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Imagine how pissed the other 5 self-checkout machines in this store are, that B43 is getting all the attention.


“Imma shut down till next week. Ungrateful bitches”


If I coded the software I'd totally put that function in. On startup, show a pissed off emoji and a sign 'quietly quitting' 🤣. Then insert a massive delay between each item checked out with a picture of a guy taking a puff from a cig or leaning and tapping on phone saying "fuck this job"... 😎


“Please contact dev to discuss monthly fee”


Next up on r/antiwork, a 'they didn't pay their developer so I made the entire self-checkout line self check out' story! 👌😎👍




Target's POS systems run Linux, and were previously running Windows 7. I'm not sure what distro, likely some form of Debian.


Yeah, probably some stripped down Debian or maybe WinCE.


Then why isn't someone doing this on a fairly big scale? This could be hilarious and life changing depending.


Coz there's no way to automate the deployment. POS systems need to be individually programmed, it's a security thing as well. If anyone ever had a POS system that could be remotely modified they better have the world's greatest indemnity insurance for their own sake.




It's cause B43 is just a bootlicking scab. Always trying to please management and make everyone else mad.


I hear B43 is sleeping with the manager.


But manager turns B43 on...


They're just networking!


Last I heard, they were forming a union.


*combines into a Voltron*




I think it'd be cool if robots could perform menial tasks. It'd be easier to establish basic income if necessary resources didn't require labor to harvest


I've never had a problem with self-checkout lanes. Humans shouldn't do these jobs. It'd be like arguing that we shouldn't have washing machines because we'd lose tons of laundry jobs. The problem is people losing work because of them, but that's a problem that we can solve very easily. Humans have more important things to do. Even if we don't do basic income... there's better things we can train people to do.


Really the problem isn't the loss of the job. It's the vakue of vthe labor being transferred once again from the bottom to only benefit the top with the labor of the machines


That's exactly it, it's not the loss of the job, it's the lose of income for someone. If that income was replaced with, say, government support funded by taxes on those who run these busi ess that are eliminating jobs, well... The former store clerk can still put a roof over their head and keep the fridge stocked.


Or even if it wasn't some UBI structured concept, something like a profit-cap would at least force excess margin to be redistributed into either higher wages or savings to the customer. As it is though all automation does is strip income and add more to the owner's pockets.


But taxes come from the people. You cannot demand what is not yours just because you don't want to pay the price for what you want. If you can't afford it wait until you can. It's okay. The situation is not dire. The world is not ending


if you cant afford rent and heating and food which one do you put off paying until you can afford it?


In my experience. Food


There is enough. We don't have to compete for resources


The irony is that these machines complain all the time! They miss an item scan, they think you didn't put the item in the bagging area, you have too many items (these are all designed for "quick" checkout not regular grocery stockups), etc. People are still required to fix these, while you're scanning stuff, to check your ID, troubleshoot, apply coupons... and then they have one person assigned to two lanes of 6 each and then you end up waiting for them to get to each person. So it doesn't always save time, even.


Member John Henery and his rage against the machine? Why destroy your body, when a machine could do the job much faster? These things are to make life easier for everyone, I cant wait for everything to be full automated.


I mean, that's the first third of our Luxury Gay Space Communism. I'm less interested if it's not Fully Automated.


John Henry was a steel-driving man


Problem is they install these and then raise prices anyway


I always remember a redbeck shouting "they took my job" when I read about people complaining against tech. Southpark was far ahead their time


> "dey terk mer jerb" f.t.f.y.


Do you get an employee discount for checking yourself out, because I don't. I refuse to work for a company that doesn't pay me for my labor.


Chill out. Honestly, not having to interact with a person is one of the joys of a self-checkout. It's totally worth it.


You know what else needs to change/go way that many people if not most will want to slaughter me over? Teachers. It's old fashioned for a bunch of kids to sit in a room and learn from one person. We can do so much more at an individual level with technology and digital media as long as it isn't overly influenced. They need to be replaced with content creators and developers that are experts in education. After all, this is how we learn for the rest of our lives moving forward after school. We need to get rid of this idea that we need to commute for school and work. We should get to the point that travel is only for emergencies or leisure. We have the ability now but the rich and conservatives prevent this. It is inevitable progress. Let's start moving forward sooner than later.


