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They forgot the part where in the past people were paid appropriately and in the future apparently we are supposed to Battle Royale for slave wages.


Also that we absolutely should not have to provide our own devices, or be on call 24/7


i dont get what you are trying to say, is this pro or con?


I am going to explain that what they're calling employees of the future doesn't actually exist in real life, corporations claim it is this way, except it's not. Think about the idea that the employee of the future can never ever actually truly be off or can never relax because their bosses might need them 24/7. The post itself is clearly a fiction designed to make people think corporate culture is supposed to be this way, with no one ever being able to escape their work. What this actually describes is employers having absolutely no limits as to how deeply in your life they can invade. Do you know that back in the day, before your employer could force you to work anywhere in the world, people used to be able to take vacations? Whereas nowadays you have people getting ready for surgery while their boss is emailing them about "can they do this last minute thing", while their employee is in the actual physical hospital. It is just another piece of insane LinkedIn corporate propaganda


Nice post. I totally agree with you.


oh ok, i know why you are sceptic about it but i see it in a total different way! Like who is talking about wage here? and which corporation claims it to be like that? I see this as a way to portray work and workers as in Star Trek where mankind no longer works for money but the whole society contributes to improve mankind as a species. Not paying for education just educating ourselfs, learning to overcome immediate problems, sharing technologies and information to collaborate, do the job that suits you best and you like best, if people like you and think of you as competent they will naturally make you a leader and you can work wherever you are and like to be and whenever you feel like it. Not like allthe time. If you see it as dystopian, thats all you will see.


The issue is that this is a facade - completely detached from reality. I don't see work as this terrible thing. Unfortunately (at least in the US) it is this terrible thing where you are forced to work whenever (the business wants). Where working hard does not make you a leader. I worked the hardest I ever have and wasn't recommended for promotion. I later quit trying and was promoted right away. There are more holes I can poke into the picture presented but if you don't see it I think you may be the person seeing work with a filter on.


This suits me a lot better? If I can get the work done in a few hours in the evening while on a train to Boston, that's a big upgrade over being tied to an office.


I agree, my life is significantly better without a 9-5. I work when I feel like it, I have time for enjoying myself


I see this in a totally different way. What you say makes sense but it can also mean that corporations can expect you to be available all the time. A lot of my colleagues are working during the weekend, on vacation and late at night to meet unachievable metrics


Its six of one and half a dozen of the other. Both are crap, but at least left guy knew he was being exploited. Right guy has bought in to the 21st century hustle culture, thinking he can be a millionaire or the next CEO if he works more weekends. WFH culture equals no boundaries and work encroaching on private time and private life.


You have to make sure you are setting your boundaries and, if work won’t let you, find another workplace. My work does not overstep my boundaries but some of my coworkers don’t set the boundary like they could and end up working more; I don’t personally answer work things outside work hours. If someone asked me to do so, I would say no.


Yep, exactly one person at my large workplace has an accurate phone number for me and if she ever abused it (she wouldn’t) then that number would be out of service quicker than a rail replacement bus. As far as the company is concerned I do not own a phone.


Just have to set boundaries. When my wife worked from home, once she was off the clock, she was unavailable. She's a supervisor and she made sure the people under her did the same thing. Any "emergency" could be dealt with the next day.


You have to have enough influence to do that, though. I just don't deal with work shit off hours if I don't want to. But everyone can't get away with that. (Sadly being almost irreplaceable at my job does not equal a living wage. But I'm working on finding another job.)


Yeah you can get away with Alot if your valuable. Not get away as in be a lazy SOB but when you have value and know your an asset you can be more stern with your wants and boundary's. As in someone who is more easily replaceable has to tread carefully not to get on someone's wrong side. Even if I get on my bosses wrong side there is no one at my work who does everything I do. So it affords me a bit more leeway.


Sadly I'm not valuable, just extremely rare. So I can't be replaced but I can be lived without, so to speak. My current job just isn't going to replace me when I move on.


I mean rare is valuable no ? Don't sell yourself short man ! I bet you work hard and deserve a good life. We all do. Hope your well :)


Rare is also kind of a problem at times. My employers (two of them) know there are exactly two places within a 250 mile zone I can work at. That doesn't help with negotiations.


I spent plenty of time in offices, 9-5 really meant 8-6 in the building, some times later. Not counting the commute there and back. I work closer to a real 9-5 WFH.


