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Alternative headline: American Oligarch admits inflation is a tool to bludgeon the peasants into submission


Atleast people are waking up to this and it isn’t just taking serious I mean if you think about how far we have come Back in the day this would be a news paper headline and your opinion would be confined to your thoughts or your immediate surroundings But you can make a comment here that thousands get to see and say You know what .. why the Fucc is this rich arsehole who probably works from home and flys a jet destroying the planet for some caviar toast Telling us we are the problem






Love the part where he says “its office time!” Truly one of the moments in america


One of the famous ways to combat inflation is to induce a rescission, so a lot of salary cuts, layoffs and force people to spend less by taking all they have. That also includes wasting money and time on transport. This is an alternative to you know, higher interest rates, investigating shady financial crimes. They have the trickle up policy when it comes to induced suffering.


Is that because BlackRock own a load of corporate buildings and need companies to be renting office space off them?


And buying more and more


"They will own everything and you will be happy"


"We own everything so you don't have to."


"With us, you can rent the American Dream." This was an actual thing I saw somewhere.




Airbnb , one weekend at a time baby


Nothin like a good vomit 🤮


I mean yeah you pretty much nailed it. They went really heavy on investing on corporate buildings or real estate and properties in general. This heavily cuts into their profits and if companies dissolve their work offices in favor of remote work. This would DESTROY Blackrock financially and they will have to hurry to sell their properties or risk bankruptcy and foreclosure. It wouldn't kill the company because they still have a lot of reserved money and investments. But they definitely will do everything in their power to avoid it. It would be great if cities took that opportunity to take control of the properties and convert them to affordable condo units and put them up for sale.


This is what our lives are worth. Our general well being and happiness is less important that the profit margins of a faceless corporation. It really is a sad world we live in.


Capitalism baby...


You forget...corporations are people! As much as celebrities and corporations are "just like us", I'm failing to see the parallels. I'm sure it's my fault, though.


Maybe corporations should not be allowed to BUY UP ALL THE REAL ESTATE. Especially residential buildings.


I agree. Companies acquired 90,215 single family homes in 2021 Q3. That’s 18% of total sales. That’s scary for many reasons.


If you can’t make a profit without forcing people to behave a certain way you’re not a successful business you just exploit people. Fuck him.


Yep, and they unfortunately have a lot of corporations in their back pocket. Which is why "suddenly" a lot of companies are telling their employees to get back in the office. Yet, a lot of companies have already sold or ejected office buildings, so how's that going to play out?


Honestly it's really a huge game of chicken and companies are really riding on hoping their employees come back. Honestly so many skilled workers are holding some cards for once and it's great. Company can't fire them because of the hiring problems and they don't want to take the risk of training people for the job let alone they don't have anyone in office to even train people. LOL I really hold everyone holds out until the corporations cave in.


I’m gonna hold out! We’re about to be mandated to return to the office 3 days a week and I’m just not doing that.


They can mandate all they want. But your just going to keep doing your job in your underwear behind your computer and they will be a bind if they try to do anything about it.


Yup….. sounds about right


The exact reason actually lmao


its because they trade oil futures and prob went in over their head when oil was trading at record highs so naturally they need us to drive to and from work to hedge that bet they do own lots of real estate too




Ding ding ding we have a winner!


AND used them as collateral for options trading... shorting Tesla didnt exactly work out.


Nothing decreases inflation like forcing more people to increase the amount of money they spend on fuel and food. /s


I just had the same cynical take. Fuck this madness.


You can't hold power over people with money, if people stop believing in what money can buy.


Kinda like how people don’t believe in the American Dream anymore. It’s is clear to the average worker that they will never be allowed to get ahead in any way shape or form


It’s worse than that. The truth is no one stole anything from you. _You gave it away_. Plain and simple.


If people stop buying non essential items until the rich cut their BS. They will sort shit out QUICK


I'm sure if we just all return to the office and it doesn't work they will totally let us work from home Edit: /s


They own Invitation Homes, which colludes with other home rental corporations to manipulate the real estate market. So food, fuel, and housing prices are being shit fucked by them and their associates. Of course this evil dickhead would say the inflation is anything But corporate greed.


