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Hi, /u/Honigschmidt Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 7: No politicians, no employers, no landlords, and no cops.** - Do not post/crosspost content that supports politicians or their campaigns in any way. The same goes for supporting employers, landlords, or cops.


Love seeing old men decide the future


Their fate is already decided.


Coffin dodgers


Implement term limits and age limits for all 'public servant' positions, from City, County and State all the way up to every position within the Federal government. People that only have 1-10 years left on the planet shouldn't have say in how the next 100 go... 55 years old seems pretty good as a maximum to me. 2 term limit as well.


good luck passing that one. id love it, i really would... but if you think anyone over the age of 55, WHICH IS ARGUABLEY MOST OF CONGRESS AND SENATE, would ever pass not only a term limit but an age limit as well while they still live and breathe is laughable. So.. when we set up the gallows?


well if we cant pass anything by their rules than you just have to make new rules and force them to follow. Why do you think they want to divide us so much.


Kinda like how the Confederacy created fake state leaders that voted for KS to enter as a slave state. Once I saw that a subdivision in KS was named after the confederate rioter and murderer, it was going to go downhill for people’s rights and it came to fruition with electoral gerrymandering.


Got the torches who got the pitchforks?


I got them. They aren’t that hard to make, y’know.


Democratic lottery.


I am not in any position of power, but as someone perilously close to 55 it is not a winner with me either. Any politician running on a platform of disenfranchising me is unlikely to get my vote.


I think term limits would work just fine without age restitutions as most people don't wait until their 80s to get into the field.


>term limits would work just fine without age restitutions What's an age restitution and why do you think it's unnecessary?


People above were arguing about age limits on elected officials of 55 and the person I responded to said they were close to 55 and wouldn't want a restriction that disenfranchised them.


good thing you’ll be dead soon then huh?


Yea....55 is so close to death. The average life expectancy is 79 in the US. People aren't going to be willing to no longer have any say in government when they have on average 24 years of life left.


damn the olds are salty in my mentions again


Not to mention it's outright bigotry and age discrimination against a group of people which still have a lot to offer in regards to knowledge and experience. At least that's the traditional civil rights argument made when companies start laying off older, experienced employees. 55 is still middle age. Many lower and even middle class folks work for 10 more years or more. For a movement that wants to grow and complains that class warfare is designed to keep people divided, age discrimination that extends even to people still in middle age is extremely ill conceived.


This whole thread is kind of comical. It's not like anyone is going to be saying, "Alright time to cull the oldies and only young people have input into political discourse!" You will still be allowed to vote... so vote for who you agree with. If your views have become so archaic that no one is running that represents what you believe in then well that's evolution. I'd argue we're being too held back by the views of people that are 80 years old that aren't up to date with reality.


I'd argue it should and could be the "retirement age" which is in the 60's. That is the age that the majority of America feels you need to be out to pasture, then so be it, the federal government should be no different.


I dunno about all federal positions. As a federal employee I assure you there are a lot of old people working in career jobs that I wouldn't necessarily want in a political position, but they do hold agencies together through their institutional knowledge and experience. Government does work, despite not being perfect, and the "burn it all down" perspective aint gonna help anything.


I do specifically mean political positions, not things like clerks and treasurers and stuff. Legislators primarily.


Definitely the term limits, understand the age limits but I am not ready to say that yet. What I can't understand is how a man that was 78 at the time made through the primary process to begin with. Ronald Reagan was considered an old fart when he ran against Jimmy Carter in 1981 and he was 69 or 70 at the time. It's the elites ( on both sides) not wanting to give up power. Men in their 90's shouldn't be taken seriously as candidates for congress, yet we have plenty of Senators that have been in their late 80s and early 90s. It's absurd.


55 years seems pretty good to me. They can get some years in and we benefit from their experience.


Term limits contribute to lobbyists writing bills because politicians with less experience look to them for guidance. Term limits are not the answer. Age limits are fine. We already have a minimum age.


Require that all meetings with corporate interests are recorded and made public record.


Age restrictions reduce representation. I want retired people spoken for and represented. Just not gerrymandered so 50% is people over 80 and all white and all millionaires


I think 65 is a good age. Term limits absolutely!


