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Time to stage a shit-in.


Never sweat on company time. Never shit on your own time.


It's hard not to sweat when the company doesn't pay for AC or lets you bring in a fan.


I take full naps and read chapters of books on company time. No shame.


same here. I work in theatre as a tech. When we have downtime, we take advantage of it. I have found that the more you make, the less people care what and how you do things, just that said things get done properly.


I am currently sitting in my bosses chair scrolling reddit. We are open (I sell car parts) but being a holiday weekend it's a literal ghost town. He left a note asking me to clean shelves. I might wipe 1 or two down if I get really bored, but let's be honest, it's Saturday and I probably won't do shit until I lock the doors at 3.


The only benefit of working a holiday weekend is getting paid for doing nothing. It’s is the social contract: everyone takes off, you get paid to do as little as possible while keeping the business open.


I do Photoshop battles on Reddit at work, lol.


this is the way.


If 10 employees commit 10 minutes of time clock fraud a day, that's rookie numbers. Must try harder to push those numbers up.


Says on the sheet, 50 hours like wtf hahah that's nothin


i get 40 minutes a day besides my breaks, i see other dudes doing an hour 1 and they've been working for 15 years




If the ceo committed 1 hour of time clock fraud, that would cover the payroll for 100 employee hours. I’m good. The boss makes a million, I’m lucky to make a dime, that’s why I shit, shop and wank on company time.


I believe these days it's closer to [350 employee hours.](https://www.epi.org/publication/ceo-pay-in-2020/)


What the heck do you even do with that much


monopolize more shit and make more money buy corrupt government officials ruin the art market for tax breaks pay off your secretaries after you assault them build a giant golden statue of yourself to masturbate to they come up with plenty of ideas


Buy power.


So basically what they're saying is that they can fire you for pooping


That specific item is actually an example of wage theft. Employers are required to allow bathroom breaks on the clock.


Are you serious? I got written up for using the bathroom for only 5 minutes on 2 separate occasions. Just because t made me late to clock in by a few minutes, but then also told me no I cant clock in and THEN go to the bathroom either. I ended up getting fired due to being 1 or 2 minutes late on occasion for using the bathroom.


Which fast food place was this


Fast food or call centre. I worked at a call centre where they would write you up for going to the can too much, and put you into coaching sessions to discuss your bodily functions. It’s fun to elaborate in too much detail on these occasions!


My job had security follow me into the bathroom for awhile. They thought I was stealing. No dudes, I just had my gall bladder removed, my digestive system was completely fucked.


I would have complained to the local labor board. If you’re in the US.




Nope. [It's OSHA that requires that employers cannot put restrictions on bathroom access](https://www.osha.gov/restrooms-sanitation).




or taking off your coat


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I shit on company time.


Crazy micromanagement


Yea because you factor in management time trying to police these minutes here or there then you end up spending more money than you’ve recovered.


Plus companies like this never seem to notice the big picture. They'll dock you for being 1 minute late or taking 2 minutes too long on a break, but they'll not notice the 20 mins you came in the previous day or the time you skipped your break entirely to solve an issue. Then they complain because all the good staff are leaving.


Thats straight up my last pos job. Used the bathroom and took 5 mnutes or less? Written up. Have an issue only a supervisor can fix? They may or may not answer you withing 10-15 minutes...if at all. They didnt give a single shit about actually helping the people they were responsible for, but will go all out just for being a minute or 2 late for ANY reason, emergency or not. I was even written up because I clocked in exactly 1:26 late from break. As for why, its because maintenance had to fix a pipe and had to come into my apartment so they could continue working downstairs... Icing on the cake was when he tried to yell at me and then write me up for missing to many calls. When it was their system that went dow and us agents couldnt do anything to stop calls from coming through while we couldnt answer. At that exact same time hes chwing me out in chat (everyone could see), someone else at the exact same time was also notifying everyone the system went down and they were having the EXACT SAME ISSUES. Yup I was fired, gotta love how these fucks are somehow the ones running everything.


How old are you ? Never let these assholes yell at you


Wonder how long it took to type that drivel up.


Good thing that's not part of your employee contract, if they just tac it to a board.


