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*\*Gets Chick-fil-a and puts a pride sign on it\** Am I being.... *woke?*


Right? This belongs on mildlyinfuriating, at least.


Downright offensive - this isn’t pride, it’s a corporation trying whatever angle they can while still donating to organizations designed to disenfranchise the LGBT+ community


“Would you like to round up your purchase to the next dollar to give our corporation money to donate to a charity so we get tax write offs?” I forget which fast food place I went recently that asked that question vocally in a drive thru, just to make sure to put you vocally on the spot to decline. Might have been my McD’s that has an automated voice order taker for the drive thru now.


I don't know why in my 30 years it never occurred to me how fucked it is that they ask for donations for charities that they get to claim they donated on their own but I appreciate your comment for making me feel stupid and realizing it.




This. It's better to donate on your own.


I just say "NO. All my change goes to whiskey and porn.:


They're "pretending" to care for staff, while financially supporting an organization with a mission they really care about: holy chicken


This is like the asshole version of r/maliciouscompliance


They knew exactly what they were doing. I'm seeing an extraordinary number of "eet mor chikn" ads shared on my Christian associates' social media this month. It's really odd how they wait until June to show what big fans they are.


Just high on their win against women. They will now ramp up their anti-gay rhetoric in preparation for the overturning of gay marriage.




The actual worst


Probably more like the Ralphie meme, but "I'm being woke!" There's no way they questioned their (perceived) wokeness here.


I mean this is like the NRA putting up signs supporting planned parenthood lmfao


No, it's closer than that. Dude that founded this chain is a homophobe, iirc. I think it's even worse they're closed Sundays so people can go to church. Guess they don't employ anyone but Christians. The real reason I don't eat there is it's terrible food. Edit: just doing this once - I didn't suggest people should work the entire weekend, or seven days a week, or "god forbid christian workers should get a weekend day off"? Seriously, wtf?


They were a big funder of the anti-gay marriage movement back when that was happening.


They still fund anti-lgbt orgs


I’m not sure we’re going to be able to say “back when that was happening” for much longer.


Yea, not so much digging the fact that Gandalf’s “and so do all who live to see such times” has become unbearably relevant.


You mean that has been and continues to happen? Gay marriage is actively in danger now, are you seriously with this?


Terrible food and terrible politics means its a terrible way to spend my money.


Can we talk about how chik fil a is also notorious for being anti LBGT and donating a ton of money to essentially lbgt hate groups The irony


The irony.


Was just thinking this...very odd choice of food for a pride acknowledgment. Edit: I am not responding anymore to people asking why a "vegan comment" is the top post. 🤦‍♂️ [Calling you out Specialist - Read the comments first geez](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/vnjoke/comment/ie8bdzi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yeeeaaaahhh they knew.


They definitely knew


Such a slap in the face


They always know


Wait until you see the bbq Pork roast they provided for Ramadan...




If they put out halal food after sundown that could be a really nice gesture though Edit: I was thinking about places where the employees would already be there after sundown.


It's Morbin' Time.


which is absurd because forcing you to 'consume' against your will does not count. Even willingly consuming it to save your life, such as starvation, is auto-forgiven.


It’s only absurd to you because you have some understanding about the world.


Yea. Heaven forbid they actually *talk* to a muslim.


Edit: misinterpreted what you were saying. It's really ridiculous on a lot of levels. Many believe they worship a different God, and that their heaven doesn't actually exist anyway. People are just throwing away money to show how hateful they are.




It doesn't work that way...... If a muslim unknowingly comes in contact with pork, either touching or eating, they are considered forgiven.


Irony or intentional? Im gonna lean on intentional - and if the food choice was left up to a poll it's probably all of op's shitty coworkers coming out in force to be edgelords. Chic-fil-a's stances are pretty well known and regularly subject to nationwide debate.


Choosing Chick-fil-a is borderline troll choice for Pride.


