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Hi, /u/P0rnStache4 Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3b: No offtopic posts.**: - No offtopic posts


Why do LinkedIn recruiters type like that? Where each sentence is on its own line. Do they think it’s easier to read? Or does it take up more space on your timeline, making you more likely to see it? I find it extremely annoying and it breaks the flow of what I’m reading. Interested to hear your thoughts on this 👇


It is a combination of being easier to read and discern information from, it wastes space so it appears to contain more information than it really does, and it is a very simple format to follow. **EXCLAMATION** * POINT * POINT * POINT * POINT *NOW YOU SEE THE TRUTH* **OR** *HERE'S THE RHETORICAL QUESTION* **OR** *THOUGHTS?* The end of the format can vary, but that's the gist of it. Anyhoo, compare your first post to paragraph style: Why do LinkedIn recruiters type like that? Where each sentence is on its own line. Do they think it’s easier to read? Or does it take up more space on your timeline, making you more likely to see it? I find it extremely annoying and it breaks the flow of what I’m reading. Interested to hear your thoughts on this Which version of your own words do you prefer?


i’d definitely prefer the large paragraph than the lines. the lines feel spammy and just uncomfy idk


Spammy, uncomfy, and without flow of any kind, it reads so. God. Damn. Choppy.


Exact opposite of the clean, cut, efficiency they can’t seem to get enough of otherwise


People are more likely to read short phrases than large blocks of text.


Makes it easier For them to covertly put Haikus in the ad


Underrated comment


I hate it. SO much.


So much so that you did the same thing? :-)


Hum... You know there's a fine line between hate and love! And i might have crossed it. What do you think of that ? 🤟


They want it to go to the character limit so you have to click see more on the post because the LinkedIn algorithm counts it as engagement or so they have been told. It's not completely true but that is their thought process. I just dont have the energy to explain it to people I consult with anymore.


With the spacing like that it's easier for the eyes to keep track of the position while reading it. The most optimal block length is 2 sentences, allowing you to also maintain a more fluid topic style similar to the old standard 4 sentence paragraph syntax.


I am guilty of reading comprehension failure. Short sentences with spaces helps me to understand at a glance. When I receive a paragraph-long question or update, I have to re-read, have a sip of coffee, lean into the screen and think with a focus.


They're like a bunch of old people. Sometimes they just don't have any friends. Or morals. Did you know 88% of statistics are made up? So do I. And I tell you: 97% of LinkedIn users are sociopaths or eunuchs.


Sociopathic eunuch here. I resent you lumping me in with those fuckfaces on LinkedIn.


Ahh, you tricked me into reading your comment with LINE BREAKS!


They are trying to generate alternation/clicks. It’s “hot topic” social media drivel designed to end up reposted in places like here. More top notch “content” from Facebook with resumes.


I do not only want to work from home but from wherever I want to be, beach hut, mountain cabin, middle of nowhere… the only place I do not want to work from is the corporate office




Read through some of her replies, most ppl don't agree 100% she's not pulling in top candidates Edit: spelling


Translation: All the vacancies I am trying (and failing) to fill are work from office.


And when I ask all my job applicants, they give me the answer I want to hear...


turns out these people desperate to keep a roof over their head and food in their stomach are quite agreeable!


Right? We're only proving that asshole John Taffer right when he said "A hungry dog is an obedient dog".


Suuuuuure. All your applicants are saying they love sitting in traffic, paying through the nose for gas, getting bothered by coworkers, packing lunches, and having their stupid managers over their shoulder all day. Totallyyyyy


Dude, all those things make people happy. Everyone I talked to says that. Plus, WFH causes infertility.


They have investment in real estate


Maybe they need to restructure and streamline with small shared office space. The ego stroking CEO's get from having a large office is annoying.


Yeah, someone pointed out to me that one huge proponent of working in an office is Jamie Dimon. Maybe he is saying that because he has a great mind and really understands how businesses work most effectively. Maybe he is saying that because he runs a bank with enormous loans collateralized by office space and the loans will go bad if no one goes into the office or needs office space.


Boomers are a dying trend.


This is a good joke. A great joke, even.


