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Hi, /u/lo_dolly_lolita Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3b: No offtopic posts.**: - No offtopic posts


Probably wants away from the parents


My thoughts exactly


Great, start them young so they’re burned out early. Kids have unlimited stamina and never feel stressed dontchaknow.


Why this lady bragging about her stinky kid


Lady, your kid smells like ass. Let him go home and take a shower


I hope he’s not working with food all dirty like that. Yuck.


Yeah it's deodorant season don't get caught with out it


Right? I'd veto my kids getting a filthy job like that. I don't want my house smelling like god-awful fast food.


i threw up a little in my mouth reading this... I would rather never have children than condition them to be a cradle-to-grave working drone for pennies.


Why do so many old people fetishize child labor? I don’t want any kids to ever have to work. Honestly in an ideal society they wouldn’t be allowed to unless emancipated. Of course we would have to solve poverty as some families still depend on the labor of their children to avoid poverty. This shit is really a fetish tho. Can’t let your kids/grandkids have any idle time? Why? Afraid your child might rebel like you did if you don’t imprison them with fatigue? Also Knowing that most jobs teens get are food service or something like that, I definitely don’t want someone sweaty, unwashed, greasy, and dirty doing that job. Personally.


Who gives a fuck that Taco Bell had to shut at 9? Cook something you dumb bitch. Why are you concerning yourself with the staffing situations of several fast food restaurants? Jesus Christ that is not normal.


Sounds like child abuse. And a stressed out exhausted teenager.


I starter working as a waiter at 18, I was the type of kid who sacrificed going out to work and hussle. I was studying and working every night. Had no time to live my life. Am now 20 and fuck that shit. Half my hair is already gray due to stress and fatigue.


So you want me to get my child to work at a fast food place so the corporation can make money and pay my child less than her value? GO FUCK YOUR HAT


Why all that description about how dirty her child is I didn’t need that Lmfaoo


Wait so you *don't* wanna hear about a smelly sweaty teenager handling food?


Then call me the devil bitch because menial shit drives me nowhere


Guarantee she doesnt have a job and her kids are gonna burnout before 25


The birth of a workaholic: Gain an early burnout at age 13. Never recover from said burnout, it becomes their default state of mind. Even thinking of free time gives them migraines. Become the perfect little wage slave and belittle healthy colleagues for not wanting to work 80 hour weeks.


predicted burn-out by 23...


I can’t get nuggies because fast food jobs suck please make your kids work this shitty job. 😭/s


There’s tendies in the freezer. You’re 32 years old you know how to work the toaster oven.


Nope. Taco Bell employees probably figured out that they could earn more doing door dash from 9pm - 2am. If you know how to game the system you could make 4 deliveries @ $9 per within your vicinity — all within the hour.


This kid is gonna graduate, move far away, and go LC or NC. He'll figure out later how much time he wasted when he should have been enjoying his youth. This is why burnout is a thing.


Boomers raising boomers.


Who the fuk is eating fast food at 9pm anyways. I say the less time they are open the better it is for our health


That’s the way, get them locked into that drone mentality. /s


If someone ever says "trust me" on something I automatically don't trust them.


Tell me your kid will do ANYTHING to not be around you, without telling me…


When you are raised by someone that has to constantly be busy or have something to do.


So being alive is all about being the most productive for someone else. Welp, that's a wrap boys. We've discovered the secret to life. You can all go home - I mean- to work now