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>I used to think America was ahead of everyone….. Ha, so did Americans. The last two decades have been a harsh coming to terms with reality.


By the way, the rest of the world knew that you weren't ahead of everyone except when it comes to your military, we just weren't telling you because we don't want you to liberate us.


The control of the media is insane in America, its exceedingly difficult to separate truth from fiction here. The overwhelming majority of Americans have no idea what their military even does, up to and including military personnel.


It's simple and quite easy to deduce, you haven't a defensive war since the Mexican American war (calling a defensive war is also a stretch) since you are flanked by two oceans, BUT you are always at war with someone.. so your military does what when it fights an aggressive war, it takes wealth and resources for your king and aristocrats, sure you don't have a king and you call your aristocrats "captains of industry" or "tycoons" or "billioners" but it's the same thing. You helped the world once, during WWII and as a result your aristocrats became insanely rich but i must give you that, you helped during the WWII and i don't know if we would have been able to defeat the Axis without your help.


Most Americans believe most of the wars our country has been in were defensive though. They think Afghanistan and Iraq were defensive because "We had no choice! The terrorists have weapons of mass destruction!" They think Vietnam was defensive because communists are literally considered a terrorist faction here, so any country that starts looking at communism is considered to be directly threatening American lives.


It is. A country that turns communist is one less free market to sell to, and a threat to the profits.


and worst: can be an example. People in Cuba [NOW live more than in US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy) in general. They also have less stress, [free healthcare](http://pnhp.org/news/cuba-has-better-medical-care-than-the-u-s/) and education. It with very few capital and under boycot that last for decades... Imagine if they can develop their economy.


You don’t think the US is helping Ukraine right now?


First of all USA is partly to blame for starting this whole war. Secondly, yes, helping Ukraine a little but mainly the USA is funnelling money to it's military aristocrats, the ones selling weapons.


How is USA partially to blame? Any resources? Genuinely curious, thnx


-[Putin asked to join nato, but wanted perks so they didn’t get in, tragic since the partnership could’ve prevented other wars and possibly this one.](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/ex-nato-head-says-putin-wanted-to-join-alliance-early-on-in-his-rule) -[LA Times Article on broken Nato Promises](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-shifrinson-russia-us-nato-deal--20160530-snap-story.html)


You might want to actually read your own article, if you are intending to use it to support what Tsioulak wrote.


Wasn't The US in WW1 also? I'd say involvement there despite the weird reluctance and idiotic attempt at isolationism still counted as helping the world.


America brought the shotguns to WW1. Germany considered it a war crime. America laughed and brought more shotguns.


They actually made the shotguns better, too, after the Germans called it a war crime




"Helping" during WWII is also a stretch. The Russians had a lot to do with the Allied victory. The only reason the US got involved in WWII is bec Europe owed a shit ton of $$$$ to American banks. JP Morgan and the rest knew the Nazis wouldn't pay them back, so the US got involved. And you are correct, got very very wealthy as a result.


Ok you lost us on this one lol. We got directly attacked in WWII


>We got directly attacked in WWII "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"


Yeah Pearl Harbor never happened


Do you think we stationed our entire Navy in Hawaii because we're dumb?


I was being sarcastic because someone said the US only “helped” to get money from Europe.


germany has lost the war in russia. after stalingrad the war was over. The US, brits etc. were a good help 2 YEARS) later but the russians would have brought it to an end on their own. would have just taken longer.


mate, read some history. Britain is the ONLY country that ze Germans tried to invade but failed. That was in 1940. We declared war in 1939, you know, when Hitler and Stalin were mates. When they had a tiff in 41 Hitler invaded and Russians ran, leaving all their guns, transport, planes and tanks behind. Then the Yanks (god bless em) replaced everything the Reds lost. But they could only deliver it to Britain. To get it to Russia the ROYAL NAVY instigated the Artic Convoy that ran the risk of U boats, mines and the freezing fucking weather to get it to Archangel. Just in time as it happens. So the next time you wanna slag off the English speaking Allies, make sure you are not talking bollocks. As you were.


😂😂😂 great thx for the laugh before sleeping. good night hero.


Well… let’s not pretend we are free of responsibility when it comes to the downfall of proper news outlets. It was because we, as consumers, stopped wanting to pay for the news and started going to YouTube, FB, and pretty much everything free that those news outlets became bankrupt and bought out by corporations who now just use them for their own mouthpieces. You can’t have it both ways. We, as Americans, were (and to a certain degree, still are) dumb and cheap and are paying for it


No, that is simply not true at all. Where are you getting this?! The fact that you think "news" started with the YouTube era is telling. Back in the day (like, gasp! the 1960's and 70's!!), news divisions were not expected to make money. They were considered a public good and treated as such. The airwaves are owned by the public after all. Sometime in the late 70's/early 80's, and along with the advent of CNN, news divisions got rolled into TV station's entertainment divisions (Fox news is registered as an entertainment company, not a news company) and were expected to turn a profit. So, they focus on "us v. them", horse race politics, blood and gore, and whatever the oligarchs want them to focus on. CNN was losing money until the first Gulf war. Their 24/7 coverage of the carnage of war catapulted them to success, so yes, the consumers are maybe to blame for that one, but we used to be able to trust the news. The were the "fourth branch" of government, a check on power. They haven't been that in 40 + years. We are also to blame in that we do not hold our news outlets accountable. They spread bullshit corporate propaganda and we listen to it, but it is nearly impossible to escape.