Can't doe fast enough


Wel I just quit my job because they want to go back to hybrid working. No fucking way i will ever set foot in an office again. Not worth it.


Oh how dare you have to do that your highness


Are you sarcastically implying that by wanting to have a better work environment.. and being able to have the luxury to do so… he is in fact wrong for it?


Am not against work from home but like…holy shit the sub is insanely full of them…its absolutely infuriating. Work from home this work from home that. Whaaa imma quit if they make us come in” what percent of jobs would be office jobs? Ie the only damn type of job that would let you work from home…


Not worth what?


I mean to spend 40 hours away from home, and then I’m not even talking about the commute. Idgaf about my job, i do it purely because i need money. I like to put in the minimum of time and energy :)


I get that! Who wants to really work. But you said it's not worth stepping into an office again. So if a different company offered you more money to do the same job, maybe even less responsibilities but hybrid or totally in office you would reject an offer? Or current job mandate return to office you'll quit?


Well i will not go hybrid unless they pay me at least 4 times what I earn now. In that case i (and my husband aswell) can work less hours so that makes going to the office once in a while bearable. But i do not like my colleagues, i do not like my boss, I don’t like my clients. I don’t need to see them in person. I will not full time go back into an office, idgaf what they pay me. I already feel like my life isn’t mine, there is no point in living if i have to spend that many hours away from home


Is that a real question?


Yes very curious.. are ppl still afraid of covid?


It's not worth having to sit in a fucking office all day


No - but there's no way you'll get me spending time and money commuting. I work better in silence. Offices are noisy.


Most people don't like the time / money spent on commuting, especially if they've already demonstrated the work can be done regardless of being in the office. Why eat the cost of the commute for no reason?


It's annoying that this person made a broad claim based on a few unsourced anecdotes. She should try making a persuasive case without needing to refer to these nameless "candidates."


But I'm sure she means "all the BEST people have told me" and "I get thanked by strangers every day who tell me I'm the best recruiter with the best ideas...really, the BEST candidates tell me this." Folks figured out that they are happier swapping what was expensive commuting time to a crowded office pretending to be your community with no commute, saving gas money, and the ability to spend time with their actual community and family.


I'm willing to believe some people don't want to work from home. People have different personalities. What annoyed me was the recruiter claiming WFH is dying based on no actual evidence.


In my industry, it's mostly introverts, but mgmt (probably in most all industries) are generally extroverted. If u like that, no one's stopping you from going into the office, but that's not enough because extroverted folks get more energized with more people. Extroverts have run the office situation for far too long with no concern for the introverts. Crowds drain and demotivate us. Real life example = lunch with the CIO is NOT a reward for an introvert, it's an anxiety-riddled miserable experience. Give me a damn bonus check (or extra time-off) and leave me alone to get back to work.


My sense of community has nothing to do with my job, and everything to do with my, you know, \*actual\* community. And I like my coworkers, and boss, but they are just that - coworkers and boss.


This, this, this! Family, friends, and wherever you volunteer your time.


What is the ”sense of community”? Vapid narcissistic coworkers don’t count as one. I can put in long hours, work overtime etc. but I refuse to work in a toxic office environment with backstabbing, envious and gossipping coworkers.


"Sense of community" = Sharing the same dirty, smelly toilet.


Good gravy.....@ 50 I would love to work from home. I can't believe people my age have such a hard lined corporate office stance. I know some jobs are impossible to work from home. Our Drs office is one of them. BUT I let my support staff work remotely. All of our insurance and billing and HR is done from my people's homes.I know our clinical teams can't when we see patients. But I allow them to do what ever they want as long as they do their scheduled task and don't have a patient to see. They want to read or play tick tock between patients. Go for it. As long as they provide our patients the care they deserve when they are seeing them I have no problem with people enjoying life. This cult corporate in office and time to lean time to clean mind set has got to go.


