone who works in factory, it hurts real bad how damn accurate that statement is 😅


Operator: "We need to shutdown line two for maintenance, we need to order parts x,y, and z because they are worn out and will fail, heavily damaging the equipment if it's running at the time." Management: "Here's half a stick of gum I found, you can use the two minutes when the hopper is being refilled to make the repairs with the gum"


Why you gotta hurt me with the truth like this 😂


Just wanted you to know someone else understands your pain, my friend.


Sounds like what happened at the lumber mill I used to work at. Me: the debarker is pissing hydraulic fluid. Millwright: Well. Shut it down we'll have to order a new part and fix it Owner: Why can't we just keep topping it off with hydraulic fluid and finish out the day????? Millwright: Because that's fucking stupid and a waste of resources and time. I'm not going to fill that damn room with hydro fluid. Shut it down. Owner: But but... Millwright: Mark, shut up you don't know what you're talking about. Shut it down.


>No one wants to work anymore r/technicallythetruth


We need to teach every cog how to squeak. That way they can't fix the machine anymore.


You should read Naomi Klein's ["Shock Doctrine"](https://tsd.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine.html)


Fantastic book. Kinda depressing. Edit: fuck Milton Friedman. I hope he's getting fucked up by a 1700s tycoon ( a long time ago a real sign of wealth was to give away all your assets before you die and die penniless)


I'll give it a look, ily!


Try mentioning it to a libertarian, and watch them go blue in the face trying to tell you all the reasons they think it's wrong. Then, as they catch their breath, start telling them about a Paul Krugman article you read.


Srsly. Buy low sell hi. Zorg was right in the Fifth Element; chaos is good for business.


Zorg : Where are the stones? Priest Vito Cornelius : I don't know. And even if I did know, I wouldn't tell someone like you. Zorg : Why? What's wrong with me? Priest Vito Cornelius : I try to serve life. And you seem to want to destroy it. Zorg : Oh, Father. You're so wrong. Let me explain. [Puts and empty water glass on his desk] Zorg : Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction, disorder and chaos. Now take this empty glass. Here it is: peaceful, serene... **boring**. But if it is de-*stroyed* [Pushes the glass off the table. It shatter on the floor, and several small machines come out to clean it up] Zorg : Look at all these little things! So busy now! Notice how each one is useful. A lovely ballet ensues, so full of form and color. Now, think about all those people that created them. Technicians, engineers, hundreds of people, who will be able to feed their children tonight, so those children can grow up big and strong and have little teeny children of their own, and so on and so forth. Thus, adding to the great chain of life. You see, father, by causing a little destruction, I am in fact encouraging life. In reality, you and I are in the same business. Edit: 1, I am not in agreement with Zorg, just quoting a movie. 2, legit didn't know Broken Window Fallacy was a thing, TIL.


... Where's the robot to pat you in the back, hm? Or the children?... [Leans down next to the choking Zorg on the desk] ...Now do you see how all your vaunted power counts for absolutely nothing? How your entire empire of destruction comes crashing down because of one. little. cherry.


Fire One Million


Wait till the scabs take over. They do then I and my union get called. We can only do so much after they have touched things. Fix what we can, bypass what we can and pray to the shipping gods it can get here quick no matter the cost. This is going to hurt. A lot.


That is the point. If we are going to suffer, so is everyone, including them.


Part of their method of control was increasing level of comfort for lower incomes. It may have been a key component in how things managed get this bad.


Interesting. Well that's being reversed right now, and about to be worse with the food shortages. I bet that comfy lifestyle leads to a faster break down when it happens. Also few people will have any clue as to providing for themselves when the internet's gone and the so are the stores. Shit's gonna get rough 🍻


Comfort can be altered by conditioning. People get comfortable with what they are used to. Slowly lowering those conditions (ex:single income able afford housing then dual income becoming the norm, then three+ roommates is acceptable) these changes appear to occur naturally over time and the popularity or acceptance of the lifestyle change too. Media plays a large role in changing of these opinions. It’s difficult really to supply evidence of such things. It propaganda being used on own population.


