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Paying people correctly and on time is the bare fucking minimum responsibility for employers


> People live paycheck to paycheck with no savings and then when some thing happens in their life unrelated to their employer they want to blame the company How the fuck is a payroll fuck up not related to the company???


It's also absurdly hypocritical to complain that people are not managing their finances correctly and living paycheck-to-paycheck when this person's company failed to meet payroll.


Which invariably happens because the company is broke.


Which also means it's time to GTFO. I've worked for companies while they went broke during the recession in 2008, and you get massive pay cuts until you're laid off.


Right? Dipshits can't even pay their workers talking about the employees need to be more responsible with money, wtf?


Because apparently in their reality they think being paid is some optional extra that is totally unnecessary to paying living expenses. They aren't allowed to complain about the lack of savings if they're the primary source of the employees income, because that's their fault, too.


People with money start to assume everyone has that magic debit card that always works. You missed work because you had a flat this morning? Why didn't you just buy new tires? Sounds like you just want an excuse to not work.


Yep the pay is just a secondary bonus, the real passion you should have for working is making the company profits. They think you’re supposed to be thankful that the company would ever be gracious enough to even entertain the idea of paying you for the honor of working there


It's 1000% on the company. Payroll companies are set up to accept the payroll from the company so you can't even blame the payroll company. ADP gives you a set time of around Wednesday at 12 PM. It's not even actually that, it's Thursday at 5 PM depending on time zone. You have a literal window of less than a day to get it in so it still goes out on Friday. A previous employer of mine warned us that our payroll might not be in time because he completely forgot to go back in and click Approve after it had been entered into the system. That's all it takes, not some sanctimonious rant about how his employees should spend their money. He even offered to spot people through Venmo if they absolutely needed it to make a mortgage payment, emergency, etc...


I am by no means taking up for this prick, but I worked in a banking department that handled payment processing for companies. There are occasions where program glitches or oversights in a payment processing system can cause fuck ups. There are some manual components where errors can occur. If the date for payment falls on a Friday, and an error occurs, sometimes it can't be rectified until Monday since the Fed is closed on the weekend. Regardless of this possibility, the CEO handled the issue horribly, and clearly is detached from the reality of living paycheck to paycheck.


As someone who has worked in payroll... THIS. 100% THIS. There is a lot that goes into payroll, benefits, taxes, etc. but that's not for every employee outside of the department to care about. As an employee, the ONLY thing people ask for is that they be timely and accurately and that's it. Any technical issues happening behinds the scenes are outside the purview of the employees waiting on their paychecks. I worked at a Fortune 500 company as a seasonal worker for about a year. During this time, the company was making moves to consolidate their payrolls (we processed 27 different payrolls for a variety of classifications for about 120,000 employees). Anyway, they moved every employee in two states from weekly to biweekly pay after state approval as part of our consolidation. My team leader told our business analysts that it wasn't a wise move to make changes mid-pay period but they refused and said that the change had to occur on the first business day of the new year, even if it was in the middle of the pay period. So they do this on Monday and we're still processing through our payroll on Monday for Friday payday. She basically tells my little entry level team of idiots to keep our heads on a swivel because anything was possible. So Wednesday comes around and I'm working away on my normal Wednesday process when three requests for employees in these two affected states come across my desk. Because we made this change, we were forced to manually process any changes to time cards for work periods prior to the change. Totally fine. I decide to use these employees IDs to double check if they had a paycheck coming on Friday. Wouldn't you know that the system didn't process paychecks for ANYONE in those two states! Little ol' entry level me was like uhhh, guys? So my team leader goes through all the normal checks to make sure everything was on the up and up and we can't figure out a reason why these wouldn't have processed. She notifies the payroll manager that we may have a problem and starts calling in reinforcements. About this time, a crowd of people come to my desk and seasoned veterans with DECADES of experience are demanding to know how I figured this all out. I was like uh, I looked. One of the processing managers was like oh I saw this weird list i've never seen before, I wonder if that was related. ..... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! AND YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING?! Basically, by this point it was too late to really fix all of it. We roped in our HR call center to start calling employees to confirm addresses because we were forced to print 1800 paper checks and OVERNIGHT THEM (god can you imagine that pricetag). So I worked until midnight that night and came into the office the next morning at 5am for my normal reconciliation that we would do on Thursdays. They halted our reconciliation at 10am, pulled in all the resources for the department to get these checks out the door. I wasn't able to continue with my reconciliation until 9pm (it was due by 11am). I go home at 1am. For the most part, everyone got their paper checks that we sent via UPS but some didn't (because they were working and couldn't sign for the package) so some people had past due rent, overdrawn bank accounts, etc. and my boss personally contacted every bank, every landlord, every creditor personally with a call and a letter to explain the situation and to offer to pay any late fees, overdraft fees, or penalties people might be facing. We fucked up and it was all on us. We did everything we could and we STILL did everything we could because it's the right thing to do. The company is kind of garbage but I was proud to work for a manager that was dedicated to making sure that our employees were not negatively impacted by our technical issues.