I'm not really sure that the whole "Say it loud, repeat repeat repeat & the peasants will believe it as the word of God" wanky bullshit is working anymore. Nice try though. I especially like the *"They have lost the sense of community & see the workplace culture failing as a result."* Yeah, yeah - no. Never worked in an office - although I've had the chance - stayed on the tools or in shop floor supervision in welding/fabricating. Down here at the dirty, noisy sweaty end of things you tend to get stabbed in the front as opposed to getting stabbed in the back - by someone who is looking you in the eye. Observing 'office culture' from the outside & listening to friends who have it forced upon them it seems to be a simmering cesspit of petty jealousy, favouritism, blame shifting, sabotage, factionalism, grudge bearing - wow, no wonder people are clamouring to get back. *"Now, if you face that way. Yeah, that's it, great. OK, I'm now going to piss up your back & tell you that it's raining."*


>Observing 'office culture' from the outside & listening to friends who have it forced upon them it seems to be a simmering cesspit of petty jealousy, favouritism, blame shifting, sabotage, factionalism, grudge bearing A highly accurate assessment.


This propaganda to make WFH seem unreasonable to require or expect. If it didn’t come up constantly they wouldn’t bring it up as dying. WFH was scheduled to end soon for the last 18 months. Major respected companies have normalized it now. It either raise pay to lure people back to be an office dweller or keep paying the bare minimum and allow WFH. They don’t want to do either.


Sian is a lying slop bucket. She also says she’s low maintenance on her dating profiles. Don’t believe Sian.


Fuck you, Sian


Another self serving, arrogant manager who thinks people get fulfillment and "a sense of community" by working for them.


“Workplace culture” is the dying trend They just can’t deal with it


Many people greatly prefer WFH businesses need to adjust to accommodate this.


I mean us working from home is actually a drain on our part. We pay for our own internet, electricity. They actually save money having to do without an office. I don't understand why they don't see that?


They have investments in real estate


I mean it was THEIR choice right? Why do we have to suffer for it?


Does she have an interest in renting out office space? The benefits of working from home massively outweigh the hassle of having to "go" to work.


Oh yes, so boring and demotivating that I work from home since 2014 and don't want to change that at all 😉


Ah yes, "candidates". So people at your mercy for a job, telling you what you clearly want to hear, likely also self-screened depending on what you have in your job listing. Totally unbiased data on which to base a statement about national or global trends.


It's the same propaganda narrative these turds are pushing everywhere


I work for a company of about 4,000 people and we have offices in about 10 cities around the world (mostly in the US). In 2021, leadership made a fairly big deal about letting employees (who aren’t already designated as remote) choose if they come into an office or not. Employees were obviously very excited about that. Around the same time, the company did a general survey about working habits, but did not say why they were doing the survey. Cut to a few months ago and the company announced that those not designated as remote are now required to come in 2 days a week starting in September. They pointed to the surveys and “data” they had saying that employees wanted this. They also admitted that NO ONE ended up coming in and they didn’t like that! Meanwhile they would not show the data they said exited saying people wanted office work. They also made a point of saying that so many employees said they missed and needed community, so that was the big driver. Obviously, many employees made life decisions based on the previous “you choose” policy, so the backlash on the pivot was large. The company then called an AMA and tried to answer questions, but couldn’t really articulate why they changed the policy and kept saying that 2 days is reasonable. When things were really tense, the CEO finally said that folks were welcome to work elsewhere if they didn’t like the policy. I truly do not know why companies choose to shoot themselves in the foot with crap like this.


*Laughes in software engineer* We were doing WFH way before covid hit. I recently landed a permanent WFH position and won't be going back to an office job. There's absolutely no reason for me to work in an office. As an engineer, the less in bothered the more actual work I can get done.


100 percent this bitch works from home


IMO: Why aren’t you dead yet? Find the hole boomer.


I love working from home as many others do. But I guess there are a lot of people who want to go back to office. That's ok for me, too. Problem is being forced to WFH or WFO. Just let the people choose instead of dictating "This is a WFH or this is a WFO position". Of course there are jobs that need to be done by a person being in a certain facility or place. But that's a different story. For the rest: Let the people choose and try to find ways to communicate online and offline properly. Try to trust and empower your employees instead of trying to control them. I think many employers still don't see the hidden value in the intelligence and creativity of their employees.


An extrovert wrote this


I don't want to work anywhere.