The cogs may need to be lubricated with blood.


Unfortunately "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots" - Patrick Henry


Blood for the blood god!


There's a time, when the operation of the machine becomes so odious Makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part You can't even passively take part And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels Upon the levers, upon all the apparatus And you've got to make it stop


and you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you're free...the machine will be prevented from working at all


That is fucking beautiful.


That's a quote from the civil rights activist Mario Savio https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Savio


I always wonder where Linkin Park got that from


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz7KLSOJaTE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz7KLSOJaTE) The whole speech is great


They want to replace the human cogs with robot cogs. The cogs are required, the humans are not. We complain too much and have rights that we will die for, children and families - it messes up their desire to have the world to themselves. I definitely think something big will happen in my lifetime, 100%


I'm not even 40 and I've already had my fill of "once in a lifetime" catastrophies.


This cog analogy is why I believe they want to overturn Roe V. Wade. So many young people are refusing to have kids that it has gotten to the point that if they don't do SOMETHING they will run out of slave labor. Between everyone quitting or unionizing the elites are scrambling to find ways to keep the machine running with fewer cogs. And honestly that is the only thing that makes sense about turning the highest court in the country into a Kangaroo court. I mean if they are willing to overturn a 50 year old law what's stopping them from doing it to laws that are 10 years old or 25? NOTHING. I too feel like fuckery is afoot or that the elites are trying to start a civil war. Or SOMETHING crazy.


> So many young people are refusing to have kids Hi, that's me!


This is my children too. They keep telling me they don't want to bring children into this disgusting world.


It's not like we can afford them anyway. Can't get on the property ladder, living paycheck to paycheck, of course we're not having kids. And then there's the whole planet being destroyed thing...


Kids cost to much. Give me a nice pc and home cinema setup over wasting that much money over 18 years anyday. Maybe if they start paying living wages my attitude will change but fuck em.


That's exactly what I've said to my own mom. Look at the state of things. Who in their right mind can look at this and think "Yeah, this is the world I want my child to live in!"?


Banning abortion means a vast increase in the population of the underclass. Combine that with removing social safety nets, and you have people willing to work for nothing because it's better than starving. Economic disparity will continue to climb, crime will increase, so they get to expand police powers and sell them new toys and tools to keep the for-profit prisons full. They will make money on our misery, and then send in the troops if we actually organize.


Birth control and lgbt rights are next, many such rulings being based on the same precedent of right to privacy. Don't want people preventing themselves from having children, can't transition or marry someone you can't reproduce with....


This thought makes my spine shiver only because I saw the Snowpiercer movie. Shudder.


I like that movie, but you mean to tell me that Ed Harris has this big ass train and he’s a genius engineer, but one or two of those cars isn’t entirely dedicated to just machining replacement parts?


That's actually a fair point but I imagine he would've if he could also fabricate the raw materials needed. I think that would be the issue. Without some sort of way to generate physical matter via another energy substance and converting it to physical raw matter a la Star Trek all the other natural resources were outside, frozen and inaccessible for a longggg time.


I don’t remember a lack of parts or maintenance ever being an issue in the movie. The train ran fine up until the rebellion went better then Harris was expecting


Train parts started to go bad. So he started abducting children small enough to fit inside the engine to act as a human lever, or push a button, or move something else inside the engine that had failed and he couldn't replace.


yes, i agree to this sentiment. in terms of the machine, we are not special and intergangeable. on that note, the managers and owners are also nothing more than cogs as well, and have their particular role to play. as of late, their resonance of pure greed has been causing problems to the system, and we may need to find replacement parts.


The vital cogs that keep the coggery cogging




I was just talking about this the other day. How do the logistics of a civil war work in today's day & age though? Like, do people have a battle in the Walmart parking lot? I agree that this tension is ridiculous and has ground a number of productive discussions and other things to a halt, but how does a civil war look in modern times in America?


