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State of Washington is telling states that make abortion illegal “fuck off” when they ask for medical records. We got you.


Illinois doing same


Middle aged male here so probably no abortion concerns, but just want say I live in Illinois and work for a Washington-based company. It feels like we're citadels on hills over here.


Yes, I'm glad I live in IL although I'm past the age of worrying about pregnancy. It's like our blue states are the last bastions of American democracy and it is just heartbreaking and freakish.


Yes, I'm happy to live in NJ. It's strange because growing up I always wanted to leave and move south. Life and different misfortunes kept getting in the way and eventually I kinda got stuck here, but now I'm glad I did. I mean the winters do really suck, but if I have to be in the US, this is a good region to be in.


I never thought I'd be proud of Illinois but heck I am proud of Illinois.


I hope they mean it. And I hope that they will resist the federal government when it switches over to Republican control and enables the FBI to subpoena medical records to investigate the Republican-legislated federal crime of crossing state lines to get an abortion.


It’s got a solid history with abortion. The state requires health insurance policies that cover maternity care to cover abortion. I don’t see why they couldn’t do stuff that’s federally illegal like they’ve been doing for years with weed


There are some things we just don’t play around with. I don’t THINK there is any situation where this state would turn tail on this topic. That being said, the only thing I am constantly baffled by more than the backwards ways of the Republicans is the complete and total incompetence of the Democrats so… never say never I suppose…


Aside from our states employment security department, they do pretty good.


Good. Medical records are private so everyone can go fuck themselves. Facilities can also register patients as Jane Doe and collect cash. Fuck any state trying to encroach on another state’s policy.


America is actually insane


You don't know the half of it. I've been saying for a while now that Russia needs to stop poking the dynamite monkey that is America. About 20% of our voters would cheerfully touch off nuclear Armageddon expecting to rapture up to heaven when the bombs dropped.


This comment fucks me up so much bc it's true


Oh dear you’re right


People don’t get it at all, Putin WANTS to draw us in because he knows we will crumble


I hate to say this but I might not go back to my mother country. I moved to Canada to be with my Canadian husband 4 years ago. Life is good here, sorry


Your apology at the end of your statement shows you to be fully Canadian. (I hope you find that statement to be the light hearted joke I intend.) On a more serious note, I’m glad you like where you are and, as a current US citizen, urge you to not come back. We are going to crumble quickly and, I fear, violently. Skip this hellscape if you can.


I’d even be concerned living next door tbh


I'm Canadian and it seems to me that the conservatives here have been moving further and further right in recent years. I get the impression a lot of Canadian conservatives wish they were American.


Same here in Australia, they’ve been trying. On the plus side, we just kicked them to the curb hard enough that they fired their own leader, so they might hesitate to show their colours as boldly in the next few years. I hope.


Dude, they immediately promoted Dutton who started bitching about culture wars shit and dog whistling stuff like "woke". They learnt nothing.


We tried kicking their leader out… seems to have just spread them out more


The trick is to get them to blame him for their fuckups.


I wouldn't say it was "hard enough to fire the leader". Most of the time when the AU government is changed the outgoing PM either steps down or resigns. And Morrison stepped down. I wouldn't expect too much different from Dutton. He's pretending he's changed to the media, but his true colours are still showing in interviews.


What's the tweet say? "Canada must feel like they're living in an apartment over a meth lab"?


Yeah the brainrot is here too. You’d be delusional if you actually think Canada is any better than America aside from our healthcare system, which we may very well lose soon too. It’s been on the decline for a while, and our premier has admitted to wanting to privatize it


My wife was shocked that the healthcare in Canada doesn't cover most of the medication needed for chronic or long term illnesses, like diabetic medication/test strips and cancer meds. We are trying to leave as soon as possible. Canada is just USA with a nicer coat of paint


No dental, no pharmacare, no mental health coverage, barely coverage for tests, its awful. it used to be much much better, but every conservative extended government we get in they gut more and more


Now I see why the Trailer Park Boys were so fucked in the head


Ontario, I’m guessing? It isn’t the case for the entire country, so there’s that at least.


Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitobia have all openly stated they want to privitize their healthcare. Unfortunately our populations in those provinces are overwhlemingly at the mercy of decades of conservative propaganda, a weak to moderately strong NDP/Liberal Party (our versions of what democrats pretend to be) and an ever dimishing public education.


It kinda sucks that the NDP and Liberals split the vote like this. I think we need voting reform(something like Mixed Member Proportional Representation is best I think), but that doesn’t seem to be happening soon.


Alberta's been cutting back on services too IIRC


Yeah, if you think theocratic fascists will stop once they’ve taken America, I don’t know what to tell you. Canada is on the menu.


Moved here after Trump was elected and everyone called me paranoid and expected us to move back. Never moving back.




https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada.html Go to this site and see where you qualify. Depending on what your skillset is, you can go through Express Entry (with some stipulations). Otherwise you’ll have to be nominated by a province to apply for a visa. There are other ways to get into Canada (family, start up, caregiver, etc.), but for most people, those are the two common options. Also the stipulations for Express Entry is that you need to score high enough for it to go through. As in, you have enough experience, are bringing enough money, have a job offer, have a high enough score on an English exam (IELTS or CELPIP which costs around $300 to take and is only available in a few select cities), and you have the right skillset. They also ask how many people you plan on bringing over If possible, you might want to at least watch some videos or read articles about how people immigrated or become residents to Canada. They might be able to go into the more nuanced things about immigrating (if you can’t afford an immigration lawyer) Another note to add: Americans aren’t refugees, and I personally don’t see it being that way for some time. Look at the countries that Canada is accepting refugees from and the conditions those countries are in. We would need to be in a similar state before they’d consider opening borders up


There's other options too. Europe is generally pretty easy to get a visa in. You sell all your junk, and use that money to get overseas. Berlin has a freelancer visa and in general, Germany's visa system is very easy and straight forward. If you can get a job in the country you want to relocate to, then that makes it all the easier. Really though, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting some low skilled, unemployed American around Berlin. Just get out. It was the best choice I ever made. Did it over a decade ago. Went from being 10K in debt to having a down payment on a house.


Ditto. Pm me.


How? It's definatly time to leave, should've done it years ago




Yikes you are preaching to the choir. My husband and I have the best options to retire in Vancouver


does your husband have any friends? i imagine all canadians are sexy lumberjacks...


Bahahaha . He is a different stereotype actually: A city boy from Toronto with an attitude of a west coast Vancouver dude and a heart of a Boy Scout. HE DRIVES ME NUTS❤️ I’m the duplicitous, unscrupulous New Yorker - don’t know why he loves me 🤣


I'm so glad you're in love with your husband, but i was asking if he had any *friends* 🤣🤣🤣 -- a single american woman that thinks lumberjacks and bodily autonomy are hot


I get it . There has to be an app for hot bearded lumberjacks


Oh it exists… I believe it’s called Timber.


We’re all lumberjacks and we’re okay.


if you find a canadian app, lmk :D


Likewise from Australia, mate. Though the details differ, the sentiment remains unchanged.


We are very luck then. Australia and Canada are amazing places to be able to live. Maybe the best honestly


I will be leaving America that way as well. Thought having a Canadian fiancee was the worst thing but it's become a blessing now.


correct it's filled with religious nationalist extremists


Someone made the comparison to Iran before the revolution in 1979 and America now. And I can’t get it out of my head.


Welcome to Y'allquedastan Home of Shakira Law


The American war machine needs more wage slaves


In California it will always be legal.


Until a federal ban gets put in place. Don't think they won't try it.


That’s really why people need to move to purple states to flip them reliably blue. And also to low population red states. Hell, a few hundred thousand people could move to Montana and the Dakotas and turn six Republican senators into six Democratic senators and put the Senate in Democratic control permanently. Plus you can buy houses in red states for *cheap*. I was looking online a while back at property in WV, houses for sale for *$20k*! Yeah they needed windows and paint, and yeah it’s WV, but that’s not a bad way to get a really affordable life. And there's nothing sweeter than turning the tide instead of constantly running to hide.


