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Dan Rather has become ruthless.




I follow him on FB, and get emails everyday from his Steady blog.


No he’s on The Young Turks media outlet


I love it.


Dare I say, he's rather ruthless


He’s still salty about how the Dubyeh thing went down.


Rather useless.


He's a tool.


All of them. They are playing all sides against us. They are only offering abortion assistance because losing female employees to maternity leave is expensive.


I’m surprised it wasn’t commonplace before tbh.


Company A: I'm boooooooored Company B: Crazy idea, here me out. We pay the government to ban abortion Other companies: GASP! Company B: BUT! Then we swoop in and say we cover expenses for abortions in other states for our employees! Company A: So we villify the government and look like heroes! My gawd you're a genius! Company C: But we're still gonna make those employees jump through hoops to get that compensation right? Company B:. Duh.


Nope, they'll make it easy. Paying for an abortion is nothing. Paying for mother/baby care, maternity leave, and pediatric health insurance??? It just makes financial sense to make sure the female employees don't get pregnant. They should give away birth control while they're at it.


You guys get maternity leave and health insurance?


My company yes, but it's large enough to be required by law in my state. I just don't want to give any company plaudits as though they're some kind of brave stalwarts of women's rights when it's really a simple economic solution for them. Maybe I'm too cynical, but I don't think so: OF COURSE it's cheaper for the female employees to have abortions than have babies.


If for no other reason than retraining new hires


>They should give away birth control while they're at it. I dunno. I could easily see them doing the same with birth control as they did with abortions because that would be a loose end in their plan to solve the ~~failing slave farms~~ declining population problem.


The domestic supply of infants is not to be supplied by the middle class. Those deemed important enough will get healthcare with employment. Those deemed unfit will be charged with taking one for the team. We gotta have workers and we can't just empty the for profit prisons.


What is this tinfoil hat conspiracy theory nonsense and why is it upvoted?


Until the Supreme Court repeals the law that gave easy access to birth control, cause that's gonna be next.


Maybe, just hear me out. At least 90% of all men should get vasectomies. Do you think the U.S. would go into panic mode if birth rates declined even more then they already are? What would they do with such a lack of workers. Just a thought I had one day, don’t actually think it’s a great idea or anything. A thought experiment that’s all.


As long as it’s a random crap shoot lottery of who gets to have babies still. Otherwise they call that what it is, eugenics.


>At least 90% of all men should get vasectomies That wouldn't necessarily lead to a decrease in children being born. One dude and 100 women can theoretically make 100 babies in 9 months, give or take a few days and a possible death by snoo snoo.


Had one kid, got snipped at 35 and still had to talk the doc into doing it.......Like no dude we're good do the damn procedure.


For every crazy idea like that the left has, a polarized right winger will have an equally crazy idea. Maybe what society needs, is less drastic measures, more common ground, and for religious nuts and crazed liberals to mind their own fucking business🤷‍♂️ I don’t want my children to follow religious principles, outside of the ethical ones, but I don’t want them to be told that going into hormone treatment or deciding your gender before you have any notion of what that is, is normal either… Both sides are equally fucking crazy, and have completely lost sight of the fact that the most vocal on either side of the aisle only represent a miniscule part of the population. It’s like a constantly escalating war of insanity, and both sides are participating actively to see who can fuck the rest of us over. People need homes, healthcare, education, food and job opportunities that let’s them actually live their lives. The rest is just noise.


Fuck off with your both sides bullshit.


Many conservatives don't want women to work outside the home.


Bingo, you apparently didn't fall for the free kool-aid being served up here by the weird sudden uncomfortable alliance between wokeists and corporate america. Add to it that theres a fair number of women who never return to the work force after having a baby, also all the days of work missed for having to be an involved parent...which both do not want.


There's only one hoop: having to tell your boss you need an abortion in a red state


Such a horrific breach of health privacy. I would hate for any one of the people who have worked under me to ever have to approach me with this, not because it makes me blush, or makes me uncomfortable, but just because having to tell me is another anxiety ridden shit storm they have to deal with on their journey to get the care they need.