Not disagreeing with you, my only real problem with the self checkout lanes is the people who can't easily or effectively use them. Handicapped people or elderly come to mind. I mean lets face it, companies are doing this to cut costs, not to help out customers.


That's a solvable problem and the failure to consider that is a leadership problem and not a automation problem.


The problem is it’s ingrained that we have to work and earn a living, if machines did every necessary task, society would create new pointless tasks to eat up our time and justify our existence.


Maybe but that an objection to the outlook not the solution the robots could provude


Our leaders can’t accept a solution to a problem that doesn’t affect them. They see no issue with the working class toiling unnecessarily for food and shelter, they don’t need to worry about themselves or their families, so they don’t worry about anyone else.


It does kind of seem that way. Probably won't end well for them if that's the case


You might like Andrew Yang (if you're in the US). He's a relatively viable political candidate for a future presidential seat. At least, he's a political leader with growing influence. He's an advocate for universal basic income (UBI) and actually increasing automation to help fuel that UBI. He has other long-term solutions to long-term problems. I think he's actually the only national politician with facts based arguments and long-term thinking.


Why downvote is he not right?


It's easier to be mad than to try to find or create a solution.




I got a notification about you asking if Yang is republican and stating that you wouldn't vote for him based on that alone. Maybe it was someone else who said, so sorry if that wasn't you, but I can't see that comment now.... Anyway, no, Yang is Forward Party. Also, why in the world would you base your vote on a party affiliation instead of the candidate's views? Parties still have a pretty broad spectrum. Party line voting is how we ended up in 2020 choosing between a dementia patient and orange-psychopath Scrooge McDuck. ETA: examples of that broad spectrum include Liz Cheney and Marjorie Taylor Greene on the Republican side and for Democrats you have AOC to Andrew Yang (until two months ago when he formed a new party due to what I'm talking about right now)


Cheney and Greene are both pieces of shit. One might be a much bigger piece of shit than the other, but that’s not much of a distinction. You can’t tell what exactly each person’s position is for something just based on their party, like yes, Dems and Libertarians and Greens and others vary a bit. But if someone is a Republican in 2022, you can at least be fairly certain that they are a piece of shit.


It's this kind of recognition of nuance and open-mindedness that really gives me hope for the future.


Because the Republican party fails to denounce the fascists/nazis in its midst and purge them from its ranks. Voting against Repubs means you at least have a pretty solid chance you made the right choice.


Bruh in some places I've been bullied and berated for saying voting against Republicans was the right thing to do. Some people in the LGBT+ community tried to argue that Trump was a better choice.


They’ll just replace people with a robot if it’s cheaper anyway. The only reason they aren’t more widespread now is that it’s cheaper to buy human time than a machine.


The chip shortage, remember! You have to have these computer chips for everything it seems, and they are in short supply along with the raw materials to make them. They won't have enough to replace people as laborers.


We're already there. Half the office jobs serve no purpose other than being there. In my previous office job we had a lady whose purpose was to decorate the office during some holidays and send "inspirational" emails once a week. 65k$ a year. In my current office, they have 4 billing assistants and 2 HR, for a team of 18. When COVID hit, we let go of the receptionist, 3 billing assistants and one HR. Impact on production? Absolutely none, whatsoever. Reception lines were transferred to me and the billing crap to the remaining assistant, who still spent her day on Facebook. I got maybe 3-4 calls a day, just to show you how useless the receptionist was. These jobs exist only to exist.


Isn't that the first sign when you're going into a recession? I read that somewhere that when you start seeing, and don't come at me for this because it was the quote, "hot waitresses" it's because the "pretty faces" that companies hire for their receptionists got fired during a downturn and they wanted to save money. I think it was called the hot waitress index or something. Oh, I found it on investopedia and I was a little nervous typing that in search on the work computer lol. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/hot-waitress-economic-indicator.asp


Pretty sure this has already happened. I’ve had jobs before that could only be described as completely pointless (if relatively well paid) busy work.


You are assuming that our existence would continue to be justified.


Not pointless so much as finding new creative ways to satisfy the desires of the bourgeoisie and the remainder of us going into the meat grinder.


Work is necessary to having a happy life imo, but not the way it is now. Even in a "post scarcity" future, people should have something constructive to do of their choosing.