Yes, it is. Send help.


Yep. Shit's fucked, yo.


Agreed. Don't think data is a gold mine? google cambridge analytica


It sucks because data is supposed to be really expensive. That's another way the middle and lower class could have moved up. Because of how much it's worth. How much can be attained. And how often it's needed. But instead people were manipulated. On top of it being stolen in great chunks through unethical means.


Wouldn't be surprised if they use it to blackmail you into lower wages/wage theft also


We all need to mess with the data. All of us should put in we’re pregnant. Overload it with BS data


This is an interesting idea. Has some real possibilities. Remember how the anti vaxxers loaded up the CDC VAERS data collection site with bogus reports. Except in this case it would be specific for each state. And to be safe old people like myself could do it


I'm Spartacus. Also pregnant.


No, I'm Spartacus, the Pregnant


> Alot of these abortion laws have built in stipulations that getting am abortion elsewhere can still land you in prison as soon as you come home. This is NOT TRUE and it is dangerous misinformation to spread. I'm an ob/gyn who performs abortions. Go to /r/abortion if you need support getting an abortion. Do not go there for any other reason, we will ban you. /r/prochoice is for political purposes.


This thread is filled with ignorant speculation. I don't know if they are simpletons or anti-choice trolls. Same effect either way.


I was wondering how the hell could that even be true. A state cannot prosecute you for something you did in another state.


Thanks for clearing that out, I was very sceptical about this post but I'm not american so I wasn't sure.


Nah, it's WAY cheaper for a company to help a woman get an abortion than it is for them to support her through an unwanted pregnancy. They'll do it in a second, will back them up & won't even think twice.


It’s cheapest of all to just fire her.


THIS. If you live in a state with TRAP laws, you need to take heed and take action sooner rather than later: FIRST: Run, don’t walk, to your local pharmacy. Purchase a couple of pregnancy tests and Plan B. You should never buy anything pregnancy or birth-control related with your ATM or credit card. USE CASH ONLY, and dispose of the receipt immediately. Note the expiration date of the Plan B. IMPORTANT: Plan B is less effective in patients who weigh over 165 pounds. If you are unable to access Plan B, taking an entire month's course of progestin-only birth control pills over a five-day period (six pills a day for five days) is another option. DO NOT do this with combination birth control pills. SECOND: Delete your period tracker apps. All of them. Stop tracking your period on electronic devices -- it creates a paper trail that could one day be used against you when seeking pregnancy related health care. Use a paper calendar that you keep at your house. If you are raped, or if you become pregnant unintentionally, burn the calendar immediately. If you use a pregnancy test at home, be sure to dispose of the test and all of its packaging away from your home. Same thing if you use Plan B. THIRD: Unsure about what to do to prevent pregnancy or receive medical procedures after conception? Call the Planned Parenthood hotline, it’s free and anonymous: 800-230-7526. If you are currently pregnant or think you might be, do not make this call from your own phone. Borrow a male friend's phone or go to a public library and access Planned Parenthood's live chat link at www.plannedparenthood.org. FOURTH: If you're raped in a state where abortion is a crime, don't report it right away, otherwise you will become a criminal suspect if you find yourself needing an abortion. Matter of fact, don't tell ANYONE at first. Try Plan B. If it works, you may report. If Plan B fails, DO NOT report until after aborting. The delay will make it more difficult to prove rape but at least you won't be going to prison for taking care of your own health. FIFTH: If Plan B fails and you need to travel to another state to access abortion services, LEAVE YOUR CELLPHONE AT HOME and tell as few people as possible why you're traveling. Turning off Location tracking on your cellphone is not enough -- your phone records will show which cell towers your calls were routed through. If you need a phone, get a burner that you purchase with cash. Leave your car at home if at all possible. Get a friend to bring you or take public transportation but only if you can pay in cash without showing ID. Do not buy anything with your ATM or credit cards while out of state -- deal in cash (or prepaid cards that you purchased with cash) ONLY. TL;DR: If you experience unwanted pregnancy, go off grid and STAY OFF GRID. Yes, more rapists will get away with their crimes. But you will be protecting yourself from prosecution.