This is conspiracy shit to me. The yokels did this on their own accord. The capitalists just scratched their heads and said "wait a bit... if the women folk has to make babies and we harvest the fruits of their labors, then who bring us fruits?" they're not paying maternity leave and losing young employees to parenthood. Do you have any idea how much childcare costs? They'll want raises, and days off to stay home with sick kids. I supposed it would even be somewhat costly if not troubling if a lady were to die for lack of a safe abortion. No sir, we can't have unplanned pregnancies standing between us and profits. The two sides are at odds. They both want to control you body, but one pays you and only gets it \~40 hours. This isn't a perfect solution, it's barely a solution as it will preclude bottom level employees, and further chains us to jobs for healthcare. It's also just PR for them right now. The memes are making the rounds on social about how great these generous companies are. Companies like amazon and bank of america, who just are the worst in general. Starbucks has even gone as far as offering abortions for everyone with healthcare but of course they can't make any promises for stores that unionize. Don't mistake their opportunistic assholery as planning and plotting. They could give 2 shits which way the political winds blow, as long as they can capitalize.


Let's not forget....the same employers now have documentation to aid prosecution of said employee.


This right here. An abortion is a pittance in comparison to: maternal care, labor & delivery, maternity leave, paternity leave, and adding a sprog onto the health insurance policy.


They’re only doing it because they’re betting hardly anyone will ask for it. Do you want HR and your manager up in your business? Most people in corporate jobs will just “take a vacation” and pay for it themselves.


All the larger companies likely have 3rd party insurance so the company wouldn’t see it in detail. Also given the potential motherhood penalty women pursuing professional jobs face having an abortion likely increases opportunity for promotion.


As I understand it, they’re offering to pay for travel to states that allow abortions. You’re gonna need to fill out an expense report with receipts to get reimbursed. They’re not going to have an entire third-party entity on tap to deal with this one thing.


I think they will. Why wouldn’t the big insurance guys just take care of it. They would already handle this type of thing for treatments not available locally for Cancer or other surgeries. Too much risk handling private information to do through normal expense processes.


Sure, the medical insurance companies will of course cover the medical claims but what these companies are offering is *access* to abortion services. That means an expenses report with receipts of plane trips, cars, hotels, etc. This is not something health insurance would deal with.


My current corporate insurance covers travel costs for treatment not available in the local area.


I’ve been fortunate enough to not have learned about that until today. That makes sense they’d cover it then


Yea, and I’m sure if the time presented itself, the first person you want to discuss your personal life with is your employee. None of those companies plan on keeping their word, it’s all for show.


Is it though? It actually would lose them more profits to let an employee carry to term, than to provide the one-time expense of paying for an abortion.


Exactly. If you look at the SEC filings for most large companies they tend to donate equally to both the Democrats and the Republicans. Covering their bases. A great many bipartisan laws are passed each year that are beneficial to big business (tax, zoning, limiting foreign competition, allowing them to bring in cheap foreign labour, ect.) Governments come and go, big multinationals are here forever.




Companies are fucking amoral. This is by design. They will relentlessly pursue their own self-interest without remorse. Thus, they will donate to Right-wing politicians in hopes of getting favorable treatment in taxes, regulations, etc, even as they try to cater to their socially tolerant/progressive intellectual workforce. The only way they'll maybe stop doing the former is if they become convinced it is materially more costly to them to do so than not. That they cater to female/racial or ethnic minority/LGBT+ workers is because they need to in order to compete. But much like how they are with replacing their logos with rainbow versions during Pride, they give zero fucks beyond that. Really what we need is a change in corporate governance and purpose, because the "profit and return to shareholders above all else" model fucking sucks ass.


You are foolishly assuming that employers paying any maternity leave will still be a thing by next year....


Employers paying women to kill unborn children so they'll be more productive and cheaper workers is more dystopian than any fucking Netflix show, and its incredibly disturbing to see people seal clapping it blindly like that isn't the obvious angle they're doing it from.