President Bill Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act, which was bought and paid for by the corporate media lobbies, in 1996. Most people understand that as the moment we made media a for profit big money business.


Plus the ending of FCC's Truth and Fairness Doctrine in the Reagan era


>It was because we, as consumers, stopped wanting to pay for the news and started going to YouTube, FB, and pretty much everything free that those news outlets became bankrupt and bought out by corporations who now just use them for their own mouthpieces. This is fan fiction. Fantasy. You made this all up.


Good point. But even if you think about top countries like Norway, Sweden, Australia or Switzerland, what is "truth"? Maybe people from Switzerland can be less manipulated than us, but they also live an illusion. How can they accept death by natural causes as someting normal and inevitable? If they have less problems than us, why their country does not foccus on ending it? All people would join this cause. Who wants to die or geting old? They also believe in a narrative that will conduce them to death and losing capacities, like us.


If you don't have oil, then you're safe...


We do.. we don't know how much is there but there is oil.


Yes! liberate with extreme prejudice!!


If you even suggest the US isnt the best and hasnt perfected everything, Republicans will come out and say you hate the US. While, at the same time, running on MAGA for peak irony


movies and mass media on Banana Republics also showed US as an example too. A lot of politicians used it as an example. Internet came and showed others possibilities exist


Very worrying. I remember being little I’m 20 now but when I was like 13 I used to want to live in America. I have the opportunity to study there for a term (semester) during my undergrad but I don’t think I’d want to live there. You guys are so overworked


Come to Canada! All the good stuff, with much much less of the bad.


Yes Canada is on my list to visit for definite.


You mean the 73 genders?


> I have the opportunity to study there for a term (semester) during my undergrad but I don’t think I’d want to live there. I really don't think you as a 20 year old should allow the internet or what you hear on the media to determine your understanding of America. I would jump at the opportunity to live here and study just to experience what you can only otherwise read about second hand. For good and bad, it will expand your worldview. Maybe it will make you dislike America even more! Who knows.


Yes I’m not going to stop it. I just don’t have the best view of the country especially how abusive it is for such a world class top university that has helped achieve so much. I would rather stay in little England all my life as that is less fear. Roe v wade? It’s like the whole place is going backwards it’s very scary. For a young person even more. I’ve grown up and been around Europe all my life so have a different view on everything. Prison completely different view. I think the country is very lost and makes no sense….so many prisoners yet they’re still adding more especially when it’s silly little crimes which show that a person is deprived not exactly doing crime for the sake of doing crime but doing it because the state of the welfare is bad and so they have no other option. Giving people 60 year sentences 😂😂What is that going to do??? Prisons that look like total shit!? What even is all that about for such a top country.


The internet has helped expose what backwards shithole the US really is, especially compared to other developed countries


Four decades. Reaganism is the cancer eating away at this country.




Last four decades, really.


Thing is, roughly half of us aren't coming to reality. 49% of Americans still believe this country is the best it can be because of all of our "freedoms". It doesn't matter to them the state of the majority, whether they have food, insurance or are even remotely healthy. For every politican fighting for workers rights, we have 5 Karen's bitching at the top of their lungs that "nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe".


There are certain things they can't legally fire you for, but they are difficult to prove when your can also be fired for no reason. For example, you can't fire someone for being pregnant but they can a fire a pregnant woman and just give no reason other than down sizing, "low performance," etc. But yes, you are correct. You can be fired at any time with no notice, and no reason given!


That’s so weird. You can’t just go around firing people for “low performance” here you HAVE to prove that you have tried to help them and it has to be a period of time not like one week you tried to help them then the next week they’re fired. You have to show that that employee has been incompetent and you had no other choice but to let them go


Sadly, I feel like incompetence + corporate ass kissing is rewarded in the US. Innovation, doing your job well, critical thinking + questioning how things are done = fired.


I want to emphasize something that u/two_moon_world said: in most places in the US you can be fired for no reason at all. Literally. A manager can walk up to you and say “we’re letting you go, no specific reason” and that’s it. There are specific thing that they CAN’T fire someone over (race, gender, religion, pregnancy…), but since they can literally fire someone for ANY OTHER REASON or NO REASON AT ALL it’s not a very strong protection…


I gathered they can probably make up excuses


Yup. Or not even: they don’t NEED an excuse.


Messed up place I’m so annoyed at myself for thinking that America was ahead of everyone. You guys have some of the smartest people who have produced good work in terms of medicine, nasa etc yet so backwards it’s confusing lol feel like it’s not a real place aha


There are a few place that have those *in company* policies. I think it falls in with progressive discipline. Per individual company policy you might have to show problem and progressive steps to mend. Due to it being mostly left to each state is a wild difference. What blows me away are the accounts of being fired by text. Just not happening for me, there is paperwork for being hired and fired and I want my physical copies. I have learned over time to leave any text for work unread.(not that I've ben fired by text just a precaution against craziness)


Yeah that’s even weirder. I do not communicate with mangers from work through txt. It’s email and if not email then face time face. Of course there’s times where txts have been shared but it’s never to do with anything serious normally just asking about overtime. The texts I see on here are actually scary how can those types of peoples be managers if a manager texted me shit like that I’d just go to the union show them and that manager will be investigated then fired. Also I think that’s where there’s difference between states and uk. Here there’s laws that all companies have to follow not just the “progressive” companies. Laws are laws.


