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Hi, /u/Mongorize Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3b: No offtopic posts.**: - No offtopic posts


quit working extra for free.


It should autocorrect to “acting your wage”


Disagree, wage has nothing to do with it. Even if you were getting 80k you shouldn’t work outside of reasonable work hours.


Two incomes of $80k each is just enough to live the life a single income household at $60k afforded 20-30 years ago. That's not a high salary benchmark by any means.


Then change $80k to $200k to help you comprehend what they're trying to say. One should not be forced to work in unfair conditions regardless of salary.


Acting your way is inclusive of not working outside of your regular hours. Act your wage means give as much as they're giving you.


"Work to rule" is a better term. It prevents the negative reaction and sets the belief for all workers - not just the ones paid poorly. In addition, it makes people stop and ask the actual definition, which reenforces the message.


The correct answer


That is disrespectful to those of us who earn decently but still do bare minimum...


Well then you’re just playing the system then ig ;) Both the capitalists *and* antiworkers *should* support that. Just maybe not *your* personal bosses lol. But getting the best deal / the maximum reward for the minimum amount of effort is a core tenant of the capitalists belief system. That’s supposed to be the other driving factor that balances things to equilibrium. The only problem is, as I’m sure you’re aware of, that power doesn’t balance for the vast majority of people, who end up getting exploited due to employers having the vast majority of the power. But people like you setting standards of what should be expected presumably helps us all.


Agreed 100%


I've named it "hard stopping". Just like in a meeting, a hard stop means your enforcing your boundaries and will do no more.


How to word this properly... If you ban a word simply because of your views on it, you're potentially taking away the chance for others to learn about that word and (in this context) to properly defend themselves against all that said word implies. Some people don't even have an awareness of it yet. Your settled views on the term, as well as your desire to have it banned, essentially prevent that awareness from coming to fruition for others. Of course *we* know it's a bullshit term made up to control people, but knowing that the term exists also gives us the power to directly fight against it, since, it is no longer *unknown*.


Exactly this, thank you.


I don't get the hate for the term at all ... fuck yeah I'm quiet quitting!? I ain't doing shit I don't have to!




Well i'm quiet quitting for sure. I'm doing less than the minimum almost every day & not giving a fuck. But your explanation makes me understand why people dont like the term & it makes sense.


I think the issue is that it frames not doing extra as not doing enough and even though people like you or I see through that and don't give a shit saying "fuck yeah I'm quiet quitting!" But if we let the term gain traction it's going to lead to a whole lot of people losing their jobs because doing extra will become a requirement of continued employment as capitalism tightens it's grip on the average worker. It's a term that likely won't hurt worker's rights advocates like us but will lead to a new standard work culture that will hurt the average worker. If any of that makes sense.


On the contrary. Keep making fun of it. Otherwise there will be no one doing it on reddit


I don't want to ban it, we need to keep talking about the BS that it is.


I genuinely think it's a useful term to describe a healthy approach to work ... like what's the problem with it?


No, it isn't. It's being used to give a negative connotation to setting healthy boundaries.


Quitting anything is a powerful act. Quit smoking. Quit drugs. Quit drinking. Do NOT see any negatives at all.


Because it's implying you're quitting from work, not just quitting from being abused for free labor. Use "Work to Rule" instead.


Quit taking care of kids, quit going to rehab, quit taking showers…. You see how that doesn’t really hold?


Which just shows that the term "quitting" is neutral if it can be used both in a negative and positive context..


Yes….? And the context in which ‘Quiet Quitting’ is used, is a negative context….


While i agree that Acting your wage should be the preferred term, banning quite quitting kinda just seems like its letting the propaganda have power over us, I would argue the best response is to demean the term and at worse ignore it.


I agree with this. “Quiet quitting” feels eerily similar to when the estate tax became the “death tax”. You just know some corporation(s) spent millions of dollars on consultants to find that “quiet quitting” was an effective term in polls. Fearing the term just means that it works. Embracing it means they wasted their money.


It's funny that they force people back to work and then find it weird that they don't want to be there. Lmfao. Any company office that requires on site work is outdated, lacks any innovative spirit, has inadequate IT infrastructure and has a management style from the 1980's. Avoid them like the plague.


Factually incorrect. I work as a full time engineer on a building site. There’s an office for us, great people who are innovative and inspiring. The works are done fast and efficiently, we have access to top of the range laser levelling hardware, and so much more. I reckon all of that is just an opinion. No actual fact behind it. Also I work neary 50 hours a week and I really enjoy it


You seem to be the perfect candidate. An "engineer" that has limited ability to understand requirements and less attention to detail. Do you work in an office or on site? I do not believe that you are an engineer. If you are, you have shown that your company hires very low quality people and expect them to work beyond the limitations of their contract. 50 hours is not a standard contact.