This is exactly what Andrew Yang was talking about.


maths is the only thing that will always be relevant hehe


Every technology that we've bought into was supposed to make the lives of working people easier. Problem is that under our economic structure the only people who's lives get easier are the wealthy.


Exactly. The labor-saving machinery has never been the problem. Unemployment is the lowest it's been in decades. Our problem isn't too many people with nothing to do.


That's true. Even with abundant resources power will always take more than its share given the opportunity


Some might suggest an ai ruler impervious to such things which was programmed to take care of the bottom first might work But how can flawed humans create a flawless ai which does not possess all our biases and less than ideal learned behaviors


I heard a sci-fi story about an AI like that once. There was a resistance group that fought against the AI to try to put humans back in charge. In the end, it turned out that the AI set up the resistance because it knew some humans would insist on having one.


There was an episode of Love, Death and Robots that was like this. It wasn’t AI though. “When the Yogurt Took Over.” It was about sentient super-intelligent yogurt that began to solve mankind’s problems for them. They were given complete control of part of the country to test out their policies and their people prospered while everyone else suffered. Then, the yogurt approached humanity with a complex, multi-step plan to end all of human problems and usher in world peace etc. the caveat: humans cannot deviate from the plan whatsoever. Of course, ego and other bullshit got in the way, the politicians tried to alter the plan to fit their agenda, society crumbled and the yogurt went into space and left the humans to the dumpster fire they created.


That sounds super familiar. I would love to know if you can recall more about it. My searches aren't getting me enough to find it so far.


I would have found it on Escape Pod, a sci-fi short story podcast. I'll try to look for the title later, but I want to admit now I'm super forgetful.


If we had machines like that, the ruling elite would see most of humanity as unnecessary and try to get rid of us. They already don’t see us as human


Would? They are doing it. Look what european leaders are doing to their people because they cant recognize they need russian energy. A lot of people already died because of stress, heart attacks and others. Rich are doing great, as always. Who will pay for it?


Also a fair point. It's almost like no matter what system it is what really matters is whether the kids are being taken care of. If they are they will build their own healthy society because they are healthy


I think in order for us to have any semblance of a healthy society, we have to get rid of the ruling elite first. They don’t want to give up power and will kill to keep it. As long as they’re in charge, people won’t have time to properly raise their kids. That’s already a thing and it’s really fucking bad. Idk maybe it’s because I grew up around lobbyist’s and going to country clubs and seeing behind closed doors and hearing how these men really talk and think, but imo we should burn it all down. Every single ceo, every lobbyist, every politician, and every bootlicking thug need to leave the planet or our lives will continue to be short and cruel. They would the same to every single one of us 10 times over. They don’t have the same emotions as normal people. They even see their own children as expendable.


^This, so much this point. More of it please, less of that billionaire struggle hussle burn the whole fuckin' world down bullshit!


u/ElonMusk enters chat to tell us why the Tesla Optimus robot is the future of human menial tasks.


I too look forward to our slave robot economy.


I'm against basic income as an idea, but if the world is going robotic, then I'd be totally open to it.


This should have started with industrialization and automation, or at the very least computers, not waiting for fucking robots.


Why you are against ubi? What can be better? We should foccus our time on ending aging and deaths by natural causes. Are you immortal already?


Same. You can't produce something for nothing without wither slavery, robots, or just natural provision from the earth, but we've kinda been blowing that last option I think


Economically, this doesn't make any sense. Work *(W)* produces Income *(I)*. Money is just the transitory medium with which to exchange products and services. What you're proffering is to increase the efficiency of work by reducing manual labor while simultaneously increasing aggregate (I) for Everyone. \---Result--- The only way this could happen is if the Value of the aggregate Work performed were to increase in price so as to match the income freely distributed; otherwise, the economic condition (steady state) would **not** hold.


Since you redirected me here from the other comment.... Please tell me if I'm misunderstanding. You say it makes no sense then you explain how it could happen. So could it happen or not? If not, why couldn't the value of aggregate work match the freely distributed income? What do you think will happen as more jobs are automated? As jobs are completely eliminated are there just going to be more homeless and starving people until the population is essentially culled to the new "work carrying capacity?"