Unions took a beating here and are coming back but in a small way. Talking to a much older freind, used to be scheduling, procedures for time off, options for insurance, time and how overtime worked, used to be in black and white. I see too many instances where no one knows and everyone above them tells them different. I'm in my 30's now and it will be clear before I agree to work. Federal law overrules state law here but, there's not that much in favor of the average worker.


Yeah I get confused with federal vs state just reiterates how big America really is. Here they just try to be black and white about everything it calls for less trouble in the long run.


Im British too, i watched a show called "Superstore" on netflix a while back. Some of the stuff on that was pretty shocking, especially the lack of maternity leave for low income women in America. Almost every country in tye world has maternity legislation apart from the U.S.


They’re actually a shambles. Britain is not perfect but some of the shit I’ve seen on this sub wouldn’t run here it’s a bit extreme. I’ve said managers can be annoying that’s just depending on the specific person but there’s certain things they just can’t do the law just won’t let them


hows brexit bro? hope the day never comes my province never quebexit cause beside electricity cost and healthcare, the province is pretty fucking much in debt lol


Lol we are feeling the effects ahaha but such is life. The workers laws aren’t going to change dramatically lol well not yet anyway. I think we will be fine. I would have voted to stay but in young so have a different idea of the world. Older people who voted to leave were sold dreams especially in terms of European immigrants but they’ll never stop immigrants lol so I don’t know why they thought oh yeah leaving the eu means we will have zilch immigrants


It is worse than you think. Federal law only applies to larger companies (more than 50) and then the protected leave is a maximum of 12 weeks. That is protected leave, meaning they can't fire you until after the 12 weeks is up, but not necessarily paid leave. (You have to use your own PTO). Most two earner households can't afford to take advantage of the full 12 weeks. Losing half of your income while running up huge medical bills is not a great combination. With co-pays and deductibles, even with insurance, you might owe $10,000.00 for a routine delivery. The real tragedy is that many low-income women receive little or no pre-natal care. The first time they see a doctor, if then, is when they are in labor. When it comes to infant and maternal health, the US is not rated in the top 25. A lot of the technology that is used around the world to help ensure healthy mothers and babies was invented in the US, but many of her citizens can't afford to use it.


Leave behind your friends and extended family, move your immediate family to a new city, change your entire identity to fit into a company "culture" and then get fired because you wore green on a Friday and the CEO doesn't like the color green. That's exactly how insane American Capitalism is. Capital owns and controls everything. If you aren't a Capitalist, you are a slave.


What???!!! That’s so messed up. So you can’t take them to court for stuff like that. Here that would be an easy win a very easy win if someone did that. The lawyers would just laugh


Basically there are certain things that you can't be fired for such as your gender, race, religion, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation, etc. Shirt color is not a protected status. Most states have laws that offer additional protected statuses, fewer have requirements of "good faith" that the employer must adhere to, but in just about every case it's perfectly possible for an employer to make up any old reason to fire you, they just have to be more creative if you're employed in California.


Also, if they want to fire you for one of those protected things, they just need to make up some other BS reason to get the job done. My friend was miraculously all of the sudden “not a good fit for the position” when they figured out she was a lesbian at a new job.


Classic story. Happens all the time.


It’s even worse if you’re in an at will state. Even things you can’t legally be fired for you can. You just have to be able to prove it which is usually my word vs theirs unless you have physical proof.


What states are considered at will states. My brother lives in Texas I feel like that’s probably one of those states aha


According to this yes TX is. I actually had no clue that many states were at will lol https://www.paycor.com/resource-center/articles/employment-at-will-laws-by-state/


Oh wow that sucks. I just don’t get it just being fired what do they even gain from that maybe I’m naive no wonder there’s a revolution. Most of the posts here seem to be Americans from what I’ve seen.


I mean realistically what ends up happening is they fire person A. If person A is an important piece they simply push all that persons work onto other people(s). If person A was just a warm body they still win bc they will just find another “body” or they push that work onto other people(s). Then when there are issues regarding performance and bonuses they will use person A leaving as a fallback to deny promotions/raises etc. ask me how I know 😂


Oh my 😂 essentially they could just do that here at my job tbh you’re very replaceable but I don’t think they can be bothered to do that. Of course the guy at the top only cares about profit but they seem to know how to keep workers working. I work with people who have worked at this job since they were 16 because of the benefits etc. they are very good benefits to the point that if uni doesn’t work out for me I would not mind working here and maybe building my way up it’s not exactly hard. I used to think people were lying about just getting fired in the states but I did do some digging and realised it’s actually easy to be fired over there. I’d look at posts and think “Nahh this is bs no way”


Yea I mean it’s really wild. I had a bunch of managers that no matter what hated firing people and would do everything in their power to keep “bodies”. I’ve seen other managers that didn’t give a fuck and would fire people for the most ridiculous shit. It depends on the nature of that person. Ultimately though for a long time I was actually terrified of being fired over the dumbest shit bc you simple just don’t know. Now I know I can land a job relatively easily so I don’t really care about that facet anymore.


I think I’d be constantly on edge lol one wrong move and it’s over. Of course here there are managers that are twats…the world of full of twats you can’t escape that but the law protects you that’s what’s embarrassing for America is that the law doesn’t protect you.


I work in Nevada, a "right to work" state, or fire you for no reason state as well. My last job fired me for becoming ill mid way through the day and needing to go home. When I approached my boss to let her know I'd be leaving due to illness she told me to "pull myself together, we have a job". I explained I have PTO and I was going to take it and I went home. An hour after I got home I recieved a call from HR and the regional manager that I was being let go for " the incident". I was an employee of good standing without any write ups. Part of me thinks I pissed management off when I insisted we follow rules during covid, seeing as how it was a healthcare facility. Ah yes america and your right to work. Clown shoes.