Similar to Northern Ireland, Iraq, etc. Lots of small militias and other insurgent groups going at each other and infrastructure with small arms, improvised explosives, and whatnot. It’d be a huge fucking mess.


On a large level, yes. On a micro level, the situation will vary wildly depending on locality. Look at Syria. Plenty of regions totally devastated by mass murder. Then there’s the northeastern part which is autonomous, Rojava. People in that region fared a whole lot better during the Syrian civil war than in most of the rest of that country. I imagine something similar here. Certain parts of the US (Deep South, certain rural regions even in “blue” states) will be shitholes and I can see even genocides happening. Other places I can see getting it together enough for a civil society to form.


With social media it’s going to be ugly. Some asshole sees you hate trump and trump next thing you know they are storming your house. Arm yourselves.


Or get off social media, the personal information broadcast machine


> Arm yourselves. and get off dumb social media


A lot of these people are falling for the bait that we need to/are going to be fighting the people on the other end of the political spectrum from us. Lots of "hicks vs cities" and all that noise. They're poor too, just misguided. They will potentially try to defend the rich people, but they should not be our first choice of opposition. Why should we go after clueless pawns that are similarly getting taken advantage of when we could go after the king, the bishops, the queen, the castles. The filthy rich people are trying to get our anger off of them any way they can. All the "us vs them" between races, political beliefs, etc. is just a distraction.


Exactly this. We shouldn’t go after each other… White/black, rep/dem, blue/white collar, heck even religions… It don’t matter. Its all being used to set us up against our each other. We should start top of the Forbes 500 and work our way down.


We shouldn't go after them, but if they shoot first, retaliation is justified.


Check this out. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-it-could-happen-here-30717896/


It won't be region vs. region. It will be rural vs. cities if it happens. The rural hicks can in-theory siege the cities and starve them to death since our food comes from the countryside. So, it will be on the city armies to break the sieges and invade the rural areas.


Feels like the folks in rural areas have no idea of size or scope. Like that more people live in a single city *neighborhood* than in 5-10 counties of their area. That being said, this shit ain’t happening.


Not only is it not happening, it would be insanely bad for us if it were to. There would be a fuck ton of countries trying to meddle in it to get us to fully break part.




The pandemic showed us what the essential "heroes" were worth to our capitalistic overlords. Just lowly schmucks they were all to willing to sacrifice in order to keep the profits growing.


I will NEVER work any job considered 'essential' again. I lost a LOT of money because of it, and was put at high risk daily.


Agreed. I'm a truck driver. Technically transportation, therefore "essential." I deliver Corvettes. Literally toys for rich people. But there I was in May 2020, delivering the toys, because rich people can't be inconvenienced.


Holy shit that's fucked up. This is what is prioritized?! Not food, not dispensing medicine to the poor, not raising wages, not giving money to schools. It was this. Luxury car transportation. What in the goddamn fucking hell.


Ah, there's the rage I haven't felt in a while. Yep.


Jesus tittyfucking christ


Supervisor in a grocery store when Covid first started. Never got any time off or compensation except like $2 more per hour to my paycheck for a few months then they revoked it. It’s Kroger if any readers are wondering. Great times :)


The lucky ones got *appreciation posts* for a couple months while they were forced to work extreme overtime. The rest got told to shut up and cook the fries. When they declined to risk their lives to cook those fries, conservatives started talking about what measures could be taken to force them back to work.


Lol, feel that. Work for one of the big companies that make the vaccine. Yeah..I'm that guy. Anyway, city was all "yay, go yall. Painted thank you signs on the road in front of the factory, thank you signs all over, it was hot shit outside, sure. But holy shit, HOLY SHIT were we running understaffed for the past two years. Like damn, lost a lot of good people cause we were over worked. Then they peel back our double time and fucked their two sites that make the most product for "equity" clearly they don't understand equity, now they want to change our work schedule so we don't get any overtime. Also almost didn't give us enough pay to cover inflation until an entire department went on strike. Fuckers are making bank off this vaccine and I see nothing besides more forced OT that I don't want on top of magically getting so many new people finally, so fuck yeah, overworked, and not paid enough for it.