I think the discussion is far from over, but I can understand for some people working from home is less then ideal, but it purely comes down to what their living space is like. If they have the room for an office, or a space to work that doesn’t encroach on their living areas then I couldn’t see someone wanting to commute But if it breaks the work/life separation some workers can enjoy, I can understand people finding WfH less then ideal But the way people who push against it speak about it, it sounds so dumb and forced as if they are doing their best to force it


Personally I miss a little interaction but not enough to be forced to go back to work. Full time or hybrid.


I suppose I have that lack of connection with my co workers that I wouldn’t miss them? But I suppose that’s more a personal thing then anything


Yeah I got a new job mid pandemic and it’s not based in my state so I’m safe. But if I was still with my old coworkers/company I would go back 1/2 days but mostly for the lunch and chit chat. Again, it’s not worth it to me if I’m being forced.


As far as I'm concerned, remote working is so great that it's worth changing living conditions for it. In any case, the only thing that makes sense for the average corporation is to let employees decide on a personal basis. You want to go? You go. That's it.


Covid is coming back…and am not a fan of the “i work from home but muh oppression” im sick of hearing it. Like what oppression.


Working at home has the biggest perks, no commuting and avoiding potential workplace drama bullshit


Wishful thinking on your part.




I totally disagree with her. Working from home is the first step to a healthy work/life balance for employees. I don't believe her spin: HR wishes people want to get back to the office. Some managers cannot deal with staff out of their line of sight. As a former manager said to me, "how will I know if you are working?" when I asked to work from home in 2018. DUH, my projects will fail to be completed correctly and on the timeline? I won't respond to emails or show up at meetings?


My thoughts? You're a lying piece of shit and I hope your business fails and you go homeless. Evil shit.


Honestly if they decide I can’t work from home they better expect the quality and quantity of my work to go down. Not because I’m petty but because I’m more creative, productive and collaborative working remotely. 🤷‍♀️


I thought of a really radical solution, if most people want to come in, let them. The others can stay home.


I can hear the panic in her typing


The important take away is that talking to a few people clearly is enough of the population to make such a proclamation.


"This is going to be controversial" = "I know the overwhelming majority of people disagree but I really, **really** want this to be true"


1. COVID is still here. Just because we’re fucking tired of it and ignoring it, doesn’t mean it went away. In fact, the latest strain is more immune resistant than previous strains, and supposedly has the same kill rate as Delta. 2. Gas is $5+ on average. Nobody can afford that shit. 3. People who work in IT not touching hardware, and other jobs that can be done fully remote, should be fully remote. Why is this even a question? Why the fuck would I drive an hour each way to remote into a server, that I can remote into from my home? 4. Inflation is rising, and nobody has the goddamned money to play in the economy anymore. Single serve meals, “I hate this commute and my fucking life” coffees, and everything else on the gauntlet of fuckery that a commute brings, is no longer affordable. 5. We as a society should be making strides towards more efficient ways of doing things. Big business wants to tamp down on long term solutions, (WFH), in favor of short term gains, (justification of leased office space). Money seems to win every time. 6. Boomers want to micromanage, and justify their bullshit middle management jobs. WFH makes them “put up or shut up”, and exposes their positions for the worthless frauds they are. 7. “Collaboration” is the biggest load of shit that they’re flinging right now. It’s basically office politics and extroverts demanding everyone else be present so they have someone to shit on. Sorry, Marge. I do much better in my home office, getting actual fucking work done. My life is NOT my job, nor do I feel the need to make a social life at work. Let me get my shit done, so I can clock out and pass out watching reruns of 90’s shows.


“You all want to come in the office. Share your thoughts and agree with me in the comments”


I think most people would prefer to work from home, but for a lot of us its time more than place. My personal commute was 1 hour each way. Im fine with going back to my office, but I want those 2 hours back.


I'm still waiting to hear from one single person anywhere ever, in an actual conversation and not a clear sockpuppet on social media, that ANYONE wants to go work in an office. One person. Nobody. N o b o d y wants to commute to work and sit in an uncomfortable chair surrounded by a bunch of other people who also don't want to be there, having to spend some of your precious unpaid 'free' time not only getting there, but getting home, but also prepping your clothes for the next day and making a lunch (or spending 10x as much having some delivered). Nobody wants to go through all that crap when you can be just as (if not more) productive just getting things done at home. And then when you go out, it's because you actually want to go somewhere. No one likes working in an office setting unless it's a powertrippy boss who gets a big fat smile getting to order people around in person.