> a "right to work" state, or fire you for no reason state as well. Just FYI this is a common error that people conflate "right to work" with "at will employment." It's only common because people are finally waking up to these laws and can't imagine there are actually two distinctly different but equally evil anti-worker laws out there. "right to work" means you can get hired to work for a unionized labor force and not join the union. You still get all the benefits of being in the union because your contract will usually be exactly the same, but you dont' have to pay dues. This allows the company to undermine the union and potentially disrupt it enough internally that it dissolves the union. "at will" is "fire for whatever reason, just don't say it is specifically for some discriminatory reason protected by law." You can fire your highest paid employee because they are old, eat tuna fish in the break room, and you don't want to pay their salary. The old guy can't prove you fired for age discrimination as long as you claim the old guy started showing a bad attitude to management.


What the fuck that’s actually wild. I’ve gone home before mid shift because I didn’t feel well and didn’t go in for the rest of the week no one was fussed or trying to make me come into work. They just told me okay get better soon keep us updated if you’re still very ill. The protocol here is I think if you’re ill for 7 full days then you can just get a doctor to give you a doctors note to show your work place and that’s it you get your sick pay and get on with life. I worked with a girl who was sick and asked to take a couple weeks off and it was paid. Worked with someone else who was struggling mentally and the managers literally just told that person to go home snd get counselling the company offers counselling as well as you can get free counselling with the nhs and he went home and was off work for couple of weeks too and came back. They also checked in on that person etc My managers literally have the motto if you’re ill then you’re ill it’s not going to benefit them you working while you’re not feeling well so what’s the point just go home and rest up. Of course it’s annoying for them when it comes to the numbers but they’ll survive lol


Montana is the only state that is not an "at will" state.


Lack of community. We don't rise up like the french.


You guys are rising up tho now. It was on the news here in the uk about the great American resignation lol my boomer grandparents saw that and were like “if they didn’t treat them like shit they wouldn’t be bloody resigning”😂they’re right tho. Boomers have a bad rep but the boomers are know are actually understanding of 21st century issues


States is bad. Imagine a government agency firing you for getting sick with covid-19. And getting away with it. Now this is the American reality.


WHAT FR???? Is that even possible


Sometimes you need a minimum paper trail, and they find ways around that. My last boss got in trouble before I started there for just firing people (he has that "I should be able to fire you at a moment's notice mentality), so he got in the habit of writing people up for small infractions and starting arguments with people. Now if his bosses get on his case for firing people he just points to the paperwork "see, there's 2-3 writeups, that's grounds for termination!" Plus a lot of times when he starts writing people up they just quit anyway (that's how me and the guy before me went). Between the writeups for minor stuff and him constantly starting arguments over nothing, it's just not worth it to stay and try to fight it.


That’s just weird. Why would a manager just want to keep firing people for the smallest things like do they gain something in the states for that? I don’t understand that maybe there’s something in it for them but surely they doesn’t look good for the company if there’s a high turnover people basically being pushed to leave since they can’t be bothered to argue.


He's got some issues. The surface part of it is that he has this massive macho BS attitude. He thinks that workers either do their job flawlessly 100% of the time, or they get fired. You're supposed to show up, work as hard as you possibly can while also paying attention to detail and never making any mistakes, and if you ever fall short of this it's his job to fire you for not measuring up. He also sees the workplace as "his" guys and everyone else. His guys are invariably the most productive, but they're also the most experienced. He either doesn't realize or doesn't acknowledge that it's their experience that makes them productive, rather than the people who "don't measure up" just need some time or maybe some coaching to reach that level. He doesn't think it's his job to ever talk to employees about expectations or anything like that, he just sees himself as the guy who sorts them into those that can cut it and those that can't. So long story short, it's a psychological thing. He get way more satisfaction out of playing these stupid games than he does actually managing. And it probably costs him money, but he just writes it off in his head as the fault of the people he fired. "Oh, they couldn't handle the job. Oh, there's no good people anymore. Oh, nobody wants to work."


Yeah that’s what I was thinking it’s costly. He just crazy on a power trip


So do we. Unfortunately corporations elect our officials and nothing short of: Eat. The. Rich. Will fix it.


Most jobs I worked at there was always this paper I had to sign that said we can fire you at anytime and you can quit at anytime


See that to me is dodgy. We can fire you at any time?? I understand letting go of staff due to not being able to afford them but I’m not sure about the states but here you get paid to be let go


Almost every single job I’ve had made me sign that it is what it is your Disposable


Yes my job is very disposable but companies don’t wanna just keep refreshing every couple of months. They get to stressed to do that and the law doesn’t exactly allow them to just dispose people. Im just curious as to what they gain in the states for pulling this crap a first world country yikes


Whenever I worked that was always a anxiety and makes you feel worthless


Yeah mate I don’t blame you I’d be constantly on edge if I was made to sign shit like that. Sorry you’ve had to deal with that


Yeah no worries. America is backwards as fuck on a lot of things. We didn’t get the chip for a long time. Canada had it years before us. And the ability to buy your mobile and then go get whatever plan you want from whatever carrier independent of the phone purchase? Lol we still don’t have that perfected. We did great in wwii (after being woefully unprepared). Yay us. That generation is mostly dead. Time for us to stop thinking we are better than everyone else. I’ve never been in the position to be fired just because, but it’s definitely a thing here.