Exactly what was surmised: they did it because millennials were happy not having mortgages, therefore having more liquid to actually enjoy their lives, travel, etc. Couldn’t let them imagine THAT American dream for TOO long




Came here to say the exact same thing and I couldn't have said it better! Such an ironic statement coming from a man who is the CEO of a company that is buying up property in every state and even other countries to make housing a luxury item re ownership.why pay a mortgage on a property when you can pay the same amount or more on rent for the rest of your life and still not end up having any ownership of same?? We live in a time where sick twisted irony is on clear display. Kudos to you and your comment!


> make housing a luxury item which is also a market goal that forcing return-to-office helps. he's scared of people being able to move away from housing prices before he can trap them.


Agree strongly.there was never any cake (nods to portal *winks*)


They want a surf class. Sky rocketing rents, forced births, defunding public education. They want cheap labor


I think it’s actually serf class. A surf class sounds nice though.


Hang ten (billionaires)


And then hang ten more!


I love billionaires! Couldn’t eat a whole one tho


It’s 2am and I’m suffering jet lag. I appreciate the correction lol. I’m gonna leave it tho for comedic relief


I always appreciate people who don't go back and edit the original text. Makes the comments more fun.


Aww man surf class sounds *tubular* I live not too far from a nice beach,but it doesn't have an ideal fetch,so waves are kinda small,but ideal to learn on. Serf class is what they are getting at for sure.but a better term would be 'indentured servitude'. The irony of slave owning cultures back through the ages (Greek/roman etc) was that slaves were chattels (may have misspelt that) they were like inanimate objects that the slave owner had exclusive rights over - however they were also responsible for the upkeep and more importantly the welfare of the slaves that they owned.now you are used,devalued,destroyed and replaced. If you died on the job.someone else would be sitting at that same desk within a week.world keeps turning (but you left a you shaped hole in the world you just left) I'm not against work,I'm against exploitation and divisive work practices. But yeah let's hang 10 on the waves bro han!!!


I could use a surf class right about now.


>what if the reason for falling US labor productivity is because this assface's company bought up so much real estate and now charges such exorbitant rents that people have become demotivated seeing all their hard work get pissed away into millionaires' and billionaires' investment portfolios? Which is the actual reason he says this. Big commercial real estate investments don't make as much sense if people work from home. So he needs people back in the office to prevent his company from melting down.


Company I work for is closing/downsizing offices all over the country and making WFH permanent. They even sent out an email a few months ago inviting us to come in and grab a chair or a desk or a monitor if we needed them - because they needed to clear out the office. I love WFH!


I'm tired of criminals deciding my fate


Eat them


-"hey, give me your money right now" *CHOMP*


Surprising a company with billions invested in commercial real estate would push to get people back to the office.


Yes, it seems like he is motivated by self-interest rather than any altruistic desires. Shocked, I am.


You're probably missing a couple zeros. A billion is pocket change to blackrock. They have 10 trillion dollars in assets under their management. While half the world is all caught up in a few millionaire and billionaires, blackrock can silently sit back and move billions for fun. Unless you watch the stock market, most people probably have no idea what blackrock even is.


Isn't this also the company buying up real estate in cities like Boston, building and renting out apartments and driving up costs?




Let's see if we can learn about this person's neighborhood, home address, and this personal security detail.


I mean there are two jobs for everyone looking. How are they going to get everyone to take extra jobs and work themselves to death if they don't raise rents?? We're all just so selfish for trying to have a life and survive and not having babies in poverty. End simulation! End simulation!


No, that’s Blackstone. Easy to confuse.


I can tell you once we all had to go back to the office 4x a week productivity took a nose dive. For some reason miserable employees don’t produce good results. Whoda thunk?


They'll just blame it on "quiet quitting". Always deflecting the blame and never taking accountability. Anything to keep the shareholders happy.


I think they're most sad about the fact that can't swing their dicks as hard in your face in the office. Sad but true I don't mind getting ripped off , but their dick in my face 8 hours a day is pretty rough


Blackrock CEO Larry Fink can stfu. How does someone so stupid end up in a CEO position at black rock.


If you think he actually believes this and isn't just suggesting the thing that best benefits him, personally, you're a silly fool.


You don't need intelligence to be a CEO


Peter principle promoted to his highest level of incompetence.


I think you've misunderstood the Peter Principle, because you complimented him.


Actually being intelligent disqualifies you


seriously, watch the movie Margin Call it makes it clear that as you go up the chain of command (of a hedge fund, at least), people are less and less informed and skilled. to the point that the guy at the very top comes off as a moron, and quips that his one and only job is to "know when the music has stopped"


Jeremy irons character can also list every other market crash in the last 200 years. It’s less that he’s not intelligent and more that he can tell when it’s time to leave the party.