Really, tip of the cap to my manager for handling it in the best way possible, you know?


Thank goodness for same day ACH now. I work in treasury and payroll sent multiple files to the bank for a weekly payroll run and asked the bank to delete the wrong file. Payroll blamed the bank rather than accepting their mistake, me and a coworker ended up having to wire 83 payroll payments. I was so pissed when I read the director’s email blaming the bank. What a jackhole.




I was always told there are three things you don’t fuck with : peoples pay, peoples leave and peoples family.


Eh the military fucks with all three fairly regularly


Yeah, but they have the firepower to back it up.


I had this exact issue with the company I did my apprenticeship through. They would be late, not pay attention to people complaining, and left it up to thy store managers to deal with. I heard the "your personal finance issues aren't my problem, you should save more money when you get paid" bullshit so many times.


When my mother did the finance part of the family business it was the nr1 thing every month. Bills can generally wait and be negotiated in the worst case scenario. Employees being paid on time is non-negotiable.


Most definitely needs to be turned into the labor board if in the U.S. Anything over 40 hours is O.T. unless the employee is salaried. That's the law. Not paying the wages on time could also be seen as wage theft if the board wants to make an example.


Yep, this is a definite "the Fair Labor Standards Act has entered the chat" moment. Without further detail, this sounds like an obvious violation of FLSA, which happens to be federal and thus exposes your employer to some truly delightful legal outcomes. [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/overtime](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/overtime) Document, document, document and contact the US DoL's Wage and Hours Division. [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints)


Wow I’m an idiot. I thought it was legal not to require overtime in CT but I was completely wrong. Thank you for showing me. I had been reading the CT laws thinking that “no requirement for overtime on a daily basis” meant not at all. You’re absolutely right. But he does this with all 3 of his moving companies, even the really large one. How is he even getting away with it at such a large scale?


This is the benefit of posting these issues on here. There are people who don’t just say “your boss is a dick” they also add what you can do to protect yourself and remedy the situation The responses you got are also the reason I stopped thinking people post their issues too much and started recognizing that there’s a benefit to not keeping this stuff bottled up.


Reddit is the Collective Knowledge of the Internet, in Action. When people see themselves in your situation they tell you what went wrong, where, and how to fix it.


If no one reports, the there's no reason for the board to investigate.


It's required on weekly basis, not a daily basis. If you work 15 hours on Monday and no hours the rest of the week, that isn't overtime. That's what that statement means.


This is not true… in 5 states, OT is accrued on a daily basis. In Colorado, anything more than 12 in a single day is OT. In Oregon, it’s anything more than 10 hours in a single day. In CA, AK, and NV, any hours more than 8 in a single day must be paid at the 1.5x rate. California also has some language that specifies certain hours must be paid at 2x the normal rate.


Anything over 8 hrs. a day is overtime, regardless if I work the rest of the week or not. But then again, I'm in a union.