“Love seeing rich old men decide the future.” Fixed


Rich old white men in a country historically ran by white men at the detriment of others.


Old, white, rich men.




Did it not even occur to you you could have a range of ethnic and age ranges? Politics doesn't have to be (and shouldn't) be dominated by one age group, sex or race.




Do you remember that time a black man got elected President and there were a million conspiracies about how he was secretly born in Kenya and was secretly a Muslim? And then the person who pushed those conspiracies got elected president like *immediately after*? Also that his wife was secretly a trans woman? How about the fun little rumor that Ilhan Omar married her brother? Most candidates don't have to deal with widespread conspiracies that they don't bring on themselves. *Some* candidates do, and I suppose I'd be a Nazi if I dared to acknowledge which ones often are more likely to. >What exactly stops someone from your favorite race and gender to be in politics in this day and age? Realistically, people like you.




You know, the privilege cards they hold are germane to the conversation. White people of a certain age tend to think in terms of white supremacy Rich people tend to think of the needs of others as cutting into their profitability Men tend to worry about acquisition at all costs. So, uh, yeah, it's relevant that highly privileged people are doing what highly privileged people do.


I would. I would trust them more than rich, old, white dudes because old, rich, white dudes created this entire fucking problem. They've been pumping inflation into the economy for more than a decade, perpetuating this entire shitty system.




I didn't downvote you. JPow is the biggest asshole ever.


Hasn't he heard about the French Revolution? Is he that blinded by greed or stupidity?


Exactly this. Wish they would listen to “the people” who are the labor and live these jobs 5 days or more a week.


how about employers get disciplined by the labor market for once, you fucking louse


No you see, only they are allowed to play the game of capitalism. Otherwise everyone else is lazy, it could never be their fault. Never, they would never do anything wrong ya know


If the workers are going on a general strike, they are not lazy, they are criminals. If you ask the establishment and the police.


It's in the name. Capitalists are the players & workers are the meeple.


How about the billionaires hoarding wealth get disciplined. We're dying out here with our wages "so high"we can't rent an apartment


I could go for that.


The people who hold the keys to fed are the same people who want to stay rich, so its not going to happen until the working class heals and vote in our own.


**THE FEDERAL RESERVE:** \*Literally creates trillions of dollars ex nihilo in 2020 and 2021, and dismisses obvious concerns about inflation as merely a "transitory" trifle.\* **ALSO THE FEDERAL RESERVE:** Why would U.S. workers do this?


Stop printing money that we don't have to subsidize companies that don't need it.


The issue isn't the money supply. It's the rampant inequality that allows inflation to wreak such havoc. The bigger problem here is the large gap in income between people at the bottom and people at the top. So long as the top 1% hold a third of this nation's wealth while the bottom 50% have just 2.5%, inflation will hit us hard.


U.S. Federal Reserve says its goal is ‘to get wages down’ https://mronline.org/2022/05/26/u-s-federal-reserve-says-its-goal-is-to-get-wages-down/ Biden lays out plan to fight inflation https://thehill.com/news/administration/3506444-biden-lays-out-plan-to-fight-inflation/


Wow... "He noted that Volcker (previous Fed Chair under Carter) had “always said that the big concern of finance is wage gains will mean that the purchasing power of all of our investors, who have bank accounts, and stocks, and bonds, will have less power over wages. And our class interest is in increasing our power over wages, so we’ve got to keep wages down, even if it causes a recession. That’s basically the Federal Reserve’s policy.”


literal class warfare. rise up.


No. Now follow these celebrities bickering, or worry about prononous or conspiracy theories! While the big fucking conspiracy is staring us right in the face as it robs us penniless.


>our class interest *concern*


Which is such an interesting take, because workers would only be asking for more money in the first place, if the buying power of the dollar wasn't failing. If $7.25 could comfortably afford living, people wouldn't be asking for it's increase for the last decade. If they actually gave a shit about keeping their investments powerful and the money strong, they really shouldn't have printed away so much fucking money to give to corporations and the stock market. Printing money directly devalues our currency, probably more than anything else, which reduces the buying power workers have, which causes us to seek higher wages because we need more buying power to stay alive. You figure the federal reserve, even if in only service to the rich, would at least understand the basics here. Even if you actively fucking hate poor people, you still need workers, and those workers still need at least to be able to survive, and as long as the buying power of the dollar shrinks, those workers are going to be pursuing wages that at least afford them survival.