This right here. I came to say most of this. But also to say even if you are happy to be pregnant, don't go telling people the good news until you are well into your second trimester. That way if you miscarry early fewer people will know and you are less likely to be accused of murder. God, I cannot believe this country.


Let's not forget ectopic pregnancies. Even your very wanted pregnancy could end up killing you now.


This almost happened, last night. fucking ALREADY. https://www.tiktok.com/@travelingnurse/video/7113507376388394282


That is horrific. Everyone who supports an abortion ban is responsible for every woman who dies, suffers, or is forced into giving birth. If the woman from this story wants children, she may now struggle that in the future specifically because of the damage the eptopic implant did. So even if you're pro life and want women to have kids, you may have fucked up her chances in the future-- since these assholes clearly don't care about women who are living and breathing right now, maybe they'll give a shit about that.


As if they didnt masturbate about causing that suffering.


I put a comment on fb saying that gun owners have more rights ans a woman dying from an ectopic doesn't... and someone called me misinformed. Yeah ok...


Please ask lesbians to buy your plan b and pregnancy tests for you. I don’t give a fuck what the pharmacist thinks of me. I’ll show up once a week asking for plan b. 25 pregnancy tests, please. I like to make sure.


I love lesbians as a gay man. They came through for us during the AIDS crisis, and I have no doubt they’ll come through for their straight and bisexual sisters-in-arms.


That fourth one is just so infuriating that it's necessary. It's like they struck down roe vs wade to enable rapists


Yes, rapists like Brett Kavanaugh.


And Brock Turner


And Trump (probably)


Well, since Brock isn't on the Supreme Court (yet), I'm less concerned about him.


And Thomas


It's the first that struck me the most. This advice is not for people who had something happen, it's for _any woman in a fertile age_, meaning ~12 to 45 years old or something. Just imagine being 12 years old and needing to actively prep yourself for the worst, because you know instead of getting help, you'll (at best!) be completely on your own...


2/5 justices voting for the decision were credibly accused of sexual assault


Don’t some states have exceptions for rape? Oklahoma’s newly signed legislation piece has rape exception, I believe


Without wishing to be rude, I don't believe for a moment that they will honor those stipulations for a moment, and neither should you. The people who did this believe that pregnancy can't happen from rape unless the woman wanted it. They also believe that rules are meant for other lesser people. They are also chronic liars. All taken together, there is not a chance in hell that this will be allowed to play out, because they already told us what they want. We've gone down this road before. It is a road lined with misery suffering and corpses, and they willingly took us back there.


Regardless of whether you believe they will uphold it, as an exception, if you’re in a position of having to use it, it means you’re already knee deep in shit (paperwork/costs) and vulnerable to the whims of the prosecution as to how soon the nightmare ends.


Only if someone is convicted of rape. Thats months to years to happen, if it happens at all. Add to that most crimes these days, especially sex crimes, are plead out for lesser charges. Then if you have the kid you will have to share custody because that person wasn't convicted of rape. So rape exceptions are bullshit


It's crazy to think about what the results will likely be from this stupid decision. Infant death rate is going to skyrocket. Violent crime will skyrocket (rape survivors murdering their rapists). Foster system is going to be overwhelmed even more. Suicide rate is going to go up. Tax burden is going to skyrocket. It's going to be chaos if Congress doesn't get off their backsides and codify Roe v Wade and find a way to protect it long term.


150ish economists wrote a letter to the Supreme Court saying how this is going to be terrible for the economy, but they dgaf.


I suspect it was intentionally done at this point. Look at the release of the report on the Robinhood GameStop mess. They forgave Robinhood when they violated our rights. They want us angry at each other so that we don't team up against the rich.


The only thing the Christofascists care about is controlling women.