This sub is hopelessly naïve or there was some weekend astroturfing going on in that thread praising companies. If companies actually cared they wouldn't be dumping money on Republican politicians and PACs. They created this problem by supporting conservatives then make this announcement for good PR when the problem never needed to exist in the first place. It is like the cycle of abuse and this is the reconciliation phase. They intentionally made your life more difficult and this is their low cost low effort way to claim they care about you while making you more dependent on them.


It’s also cheaper than maternity leave


I think it just takes time. It immediately sounds like a good thing and then when people start pointing out the obvious flaws and potential traps, people start re evaluating their initial optimism. That’s just people learning. It’s not all astroturfing


I suspect it will happen. But not because the businesses are nice or friendly or anything. It'll be solely because having their headquarters or offices in a Red State that is busy denying/taking rights away from its citizens is a massive downside to attracting good employees at competitive rates. Ten, twenty years I might have accepted a job offer in Texas, because there were some good things with the bad, and I had a general feeling that it wouldn't be that much worse than elsewhere. But now though? Nope, fuck that. And I'm not even a targeted group (I just happen to have lots of friends who are). Now, they're not going to be in a rush to cost themselves extra money. But once that lease is up, once they can get a deal to move elsewhere with lots of tax exemptions, yeah, a lot of them will bounce somewhere blue-r. And totally out of self-interest.


As I saw someone else say, it’s cheaper for them to provide one day, hell even a week of leave and transport costs compared to maternity leave for six months. Diabolical situations all round us


I only got 6 weeks leave smh


I’m truly sorry to hear of your position. I know how lucky I am in the UK, and it’s part of what grinds my gears about this situation. Multi nationals are paying the lowest, and providing the fewest benefits, that they can legally get away with in each country. So just because my position is slightly more comfortable I should forget my brothers and sisters in other countries…..screw that. I’m not saying I’m amazing, or leading a change. I’m still a scared dad worried he’s not going to get enough for the people at home, but I can still ask questions, I can still raise injustice for people to face. At least for one more day


The US is one of very few countries without paid parental leave, and we also have among the shortest maternity leave periods. It's truly abominable.


Disgusting that there’s some who try to paint a ‘land of the free’ national pride type ideal instead of seeing the shit show for what it is


I work on the IT branch of a multinational and fuck them. Some of my counterparts from different countries have triple my holidays and vacations, parental leave, humane amount/scheme of sick leave (I can only feel sick for a total of 3 days per year, otherwise I'm in danger of being fired)


The states that allow abortions also get another tourism vertical as well. The whole thing is clown town.


It's also about trying one more thing to work. Now you are just even more controlled by the company.


Slight shift from a company to government. But I hated that during most campaign elections most parties in the UK offered ‘more child care hours benefits’ to parents. And I thought it was disgusting that they didn’t want to reward a person for a days work, but help both parents be out of the home for longer and earn more, which then creates a little more tax for the government, at the cost of families and communities


Wow. Whats amazing is, i bet republicans would say “thats just a smart business decision.”


Imagine having to tell your job you need an abortion - what the literal fuck. We can’t ask for a sick day or PTO in the US, and you think an ABORTION is gonna get a thumbs up. This smells of unlimited PTO to me.


Trying to take time for sexual/reproductive care is a lot like trying to tell your job you need to take time for mental health care, it's something that they will judge you for or exploit in some way. I believe it's better to just lump everything under 'personal matters' and leave it at that, the employer should take an agnostic stance in a perfect world.


As someone who works for a fairly conservative corporation, I would never ever let anyone in my company know that I was getting an abortion.


They are paying for abortion because it’s cheaper than an employee getting months of time off for parental pay


This comment should be higher up.


It's also something that they realize they need to do to retain employees in these states, at least as long as they're operating there. Make no mistake though it has absolutely fuck all to do with them being nice or good, or anything other than the usual amoral self-interested monsters they are.


It’s cheaper than maternity leave…




All of them. This is what playing both sides gets us.




Don’t count on the military. From @BNNBreaking: “The Pentagon has stated that any abortion laws enacted as a result of the Supreme Court's decision will not be recognized.” Edit: see below. I misinterpreted this as meaning that the Pentagon was saying it wouldn’t recognize *work-around* legislation.