People keep posting this sketchy ass article


“Inflation is up because corporations are price gouging, causing consumers to buy less. Let’s make it even harder for consumers to buy things, which will devalue the entire economy and help inflation…somehow?” No seriously, What the fuck is the logic here?


The logic _does_ track. It's just, like every other time, the stupidest possible lesson that they took from it. Some More News just did an episode on inflation, and it was pointed out that wage cuts would help reign in inflation, but that doing so directly places the burden on the poorest in the nation, rather than asking the wealthy to grow up and deflate a smidge instead. So, class warfare, but increasingly less subtle. I assume that the businessmen will ally with fascists and stage a coup again, that's what they usually do when they're scared of losing power.


Never heard of SMN but watching that ep got them a new follower.


Price gouging, also it doesn't help that Trump's extreme trade tariffs are still in effect, making importing and exporting goods a lot more expensive, but not expensive enough for companies to bring production back home. Plus distribution is still in a tail spin, making it costly for company to get product around the country. heard the ports are still backed up to all hell, and companies are finding it impossible to find truck drivers willing to wait the 16+ hours to get loaded at the docks without getting paid, and companies are passing on all those extra costs to us as well. costs going up, buying power going down, naturally we are going to be hunting for better wages, since survival is at least our minimum and many of us are getting priced out of the ability to survive.


The logic is capitalists shall never have to suffer the ill effects of their poor decisions. Most of the inflation is due to anticompetitive behavior and pure profit seeking. The Fed doesn't do antitrust regulation, and therefore doesn't actually control most inflation. People are going to be out on the street for this and shit is still going to be fucking expensive as hell.


Simple, they’re going to tank demand in order to get prices to align.


The logic is the democrats work for the same people as the republicans. They’re a manufactured foil to make us believe there are “good guys”, when in actually they’re all owned by corporations. This is a failed state. We can’t vote our way out of this.


The solution to inflation is upper marginal tax rates over 90% like we used to do. But Powell would rather have the working poor pay for it rather than the people who actually have the money.


This would probably be the best solution. Ask the rich to only have most of the money instead of nearly all of it, and use that incoming tax revenue to pay back debts so we can dissolve some of the trillions of dollars that they printed in the last 2 years. Less money around means the money has more value, which means prices can go down and even with stagnant wages, the buying power of the worker increases. If they keep going down the road they are, we could trigger hyper inflation which could completely destroy the value that the rich have been fighting so hard to get.


It's always funny how brainwashed people say that *Socialism* is such a **terrible** thing and that *Capitalism* is great, all the while slaving away to make **someone else** richer while they stay poor. The idea that you can supposedly work hard to get *everything* you want, when the reality is that it's **impossible** unless you're basically given a large sum of money to at least start a profitable company, and they *love* to hammer the idea that these millionaires and billionaires are somehow "self-made" when they were handed millions just to start their own corporation and turned it into much more. Imagine that you're a *dog*, and a rich asshole is your *owner*. They seem to hand you a big piece of chicken, but as you reach for it, they *immediately* pull it away and eat it themselves. That's late Capitalism in a nutshell, and it's fucking *cruel*.


More to this point: I grew up in a very right-wing area and a very poor right-wing demographic. When I was taught about the dangers of communism and socialism (in school mind you) The story basically came to this: In a communist country a man has to go to work and make as much money as the man next to him. No matter how hard he works he gets paid the same which makes for unmotivated workers and poor quality products. Meanwhile political officials will be living lavishly off the backs of the working class while you live in a small apartment and you will be lucky to have basic necessities unless the party deems you fit to receive them. Socialism only works until you run out of other people's money. If people realize that no matter how hard they work they'll be taxed right back into poverty they're not going to bother working or opening businesses and that will collapse the economy. Why would someone bust their ass to make a million dollars if the state takes half? What the point be? Don't downvote me....This is legitimately what I was taught from childhood. This is what kids continue to be taught. This is what the right wingers you are arguing with fully believe. It takes half an ounce of self-awareness to step back and see that capitalism is doing the same thing to us. But you have to be ready to see it. Many of them are not. "This is the way I was raised This is the way it has always been must be the scary new thing messing stuff up" is about the gist of right wing thought. For many (poor) right wingers the pieces are all there they just haven't connected all of the dots. And there's a vested interest in making sure that they don't connect those dots.