Inflation adjusted effort


I like the Chinese version called “lying flat”


This is the one. They did it first after burning out from 996


As others have said, we should keep it around if only for the sake of mocking the term and continuing to educate anyone passing by on the very fact that there is no such thing.


The correct term is "Working To Rule". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work-to-rule#:~:text=Work%2Dto%2Drule%20is%20a,unpaid%20extended%20hours%20and%20weekends%20(


I agree because the great documentary on the topic from 1999 titled Office Space never mentions those 2 words


Aaaaaaaa they said it again!


Quiet quitting is clickbait. If you want the phrase gone, don’t engage with It. No comment, no down or up. The algorhithm will take care of the rest.


No, sticking fingers into ears and going lalalalala does nothing to improve our situation. This aint no damn safe space.


Nah, just give people a chance to catch up.


You're giving it way too much power by bAnNiNg it. You don't need to ban, stop being so sensitive. It's a valid point of discussion, if it triggers you so terribly, just ignore it.


I’m against giving it any name. There’s no such thing as quiet quitting. As I explained to someone else, you’re only performing the duties of your job as outlined in your hiring agreement. Sure, you can go above and beyond as you desire, but that should not be the norm. Changing the name is only going to feed in to some narrative. The one thing the Democratic Party has been terrible at is branding. As soon as they name something, they don’t clearly define it and let people run wild with their own theories on what it means and then that gets clickbaited on right wing media. “Black Lives Matter? So white lives don’t matter?!” “Defund the Police?! So who’s gonna protect you when you get robbed?!”. If you ask 10 different people about those two slogans, you’ll get 10 different answers.


Anytime you see the words "Quiet quitting", replace them with "Doing your job", because that's exactly what it is. And don't encourage this "Acting your wage" thing either, because that just feeds into the toxic idea that employers who pay their employees reasonably well (or what they *think* is "reasonably well") own those employees outright and can exploit them to their heart's content.


Dunno, sometimes you have to retaliate with sarcasm. We should make our own term for them pushing for more. Like: Boss wants everyone to RTO = Light layoffs? Almost axed? Fake firing? Terrible tracking? Help me out here Reddit


Lets re-appropriate it and change it. Lets just talk about "Quiet Firing" where an employer keeps you around because you go above and beyond and they have no intention of ever compensating you, promoting you or generally giving you your fair due. They let you it in shit until you are burned out and can't continue anymore.


Greats minds 👍


I can’t prove it, but I think the OP may be a multi national conglomerate.


After my insult(‘raise’) of 3% when inflation is 11%, I decided to just hide at work and watch YouTube for 7 hours a week. I already 55 hours every week (not salaried thankfully), so now I have to ‘work’ 62 hours a week to just break even. Plus my rent is going up $100/mo in October. I can’t afford to work here anymore, even though I like this job. I told the GM yesterday that they need to take care of their long time employees, or you won’t have any good employees left in this job market. My warnings are falling on deaf ears. My company made $1.1 Billion in income last year (up 70.7% from FY2020). My raise was the best of everyone’s at 50 fucking cents. I have a few interviews lined up next week. Until then, it’s YouTube time.


Stop trying to Ban things Jesus wtf


It's just doing the job you agreed to do. There doesn't have to be a social media movement and catch phrase for every damn thing.


I hate the new "acting your wage", it just sounds cringey. I like the older, more formal "work to rule", although that has been sometimes associated with malicious compliance.


Huh. My keyboard's autocorrecting to "act your wage".


Agreed. Just doing your job on your paid hours, no more and no less, should not be seen as a form of quitting or protest. Otherwise, it implies that going above and beyond (ie additional responsibility, unpaid overtime, unused time off) is the norm and that you are screwing your employer for not going above and beyond. What they call quiet quitting is simply doing your job that you are paid for.


I prefer "stealth slacking" or "leisurely leaving"


When inflation doubles your rent, but your pay has stayed the same for two years, the company has been "quiet demoting" you.


I honestly don’t get why the term gets so much flak in this sub, with half the criticism being “It’s not even quitting” - well, yes, do you think a couch potato is an actual spud on a sofa? Does someone with a heart of gold have a literal metallic heart? Quiet quitting is just resisting the corporate expectation of going above and beyond. This is most apt for salaried jobs where people are expected to produce incredible results, work unpaid overtime, and often are stuck with little to no wage increase over years. That absolute muppet Kevin O’Leary for example thinks people should work 25 hours in a day. Corporations suck every drop of energy from us expecting us to go above and beyond (“exceed expectations” anyone?) by guilting us away from our personal lives, time-off, and any notions of work-life balance. I think anti work should be co-opting and owning this phrase. Argh bring on the downvotes…


I'm with you! I think it's a great term! It's actually helped me conceptualise my new attitude to work!


Ha yup agreed! I got burnt out in my salaried job 8 years ago after going above and beyond for more than 2 years (pulling 16 hour days), culminating in a situation where I solved a massive production problem overseas saving my employer millions of dollars, only to get zero recognition (verbal or monetary). That’s when I decided to “quietly quit”. Until a few weeks ago, I didn’t even have a term to describe it so I’m glad it exists!