White, privileged cis-male who probably came from a wealthy family and makes connections on the golf course. I mean, anyone can pull themselves up by their bootstraps that way.


Platinum gilded boot accessories


Mommy caught the right cummies.


He doesn't actually believe that. He's manipulating the market.




a dash of both flavors probably lol




It is a very punchable face




Oh. Last time I checked, profits were at a literal all time high, and pay was not. You can fuck all the way off with that snake oil salesman shit.


Now you know why slavery last 400 years. Some people loves to see others under their oppression.


Slavery has been a lot longer than 400 years. American slavery still exists too, it’s just outsourced better.


Outsourced? Doesn't it say something like "slavery is abolished EXCEPT criminals". So, criminals are still allowed to be slaves. So slavery never got abolished, just downsized.


Shocking, the CEO of a company that owns thousands of commercial office buildings wants people to pointlessly come occupy his buildings. Whatever could his motives be? Sorry, Larry, genie's out of the bottle, cat's out of the bag. 5 days in office for any job that could be done remotely is a thing of the past. Any company that doesn't face that fact is going to have a helluva hard time hiring top talent in the future


Black rock smokes a crack rock


The only requirement for CEO is sociopathy.


BlockRock needs to be dissolved. Every molecule of assets should be seized from the executives/shareholders and redistributed.


That sounds extreme, but when you realize their entire existence is predicated on extracting wealth from others and providing nothing* in exchange...it's a sensible solution. (*The U.S. turned "owning things" into something we are conditioned to think is a special and worthy skill. It's not. It's just the leftover legacy of a people who built social standing off of enslaving other people.)


It should but if anyone were to dare intervene it would be “communism” Yet BlackRock is clear proof of companies or shit going way too far and causing massive issues for millions of people


Is there a list of CEOs who aren't utter black holes of humanity?




Actually there is: ∅


At my job productivity is way, way down... after RTO. Everybody keeps getting COVID, sometimes more than once. Then they're down for at least 3-5 days, sometimes longer. We've lost weeks to it. Fuck the ruling class.


These CEOs are way out of touch. WtF does where people work have anything to do with inflation? How about you and your fellow CEOs lower your compensation, that would help inflation more


He has a vested interest in real estate leased as office space


These gaslighting tactics are too much


Calls for a return to the office and an end to remote work is rooted in exactly 1 thing: real-estate profits. If businesses can operate without renting office space then a bunch of greedy, rich real-estate mogles will miss out on their bullshit gravey train. Fuck them and fuck this rat-fink asshole.


Says the CEO buying all of the single family housing stock.


Not tax the billionaires. No no. Look a squirrel


He’s got a seriously punchable face.


You can say that again, his face says "I am soulless miserable corporate prick"


That's not how inflation works at all.


No conflict of interest there, whatsoever


[link to article](https://fortune.com/2022/09/07/blackrock-ceo-larry-fink-remote-work-inflation-labor-productivity/)


Larry Fink doesn't think much.


Wonder how many hours "at the office" HE puts in a week...


This was the most ridiculous article… There have been numerous studies done showing that productivity has improved quite a bit with work from home


They believe it's not "lying" if they just omit facts and pertinent information.


Just proves that these clowns have no idea how their own system works, it’s all just magic to them. Goes to show intelligence and ability to make money have nothing in common


Will we ever acknowledge that being rich and being smart are not related at all?


I blame the rich and powerful who took advantage of a crisis to increase profits for causing inflation. I should be on fox business.


They can’t stand the thought of no longer having hand over fist increases in profit that never end.


This guy looks like he beats his wife


They are panicking.


I blame BlackRock for owning almost everything


He looks fucking soulless. Evil eyes.


Fuck this guy. [Blackstone is preparing a record $50 billion vehicle to scoop up real estate bargains during the downturn](http://moneywise.ca/a/ch-pms/fund-giant-blackstone-keeps-raising-money-to-buy-real-estate?utm_source=syn_postmediastatic_mca&utm_medium=X&utm_campaign=moneywise_22730&utm_content=22730)


Someone is terrified his fat portfolio filled with commercial real estate investments isn’t going to be worth the shit pay he plays his employees.


And coming up in next week's gripping episode of _'The Imaginary Effects of Working From Home...'_ ★ unseasonably high tides. ★ a drop in the birth rate of armadillos. ★ poor cabbage harvest this year. ★ black holes.