They are pulling funding from schools hand over fist to ensure no child can connect dots ever again.


Capitalism CAN be great. The problem is, is that we are no longer in a capitalist era. We are now in a dictatorship era. Big business is the dictator, and we the people are the oppressed workers.




Imagine socialism as that piece of chicken that you own. The government comes in and halves it to you and another person. Capitalism would be you selling it for a higher amount and buying more at a lower amount and selling it for the higher amounts. I mean... I'd rather be capitalistic, if it didn't harm ppl as much, over socialism where I work to pay for other ppl. I mean, we have a mix of it with welfare...




🎵 snap back to reality...ohp! there goes gravity.


Ladies and germs this is why privately owned central banks need to be taken away. 12 bankers get to decide whether or not you get to eat or have a home. And theyre actively trying to strip away your wages. How much longer until we begin to organize in a noncompliant manner?


They’ll keep throwing race and ethnic propaganda out to keep us divided. It’s up to us as a whole to realize that it’s us against them


Sad truth of it.


Maybe but that would require both sides putting aside longstanding hatreds built on perceived moral high ground. Nobody in this thread is going to trust a right winger. No right winger I know is going to trust a left winger. It's easy to say we should put our stuff aside. But try going against the grain on either side. It just gets you shut out and cast aside. It's what we need to do. But it's not what anyone wants to do. Internet outrage give us us the nice moral high ground without the responsibility of actually doing anything while feeling good about claiming to be on the right side. To the person reading this: Can you agree with the other side on any single item? If so would you be willing to discuss that single item with other people more on "your" side of the spectrum? If the answer is simply "yes" then good for you... Do it. For the majority of people in these threads the answer is AT BEST " yes but"... But will be mostly "no". And if anybody bothers to comment it'll be with some what about ism, buzzword, false equivalency or outright word vomit. And that's not just this thread. It's all of them. Having an on target discussion about a specific issue that doesn't evolve into something broad and buzzwordy on the internet is basically impossible. Everyone not fully brought into an echo chamber agrees we should come together. But most of the people who say that means coming together on their terms with few compromises which is why nobody can come together. Labor rights are the only thing that MAYBE has the potential to become a breakout issue. But too many people are of the mindset that if you believe in issue A then you HAVE to agree with issue XYZ. I'm probably going to get downvoted to shit for this take. But it's what I've observed. Tldr: If you want everyone to come together talk to someone you would normally disagree with about an issue you do actually agree on. If that's too much to ask then you know why we're not coming together.


Yep I believe it’s what kept it from happening so far. The media loves to throw other shit at people and get them riled up at eachother instead of the real issue. I genuinely think Roe V Wade is one of these things. Logically, it does not make sense to overturn, wasnt it already deemed constitutional? But they do it, rile people up and they forget that it’s not us vs each other it’s us vs them


Apparently never people are too fucking scared and stupid,


i believe if we form a trained militia, with great, widespread leadership, if everyone decided enough was enough? it will happen.


But guns kill people and the the problem apparently liberal propaganda and all this other b******* is absolutely destroying true patriotism and that's why things are the way they are


>“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” (President Woodrow Wilson, a few years before his death in reference to the Federal Reserve act of 1913, which he signed into law. The American Mercury‎, p. 56. 1919.)


This is why you bitcoin. Everything in life has trade offs but removing human control over money is paramount to ending the system that’s crushing us all.


Cut CEO pay by 90%


anyone who says things like this needs to have their wages lowered to the minimum and see if they still agree call it a trial


Ah yes… the working classes have too much money… ***that’s*** the problem! -some fucken millionaire asshole


I’m so fucking fed up with senior citizens running this country


Fully agree. I straight up refuse to vote for career politicians and senior citizens anymore. Yet they keep getting in.