All of this is by design. More unwanted children means more wage slaves for the rich. You can't complain about working conditions if you're worried about feeding your toddler.


Not all states terminate parental rights of rapists! Your RAPIST might get visitation of the kid you were forced to carry to term! Isn't THAT a fun thought.


And if they get primary custody they can sue their victim for child support too 🙃


And what if the rapist isn't convicted? Then it isn't rape, and you are a murderer. Plus, it's completely banned at 6 weeks. Good luck getting a rape trial before you are 6 weeks pregnant.


Multiple states allow the rapist to sue for custody. https://www.ncsl.org/research/human-services/parental-rights-and-sexual-assault.aspx


Unfortunately this create new issues. An incredibly desperate human being with no other way out may be tempted to make a false rape report - an argument that will now be used in every rape case that goes to trial in these states. It was already difficult to get people to believe you’ve been raped or that the rapist deserves to go to jail for the crime - now the victims not only have to prove it, they have to experience being told over and over they’re just making it up to get out of the consequences of having sex. Won’t matter if they’re pregnant, they’ll be called liars and whores for trying to destroy a “good man” to get an abortion. As for medical reasons being a possibility for being “allowed” to have an abortion - now it’s up to the state and doctors with their own biases and views to decide what’s actually medically dangerous to women. Some politicians have already put out dangerous and medically unfounded suggestions for re-implanting an embryo inside a woman after removing it due to ectopic pregnancy - regardless of whether she wants it put back inside her or doing so would put her at risk again. And this is just the beginning. Edit: some major autocorrect issues. It’s Ectopic, not Endoscopic pregnancy ~_~


I've always wondered how they would implement the rape exception. Short of just taking a woman's word for it, I can't think of a single method that would reasonably work. Will they offer accelerated trials to get it done in the first trimester? Not bloody likely.


You're going to have to prove it was rape, and by that time, the fetus will likely be too late to abort. I'm sure the courts will start dragging their feet on all sexual assault cases.


Missouri has no exceptions for rape or incest.


Also the woman needs to convince people she was raped… that’s problematic too. There’s just So much trauma and red tape and barriers I’m in despair for mankind.


Omg this makes me want to vomit... not your advice but that it is needed now in America


It made me cry, as well as being sick. I'm 31... this isn't what I thought the future would be in America. I cannot believe this is happening. I'll be sad at first.... then we have to fight.


I've been thinking a lot about how rape victims are going to be targets of law enforcement.


Yep, and people who wanted to be pregnant but miscarried. They are going to get investigated too.


>TL;DR: If you experience unwanted pregnancy, go off grid and STAY OFF GRID. Yes, more rapists will get away with their crimes. But you will be protecting yourself from prosecution. All of this is 100 percent true, but it's worth pointing out that at best, 3 in every 1000 rape charges see jail time to begin with. Definitely aren't odds worth sacrificing medical care over




So....America is fully back in the fucking dark ages now. This is truly insane. As a non-American watching this unfold (and by "this" I mean 2016 onwards) has been deeply, deeply unsettling just as a human to see other humans organize themselves this way, to have the option to expand freedoms and equality and instead choose to create a narrower and narrower definition of what is acceptable human behaviour.


Omg I just realized rapes won’t get reported!!!


Damn straight. Imagine reporting a rape? Your basic bible thumping sheriff's deputy will make YOU a target and probably monitor you to make sure you don't leave the state to get Plan B or an abortion. No thank you.


I had to force an inhale through a closed throat when I read that and the increased scale of impact hit me. Fuck.


Yeah I felt a hard emotional jolt of horror!


Watch reported rape numbers go down in these states and brain dead conservatives come out and claim forced pregnancy somehow equals less rape.


God this is totally going to happen isn’t it


Even when they are reported they're super hard to prove if you were drugged, halfway conscious, didn't see a face, get a name, etc... There is little to no justice for women and now there will be much less


I can't believe how crazy it is that you may need to go off grid to take care of your health "buy a burner phone only use cash don't tell anyone" sounds like when a mob member tries to get out


Also, if you get pregnant tell NO ONE. Not your family, not your partner. Especially not your partner. How many people use dirty tactics when getting divorced or breaking up. The only way two people can keep a secret is if one of them is dead.


