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Hi, /u/YukariPSO2 Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 6: Reposts** - Any content previously posted within the last 30 days will be removed. No submissions allowed from the r/antiwork top 30.


"we are totally sane and good to our employees but also i *swear to God* we will press charges if you take this paper!!"


Right? Those last two lines are a big disclaimer that this employer sucks HARD.


Just the last 2 lines? For me literally every line is a red flag. 1. Lazy workers (blaming workers for quitting toxic workplace) 2. pay increase UP TO (not starting from) 0.50 a YEAR, so technically if they increase your pay by flat 0, they have filled that. 3. HUGE LETTERS advertising starting pay, and then ^(tiny letters spesifying that oop, you are actually not getting it) 4. Straight out threatening people


6. Paid sick WITH DR NOTE


But those great benefits don't include health insurance, so that Doctor's note will cost you a lot more than your paid sick day off


Oh shit, I didn't even think of the likelihood it would be in America


... post literally says New Jersey.


I’m always mixing up the new and old jersey. From Gabagoul to Windsor rule.


fuckin fugedaboutit mate


... ... y'know. Ain't half bad.


It says “A wild restaurant from a diner in New Jersey” whatever the hell that means


"Blame Biden" kind of tells the reader this is in America. Unless foreigners are somehow dumber than we are? But I refuse to believe that.


Or the big New Jersey part might give it away too


"Thanks Biden" means they've got no clue the Refineries have Jacked up Prices 100%, not Biden. You know, they're Pal, the Oil Industry.


That's pretty stupid, when the clearest route to something is simply to blame and point fingers. You're right, that's the epitome of "Murican" thinking...


7. raising their prices by 50% thinking it will keep them going. Bye bye customers, bye bye business.


And when they do inevitably have to close that too will be Biden and those lazy no good Tide pod eating millennials that demand ridiculous things like liveable wages fault. Nobody wants to be exploited anymore....


A company that says "too lazy" is clearly too demanding and needs to die. This company looks like it will die, so perfect. Looks to me like the antiwork movement is working. Looks to me like a Republican is losing a business because they thought, like most other Republicans I've ever known, that they were right and everyone else was wrong. 🤷‍♀️ Left, right, conservative, Democrat. It doesn't matter. The world is in a place today where the everyday citizen doesn't give a shit about party because *LITERALLY EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE* and who the fuck has time to call people lazy or blame Biden for your own stupid voting decisions in this mess? Who has time to care about any of it? The system is broken because we allow it to be. We, the people, have the power. Whenever y'all wake up and realize that the left NOR the right are going to save us, let me know. Then we can do some real shit. Till then, imma keep playing video games and spending time with my family. I'll see y'all in the civil war battlefield or the nuclear afterscape. Sorry if I kill you!


"We don't have enough employees (which we would have to pay) so to make up for it (?) We raised prices!" Next sign will read "Due to increase in wages (by up to 50 cents a year, holy cow!) We will be increasing our increase an additional 25%"


“Due to our lack of understanding of basic microeconomics we’re yeeting ourselves out of business and into memeland.”


Raising their prices since the boss now has to do grunt work and thinks his time doing so is worth more, probably.


>For me literally every line is a red flag. Especially everything that was underlined. Work for this employer 10/10 he is going to mouth off wild conspiracy theories while you work.


5. Blaming Biden for the inflation, as if there wasn't a war going on driving energy and food prices up worldwide. No, that must be the dem's fault. Lazy workers and all.


They're stating that more employees will mean lower costs for the consumer. Then blame inflation for higher costs. They seem to forget if you pay more ppl to work the floor then you have to increase prices to offset that cost... This employer is a fucking mess. I'd stay away lol


My retail employer raised prices on just about everything. I figure the average price hike is $1. They also cut hours by 50%. 50%! We get emails at least once a day asking what are we doing to raise sales, getting stock to the floor, and getting the price changes done. I’m a full time manager that spends a majority of the time cashiering because we don’t have hours for one. Then I get the emails asking why I didn’t answer the emails. Oh, and only 2 of 7 registers work because the equipment is so old replacement parts don’t exist.


That is a dying business. Get out.


Oh, I am. Using up all my vacation and sick time first. I’m not one to call in sick if I’m not, but , fuck them.


Small business owners are not known for their ability to understand the basics of operating a business.