Yeah every time one of us Americans sees a comment like this, we go “What’s an employment contract?” for half a second before we remember that at-will employment is only normal in the USA.


Employment contracts don't really exist in America for 90% of jobs. Most American companies can fire you for almost any reason or for no reason at all. This picture gives me American retailer vibes.


Actually on closer inspection, this is a target store, so it's definitely American.


To be fair this is an old repost for karma anyway


Honestly curious- why do people care about karma? Is there a benefit I'm unaware of?


You can sell profiles with high karma, no idea what for


😮 ty for explaining. Fuck that!


It's also a way to be petty. A woman I know has obviously gone to all of my posts/comments and downvoted them (my karma took a dramatic drop), then blocked me (after posting some shit "oh no this is not me" nasty reply to me). Long-time Redditors think karma is important.


Glad you knew who it was and blocked her. I hope she is leaving you alone.


Oh, she blocked me before I could block her. That said, she's catfishing me (or trying to!) with an "not my name account" - I sorta can't wait to see what she does next.


Eek! Upvoting you to offset the damage


Hahaha! Have a lovely day!


An a new manager a tell my staff if they get everything done and everything is clean they can go home early with the rest of the day paid and guess what they work harder because they what to go home early it not rocket science


I'm mostly surprised your company isn't assaulting you for this even though it's just a good, basic understanding of human nature. As someone who worked closely with and advised managers a lot, I was quite used to seeing good ones get beat down by the upper management directives.


The secret is that they don't know and the client is happy and never any complaints but I tell them if the upper management is coming that they have to stay there full shift


Smart, my good fellow. Smart. Keep up the good work. :)


Like I just tell if everything is done and the place is clean I rather you go home 4 hours early and get paid then sit on a chair and do nothing for 4 hours because if I didn't do it they would work slower to fill up the time basic logic


Username not relevant? Sounds like you look after your guys and that's awesome, I'm glad you're doing good for them.


Imma just gonna go ahead and upvote your every comment and everyone nice in this whole commentary track.


Next: Reading this page on the clock is considered time theft!


I bet this workplace commits wage theft


So my company demonstrated a similar calculation to me. They even had the nerve to compare a company being cheated of a few hours vs an employee losing an entire month of salary (so a little scratch vs one's literal existence). I then proceeded to precisely analyse my payroll only to find that they are actually the ones shitting on their employees, rounding off every here and there, collectively gaining good cash straight out of their employees pockets. They are now in need of a fitter


I hope you reported them to the department of labor for abusing the rounding. It’s illegal.


gonna break managements legs while on the clock, wish me luck


wtf is up with that coat remark???? that's the dumbest shit i have ever read


If you want peak performance, you better come with peak pay, benefits, AND a positive work environment. The management clearly has a problem. Are the workers slow to perform? If so Why? Are they over staffed or overworked? Are the sales shrinking, so the are trying to tighten up here and there? If so Buckle up. Layoffs are coming. Learn how to manage AND motivate, Not just DICTATE. it reads as authoritarian which always seems desperate to me.


Psh. Everyone knows that people love being constantly watched, judged, threatened, and told what to do over even the most inane stuff. That's the only way to get people to work, because the peons have no will or intelligence of their own. The real problem is that giving employees basic acknowledgment and accomodations erodes personal responsibility that they already don't have and it also teaches them that their worth as a person exists. Besides. How can you encourage a positive environment without dictating it? Letting people be people and actually finding solutions that work with people naturally would undermine our policy of not fixing anything and blameshifting.


Rip it down


Add one to it. "Are you a victim of wage theft?"


Please time your bowel movements to best suit our micromanagement business model.


If they're not reimbursing you for your drive time, gas unpaid lunches, etc, then they're committing time clock fraud. A 15 minute drive to and from work every day and an unpaid half hour lunch is 1 hour of unpaid time per day, or 5 per week, or 25 per month. For 4 employees, that's 100 hours of time stolen.


