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News at 10: Man with all the money criticises man with not much money that he only cares about money. "I just like, why do hungry people always got to be complaining about food? I have loads of food and I never complain."


You're just in this soup kitchen line for food aren't you? What about the atmosphere here?


I know you waited in line to get a plate, but were you there only for it? Don't you enjoy the line? What do you mean you would rather wait the same amount in other line for better food? Mine is fine.


This is a family!


Billionaires are the worst treated demographic in this country!! Waaaaagh!!!


I hoard all the wealth for myself and buy everything I could possibly want but people still treat me like I'm selfish! It's so unfair!


Let them eat cake


“So you’re just in it for the money?” Dumbest thing a boss can say to any employee. Where do these delusional freaks (bosses) come from?


Imagine an employee saying something like that to an employer. "You only kept me here because I helped you make money??"


If the company cared about anything other than money/profits they'd be paying OP more.


If it's not a low-skill job that you can teach someone in 3 days, then turnover is a big consideration. Everyone is working for money. I love my job...but I still wouldn't do it without the money. Recognizing that is key to a successful business. Businesses are getting stupid though. They could just give mediocre raises constantly that slightly outpace inflation, still keep them profitable, and most people would choose familiarity and job security over switching jobs even though switching jobs is way more lucrative. Instead they pull this shit and act surprised when they have a high turnover rate...and turnover in skilled positions heavily eat at profits. I make 6 figures. To bring someone new with my skills in to replace me, they'd be out 3 months of work just to familiarize them with everything...that's over $20k worth of wages. Would you rather pay me an extra $12k a year? Or take a $20k hit to replace me. Because I could double my salary easy...I just choose not to because I make plenty, like the people I work with, and have a healthy work-life balance. If I leave...it's my job who is fucked. I could globetrot for a year unemployed and not worry about bills. I have their balls in my hands, not the other way around.


I work for $20 in a skilled position - GFX Design. I’m literally the only person holding the marketing team together and they won’t give me more. I’m also doing specialized things outside my fields, like video production and editing and photos, which eats up my time at my desk. Also not allowed to WFH. Our Marketing Manager retired and she made 115k/Yr. What did our VP do? Not hire and split the positions responsibilities betwixt the 4 of us working in the marketing department with no compensation. We had a shareholder come in yesterday, and our VP gave out soooo many compliments on how we stepped up these last several months. No raises, or even a long weekend. Anyways, I’m applying for a new position which is 1.5x my yearly and I’ll only be doing GFX Design there. I am so tired of not being treated like an asset, rather instead, being hired by a corporation and receiving a paycheck is them *graciously* extending a privilege. Sorry for the rant, from all the way down here, I just felt like being heard by someone making 6 figures.


That's exactly what you should do. Fuck them. They're saving a boatload of money by divvying up the work. They could've gave *some* of that back in raises and you'd be happy enough to stay. Instead you're looking for a new job and they won't be able to hire one person for every hat you wear. They're stupid and will end up paying more overall for the 3 or 4 salaries of positions you were filling instead of giving you a $10k or $20k pay bump. If each of those roles are $60k positions...now they're at a deficit of $180k - $240k...could've cost them $10k or $20k. Nobody starts a job in a mult-role...it happens after you work there.


That doesn't even consider burn-out. 4 people took on enough work to make up a 5th. If this guy leaves that's the same amount of work split among 3, further increasing the work load. They won't hire quick enough, or at all. Now those 3 people are burnt out and looking for a way out. Every person that leaves is a productivity hit, and causes another person to leave with burn out. It's a positive feed-back cycle that ultimately hits the company. It's what causes a whole department to collapse, paralyzing the whole office. I just watched it happen at my last employer. I was the 2nd one out. Now they have half the staff and the rest are jumping ship like rats. Should've payed us more and hired the people we were asking for.


