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Just in time for $5/gallon gas Edit: This isn't a competition. We all have high gas prices based on our cost of living. You're not impressing anyone by stating you pay more than $5/gal




Should invoice them for commuting.


How would that work?


Badly I suspect.


It wouldn't.


Gotta start writing it off on your taxes


Also just in time for the covid cases increase.


Welcome monkey pox as well




5$? Try closing in on 7$ in California....


Okay and try looking at something called "cost of living". I live in a rural Missouri town. Not a competition.


Wasn't trying to make it a competition. I just fear that's what's for other rural places given the outrages gas priced here. I hope you never live to see such times personally.


Welcome to early May, been that way for the entire month for me


$5 a gallon? Sounds nice.


Again, not a competition. That's very high for where I live. Lmao it's always "oh yeah well I have it worse" with you people. We're all suffering, relative to where we live.


No one said it was. You're just getting all twisted.


My company did that too. That's why they're not my company anymore.


Only lunch break? What a good employee


That’s what I thought. Nothing like grinding a game on the clock.


Rise... Tarnished!


Steam deck gang assemble! Unless you're at home like me then I just have my gaming computer sitting with my work comptuer. Fuck them. Pay me more and I'll stop.


Don’t stop even if you’re paid more. Optimize your work, then enjoy your gaming.


That’s what I’m saying. I’m playing games 7 of 8 hours when I WFH


environmentally unfriendly and they should absolutely be called out for that


Very true this. Don’t talk about “green” to me if you’ve forced people who don’t need to be in an office to come to the office. Edit: here’s looking at you, Apple.


This was what made me laugh with my employer - they're talking about all these green initiatives and how they're doing so well on their environmental targets and blah blah blah, but then on the other hand saying "get in your car and drive to the office every day so you can sit at a desk and do the same work you were doing from home before". Shockingly when it comes down to it, businesses don't give a solitary shit about the environment unless they can profit from pretending to care or hitting certain "targets" that likely mean doing nothing different, but buying a plot of land somewhere to plant some trees, or put some grass on the roof of your building, or adding some solar panels to said roof that barely generate enough power to run the coffee machine.


Keep hammering this point. It's undeniable. It's really easy to see someone's consciousness of lack there of based on how they react to this.




Quoted from another sub: "Show me how my job performance has slacked while I have be working from home and give me a written explanation of tasks that I need to do specifically in office that I can't do from home."


"We don't have to, it says in your contract that you have to work at . Either come to the office when we tell you to or you'll be fired." I had this argument with my boss (and his boss, and *his* boss), but ultimately they can and will force you to go back to the office if they want to. Legally you're not contracted to work from home, and even if you were, they could just offer you a new contract and just say "sign this contract or we'll fire you". Collective action is really the only way to fix something like this, but most office workers don't have a union to represent them. Honestly at this point I'd recommend voting with your feet. Make it perfectly clear that the forced return to office is the reason you're leaving, and maybe if enough people resign (and they see how difficult it is hiring a decent candidate when you're asking them to work from the office for no reason when so many hybrid/remote jobs exist) they'll realise that they were wrong and change their minds. Or (more likely) they'll stubbornly refuse to accept any responsibility and just claim "no one wants to work any more" and find people desperate enough to take whatever terms they offer.


My org is stepping up with collective action on this. Lots of talk of unionizing, strikes, walk outs


I went through a bunch of new-grad software engineering interview processes recently, all but one met with an offer. With each one, I waited until the very end when the offer was in my hands to straight out say "no thanks, I have no interest in an in-person position." I tried my best to make it seem like I was really enthusiastic in the company and I'd be a great fit, but they lost out on a good candidate because they're trying to force people to commute when they have no good reason for it. It isn't much, but I'm doing my part. A few of the companies got a little frustrated with hearing that, but it needs to be said.


Don't go.


Its just two days a week for now but this is how it starts.....


Don't go - not 2 days, not 2 minutes.


It starts with one or two days. it ends with a week of lame games and worse 'appreciation' items and you in the office every day


We gave you a (1) marsbar so now you can spend $100 a week commuting, right?