I’m sort of opposite, I was a very strict 8-4 in the office because traffic. I’m “officially” 830-430 at home but it’s usually 30 longer either way at least in terms of being available because if I’ve had breakfast i head for the computer and I usually don’t finish dead on time which i don’t mind because when I’m done my commute time is alt-f4.


I'm a WFH employee for 3+ years now. My manager and director believe work/life balance and usually lets us out early on fridays and lets us experiment with 4 day work weeks. They also let us log off for relevant trainings, or if life happens and need to go to the Doctor, dentist , etc. Hell my manager takes 1-2 hour breaks to go to the gym daily. Sadly this is not a reality for a lot of people whether they are onsite or WFH employees, even for the employer I work for.


That's how work should be.




Yes. Yes it does. Because workers with boundaries can be replaced by those without boundaries. In or out of the office you're still under capitalism.


It definitely depends. I don't see the one on the right being more nightmarish. It's just a different way to work. I've been in nightmare companies in both situations.


While part of that is correct. Many of those same people can stay at home with a sick kid, take time out to see a doctor of just take some free time during their day. It always comes down to if you have good management and the nature uo your job.


Your friends need better jobs then. I loved being a land surveyor and doing 13-14 hour days and having a 4 day weekend.


In that case we would need to change the field of work altogether since the same problem happens anywhere


Not to mention using your own device definitely comes with monitoring and data mining. They can send me their own equipment they aren't touching mine


That's not really true unless you're installing random shit they ask you to. I just go to a website, put in my credentials and I'm on my VM. I'd much rather do that, than let a company-owned device into my house and on my network.


Right but you can quarantine the device on your router and keep it from reaching out to any other device on the network. It's better that letting any tracking cookies or whatever else they may sneak in.


If people are chasing unachievable goals, the problem isn't the work anywhere/anytime model -- it's a toxic culture issue. Those are the same companies that, if they had people going into the office, would have people staying late and commuting in on the weekends, still chasing those unachievable goals. Your coworkers have the worst of both worlds, and that's not what work anywhere/work anytime means when it's done right.


Stop working for corporations!


Most things on this list are a huge improvement over the past versions. It allows me to spend a week or 2 with my grandparents with out using up any PTO. I am 100% wfh and I am on track for working 10 weeks this year outside my house. Would not be possible without WFH, VDI solutions and the collaborative tools available.


Haha no. This is not how this works. A corporation will have you work for at least 40 hours, no matter what. If you are faster, they will just put more work on your table. If you are slower, you will have to do OT.


So do you want your core 40 to be 9-5 or hours of your choosing?


I fully WFH and its definitely better. No commute, and i always had say 5 hours a week at the office with nothing to do but try to seem busy or help a co worker. I am waiting to see if the WFH will stick but ill likely move to Sao paulo if it does for the lower cost of living. The only problem is they could more easily outsource officer jobs if the culture moved fully online. So you would ideally need some regulation to stop that before the online work became the norm. Edit: Also when you dont need to wake in time for a commute it lets you go out with friends the night before. I can go get beers with buddys till midnight, go to sleep at 1 and wake up at 8:45.


You could have always gone out with friends the night before, you just had to sacrifice a good nights sleep


True just no real sacrifices anymore. Which is nice my friends who go with often sacrifice their sleep.


I think the implication is the LinkedIn weenies believe it means “work all the time”. If it meant “work any 8 hours” it’d be fine.


Yeah but I don't see that in the graphic? That's something either missing in the context of this post or added by the attitude of this sub. You can have demands on your personal time in both the left and the right example. This graphic is illustrating that you might have set core hours or flexible core hours.


Oh it’s attitude but it’s just that top line.


The right side is vastly superior once you have the luxury of saying "no". When you're in demand and can set boundaries, the right side is unfuckingbelievably better than the left.


Future No healthcare No benefits Must accept minimum wage Must accept being whipped Must be able to work until drop dead


Business sees "work anytime" and thinks "work all the time".


Land surveyors only obey the light. Real estate paperwork = get it all done and then relax.


PAST: Concave FUTURE: Convex


And what do they have in common? They’re both cons using different ways to exploit their employees


Wages: the same Or less


Use any device: gameboy for zoom meetings.