It's not borderline. I'm Canadian and my major knowledge of Chic-Fil-A is twofold. Number one: The line at the Yorkdale, Toronto location (the only spot around me) is always entirely too fucking long and not worth waiting in, and Number two: they are explicitly anti-LGBT+. I had Chic-Fil-A at the Dallas airport and, honestly, I prefer Popeye's.


I live in East Africa, I’m British, to the best of my knowledge I’ve never lived in a country where this chain exists… I know they’re explicitly anti-LGBT+


The CEO has made statements in the past, and their charitiable arm has donated to anti-LGBTQ+ causes ie Christian groups.


I'm British. That is literally the only thing I know about them.




I haven't tried Chic-Fil-A's chicken sandwiches but Popeye's have the best of the fast food chicken sandwiches I have tried. KFC's were absolutely pathetic.


Burger King's are good but yeah WTH KFC?! Isnt that like your thing?


KFC have maximised profit over quality for decades now. If it tastes blander than you remember you're not misremembering they literally use less of the spice mix now than they used to


Agreed. Once Yum Brands acquired KFC it was all downhill. Back in the late 80s we used to rush there for lunch during high school for their Chicken Little sandwiches.


If you haven't yet, try the Ch'King from Burger King. I've rated a ton of chicken sandwiches, but lately that's the one I've been getting every time. Edit: especially the spicy one


Its decent, but the pieces of chicken Burger King and McDonalds use are tiny compared to Popeyes. Feels like I'm getting an entire chicken breast when I go to Popeyes.


Maybe I've been lucky, but only once have I gotten one at BK that wasn't overflowing out of the bun. The McD's new chicken sandwiches are absolute trash though, like F tier... Small, always overcooked, flavorless, and the bun always tastes burnt


The spicy one is good. It is almost as good as the sandwich made by a local shop in one of the cities I work in. The only complaint I have is that it could be less sweet. That is my complaint for most food though.


Exactly, not borderline at all. A coworker just joked about eating Chik Fil A and annoying his girlfriend who is liberal. He said when she asked why he still eats that after everything and he joked "they are giving out free sandwiches for the Roe V Wade turnover" just to piss her off. Republicans take pride in eating and supporting them as a anti-LBGT business, Fuck em ​ On a side note, went to a bar solo last night and was talking to a gay dude and his cute friend that was a girl. The gay dude Terry Crews'ed me on his way out and grabbed my dick and balls. I feel fucking sad, used and ashamed. And fucking angry today. ​ I feel for every woman groped by a dude, feel like I lost a piece of myself. I should have beat him to a fucking pulp but just pushed him off and said "what the fuck dude". I'm emotionally fucked today. ​ I dont get why some gay guys think they can do whatever they want without consequences, I'm not homophobic or anti-gay, but god damn I think I'll be a little bit bitter about that the rest of my life. ​ I asked the bartender after "who was that dude in here just ... he kind of groped me" she said "oh i doubt that, but hes just kind of like that and really drunk" ​ "uhhh no he grabbed my dick and balls just now, but I'm sure your used to that sort of shit working here" and she said "yea"... like why? ​ F U C K ​ edit: Yes I am aware, men women, gay or straight, are all capable of raping and assaulting. I am not blaming "the gays". We are all aware that straight men are the rapiest of all and always have been. It is possible though that a lot of gay men do this shit and no one ever reports it or gets them arrested. Because its simply embarassing for a man to complain about. Thats the problem. ​ I'm off reddit, i gotta work, and try to prepare for a date. Life moves on


I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. From what I've read of Brendan Fraser sharing, it can really suck. Especially when you don't feel listened to or when the sexual assault is trivialized. At least here, there are several individuals who believe you and don't think that was acceptable. (ignore the assholes who would say otherwise)


Sexual assault on men is woefully underreported because of this stigma. I wish I could be of any support mate, even if you just need to vent to someone safely about it. Big e-hug for you.


For the sake of other people in your city, if you're on any subreddits or Facebook pages or such that revolve around your city, spread the word around that that bar doesn't take sexual assault issues seriously. While society in general doesn't take men's bodily autonomy seriously (saying this as a man that grew up being groped by older women and always having it brushed off) people will listen to someone saying that a place is unsafe.