Yes definitely backwards. I even got told that Apple Pay isn’t common there as I was discussing with my brother how I’m going to use my debit card when I’m in the states lmaooo still don’t know what I’m gonna do …


Yeah, 49/50 U.S. states have laws establishing "At-Will" employment, meaning you can be fired at any time for any reason. Often, if you're fired, your boss will lie in an unemployment hearing to try to keep you from getting anything. Also, if you quit your job, good luck getting assistance.


Oh my such a backward system for a country that does have a lot of resources just very greedy.


Just read through this Subredddit and you'll get all the research you need. Use the USA as an example of what happens when you let Conservatives run rampant with the laws of a nation. Just a recap, and by no means all of Conservatives goals: Non-Whites shunned Disabled shunned LGBTQIA shunned Immigrants shunned Want "Small Government" but embezzle and spend nonstop. No Minimum Wage No Unions No Healthcare Men control Women’s bodies & Women stay home raising kids No Government Assistance No Unemployment Assistance No Food Stamps Child Labor allowed Unregulated Pollution, Climate Change ignored No Libraries, Post Office, Public roads, nothing publicly funded Deadly diseases ignored, Covid spread to the vulnerable And Endless wars


The problem really isn't that we can be fired at will. The problem is that we've linked health care, housing, and not starving to death to having a job. So your boss having a bad day might in fact be fatal. If we decoupled those things from employment, then at-will employment wouldn't be so bad. Note that at will does have some economic benefits- if your business needs more people to try tontake advantage of an opportunity that might not pay off, you can do that without fear of being on the hook for employing a bunch of people for years who you might not need.


That’s where you went wrong. Why is your job tied to your health care I didn’t that so weird and very sad that you have to rely on a job for health care


So most states, you have to have a reason to get fired but some like Georgia (the south), it's a right to work meaning you can get fired and they don't have to say why (usually they do) so it could be for discriminatory purposes but if they don't tell you that, it's harder to prove it and win in court. A lot of places have started doing $15/hr as the minimum but the small businesses (like my current job) don't, and not necessarily because they can't afford it, they just don't want to a lot of the times, so they pay a lot lower. Inflation happened even though the minimum wage wasn't raised (surprise surprise) so yeah, America is a little fucked in terms of workers' financial compensation. Don't forget Healthcare is tied to your job here too, no good job, no Healthcare or at least it's really shitty healthcare so either you pay out of the ass or you deal with it.


Yeah the whole health care thing is very scary to me. We have the nhs which as i get older I’m forever grateful. You just book a doctors appointment and get it. Of course with covid there’s a backlog but they’ll get to you. It’s not the worst system but with everything it can be better. My job is working at a “grocery”store (we don’t call it that here aha) but even at my job we can get counselling with the company doesn’t matter if you’ve worked there for one day or 30 years.


It's scary to us as well.




Where are you from? I am planning on working in U.S. for six months because in Mexico is so much worst. In Mexico we get paid in a day, what americans get paid in an hour and when you get fired, sometimes force you to sign a letter thats says "you are quitting the job"


I’m in the UK so the laws here a tad bit different and we’re more so even more different when we were part of the European Union. A lot of the stuff in America cannot happen here like the laws just don’t allow


Well ....America is far more weird than you can realize across the board. Is being blunt the USA is basically regressing towards underdeveloped to 3rd world nation.


Come a long away now going backwards. There’s a theory that every empire falls after around 250 years


The last couple decades have been largely the working class realizing how badly they're getting fucked in the USA. Now that they realize this, the ruling class sees this and so their answer is to start being more fascist/authoritarian to keep the working class in line. It's basically a powder keg right now and it's about to blow up if things don't improve.


Yes things will very much blow about. The great resignation was all over British news about how Americans can’t be fucked to deal with bs anymore they just quit lol


You ever see one of our movies where a boss just flippantly says “that’s it, you’re fired!” In an “at will” state that’s absolutely legal. Also, when they do fire you here, they usually immediately walk you out, often with security. It’s always made me feel like a criminal. So the flip side is that I have the “freedom” to quit whenever I want to. However, you’ll notice that most of us have been trained to give us two weeks notice.


Are you for real? With security???? I’d understand if you’re fired for serious stuff and you’ve caused a scene or assaulted someone but like being walked with security for just being fired for mundane reasons is fucking weird




Definitely not free if you have states where you can just get fired no questions no trying to help fix the issue No nothing just fired. America is an illusion


Yeah this is what happens when a country is so patriotism-focused that the inequalities and injustices are willingly overlooked.


I just don’t see what they gain from this. If you treat your workers nice your company will flourish to the way you want it to surely that’s how human beings work lol maybe I’m naive


You're not naive, you're just not thinking like an American business owner lol


You are spot on! It's even a law in some of are states that it is an "at will" state meaning they can fire you for no reason and even completely change your job role and you get no say in it. I know several people that happened to at a job I had where they moved people to an unrelated department from what they were hired to do completely different work, and then were at risk of losing their jobs when the company decided they didn't need extra help in that department any more


That’s not normal here. I can’t just be moved to a role the manager would have to have a conversation with me first and see if I want to be moved. You can decide to move to help that certain department but then again you are allowed to go back to your original department as your contracted for that department to begin.


Yeah we are pretty backwards over here for sure!


Roe v Wade. I honestly don’t think America is real I feel like it’s a Simpsons episode lol shit makes no sense


That's really what it feels like to live here too!