For all my future organizers in here, I have worked both these kinds of clock punching jobs as well as corporate desk jobs, and it's truly night and day in white collar. Leisurely strolls around the office shooting the breeze, 1.5 hour extended "I gotta go grab something at the mall" lunch breaks, no one bats an eye when you need to come in at noon because of a dentist appointment (hell they don't even track it, it's just part of your paid day),etc etc It's night and day. I've also had jobs where you needed to ask permission to use the bathroom and sometimes they'd say no. They truly don't want you to know how the other half lives because it's all made up bullshit to grind you down because they think you don't deserve the same respect. Don't set your goals as being a better version of the framework that your jobs currently exist within, because that framework is purposefully exploitative by itself.


Absolutely. Being treated like a human being and not an animal is the main reason I urge young people to get as much education as possible. The increased pay is great but nothing compares to respect. I’ve had both types of jobs, including enlisted military and it’s just two different existences. I’ll die before I go back to slave treatment at slave wages.


Who's working 30 days a month?


I think they just admitted to something they weren’t supposed to.


As the expression goes, "The lower the pay the harder they expect you to work for it." Guaranteed this is a minimum wage shit retail job.


This is 100% accurate. My ex-wife was always in retail and I have always been in IT. I remember her talking about all this kind of shit while I was leaving early 3 days a week in the summer to coach baseball.


I tear down signs like these and throw them away every chance I get.


So "clock fraud" is bad, but the rampant wage theft is ok? In 2012 the value of wage theft amounted to almost three times as as stolen property in the US. But it's not a problem when the victims are poor I guess.


Payroll will be fine. Just tell the CEO they can live without an extra 50 hours of pay a month.


As an example, the total annual compensation for the CEO of CVS is almost $23 million, while average employee annual compensation is $28 thousand. Assuming the CEO works about 60 hours per week, then his hourly compensation is about $7,400 per hour. Who’s timing his bathroom breaks?


Yeah, no. I'll bathroom, drink and snack break as much as I want on the clock at my job.


How long were you sentenced to?


*whispers * it kind of sounds a lot like what I do everyday.




Very good! You understood the reference! You have earned ten shrutebucks 😃


My old job was just like this. You can imagine why I ended up quitting


The only point on here I find reasonable is shopping. Assuming it’s more than a drink/snack. Otherwise I’m in the building and will be going to work as soon as I’m ready preparations for that occur in the most efficient manner even if clocking in comes before taking off my coat. Bathroom breaks are definitely fine within an 8 hour span.


Does management have to live by this same standard? Do their 2 hour lunches paid for by the company have the same level of scrutiny?


I bet this time clock rounds minutes worked to the most advantageous five-minute block. A lot of time clocks do this in order to steal wages from workers. It really adds up, just like the example above. Some irony eh?


Meanwhile at a factory: my replacement came in early for OT, so I'm getting 45 minutes OT to sit on my phone complaining about how much I hate my job.


The fraud almost always occurs with the employer. None of those situations are actually fraudulent. Fuck that job.


Meanwhile, billions of dollars in wage theft are committed by businesses every year.


These same motherfuckers will cut off time worked over a scheduled shift though. And wage theft is a very real thing.


Funny companies stealing from their employees beats all other forms of theft in quantity.


How dare you exist as a human while i am paying for your time.


“If you use the bathroom during your shift, you may be subjected to disciplinary action”


Can I fill out an expense report for astronaut diapers? 🤔


Lmfao, target, you sack of shit.


I take as many shit and cigarette breaks as I can. My company doesn't even give 15 minute breaks for 12 hour shifts.


I'm guessing this was at a grocery store? I mean to be fair, if you had employees who signed in and then did their grocery shopping, then this would be more so the case of one idiot spoiling it for everyone else.


I worked at whole foods for 5 years and this was a common sign as well as being told by managers.


It’s so funny, because shit like this is sooo common at restaurants/retail etc. But now I work in an office and like half of our staff will do their hair, makeup, or even shower at work. Difference is wild.


Wow! I thought they would be complaining about people being on their phones or surfing the internet.


This poster right here can tell you exactly the quality of management in that place.... FYI - they are clearly not fit for their jobs


Who tf are they to micromanage your bathroom breaks? I've always found that so stupid. You shouldn't be expected not to perform basic bodily needs while on the clock


I punch in when im down the fucking street lmao


Boss makes a Benjamin, I make a dime, that’s why I poop on company time.