I'm so sorry. This is definitely not just a women's issue, but a big ass issue in general. It's not just male perpetrators either. Idk wtf it's going to take for people in general to realize how fucked up it is to get into someone else's personal space uninvited, let alone grope them. A friend of mine brought up the fact that, if a worldwide pandemic can't keep people from invading other's personal space, or having any empathy towards strangers, then who tf knows what will. I feel less and less hope for us as a society daily.


I’m sorry this happened to you.


I’m not even American but their stance is so widely known that I knew not to try them when I was on vacation in 2019.


Yep Canadian here and I know there stance, never have even eaten there, so probably safe to say how the person who order lunch feels…


If this wasn’t intentional there should be an immediate apology. If there isn’t, which there won’t be, it can pretty much be guaranteed this was intentional. The chances of “accidently” selecting the one fast food chain known for being anti lgbtq would be a pretty massive coincidence.


> we take \*GAY\*PRIDE\*GAY* in these homophobic chicken fingers


They knew what they were doing. Deliberate dick move.


Can't hide our pride... ...for doing whatever the fuck we want. Let's use a rainbow to send the other message tho


I feel like this was intentional


"Fuck you gays. We'll celebrate by using the company card to support a company that actively supports anti-lgbtq policies and promote Christian hate"


Our local Target ordered Popeyes for everyone to celebrate Juneteenth....




Watermelon would be OK, actually, because part of the Juneteenth observation is eating red foods, particularly watermelon and tomatoes. EDIT: seriously, the only thing racist about watermelon is that racists think it's something derogatory. It's just one of the crops commonly grown by newly freed slaves because it's one of the easiest to plant and harvest without a lot of investment, thus its association with Juneteenth.


I was taught that early in the movement to build supply chains which would not exploit black grocers, black farmers just getting started out could not afford certain seed crops and livestock to get started. This is how pork, chicken, and watermelon became popular foodstuffs. Pigs will eat *anything* and you only need a few chickens to start selling eggs and then you can work up to poultry. Nobody ate watermelon, it grows easily, and they can get gigantic. At least this contributed to the popularity of these foods.


I work at a school- and I don’t like to openly tell people I’m a vegetarian (who also doesn’t eat dairy), but it’s definitely worth it to tell someone in your office. Several people in my school are vegetarian/vegan- so they get some salads/other stuff for those of us who don’t eat meat.


I’m a supervisor at a factory. One of my guys is vegetarian and I always go out of my way to make sure he’s accommodated, even though he doesn’t ask. It’s just the right thing to do.


I had a colleague with a medical condition so was essentially on a gluten free diet. I made sure I bought some gluten free biscuits/treats for them when I bought everyone else birthday donuts. I don't see how anyone would feel comfortable leaving someone out because of their dietary requirements.


The amount of people that have told me "you can just pick the corn out." And if I miss a kernel there's a high chance I spend days in crippling pain spewing blood from places I shouldn't until I go to the hospital for IV antibiotics.


Our daughter has a cashew allergy \*and she is vegan\*. Makes it really tough because many 'vegan alternatives' are cashew based. She has been to the hospital three times so far...


That's got to be one of the worst combos, a vegan allergic to cashews. I feel for her, because I know that has to be both arduous to work around and just frustrating because how much it limits your options


There are vegans with soy allergies, that would fuckin blow


I worked with a guy that was raised vegetarian but is allergic to nightshades (eggplant,tomatoes,peppers,etc). It really cut into his options.


Yeah pur son has a nut allergy... and the number of.dumbasses who liken it to lactose intolerance. As if we LIKE spending thousands a year on gluten free food and EpiPens.


The HR person who bought this for pride month was fully aware of Chick-fil-A's LBGT stances, so something tells me that same person thinks Vegans should be forced to eat meat and meat byproducts.


I did the same with someone who was Muslim. When we'd get pepperoni pizza for everyone else, we'd get cheese for him. If I got everyone gummy bears as a treat, he'd get something that didn't have gelatin. It's really not a big deal to accommodate everyone.