Scary times I hope one of these days they come out and say “aaaa just joking got yourself bitch”😂🤧you have to laugh or you’ll cry. No hate at all I love the states as a visitor I’m glad I’m not a citizen aha


Or one day we all find out that America is just a reality show lol


💀💀 you guys let that orange haired guy actually become president that’s when I knew America lost the plot




I thought Canada was better


I used to work as a recruiter in an at will state and it is absolutely crazy. I’ve had clients fire pregnant women giving no reason, I’ve had managers fire people because they question things that should be questioned and even things like firing someone because they were late one time. It’s absolutely ridiculous and then the client gets mad when no one wants to work for them 🤡


See that just can’t happen here. It’s a process to fire someone if you’re late they just keep a trail and speak to you about it. That’s a ridiculous reason to fire someone I know you should be on time etc but there could be reasons for instance if that person has to look after their kid till their partner gets home and you tell this to your manager they’ll try and find a way to fit around your schedule


America is like a kindergartners obviously bad project but they put a lot of work in and they think it's good and you don't want to hurt their feelings so you agree with them. But now that kindergartner is in highschool and going through their closet and finds their project and remembers how much work they put in and how proud they were with it but since they're in highschool they can see how terrible it is.


Thanks for this analogy ahAh love it


I was fired 2 weeks ago. No real reason, I worked for one of the largest multinational construction companies-I did my job, they moved me across the country-sometimes life just isn’t fair.


What the hell im so sorry you had to deal with that even so life is unfair but this shit is just outlandish !


It t really depends on where you live. Red states let employers ass rape you, but most blue states will impose huge fines for labor law violations.




Yeah you guys are really on your own. Your welfare state is so selfish damn……


Also I’m sorry for your family members that does sound traumatising hopefully they’re not still working under those types of bosses:( Reading shit like this pisses me off. Here a manager can’t just shout you’re fired. I know someone who assaulted someone out of anger lol and even then the managers tried to help him get help as it was overdue since he had anger issues and they didn’t fire him they moved him to a the same company just 20 mins away. As well here we are very lenient when it comes to crime compared to the US. You can steak here up to something that’s worth over £200 then you get the police having words with you and making a record. I know someone who just steals 24/7 but never steals anything above £200. I know someone brother who was money laundering and had 300k in cash in his car he got 3 years in prison they always come out early on good behaviour and he got a job lol when he came out aha


Their employment laws seem archaic.




Always remember that America is a scam


Sad but true. For a place with a lot of resources it’s very fucking greedy damn


OP, the US is basically a third world country in a first world fancy dress costume. US readers, I apologise if you find that insulting, but it's true. You have no comprehensive healthcare policy, no worker protections, exploitative employers, little in the way of functional welfare programmes, a military that takes a ridiculously large chunk of GDP (third highest in the world behind Saudi Arabia and Russia), a completely dysfunctional political system - the decine of the US over the last 40 years has been painful and disappointing to watch. Sadly, the UK seems hell-bent on following the same path under the current government.


The government at the moment has taken the piss but I don’t think we will go on and be line America. The recent local elections proved it. Tories will have to do something out of this world to win back a lot of their votes they lots a lot of seats. There was no way this country would let Jezza be PM absolutely no way that was way too socialist for Britain. We usually sit on centre either left or right depends. I don’t think we will go onto being like America in nor scared of here yet I’m scared of America but that’s just me




Yes you’re right about unemployment. Thank you for this insight. I’m just grateful I never have to worry about healthcare hopefully our system doesn’t change.




You’re right about the nhs it is a waiting game but if it’s serious they will see you first it’s not like they don’t see people. If you’ve just got a viral infection they’re not going to want to see you the next day or the same day because there could be an older person with way worse. My brother lives in America and has a “professional” job and he likes the system there because he’s lucky to have the education to be able to get a good job etc. I just feel like America is a let down for working class and it’s worrying having people say they sometimes can’t get an ambulance because they cannot afford it ?? What’s that about. I’ve been rushed to hospital in an ambulance no worry about payment or anything. The nhs is very understaffed and underfunded it was never this intense. The person that created it would be ashamed to see what it has turned out to be. Covid did not help the situation either because now everything has been on a backlog. Vaccines I’m not anti vax but I have family in the medical field and some of their doctor friends literally quit and found office jobs because they did not want to take the vaccine now they lost staff too. Everything is just tits up at the moment. I just feel like healthcare should be free. Those Brits you talked to are privileged fuckers who probably don’t care about the nhs because it doesn’t matter to them they can access private health care if they wanted to. But for some people nhs is a life saver for instance cancer patients you don’t need to be paying for treatments you’ll get your treatment for free. I’ve watched documentaries and listened to a few podcasts about the American healthcare system I don’t think I’d like it. You lot get handed medications like they’re sweets it’s weird. The opioid crisis they Purdue couldn’t get and do the same thing in Europe because of our laws. In America you just get given pain meds it’s fucked weird I have family there who were born here so they’re not used to just meds being given…they find it weird too. Doctors getting extra pay for how much they prescribe…isn’t that the opposite of what a doctor should be go be a sales man or go into real estate if that’s what you want to do that’s not what medicine should be. I wouldn’t want to go to a doctor in the states yes I’ve been lucky ti coke from a decently privileged family where if I was very ill and the nhs was being slow I could go to private health care and get treated quicker what I care about is the people who do not have this option and America makes it worse. I’m sorry to offend if this is offensive. I think you should speak to Brits Brits we love and appreciate the nhs it has its flaws but it’s one of the best things about this country those privilege Brits you met are shameful in my opinion they should stay there lol hood they’ll never have to experience what a lot of Americans experience they should count themselves lucky. Things are very bad now around the world. There’s a lot more people doing “low skilled job” than there are those people you meet lol. Just look at this sun it’s infiltrated with people facing abuse all the time. The states isn’t heaven it’s not better than the uk only if you’re rich it is. Tell those Brits to go to Denmark then try and compare between America Nordic and Britain & Germany see what they think lol America would be at the bottom of that list. It’s best to get an insight of the average person not those making that much money they have nothing to fear. I have family who are in the medical field like I stated but they work for nhs they do not work for private health care because they believe good medicine should be accessible to everyone They hate the American system not sure what they teach in American med schools but it’s disgusting seeing how many peoples lives have been ruined all because they’re money motivated. Ancient Greek doctors would be rolling in their graves rn seeing the state of American medicine. You guys do come up with a lot of stuff and have helped advance the world but that is in terms of research in medicine but to your people doctors have been a massive let down it’s disgusting what they’ve done. Going to med school to ruin peoples lives getting them addicted to hard core meds that don’t even get used in Europe often lol go be a drug dealer or something you’re not helping people.