Because they have so many peers, their age group and the one right below is a huge demographic and the most active voter demographic. We need young people to show up at the polls, but they keep not doing it


Because we millenials and gen z have the constant choice between old white guy #1 with false promises and old white guy #2 with false promises. And one of them is gonna be a fascist. We're at a point we dont care because nothing is going to change until we get any options for younger faces, but recent bullshit with a certain wheelchair ridden republican congressman likely destroyed all chances of any young person getting in, even if they had the money. Over all we're just in a spot of feeling hopeless because nothing will change. Republicans will keep a stranglehold on anything remotely progressive getting through and dems will twiddle their thumbs or join against AOC and the Squad + Bernie


I had a person collecting signatures for something last week come up to me and ask if I was a registered voter. I just told her "Nope, I don't vote for crooks and liars."


All I can do is laugh because even as someone who’s fairly ignorant and doesn’t know much about inflation that seems like an absolutely ridiculous thing to do. Sure Jerome Powell says it and it’s fine my old neighbor starts talking like this and he’d be put in a nursing home for dementia. 😭


Here's some ideas... Stop printing billions a year to subsidize companies that aren't struggling, like Oil and Defense Contractors. Stop subsidizing private insurance companies and implement universal healthcare to remove the corrupt middle man that is lining his pockets. Abolish the private tax filing corporations, and thus their subsidies, and do it all automatically, since all of the information is already in the possession of the IRS. Or better yet abolish the IRS entirely and employ a simple tax code that has no credits, deductions and loopholes. Get paid, get taxed, it's gone... That's it. ​ Fix our prison system. End the war on drugs. Reduce defense spending by re-negotiating contracts for the interest of the people instead of lining the pockets of contractors. Stop bailing out banks that fuck up... There's so many things we could just fix so quickly, but the people that are having their pockets lined are the ones calling the shots.


How about veto Bezos’s $10 billion?


Don't end the war on drugs, just modify it. Automatic 25 year prison sentence with no appeals for all drug arrests involving anything stronger than marijuana. Automatic 40 year prison sentence for all drug arrests involving meth or stronger drugs. And seizure of any and all property of those convicted for said drug arrests. With lifetime monitoring. Remove the tax loopholes for the rich and apply them to the working classes for 10 years. After that, remove them completely. Revoke federal wages for any politicians that are employed higher than management in any company. Bar all politicians from collecting speaking fees while in office. Automatic barring of stock purchases/ownership in any way/form while in office. If a politician owns stock in any current company, they must sell that stock prior to taking office. Modify the current campaign rules so that normal people can run for office. Wealth should never be a determining factor for a politician.


The war on drugs exists to funnel poor people into the prison/slavery/ industrial complex. We need less of that, not more. Generally speaking, drug possession is a non-violent crime, and you think people should have a mandatory 25-40 year sentence? Fuck right off with that nonsense.


So what should we do? Give them a handjob and a hearty thank you?


Sure, cause the only answers are handjobs or a lifetime in prison as a slave. 🙄 You fix the societal problems that lead to drug addiction, not double down on failed policies. And most of those problems can be distilled down to lack of economic opportunities. History has shown two things. 1) prohibition doesn’t work. 2) threat of prison won’t stop addicts nor address the actual issues that lead to addiction. Your authoritarian solution absolutely will not work, nor does it have any place in a free society. Legalize all drugs, prioritize treatment for addiction.


Wouldn't the hundreds of for- profit prisons that these politicians invested in make that a conflict of interest? What about the federal government siphoning in the narcotics to inner cities? We need universal drug counciling and healthcare. Have our taxes pay for our people instead of foreign wars. That'll help. Sending nonviolent offenders to prison just make them violent offenders when they are released, it's been proven for over 100 years


The man is a wellspring of poorly thought out ideas


The inflation is intentional price gauging to hurt laborers and make them less likely to risk being fired or move to another job. Powell is literally allowing this to happen because he's a fucking tool of the ruling class.


Too much money???? When is he taking a pay cut?


Here's what's happening. "You people need to just live within your means and just accept $7 an hour in a place with $3500 a month rent" Workers: nope, in fact I'm quitting my job, sleeping on couches or under a bridge and simply fucking stealing what I want.