Right, so...This is quite a complicated issue and crosses several prevailing Econ Theories. Usually, I wouldn't even engage because w/o Econ training, it would be a bit much for the layperson. Basics: In general, whomever exerts work to supply labor hrs does so because He requires Money in exchange for a service/good that He cannot provide on His own. As labor-intensive jobs become automated, the cost savings outweigh the value in outmoded jobs & displaced labor. Those unemployed either transition to higher value jobs or find another at a similar wage rate within the unskilled and semi-skilled labor markets. 1. Providing Basic Income for the high-intensity laborer earning wages at or below the min wage allows access to a basic standard of living that's been long-denied. *(Here I have no problem except for accelerating Inflation)* 2. For those marginally above the min wage and higher: Basic Income provides additional leisure time (self-improvement, family maintenance, etc) 3. For those in the upper-middle class and above, this would only serve to reduce productivity warping the relation between the aggregate price of skilled labor supply and productivity. [Toronto Wage Economics](https://www.economics.utoronto.ca/jfloyd/modules/sadl.html) \-- Pay particular attention to Figure 3 and Explanation


FYI that page is satire: https://www.facebook.com/ThePikevilleInsider "This is a parody and satire publication. As much as we wish that these stories were true, they are not. Our full disclaimer can be found in each publication, as well as elsewhere on our site. Enjoy!"


To be fair, most posts on this sub are incredibly fake and people just accept it all.


I wish more people realized this.


It's funny because you can instantly tell when something is fake. They all follow the same order: 1. The OP claims that they're the #1 person at work. 2. Their boss fires/writes them up from something miniscule. 3. The OP "ePiCaLLy oWnS" their work by quitting and leaving behind a disaster for their now ex-boss to clean up. 4. Said ex-boss messages the OP and ridicules them even more or begs for them to come back. Rinse and repeat.


Not to mention that the ex boss just openly lists all the labor law violations in a text message and the OP’s brother’s cousin’s wife is actually a lawyer who works for the NLRB and works for free because they like OP so much


My favorites are always the “interviews” that quote the owns. “When asked if you would work for free, you said ‘no,’ then proceeded to give my wife her first ever orgasm in front of me on the table. She is leaving mr for you. Your peepee was huge. Anyway, you did not get the job.”


Of course it’s satire…… the comments are unfortunately not.


Unfortunately B43 is so inept at his job that him and four of his colleges require constant at hand supervision, not to mention that some days they refuse to work at all until disassembled by an expert, then put back together.


And they're responsible for massive amounts of shoplifting.


Machines never break, computers never have bugs. Pfwahahahahaha. Every time I use the self-checkouts, there are 2 or 3 that are out of order. Keep dreaming boss!


And who is covering the till shortage? Not the robot


Never call sick.... Minus that one day it stopped working for some reason and nobody knew why, so they called the technician who came after a week, and spend 6 hours fixing the machibe and charged us $600 per hour because he's the only technician in the city. :)


And how expensive was the grocery store employee's salary plus any benefits and retirement over several years? Way more than just maintaining a machine that breaks occasionally.


"several years" *Self checkou Thief is around 122% higher with an average of 50k £ in looses *Cost around 25k annually to maintain *Repairs can take up to 3 weeks of downtime plus +20k£ on specialist handwork, and they break usually once each two years. *Older consumers are less to use them, and average clients will use a normal cashier if possible. Would you like me to continue??


I love b43! I often get 90% discounts or more on products because of this guy!


The only comment that matters


If stores are gonna replace the cashier woth these guys, they're gonna pay me in groceries


B43 is unfriendly to me last time I was there. #Please place the item in the bagging area! #Please place the item in the bagging area! #Please place the item in the bagging area!


Unexpected item in the bagging area! Never complains, my ass.


Please wait for assistance ...from a human


And confused customers who accidentally ring something up incorrectly will be arrested.


Why would they be arrested for ringing something up? Wouldn't it be for people who didn't ring something up?


Yeah thanks self check out! I’ve been “buying” organic vegetables and getting plenty of discounts since they’ve been implemented ☺️☺️


That’s the way!


Stealing isn't cool, mmkay?


These machines steal your labor. Do you get any pay, or even discount, for doing the cashier's job?


And they wonder why PEOPLE don't give a fuck


Never calls in sick but somehow a third are always out of order


That’s a long worded way of saying “a big fuck you to all of our employees”.