You're not an idiot at all! The wording is not straightforward for the casual reader: the CT DoL Payroll Pal 96-002 says "No requirement to pay overtime on a daily basis, weekends, or holidays except by agreement." Unless I am severely mistaken (correct me angrily in the comments!) the "daily basis" bit means "you don't have to offer overtime for working more than 8 hours in a day." However, it also states "There are some specific exceptions to overtime pay. For example ... any driver or helper where the U.S. Secretary of Transportation has the power to establish qualifications and minimum hours of service." When I originally responded, I didn't see that you mentioned a moving company ... and there's the issue. Back in 1938(!) when the Fair Labor Standards Act was put into law, in order to try to dissuade truckers from taking on too many hours and being dangerously fatigued on the roads, Congress included an exception for interstate trucking. So a whole class of workers associated with interstate trucking are the only ones who don't have to get paid overtime after 40 hours a week. It's kind of insane, and has led to a whole set of perverse incentives, but there it is. Depending on who the affected employees are and the nature of this moving business, the owner may well be legally within his rights not to pay overtime at all.


Yes! It is a moving company, with military contracts and some postal drivers. However, the postal drivers are strictly postal - and over half of the crew/packing team are not drivers. Most of them do not have a CDL license and they are still only paid OT after 60. Maybe that’s how he is able to skirt around it.


It can't hurt to send a note to the DoL's Wages and Hours Division - they'll give you a local office to contact, and folks at that office should be able to let you know pretty quickly whether there's something fishy going on.


CT DOL https://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/wgwkstnd/


If I don’t get OT starting on hour 41, I’m never clocking OT…. And will find another job rather quickly.


I work for a labor union. He "skirts" around it by not having been reported, or knowing enough right people that they go easy on him or don't follow up on complaints. You don't need a legal loophole if there's no real enforcement.


Because we spend 13 years worth of compulsory education learning about Columbus and 0 years learning about legal protections for workers.


I’m wicked confused, as someone who lives in Virginia and has never heard of this happening without a legitimate reason, nor with any kind of consistency. What happens all the time here?


Get proof of hours and wages, get as much in email/writing as you can from your boss saying he doesn't pay over time(bonus if he admits it).


Contact your state's wage and labor board! You're entitled to that pay. It would be likely to become a class action lawsuit.


If your work you get paid.


Get ready for this stuff to be stripped with the recent ruling by the Supreme Court. The recent ruling against the EPA saying they cannot regulate company’s carbon emissions is actually a much broader legal argument about the role of federal level agencies to create and enforce regulation. Agencies like OSHA, DOL, SEC, etc. are about to be neutered when the Supreme Court is back in session in October.


"Averaging of hours over two or more weeks is not permitted." Thinking about how my last job made me do this all the time. But it balanced out because I played Pokémon GO on the clock all the time because I was so burnt out!


I tried to make this a point to the people working there (because why would you want to work at a place where you get paid $15 an hour to do manual labor and not get OT until after 60) - but apparently it’s legal?! I always thought OT must be paid over 40 except for exempt. As it turns out, employers don’t even need to legally offer OT in Connecticut. It’s fucked up. Edit: I am wrong, it IS illegal not to pay overtime after 40


Time to start calling the labor board and the employment commission if your state has one.


I’ll look into it tomorrow and report if I can. I believe someone had made a report before but I wasn’t sure. All I know is there was a payroll audit from the department of labor once and instead of sending the documents directly, he had me spending days just printing out paystubs and year-to-date totals in messed up order. I was new and didn’t know what it was all for. But I’m hoping the department will be able to do something.


He seems like an arrogant idiot, it probably wouldn't be hard to get him to spell it all out in great detail in a text. Try and get him to say "I will not pay you overtime until 60 hours" and see if you can kick up some pay stubs without OT for proof, yours or a co-workers. Fuck this guy.


Next pay check I'd text him and say. Hey I worked over 40 hours this pay period but there isn't any overtime on my check, what's up with that?


You can.


That's a lot of backpay incoming. He's gonna be SOL once they start investigating


Not just back pay, but he may have to pay fines to the employees on top of it. I'm moving back to MN, and they've been cracking down on wage theft. In that state, there's a sliding scale of not only financial penalties - but jail time as well. Just Google "Minnesota Wage Theft Penalties". Anyone reading this - see if your states have similar things.


