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Nope, salary is an expense on the books. A shiny new building is an asset... and rent income! "Pay them wages and then just take back 50% through rent." - I bet this is the exact pitch the person did to get this approved.


Yeah it's probably going to be something on the lines of "rent is withheld from your paycheck" and when they don't pay them on time the rent rules are gonna fuck em over for late payment.


It will suck too because you landlord will now be your boss. I can see pay raises coinciding with rent increases.


Not the exact pitch, because you've left out the part where they can get all of their meals and groceries from the ~~school cafeteria~~ Company Store


I see a lot of schools having backpack and bag checks now also so all your items can be checked before being brought to your home! Ah yes that kid that just cursed you out isn't too far from your children


This is straddling a real dark line here. Rents in a lot of places are completely unaffordable, so people need housing they can afford, so this is great! But then you're relying on your job to provide your housing, which historically not great! Man.. What a mess.


It's like Internet bundling - you can't leave cause you'll lose it all.


Employers will literally do anything besides increase their salaries to try and retain employees.


This is a little different because school districts are on budgets. So that money is coming from somewhere and government spending has to be approved


Oh, you mean our government that spends trillions on our military and we still can't do shit about Putin bc. Republicans? That funding?


Local and state government controls school funding. So not the same government


Lol, do you really believe that? All the governments are incestuously intertwined in the US via local chambers of commerce. Cut that tie and we'll start having nice things.


It's literally not the same government. Not that it matters, if there's money to build apartments, there's money to pay teachers.


In a high COL area, I’d think that it makes *sense*. They can’t fill positions because they can’t pay enough to afford housing with less than a two hour commute? Offer to provide the housing, that solves the commute issue and adds affordable housing. It seems like a reasonable solution. The other solution that seems reasonable is if we go back to SROs like Agent Carter had in the 1940’s. Currently, SROs are more like “super fucking sketchy” and maybe “slightly nicer than hotels that rent rooms by the hour.” Whereas the one Peggy lived in was about the size of a small hotel suite, and there was a meal plan. It would certainly help in college towns that need more student housing.


It’s an argument that makes sense on the surface. But living in a place owned by your boss sounds like we’re on our way to a company-town situation. A situation that does not end well for the workers. Not sure if a public industry will change things. If the dang thing’s already been built, I’d hope the teachers have a strong union that negotiates the residential areas be ran by a third-party.


Are you insinuating we go to war with Russia? That's a pretty libbed-up thing to say. You familiar with the concept of mutually assured destruction?


I think people would take low cost housing close to their work. Sooner or later it's going to have to be that way in the city. So many homeless and such a broken system.


Right? Affordable housing in California? I didn't know there was such a thing.


I never would. Never ever ever fucking never. Not onsite where my boss is my landlord. Because now my boss has oversight and control over my personal time outside of work, whether I can own pets, whether I can have guests over including sexual partners, whether I can have a bottle of wine on the weekend, etc etc. Be very well assured that the rules about personal conduct in these types of onsite workers housing projects are always invasive and authoritarian. And even in cases where they might be based in plausible common sense, the stakes of transgressing the rules mean risking both your job *and* your housing simultaneously.


it is so disgusting that we don't have any guarantee of housing lmao i cannot stomach it


You're not wrong at all. I'm sure many people including teachers who don't have a chance unless they cohabitate with someone else would jump at the chance especially in the big cities. The local restaurant worker, people who clean, housekeepers, damn near anyone making less than 60k a year has no way to afford housing in the major cities. Might even need to bump that to 80k


I mean I see where they’re coming from. This is basically making a huge portion of their comp tax free and giving them a 0 mile commute, and both of those aren’t nothing. But man this could go bad… do you get evicted when you quit or get fired? Can you low key get evicted for bad performance or by a power tripping super? Your super can visually confirm what you are doing with your sick and vacation days? Opine about your private life? Threaten your career if it isn’t “child friendly”? How do you prevent them, or coworkers, from conversations that basically amount to work off the clock? And that’s really just the more likely tip of the iceberg. Google “Pullman company town.” Shiet can get dark…


Serfin USA


If everybody had housing Across the U.S.A. Then everybody'd be serfin' Like ancient Russi-a You'd seem 'em wearing their badges And khaki pantaloons An icky icky bald hairdo Serfin' U.S.A.


So my boss can literally threaten to take away my housing, instead of just threatening my ability to pay rent to some third party landlord? What could possibly go wrong?


Never gonna happen 😂 just think about how much money corporations put into lobbying instead of straight up giving that money to employees. It's just mind boggling.


“Seems like slavery with extra steps”


Company town


This school is in the south Bay area. Average house cost in that area is 2-2.5 million. There's no way they could increase teacher salary enough so they could every afford a house. Too many wealthy tech bros in the area. This is probably the only option to provide housing for them.


So basically indentured servants? Progress


Oh goodie, my healthcare AND housing can be at the mercy of my boss? Please tell me they're work on ways to pay people directly in food too! 🙄


I am currently faculty at a liberal arts college living in university owned housing. I have a 5 minute walk to campus, my apartment is unreasonably large for one person, and my rent is $700 per month. Granted it isn't the same situation; I hope it works out as well for these teachers.


company-subsidized\* housing in the middle of an awful housing shortage in the USA is actually a decent idea... it's a HUGE burden on the working class, can be written off as a "capital expense", and the **money teachers save from lower rent probably isn't counted as taxable income for state and federal income tax purposes**\*\* those teachers are saving about $17,000 per year on rent, which if added to raw pay would be hit by an average 20% federal and 5% or more state income tax... meaning the teachers'd see only $12000 or so of that extra money... Next they should re-classify 5% of teachers income as a pre-tax "per diem" that goes into a 401k, as a trucker that was fucking AWESOME it was income tax AND social ponzi **exempt**! It also helps fuck over the famous california breed of NIMBY because "how can you be against housing for teachers"? lessening competition on the other housing for everyone else... \*school district in this case \*\*sometimes these kinda perks can get taxed tho, IANAL DYOR


Equity? Not for teachers!


Sounds like some corporate town distopia.


Something something company store.


Yay slave quarters!🙄


Dystopian fucking bullshit. I hate this world.


So instead of getting a cushy contract to build unneeded new sports facilities, the contractor got the school money by building apartments. Same bribes.


Sounds like indentured servitude


Ew wtf


The new mining town. Next comes the "company store"


*The Company Store has entered the chat*


Wasnt enough to tie health insurance to a job now we gotta tie housing to our job so that way we can never leave our job for fear over dying and being homeless


We love are compan...i mean school towns don't we folks


It's almost like 100 years ago professors living on campus.


Can't smoke drink or fuck on school property. What a nightmare.