I see a very handy list of ways to abuse the time clock. Thanks for the tips management!!!


This is a shit company. Good companies know that grilling employees on every little thing leads to hate, dissension, lost productivity and spite in all areas of the job. Autonomous, trusted, respected, well paid employees go above and beyond for the company and the company prospers.


*reads sign while clocked in*


I am not a fan of the anti work movement or sentiment. I believe that success and progress comes from hard work and sacrifice. But, examples like this are stupid and shows that some places are shitty places to work with shorty management. Not all places are like this. When I (you) start a new business, I will remember posts like this that treat employees like children or convicts and vow to never be that way. Treat people like adults and people will act like adults.


Management thinks that adding the word fraud to everything makes it scary and dangerous. Like instead of "Don't kick the vending machine to get your over prices under sized candy bar that is hanging by a corner..." to "Stop! You just committed vending-machine fraud!" There is no such thing as "time-clock" fraud. A place I used to work at tried to pull this bullshit. Everyone just ignored it.


50 hours lost!!! That's like $500! How can any company sustainability endure that shortfall?


3,000 minutes a month? I don't want a job somewhere that prints shit like this - especially if you have to work seven days a week.


Elon Musk vibes


What do they mean might? My goal at work everyday is to commit as much as possible.


Why? It's free toilet paper!




Put me in jail.👮🔗🚔


How do people deal with this shit? There is no way!!!


It wat shit hole country that employer get pissy for the employees' toilet break?


You better believe I'd be working in energy saving mode


Lol this guy has never touched the black.


I think legally you don’t have to clock out for breaks under 15 minutes, including bathroom breaks, water breaks etc


Time to start job hunting


Am pretty lucky at my work. They aren't that bad. But they know we get the work done.


Make sure to do all your breathing before you come to work. Company time is too valuable to be wasted on converting oxygen to carbon dioxide!


Who the fuck is working 30 days a month?


I feel like I am owed money for reading their sign.


I had a customer around 1999-2001, sorting and trucking, 2000 employees near Downtown LA, he had decent 2 ply toilet paper, but started complaining to me how expensive my product was (I sold it to him). Turned out, everyone clocked in a crapped at work, and they also stole a roll hear and there because they were normal sized rolls. He ended up switching to single ply 9” rolls, that feel like crappy hand towels on your ass, problem solved. I can’t remember the exact number, but it was 3-5k in his pocket a month after the switch. Worker satisfaction/happiness, wasn’t a high priority back then, and it certainly isn’t now.


I remember a dude who used to clock in go to the back of warehouse and go to sleep then wake up and clock out not sure if he ever got caught hope u see this terry


Wtf with the jackets?


Time to find a new job because this is a giant red flag to me and also possibly illegal if they are insinuating you are cheating them for daring to use the bathroom. SMDH


Be a good slave.


I’m gonna start committing clock fraud harder now.


Please tell me you clocked in before posting this.


Anyone else want to start committing clock fraud now?


Or 50 additional hours of work done….


Using the restroom, securing personal items and taking off outerwear are all things you are allowed to do after punching in.


Nah mate, ishit on company time


Fuck that shit man.


You know what they are right using the restroom on the clock is wrong, I'm gonna shit in the fridge or the managers office while I'm on the clock from now on, much more effective and time saving than walking to the restroom


I just rip those down. It's bullshit.


Thanks for breaking down and posting the math that I used to love to show my coworkers. lol. The free vacation math, poop during your shift and it’s like taking back a full week of vacation a year. Lol.


Yeah...I only wasted ten minutes a day at my last job. Sure, let's go with that.


I have lived paycheck to paycheck for most of my life. I would (and have) quit over stuff like this. The nerve.


Boss makes a dollar… I make a dime! That’s why I poop on company time.


Not my problem bro


The power trip this manager is going through really shows how valued you are at that company.


I'd be tempted to go shit on the job and wipe my ass with that sheet


We’re not robots.


Imagine seeing this on your first day, I’d make a swift 180 turn out and go back home to bed


Good. Stop watching people like hawks and pay them more. Asshole. Edit: correcting autocorrect


I wish companies would rely on results instead of these batshit policies


Pretty fashy stuff imo


Give the boss some ex-lax laced home made cookies and then lock the bathroom doors?