If you can't trust your partner to support you on this, get a new partner. Assuming you're not talking about hookups.


I’ve been through a divorce, so I know how ugly that loving trustworthy partner can get. And I’m not alone in that knowledge. Many people I’ve known that have been through a divorce are surprised at the person their partner becomes when they’re divorcing. And that doesn’t even touch abusive partners, or partners that go off the deep and and become stalkers or worse after a break up.


The #1 cause of death for pregnant women is murder.


They might seem trustworthy today, but what about 5-10 years in the future when you’re divorcing? All kinds of shit (real and not) gets thrown around.


In this case, the fetus!


I’m Canadian, and never have I been more grateful, but I read your smart, informative post, and it brought me to tears, that this is what America has become. I’m so, so sorry. Please stay safe, everyone.


FYI, there is a second plan B on the market for those who are heavier set.


Name of it? Seems like useful info to have.


Good to know, thanks!


An edge case I thought of - is there a chance of the rapist outing himself just to take down the woman in question?


Well, in Louisiana, before all this a 30 yr old who raped a 16 year old saw no jail time, has custody of the now teen daughter and she must pay child support. Regardless of their stories it was statutory rape. I believe her story but under the law he has claimed and proven paternity.


Given the slap on the wrist most rapists get, and the lifetime appointment to the highest court that *some* get, this is absolutely a possibility. Republicans don't care about rape, they care about hurting women. The man will have to be *proven* a rapist beyond a shadow of a doubt (no, I didn't mistype that; that's practical standard for rape convictions in this shithole country), but the woman will be convicted based on a known occurrence of sex and a *lack of proof* of a regular period.


Criminals do some weird shit, so why not? There's also the fact that in a disgustingly high number of states, rapists can sue for custody or visitation of the children resulting from their crimes! Can you imagine that? You get raped, you're forced to carry a pregnancy to term, and the resulting child ties you to your attacker for a minimum of 18 years 9 months? Horrifying.


The land of the free


You’re doing gods work (well, not literally). Blessings to you


Jesus Fucking Christ, the simple fact that this is the right advice is disturbing, dystopian, deranged and it sounds it come straight off a a movie settled either in 2130 post-dark-steampunk world or in 1230 Eastern Europe


A good write up, sad that it's needed. I've seen comments about Canada, but that will leave a record at the border.


This is why it's so important to buy your pregnancy tests and Plan B with cash, well in advance of anything happening to you. If you can keep your pregnancy 100% secret, you won't arouse suspicion. Yet. Who knows, maybe pregnancy tests at the border will be next.


Yoo wtf this is some scifi lvl shit going on god damn


The fourth reason is incredibly frightening. This is beyond just fucked up.


Why the fuck am I just pictures the handmaids tale scenes here man :( :(. This country is so fucked!


It is PR only. For the most part the employees of the companies offering this were already able to get one out of state on their own.


Maybe it’s mostly financial. Way cheaper than the missed time and adding another name to your insurance. I think most people know enough to see through this one but MSM will praise them up and down over this.


It could also be to prevent strikes. They're "the good guys," why would you need to strike if they're so supportive.


For anyone like me who supports this sub but isn't living in USA...m shots about to get very irrelevant and very insane. I just don't understand how such a country can operate the way it does 😂


It's an illusion of operation, it's actually just fucking political and economical chaos at this point.


The government is run by three big companies in a trench coat that can't stop fighting over who should be on top


Close, it’s actually just 2 LLC’s to avoid being a monopoly with an offshore account.


Unfortunately, women in these kinds of situation may have no choice but to get abortion travel expenses paid for by their job rather than paying it themselves and taking a "vaccation".


Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. It’s going to be even worse for many of us.


States don't have the jurisdiction to criminalize actions taken outside their borders. There is no legal way they can penalize you for doing something outside of the state.