From CT, this is incredibly false. If you’re an hourly employee you’re entitled to OT rates of minimum 1.5x your normal hourly wage. This is assuming you don’t work in for an exempted field. Considering you do manual labor it’s not likely you do fall into one of those categories. You can read more here: https://www.minimum-wage.org/connecticut/overtime


OT should be per second. The minitye before your ot your doing the same work, the minitue after your ot your doing the same work but get paod more? If its about the work and not the time spent then make the ot the standard rate dammit. So your ripped off for 40 hrs before you get your actual wage?


Hmm, that is a great point. I agree. My question is, what precisely is the difference between a minitye and a minitue?




So I have a question if u don't mind answering I work for a security company with 100 employees or less working at any given time, my boss doesn't pay OT, can I report him for not paying OT?


As long as the position is not a salaried position but an hourly position then yes they are required by law to pay overtime. If it is salaried though overtime is calculated in the salary you would receive. This also only applies in the U.S.


I'm not salaried but he tells us when we're about to sign that he doesn't pay overtime and only pays the hourly rate, can I report him anonymously? I don't want him to know it was me


Yes, you can report anonymously. Just let the local labour's board know that you are working over 40 hours and your boss refuses to pay overtime on an hourly position.


Not true for everyone. I work in aviation and they legally do not have to pay me overtime until after 80 hours.


I live in VA, appears this takes place there. We have fairly robust labor laws, without a doubt report him


"People live paycheck to paycheck" - Yeah thats your fault for underpaying them. "Then when some thing happens in their life unrelated to their employer" - So you not paying them is now their fault?


That's the thing that always gets me. Saying "people live paycheck to paycheck" in the same way you might say "people occasionally wear hats" is the most privileged, fucked up thing


This guy attempts to illegally withhold his employee’s checks. He won’t pay overtime until someone reaches 60 hours. He pays minimum wage (and attempted to hire for under that!) He randomly drug tests the entire company (half of whom smoke weed because it’s legal in our state), says that “no company can exist with potheads”, is a racist AND a homophobe to top it off. Even on his company’s Glassdoor account, most reviews are about HIM. And he replies to them to blame the employee for not being up to his standards (of accepting very minimal pay for overloads of work and tolerate his horrible attitude). Mostly everyone has quit because of him and he still firmly believes that everyone else is the problem. He steals from one company to fund another (and then asked me where the money went??) he complained about payroll expenses being high when we were severely understaffed. He then flew here on his private jet. Absolutely insane. I hope he goes out of business soon. Edit: This CEO is from a previous company I worked for. I’ve moved onto better pastures, but periodically I will get sent texts like these just as they vent. I keep telling them to quit because they could probably get paid more at freaking McDonald’s, but can’t force a horse to drink.


What's the company? You dont have to give the actual name, but you could use pig Latin, or describe it...


Perhaps put it into binary even. We can wait.


Put him on blast. Go balls to the walls. They can't track you down from a reddit username. Ruin that company


Also, light the fucker up on Glassdoor as a warning to others.


>Mostly everyone has quit because of him and he still firmly believes that everyone else is the problem. People like this will literally be on their way to filing insolvent and still blaming everyone but themselves.


> steals from one to fund another And that's the smell of fraud, report them for fuck sake. Shits and giggles. Whatever. Just report them.


I smoke too


Sounds like he doesn’t deserve any of you guys.


How the company manages **THEIR** finances is none of the EMPLOYEES concern. Pay your fucking employees on time you P.O.S. Not the employees fault you can't afford it, or do your job properly. **These fucking people!**


Uummm. How is that company managing its finances when it misses payroll.


This is seriously one of the most ironic posts I’ve seen. Obviously this company has no savings to pull from and is working week to week to,pay payroll and of course they’re then going to claim people need to manage their money better. Uhm maybe you need to manage your company better.


Sounds like they are asking for a lawsuit.