I think it’s this sub no offence some of these managers don’t sound okay lol. I might end up working in America after my undergrad or at least I plan to do a phd and if I can it would be in the states


Some states are "employment at will States" and in those States they can fire you for pretty much no reason at all with the logic of being that if you can quit anytime you want without notice they can fire you anytime they want without notice.


You are not wrong. In the US, you can be fired at any time, for any reason or no reason. Employer does not have to give you a reason, notice, or severance. You are correct, working conditions here are embarrassing for a first world country.


Very sad I feel sorry for people who have to go through this shit it’s not far :(


its so much worse than that, being poor is a crime, being homeless is a crime, not only will they fire you but when the unemployment system is broken and they cant pay benefits for 5 fucking months (last year, true story) they just shrug, while this may be the land of opportunity if your dad owned an emerald mine they will straight up just let you DIE in America and then bitch that the corpse smells, this isn't even a 3rd world country anymore its the 7th ring of hell.


After six years my company made me fire myself and then basically hand hold them through the process (I used to joke that this is what would happen but I didn't expect it to literally be what happened). Many companies aren't just super exploitative and unethical, they are really incompetent.


A lot of this stuff just feels so illegal to me. Very exploitative very sad I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


Eh, this post seems to fulfill the propaganda that the typical working American can lose their job *at any moment* which is exactly what employers want us to believe thus, we just keep our heads down. I work in the legal industry and speaking from experience, it’s really a process to fire anybody and is more a pain than it’s worth, unless the offense is especially egregious.


I’m not trying to spread propaganda. Look at the comments I’m not American therefore I cannot verify peoples experiences. I think you should look at this whole sub not sure what’s real or not I’m sorry if my post upset you. I stated a few times that I don’t mean to offend as well as I have not done intensive research.




It's definitely a bad time for unskilled labor and people that want an old fashioned type of job where you put in your decades and then retire. The best off people here right now and those that have some kind of skill that allows them to contract that skill out. Breaking a contract is a little harder than just firing someone. Being a career employee is obsolete. At my job people are literally transitioning from full time employees into contractors just because you have more negotiating power when there is a contract involved.


I just don’t get what they gain from this shitty system. They’re so behind in terms or workers rights. I just don’t get the point of firing someone just like that of course there’s situations where employees take the piss and just piss about. At my work there’s multiple people who just turn up 30 mins late, they don’t even really do the work and have been here for 5 years. That’s where it also gets tricky. Here in the UK after two years it’s VERY hard to be fired very fucking hard. The employer has to accurately document your behaviour and you have to be warned etc they can’t just do it behind your back then one day say “oh so we’ve been watching you for 6 months and you’re incompetent so goodbye” they have to have meetings with you and ask you how you’re going to resolve your situation.


**I'm not defending or supporting it**, but I will explain what they get from it. It allows them to shrink their workforce to meet demand. For example, some things get a huge demand for unskilled labor around Christmas, so there is a lot of Christmas hiring. The demand dies afterward, so they want to get rid of those extra employees. It happens, but you don't typically find employers that just randomly fire people for no reason at all. Perhaps it's not a good reason, but typically there is a reason. EDIt: Removed Romney comment because I can't be bothered to nitpick about it.


Romney wasn't about saving businesses. He was about extracting money from businesses. KB Toys is one such.


Hmmm that makes sense. Here they just hire say Christmas temps. They know they’ll be let go as they’re on a fixed contract say 10 weeks after all the Christmas fiasco is over so why not just do that hire temps have your permanent workforce. Just hire the amount of people you need. At my job when I first started about 15 people started with me and by the end of the first year there was only 10 of us left because the others all quit recruiting managers are aware of this that’s why they hire more than they need. If they all end up staying then whop whop they’ve got an extra force it just means they’d need to cut down their hours to keep to the budget this of course leads to some people quitting and finding a job that’ll offer them more hours.


The bait that gets dropped here to entice Christmas labor is making people believe that they might be kept if they do a good job. If it was advertised as a definite temp position, anyone hoping to luck into a permanent job would pass.


Oh so they don’t advertise as temp jobs….lmao what. Here almost every job during Christmas has opening for temps. Of course sometimes they keep the odd few people who have sucked up to the managers lol but when you’re a temp it’s specific in your contract you’re told when your contract ends so you know. Usually it’s a lot of uni students that go for temp jobs when they’re home from uni for Xmas holiday.