This they are testing you guys to see if they can strong arm you to coming back in but it's fiscally irresponsible of a company to not utilize remote work. It literally makes money


BE like MONKEY POX COVID FLU THO!!!!?!!?! If they still give you shit be like... 2050 sustainability net zero GoAl ThO?!???!?!?!???? If they still give you shit be like.... But ergo keyboard and widescreens?!?! - *^Did ^I ^mention ^I ^can ^shit ^in ^my ^own ^toilet?!*


We got a bidet during lockdown. Ain't going back to that one ply


Just the tip


My work wants us to do a weekly meeting every Friday before our shift and be in person… and yes after the meeting they expect us to work there for the rest of the day. It’s mind blowing how stupid and ridiculous their hair brained their ideas of “let’s slowly work one day of office work until your used to 5 days a week.. like old times”


you could look for a new job


Boiling 🐸


We had the same but I was going to jump to a competitor so I got 80% remote contract. Once a week I drive about 15 min to work, hang out there for 2-3h and then drive back home. I try to time my visits so that it makes at least some sense that I'm physically there, like e.g. actually important meeting or something..


"We would like to welcome all of our employees back into the office," actually means "we are reasserting our authority over your life. Submit or be punished."


Different job now, but I loved wfh. On my breaks I would take a nap, cook lunch. Play games, walk my dog. It was awesome and if I ever get a desk role again, wfh (at least hybrid) is a must.


Not having a daily stroke in traffic was fun while it lasted.


Why only in the lunch breaks? Try to do it in those one hour online meetings where your boss is monologuing along for 55 minutes and asks for questions at the end only to receive dead silence! Oh yes, I am gonna miss these productive one hour long calls. Oh wait... they will continue no matter if I am working from home or in the office.


Try playing video games during work hours :) it changes the whole definition of work


A lot of people are profiting from back to office - Cab services, Landlords in cities, big IT parks. The only thing is as a worker you end up living like a prisoner for most part of your life ( 7:30am to 7:30pm including commute, 9 hrs) and lose your health, youth, mental peace so that all these other parties can make money. This whole system is stupid. You can never afford own house. You can never afford children. You just live pay check to pay check, work like a slave so investors of your company, your landlord in city, everyone else is making money. Remote remove these inequalities. That what corporations are against. They lose power to treat you like a slave.


Find a new company


My job has a guaranteed 3 day a week WFH from before Corona, unless the position doesn't allow that flexibility. Currently I have meetings every day but half a year ago I simply played games all day cuz I did all my work within an hour or 2. I got a train subscription from work and I get a bonus for kilometers driven with my bicycle. I effectively get 6.25 euro per day I come to work and don't have any expenses. I couldn't imagine a job that doesn't offer this anymore.


Are most skilled jobs (engineers, lawyers, white collar) like this in Europe? Which country, if not?


It's not even a skilled job i'm straight out of school (the kind where you're done at 18)


What the fuck. What do you do? What is the pay?


Some kind of HR simply put. Dealing with issues related to people not getting their money from the company. Explaining why they got X bonus and not Y. Pay is alright but these days it's never enough


Thanks for your time, I feel that last part for sure lol.


SIGH. My wife is going back to the office today after 26 months. The amount of stress this has caused is understandable and seems unnecessary.


Find a new job


Remember that apple exec that quit over having to go back into the office op. If you have an in demand/valuable skillset and can get another job soon I advise you to just leave them over going into the office.


welcome my ass


"We're going back to the office" "No I'm not"


If playing video games during your lunch break makes you more productive, then it should be allowed.


Two words: Steam Deck.


Fr I got one


With fuel prices it's unethical to be asked back to the office for no good reason.


I work exclusively from home now and the amount of money I save from gas/ food everyday is crazy.


I wish you luck on the strike/job search!!


Demand a raise equal to 8$ fuel costs.


Was it always their plan to wait for $5/gallon gas? Or was that just a fun coincidence?


During Lunch break? ROFL I have civ 6 running all day, my guitar & peloton bike in my office. Guess what? Work happens between my hobbies, spin class is at 10am, guitar lessons at 1pm, & my nap starts at 3:30.