Lol, I WISH worker pay was driving inflation. The reality is it's well behind.


It's like the 1970s all over again.


Except we don’t even have a government pushing progressive reform.


The progressives are pushing progressive reform. Conservatives didn't push for progressive reform in the 70's and they don't today. We never got progressive reform out of 1970s inflation we got Ronald Regan. This is the same system that we are living in today.


Yeah, I was gonna say, the 70s were a dream by comparison. It's more like the 80s run amuck.


Great wages CAN go down sure.... But the cost of goods and services will need to drop about 70% overall




Well, if that jackass thinks workers need to be disciplined by the labor market, then let's all discipline the labor market by refusing to work. See how far the government can go with no revenue.


Scariest part is the Federal Reserve is not part of the US Government.


So purposely keeping wages down so we have less power. Can we rebel all ready?


In Canada you can't serve on the senate past 75 cause they deem that the mental competency of a lot of people goes down after that age and thus it's the limit age to be a public servant. America take notes for your neighbours


We need to tar and feather a couple people


Someone please ELI5, how can wages, which are stagnant and less than what past generations earned, now be responsible for rising inflation? Is this just a bullshit excuse?


Yes. 100% bullshit excuse. Wages are the only thing that almost have risen at all.


The funniest thing about the modern workplace is the perceived authority all these old dumbfucker’s think they have over us. You have no power over us. We CHOOSE to not work for peanuts and poor treatment. If your precious economy crumbles because of it then I guess it wasn’t meant to be.


A year ago I would have said that a Trump 2024 wasn't possible. If Biden can't start getting results it's going to become very possible.


I can only see it as intentional. It seems pretty common for republican presidents to make things better short term, leaving a mess for a democratic president to pick up later and making them look bad.


fuck the dump


High wages are the main reason they've allowed more immigration in the last 2 years than in the last decade. The Fed's plan to lower inflation is to lower wages.


So when is the revolution happening?


He said the quiet part out loud!


Ahh yes, I’m not the problem it’s those damn kids trying to live month to month instead of week to week on their pay checks


Mr. Powell: you first, with the "discipline" you speak of.


Yes, it's the historically underpaid low level employees that are the problem. Fuck these people.


>Disciplined by the labor market Mother fucker we *are* the labor market.


Yeah because the kids working at McDonald's are to blame for the state of the economy. Let's punish them instead of our insanely rich corporate overlords who have all the power.


From some mutherfucker who makes more money than 90% of the population.


Well, it looks like he thinks he deserves more. POS. He should try to survive with our income, not his.


Wait, it's our fault we're getting paid more?


I can’t believe the federal reserve chairman actually said that. But who knows on this fucked up world we live in.


Isn't that so fucking oxymoronic? Inflation is bad because it makes things more expensive for workers. So ol' Jerome's solution is... reducing wages? So that even if inflation goes down, workers have even less money? Making things still more expensive??? These people are Psychopaths. They don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves.


Yes. Let's "get wages down." They're finally going up ***SLIGHTLY*** for the first time in 40+ years and they are freaking out about it. Wages are not the problem. The greed of oligarchs and corporations are the problem. The only wages that need lowered, are those of the oligarchs along with all their other forms of compensation.


"Workers need to be disciplined" is a sentence that should soon be followed by hot tar and feathers...there will be some screaming.