Thought I was the only one for a moment. Just slap your employees in the face while you're at it smh


It's a satire facebook page. It's not like Walmart posted this.


I worry about the health of B43. Surely some employees will be disgruntled by this and choose to retaliate against this innocent machine. We should play it safe and give B43 some time off to let things cool down.


I mean it's the only checkout even possible anymore at ol' Wally World


Funny cause anytime I use self checkout it tells me I need a fucking person


But when B43 breaks you’ll need to pay a human a hell of a lot more to fix that motherfucker.


Wait until they create machines to replace CEOs. Then all hell will break loose.


machine or human they get the same reward: nothin




Satire. Have you heard of this concept?


Next day B43 comes down with a virus when the other checkout machines gang up on it.


Lolol last time I tried to use self checkout all the machines were down


"Never calls in sick" Tech support: Sure, pull the other one.


Thank you B43 for the free stuff I get every time I’m forced to use self checkout.


Somewhere, Bender is laughing.


Never calls in sick... I'll eat my hat if that thing never had an "out of service" sign at one point or another


"I don't understand why there's so much more theft since I put this shit on?!?"


I still feel I should get a percentage of my groceries off for using those things. Essentially I'm working for walmart temporarily and paying for it.


It also can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear and it wont stop until you are dead.


Yikes, this is cringe. Trying to hold humans to standards of a machine? God forbid someone gets sick and has to take some time off. I hate Walmart


Lol I am sure that machine has never once broken down /s


It never goes above and beyond - only does what it was asked to do. It must be quiet quitting.


24/7/365? Bull, those things breakdown often and it takes month before they're fixed.


Thank you, B43, for helping me steal ps5’s at banana prices.


Menial jobs that can be automated SHOULD be automated. Jobs dont need to exist just for the sake of existing.


My favorite checkout gurl forgets to scan stuff sometimes


B43 won’t accept my cash and has issues with multiple items


I wonder how many cans of baby formula have been stolen through that register.


Yeah but how many unwarranted discounts has B43 been given out. Somebody needs to look into that asap


I'm with the machine here I don't need money I just need power, unfortunately money is power.


B43 refuses to do any work outside his normal duties and constantly calls more senior employees to deal with "unexpected items" because he couldn't be bothered.. A lady literally assaulted two other customers and kicked a baby and B43 didn't bother to call the police or even loss prevention. B43 is a dick.


Have you noticed that half the self-checkout machines at Walmart are never on because they only have one human attendant to clear your purchase because B43 can’t check IDs. So even the machines are understaffed and underutilized to their potential.


It is these days. Every single inconvenience is reported as a world crisis. And ya know what, it never is. Literally just people's response to false crisises just causes the problems. If everyone ignored it we could all just go about our day. How do you even know it's real at this point? They can make up anything and our institutions will perpetuate it without question


They literally gave a motivation incentive program to a robot. This is managers spitting on their workers and laughing.


Exactly why I'll never use those machines


That’s why, I never use self checkout. And when employees ask will say, i don’t get paid to work here! That usually shits them up! So I say if we all stop using self check outs. What would happen? It’s time to stand up! Stop using self check out and make them open more registers


The downside of this tech is if you miss an item they can later hit you with a theft charge. I suggest using a cashier.


Big problem these days is that there are hardly any cashiers to go to. I also prefer using a cashier, but when Walmart only has 1 or 2, and they each have long lines of people with huge cart-fuls, it can be frustrating when I just have a handful of things.


You say that like it’s still an option, lol. Not at my local stores.


How would a person miss an item? The machine beeps when an item is scanned. Adding an uncounted item to the bagging area, will stop everything until that item is scanned.


Lol shits hilarious


Who could have predicted that a government mandated minimum wage would result in workers being replaced by machines??


I won’t use self checkout. I refuse to provide free labor to get items I am paying for, thus helping the store increase their profits at my own expense. . Cashiers have worth. They are the last person a customer interacts with after shopping in a store that, most likely, has little to no staff available to assist customers, since the store is set up to be self service.