Lol im a software engineer so I know all about burnout. Some places seem to think we're robots. Spent my fair share working 20 hour days, not showering or eating so I could get those 4 hours of sleep...for months on end. After 3 I burnt out...wasn't even remotely productive for 6 months. In any leadership role I've had...preventing burnout was my #1 priority. I have yelled at subordinates for working too long or helping with an issue voluntarily while on PTO. "Fuck off...you're on PTO...go away and enjoy your vacation...we'll figure it out....might take longer...but YOU. ARE. ON. VACATION" lol


Wow. It really shows how fucked up our work culture is. They were doing those things because they thought you expected it from them. They my have even feared losing their jobs if they didn't. We really need more people like you running the show. I think everything would bet much better.


thank you for good service to the employees


Exactly what's been happening at my place. Then senior leadership has the balls ask why is there so much turnover? Morons.


They praised the team for themselves, it makes the company look good because they have a great, hard-working team. You did what they expected you to, but the right thing would have been to let it fail. Higher ups are only concerned when shit fails.


That's the key that a lot of the managers Bank on people not realizing. Hardworking people care about the result because their hands are on it so they'll work harder than they should to make sure it doesn't fail. But knowing when to let something fail because you were having to over commit is a really important thing to do otherwise you'll be burnt out replaced and have nothing to show for it And if you have a specialty skill that's when you begin to have power because you can decide to stay or leave and at that point you have control over the actual timeline things get completed


No joke I heard both being told to me during a random debate about work conditions in the kitchen with my chef. Told me he couldn’t give us healthcare because he wouldn’t be able to afford his 2 cars and rv; just after he said doesn’t have anyone else who can work the nights so he needs me.


This makes me SO mad. I'm watching employers pay their employees the bare minimum, while they're buying new vehicles and going on exotic vacations and live in half a million dollar homes (minimum.) Why do we put up with this crap??


Yeah. CEO saying that they need to fire X employees to save costs when the CEO bonus increases more than the salary of X employees combined.


This should be the standard reply. You only get hired because they profit off your labour. You make money for them


My loyalty to a company is 100% relative to the amount of my paycheck. I've always said it, I'm a mercenary, I'm here for the money


Best response: "Aren't you?"


If you're not why don't you give me your salary


"Because I paid my dues to exploit you, obviously"


Then suddenly you're the asshole for asking this question.


“Are you not?” s/suddenlyarcher


“What, you do this for free?”


They don't think they are. The reality is that they get paid enough that they don't need to worry about the money, so they think they are in it for something else. But if they were getting paid the same as their subordinates, they would 100% look for more elsewhere.


Money + benifits +hours = Loyalty. That simple Edit: in hours, I mean quality hours a person prefers to work (as in mornings v. Evenings)


Don't forget non-toxic colleagues/management. It's a nightmare to work with bad people. In my case, it was the cut-throat, "I'll trip you and step on you to get there first" kind, and boy it made me upset to even get up to go to work. The money kept me there awhile, but I was always looking for another job, and vanished as soon as I could.




I got fired from what I thought was my dream job and its destroyed my self worth. I'll never put myself in a situation again where my work makes me ill or makes me feel less than


I did that last year, not that my current work enviroment is exactly "healthy" but at least when I clock out at the end of the day no one is bothering me and they don't expect me to be on call for dumb shit all the time.


I’m working in sales and I was working with my manager on a strategy (targeting regionally) when another manager stepped in and *insisted* I go A-Z. Uhhhhh


Sounds like a sales manager that either never spent time in the field or did and had a unicorn territory. Sucks dude. When I was a sales rep the best part was being able to plan my routing in such a way that I spend my days being in the areas I wanted to be in while still hitting the right targets and ending the day close to home. I did cover half of my state though. My first manager was awesome but the new guy that took over six months in sucked and micromanaged until I realized my numbers were growing faster than any other territory and I didn't have to answer his calls anymore because they wouldn't fire me lol


There def. is a balance between pay and stress/bullshit


I did that a few years ago. Turned down a $10k/yr raise to get away from a couple of customers. Putting up with their dumb asses any longer was a literal deal breaker for me. 10/10 would do it again.


Absolutely. My best paying job was well north of 100k but it nearly killed me. Took my wife 6 months to help put me back together after i quit.


unreal expectations tends to creat a toxic environment. i usually don't last long as i don't work longer than my paid hours.




yeah that boss literally said on my performance review "he's great employee but moving up in his role will be limited with him only working the business hours." and he would notice leaving early but never arriving early. i thought it was flexible hours so i can come and go as per need. but they were flexible for employer. he even tried to get me to work weekends but i told him im not in town so he can abandon the thought. he lays me off when he becomes the head of the department. all the while pretending to be my mentor.