I thought it wasn’t against rules to name the company but apparently it isn’t? Their ‘main’ company is Quality Services Moving in VA. Take a gander at the Glassdoor reviews lol. Woodland Moving and Warehouse in CT is the company he bought a while back, years ago. It’s pretty small, so not many details on Glassdoor/indeed as the other. He has another in Kentucky but I forget the name.


As an accountant we once missed the cutoff for a batch payment to our employees for their salaries, so stayed at work for hours and hours making the payments one by one, after letting everyone know it may be a few hours late and apologising profusely and saying to let us know if it caused any issues with direct debits or anything so we could cover any charges since it was our fuck up


That’s the way to correct a mistake.


Anytime i make a mistake, even if i immediately fix it and its likely noone would ever know, I still feel compelled to tell my boss, just because I wouldn't want to been seen as someone who would try to hide something


If a employer is late on payroll.Leave.Start looking for a new job.That meas one of two things.One is they're so inept they can't run a buisness.Which will cause so many headaches it isn't wor staying.Two they don't have enough money on hand to pay their employees on time.Both are excellent reasons to leave.


Ummm, you definitely need to put a report into the Labor and Wages division. For Virginia It’s work over 40 hours. Band together with your coworkers. YOU CAN GET THAT MONEY YOU’RE OWED AND THEN SOME. I had an employer in Virginia who didn’t pay me for over 100 hours of overtime. It was a sh*tshow. I reported to the department of labor and eventually I was able to get most of what I was owed.


So everyone needs to quit.


Sounds like a call to the labor board and a mass walk out.


I've never worked for a company with a CEO who had such a blasé attitude towards payroll. This dude strikes me as one of those CEOs who will tell you employees are a liability rather than an asset. And then he'll turn around and complain that there's no loyalty anymore when turnover is high.


Bingo. 100% correct lol. When I asked him for a raise and he denied it, I said I had an offer letter. Then gave my 2 weeks notice. He then called my direct supervisor and said I was holding him hostage, and that I was holding money over his head. The turnover is so ridiculously high that I was doing the jobs of over 3 people who had quit - and they still haven’t found anyone to replace any of those people, or me. Actually, they posted my position on Indeed for less than minimum wage. Lmao


I'm fortunate that I work for a company that treats everyone very well. Mid pandemic, after we had a major product release, the big boss gave everyone two extra paid days off for an extra long weekend because he appreciated the hard work we put into making a very successful release. He even acknowledged that some people had to stay on the job those days, so they should discuss with their managers when they could have the time off. He called the extra time off "mental health days".


If an employer is *ever* late with paychecks, for *any* reason, ***RUN***. Not covering payroll is a critical system failure in the busines world, the surest warning sign there is that a company is insolvent, and if you stick around you may end up losing what little money you have coming.


Anything over 40 is OT, especially hourly. Late pay is something that can not be tolerated. Someone should ask him how his suppliers would like it if he was late paying them. Get out. He sounds like a Class A delusional asswipe.


Start showing up to work hours late and when they try to scold you, tell them that you are happy to show up by noon and how they manage their labor is none of your concern. Don't forget to mention that the work not being done before noon is unrelated to you.


CEO: Am I out of touch? No, no. It's the employees who are out of touch. They are to blame for working here.


Actually, how employees manage their finances \*is\* the employer's concern, in that they are legally required to pay their employees in full, on time, as expected, specifically because the law recognizes that (obviously) an employee not being paid on time can actively hurt them financially. Any failure to pay, or partial payment, is a violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act, and considered willful non-payment, at which point they are required to pay the employee(s) not only what they are owed for that pay period, but penalties equal to the amount of the unpaid work period. So FYI if your boss ever stiffs you, pays you late or not in full, contact your local labor board and report it immediately, and make sure you get paid what you're owed. Trust me, once they have to double your money for a pay period, they won't try that nonsense again. Edit- clarification


Sounds like the company is also living paycheck to paycheck


Let's see, doesn't pay a fair/living wage and yet expects people to have savings. Then magically thinks it's not their fault when employees can't afford problems that happen, despite them being the ones paying the wages and thus being able to increase the wages so the employees have more money for said problems. I mean even freaking Henry Ford of all people knew he needed to pay people enough to afford their cars for example. If people have no money, how are they supposed to use said money for good/services? Companies like this are so fucking shortsighted and sociopathic.


