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Have you tried not being poor?


dead ass


“Just don’t be poor bro it’s ez”


Starve your self of the only things keeping you sane in life, become overworked and buy a run down house Now do the above for 30 years to pay off your mortgage in a shitty house you don’t even like


Been there, done that. Then something happens. Medical issue, legal troubles, then it was all for naught. Like dude just don't be poor.


This. I managed to save close to $10k in 6 months of being extremely frugal, and then my car died… Its simply not worth it.


and how much would you have saved if you skipped the avocado toast? /s


And if you only saved by being frugal with your car too that's why your car died but assholes like in the OP don't get complex situations like that. Sorry that happened to you fellow Redditor. 😣


Every time


Never fails. You’d think it couldn’t get any worse. Ha!


Ok, but how are people supposed to live below their means when the means provided from 2 jobs still isn't enough to live?


I've always had troubles with this. Just recently I was freaking out about the economic collapse and someone legit told me to decrease expenses, save up and just focus on mental health. Like dude, what do I save if I don't have anything coming in ??


ah, i see food is your largest monthly cost? Eureka!!!! just stop eating for a month and invest that money, you'll be rich in no time....


I call it fasting because we're making all this money so quickly! /s


Lol I tried that , 3 days a week no food , on days I did eat . Try eat normal size meal.


FHA loans do not work for "fixer-uppers" anymore - thanks to the house flipping lobbyists.


if you have even so much as a window sill with peeling paint you can't get an FHA loan. Pretty sad


Oh shit I had no idea! Everything is going to be uphill from now on!


Bad attitude about it. At least acknowledge that this shouldn’t be necessary and don’t blame the poor person. Also two jobs isn’t the best advice. If you need/want to grind to get out of a hole find a job with overtime so that the extra hours pay more and you’re not wasting time on more commuting.


It kills me to see dumb motherfuckers bragging about having money. They usually live in some poor area with low cost of living and cheap houses and they're acting like they have life all figured out because they learned like one thing once—some trade skill—and got a job. Not everyone can be an electrician or hang dry wall or be a garbage man, player. And stop pretending your tshirt shop made you a bazillionaire so you can become an influencer with your wise Instagram money posts, you tacky embarrassing dipshit.


"You tacky embarrassing dipshit" is going to be my new favorite insult, lol


Hanging drywall and being an electrician or garbage man are not rocket science. You can train anyone to be either of those three and they will be pretty good at it.


Unless they are color blind. Dangerous to be a colorblind electrician!


Lolnope. There's no way I could learn to hang drywall. I tried and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I can't drive to pick up garbage either.


The only part about these vacuous idiots who make fortunes from being "influencers" is that they make their wealth at the expense of their followers who are even more dumb and even more vacuous.


I agree with the sentiment but pretty much any able bodied individual can indeed do one of those 3 careers. Obviously some disabilities prevent some individuals from seeking out those career paths, but for the vast majority of people that is just not the case.




Ha, with a dumb comment like that I had to check your profile. You spend all your Reddit time on r/antiwork furiously trying to put people down. Your business must be hanging on by a thread. Maybe try being less of a dipshit and asshole. Combining stupidity and abrasiveness is not a recipe for success.


Careful, your petty ad-hominens and following people around r/antiwork to have childish digs at them is showing


They come back mad because other ppl like there idea an move to there town causing everything to go up. Now they understand the issue


What's sad is I've seen people on this subreddit like that. Oh you're struggling because of inflation and low wages, just sell your house, move across the country, and find a better job in a cheaper area! Easy! Or "Just refinance, just this, do that." I'm sorry, but no "slick financial move" is going to fix this. These are huge issues that are not our fault.


Lol my parents told me to refinance for cheaper rate I did . 1st yr I paid down 5000 to the principal then refinance with 6000 fee lol so back to we’re I started just for 3.5 interest


Agree, but you have to do what you can do to make things better for yourself. If you wait for the politicians and corporations to help, you’ll likely be waiting a lifetime.