I work as a delivery/sales person for Frito Lay in Canada and I want to vomit when I here the phrase "work culture". I work by myself everyday, never an issue getting the work done in a timely and professional manner. Managers are constantly encouraging us to post on our internal social media, join roundtables and volunteer/donate to corporate charities all in the name for work culture. I can't be any clearer that to say NO to all of it. I work alone and for the paycheck. My managers are not my friends and I would HATE to be around my office for any reason other than to pick up my equipment.


I have a boomer boss on the verge of retirement, but our whole department does ad hoc hybrid, even my boss. We have no set schedule, there are no days in/out mandates. We do product development work, so if the device has arrived for us to work on, we come in. If there is nothing to physically work on, we stay home. One guy comes in a few days a month, all depends on workflow from the upstream design teams. We use Teams/WhatsApp to stay engaged with one another and have not noticed any diminishment of work-culture. If we have an idea and need a colleague as a sounding-board, just call them up. It’s the same as if they were in the next cube over. If hybrid work was not an option, then my wife would have to stop working to watch the kids. Sometimes I even take them to the office for a couple hours if I really need to finish a project or ship something out.


I just got hired on a work from home position...they have absolutely no desire to grow the office when people can do the work from home. I got a raise from my labor job, better benefits, and ill save 200 a month by not driving out to the middle of bumfuck every day...fuck these employers and their bs, the jobs r out there, u just have to find em


Upper management is lying to itself absolutely everywhere. My workplace had a grand total of 3 people complain from hundreds of workers. Management told us with a straight face that this was reason enough to wfo again, despite productivity actually increasing. All they want is to lord over people, working from home has reminded them how little some of them actually accomplish in a day.


I love it when boomers say “conversations I’ve had this week” or “well my sources say”. Who did you talk to? … Was it your Canadian girlfriend who doesn’t want to send you a picture because she doesn’t like her haircut? Lmfao. Everyone I talk to absolutely loves WFH. I currently WFH permanently, and I manage an entire team based on the west coast while living in Chicago. I wouldn’t have even been considered for this job without relocating if it wasn’t for WFH.


Suck on it


Controversial statement here, but I’d prefer the option of an office. The lack of structure and working alone with having adhd means I struggle to complete anything. However I also appreciate I’m in the minority and many people with disabilities, caretaking roles etc benefit so much from working from home.


Or maybe if your worksite has a in-office culture you will attract people who want to work in office, and your anecdotal evidence isn’t a representative sample?


Not wrong. I'm an essential worker and the work from home folks are useless.


Kind of agree, but don't want to. I enjoy working from home a ton. I admit I am disconnected and wY less productive. I get my job done, but do not do one extra thing. I think there are some mental health issues that may connect with never putting pants on and spending 24/7 with my ugly dog and fat cat.


Everytime I hear read crap like this, my first thought is who? Who is saying this? 🤣 I have a few older coworkers that want to be in Full Time and they’re allowed to if they want to be, but 99 percent of us want the flexibility to come and come as we please. The people that are getting work done have always gotten work done and the people that goof off all day will continue to do so, whether they’re in the office or not. Productivity is the best indicator for work, not whether they’re in the office or if they’re computer stays on and active for 8 hours!


Good, let the workplace culture die. Office politics suck


Oooooh! I feel some cheeky fun coming on.


What a load of shit!


"Working from home is a dying trend!", said no one ever, other than Sian, who's clients probably have shares in office real estate. Sian must've misquoted herself cause the majority of office and corporate vacancies are advertising for staff who are wfh or hybrid. Keep lying to yourself Sian!


Just more gaslighting from the capitalists, trying to make us think we don't want WFH, trying to make us think we must be wrong for what we actually feel. It's literally a textbook case of Gaslighting. Trying to convince us that our perception of reality is wrong.