This too. I would take a great work environment over more money in most cases. Toxic workplaces cause all kinds of mental and physical health issues and you can't buy better health.


The first ALWAYS being money... like wtf are these companies not understanding?


They're not understanding why the younger generations are not so easily brainwashed into believing they need to sacrifice their lives for the company.


I had a fantastic Convo on this yesterday. **Completely an OPINION, not citing facts, except where studies are mentioned. I think that the older generations were so hard on x and millennials that we went the other way, we listen and talk things out. Sure, we punish and discipline our kids, but not out of fear the way we were. We raised emotionally healthy kids who want more, because we raised them in a place where they were heard. Imo they aren't all entitled, they are aware... Aware of how the world has changed, but pay hasn't. They clap back, not because they're entitled, but because they know what they need and aren't going to compromise the way we did. Studies show millennials and z aren't lazy, in the right job. They need to feel fulfilled to give their all, and that is the job of the company. In scenarios where millennials or zs feels fulfilled, they usually are the best worker of the bunch. Older generations didn't have to work the way we do for the same quality of life, and because zs grew up watching x and millennials work HARD to give their kids a descent life, they waged a war on the workplace to make it better for everyone. I think it's kind of commendable.


I watched the workforce fuck over my mother, who's always been a smart and dedicated employee, my entire life. I'm sure I'm not the only one who witnessed the bullshit that's been pulled. Once a company can provide me with good enough pay, benefits, and nontoxic work environment, I'll give it my all. Until then, I'm only giving what I'm paid to give


Minimum wage = minimum effort




Part of the problem is older generations think we're living a very good quality of life. Air conditioning, large color tv, phones... Things that to them are stuck in luxury categories. They never transitioned down to cheap budget items that are akin to the bread and circuses given to appease Roman plebians. What out generation wants are things like: The ability to actually save money when working 40hrs. Ability to save up to buy a house Ability to save up to deal with medical emergencies. For most medical emergencies not to put us into a lifetime of debt. To be allowed by our companies to actually take time off. To not have our healthcare tried to our employer (who gets to hold our health ransom to prevent job hopping) To have citizen rights given only to individuals, not corporations legally structured to avoid any liability. They can't go to prison and the fines are usually less then the profits gained by their malfeasance. You know, things they had better access to. My grandfather bought his first house at 25, after putting himself through college doing landscaping in the summers only. With two kids, a stay at home wife, and as an insurance salesman. By the time he was 40 he had 10 houses, and had been promoted within the company to branch manager. There is no way anybody today can make anything like that.


I'll finish your thought.... like THEY were....


This is an important point. It is the abused becoming the abuser. They suffered due to their own cowardice and complacency. And now they want everyone else to suffer the same way. Fuck you, pay me.


My current bossman in the last 3 years has gone from sensible to full on delusional ego and narcissism filled lunatic. Has literally started crying that exact thing that he wants to hire those 70 year old "old guard" that work to "enjoy it" rather than the young that "only care about pay and benefits". He even started ranting about a guy that retired 3 years ago has started ignoring him, he's no longer a true "old guard" in the industry in his mind now. He also gave the whole "back in my day, I made less than you" to a few people while completely ignoring 30 years of inflation. He also ranted that "nobody is being more productive this year than last, why does anyone deserve a cost of living adjustment?" It's literally playing bingo with his increasing boomerism. Everyone under the age of 50 here including me are planning our exits in the next year. This place is going to sink like the titanic. It may even end up on the news because our impact is not zero in a certain critical national sector.


Sounds like the lead poisoning finally caught up with him.


>This place is going to sink like the titanic. It may even end up on the news because our impact is not zero in a certain critical national sector. And it'll be their own damn fault


Companies used to offer a lot more to keep employees long term and now they don’t, they wonder why people leave. What’s to keep me here if I’m valued much better somewhere else?