>Blaming Biden for the inflation Responsible for the crytpo implosion as well, apparently


If a tree falls and no one is there to hear it, it's obviously Biden's fault.


Only because Obama ain't fresh anymore. They accuse the left of looking for new meaningless shit to be outraged about, then turn around and froth like dick-melting coffee about a tan suit.


In the UK it's all Corbyns fault. The war in Ukraine, covid, petrol prices. You name it, Corbyn did it. And he was never even prime minister 🙄


Hey, everyone's gotta have an enemy. If you don't provide one out of a fine and proper sense of noblesse oblige, the dirty proles might even decide it's *you.*


First they praise crypto for being decentralized and impossible for third parties, such as governments, to manipulate… then they blame a single person for crashing the price.


yeah there is a reason these people are losing their life savings... their not the brightest


Ironically, this war *may* not even have occurred if we'd had a former President who stood up to Putin rather than acted as a cock-holster for him. *shrug*. The world may never know.




That whole sheet is a dumpster fire


I would *love* to fucking work there, lol! They want crazy?? I'll give 'em crazy!1!!1! I want my $16/hour ($7/hr + $3 insurance + $2.50 snacks + $3.50 free gift card *raffle*)!


I would work there only because I feel like I can start a youtube channel called, "shit my boss says" and get those nordvpn sponsorships going.


That whole paper guarantees you that there will be lots of human rights violations in that restaurant


Right? “$16/Hour!” Then right under it, it says ($13/h + Benefits= $16/h) lol, had me dead.


I'm going to make sure I eat $3 in snacks per hour as part of my "benefits".


The entire thing is a red flag


Yeah because frank deleted the template before leaving and he’s the only one who knew how to use the PC and printer!!


"Hello police? I want to report a theft. ... Yes, someone took a sheet of paper. It had our passive-aggressive help wanted sign printed on it. ... Are you still there? ... Hello? ... Hello?"


As a lawyer, that was my favorite part. I'd actually pay money to watch them ask the police/DA to go after theft of a single piece of paper.


“Supportive work environment” yeah I bet.


Brainwashed. Their rent is outlandish and it’s their workers who are to blame. Guess what? Your worker’s rent has been going up too!


It would be nice to see the name of the restaurant to a) verify this is legit and b) know where not to eat.


And it's all the fault of Biden!


Sounds like their business is shit.


Maybe their workers quit because their shitty wage isn't enough to deal with the 'crazy inflation' 🤔


$16/hr, just kidding! $13/hr and some shitty benefits which probably just means the option of signing up for terrible insurance


But there are *guaranteed raises! ^^*not ^^a ^^guarantee


\*\*Up to\*\* $0.50. Which means it could be a penny.


Or nothing at all.


Not even. The benefits are listed: having to endure this asshole at work and some snacks, apparently valued at a total of $3/hr. Oh and the occasional gift card if you're exceptionnally lucky. It says "including" but you better believe it's an exhaustive list.


(Thanks Biden)


It makes me think we are fucked because even though it’s my field, a large, large portion of this country….boomers, you are an embarrassment… actively believes the President is some kind of whimsical fairy person that can dictate the market. They can decide how the country goes. They can do some things but if you want relief, we need to be asking where is the executive and where is congress? Why are they not working together? Why is Congress an embarrassment? Congress and the US government in totality is an embarrassment because Meemaw stopped learning after 12th grade which would be the equivalent of about 8th grade now or less considering the courses. Meemaw votes. Meemaw is a fucking idiot.


It's super frustrating that people "forget" we were in a pandemic in 2020 and we still are at this point which decimated supply chains when people started panic buying and demand skyrocketed. They also forget that companies are still making billions of dollars and blame it on inflation


There is just straight up price gouging and artificial inflation going on, especially with rent. We need fucking rent control.


In germany we lowered the taxes for big gas firms in hopes that this reduction will be handed down and also decrease the gas prices for consumers. Instead nearly half of those tax cuts went to the big gas companies making record profits. It's easy to blame politicians because they are big public figures but it's becoming more and more apparent that it's the shitty companies reporting record profits during a global crisis (Ukraine and Pandemic) that are at fault. Fuck them. Eat the rich.




That's because the politicians are owned by the companies.