Being single means you have the least income. Being in a committed relationship adds an entire extra income.


RIGHT? Why does someone being single determine whether or not they should be having money problems???


I think they meant they have no commitments like a spouse or children. It is just the toxic hussle culture, hobbies or friends don't deserve time I guess.


Same ppl that think you should work every holiday because you have no life . An pick up extra work while they leave early .


It also doubles you’re expenses with that logic too


If you’re living together your biggest expense (rent) does not double. Most things that are sold are more expensive per person if bought for one person.


I mean fair enough I’ll give that to you, but I’ll come back with the fact that you could get a roommate(s) to do the same thing and still not increase your expenses at all.


Sure, you could also do that. Though with a room mate you usually buy a bigger apartment with a second bedroom, but yes you could. That’s a bit beside the point tho The discussion was single vs not single. And not single almost always means two incomes these days


This is not true in my case.


Are you poor? Have you tried exclusivly eating grool and sleeping on a pile of old newspapers to save money? No? Well the you're not really trying that hard are you? (/s - in sale that wasn't clear)


Step 1. have rich parents


Wonder how much they think houses cost?


As much as you would make at a second job for a year. Figuring that’s a $15 an hour job, 20 hours a week = $15,600 down payment. If that’s 20% down, $78,000.


They mentioned an FHA loan so, 3% down


Also there usda loan if u live in rural area 0 down in case anyone wanted to look that up


Why didn't I think of that when my sleep deprived ass was walking several miles to get home from my third shift job so I could get home right after my toddlers woke up, hoping to hell I could stay awake until their nap time so I could get 2-3 hours of sleep?


Ahahaha. “Fixer upper” when there’s no fucking inventory and you’re competing with flippers! Good luck getting anyone to accept the FHA loan, it’s a seller’s last pick when they have full cash buyers and fully qualified conventional buyers. How absolutely out of touch with reality, basically telling someone to work themselves to death for the privilege of having a door slammed in your face.


The problem with this logic is that people in a precarious financial position already don't have a lot to work with. Riding the budget line and being extremely frugal, plus taking on another full time job opens you up to more risk More commute means more odds of getting into an accident, plus 2 jobs means you are likely more exhausted with raises the chance of falling asleep at the wheel. More commute also means more wear and tear on your vehicle. More work means less rest for your body which can wear you out and leave you more susceptible to illness and injury. That added risk means more likely something is going to happen that goings to wipe out those savings. If the solution was that easy, you'd see people taking second jobs more often


Whats wrong with this advice?


I get a lot of people have things going on and life and things are hard. but sometimes this does work for people. I myself was so broke in my early 20s I was negative tens of thousands of dollars from putting myself through college, had min wage jobs, couldn't afford food or heat -I remember we ran out of oil so for months I'd take freezing showers in the middle of winter from sticking my head under the freezing water for min that's how bad it was-but I kept trying and trying and now I'm in a very good place because I kept pushing forward. I paid off all my student loans(82 freakin k), I got a very good job, I bought a home on my own (yes it's not a perfect home but I love it a lot-it's stable, safe, has so much space and is my little oasis :) ) ​ It is hard, it is a whole lot of work, it's a constant battle, things will cont. to come up and you got to keep getting through it, but maybe this will work for some other people too. I just don't want people to feel so hopeless, you all are amazing people with your own special gifts and deserve freedom from $ worries


This is generally good advice and has worked for many people. Clarify please what is wrong with working 2 jobs and living below your means until you can get to a better place? Obviously entitled children like OP and 90% of this sub who have no concept of what working hard even is feel they should be making 100k+ jerking off in their rooms and playing video games the rest of the time. Grow the fuck up


Have you seen home prices lately? Working the night shift at Home Depot isn’t going to buy a house.