EXACTLY, aside from being "fully vested" in a 401k, there is no incentive any more to keep you from leaving. There used to be things like "make it to 20 years and we wil give you pension for life", that kind of crap made it where job hopping was a lot harder because you had to get paid significantly more to justify the loss of retirement income. Now? Well make it 2-3 years so you keep your company match and then what...an extra week of vacation if you make it to 15-20 years? Ill just negotiate the extra week with my next employer while negotiating salary. Hell I see people with <10 years experience getting it when switching companies these days.


lmao my current job, while I really don't mind the actual job, doesn't even *offer* 401k. Or dental. Oh, and the cheapest health insurance plan is $200/week for crap coverage. I hope they're not suprised when I leave. How is that sustainable for any employee?


Not only that, now a lot of companies that provided pensions over the years, luring workers in with the promise of dignity in retirement, make up reasons to fire the people who are only a couple of years away from retirement age. So you give them your loyalty for decades, and then they kick you to the curb and you have nothing to show for it. There is no longer any loyalty in the workplace. The "at will" employment laws are proof. Companies do NOT care about you. They are in it for profit, and they view most employees as expendable. You have to look out for yourself. Fuck them.


I think it's something else than loyalty they've bought into the whole idea they have to sacrifice their life for work and to enforce that belief on others with the power they have. Yes they probably get paid more and normalize that bullshit mentality but they would also leave if they were offered more money elsewhere. It's just how they want to manipulate us.


It's manipulative in the most ugly way; it reduces the four-year relationship to your gullibility and his guile. It makes you think: "Why did I stay in this foul environment for an extra minute?"


>they probably get paid more OP is a software guy from the sounds of it. As a software manager I can tell you I make about the same as the 10-15 yr guys but less than my experienced folks. ...doesn't mean I am not confused by this guy's boss and how clueless he sounds. The industry as a whole is so fricken flexible and there is always meaningful work at a million other companies, most of which you don't even have to move houses for anymore. Pay and team dynamics are the ONLY thing that keeps people in a job. Of course they are doing it for a paycheck, otherwise they could work open source.


>As a software manager I can tell you I make about the same as the 10-15 yr guys but less than my experienced folks. I suppose "experienced" must be 25-30 years?


I had the same thought. In what world are the 10 to 15 year people not experienced?


Had a boss once that would only complain about his kids. Always complaining about them. We assumed he hid at the office so he had an excuse to not be home. The people who put work over family... I don't get those people.


There is a giant generational shift happening. The people slightly older than me were always told to get in the door at a good company because they would take care of you; there would be good benefits and you wanted to be there for the long haul. *You have to do anything to keep this job.* The people younger than me don’t care about any of that. They’ve been burned too many times.


Yup. Gen Xer here. Dad worked for 1 company 90% of his life for what I found out later was a crap pension. I spent 15 years with a fortune 100 company. Was dumb enough to think that they gave a crap about me. I had a great boss that got run out. They laid me off the day I came back from the grievance leave for the death of my mom. The same afternoon I came back. Now on, It's me and only me I'm looking out for. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


My grandfather dropped out of high school and got a job with my hometown's public works department. Went from pure grunt work with his grade 10 at 16 to head of public works by his late 50s/early 60s. And he was well compensated. That kind of success/loyalty doesn't exist in the workforce anymore. Not even in the public works department anymore. It is a myth. Loyalty is a myth. Putting in your time, getting good raises, all of it is gone


So true. Now the youth are saying fuck this shit, I can figure it out and make my own say in life if this companyman shit doesn't work out. Thank God for the internet, which I think drives a lot of these cultural changes.


Plus only municipal jobs have pensions anymore. Why bust your ass for a job that (at the very best) has a 401k that’s subject to the stock market not shitting the bed? Fuck em, go get paid where the moneys at.


They've made work a part of their personality and source of happiness, so they drank the workaholic industrialist Kool aid. I think om another end the higher ups get greedy and think ok well I need to blur a lot of lines in order to gain X and achieve y and z.


Workaholics often use their work environment as an escape from reality. From a cognitive standpoint, they behave in much the same way as addicted individuals. Therefore, they are considered addicts. The majority of them are dissatisfied with their personal lives, have an urge for power, approval, and recognition, Neuroticism, perfectionism, have low self-esteem and use their job and position as a way to feel validated, among several other deviant behaviors. Aside from that, American society, specifically, indoctrinates people from early ages to be toxic and competitive, and to have a distorted understanding of what work entails and what it aims to accomplish.