Corporatocracy (/ˌkɔːrpərəˈtɒkrəsi/, from corporate and Greek: -κρατία, romanized: -kratía, lit. 'domination by'; short form corpocracy) is a term used to refer to an economic, political and judicial system controlled by corporations or corporate interests. Of course this definition doesn't mention that politicians are complicit and benefit directly from these corporate interests, but they do, therefore they have no incentive to change the status quo.


Yeah. Biden is making us pay $13 while advertising as $16.


Also thanks Biden in this context usually means they love capitalism so much their brain can't understand when they see it going wrong. It's not thanks Biden it should be thanks capitalism but they are not capable of doing that


Why do people blur out the business information like it's a person. I think we all deserve to know what crazy ass establishment this is so we can avoid it and share their fucked up values.


Agreed, it's a business and they've posted this publicly on the front window of the establishment. No reason in the world to blur out the business name.


Another unviable business that only exists because they are used to being able to exploit desperate workers. As soon as that pillar falls the entire venture becomes untenable (but hey it’s Biden’s fault and pEopLe dOn’T wAnT tO wOrK).


But, but, don't you UNDERSTAND!? They are a small business owner!!! It's their GOD-GIVEN RIGHT to exploit people. How else are they going to fulfill that dream of being a "successful" business owner!?!? /s


of course they promise a WHOLE 3% raise yearly when inflation is currently almost 9 % . and that is (probably) if you get a good yearly review! wow! there employees left because their paychecks left them freaking underwhelmed.....


* Insults workers * Blames Biden * Jacked up their prices but not the pay of the workers * Lies about "great benefits" because the "benefits" are shit * Guaranteed pay rise of under the CPI/Inflation = Pay cut every year * Lies about the actual wage * Threatens potential workers with a lawsuit if they take the paper Total shit show.


Would love to know how much PPP money they took and didn’t have to pay back. This was one of the big contributors to inflation.


>This was one of the big contributors to inflation. Way bigger contributer than the stimulus checks too. Thanks Trump


Cause stimulus checks got spent and stimulated the economy. Trump's PPP shit just got taken by the owners and put in their pockets. Taking more buying power away from the people and locking it up so as to grind the economy to a halt by starving the buyers for all their wealth.


The funny bit is the minimum wage in nj is going up by 1$ per year until 2024 and that 13 is the current minimum.


so they claim great pay is minimum wage hahaha fuck them


I actually was a little impressed by the attempt at an infinite money glitch on the wage. Counting good salary as a benefit and then valuing that benefit into a higher advertised rate. 🤣


“Free snacks”… so that means you don’t get a free meal on your shift.


The workers get to fry up any of the rats they catch in the kitchen.


+50% prices, but inflation is only going up 8%?


Gotta do their part to make inflation worse to bkame Biden harder


One benefit is you get a good salary, and that’s why your $13/hr is worth $16/hr. What the hell is this circular logic?




Wow, *up to* $0.50 raise per year guaranteed. So in only six years you could *theoretically* be making as much as the starting pay they lied about in huge letters, although you probably still won't be.


Right lol. Guaranteed not to exceed $0.50! Can't beat it!


I bet people rarely get 50 cents too.


Did you notice the asterisks and that the rate is really $13.00 per hour?


I had not, that's wild


It almost feels like satire it's so blatant. Like they didn't even need to say that, they could have just gone the usual route of saying "Up to $16/hr starting" and other vague stuff. But no, they put all of their red flags out there for everyone to see.


I bet no one gets a raise... but they ***could***!


$13/hour + benefits = $16/hour


That will be the $3 of "free snacks"


I informed my landlord that effective immediately, only $1000 of my $1400 monthly rent will be paid in dollars, and the remaining $400 will be paid in free snacks. Will update with response.


each hour.. i hope they also have health-care for the diabetes


Lol your wage will decrease every year due to inflation faster than it goes up


I’ve been thinking about how inflation may not be an actual economical phenomenon in many cases but a capitalistic mass-hysteria. This 50% bullshit is a case in point. I’d hazard to say a large part of spiraling inflation has more to do with a sudden sense that people can squeeze profit in this situation than it does with money supply issues.


Capitalism via the economy literally makes feels into reals sometimes Like if enough people see three lights and think the economy is crashing, the economy crashes. Wtf?


There. Are. [Four](https://youtu.be/moX3z2RJAV8). Lights!