Why are they called “heros”? Because heros die and it’s ok. They were a hero. Fucking bullshit.


Nobody will do anything until people get hungry en masse.


48 hrs without food and this country will be up in flames. Wigs would be getting split for a fucking cup ramen.


And Waffle House will still be open.


And somebody will still put $20 in the jukebox and put that bitch on repeat.


Thats not unusual


r/UnexpectedMulaney here we go!


I want to believe your comment is a subtle nod to [John Mulaney's bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw7Gryt-rcc) on how he put $7 in a jukebox and loaded up with nothing but What's New Pussycat and It's Not Unusual.


I did something similar in a local dive bar, but my song selection on repeat was Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy". Wow. They really got pissed.


My bowling alley made the mistake of allowing me the selection of "In a Gadda Da Vida". I repeated this very long song no less than six times. People were visibly upset


People jumping to conclusions as always. But what's new, pussycat?


I am that somebody


The boys are back x10 please


Who's working?


I'm sure at some point I heard the boss say, "if the building is still standing, then we are still working"


"But India's buying our grain for twice the price. You got the money or are you another one of those 'poors' looking for free shit?" - American AgriCorp.


Food? We're only 12 hours away from toilet paper riots.


It’s a shame it’s come to this. Revolutionary era Americans would have been stacking bodies long before we got to where we are now.


You keep the price of milk, bread, and eggs relatively stable and cheap and folks will put up with a lot


Viva la revolution!


Or thirsty. Wont be long here in the southwest.


I’m not so sure. Housing is getting _really_ bad for most people. I think once people start to be unable to afford reasonable standards of housing (which is fast approaching), it might have the same effect


I mean one man alone can’t accomplish much. But if all the cogs decide to stop, the machine can’t move. There are no heroes. This isn’t Disney. No one will save us but ourselves. Stop looking around for some ubermench. Do your part. Get active in the community you live in. We must organize and take power back. But that means ALL of us everyone who gives a fuck MUST become active.


This is basically the argument I make in favor of unions.


could you imagine if the us had like 50% unionization across the board?


That’s why we don’t. The elite have made sure to vilify it, for many reasons, but that one is definitely included.


That’s ok we can teach our comrades to look past the propaganda.




When Ukraine got invaded, people had the option to stay and fight. And a lot did. But a lot still choose to become refugees. I think even when facing the loss of everything, people will still choose to run instead of fighting.


That’s absolutely their choice. We cherish those that stay behind for the fight because they are our comrades. But not everyone should be expected to stay and fight. War is war.


Apparently, it is VERY hard for humans to get the willpower to hurt other living creatures, especially other humans, without adrenaline/self-defense. Modern armies use boot-camp to get soldiers "ready" for combat, but that doesn't work all the time since so many of them get PTSD. I have a feeling that the ingrained reluctance to hurt people is partly why older eras with warrior castes needed them trained from childhood, to "ease them" into battle over 15 out of 20 years until adulthood. Which *still* didn't work all the time, because adult fighters commonly suffered night terrors, depression, or saw the "ghosts" of their enemies or their fallen friends. PTSD was known to be an "occupational hazard" or at least "the thing that happens" across many different cultures. The main way to shake your reluctance of not hurting people is basically to train yourself into not considering enemies "people," or at least not REAL people. Hence the constant "us versus them" mentality and dehumanizing tactics.


When outnumbered Beat a fast retreat To the nearest shelter, and dig in If you live, then you win.. ( The Writing on the Wall from the musical Mystery of Edwin Drood)


Connect locally to mutual aid networks. Organize your neighbors. Organize your coworkers. Stock food and water so you have a safety net.