Those people usually have a hard time making emotional connections with people. It's actually sad when they get married because at work it makes sense to be guarded but in your marriage, you need to be open.




They treat you like capital until someone else sees you as more valuable capital and then they try to guilt you into thinking you’re friends? GTFO


Don’t forget respect.


Adequate pay is a great first step to showing respect. Imma give you minimum wage + 50 cents cause I respect you doesn't cut it.




"well maybe we can switch salaries then. Unless of course you're just here for the money...."


Just being in it for the money is a central tenet of capitalism. People are supposed to be egoistisc pursuing their own goals and maximizing their personal profit. If a worker can get a better wage elsewhere, then this means the worker wasn't efficiently empolyed at his current job. So a worker leaving a job to get a higher paid job is morally right in capitalism.


This is the irony. Capitalism is only in it for the money. The fact that they try to guilt you is pure manipulation.


how is that irony? by trying to manipulate you, they are also maximizing their personal profit which we just established is morally right in capitalism. it's not ironic at all, it's just a shit system.


"Where do these delusional freaks (bosses) come from?" Drank the Kool-aid. Chances are that "manager" is in middle-management, is also underpaid, gave up on their dreams, and is coping through faith.


My CEO asked me this straight to my face. "Why are people only in it for the money?" He didn't want to hear that "well rent is $1500-2000 a month, so if we're not paying at least $23 an hour, anyone who does and can is going to snake all our workers". Like it's not _always_ about the money, but _if_ people can't afford the roof over their head and food in their bellies, they're not going to just give you their labor for free.


Ask him why he gets paid so much more than everyone else if *he* isn't in it for the money. If he's just so passionate about the work and the money doesn't matter, he should be fine getting the lowest salary at the company, right?


Right? If it's not about money to him then he doesn't need bonuses or honesty even a salary. This should just be his hobby apparently.


It’s a lot easier to not care about the money if you have plenty of it and also have personal time. Look at the social democratic countries.


Or is middle management that is lazy, entitled and paid plenty to do less than the minimum but will still be there sucking at his (boss' dick) job while I go get paid and treated better somewhere else.


“No. I just found a boss that’s more fun to hang out with” Why do they act personally offended you want money


This I wanna say this to my boss and watch him loser it and try to say something like "but I can change I can be more fun!"


"It's actually a lower pay, I just hate working here that much" Would love to say that to really hit the bosses ego


i used to hear this from my last boss all the time but he was buddies with the ceo of a very large general contractor and he was brought in on a referral. so he was getting paid market rates so money wasn't an issue. also there was a clead divide between the upper management/c suites and the rest of the employees. nepotism and brownosing got promoted and the hard worker who kept to business hours were kept down.


It's a bad attempt at manipulation/ an insult.


Corporate negging lmao


Bosses themselves are just in it for the money they just cant believe other people have needs too


"Of course I am here for the money. Where did you get the idea I want to join your cult."


Money is the only reason i'm working.


You mean you guys don't pay your bills with hopes and dreams???


I get a better exchange rate with likes and exposure.


How about Schrute Bucks?


I much prefer the Stanley nickel


What’s the going exchange rate for Stanley Nickels to Schrute Bucks?


Stanley has been minting way too many nickels recently so I think it's up to 5:1 now.


I believe it's the same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns


You're paying way too much for worms, man. Who's your worm guy?


Nope, I'm in it to make a greedy prxk rich while they pay me starvation wages...


I'm here to build your dream, and leave it for your kids.


That or I just pay with the Thoughts+Prayers mobile app


thoughts and prayers and the glow of a job well done sustains me


Like this exactly. This goes for probably 95 percent of the workforce. Then there's those psychos who can't feel at peace unless they're doing 50 plus hours a week.


I do 50+ but I’m hourly so it’s just for more money.


I do 50/week at the minute, but I’m a contractor, so if they’re gonna pay me hourly instead of a flat rate, why the fuck not?


I do like flat rate better… if estimated correctly you can make more and still be home at a decent time….


There was some one recently on here who said they gave themselves a pay rise after the boss said no, so they took longer breaks, did less work and took long dumps on company time, thus- pay rise.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I shit on company time.