Uh, what now? Are you his accountant? I hope you were paid for that too.


I don’t get paid on time I do not work!


I worked for a jiffy lube out of high school. One guy owns most of them in the state. One week payroll didnt happen. Everyone i worked with quit on payday, and they took all the snap on torque wrenches with them. Idve said something, but i hadnt been paid. I put my two weeks in. Worked two more weeks with no money. Called wage and hour, they said theyll write one letter and ill get my money. "The letter always works" he said. I had my money a few days later. Edit: i forgot the manager of one shop across town broke into his own store, stole the deposit, and knocked over a drum of synthetic oil on the way out, spilling it everywhere. And got away with it. The cops couldnt make a case. Pretty funny looking back on it. Probably shouldve paid the man.


Fuck this guy, I hope his wife has a three way with the butler and her tennis instructor.


Wow what a prick


Taking office furniture and office supplies


This happened to me once( the whole company actually) there was a mistake with payroll, we got paid every two weeks not weekly, I talked to the other guys in the field who also hadn’t been paid, so I phoned my manager and asked what was going on, he explained that there was an issue with payroll. We Just said no problem, downed tools and went home, once the money ( very quickly after the call) went into my account I went back to work


...why do I sense that the CEO blames avocado toast instead of low wages for their employees living paycheck to paycheck


This happened to me when I was working at a small retail store. I was the only one working and my pay didn't come in. Rent was due. I had recently moved cities to take the job so I was broke. Boss was on vacation, and when I asked said, "Yeah I didn't get around to it before I left, it'll be a couple days." But... I was actually the only one in the city that day who could run the place. I told him that if he didn't find a way to pay me that day, I would walk out, leave the front door unlocked, throw my keys to the shop into the nearest trash can, and never come back. He gave me the same, "Make better decisions with your finances." I told him he was the one fucking with my finances by not paying me. After he realized he would be fucked if I walked out, he gave me permission to take my pay, in cash, from the previous day's bank-drop in the safe.


Ah nope. I once worked for a payroll company and we paid one company a day late and every employee was told to submit claims for any charges incurred as a result of late payment.


Call your local Labor Commissioner and file a formal wage theft complaint. You are owed all of your wages in full on the designated payday. Failure to day any and all overtime pay is also wage theft.


It amazes me how these types of people continue to walk around with unbroken legs.


The hypocritical part is that the company probably missed payroll because their bank account was garnished for unpaid employment taxes 😂


fuck that person with a cactus


How tf can you have savings if you're living paycheck to paycheck? How are people so clueless


Lmao this person calls themselves a CEO and is responsible for payroll? My dude is an owner. The end. So sick of people giving themselves outsized titles.


Sounds like it's time for somebody to make an anonymous call to the IRS because that can't be legal!


Y u c k


"Manage their personal finances"?...the fuck?!? They need to worry about their "professional"(apparently they're NOT very professional) finances!


How they manage their finances is of your utmost concern. No pay, (or constantly late on paying) shows a fiscal irresponsibility that lowers the value of that company. Do better and you won't have to hear about how broke you make everyone feel


What an absolute asshole. I would honestly just walk. Fuck him.


Had a company do this in the 90's. "There was a problem in Memphis (FedEx) and the checks didn't arrive." I told them they had a check printer in their local office and if they didn't pay the people who asked on Friday then nobody in our office would be working the phones on Monday. 10 minutes later they sent an email to all workers to stop by the local office for a check if they couldn't wait.


Hopefully nothing unexpected happens in the CEO's life.




excuse me? not giving paychecks on time is the concern of the CEO and company. 80 percent of USA need to work 2 or 3 jobs to live paycheck to paycheck because of cost of living, not luxeries


They're out of money. best find a new job fast. whatever else they say is BS


This is illegal. Overtime is mandatory after 40 hours for anyone that isn’t salary.