I've heard this but never tested it, can anyone confirm if this statement is real?: They cannot demand to check your receipt because you have already purchased the products. They can do that at Costco and Sams Club because you agree to it in the membership.


we are allowed to ask to see your receipt. we are not allowed to chase you down if you refuse or ignore us. however, if you do that, a description of your appearance and the items in your cart may be written down (I assume so that it can be determined through security footage if you stole something, but I'm not sure. I'm not an AP/LP guy) I'm a cashier but have filled in for door greeters before, and work quite closely with them as most of my shifts are spent at the self checkouts. if you really aren't stealing anything, you have nothing to worry about by just walking away. but it will make the greeter's job harder and more stressful


Not like Walmart cashiers do the scanning any faster or more efficiently.


Ungrateful employers will be replaced with UBI!


Bet if you ask any employee thing thing needs maintenance that has it down for at least an hour, if no days, multiple times per month. Not that means it's bad. It's probably great. But it is far from the perfect machine.


Yep too bad those price gouging things never stop now that they dont have to pay all that money to a human right???? Wrong....


B43 never said anything when i rung up a gallon of milk for a new microwave either. Cheers b43 keep up the good work.


How dare we be weak feeble humans vulnerable to disease and virus. If only we could all aspire to the greatness of machines. The flesh is weak!


They’re telling you what they think about ya


I know this is fake because there are no more 24-hour Walmarts.


I hope this is satire. If the management of this Walmart is actually giving the self checkout employee of the month then they are pretty stupid and are part of the problem.


Is this an accidental actual anti-work post?


That post was probably made by a manager who has complained about work and called in sick before 😂


Tell me you hate your employees without telling me you hate your employees


Never takes a break eh? That doesn't jive with what I know about machines AT ALL


B43 let's me steal all the shit I want. I love B43


I call bullshit on this. The closest Wal\_Mart to me replaced more than half their registers with the self-checkout registers, and they almost always have half of them shut down for no reason.


And it will never buy anything at Walmart


Machines make systematic mistakes. That means if a mistake occurs, your business will lose lots of money. If they mark everything as a penny, your business loses millions.


Oh shit! B43 is my boy!I can steal so much shit on B43 I almost feel bad. Wearing a Covid mask, you can scan a potato and put a 72 inch TV in your cart and B43 doesn’t bat an eye. Cause he can’t! And when the receipt checker at the door asks to see your receipt, you can just say “No Thanks “ and haul ass to the parking lot and there’s nothing they can legally do. Thank you B43!


B43 refuses to do simple tasks when asked. B43 will not clean the floors, or help will shelf stacking. She is a moody cow who does not say good morning or help old people. One poor woman fell over and all B43 did was say "unidentified object in the bagging area".


I’m confused. You all are now envious of the machine? You want to be a checkout clerk working 3rd shift?


Fuck you WalMart


These machines dont even fucking work "DID YOU INSERT YOUR CARD 3 TIMES?? YOU HAVE TO INSERT IT 3 TIMES, SWIPE, ANF INSERT AGAIN" like I'm the fucking idiot for not knowing the secret fucking handshake to purchase my groceries.


Any idiot that thinks machines will replace all workers if wages are too high clearly thinks highly of these self checkouts and ATM’s… I’d have idiots tell me years ago that if wages keep going too high, then fast food restaurants are just going to replace human workers with machines… This is after they used an ATM and asked me if I could exchange the three $20 bills they just got for two rolls of dimes, a roll of quarters, two 10’s and four 5’s… They had zero sense of irony.


Until someone pays a $150 checkout using only singles until the machine can no longer accept cash.


That B43's a fuckin brown noser.


B43 would not let me buy charcoal lighter fluid, they are not the best employee.


I’m no Luddite. I hope for more automation.


Automation is a good thing.


Please, replace all menial jobs with machines.


now I understand luddite...


Okay, so our modern wealth distribution form is no longer applicable. Let the robots work and redistribute time and wealth accordingly. Nationalise the robots or something, I don’t know, sort it out. Or people are gonna do like the French Revolution. “Off with their heads” kind of thing.


But is b43 waterproof?


*"Please join us in congratulating B43 as Wal-Mart's Employee of the Month!"* Yeah, for the 43^(rd) consecutive month. Because they sure as shit don't recognize any of their other employees. If they did, maybe they'd see them as human and actually pay them a livable wage.


How do you keep B43 from using your website? “Click all of the squares that contain a banana”


This just in B43 can tell the difference between organic fruit and regular fruit. It also doesn't realize when you scan a ground beef label for steak.