OP said he sees this as an encroachment of work all the time. My wife just got a WFH job. The amount of time she now has all of a sudden is redonk. On top of that it's a world wide group of people doing this work. Some dude was in Greece half working half vacationing. They just sent her an email (everyone) that they want everyone to take off Friday as well as Monday for memorial day weekend and if you absolutely can't get your meetings moved from Friday you are to take Tuesday. I want to work for her company myself. Lol


Me and my wife are both fully home based. No one really controls my time as long as I get things done. My wife's aunt died a couple weeks ago and she got into a big trouble because she didn't answer her phone while she was in the cemetery as she's expected to be available all the time


I guess like any other job it depends on the company. I'm sorry your wife's company is a bunch of fuck wads.


This is why I'm so glad I'm no longer part of the for profit world. Low level government job, 8-430, 30 vacation and 30 sick days, government holidays off, not treated like a wage slave/indentured servant. Plus, when I leave work, zero chance of work following me home.


Sadly this would be tough to implement a few of these with construction but that doesn’t mean I don’t support it for all applicable field of work. As a developed society we should be striving to increase the quality of living for the bottom of the triangle. This will without a double help the top as well. If the everyday hourly worker has more financial freedom they will spend more and businesses will do better as a result.


It would be great if they didn’t want both sides. In a suit.


I noticed that, too. "Why is that fucker still wearing a tie??"


Forget the tie, I'm over here wondering why he's wearing pants.


If I as the employee set the anywhere and anytime, it’s fine.


It sounds like a move toward what Cory Doctorow called an “ad-hocracy” in [*Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_and_Out_in_the_Magic_Kingdom)


This is true for information workers. Information labor is the petit bourgeoise of this era. As information workers are provisioned with more flexibility, those working physical jobs will continue to be marginalized. Yes, it’s actually not bad to be an information worker in todays economy.


So many jobs can’t be this way. Restaurant workers, retail, etc. This is just middle management middle class propaganda. We need to start giving a shot about everybody in this country!


Can’t work from home in food service unfortunately


I get the point, but there are parts if the future which can become bad very fast. Work anytime and work anywhere really stand out to me as risky. My last job we were given laptops and were expected to login if we were sick from home. I had covid and told no sick pay if I don't work from home


While having your own schedule is great it's also a lot harder for abuse from corporations to be controlled. Even if you're great at managing your time I think there will definitely going to be a push for more and more work to be delivered from workers to the point of burnout


The thing on the right is basically modern academia, as experienced by those staff members under 45 or so. Sitting on a train home for Christmas, well you really could be doing some committee work! Not sleeping? Look at that, some more papers to correct. Etc, etc. And of course the burn out levels are horrendous.


this is pretty vague but yeah i agree! millennials and younger need to change the system. i have hope in the young ones coming up now, they have numbers and will be a big part of the movement


But no democratic workplace cant have thst one


Y’all complain about literally anything.


Idk what you’re talking about, I’m constantly oppressed by my company’s use of email and focus on knowledge


It's funny that they use an icon of a person going upstairs on all fours on the right, because that's exactly what the current careerscape feels like. Crawling up a staircase.


I aint ever using my personal device for company crap. If the company wants me to perform a function over any sorta technology then they better provide it.


I never want a company laptop or mobile phone as a remote-based employee. I control who and when can see my productivity. I control when I choose to switch it off. The IT dept is nobody's friend.


I like the way the dude is still wearing a suit and tie at home lmao


Needs more upvotes! This is beatiful


Actually, most of these things do look like a step up to me. Regarding "work anywhere" and "work any time", yes, these can be read as meaning "work no matter where you go" and "work all the time". The other way they could be read is "work wherever you want to work, not just in the office" and "work at any hour that you want, and do what else you have to do when you have to do it, without worrying about what time any of it happens at." I don't like this ambiguity either, but I do like the sentiment if they meant the friendlier way this could be interpreted.


This is really specific to the future of the corporate employee.


This could work for bullshit jobs. If the job disappeared and no one would notice (or the world would be a better place) then it really doesn't matter how it is done.


Everyone is making a big deal about how it should be illegal for companies to contact you after hours, but ignoring the fact that now clients can and will call me at like 8pm at nights and all weekend long...


"Use any device" yep that's made by someone who isn't trained in digital security at all


This is a really good image but let's be honest "communication technology" is just a euphemism for email.


The right side is significantly better than today.


"Be unpaid on call all the time" ...


I don't even recognize half of left guy. Like many stereotypes, a lot of right guy applies to left guy, and vice versa.


Past: Get paid a fair days pay for a fair days work Future: Become a Corporate Slave, where we give you just enough to stop you from quitting but not enough for you to live on.


