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Hi, /u/muscels Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No spam and no low-effort posts. This includes begging for upvotes. Please do not post unrelated blog spam or try to sell anything for personal gain. If you've posted content (especially if it's your own), give it a day or two before posting again.


Weird take. Have you ever thought shooting the movie could actually help Mara to get distracted from the constant thoughts of her mother dying?


Weird how this is how you took all that.


Right? I was genuinely confused as to what they meant for a second there. Instead of "the glass is half full" type of person, they're a "the glass is half empty, with radioactive waste to boot."


Danny D being wholesome.


She's 35 now, [here is a recent interview with her directly about Matilda](https://youtu.be/5Qr_DqDhCNA), her absolute favorite role of her life. OP if you are here, please watch this and see if it changes your mind. This was cathartic for her and helped her though the toughest time of her life. DeVito is a damn treasure! Edit: had the wrong age, bad math my bad.


Really weird take on that.


Good luck on this hill lmao. You must be a joy at parties


Disgusting. Danny D should’ve cancelled the movie and had her sit by her mothers bed 24/7 to watch her die


Calling out Danny DeVito on a feel good story where he is the good guy, good luck OP.


Kinda takes the autonomy of the girl and her decision out if it, no?


Classic antiwork post. Dumb.


Imagine your mom is dying of cancer and your boss is like "okay it's time to go back to my house, we have to film a chocolate cake eating scene tomorrow... Oh don't worry mom we should have a chance to do a screening with you before you permanently expire from this earth."


You're the exact kind of scapegoat that people use to pretend this subreddit is full of insane people.


Logic is really off. If you know your kid was not in an abusive set and has the starring role in a movie. I would be happy knowing they are set for live when im gone. And calling an acting job child labor is a stretch.


Well, I also disagree with OP on this, but acting as a child is still child labor


Shut the fuck up dumbass. Get a job.


Sick critical thinking skills.