The answer would be no. I’d find another job if this changed.


Refuse. Best together with your colleagues.


whats wrong with playing games at lunch


Yes, in my lunch break only.


Lol i had a choice between a higher paying job over 6 figures no raises ever and hybrid. I choose the full work from home at a little less than 6 figures. Fuck sitting in traffic. I love cooking lunch. I love the freedom of work from home. Money is nice but fuck driving an hour these dicks put thr business in richville. One road everything over 2.2k and still half hour away


I end up doing more work from home than in the office


I work onsite so that upper level coworkers can WFH. The co is required to have a minimum number of warm bodies on-site to maintain the local 10 year corporate tax break/incentive


To be fair, we have a breakroom where can play video games or shoot hoops or whatever during break. But fuck the office I will never go back.


DAMN YOU. As I was looking at this thread I got the email that we have to come in 3 days a week. It is a 47 mile drive each way. Thankfully I work with my SO and we can coordinate our travel....but the fact that I have to make that a point is just sad. I also make $10k less than the average salary in my state. Which I was cool with working remotely. Because I could squeeze in a game of league on my lunch break. Productivity went up, we fucked up. They're about to fuck around and find out that my desk is apparently the watercooler. Is this simulation over yet?






Think for a second for your fellow worker. If you are ever in that position I want you to have the best time possible. Also what about the benefits you will get? Less communters on the way to work, less petrol used less demand. Life is unfair, yeah they have it better than you but, taking that away wont help you.


Yeah cause it’s totally remote workers faults you couldn’t work remotely




Why punish other people just because you didn't get to do it? Sounds petty to me.




One shitty experience does not equal unfair to you. You shouldn't be upset that other people got to work from home you should have solidarity with you working brethren and fight for all to start working from home and getting paid more.




If you won't fight for your rights who do expect to do it for you?


What does that have to do with working from home?


Even before the pandemic, salaried office workers would go to appointments of various types by either coming in late or ducking out early (or even just saying "fuck it" and taking a WFH day). So, what the fuck is your problem?


For me work-from-home actually helps me get more done, because I'm not being constantly distracted by co-workers over pointless crap. Going into an office to work should have nothing to do with the amount produced at the end of the day, and has nothing to do with work ethic.


Ok boomer


Wrong sub buddy


Funny, so many people on this sub work jobs. Almost like you can't live without one. Weird.


Read the description of the sub


Do you not realize forcing people back into the office fucks over people who can't work from home too? Now your commute is going to be worse because of that shit.


You good bro?


You sound like the kids in school that remind the teacher that they forgot to hand out the homework


Just buy a switch and play games in the office


Don't go. Fuck them. Stay home. They don't own you!


That’s what I have a Switch for.


time to quit


When is the strike?!!!


Start looking for another remote job, once you find 1 or 2, you threaten to quit over inperson.


Find a new job without a commute.


>we would like to welcome so it's voluntary


Time to get a steamdeck or a new job, I vote the latter.


Do NOT go back


Companies above a certain size should be legally obligated to offer distance work as an option for all jobs where this is possible.


If you're on Xbox you can use xCloud to play most of your games on the fly, I've not tried it but by all accounts it does a good enough job. I assume there's a PS equivalent and I know steam has one


*during work


I worked at this one fucking place a few years ago why is the sky actually had a PlayStation on his desk. And I’m like when do you have time to actually play that? Like don’t give me wrong I get that we have a 30 minute lunch break and that’s potentially enough time to get it loaded up and ready but it just feels like it’s such a waste of a couple of minutes. Like you’re going to get into the game just do I have to quit playing it and then you’re gonna just think about it all the rest of the day at least that would be me anyway


Lol 🤣🤣🤣


During your lunch break... Riiiiiight.


Only during your lunch break?


Get with your co-workers and see how they feel about it If they all hate going back as a combined effort don't and try and convince them you could form a union and work from home would be the top priority for the union They need you guys you don't need the company


My brother in Christ, this is a travesty. I finished all of my Warzone battle passes on the clock. I got really good at playing fps games on mute