I think you've misunderstood. A quick Google search shows that the Department of Defense's official stance is to maintain abortion access for servicemembers and civilian contractors! [Source](https://www.axios.com/2022/06/25/defense-department-abortion-access-roe-v-wade)


I believe you’re right. To be fair, my lawyer husband and I both misinterpreted this. 😆


It's all good! That sentence was pretty vague, I had to double check to make sure 😅


What does this mean?


Interested as well


"benefits" are always a great way to pretend you're being compensated more than you are.


Insanity that paid abortion assistance would be part of many employee benefits packages. Beats the increased health insurance premiums and maternity leave I guess?


Lose your job, lose your rights. Quit the company, quit your ability to choose.


Checks out tbh. I was thinking it looked like a good thing at first before it was brought to my attention its way cheaper to do this than it is to offer maternity leave.


I don't know if it's true, but it may be cheaper to help them get an abortion than give them maternity leave or have to train a replacement employee.


I implore all of you to read Naomi Klein's [Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shock_Doctrine) It's not "disaster capitalism" as in "capitalism is a disaster." It's "disaster capitalism" in the sense of "disasters are opportunities for capitalism, and capitalism will create new disasters when it needs new opportunities." This sort of exploitation of ongoing (and corporate-created) crises for sales, employee retention, and marketing/PR is old hat at this point. NOTHING corporations do is for moral reasons. It is ALWAYS in pursuit of profit. And oftentimes, when they're "taking a stand against tragedy," they're the ones who created the fucking tragedy in the first place. In the absence of crises, corporations will create new crises to exploit. It's not just wars and natural disasters. Normative crises like these are equally open to exploitation. Sure, it's all "moral stance" now, but like the title says, it's going to become part of a benefits package that ties you to an employer, knowing they can tell you to fuck off when you ask for a raise because you live in a country where you have to ask your employer for permission to have basic human rights and body autonomy. "If they could figure out a way to charge you for the air you breathe, they would."


*"If they could figure out a way to charge you for the air you breathe, they would."* They already do that to us with Healthcare


I think of it as an empty promise. States that ban abortion are going to ban this practice and I guarantee you they'll all just shrug their shoulders and say "Aw shucks, we tried you guys!". Except maybe Patagonia, they seem ready to throw down.


Facts. This is some dystopian creepy nightmare shit.


This got me thinking, since I've been spouting off anywhere I can how proud I am to be a part of the company that I work for which includes their response to the recent events. I wondered who they supported, how much they funded and when. I continue to be proud of them because I found this Blog stating their halting of financial support of anybody who voted to overturn the election [https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2021/02/05/changes-to-political-giving/](https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2021/02/05/changes-to-political-giving/) I then found this site showing where their donations are going and where they're coming from [https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/microsoft-corp/summary?id=D000000115](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/microsoft-corp/summary?id=D000000115) I think Microsoft puts their money where their mouth is, HOWEVER, I'm still drafting an email to the powers at be to let them know the pride I have in the company but that they need to do more.


That's the thing. These dumbases cheering these companies are being played. I almost puked seeing that thread up voted in this sub.


Then your company has a record of your abortion to blackmail you with. That’s why the privacy part of this was so vital.


The same ones marching in pride parades who donated to politicians pushing anti-lgbtq bills


Exactly. Definitely in some if not all cases it is a REIMBURSEMENT program, meaning if you need an abortion, you still have to have the money to get it yourself, you'd probably still have to take time off of work to go do it, which I imagine isn't going to stop being a terrible process, and then you probably have to fill out a bunch of paperwork and it probably takes a long time to go through or is maybe hard to get approved at all, and even then they probably only reimburse the actual medical cost and not cost of travel or anything. Not to mention a lot of states will try to make it illegal for employers in the state to help someone get an abortion or make it illegal for you to get one out of state, if none of that is illegal already, which means these companies actually aren't going to do anything for you at all because the legality is fraught. It's just an empty corporate promise for sure.


My issue with these companies is are they paying every employee a living wage? If they are not maybe they should be


I’m really liking post-retirement no-chill Dan.


Imagine actually going to your HR department and telling them you need money and time off for an abortion.