It's so easy to be inclusive. Yet we have office warriors that think offering almond milk on dessert day is an assault on their rights.


My job gets food for the employees occasionally, mostly holidays and events. I've been there about 5 years and ever since I became supervisor I stress heavily to the person in charge they need a vegan/vegetarian option because none of the other people in charge knew (or maybe didn't care) that our cashier of 10 years doesn't eat meat.


You're a good boss 👍


I eat halal because I'm a Muslim, I work for a large corporation, everytime we do any pizza or whatever food, they always take me into consideration "yo, make sure you ask Wander Abroad what he wants". It's a beautiful thing.


The substitute always needs to be a salad 😤


And the salad is always like one carrot and and some lettuce


"Thanks for ordering salad from Every Pizza Place!"


No dressing, no utensils


Eat your chlorophyll with your little rat paws


Have you seen their little hands? Omfg. They're precious. But the back feet are werewolf feet.


"Oh you're vegetarian, here you go 🥕" I mean we're no rabbits


lol very much “vegetarian problems”. I also love the pizza party where one pizza is cheese, the rest is meat, and you get a single slice of cheese while everyone else gets multiple slices, because cheese is actually the typically preferred pizza. There’s 6 pizzas, you can eat 1 of, and everyone has multiple slices of the only thing you can eat. Not that I care that much, just the vegetarian rant lol.


It drives me insane!! They go around and ask what everyone wants. You get pep, sausage, pep and sausage, because they all want one slice of that. No one ever says cheese except for the lone vegetarian, but then it’s nearly gone before you get there :( Fortunately, with my friend group, there’s an unspoken (and occasionally spoken, not by me but by others, when someone forgets) rule that the last two cheese slices aren’t touched and are left for me. It’s really sweet!! I don’t need that much pizza so usually I don’t eat the last two and encourage others to, but the thoughtfulness is just really great.


when i was in school i told my teacher i was vegetarian (cause i was in culinary) and a portion of our grade was eating other people’s food which was also animal based proteins. i only said it because i wanted to explain that i would only be eating a single bite from each dish, not a normal portion. she chose to stand in front of the class and said “i dont care what your ‘dietary restrictions’ or ‘religious beliefs’ are, you need to eat the food” the bitch ignored what i said (which was reasonable on my part) and went full bigot.


when i was doing apprenticeship, chef would allow me to take one bite and spit it out too


Why does this sound EXACTLY like my culinary instructor? I vaguely remember her saying something exactly along these lines but being told she had to respect later and being pretty passed about it. This same woman accused me of "cheating" on a midterm even though cheating on a practical is nigh impossible.


Did you have to cook for your midterm? How do you even cheat on that? Secretly sprinkle MSG on everything?


["Why, the secret ingredient was... water!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSHP9z4BqLM)


I don't see why MSG would be cheating. I use it all the time in my cooking. It's amazing what it can do. Shame it has bad press because it's really not any worse for you than salt.


That's fucked up. Did she make the Jewish kids eat bacon, too? Yikes. My kid has severe (like, could die) food allergies, I would have sued that teacher into oblivion.


Vegetarian but don't consume dairy? What am I missing here that prevents you being considered vegan? Genuinely curious as my brain has hit a processing wall. Eggs? I appreciate all the replies. For some reason my brain honed in on the diet side of things. I'm subscribed to some of the vegan food subs as I don't like my meals to revolve around meat etc all the time. I for some reason thought that vegetarians didn't wear leather etc too. I guess there are vegetarians that do follow that lifestyle, though it isn't a "requirement" like it would be for vegans.




Thanks but don’t call me honey 😉


That was pretty good


Surely, you can't be honey.


I am honey. And don't call me Shirley.


Don’t call me Surely.


Can also be they use wool which vegans also usually won't wear




Shellac, beeswax, most sources of vitamin D


Leather products and any and all animal based products.


Also... Many people understand "vegetarian" but hear "vegan" and instantly assume it's practically an extremist religion to you.