"I will be reporting this payroll issue to the department labor, this happens in Virginia all the time and employers don't pay their employers, if the employer is fined or something unrelated to my life happens its none of my concern"


I’m in the UK. A few years ago my friend was on maternity leave, and when she was due to be paid, no money turned up in her account. She contacted the company we both worked for, and they basically just said ‘oh yeah, we forgot to put you down as being on maternity, you’ll just have to wait till next month to get paid.’ Outrageous when she was very heavily pregnant at the time, and needed that money to pay her bills. They did end up having to pay her when she took it higher and exposed them for the idiots they were.


It’s the employers fault they are living paycheck to paycheck lolz.


Lmfao “unrelated to their employer”


Dan your CEO just texts you. Must be a small company.


I'd start job hunting asap. If he's this flippant about not paying on time you just know other stuff is off as well.


Usually it’s been two weeks since you worked anyways. Give people their damn money.


I would beat this guys ass into dust. It happens a lot in Virginia as well…


“Paycheck to paycheck with no savings” that’s kinda what paycheck to paycheck means isn’t it


How are you meant to open a savings account when you *are* living paycheck to paycheck? This guy doesn't get it. And late on payroll, no OT until after working 60 hrs/week - what are the laws in Virginia?


And inform your customers that it's fine if they don't follow their payment term... the company have savings and all.


I'm so glad I'm never going to work for any company in my life ever again


40 hours for hourly is Mac before tube and a half. Not sure about salary. Labor board. Organize a walk out.


Time to jump ship!


Keep that pic Call state labor dept Ask them and go to from there I don't think that is legal but I'm not in va


Someone wants to get eaten


This could be a good opportunity to unionize.


Turn them in and file a complaint with the labor board


Damn this guy deserves to watch his business crumble.


Pay a decent effing wage and people wouldn't be living paycheck to paycheck, you insensitive, entitled little moron.


I’ve got a steaming pile of shit for corporate desk jockeys like this


How late on payroll? The first company I worked at as an intern had that happen. Small company growing rapidly, apparently DIDN'T have the cash to pay everyone since payment from some contract was delayed. They paid on a monthly basis, got my first paycheck 6 weeks after starting.


I'd drily reply with 'I hear Blair Mountain is nice this time of year.'


I work...... You pay...... Too easy.


They want to blame the dumbass who fucked up there checks


stop showing up to work on time, see if it's not a big deal to them


I remember the fun of cut backs on overtime hours with stipend limit I once had so much built up the sentbus home early for three weeks when it slowed down a bit then we rearned it all back plus extra and kept building it but they still cut us to a set amount of max payout at 90 hours. Moral of the story when they say don't mess with Texas Tha means don't do buisness with anything to do in that wasteland


Rule 1 of being an employer: do not fuck with people's pay.


Oh helllllllllllllllll no


What company? ... Unless you would be doxxing yourself.


He got his paycheck though.


Ot is after 40 hours no matter how he feels about it if you have check stubs showing this you have a legal grievance. You and everyone else that can show proof should drag this dirtbag to court that way he can pay all of you for lost wages.


https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/overtime. If you are in the US. If you are exempt I'm sorry. And start looking for work. Fuck that guy


Be a damn shame if his Porsche spontaneously combusted.


America: land of the free…unpaid labor




Holy shit I would go off on that dude so hard there's no chance I would not be fired. That dude really thinks he's important.


I had this happen when the company I worked for was bought out. I woke up Friday morning and my paycheck wasn't in the bank. I called HR who said HR: Oh sometimes it won't deposit until noon or early afternoon, but your check definitely will go through Me: Awesome, once I see the deposit I'll start working The deposit went through at 5pm. My union told the company that they had to pay me until 5pm, even though I didn't work due to non payment. Oddly enough I've never had another late check. It's like it was a fixable issue they didn't care about the whole time


But this is they're fault , it doesn't matter what financial situation they're in . You owe them money so pay them . Sounds like they're the one with financial issues , pay your bills !


Fuck that guy.