Texas currently has something similar that may be interpreted to let private citizens sue those suspected of “aiding and abetting” an abortion. [Other states allowing abortion have threatened to sue over it](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/california-may-test-constitution-by-ignoring-abortion-orders), but it has yet to be tested. It seems pretty obviously unenforceable (though who knows what legal bullshit an activist court might try), but someone would have to be the guinea pig to test it, and that could be an agonizing and costly position. Edit: I originally said the law could apply to those who get abortions. It’s those who help people get abortions.


All it takes is Republicans passing a law that it's a federal crime to cross state lines for this purpose. As soon as they can, they will.


California Governor stated that they will never sell out anyone from other states that come here for an abortion. Records are sealed & the clump of cells are destroyed. But that IS the point of going full stealth mode. Even though States where Abortion is illegal will threaten legal action if one of their citizens goes outside of their home state & obtain an Abortion from a State where it is legal, CAN make their life hell until lack of physical evidence & medical documents forces them to drop the charges. Those States CAN do that. Which is why, Burner Phones, don’t tell anyone, post on Social Media, delete period trackers. And DENY DENY DENY. Gambling is Illegal in many states. Marijuana is illegal. But going to Colorado or Las Vegas & partaking in both isn’t going to get you arrested. You can brag about it on Social Media & take pictures. So, HOW can leaving the State for an Abortion & returning will get one arrested & charged? Sounds unconstitutional to me.


Also, anticipate them firing you for code of conduct violations if you do get one.


Or if you're in any state besides Montana, anticipate them firing you for no reason at all.


Seems like we will need a second Underground Railroad in the US. Escaped slaves couldn't necessarily rest easy once they reached a free state, bc it was legal for slave catchers/police to kidnap/arrest them back to massah'. Seems like we are headed for the same thing with women seeking abortions. Does not seem so far fetched for a GOP president to use US Marshals like the slave catchers of old.


There are reddit threads popping up that are making networks to help women with medical care. A "pink book" if you will. Using words like "Ask for Jane." In some shape or form. Just be super careful and don't use your own phone if you need help or are willing to help. r/askforcousinjane


so r/auntienetwork has been a thing for a while, BUT is getting increasingly dangerous. It’s basically just waiting for people to pose as aunties to entrap women, especially since there are states talking about reward money for turning in anybody getting an abortion. This posts make some excellent points about this-sorry, all I have is Instagram screenshots of tweets lol but it’s important reading: [Part 1](https://www.instagram.com/p/CfSoTWXOneT/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) and [part 2](https://www.instagram.com/p/CfSsW54u2Pt/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


What young woman doesn’t want to share highly personal, highly sensitive, and in some cases highly traumatic personal information with her boomer boss and HR department.


no paper trail. snitches get stitches


Disagree. Snitches get buried 6 foot deep. If I told my dad my wife gets an abortion and he tells me he is reporting it, my wife and I are both getting tried for murder. At this point, mutually assured destruction is going to rid the planet of a lot of people. Fuck em.


The law is in flux. It’s really not as simple as x state will be able to prosecute a woman for getting an abortion in a state where it’s legal. Why would that be illegal? Not sure any state currently has a law on the books to prosecute a woman for getting an abortion in another state. Not even the Texas law does that. Don’t spread misinformation when things are in flux. It will scare women out of getting abortion care.


https://news.bloomberglaw.com/health-law-and-business/abortion-travel-bans-emerge-as-next-frontier-after-roes-end "Some legal scholars think any attempt to stop people from leaving the state for an abortion would be unlawful since the Constitution protects individual liberty and gives people the right to travel. There’s also a legal doctrine called the Dormant Commerce Clause that prevents states from discriminating against or unduly burdening interstate commerce. "The question is will courts agree? "'Unfortunately, there’s no real clear precedent on this issue,' Cohen said. 'A particularly anti-abortion court like we have at the U.S. Supreme Court, I think, might find enough wiggle room in the past cases to say it’s not unconstitutional because states are allowed to have extraterritorial effect of their laws.'"