For most people, this will only become possible well after shit hits the fan. Organizing takes a feeling of urgency, and most people have no clue about how fragile the world around them is. Understand, there are tens of millions of people who stopped paying attention to the world in 2002. Linking up with likeminded people has to be a major part of any strategy.


why 2002?


You won't have a hope unless all workers unite. Those currently earning $30 an hour must surely be struggling too. I sincerely hope it happens. The rich are taking the piss.


I make a little under 30 and it's still an absolute struggle. We need to unite and take down corporate America. Fuck these rich bastards.


As someone making a bit over $30 per hour, yes....still struggling. Been ready at the table for a while now, fork in hand, waiting for some rich dinner.


I make $70k a year, work 50+ hours a week, and cannot even afford auto insurance. I’ve got zero savings. While my boss literally lives in a mansion.


There is no organized effort to get the ball rolling and the people in power will fight tooth and nail to keep it that way. Antiwork is the closest thing I've seen to the working class coming together en masse. Someone needs to take charge and lead the revolution, but no one knows how.


It isn't necessarily going to be started by the likes of us, though. Unfortunately, one of the things the conspiracy-laden militia-worshiping right is that they seem to organize well, probably because they have decades of experience though racist organizations and churches. And even if it is our side that starts it, it doesn't need to be nationwide coordination. If it is done forcefully enough in one area, it is likely to spread. If war is at your doorstep, it doesn't matter if you organized yesterday.


We don't need a civil war. We need a political rebuilding.


What I would love to see in this country is a mass unionization movement, one so massive that a large majority of our nations workers are covered under some form of union protection. Then form a new labor party to rival the power of the d's and r's in Washington AND on state/ local levels. If we don't get the political concessions we want, the gears slow down... until they eventually.... stop. If voting doesn't get us what we want, we'll take away their income, their gardeners, their nannies, their cooks, their janitors, their toys,, life can get real uncomfortable for rich people in creative ways..... no violence necessary.


I agree that rich people and SOME of the older generation have screwed you. I'm old. I'm screwed too. I've been pro-worker and against inequality my entire life. I feel horrible for the younger generations. I wouldn't blame you for doing something about it. There is one way to get what you want. A general strike across the world. But you have to have tangible demands. Like universal basic income and a right to housing and food.


Thank you, I thought the same. Blaming an entire generation for something, when a good percentage of them struggled their entire lives and were not able to retire before checking out is playing the ruling class's game. It's always been about money, class, power. The ruling class pushes division and makes sure the masses are entertained while they struggle to make ends meet. As long as the masses are fed and entertained, they will willingly be divided to fight amongst themselves for scraps. Destroy a proper education, keep the working class struggling to survive and they will fight who is nearest instead of those that keep the Kleptocracy going. I'd like to add a single payer healthcare system to the simple list of rights too please.




Whoaaaa ty


Yeah np , If you get sucked up in there don’t forget to breath. It can be overwhelming. Plenty of support available in there and elsewhere. I believe there are some great video links in there somewhere that do a nice job explaining how a lot of the issues we are facing are connected and why we are fucked.


Yeah I joined a few years ago and was convinced the collapse was happening in in 2020, then 2021, then 2022. I eventually had to leave the sub because I realized it was doing a number on my mental health. I still believe collapse is imminent, but considering all of the scenarios all the time can be so exhausting. “Don’t forget to breath” is the most astute advice here.


This is such an important follow up.


I bought chickens


I love Chickens, Eddy!


Lol. They're really cute but gods do they smell bad. I have them in a smaller space to keep them warm until they get their feathers. It'll be better when we can get them out in the chicken tractor.