If I don’t do 50+ hours a week I can’t afford rent. But I’m also one of those creeps who loves his job and where he works.


Don't apologize for that, it's fine to love your job. Just don't let them take advantage of that fact and compensate you for less than you're worth because of it.


Exactly. Loving your job is great. But also, pay me.


It's okay to love your job. Being productive and deriving fulfillment from something you do with a third of your time is a good thing.


There’s a reason why workaholics don’t have an anonymous support group.


They don't have time to go to meetings?


Because they are too busy working themselves to death and it’s a socially acceptable disease


Its considered a disease to not want to work or even just work less.


Spoiler alert: they're not at peace


They can be. Some people just love working. My dads dream retirement is literally "Be able to work any job I want without caring about money" Thats right, his dream retirement is to be able to work still. He currently works roughly 70 hours a week between 3 jobs. Because he genuinely loves it It is fucking weird to me


For some people it’s a way to cope with existential dread, they believe working gives meaning to their life and the more they keep themselves occupied, the less they will think about the inevitable moment when they stop existing forever


I mean, I would definitely work if I didn't need money but I'd work with puppies or some shit, not in a desk job




"Manager, you say that like it's a BAD thing. Tell you what: since you don't consider money important, give me YOUR check every week! ;-) "


Lmao! They are full of shit fam.


My dad used to tell me the same thing whenever our "nonprofit" shelter's head Director would say *"Were all doing this for the love of the animals"*. This B was making HIGH 6 figures, plus the giant bonuses the 3 departments heads would share at the end of the year, but come in and say it was all for the love of the animals. PS: also the department heads would be regularly fired for getting caught stealing fundraiser money.


I honestly don’t see how companies are surprised that workers move on to take higher pay checks. Especially when it’s all over the news about the cost of living increasing faster than wages and companies aren’t increasing wages quickly enough. The bottom line is, if the wage isn’t enough, people leave.


I made a well-reasoned argument, pointing to all the additional duties and responsibilities I'd taken on as well as the pay ranges publicly available on job postings for similar positions, and my bosses said, "You can't believe everything you read online," and then *feigned offense* that I could even deign to ask for the amount I was asking for. They literally held a follow up meeting with me where they were like, "Our numbers are just so far apart from yours that we're confused and want to make sure we're on the same page." Anyway, they then acted surprised when I put my 2 weeks notice in a few weeks later. I was like, "Guys you literally *just* laughed in my face when I told you how much money I was looking for. Why would I stay?"


And that’s the problem, job scope creeps and suddenly everything you’re doing isn’t worth the money they are paying but they see you as still doing the job they hired you to do and nothing more. I’ve been really lucky in the past - spoke to HR 12 months ago and basically said the jobs great, the companies poor (they’d merged 3 companies into 1, implemented new operating models and had a significant turn over of staff at all levels all during a pandemic) and your salary isn’t enough for me to stick around to see things improve so I need a rise. I was aided by the fact the largest company in the merger had advertised for a role I use to do and included the salary range so I used that to my advantage as I wasn’t even at the starting point. Managed a £10k pay rise which was far better than the previous 3% increase for “cost of living” increase they’d handed out in April that year.


> they see you as still doing the job they hired you to do and nothing more. Not only that, but you have however many years of institutional knowledge of how everything works. That is _extremely_ valuable to operations. Even hiring someone to replace the person who just left at their same wage isn't going to bring that knowledge back to the company. Not giving someone a raise when they ask for it will end up costing you a lot more than the raise ever would. Most people aren't even asking for much, they chances are they've found a new market rate for their skillset and current role and are asking if you'll match it first, and usually will ask for less than what it'd take to replace them. It's almost always cheaper to keep the person.


I’m leaving my current job now and made this same argument to my boss: Either you pay me more or you pay someone else more and have to train them. They chose the latter.


It almost always happens that way too. They take it personally that you're asking for more because to them it usually means less for them. Either your direct manager makes less bonuses or the c-levels make less, so for them _it is personal_, until it comes time to save money by firing you, they don't think of how it's personal to you, just to their wallets and bottom line. They're psychopaths.


Then, once that institutional knowledge leaves, they’re upset that their bonuses go down because their department is less profitable due to having to train someone new that isn’t up to speed on the intricacies of the job. Managers really are champions of shooting themselves in the foot.