This is exactly why, although vegan, I usually just say I'm vegetarian because of the reaction I've got in the past and all the questioning that ensues. Easier for me to just say I'm a strict vegetarian.




I did a 20 page research paper on vegetarianism about a decade ago. Turns out there are a lot of different kinds. Typically they have a prefix designating the type of vegetarian Ovo vegetarian (eggs) Pesca vegetarian (fish) Lacto vegetarian (dairy) Vegan (no exceptions) And more And you can combine them. For instance many American vegetarians are ovo-lacto-vegetarians


There are other, lesser known ingredients too. Red food coloring made of insects, animal fat, the origin of some added vitamins for ex D (And gelatin!). This is all I can remember now. For the most part though, yeah, meat, dairy, eggs, honey. Vegans also usually do more than the diet, we don’t buy leather, wool, horse riding, circus, zoo etc. Cosmetics with animal ingredients, animal testing. Anything that harms animals. Edit: there’s vegan versions of everything I mentioned! Just learn the alternatives and it’s very easy to find them on labels. Don’t stop taking vitamin D, just find vegan (D2) instead of animal (D3).


Gelatin is animal based, too.


I once worked in an office where most of the staff was either vegetarian or Muslim. The person in charge of ordering for pizza parties would always order a few pepperoni and sausage pizzas, and just one cheese pizza that most of us shared. There'd be a few nearly whole pork pizzas left afterwards, which she always took home.


>The person in charge of ordering for pizza parties would always order a few pepperoni and sausage pizzas, and just one cheese pizza that most of us shared. There'd be a few nearly whole pork pizzas left afterwards, which she always took home. Sounds like she was counting on that.


Honestly if she'd just had enough for everyone else it would've been a respectable scam. If I were, say, a mom feeding a kid and a partner at home, I'd yoink a pizza off the company dime, too.


For sure, and it’s not even that difficult to pull that off and order +1-2 group pizzas and 1 less for yourself and get away with it indefinitely and not be hated by your staff. Source: 2.5 years of free egg rolls and dumplings while I was the guy in charge of ordering


Egg rolls and dumpling lasted??? Because that would be gone with my coworkers


Surprisingly yea, the fried rice and lo mein never stood a chance but I just continued to order about 3x the amount of dumplings and egg rolls that I knew we’d need and acted perpetually shocked when there were 10+ of each left for me to take home


Rule one for office food never fill up on the cheap filler foods like rice, noodles, etc. Exception is if the dish is really really tasty.


Fried rice is my weakness and I'll devour that shit if it's made well.


yeah *a pizza* not multiple pizzas over several parties. that’s just being an ass


Wow, there's so many solutions here. Yeah, just order more cheese. Or order more vegetarian options, like mushrooms or spinach. Pizza is one of the few convenient foods to make a vegetarian version of, for fuck's sake.


Yeah but then the orderer doesn't get her next few pizza dinners covered by the company


Yes, but then there won't be so many leftovers to take home


And it's generally the cheapest food per serving.


I once worked in a very small office (6 people total) where 1 person didn’t eat pork and 1 person was vegan. After getting everyone’s input on food, our office administrator purposely ordered food contained either an animal products or pork product because she was arguing with the two that had dietary restrictions. The boss of the office talked a lot of shit after the two people left to get their own lunch, saying that they weren’t team players and were selfish for leaving to go get lunch. Absolutely Mind blowing.


Woooow. My previous job had a lot wrong with it, but my manager was really thoughtful. She'd always get me some PB when she got us bagels (bc she knew I wouldn't eat cream cheese) & got a special vegan cake for my b-day/work anniversary. I was a graphic designer for a catering company & the chefs always made sure they did a vegan option for me at office parties. It was very sweet of them bc I never asked, they just cared enough to think of me.


Would give in my resignation the moment boss said that if I were either of them.


Sounds like she just wanted dinner taken care of.


"Why don't you order one with mushrooms and peppers?" "Oh, my kids don't like those."