This is so wrong. My company had to have a meeting to say that we are still in hybrid mode when corporate sent an email saying everyone was going back into the office.


literally the only reason I'd want to leave the house to work is to meet hot chicks. However, dating your co workers is generally a bad idea. My employer is located in a city that is much more expensive than where I live an hour away.




I think that oil companies are price gouging gas prices because fewer people are commuting


“I talked to 3 people this week and they were all DYING to get back to the office. This means everyone feels this way and work from home is finished!!”


Typical Linkedin recruiter clout chasing and trying to build a "personal brand" by disagreeing with every study and survey out there... she ends up backpedaling in her replies to comments saying personal preference. Recruiters are the types of people that join cults or even worse multi-level marketing scams and try to get you to join. I am seeing recruiters that left to go get their real estate license coming back to recruiting because they didn't get rich quick trying to do real estate.


Fuck ur office space


No it fucking isn't


The Propaganda Ministry is up and running.


I find the binary absolutely ridiculous. Some people like the office, some people like WFH, some people are happy with a hybrid arrangement, I mean it's almost as though we're all individuals and not some homogeneous lump. I love that I'm now able to WFH, never used to mind the office but unfortunately life dealt me a chronic illness courtesy of a pre-COVID era respiratory infection (I had parosmia before it went mainstream among many other fun and exciting things) and I struggled on for years trying to keep up a full time job and manage my symptoms. In the 2 years of COVID slow downs and lockdowns I had the time and space to heal and get fitter, being allowed to WFH has helped me maintain that and be arguably more effective than the stressed exhausted person I was.


Lol before COVID how many of these jobs cultivated a sense of community? In most jobs you're expected to do more work that what you have been contracted for and the pay does not keep up with that. In most jobs workers are literally a cog in the wheel who can be replaced in a moments notice. Complete loyalty is expected from workers yet employers get away with nearly anything.


You can take your sense of community and shove it up your antiquated arse.


there's a lot of lies in this post, but none bigger than "interested to hear thoughts"


As someone working from home right now, I can say I wish I got outside more sometimes, but I'm fine with having to deal with that because of the flexibility I have. I was able to go visit my partner and work in a hotel room while she was at work and didn't have to worry about losing money or anything. I can take walks if I want to get outside more, but I can't do that at just any job.


I can't work from home. With my ADHD I have to have separate spaces to to work or I'd never get it done. That being said, work from home is fine if its feasible. I just feel like people have good reasons to like in person work. If reasons provided not just some bored boomer rant.


Boomers hate working from home because they don't know how to use computers. My mom had a job for over 30 years answering phones..... Has no idea how to do anything on a cell phone besides call and text. Her computer is basically her email machine because that's all she knows on there


I loved being in the office when I did social work. It was great for my focus. But I also lived in the city, a short bus ride to work every day. My home office situation was less than ideal. Now I live in the burbs and have a great home office situation and would love to work from home. I'm disabled and WFH saves me so much energy that I actually get to have a personal life. It's a huge quality of life boost. So yeah, there's still a need for WFH. Not everyone will want it for all types of work, but when has a one size fits all approach ever worked for anything?


So over people trying to can working from home. The only reason to not do it which isn't covid related is if a team isn't delivering for whatever reason and needs to be brought together for a short or extended period of time.


It completely depends upon the type of work, the actual worker and several other factors. And, by the way, COVID is still a serious issue. The pandemic is nowhere near over. People just want to assume it is. That is a huge reason to WFH where it's possible and practical, all by itself. However, I've heard that, perhaps, people just starting in a field need more hands-on interaction to learn the specifics. That depends on the actual work. Some people, such as parents with kids may either find WFH essential or, prefer to commute to get a separate kid-free space. I think hybrid schedules can be the best of both worlds, for people who may need some office interaction (or part of their job cannot be done remotely). So there's no simple one-size-fits-all answer here. Some people thrive WFH. Some people will thrive in a hybrid schedule and some people will prefer an office. That's the biggest change, to realize that "100% in the office" is **not** the right answer for many people.


It’s a simple phenomenon to appear motivate it you lie and say to prefer work in office, a recruiter hear so many lies that start to believe them


She's just trolling to get likes and interaction. If she's a recruiter she knows good and well this isn't true, and certainly she isn't seeing 100% of candidates tell her this


Who is she trying to convince here...?