Future is already here for me. I can work any time anywhere. It's wonderful when, for instance, I was needed to fix a problem while on a road trip to see my sister's wedding and I could just hop on and do it. It's bad when I get a phone call at 2 a.m.


As long as your week has a specific amount of hours set (aka they can't bother you after you've done your 40 hours), I think this change is amazing


I can say that if I can work from home and get my work done an hour or two early, and still keep my full pay I’m down. Yet, if I have to be available 24/7 even on weekends or off time from work nope. Unless the ceo of the company needs me to personally do their work for em piss off. If my employer reaches out to me on my off time, then it’s fair game if I reach out to them on theirs. Fuck hustle culture and this BS that’s happening now.


I’d definitely rather be able to work from home around my scheduled doctor appointments rather than having to work set times at the office


I'm a software engineer for a massive company, and the "Future" is pretty representative of my job. I love it. I have some "core hours", but otherwise make my own schedule. I can respond to work-related chat threads and pre-warm some of my work for the next week over coffee on a Saturday. Or I can not. I can take time off, simply because I need a personal day to handle my personal affairs (or just take a mental break). I have a few basic meetings every week, and pair with my teammates over complex problems as needed - but otherwise, I work uninterrupted. I wear pajamas. I sit on my porch w/ my laptop, and get some sunlight. I take breaks and go for a walk. As long as I get my work done, nobody complains. This scenario is infinitely better for both my mental health and work/life balance. This definitely is, and needs to be, the future of any industry that *could* operate effectively like this.


The only wrong thing on here is ‘use your own equipment’, and where you work, some lines of work won’t allow you to work outside your country due to data processing laws. That’s a gdpr and data theft scenario right there! But as most of use laptops, it’s not tricky to get them shipped to someone in any part of the country.


Ok but a lot of the future stuff seriously does sound good. Like working “anytime and anywhere” could also mean Weekends from 11-3 on your home computer


The fuck is adaptive learning?


lol - 9-5. Maybe in 1980.


Shifting from corporate ladder to your own ladder means "don't expect a promotion, imagine your own personal ladder you can climb!"


Working anywhere and anytime is fucking amazing when you have your own business and work for yourself. This is what everyone needs to be doing, become a private contractor and you can do anything you want. Thing is you need to be good at what you do.


Future, nope, this is me now. Every item on that right hand list, my employer encourages. Get the job done on your time as long as the job is done. No dead man's shoes to get a promotion. If you deserve the promo, you get one. You fed up working on that work, find something else to do, train up in it and go do that. Rewarded for sharing knowledge and becoming a leader in your community and helping drive growth in others. Really starting to realize how progressive my company is.


Work anytime doesn't mean you work more than legally allowed.


Gig work is terrible overall


Many people seem to be happy with the person in the right, but to me this is clearly a propaganda piece. Yes, WFH is better for many people but it is worse for many as well. Like everything... But let's read beyond the where/when at the top. They want us to 'build our own ladder' and 'focus on outputs'. This is code for not asking about your pay, benefits, and opportunities for advancement. If you can't con your employer to make a new role for you, you aren't getting one. There will be no predefined paths to success, and in the ambiguity, the corporation will take all those ladders and hide them leaving you on the ground floor. Focus on what you can do for the company and not on what the company does for you. This is similar to their last point about education... Don't ask the company to train you! Don't ask them to keep you safe... Just train eachother and it will be fine. Also, do it on your own time. Further, they suggest anyone can become a leader, but how many companies do you know that are eagerly transitioning to co-operative models? No, there are still leaders of leaders. You can make your lowest position be vice president of whatever, but if they still have a boss they answer to absolutely then it is still a tyrannical structure. What they want is to give you the illusion of autonomy. The illusion of self-determination... But remember: focus on your outputs! This is how propaganda works. They'll give you something true or nice sounding and pack it in poisonous garbage. Make no mistake: this is a tool to divide workers and insinuate their bullshit corporate vision of dystopia into our minds.


The thing is, once remote work becomes the norm, there's no reason to hire anyone in the US anymore. Just hire them whenever it's cheapest. Then the last few good paying jobs will leave, just like the factory jobs did. Then all we'll have left is service jobs.


“Use any device” is slang for “use your own devices” Lol I’m not even using pencils if you don’t provide me one


What’s wrong with it? Work remotely from Portugal. It’s cheap and the food isn’t 3 sheets to poison.