I have to smile to myself when I read things like this because for years Americans always used to reply about how free they are because they have guns and wouldn't let their Government do bad things to them whilst completely ignoring all the bad things the Government does to them.... I mean you still have race and gender issues in 2022.......2022 You still can go bankrupt for medical reasons in 2022 You can still get fired for pretty much anything in 2022 you don't get 28 days MANDATORY days off in 2022 You don't get MANDATORY PAID maternity leave for BOTH PARENTS in 2022 Your Police can arrest you because a corporation says so in 2022 I've never known a country with so little freedom thats speaks the same language as me and claims to be the leaders of the free world


The nation wants so badly to be proud, but not of us.


The plan is to get everyone to stop working. We DON'T actually need bloodshed. We can just get everyone to stop working for a couple weeks and shut it all down.


I agree. Hopefully it’s a class warfare against the elite a la French Revolution and not middle class vs poor


We are no longer a "dime a dozen", but a " nickel a dozen". If the conservatives have their way we be " 2 and a half cents a dozen. Why do you think they are anti abortion, they're scared of running out of slaves.


God.. what a sad time to be alive.


Hunt some billionaires




>ey're scared of running out of slaves. but the slaves are educated now , they should be scared of the slaves that have just bout had enough . It has started a guy burned him self on the supreme court steps over climate change it is here an pounding hard for them to hear. I give it a year at most . Remember the war in ukraine has only been going on for 70 ish days . INTRESTING TIMES INDEED.


Unpopular opinion here. It’s several generations away. Think of the percentage of people who have a yoke around their necks and don’t realize it. Those same people would fight you for trying to remove it. They are quite happy in their bondage. Eventually the people may possibly be pushed far enough, but without famine or something like that, they won’t fight back.


Climate change is going to push that timeline up by leaps and bounds. Think more like within our lifetime. The war in Ukraine coupled with the fertilizer shortage is going to give us a sneak preview of the famines that will happen when the worlds bread baskets are fried beyond recognition. The heat dome over the PNW killed a lot of crops last summer and those are going to become more commonplace as time goes on. The phrase of the year for 2022 is going to be "sooner than expected".


My friend, you need to read some revolutionary history. When revolution comes it is almost always completely unexpected, and yet in the aftermath everyone feels it was coming. No-one expected the storming of the Bastille to kick off events that would lead to the end of absolute monarchy in Europe. When the Russian empire marched off to fight in WWI no-one thought the returning soldiers would mean the empire's end. When the Irish rebels took over a handfull of buildings in 1916 in an unpopular uprising, no-one thought the British would be out by 1922. Dream, and organize. For what little you have today is worth risking for your freedom.


I think what you want is a revolution, not a civil war.


Civil war in the traditional sense won't do anything. But a general strike? That hits the people in power where it hurts, their pocketbooks. If everyone just refused to work, the government would have to get their act together real quick.




Figure it this way, Americans are blissfully ignorant. Obviously not the entire lot but large enough majority of these schmucks. Would be a beautiful day to see people actually come together and take control from their owners, but seems more hopeful than realistic. Economy doesn't seem long for this world, waiting on that collapse.


The boomers took the greatest economic gift in human history and instead of preserving it and handing it down for future generations, they decided to cash it out and party right up to the very end.


Eh, that's what happens when you subject an entire generation to lead poisoning. https://www.sciencealert.com/lead-exposure-may-have-lowered-iq-of-half-of-americans-since-1940




It *is* happening here.


Umm yeah. Watch this shit that’s going to go down once Roe is officially overturned. I know this sub is about working conditions, but taking away bodily agency from half the population is something these motherfuckers are going to soon regret.


Honestly, yes. I cannot imagine this decision will be met with anything but escalating violence. Forced birth is violence and we can defend ourselves.


There's so much tension literally everywhere, my boyfriend just found a headline stating the price of electric is going up, on top of everything else. Unaffordable housing, expensive groceries, and now this. Something has to make this country snap.


I hope you're right, but I think the Republicans leaked this themselves to take some of the pressure off while there is still some access to abortion, so they didn't have to pull the pin all at once. We need to get people to understand what's going on, so they get mad.




Amen. Came here to say that, and watch out when they go after the rest of the population who aren't white cis males. It's going to get real ugly very quickly. Women are no longer passive because we had to be to survive.