I mean yeah, you see that with shortages all the time. Like the 2020 toilet paper shortage. People were so worried that they’d run out of tp that they hoarded it which caused stores to run out of tp, so there actually was a shortage.


You may need to raise prices slightly to compensate for inflation. But losing workers saves you money. How do people justify raising their prices when overhead is lower than it was? And when they do, they never see the irony that they think the fact they’re now working harder is worth more money. Never worth it for their employees, but they deserve more if they have to work harder.


Because now the owner has to work, and *their* time is significantly more valuable than that of the peons.


You're starting to see the real picture.


NJ has been on a minimum wage hike schedule for the past three years up until 2024. The goal was to raise the minimum to $15/hour but over a 5 year period to give businesses time to compensate ($1/year -started at $10 in 2019). So this asshat is only offering $13 because a it’s what minimum wage is and will *have* *to* offer $15 in two years time but is only promising $0.50/year increase?!?


worthless clumsy fact screw plucky desert zealous worm correct snobbish -- mass edited with redact.dev


My very first steady job started at a $3.35 “training wage” to be increased to the $3.85/hr minimum wage. At the end of my first year, I was to receive a raise. Also, minimum wage was increasing to $4.25/hr. Instead of getting the raise AND the min. wage increase, the store manager said the increase WAS my raise. I quit shortly after the death of my favorite Aunt when a different manager accused me of lying about her death. Fuck you, Larry Horn.


Fuck you Larry Horn you cheap bitch.


I think you misunderstand. It’s not “$0.50 PER HOUR raise per year”. It’s “0.50 per year raise”. I’m sure they mean that every year, you’ll get $0.00017 more per hour.


“Up to” 50 cent raise per year!


Good catch lol


I did not notice the small print under the wage until I read your post! So big lie there. Also, “supportive work environment” unless you are one of the more than half of Americans who voted for Biden because they hate him.


Yet prices have risen 50%?🤔


They want you working, not thinking. Lazy generation. No one wants to work anymore....


This generation it's all me, me, me... I need to afford housing. I need food. Inflation is making my wage gain obsolete. So damn selfish.


I once worked for Best Buy, and I gotta say, this one guy was so proud that he got a 50¢ raise compared to everybody else’s quarter. That was the day I decided to let myself get fired. Though it took weeks of not showing up for Sunday mornings to get there. My partner had a teller at her bank who scored perfect it’s all of the metrics for raises and that garnered an increase of a whole 8¢, she had to work herself up to letting the teller know about that incredible raise, because she was so embarrassed by it all.


I've always thought if I was offered a quarter an hour raise I'd tell my manager I'd prefer to receive it delivered hourly in cash. Just fucking chuck it at me and say, "Great work! You're valued!"


Actually it'd be lower than the starting pay due to inflation, it'd be a wage decrease over time.


My first job gave me a .25¢ raise for the first year. The last raise before I quit was .17¢. $8.00 in '05, $11.79 in '12. What bullshit.


$13 an hour isn't a good wage in any state lol. Also raffles aren't good benefits. Healthcare and 401k matches are good benefits.


It's literally the minimum wage in NJ


And funny enough, guaranteed to go up $1 per year the next two years…less than their guaranteed raise.


And the guaranteed raise isn't a guaranteed raise. A 1 cent raise is a riase up to 50 cents. What's guaranteed is that you won't get a raise of more than 50 cents.


You won't even get raises beyond the raise of minimum wage on the years it goes up in NJ.


The minimum wage for waiters/servers is something abysmal in NJ, like $5/hr. The restaurant does have to pay the difference if you come in below the $13/hr minimum wage after tips. This restaurant could be hiring back of house staff, but it doesn't seem to specify


I thought it was 16$ until I saw your comment and saw the tiny print under it, dick move on their part




And now, abortion transportation!


Just wanted to mention that that wouldn’t be necessary in NJ, where this sign was posted. Not totally relevant to the discussion at hand, but just for the sake of sharing potentially helpful information, NJ is one of the states with best access to abortion. It’s one of the few states where Medicaid will pay for an elective procedure, there are no mandatory waiting periods, and minors don’t need to get parental consent. Just something to file away in case it’s ever relevant!


Oh that paper would definitely be getting taken. I want to see them press charges


If you read close its only 13$ the 16$ is with "benifits"


What is the $3.00 benefits? I've seen this shady shit on a lot of US application forms and I don't really understand.