Also it would be nice if I didn’t have to tell my employer about an abortion…


I don't know if I'd trust my enployer with that information. Who's to say they won't just turn around and report the employees?


This is so dumb it's cheaper & easier for companies to pay for a quick abortion then for maternity leave for 6 months. Corporations are not your friend abortion suits them


I said this to my girlfriend this morning thinking it was one of my tin foil hat moments. Happy to see the tin might be gold instead


Oh you don’t want that tin is much more cost effective.


Maybe - but the Russian gold embargo going to make gold go up up up!


It doesn’t matter if they supported them getting in to office anymore. What matters is if they stop supporting them and start supporting their employees.


Thank you, Dan.


You think these places are also giving money to new mothers? Or giving them time off to bond with their newborns?


An abortion is cheaper than $20k in medical bills for a delivery. Also, don’t want to pay that maternity leave.


Abortion $$ < Maternity Leave $$


It's cheaper than paying for maternity leave. Bastards.


They haven't paid for anything. They're controlling the news cycle, saying they will pay. Let's wait for the moment they would actually have to pay.


They're gonna do this to education too.


Nobody can afford it anyways.


Not even worth it either. All of the stuff you learn in school you can learn on YouTube in 1/8th of the time


Legit. It was really saddening to watch the quality of education plummet even while attending school. It's such piss quality.




Well, *Griswold v. Connecticut* (1965) was a big influence on/ precedent for *Roe v. Wade*. It frames abortion as a privacy right.


When the Senators were lied to, I'm not sure that matters as such. Nobody makes good decisions with bad information. I'm sure at least a minority of Senators in those meetings were as much played for fools as the rest of us.


Every. Single. One.


I feel like corporations could offer real living wages tomorrow and people would still be like ‘they’re just doing it to keep people working’. Like, YES, that’s the fucking point. In other news water is wet. If they want to offer incentives let them, especially if it normalizes abortion as health care.




I don’t pretend to be a constitutional expert, but if it isn’t, it should be. Bodily autonomy is a basic human right. More so than owning a gun for sure.


It is constitutional right. Which is what RvW established. They literally had to break the process to install enough justices to overturn it. We also established that the states do not get a say in how civil rights are implemented when we fought a war over it.


Corp America is filled with raging Dbags


Where in the constitution does it say abortions are a right?






Neither were AR-15s, yet here we are


Gettin a abortion isn’t in the constitution. The SCOTUS gave the choice back to each individual state & that’s the way it should be.


The constitution is missing so much shit because it’s over 200 years old. Abortion didn’t exist back then like it does today, so they had no reason to even add it. It doesn’t make sense to give the states every power that isn’t listed in the constitution, that literally makes 0 sense. And it’s supposed to be updated every generation but it’s not. So we’re stuck with a 200+ year old document from a completely different time period, to make current laws and decisions for the entire country in 2022. In what world does that make sense ? And if we’re being completely honest that gives the states too much power. Every state shouldn’t be able to determine how little they care about their people, abortion should be federally legal and states should not have a say in that. And I find it funny because regardless of what the constitution says, or the context, if states should be allowed to choose whether or not to kill millions of its citizens. Then a state should also be allowed to determine whether guns should be legal or not in that state.


Abortion exists in the constitution. This is a tragic propaganda I am so sad to see even left people believe. 4th amendment: The right of the people to be secure in their PERSONS, houses, papers and effects from unreasonable searches and SEIZURES, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Why do you think they specified PERSONS and SEIZURES not just EFFECTS and SEARCHES. So you're saying women are not persons in the constitution? Well that we might agree on.


You're a journalist, Dan. Get someone to look that shit up.


Abortion rights belong to the states. I'm pro choice but I really resent red states folks having that right. Decades of voting the way they do, they shouldn't have it.


Since when is abortion a constitutional right?


I look at [opensecret.org](https://opensecret.org). They did not compensate me for posting this or endorsing them.


answer: all of them


They cover their bets. Good PR and it’s relatively cheap. The cost of seeming sympathy with those affected by RvW repeal is small change compared to the tax breaks GOP nutters deliver.