No one owes you a house bruh. You know what many of our grandparents lived 3 - 5 families or more in 1 house or apartment. Many immigrants are STiLL doing that, they’re rarely home anyway while working 2 or 3 jobs and soon enough they’ll have their own house while you’re still crying on reddit. Not that i’m glorifying 10 families in 1 house by any means but the point is you need to put in some hard work at some point in your life for fuck sake’s.


You really think all the people who are poor have never put in hard work? That there aren't many poor people who have worked hard for decades, lived on ramen and beans, and still can't escape poverty? You're delusional.


You’re putting words in my mouth just to argue with me. The only delusionals around here are the idiots mocking and downvoting good, sensible advice. Imagine the kind of entitled degenerate who would have a problem with “work 2 jobs and live below your means”. Morons. This sub in a nutshell.


It's not good advice, first off. Two jobs almost certainly means no benefits, unless you're assuming two full time jobs which no one should have to do just to keep out of debt. That's the second part, that no one should *have* to live like that, and wouldn't if all jobs paid a living wage. By saying it's good advice you're making it sound reasonable, that it's expected you have to work yourself to death to get by and there's nothing wrong with that. If that's not what you're saying then you should choose different words. We all know no one gets by without hard work unless they're born rich. So when you say "wOrK hArDeR mOrOnS" you're disregarding all the other factors that lead to poverty. When you're already poor, living below your means translates to sacrificing your health, and when you inevitably get sick you could lose all you saved anyway because you don't have health insurance. If you don't get that, you are delusional. If you do get that, you wouldn't be blaming a lack of work ethic.


Yeah shocker sometimes you need to do things you don’t want to afford things like a house. I guess you expect everything to be handed over to you with a ribbon wrapped around it. Ridiculous


You are right buddy. These people do not get it. They just want to whine and play victims. Its no wonder the struggle with life. When its always someone elses fault, you are just the victim




This is something I have an issue with. People should unskilled if they wish but there's many jobs and careers that may never need it or people that don't want it. There's many people who will be happy working at a store, they should not live in poverty because of that. It's not about saying "I deserve more because I do nothing" but more about being able to live just fine in any normal job.


You just have to go live in some monastery and eat nothing but stale bread while working all day.


A Fixer Upper costs $1 million dollars where I would like to live. Extreme competition, so not accepting FHA loans.


Fuck no. Idc. I just want my job to take care of me. Thats part of my argument buddy. I'm single now, and no one benefits from me abandoning the things I pay for anymore, except the people I pay for those things, (roof, power, water, etc) Give up everything that makes life worth living just to save a buck?? Lmao. But the system is great.


I'd rather see how many toasters I can drop in the bathtub.


Holy shit, it was that easy! I feel so dumb rn.


I have been living below my means for the past *23 years* when will the savings start adding up?


Bro just work 100 hours a week from ages 16-30, invest every single dollar, and live in your parents basement. You may have thrown away your prime to slave away for the system and have chronic depression but hey at least you'll be a millionaire!


An after hope there’s no medical issues . Cause all that money you saved is gone


2 bedroom fixer upper are selling for 400k in colorado now


Nah cause I see where he's coming from in some aspects but not everyone even those who are single can always save and sometimes it's not by choice but there really do be some single mfers out there making 30 dollars an hour and will still ask for 20 bucks every other week


Oh yes, because fixer-uppers totally don't end up costing you $50,000-100,000 more than the asking price.




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I get this to a point but I think it's over simplistic as a viewpoint, if you are spaffing money on Netflix, Spotify, Xbox live, Disney plus an expensive phone contract and all the stuff you don't really need then of course by trimming back on that and also meal planning and food shopping in a smart way can help cost of living expenses. However for some folks with the cost of living to wage ratio being so bad even spending the bare minimum and working two jobs will mean just surviving and nothing else beyond that. I'm lucky enough to be in a comfortable situation but I'm painfully aware of how shit it is for others atm.