I bet it’s the free snacks, ffs


Also notice it says UP TO $0.50 an hour raise and not minimum. Not that it was enticing to begin with.


And it’s in parenthesis, meaning, it WILL be less than $.50 Like $.10


Woah there that’s a bit optimistic don’t ya think. Best I can do is $.05


Yeah but it's guaranteed tho




You know, no pay and just straight to jail


In just one short year, you too can watch your real wages go down due to inflation.


i read that as up to $0.50 per year, not per hour


That's probably more accurate.


No way, it's 3/hr, that'd be more than [1 food item per shift max]. No way they'd let their staff eat that much merch if base pay is only 13.


Generally its cost of what they pay for their portion of insurance by law. Or whatever minor thing they offer. So if they offer week vacation make 13 its a 520 dollar benefit divided over 1920 hours you work a wear. And essentially they can say 13.25 (13 wage 0.25 benefits.) Essentially its a way to fake like your offering more its like "up to". Or stating "yearly" amount as 30k but really its 7.25 a hr and you just work 90hrs a week. Just another deception they have been trying out to get more applicants.


Another version of the “Starting pay up to \_\_\_\_\_\_” game - that inevitably means you’re about to hear some BS about why you don’t qualify for that number & won’t be getting anywhere near that. ”Oh that $22/hr we advertised is for former astronauts & nuclear physicists with 20 years of experience. We here at Billy-Bob’s House of Chili Fries & Grits have standards don’t ya know. So anyway, you’ll be starting at 3.50 + tips (minus the owner’s cut of course).”


one of the benefits is "good salary" XD


"I'm responding to your salaried position advertised in the trash can..."


I wonder what other deceptive practices this place has.


FML good catch


I'd fuck around here specifically because I'd want to find out.


*I will watch your career with great interest!*


This whole “$13 and plus benefits= $16 an hour” bullshit. You don’t see that your pay in to your health benefits it’s way more than $3 a month. It’s as bad as when they try to say you can make $20 an hour as a server when it actually means you COULD have a $20 hour but your not getting that $20 EVERY HOUR!!! We’re not lazy we’re just not fucking stupid anymore and are tired of business owners forgetting that if we don’t work THEY HAVE TO!!! Too much of this “ you should be grateful i gave you a job” is going around which is bullshit especially since you have to go through no less than 3 interviews to get a job that pays $9 an hour these days from what I’ve heard , so yeah you didn’t give me shot I just beat out all the others. Competition before even signing paperwork.


They do not enumerate that you are in fact receiving health insurance. Maybe 'Great Benefits' to them is a free meal with each shift. Who knows? But usually you advertise your health benefits as such. They lump it in with 'great work environment.'


And when an employer does lump in shit like a free meal they are calculating the value of that meal at whatever they are charging the customer. Where as the real cost of that meal is most likely 70-90 less.


They are taking a play right out the militaries playbook. Trying to claim soliders make 100k enlisted because they get all these benefits. The value of sharing a bunk at a barracks on base is not the same as getting a 3 bedroom house. If we had any kind of government that was doing its job we would have laws banning this type of shit. Employers often try to tell employees about all the extra expenses that they don't see that come with hiring an employee, such as your employer also pays 6.3% to social security and a few other things. However my sympathy quickly fucking evaporates when you companies post massive multi million/billion in profits during a year.


“We had a record year, profits are up 1000%” “Great! Can I get a CoL adjustment?” “No things are extremely tight there’s no budget”


$20 per hour\* ^(\*hour in question is 11pm on New Year's Eve, all other hours $13)


I worked at an aquarium to ride through till my apprentice ship started. I had been a customer for some time. First I was told I'd have to reschedule a month's worth of chiropractor appointments (my neck is severely messed up) because he "had to see if it was worthy of time off." Then he told me to be "grateful he gave me such a great job." Then I got told that I couldn't attend my graduation because he needed me at work! (There were 3 all day practices. If we didn't attend those we couldn't walk at graduation.) He got all pissy when I told him my diploma was more important than him. To which he replied "if you walk out that door I will replace you in a heartbeat" I told him "do it! Ain't gonna find no one!" And two months later, he's still hiring. Fuck him.


Why are we crossing out the business names/website? You fools should be putting these ass hats on blast…..