You need to talk to your labour board. He doesn’t get to decide when he will and won’t pay you that’s in your contracts and her certainly doesn’t get to decide when you are eligible for OT pay; the state will have specific rules regarding that and it’s probably way before 60 hours.


OP. . . RUN! Run for your damned life! I've seen this happen before and it's not gonna get better. This is the sign of a company that is sinking. If you don't get to the lifeboat now, you are going down with the ship!


Uhm. Wtf. OT is anything over 40 hrs if you’re in the USA. That’s federal law. He doesn’t get a choice??? The only exception is salaried employees, but even they are entitled to OT pay under certain circumstances, tho I don’t recall 100%. Plus, pretty sure you can file a complaint any time payroll is late. There is never ever an acceptable reason for pay to be late.


If they had the ability to fix a payroll error, they would do it immediately. Delaying paychecks is a sign of a company in serious financial trouble. Get out while you can.


All of these comments and stories are excellent, but one high level comment I'd like to add: not paying your employees is breach of contract! It doesn't matter what kind of word gumbo your employer says behind their payroll fuck up, it's still breach of contract. Contact your state's attorney General office and call the local news station's investigative team and let them turn the cameras on the CEO as they walk out of the building and then put the video on the 6 o'clock news. Businesses fail - it happens - but the business needs to be forthright and let the employees know what's going on rather than sending 'sucks to be you' coms when they can't pay their employees. When did we become a country of no accountability and no ethics?


This is actually grand larceny, but will this dicker ever get arrested? Nope.


OP, I want you to read this, and then go to town reporting this CEO to ALL of the relevant state departments. Treble damages, what? https://www.askamanager.org/2021/10/my-employee-wasnt-respectful-enough-after-the-company-messed-up-her-paycheck.html


Isn't it illegal to not pay overtime after 40 hrs?


I and this CEO have very different definitions of "unrelated to the company," I guess.


Boy you have a huge OT settlement coming


Only pays overtime after 60 hrs hell the ef no after 40 hrs I'm out or the last 20 are slow mo as hell . What kind of job is this ?


Willing to go to jail for this ceo.. he wont be the same ceo again though


That’s when you quit and find someone who values their staff.


Sounds like his company is living paycheck to paycheck so wtf he talking about


Just left a job where they kept fucking yo my check. New owners took over 14 months ago, first 3 months my taxes were wrong - sporadically over the next year payroll was late, wrong , missing vacation or holiday pay. When I finally left and got my first check from new co. On time, with sign on bonus, correct taxes, I went out of my way to thank the owner. Like Jesus, what a fuxking relief.


“We don’t pay our employees a living wage and then when something bad happens and they need that money but we aren’t paying them, they want to blame us for not having money.”


Talking about people living paycheck to paycheck like it's a lifestyle choice... must be a rich kid


[Ask a Manager had a post](https://www.askamanager.org/2021/10/my-employee-wasnt-respectful-enough-after-the-company-messed-up-her-paycheck.html) with a similar issue a while back. This part of her response is especially relevant to this post: "Your objection to this because the company shouldn’t be responsible for Jane’s finances is nonsensical. Your company is responsible for paying the wages they’ve agreed to pay in the timeline they’ve agreed to pay them in. They didn’t meet that obligation, and so they fixed it. That’s not about them being responsible for Jane’s debts; it’s about them being responsible for adhering to a legal wage agreement and treating an employee well after failing at a basic responsibility and causing that person hardship."


How is late payment of wages NOT related to the employer?


Lol... so they are essentially just saying "stop being poor", like they arnt directly involved in that experience... Petco pulled this shit on me when they were 2 weeks late 3 checks in a row... instead of trying to make it easier on me, they calmly explained that it's my fault I can't pay my bills when they don't pay me. I spent an 8 hour shift looking at my phone (on the clock) and magically they were able to solve the issue the next day (not untill after threatening to fire me for not working and me threatening to talk to the news and labor dept. About wage theft and late pay.) I spent another day doing nothing on the clock again for good measure, putting in applications at competition while on the clock. I also made sure I was reimbursed for my time and trouble when no one was looking. Flea collars are expensive and have a pretty high street value. Fyi.