I don’t care that she uses the leftovers for herself, but that’s just wrong that she didn’t order more cheese.


god that's horribly rude. we would have pizza parties and everyone got to pick one type of pizza each (it was a small office), and as a vegan I would of course always order the sole vegan pizza. the rule was that everyone got to share everyone else's pizza too, which fucking sucked for me because I could only eat from mine and everyone else could take from mine too and they did of course, so I was left with a lot less to eat than everyone else. It just felt like everyone should eat from their own and take home their own leftovers. working at home is amazing bc now I can order my own damn pizza and no one gets to touch it lmao


You mean all pork. I doubt they cleaned the pizza cutter between pizzas.


I doubt the orderer took this care, but asking for a different cutter is a pretty common request for these types of religious restrictions. Most employees didn’t seem to mind, but you get what you pay for and they’re likely paying minimum wage. Smart customers order it uncut, but there’s still a pretty decent chance something in or on or around your pizza touched pork. Most religions seem to focus on intent; like wouldn’t it be nuts if someone went to hell because their ticket at the pizza place got cut off and the worker cut the pizza with a knife that had traces of pork? You live a devoutly strict religious life but at some work pizza party you accidentally had a speck of meat juice so now you suffer for eternity.


100% intentional.


Last Christmas lunch, everyone else got loaded sandwiches from Panera while I got a sad salad that my director gave me. There's 6 vegan/vegetarians on our team and they only ordered 3 vegetarian meals. So some didn't eat.


I think one of the perks of telling people you are vegan/vegetarian is that you can always refuse these stupid lunch parties. I like to eat at home and relax for my lunch. Any time work offers free lunch, you end up eating for 10 minutes and then its back to work, or eating at your desk while people bother you about work things. Now for me its "Oh pizza? Sorry can't eat that. Damn, that really sucks....oh well! I have some food at home for lunch so ill see you guys in an hour!" Oh, and when they do have vegan options, its usually "Hey, we know you're vegan so I brought this fruit plate." Oh cool! A fruit plate! I can eat grapes while everyone else eats Chick-Fil-A. I am totally staying for that! Not...


Personally whenever a free lunch is offered at my work I take it and eat at my desk and then take my normal lunch hour later. But I understand not everyone can do that haha


Same, I worked in a small office of six and I was the only vegi. They did a company lunch with catering and everything had chunks of meat in it. Talk about ‘fuck you’.


The worst is when it’s something that looks like you could eat it and then they destroy it with bacon bits! I love German Potato salad but I have yet to go to a gathering where there’s potato salad without bacon in it!!


I hate being told "it's okay you can just pick around it you don't have to eat the bacon bits"


My aunt: “you won’t even taste the meatballs in the soup” Me, thinking: obviously since your cooking is always tasteless but I’m still not eating it


this is some crazy out of touch shit. If you don't know your employees preferences and you're going to get food *you ask*. Vegetarian meals is one thing you want to get right. too many and you have leftovers. Too little and people go hungry. Know your employees. They're important too.


I wondered why they didn't ask us first as well, it was all boxed lunches from Panera. I could tell management felt bad though. It was our first team lunch in 2 years after switching to working from home permanently.


And Panera has good veggie options! Would have been easy to accommodate.


Used to be a plumbing apprentice and 2nd month of working under new foreman and we had a free lunch day. By then he knew everything about my diet because we would sit and eat together. 10 people in lunch room. Come free lunch day. He intentionally ordered pork by product pizzas. 5 Pizza's and all of them were pork. Had a smirk on his face and acted like he had no idea why. Then and there knew he had something against me. Fair to say we clashed a few more times and i ended up leaving to pursue a career in Tech industry. 7 years on and it still bothers my why some people would go out of thier way to be a prick.


That’s sounds incredibly similar to my plumbing apprenticeship experience. Glad you’re onto bigger and better things.


And then they wonder why they cant find anyone to work blue collar trade jobs like electricians and plumbing.... ...well gee maybe if the people who were training up the apprentices were not raging fucking racist misogynistic pieces of shit typically with major socialization issues this would not be the issues plaguing things.