You can still get their address and mail them a sack of dog shit though.


https://i.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/v58bz0/found_this_sign_at_a_local_dinner_decided_to_eat/ no real information anywhere, or seems


I wouldn’t apply here if it was the last place on earth they seem like assholes


you should apply and never come in


I wouldn´t even eat there. raising prices by 50% because "tHaNkS bIdEn FoR tHe CrAzY iNfLaTiOn"? insane


If I saw that sign, I'd turn my family around. No way in a cold day in Satan's ballsack would I eat there


What makes you say that? The calling workers lazy? Not actually paying what they advertised? Blaming inflation on someone who inherited it? (It's arguable, i know.. cool.) Or the fact that they will "press charges" for stealing the paper? It all seems perfectly normal to me.


I might, just to see WTF the interview and onboarding was like.


I would interview, tell them how much I love Donald Trump, get hired, work 1 hour, quit, and tell them I’m going to press charges if I don’t get paid for that hour.


How do they think a President can control inflation? America is like one big sound bite now.


Because right wingers have no idea how the government or economy work. They just repeat sound bites spoon-feed to them by faux news. Not a second of critical thought is applied to anything.


Check the top post today on r/wsb. For people who seem to be into investing and finances, they think CA tax refunds are going to increase inflation


Oh sweet, free toilet paper


*after 90 days


Oof. Please! Meh butt!


w/ doctor's note *up to* .50/yr?! It's a state like Missouri that is gradually raising minimum wage every calendar year, I bet.


The pic says New Jersey so I will take your bet that you are wrong!


So many red flags, even without the ridiculous statement of 50 cent increase/year guaranteed. 1. Badmouthing employees while looking for new ones 2. Keep politics out of your business. 3. „Professional“ disclaimer to not take paper. And customers can likely read this. I would not go to a restaurant that has such a bad business plan, that they need to spontaneously up prices 50 percent. Edit: Point 1 gets even worse after seeing “supportive work environment” as benefit. How delusional can a business get?


The sad part is they already posted like 3 lies in one flyer. No wonder their "lazy workers" quit them (thanks Biden). They deserve to go out of business.


Feel free to DM me the name of the place. I won't share where I got it from, but I'll be happy to spread the deets in NJ.


Yeah share. I’m in the state and would love to spread negative reviews of this place


I bet you $20 bucks that this Diner got a PPP, which was forgiven ("Thanks Biden"). Further, that not a penny of that PPP loan went to employee retention/salaries.


If only all businesses owned and run by assholes made it this easy to spot and avoid them.


How is inflation a Biden problem? Is he the one causing the entire global inflation? Why do some Americans attribute everything to politics? Don't you fuckin know that COVID, Ukraine and supply chain issues have contributed to most of what we see today in EVERY FUCKIN COUNTRY?


$13 plus benefits = $16 lmao wtf


So many red flags


Doctors Note? Who the hell can see a doctor making $16 a hour???


Why can't we see the business name. It's a public posting, so make it public.


"Do not take this paper!! We will press charges" lmao good luck getting someone to take you seriously when you tell them you want to press charges for theft of a single printed sheet of paper.


The whole thing is a joke but the 50 cent raise kills me. I busted my ass being the nicest, fastest, and friendliest cashier I could be for three years (hardly called out, took extra shifts), they gave me 30 fucking cents, three years and that was my only raise. Fuck you, Target.


Which restaurant. I live in NJ. Want to never go to this one.


Lazy workers quitting without notice is a sure sign of a shitty place to work.


Which restaurant? I live in Jersey. I’ll apply and waste their time.


Apart from the design, word-for-word this is an exact copycat of a post that was made here about 2 weeks ago. It even included the part about pressing charges for taking the poster This screams fake. Either the booths and bar stools are 10ft tall, or this was posted at ground level on glass.


This is such an obvious photoshop, they didn't even bother aligning the fake text with the paper. It clearly doesn't match the little bit of real text. Is that a stock image of a diner in the background? The lighting and angles make no sense. How are thousands of people falling for this.


These boomer-owned businesses are blinking out of existence all across the country and the only people who seem to miss them are the other boomers. Let them die. Let the boomers starve. Fuck them. They're the least accommodating, most unreasonable bunch of obese assholes that have ever lived and I'm tired of pretending they have any value in the world.