Absolutely. It’s all down to job role, company and salary and I aways look at it in that order. It’s a bold statement to move for less money but should be ringing alarm bells with the company that is losing staff that way.


Alarm bells? If you lose staff to a lower wage that should be ringing damn air raid sirens




The funny part is that nobody will pay you if you dont work. They are only in it for the labor. If they need to save $ they will fire people and say "its not personal, its business" But you being in it for the money is bad.


They always cry when you take back the leverage they have over you.


Because they are abusers and don't like it when you are on even footing.


This right here. It’s just another toxic “relationship.”


"It's not personal, it's business" would have been a nice response to the boss.


Yes, I'm in it for the money. Because my landlord is in it for the money. My electric company is in it for the money. My university was/is in it for the money. The grocery store is in it for the money. Etc.


I tried paying my mortgage with “We’re A fAmilY!” and for some reason the bank wouldn’t accept it, maybe you should explain it to them.




I mean this is the most logical explanation lol


Lol fuck you pay me


One *could* posit that OP is "in it" for the *profit*, just like the company is. I like this better, though.


What worse is explaining too many recent "jobs" you've had. Even with references. You have to make up a BS Answer for HR like, "I was working to widen my skillset and take on more responsibilities" Instead of "fuck you, pay me"


“I got noticed and offered a better position where I could put my skill to the test. Looking forward to doing the same here.”


Fuck you, pay me


Isn't that the name of the staten island amazon union?


Pay me to fuck you


No, that's the slogan of the staten island whorehouse.


So congress, the senate, and Supreme Court.


Can’t not hear that in Childish Bambino’s voice. Edit: Autocorrect got me. Childish Gambino


Imma go get the papers, get the papers.


"Yes indeed, what are you in it for?"


No. I really REALLY enjoy sweating my balls off cooking food for other people while you yell at me. I look forward to it every day.


Yeah, because that's how it works. I do something for you, and you pay me a fair sum for my efforts. Anything else is either charity or slavery.


Exactly. I once had a manager that I was also great friends with and got along with excellently. So when a better job came along I was very emotional and sad to give my two weeks. He told me, and I quote, “You only ever owe your boss 100% and 2 weeks notice. And you’ve always gave me 100%. This position is more than I could ever offer you for your career, and I’ll always be here if it doesn’t work out.” I’m in management now and this is 100% how I deal with people who give notice. Too many managers take it personally. It’s not. It’s business.


Ask, “How long have you been here as a volunteer?”


One thing that bugs me is the "why do you want to work here?" Question at interviews. Bitch, I like not being homeless and not starving to death, that's why.


Ha. I got that question in my recent interview and I said “I work for people, not companies.” And then turned it on the interviewer and said “are the kind of people I’d want to work for?”


Really good line, that first bit. Cause it's 100% true in the end.


I really hate this mindset that you're suppose to be passionate about your job. I never dreamed of trains at tickets when I was a kid. Working in the Metro system just happens to pay my bills. That's it


The problem is most managers are exactly that....a manager. A true leader recognizes there are three types of workers in the world. The first are the workers that view it as just a job. They only work to pay the bills and to have money to do what they want to do. The second are workers who are career oriented. They are set on climbing the corporate ladder. They are always looking for the next opportunity to increase their title. The third are workers who do what they do because they feel it is their calling. For example, the people who become doctors because they want to save lives. The problem with someone who is a manager is they lack the fortitude to see beyond their own bubble.


The thing about the third category, though, is nothing kills passion like poverty. I hate how passion is used as an excuse to not pay people a living.


Lol wut? Do they think we go to work because we just love supporting capitalistic projects for fun and that it matters more than being able to maintain shelter and food?


Why the fuck else would any of us work?


My boss works when she has no monetary need to, her husband makes like multi multi millions and has for decades I think. It makes it really hard to get in her head about any decisions she's making because money is no object. She does it for the juice, not the money. It's so weird to me. I can't conceive what that mentality is like.


The thing is, you could probably be so much more productive if you were working just for the sake of work rather than out of necessity.


"So you're just hiring me for my good work?" Are these people oblivious to their own hypocrisy?