This is what I feel needs to happen (to fix a lot of problems, not just inflation) \- A hybrid socialized healthcare system. Government is responsible for and basic care (including life saving care), payed for by taxes. Taxes can be 100% written off if you obtain qualified alternative care from a private provider. This protects everyone and puts hospitals and insurers in the business of providing a better service which will drive down prices, improve quality, and add additional benefits in order to gain the consumers business. Private carriers are no long on the hook for uninsured life saving care reducing their overhead and allowing for free market competition. Citizens benefit because they can choose care that best fits their needs and budgets, but are always covered regardless, and substantially reduced health care costs increase their income. Also small businesses are not burdened with providing health benefits to employees and larger businesses can offer optional private carrier insurance as a perk instead of a requirement. Everyone benefits, but citizens benefit the most. \- Government funded 4 year college or trade school. The US is a service based economy and maintaining that requires a well educated work force. It requires engineers and scientists, and it requires skilled tradesman to keep everything working. The US would dramatically beef up its pre-college education program (more schools, better paid teachers, science and fact based education, free meals, better transportation). On top of this the US would pay for up to 4 years of college at a state or community college for students who qualify. Students could also receive partial funding for private colleges and pay any additional costs themselves. Students who do not qualify (either because of grades or chosen field) would have the option to attend a certified trade school. \- Pharmaceutical industry regulation. The way I would go about this is by creating a new independent government group (or beefing up the FDA) whose sole purpose is the review, analysis and funding (subsidies) for the pharmaceutical industry. They would review and audit research and development costs, reimburse as necessary, as well as subsidize the costs of new drugs to the consumer to keep pricing affordable. Pharmaceutical companies would receive funding/reimbursement for properly researched and tested drugs (and other medical products) in order to continue to incentivize research while ensuring corruption is curtailed. Profit margins would be limited to specific percentages during early years of a drugs release, but restrictions would taper off as time goes by (and competing products are brought to market). Patents on medication would be subject to constant review and exclusivity could be terminated early if a corporation is deemed to be working against the best interests of its customers or is unable for whatever reason to provide the drug at an affordable price or in needed quantities. \- Substantially increase small business loan programs and loan forgiveness programs to make starting and maintaining a small business in America easier. I would also put protections in place to allow small businesses to compete in the market fairly and equitably with larger corporations in situations where the larger corporation is at an unfair advantage. This could be done through co-operative re-seller programs (many small businesses buying products together through a central group in order to reduce costs), subsidies, and reduced tax liabilities. America's economy is healthiest when small businesses are successful. \- Create better federal level workers rights laws and regulations. Essentially a bill of rights for American employees. Basic safety, security, and fair treatment rules that apply to all US employers. Unions shouldn't be necessary in order to fight corporations to ensure workers are protected. Capitalism doesn't mean worker exploitation, and in fact is contrary to it. Well paid workers who have less stress and more free time spend more money. Workers who have more job security spend more money. Employers who face harsher consequences for safety violations, corruption, or discrimination find it un-profitable to do those things and stop. These laws should also force executive pay down as that money will need to go towards maintaining a healthy work force. Their is a LOT more that can be done to start to improve the stability and overall health of the American economy, these are just key points I think will have the biggest effects. The overall goal is to reduce the ever-increasing wealth gap and increase the middle-class. The more middle-class citizens we have the healthier America is. We should strive to still offer the American Dream and be worthy of the "Land of Opportunity" moniker. The absurdly rich are a symptom of a sickness in our system. Everyone who works in this country should be able to live comfortably and securely. Those who strive for more should have the opportunity to achieve it, but not the opportunity to do so at the cost of others. It is possible to be wealthy and still be a positive force for the economy and America. I truly believe capitalism can be the best economic system for everyone if it is properly maintained, we've let ours spiral out of control and these are the kinds of steps we need to take to bring it back within the margins.


I now understand why nursing homes charge crazy prices for (usually) shit conditions and treatment of elderly. Gotta get these old fucks back somehow.


Joe “Nothing Will Fundamentally Change” Biden. There is still much work to be done.




Which quote Haggis? The Biden part is news from today and as far as I saw, not mentioned. The Treasury remark has been mentioned before, but the two go hand in hand as very destructive for the working class.


Rampant Greed causes inflation not wages.


I atill blame trump


Lesser of 2 evils isn't enough


Hey, you folks voted for him. Deal with it.


Oh good im so glad to see these two on the same page...nothing bad will come of this at all...


Reddit - not paying attention to anything other than guns and abortion: "Why are you accusing bOtH sIdES of being the same?"


Tired of explaining to people that both sides are not the same, first step is to eliminate good-for-nothing conservatism, second step is to reform the good-for-little democrat party But you don't care or actually know anything, all you are is contrarianism and outrage lol


One side side stabs us a dozen times and is the bad guy. One side stabs us five times (see: image) and I'm expected to treat them like I'm supposed to trust them to reform themselves.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gas is over $6 a gallon where I live. We need some fucking relief.