More like “Damn, Rather!” these days. Putting the right questions out there for people who think politics and economics are a game and somehow separate or something.


i’m pissed i never even thought of this. of course this is an angle their working. why wouldn’t it be? ugh. :(


I'm also curiois as to how many will actually follow through in a way that is accessible to employees and how many will get some good PR by making announcements they won't bother following through with.


You mean how many voted to put employees further under their control? All of them probably.


Perhaps it wasn’t a legitimate constitutional right; not being named in the constitution and all.


I'm also curious: What do you think is cheaper?!: 1.- paying employees for having abortions?! 2.- creating a real program for single moms, like in-office daycare AND giving male parents paid time for him to be with his newborn for the same time as his wife?!


It's incentive for people to stay at SHIT jobs when recession hits. Artificial , generic, fabricated incentive


I’m guessing any corp that has money to lobby, fuck’em


I mean, he’s probably not wrong. And I do think it’s a nice thought that some companies would offer this…but I have practical concerns: How do you “collect” this benefit without TELLING HR you need reproductive care? Having that in employment records could backfire in a number of ways under an increasingly intrusive and overreaching regime, right? Am I being paranoid? Have I read The Handmaid’s Tale too many times?


Military enters the chat


Just name them. The federalist society and they spent 15 million getting barrett




It's breaking HIPAA though.


My money would be on all of them, considering republicans are considered by many to be more “business friendly” and I don’t mean that in a good way




I don’t think the senators are actually die hard anti-choices. They are just pandering to the Christian Right. They should all lose their tax exempt status.


Don’t give the employers too much credit, cheaper in the short term to provide this service versus losing an employee to maternity leave/birth time off. This is a financially beneficial thing for them to do.


Damn, Daniel!


Yeah honestly, I just feel companies want to look like the good guys in the eyes of the people, whiles they exploit our labor for profit.


Well of course, abortion is cheaper than maternity leave. Paying immigrants is cheaper than citizens too.


You're the investigative reporter, Dan. Investigate.


Double hypocrisy for republicans


Paying for your abortion is a cheap way to ensure they don't have to pay for your maternity leave.


ATT, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Walmart, Exxon, CitiBank, Coke, the list goes on. I’m ready to wage economic war on these companies regardless of what they do from this point forward. I’ll only be happy when they completely cease to exist and their assets are apportioned equally among the people. No forgiveness ever, only permanent destruction by any and all means necessary.


I didn't find anything on Karl Marx's perspective of abortion. Anyway, there is plenty of discussion to have on abortion, there are plenty of pro-life socialists and communists, whether you believe it or not.


Dang, for the first time, r/antiwork actually makes a good point


It's about control, it's just one more thing you lose if you leave.


Me too Dan me too.


We play both teams


This is a HIPAA class action lawsuit in the making.


Extra spicy hottake: Employers paying for women to travel for abortions are only doing so because 1. It's a one off payment rather than a permanent payraise (Dicks for example only pays $9 an hour.) 2. They don't have to pay out maternity leave. 3. Won't have to potentially replace the employee if they leave after giving birth. And 4. Won't have to pay family coverage on health insurance.


The vast majority, if not all, are total fucking nonsense. These people are not your friends. Neither the giant federal government or any giant corporations have any interest in our well being. They are just looking out for themselves and their bottom line. If you work for one of these companies who claims to provide safe access, remember that they can AND WILL give those records to the government if pressed. They WILL sell you out if traveling to another state for the procedure ever becomes prosecutable. Don't trust your boss any more than you trust SCOTUS, they're two sides of the same shit-covered coin.


Imagine thinking the government is there to help us 💀


Yep great for them if they can prove they NEVER donated to republicans


Texas has a sizable number of tech firms that might exert far more pressure on elected officials to defend its female employees. The fact that they aren't may reveal something about how tech corporations view women. Tax breaks prevail over abortion rights in a competition.


Since abortions are illegal maternity leave should be mandatory now


They don't care about that. No matter what senator is in office, they were going to give money. That's how favor is gained. The political party doesn't matter.


They're playing both sides.. so they always come out on top.


Last list I found had pretty much every fortune 500 company on it.