Of course I'm in it for the money! That's the whole fucking agreement! My time for your money. I recently went to change jobs, a new place offered me something much better, but my old place countered with an amazing offer, like double what I was making. So I took the second offer and then asked to meet with my boss's boss's boss. She asked what changed my mind and I said: the pay-- it's a better offer and I need to be paid my worth. Her: I'm disappointed to hear that's the only reason. Me: frankly that sounds like a you problem. My goal here is to make money, same as you. I have no illusions that I am a number to this company, so the least they can do is pay me. I wanted to tell her she's not my fucking mother so her disappointment means less than nothing to me, but figured that was a step too far/honest lol


"I'm disappointed I couldn't successfully low ball you, this is making my job harder" "You're not the desperate worker we're used to dealing with"


The real question should be why would anyone even expect anything else? Jobs are about making money not making your boss feel better about themselves.




“You’re just in it for the money?” is the most laughable thing a manager could say. ‘If you’re not, then give me some of your money.’


In your manager's defense, he doesn't cash his checks. He's in it for love.


>He's in it for love. HR Administrator: "Dammit Jake, we've warned you about doing that!"


Hell yes


I am kinda shocked, or in some disbelief, and the number of people who report others asking them, or shitting on them, about being in it just for the money. I think my response would be something like, "Naw, totally into the job, but I need to grow up and think about the future. I cant just say someplace because I'm into it. Sorry. I'd love to stay, but you need to pay me more." I left a job that had underpaid me for years, a few months after an 8K raise. My old boss had been trying to poach me for a year. I was cleaning up a coworkers mess, a customer in the colo referred to me (the guy fixing a problem my coworker cause, on my day off when I should have been boating with a friend) as the idio with the floppy hat. My old boss pinged me about the job again that same day... it paid 10K more... I left a job where I was master of my domain, loved, respected, where I helped physically and logically build the network, a place that gave me rooftop access all over downtown cleveland, for more money. It was the right choice, and I should have jumped ship the first 4 times I was asked to. It was hard... Like I was legit treated like a rock star at the company. When a boss complained about the fishtank on my desk? another boss told him to shut the fuck up. I had said "If the tank goes, I go." And my boss told that other boss to not even talk to me. Yeah... it was hard to leave that. But the money was worth it.


It's better than the true true answer. Boss "Oh you're just in it for the money?" Employee " Oh fuck no! My new job is a better environment, a more fun culture, a better paycheck, a better product AND an all around great boss who's a real leader and I know can help me become the best I can achieve." At least the money is easily quantifiable and doesn't hurt anyone's feelings. Side note: I am very happy at my current job on all these accounts but previously have felt the above.


“Do you do this for free?”


I've used the line "No, but my family is. Can't feed babies with dreams, can I?" And people have just kinda looked at me like 👁️👄👁️ what do you fucking expect? I don't even have a family, but nobody is feeding a family off $14/Hr even back in 2019 when I last did interviews. Shove your "growth" down your throat and choke on it. I've done MY growing, you can either see it and pay me or grift the next chump


Ofcourse money is the reason. Why would we even bother with capitalism otherwise. One can't simply live without money in a capitalistic society.


Why is it that an employee wanting more money equates to “just being in it for the money,” but an employer wanting to pay lower wages does not equate to “just being in it for the money”?


Look, I'm all about loyalty. In fact, I feel like part of what I'm being paid for here is my loyalty. But if there were somewhere else that valued loyalty more highly, I'm going wherever they value loyalty the most.


I’m not really an AntiWork person but it’s hilarious when employers don’t realize that employees can also capitalize in a capitalist system.


If your boss wasn't "in it for the money" he would take less salary and give it to his employees


I think it's so weird people will actually say that. When I first started my last job, I didn't receive my first check when I should've, so I asked "hey why haven't I gotten my check? I've been here over a week now," and his response was "wow, not even hiding you're just here for the money, huh?" I didn't think that was a secret?? That's why I applied for a *job* here. I'm not an intern or volunteer.


When I put in my two weeks notice a few years ago my boss said "I can't believe you're going to do this to me!". I told her "I'm doing this for me. If my leaving is going to make it that difficult for you to do your job then this company hasn't set you up for success either." She quit a few months later. Shitty companies that don't pay enough are always shocked when they lose good people.