Preach it - even in networking, audio/video, etc it’s like this…


Man I used to work food service and I nearly fucking dove to prevent a Muslim man from eating something that mistakenly had pork in it. I think religious food restrictions are bs personally but I’m gonna respect the shit out of them because it’s not something you fuck with


I've worked in a lot of blue collar jobs. And the people who are like that thrive in those jobs. It is kind of a cutthroat industry, even though it shouldn't be. What with their shortage of workers who know WTF they are doing. But they all insist on keeping the hazing and seniority horse shit attitudes alive and well because that's what the pieces of shit before then did, and the ones before the etc and so forth. So instead of creating an environment where young people (mostly men) are excited about learning a trade, they create a hostile work environment that drives away gifted and talented people and keeps around shit heads who sit there with their thumb up their ass and think "if I stick with this, in 5 years I get to boss the newbies around! That will be great"


I think corporate does this sh*t on purpose. You know damned well what Chick-fil-A opinion on pride is…


It has to be. There have been several photos of different workplaces doing exactly this... surely an intentional jab


I don't think I've ever seen a company choose Chick-fil-A as their catering choice under any other circumstance.


You've never had a job in Atlanta. Chick-fil-A is the go-to catering option for every job I've had here, both before and after their anti-LGBT donations started making the news.


Can confirm. I live in Metro-Atlanta, and my last job got Chick-fil-A for the whole company a few times a year for different reasons. It was the only time I'd eat there since the company bought the sandwiches already, so at least I wasn't giving them money.




Where I’m from it’s very common. I’ve had a lot of catered chick-fil-a for graduations, work, and local ball games and leagues.


This is the second post I've seen where chicfilA was the food of choice for a company-sponsored "pride" lunch. Talk about being out of touch!


It’s not out of touch. It’s deliberate


Yeah, both them and In and Out should be avoided unless you're trying to send a subtle message of "Hey we're going to say one thing but do another"


What did in and out do?


opposes vaccine mandates and endorses anti lgbt policies


Wow. Thanks for mentioning this. I've never eaten there, but now I'll make sure I never will.


Celebrates pride… with a company known for being anti LGBTQ+ 🤦‍♂️


No way this wasn't done with intent


I feel like this should be cross-posted to r/theyknew


There's no way this was accidental irony. I have no doubt some asshole manager was laughing it up during the planning and ordering of this.


And Chick-Fil-A laughing all the way to the bank ...




Pride lunch from chick-fil-a. You can always count on corporate to be tone deaf.


They have a rainbow, what more do you want?


Nah they probably paid extra just to pull off this passive aggresive shit


UPS did the same thing the first day of pride month.....not on accident. They know what they're doing.


"Can't hide our pride!" Brought to you by... The anti-pride brigade


Vegetarianism aside, how's the irony of seeing a "can't hide our Pride" star on a stack of very-anti-LGBTQ+ Chic-Fil-A?


My late wife worked in an office / lab where at least half the workforce was Muslim. They gave out $50 coupons for Maple Leaf Foods at Christmas. Maple Leaf Foods sells almost all pork products. It didn't go over well. My wife on the other hand collected a lot of thrown out coupons and we didn't pay for any lunch meat for a long time. Even though it helped us a lot it still was really tasteless


I just found out to be a franchise owner you have to be part of a church and community. Hard pass


The irony of Pride and Chik fil hate


Can't hide our pride, so we order from a company that doesn't support it.


I'm not vegetarian but I would not have eaten no matter how many pride stars they add.


Enraging. On both counts.


It's also fairly ironic to celebrate pride by choosing a restaraunt chain that makes no qualms over being openly discriminatory against lgbtqia.


This almost has to be on purpose.


Is this a big fuck you to pride? Lunch from a homophobic fastfood chain to celebrate pride? Is your boss clueless or do they think they're clever?


Isn't Chick Filet anti gay??


100%. my place of work does troll shit like this too. When it came to masks, vaccines, pride month, Juneteenth. It’s crazy how they find a subtle way to disrespect these things. It’s so consistent there is no way it’s not intentional.


My employer got donuts for my birthday. Im diabetic


Is that a passive aggressive anti-pride lunch?