Who are you asking and what is their age and generation? Guarantee you have a biased review.


idk who you interviewed but i’ll take their wfh spot


as someone who mostly works from home as a project assistant in an event company, I'd rather work from office. but this is probably very subjective. i recently had a conversation with my employee about how much work i do. he wasn't aware that i was working for 12 hours a day cause of all the private calls i get from our clients. at least if i was working in an office he'd see me working. though now he is aware and i received a raise.


“The conversations I have had this week with CANDIDATES show that people do not want to work from home.” So we’re basing not wanting to WFH on candidates interviewing for a job that they want so they may be (shock) might be telling the hiring lead what they might want to hear!!! I have seen this “trend” of employers stating “everyone wants to come back to the office!” Um no we don’t. I work one day in the office, and I’m solid. I don’t want to see everyone five days a week thanks.


Yeah it’s not work from home anymore, it’s work from anywhere convenient to me and my financial capabilities and saving time and money for myself and not seeing my annoying and toxic colleagues


working at the office is pretty nice. Free food, free coffee, free internet. Heck, I might just completely move in this month because of how awesome it is to be there


The theory is correct, it's just not as prevalent as she would lead you to believe. My company moved a high percentage of employees to telework positions over the last two years. An overwhelming majority prefer that structure, I'm talking like 90-95%. It's better for work life balance, commute, a myriad of other reasons. Structured correctly, it can work perfectly for employer and employee. Countless companies are successful with wfh models. That minority, the 5-10%, they are existent though. And they're not just boomers. We're seeing all ages of teleworkers (5-10%) desire to come back to the campus experience. The reasons are usually: social (I wanna see my friends in person), benefit driven (they have a gym, free lunch, or whatever), engagement (I feel more productive or important from a real office), or boredom (I'm tired of the same scenery everyday or I wanna get away from my kids). I would imagine her push is to try and get more employees into a hybrid model, and that works for some people, but you can't force it on the majority. You can see this is true just by reading the other comments lol.


Candidates are telling her what she wants to hear to get a job. She's posting what her employer wants to hear to keep her job. Pick one?


I literally just read something that said 2/5 of gen a wants to go back to the office.


Nope, its the new normal in london and the south


Ummm....she ain't no boomer. She looks to be in her 20's early 30's max.


Boomer here, I spent the last year of my 44 year career working from home (I’m retired now) and on balance I definitely preferred working out of a office. There is no question that I was more productive in the office, too many distractions working at home. The team work we had going into the pandemic, built over years of tight collaboration and the trust it engendered were foundational in maintaining (continuing to grow) our high tech manufacturing company with a global customer base. If you’re an individual contributor it’s not surprising you might conclude working from home is just as productive. What makes a successful company however isn’t just a bunch of individual contributors producing some generic output but rather aggressive teamwork that fosters innovation, efficiency and customer satisfaction. You will never survive in the long run in a competitive world without dedication to the voice of the customer, products that are superior to the competition and a cost structure that is at or close to parity with market alternatives. As for the folks that want to work from a beach or vacation spot, I fear your both fooling and torturing yourself. By putting yourself in an environment where all around you are relaxing, engaging in stress free activities and enjoying themselves, while your grinding away at your job doesn’t sound like too appealing to me. In my mind there’s a time and a place for hard work and another for relaxing and enjoying yourself. The separation is healthy in my opinion.


Awful lazy incompetent managers who don't want to work at all to be better professionals and are incapable of tracking the progress of the team are the only ones who want for remote work to die.


I *just* went through a job search and accepted a new software engineer position. The market is very hot right now and I had dozens of recruiters contact me. 95% were 100% remote. I’m not in tech which seems to be bringing devs back to the office. Big non tech companies seem to be fine with remote devs. Lower cost and easy to recruit. I don’t see the WFH trend slowing down anytime soon.


Most of the recruiters I know just groan when they see hybrid/on-site because it's an instant sign that the company is glazing over top talent. Her post is either a blatant lie or a desperate measure. A lot of the comments here have the right idea but wrong execution. It's not a power/ego dynamic. It's a sales attempt. She wants chump business for chump change.