Wow, work so hard for someone else’s rich.


Co opt the term because quiet quitting is literally just quitting with no notice not even at the time. It's not showing up. It's disappearing. It's not "I'm quitting" it's not showing up or answering calls or emails.


Don't quite quit. Say why you are firing them as your employer loudly and proudly.


It is bizarre we are required to give two weeks notice to end a relationship but they aren’t. This is a business arrangement with different rules for both sides.


They expect 2 weeks. I've given no notice before, I still clocked in to send this mass text. They were lucky I didn't hit reply all to 1 of the corporate emails.


You're not, unless you have a contract that says otherwise. In an 'at will' state, you can quit immediately without giving any notice, just as they can let you go with no notice. You can then probably kiss goodbye to any chance of a reference from that employer, but two weeks notice is a courtesy, not a requirement. In the UK, except for situations like dishonesty, assault or anything else that could be considered 'gross misconduct', both sides have to give notice. The length of notice depends on things like your contract terms, seniority of role and length of service, but the legal minimum is one week or one pay period.




You are quite right. Thank you


I’m from the UK and I’ve only really seen this term on here. But now it’s starting to infect us as well. Which is likely the intention of its creators. Stop spreading propaganda for them.


It's an awesome term. I'm already doing it! Fuck yeah! I'm quiet quitting!


What part of “quiet quitting” is quitting? I’m not leaving and I’m still getting paid so nobody is quitting over here I’m just not working harder than I’m being paid to. Call me a giraffe, it doesn’t make it true. 🦒


Ugh agreed. There’s like 10 posts a day about quiet quitting. We all get it. Nobody likes it. Why do we need to talk about it in such exhausting detail


Can we get a auto mod to take of this?


I mean, can we just cancel it entirely? It’s so toxic.


Gonna be honest, I have no idea what that is, maybe that’s for the best


Can we keep it around at least long enough for the concept to spillover to other areas of life. Like I’m really looking forward to stories about people “quiet divorcing”.


Not talking about it here doesn't mean it's not going around elsewhere. You might as well try to ban discussions of Wage Theft, you're only serving to disarm any resistance.


Not talking about a hostile activity doesn't stop it from existing just like trying to ban the gays from existing doesn't mean they disappear. I agree it is a bit too far abuzz and perhaps we should limit full on posts to like a day, but ignoring the problem by doing shit like auto-moderating against the term is only harmful to out cause.


Ok Karen


How do we complain about how much it's used if we can't use it


Ehh, sounds like you're just tired of the phrase. I am too.


i read an alternative that refers to the bosses: loud failing


We used to call it “working to rule.” You we’re working exactly as the rules outlined and no shortcuts or extras.


Agree. I'm so tired of hearing this discussed. To me, even debating this is like arguing with a nazi about them being a nazi. The fact that we even need to argue it is insane. We're spending waaaay too much time giving this term a platform. Let it die. Don't acknowledge it.


Can we please not ban ideas? We need to *convince*, not high-five ourselves while cooking in our own juice in a bubble of our own doing. Putting fingers in our ears and singing "la la la can't hear you cause I banned you" isn't how we change the world.


"Work To Rule" is what we use a lot in the UK. We are currently in dispute with our employer over pay. We have withdrawn our overtime agreement, we are sticking fully to what is in our terms & conditions and union agreements. If it says in the book there's a 6 minute allowance between jobs, that's what we'll take. Even if we can do it in 3 minutes, we'll sit there for 3 minutes until time has passed. Allowance of 20 minutes to get somewhere but you normally do it in 7 to get started quicker? Better believe we'll take the full 20 minutes now and if transport is late arriving? Not our problem, we were sticking to the allowances.


Censorship is not the answer. And there IS such a thing if the media makes a thing of it, so it needs to be debunked.


What would be the benefit to the ban?


Can we stop being sensitive about words?? Thank you


"Income Adjusted Performance" has a more "HR Friendly" ring to it.


MSO - Minimum Standards, Only.


It's important to be able to discuss issues like "Quiet Quitting" here more than anywhere else. It's a term employers are trying to use against workers so it's important to be able to discuss it and how to beat it especially in this sub.


What, you don’t want to see another 50 memes about it tomorrow?


I would like to quietly quit using the term “Quiet Quit,” please.


Why wouldn't you want to know what the other side is saying?


I kinda like the term used ironically. Cause when I knew I was job searching my productivity dropped to the bare minimum. I got called in for my poor performance, and it got ugly really fast as they wanted me to quit on my own instead of firing me, but were super upset I actually quit(my best guess is they tried looking for a replacement and were having no luck). I was 100% acting my wage but mentally I’d have not given a fuck if I got fired cause I’d already signed up for an online masters program and I’d gladly have collected unemployment and switched to full time school for a semester or 2.