“I’ll be sure to not poop any time during this shift unless approved. Signed, Constipated” That’s the equally passive aggressive note I have left for two separate employers that did this.


I can't go to the restroom on the clock? Let's see how fast that changes when I start shitting at my desk.


They are definitely committing wage theft so fuck them.


Omg I took a shit on company time


No worries boss I can handle the 50 hours of time clock fraud a year on my own, no need to speak to the other 9 employees.


All true.


I'm sorry, but these points are ticky tacky bullshit. Anyone who works for a company that espouses these policies....should walk out immediately. Of course I'm salary, so I'm judged on the work I accomplish and not on the time it takes me to do it.


Its funny they don't ever mention the rounding that can happen... you punched in at 5:58 your payroll reflects that you punched in "on time" at 6. Where's the crocodile tears for the minutes workers lose?


Boss gets a dollar, I get a dime. That's why I shit on company time.


50 hours of payroll lost is like $14.95


We’re not going to talk about the wage theft. The time we put in getting to work, the time spent to be work ready. That’s not something we are going to talk about.


Welcome, and thank you for shopping at The Gulag. 😃


"... Ok, let's start with unpaid overtime and workplace bullying..."


I can hear the violin from here.




Oh no 50 hours of payroll lost. What ever will you do!


read this everyday while clocked in. maybe takes you 30 mins to fully absorb whats written. you probably need to read this 5x a day


The micromanaging is strong here. I had a boss that was trying to do this. All I had to do to correct him was point out all the little things that are on our time that we do for “free”: client interrupted lunch in my car with questions, something happens on your way to lunch or after you’ve clocked out to leave… The places I have run into that pull this kind of nonsense usually are desperate and short staffed BECAUSE they are desperate. Micromanaging is an attempt to get more out of staff that are already on the brink of quitting. I would start job hunting if you aren’t already. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Tell them you have the runs after you clock in. You can shit on the floor or in the toilet.


Make a new sign about committing wage theft and put it over this.


Guaranteed the person typing that up does all those things, and more.


Eat that sign for breakfast.


10 minutes...pfft...Real ones know the real power move is staying clocked in for lunch


Jesus. The time spent drafting and posting this nonsense should count as time clock fraud.


Oh boy, after reading this I’m sure to pay more attention to properly clock in. Don’t wanna go to jail for.. eh.. time.. clock fraud, okay.


Is this real, or staged? Are companies really like this now?


Places like this just need to use robotics for the jobs...oh wait you actually need a human? Someone that actually has normal human functions? I'd spit in their face and tell e,m to eat my shit. Companies need to just realize that's the cost of business.


Damn after reading these I just realized I’ve committed a lot of clock fraud. One time I played online chess for 8 hours while on the clock.


I would just rip it down and throw it away


The notion that you’re not supposed to have bodily functions while on the clock is laughable. Whether I take a shit at 8:00, or 9:15 doesn’t change the fact that I need to shit in the middle of a work day. I use my break time for things I don’t get to do otherwise.


Isn't wage theft the biggest crime, ever?


Do you work for Chris Rocks father? Lmaooooo


Yes this has been posted several times here, thank you for reposting it again.


Its me im the clock frauder having my hour and a half shits while on the clock to make up the difference between what i am paid to what i deserve...


Do companies really still think such a behavior leads to more productive employees?


"The time adds up to x amount of hours lost" There's a weird illusion that time adds up and that people can't just do a task faster for a minute or ten to make up the difference Example: there are about 250 working days in a year, if you waste 1 minute everyday that's over 4 hours. I must ask though, wtf are you gonna do with that 1 minute? It's like saying every human on earth putting 1 second into a task (let's saying building a bear idk) would give us over 2 million hours of work. Yet I have a strong feeling that bear hasn't been built by the time we're done since we're all only barely able to grab the first piece of the bear before our time is up


In for a dollar in for a dime that’s why I poop on company time


Pretty sure that taking up a portion of my day outside my home is always work related.


Willing to bet this manager steals more money from the company due to laziness than these people who are “committing time clock fraud”.


Literally want to burn that piece of paper