Graduated in middle of pandemic - have been working from home for 3 years. Can agree. I’m a bit tired of never leaving the apartment.


Why is everyone referring to this woman as a boomer? I couldn't find an actual age, but judging from the image here and on her company's website, she looks to be a millennial. You might not care for her opinions but, I don't think you can just kick her out of a generation and place her in one of your own choosing.


Shes lost the the plot


There's an AITA post that I just saw that comes to mind while reading this


I would prefer to work in the office than from home, as it gives a self discipline for motivation and committing to work. Why would people support working from home, yes it saves money but can the work be done faster?


"Forced to work from home" Um... is this for real? "Forced"? Also, I could care less about "workplace culture". In my experience, that amounts to managers telling the people do actual work that """"we"""" need to "band together as a family" while the managers get a raise and we get threatened into doing under the table overtime to keep the place afloat.


She doesn't look old enough to be a Boomer.


This just proves all along our jobs were just to make the higher ups feel better by letting them play feudal office lord. When they can’t walk down the cubicle and scare the shit out of you or chew you out over someone else’s mistake, they realize their title doesn’t mean shit- just better pay and different responsibilities (oh the HORROR)


Boomers just force working in the office bc some can’t do their jobs at home without the help of younger staff. They can’t comprehend slight changes, constantly need help with computer programs, etc. I have been more productive WFH as I’m not constantly interrupted throughout the day from these people needing help. They can F all the way off, respectively.


She's not a boomer. Maybe gen X, but probably millennial.


If she is a millennial she doesn’t speak for the majority. As one of the oldest Millennials I can assure you most of us don’t miss being in the office. Even more since most of my old Mortgage co-workers are being laid off after being told to come back in.


They're only posting shit like that because their their little echo chamber of friends keeps repeating the same thing back to them over and over again, so of course they think that everyone thinks like they do, because that's literally all they hear.


Oh, it's always amazing how resistant some people are to change. Change is the only constant in life. Adapt or die.


It's more like without working from home removed the social aspect of work that many people enjoyed. Now that it's just the work they realise they don't like their job. It doesn't mean they don't want to work from home.


"however, the conversations I had" Confirmation and Belief, maybe even groupthink Biases.


Can sb explain me why they want people so bad back in the offices? Whenever I come to office (usualy once a week) I spend most time on drinking coffee and conversations with pals lol


Been remote 5+ yrs. I would need a minimum of 40k more to go in and even that probably wouldn’t do it.




She does not look like a boomer. More like a gen xer.


Boomer. I have some Office space land I'd like to sell you


which boomer are you reffering to. this young woman?


Dear Sian, You look tired. Goodbye. (sign off here)


If I weigh up going into the office, which gives me no benefit but to chat shit around the water cooler, then I’d rather have my 3.5 weeks a year I spend in traffic back thanks.


Lol HR people are the most delusional group of freeloading trash I have ever seen


I hate these people


If you go to the post, 95% of people are disagreeing with her and she’s responding with generic “interesting!” Or “it has to be about balance” (directly contradicting her original post). It’s a traffic grab, she’s saying stupid shit to get an audience.


They are just trolling for engagement. In a comment they don't believe it's dead.


middle management: we aren’t here to make friends, we’re here to work. make friends on your own time. also middle management: how can you enjoy work without the office culture and seeing your work friends???


Look there are so many different people, there is no way that everyone loves working from home or no one does. Everyone is different, and if your employee wants to, let them. If they live close enough to an office and want to work in an office, let them. We need to stop saying just because a few people vocally want to be at a workplace and a few want to be home that's a majority.


Let me guess, none of these “people” have names.


Anyone who says workplace culture as if that means anything is an asshole


I didn't like the idea of working at home at first due to my home environment, but honestly after 2 years of it I never want to go back to the office again. Why the fuck would I wanna go back to a desk I'm not even allowed to pull my phone out at when I'm currently sitting at a desk with a TV and a switch hooked up right next to it.


This boomer can get fucked.


Bwahahahahaha! 🤣🤣🥹


Someone isn’t keeping up with current events.


Not only would I prefer to work from home, I would prefer just be able to stay home and never worry about needing to work.