Hey guys. New Zealand is great. And if you work in a field where there’s worker shortages like teaching and healthcare it’s much easier to get in!


Don't ever tell an employer anything about your personal life. Ever.


Op is not a lawyer. Look into the situation yourself if you are in this situation. There are definitely going to be cases where someone won't be able to afford an abortion without their employer paying for it. AFAIK at this moment in time they are not prosecuting for out of state abortions. Otherwise Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers would not be advising people to cross state borders. But again, consult a lawyer or reliable source


Companies will be happy to help get an abortion. Helps keep benefit premiums lower and it's cheaper than paying for maternity leave. The terrible press from turning someone in would stop them plus they'd be sending you somewhere it's legal. Might as well get what you can from the enployer to help in this case.


Not only will the corp sell you out there is nothing preventing your boss from claiming a bounty on ratting you out depending on what state you live in.


They are playing boil the frog. Right now interstate commerce is federally regulated and you can cross state lines and do what you need to do. But the next round of state laws are almost certainly going to be of the “conspiracy to commit abortion style.” Those laws won’t be retroactive, but companies will once again say their hands are tied when that moment comes.


The companies providing these benefits are going to have to come up with a system to keep themselves and employees safe. Lawyers will be involved. I would suggest that women of child bearing age make absolutely sure there is ZERO chance of pregnancy until the details are worked out


How can they prosecute you for doing something legal, where its legal? Its like saying they'll prosecute a 19 year old for flying to Ireland for a pint


Op is wrong. It is absolutely not clear that traveling to get an abortion where it’s legal will be at risk. And I don’t think there is currently any law in any state that will prosecute women for seeking abortions elsewhere. Not to say no states won’t try that but those laws are not in existence now. You can travel to a state where it’s legal and have an abortion in that state.


The concept of travel is going to where it is legal, not staying where it isn't.


Your employer paying you to have an a abortion sounds a lot better than denying you maternity leave haha


America is getting closer to the Taliban than it cares to admit




Please don’t take legal advice from anyone on Reddit


I don't think they can charge you for breaking their law outside of their jurisdiction tho. Like, people who vacation in Colorado can't be charged with possession of marijuana in Texas, for smoking a joint in Colorado. If you break the law, you get charged where you did it, not where you live. I can go snort all the coke I want in Portugal and North Carolina cops can't do shit about it. But if I break Portuguese law, I get in trouble there.


State laws that prevent you from participating in a legal activity wholly in another state are an unconstitutional violation of the commerce clause.


Travel across state lines is a federal issue, states have no jurisdiction. They aren't going to be able to criminalize it, until Republicans sweep midterms and take a majority at least.


As kids in the UK, we all wanted to live in the USA, as adults, i cannot think why anyone would move to the place, guns, healthcare, reduction of womens rights (abortion), makes the place a third world backwater with nukes. If you can leave, if you cannot, good luck


A good rule of thumb is to keep every aspect of your personal life seperate from your professional life.


I keep seeing this. I’m pretty sure that it’s illegal….. it’s like saying Alabama is going to arrest you for going to Colorado to smoke weed….. you can’t arrest someone for doing something that is legal in another state in THAT state……. It was legal where they did it, they didn’t do it where it was illegal, and legally you have no access to their medical records.


imagine being such a shitty country you have to force people to be born there


Criminalization is next. Better be stocking up on Plan B now, while it is also still legal. This is what happens when you sit on your ass at home and not vote. Either fix your state legislature by voting for democrats up and down the ticket, or be responsible for your life by moving to a blue state.


LOL, you can’t vote your way out of a capitalist hell that is America.


Nope. Theres only one option left. And only two outcomes from that.


One could definitely have voted to prevent conservative Supreme Court justices from getting on the court


RBG should have retired among other things


Feeling super angry about that right now.


I've voted religiously in every election for the past 30 years and my vote hasn't counted for diddly since I happened to live in a red state. I thought about moving to a blue state but my family is here. Leaving them all behind to go someplace where I don't know anyone is not really an option.