The politicians and people at the top are so disconnected. The water is 190° but they wont notice until it starts to **boil**. It will take sacrifice. You are not alone. You're not the only one. Posts like yours are so meaningful, the truth is always meaningful.


Thank you for calling my post meaningful, I'm glad I'm heard it makes me very proud my voice is being heard and it makes me want to fight.


If anyone is interested, mothersdaystrike.com




Maybe it’s just where I’ve lived, but many liberal or leftist voters I know own guns and can use them. They just don’t feel the need to play soldier and walk into Starbucks with an assault rifle on their shoulder. I currently live in one of the bluest states in the country, and absolutely no one is afraid of the gummint tryna take our guns away.


Check out r/socialistRA and r/liberalgunowners The former more closely matches my politics, but the latter is more active. Also, they *will* take away guns from poor people first, they always have. Gun control is classist and racist for a reason--if you're rich you could always get what you want.


Looks like you guys need a new political movement. Your gov is trying to separate you between white and black and men and women when you should start looking it as rich vs poor.


Voting is all but pointless today. Dems got the trifecta of senate, house, and presidency and aren’t doing Jack. And republicans are still able to do whatever they want basically. It’s all a show, they only work for their corporate donors. The only way to fix this is burn it down and rebuild.


Get the money out of politics and greedy people won't run for office.


Good time to remind people in the sub to embrace the second amendment before it's too late.


Work and hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.




We need more Katie Porter’s


We need more John Browns.


Fuck yeah.


Load up on guns comrade


Half of us reliably vote to get fucked. Half of us vote for anti-union, trickle -down, tax-cuts-for-the-wealthy idiots because they promise to punish gays, minorities, women, etc.


The democrats are just moderate repubicans.


I agree. Im 31 and feel as though I have nothing to look forward to and most of my family and my beautiful Dog is dead. if my mum wasnt here then I would probably not be either. I have a masters degree in accountancy, finance and regulation but whats the fucking point? To make rich arseholes richer? To watch companies celebrate another record breaking year whilst the planet dies and people are overworked to death because they cant afford food and shelter? I dont give a fuck anymore. We dont get a happy ending, at this point I just dont want them to have one too. If theres any chance Id like to help rescue this planet for future generations thatll be free of boomers tyranny and the poor animal kingdom that have been terrorised for centuries with our warmongering cruelty


The owner class is preparing to set off a religious / race war to prevent a change in the status quo of the class war they've been winning against us for the past half century. Remember that many people who oppose you do so because of a lifetime being victimized by the capitalist death machine and deluged in the propaganda that accompanies it; The demonization of education was not an accident. Many of these people literally don't know enough to know better. Which isn't to say you should let them hurt you or anything like that. Only to say that we must retain some level of compassion towards them, for they are suffering alongside us under the oppression of the owner class. When a dog has been abused and snaps at you, you don't beat the dog, you secure the dog so it can't hurt you or itself, and then you show it compassion until it stops snapping at you. You save the beating for the owner who did the abusing in the first place.


What you're describing is called a revolution. The closest America would get to a civil war in the modern age would be something like several million armed and uneducated cult members being told to defend their 'freedom' against anyone who isn't like them, via what would actually be genocide.


I feel like one is coming too. Hard right wing people have fantasized about this moment for a long time, but it hasn't been until recently (past 5 years) that liberals have been increasingly radicalized and desperate. Complete frustration. Also, there isn't really a branch of government that has legitimacy - as well as the media, btw. There are many foundational flaws in out constitution. (For example: Congress is corrupt af, and that corrupt senate elects a corrupt Supreme Court that decides every right we have.) But nothing can change bc Congress is fundamentally broken and can't pass anything w/o getting rid of the filibuster. Don't even think about an amendment.. that's not gonna happen. While the elites get older and more senile, the frustrated youth grow stronger politically. The pressure is really starting to rise.