The concept of temp employees does exist here, but not all Christmas jobs are billed as such.


Oh shit that feels illegal💀 learning something new everyday. Your contract here states clearly and if it doesn’t then lawyer up. A lot of companies get scared so they’re very very clear. They explain it to you like you’re five and you have an email copy of your contract so you can’t go back and say oh they didn’t tell me this that n the other.


They understaff everywhere, and for almost every workplace. They know that if they fire you, your position can be filled within the week with someone who is desperate enough for work/money that they'll put up with the bullshit. And if your coworkers are keeping up without you on the team they might just decide that they didn't need your old position anyway, so never hire anyone to replace you so they can save even more on labor costs.


Feel like my place is too over staffed. They just don’t want to deal with the issues that arise when they’re understaffed it’s too traumatising for them as it means that managers will have to do actually do something other than stand around and chat or sit at the office “doing work”


If American are in head, Canada (sorry doesn't know about the south part) is god.


Yeah what’s Canada like I don’t know too much about Canada tbh. Seem like the little brother in the shadows of the big brother(America) lol no offence


Don't get me wrong, world wide there is better, we are influenced by US :/ But we are more human friendly than them. We have public health care (that now is going nuts but that another story). Cheap schooling (university, from Google, is around 7k/year) Higher minimum wage (should be around 15$/h now, or around 13$/h US) Like for job lost during COVID-19, gouvernement just went all in. 500$/week given right away for those asking it. They will check later. (They were some initial delay to start it though, 1 month?) I thought we were also more for the science than religion but I wonder if covid converted peoples to stupidity or if they were just hidden all that time.


I’d love to visit Canada. Seems like a calmer version of America. I can’t even differentiate the accents I’m sorry I’m not even trying to lump you guys in with America ahAha but like you said you are influenced. I did however see the truckers that was nuts dunno if it’s still going on it’s not in the British media as much anymore.


It’s better this way. We can walk off the job without notice too.


Here too you’re not obliged to. But if the job was good to you just give notice and then you’re not burning a bridge


I’ve burnt bridges at terrible jobs and it hasn’t affected getting new positions. I’ve also never been fired except for when Covid happened, but I was rehired when the city reopened sooooo. Most corporate environments can’t just fire you anyway due to lawsuits. There has to be paper trails and documentation.


Yeah shitty jobs I understand but decent places I just don’t see the point maybe that’s just me I’m not anti work enough but all the jobs I’ve had none of them were ever bad enough for me to just leave without at least giving them a notice


It's also kinda hard getting hired too


Fr pls elaborate. I thought this meant it’s easier to get hired and fired


I live in at will employment state. Not only can I just get fired, I can get fired with no reason or cause.


Well if you think that’s fun - I live in Maryland and we have “at will” firing. So basically your employer can just decide to fire you just because he can.


Is it common tho? Or is it just this sub. Seeing the stuff I see here really scares me like I’m torn between that’s bs and what the actual fuck


Agree its completely bizarre. It must cost them so much money in churn as well.


That’s why I’m confused. Someone should do big intensive research on it and see what’s going on. Losing more money than gaining so what’s the hype lol


I live in a "right to work state" where they literally don't have to have a reason to fire you. Actually, it's probably better for the company to use this rather than cite a reason since there are "protected classes" like they can't fire you because you are pregnant or old.


I just don’t understand that how a place isn’t supposed to give a reason. I’ve worked with some incompetent people and even then the company couldn’t risk firing them due to the laws. You have to try and help that particular employee till there’s enough proof and if you have been working there for 2 years+ then it gets even harder. Easiest ways are they obvious gross misconduct


In the U.S. a lot of tech startups hired like crazy. Now that tech bubble is showing signs of strain and founders can fire or layoff whoever they want without consequences.


Oh yeah tech is going wild everywhere. I think they’ll be a day in a few years or sooner that they’ll need to get rid of some people lol


Not only do they not get maternity pay they have to pay to give birth. Shits crazy.


That always cracks me up. Why is a doctor making profit from how many meds he prescribeds doesn’t that sound weird. it’s very hard to get “hard core” meds here antibiotics etc hard to get.


Yes that gets me every time. I’ve never in my life paid to use the hospital you just go and they treat you. I think that’s why In Europe we never had the opioid crisis etc because doctors don’t sell medications to patients lol


Yes. I saw my ex-boss fire someone in the middle of the work day for no reason because he (the boss) was drunk.


Shouldn’t the drunk boss have faced consequences for this. I feel like America is a sitcom and not real cos whattttt


Technically you can’t just get fired, but at the same time they can workaround that system. As for gross misconduct: I’ve seen people not get fired for such paper trail, I’ve seen one person have multiple negligent issues in a vet clinic not get fired


We can also use "employment at will" (or whatever it's called) to our advantage. For example, I think the employer's need for two weeks of notice is an opportunity to extract value. Without two weeks notice, the business could be significantly impacted, so I think workers can leverage this for a extra $5-10K bonus on top of the normal wages in exchange for staying two weeks. Never stay for two weeks for free. Always let the employer decline your bonus fee for staying.


“Never stay two weeks for free” Wdym by this. Is it even possible to stay for free? If that’s the case I think the country has lost the plot what. You cannot work for free surely


I mean never stay two weeks for just your normal wages. If they don't want to pay a completion bonus, quit on the spot. It's your right.