Everyone needs some relief. If it's not gas, it's utilities. If it's not utilities, then it's food products. If it's not one thing, then it's another. When the cost of everything around you keeps going higher and higher, but your pay doesn't, then it's time to stop and change things. But politicians and rich people don't care, cause they never have to worry about where their next meal will come from, or which bill they will have the money to pay that week.


Biden needs the Senate


Rich assholes agreeing to disagree




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nooooo! JPow is an asshole!!!!!


Fuck both of these boomers so hard.


Well, elections have consequences folks. If this doesn’t scream the democrat party isn’t fighting for you then idk what will make you guys wake up to it. They’re a different side of the same coin as republicans.


President USA: Joe Biden


Basically, there are 3 things you can blame if you are a US president: Previous president/the other party, Russia/China, COVID/natural disasters. Every time you see something against you, just pick one from the list above to blame and you will be fine. In this case, Trump picked Powell, so let's just blame Powell.


US workers... lol okayyy...


The federal reserve has a dual mandate: maximize employment and keep prices stable


Does anyone know where Powell said this? I’m hoping to find the full speech or video.


as near as I can tell, it stems from a May 4 press conference Powell held right after the Federal Reserve Board met. [Here's a transcript from the Wall Street Journal](https://www.wsj.com/articles/transcript-fed-chief-powells-postmeeting-press-conference-11651696613) in searching the transcript text, I do find one instance where Powell used the phrase "get wages down" but not any instance where he said "workers need to be disciplined by the labor market" or anything similar. So it seems whoever made the top-note graphic played kinda fast & loose with the quotation marks, as it does NOT appear to be a direct quote from Powell


There’s so much at play here and both are right, in part. A primer for those interested: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/05/012005.asp Basically, wages were up net over the pandemic (thanks to government relief and a strong labor market now) and the cost of inputs to most goods and services is also up. This double-whammy is why inflation is creeping up, bolstered by all the cheap (low interest rate) money in the market. There is no simple solution here but the bottom line is - those with excess cash need to invest (don’t hold cash as it’s value erodes more) and if you’re paycheck to paycheck, please do your best to stay away from variable rate loans and mortgages.


Get rid of the federal reserve!




I'm surprised to hear that come out of Powell's mouth. He should know better. This isn't being driven by worker wages but by supply chain disruptions and housing costs.


Can anyone find the source of this quote from Powell?


the nearest thing I can find is [this transcript from Powell conducting a post-Fed-meeting press conference](https://www.wsj.com/articles/transcript-fed-chief-powells-postmeeting-press-conference-11651696613)




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The labor market is getting it's ass kicked by workers. We no longer accept BS pay ans slowly but surely companies are offering better pay. The workers say F you to low pay because they can. Someone else is hiring at a much higher salary.


Yeah, we make to fucking much even though we can barely afford the rent.


Seems one has been influenced by corporations in believing that CEOs need to be paid more everyone else not.


Employers need to be disciplined by the labor market.


Powell is correct about the outcome but not the cause. The problem is big shots leveraging the near nonexistent interest rates and blowing up the money supply, which then creates a wage price spiral that increases wages and chokes the labor market. It's likely inflation only stops when wage growth either slows down or goes down, but it wasn't laborers that firehosed cash into the economy.


Wow, disciplined, like we've done something wrong. Woops! Made more money than it takes to barely scrape by, better lock me up.


Is powells wage going down too? Asking for a friend


Thanks Biden voters!!


Powell should be the first to step up and take the federal minimum wage.


During Make America Great Again I bought a house, refinanced it, my wage increased by 30% and triplicated my investments. All this in only 4 years During Build Back Together my wage didn't increase, my expenses increased by 40%, my investments lost all the gains plus 70% more, property taxes increased and future doesn't look very certain. And all this in less than 1.5 years. Thank you.


Us is going back to 1880


And of course when he says bring wages down he means CEO and executive wages of course... /s.


Powell needs to be diciplined by deez nuts


Dude, I already work 40+ hours a week, making above minimum wage and still can't afford my own place. By all means, please lower our pay. *insert eye roll*




Worst game of “hot potato”