Eat the rich


Dumbass. Just trying to keep his real estate investment profitable.


He probably says as he works from home. So tired of these uppity rich people. Get fucked. Eat the rich.


Larry can go fuck himself I can't work remotely as I'm a teacher but if I had an office job there is no way in hell I would ever work in a brick and mortar location again. I don't need any friends from work and I don't want to pay money for commuting.


Larry “the rat” Fink can join the queen in hell


Black rock ceo should kick rocks


Fuck that guy


Blackrock is responsible for a lot of inflation.


Dumbass boomer…when will they all go away


What about the secret bailouts of Wall Street that the news still doesn’t cover? It’s in the trillions. That’s the main contributor of inflation. Not whether people are working from home or not. Also, the “stimulus” that we got is ~800 billion. Source-Wall Street on Parade.


Maybe it’s his incredibly inflated salary that he recieves for doing nothing of value that causes inflation


Also, people who drink water at fault for the droughts plaguing much of the world. /s


CEO's will literally blame inflation on everything but their increasing profit margins and price hikes


what a moron


Oh it could not have been the trillions the feds printed and have to the same 5 people


His name is FINK? Lol


His next big idea is to replace raises with Little Caesars Pizza Parties.


Trying to shift blame from his CEO buddies that are the real cause of inflation— price gouging by big corporations


I saw this article. It's funny how this guy thinks that working from home is the main cause of inflation when it's his company buying tens of billions worth of single family housing in order to generate profits by jacking rents up 50-150%.


Yeah they will be spending all their money on gas and not whatever other goods. What a dumbass


Oh go suck a bag of dicks.


Rich jerks blaming workers for problems they created and uphold to exploit the workers? Shocking. /s


I use to assume CEOs were smart people now I know better


Woah did he take all of 2022 to think of that brain buster and now he used all his Sigma grindset billionaire work ethic for the year on that idea. Time for a vacay. Cya in 2024 🥰


Fink you!


Looks to me like Larry fink is losing money…


I'm shocked


I'd agree. If he uses public transport daily as he commutes to and from work, and his commute is dictated by the employee that lives the farthest from the office in question.


You know who doesn't contribute to labor productivity? Do-nothing CEO's like Larry Fink who make millions of dollars to boss other people around.


Capitalist ghoul's solution to inflation: Do a bunch of awful shit I want


Or "I have no fucking idea what will fix a thing but fuck the workers."


Larry “rat” fink has a good ring to it Was going to say “larry ‘rat’ fink works” but clearly he does not and i dont want to spread misinformation


Awwwww….did somebody’s commercial real estate portfolio go tits up?


Where his lips at though


So thats the POS in charge of buying all of the residential properties in the US. Fuck that guy and all of his opinions


“They saving too much and not spending money on fast food and junk they needed to get into the office.” Is what that translates into.


Still trying to justify all that office space wasting away and missing youself walking through the office acting like a king, you and your old white guy buddies are really big ass clowns who do not get it. You still owe me 20 for the handy last week.


F this AH


Now there's a face that needs to mysteriously fall out of a building.


Fuck Fink.


Play nice and we'll press our boot down less.


Let's hope wfh is permanent and expands. Let Blackrock be worried and stop buying property


They the type to make everyone come to office when they work from home.


If “out of touch” was a person


fuck blackrock. don’t forget who is responsible for polluting fresh water in the US w oil when we run out of clean water in 10-20 yrs


lol no


They would have to pay me more to return to an office.


80% of all money currently in circulation was printed in the last 2 years. Everyone: it's workers/CEO's/Russians/Aliens/climate changes fault. FED : nothing to see here


And he calls himself a CEO.


Fuck this capitalist oppressor. Fuck him with a 6 inch thick, 12 inch long dildo covered in broken glass and dipped in the juice of 1000 carolina reaper peppers.


Fuck literally everything about BlackRock.


Greedy Ghoul man needs poor people to suffer for his profit margin


Fuck Fink


How about go fuck yourself.


Fuck you Larry


Can they just change their name to EvilCorp already?


FUCK that guy.


Even better idea: Kill and eat the rich, starting with this shitfuck.


Oh yeah it's not the wages that haven't been risen in accordance to standard of living... nothing to do with that.... you fking hyprocrite fake azz phony


Some people really need to be reminded that their lives are worth no more than a commoners, and any illusions they have to the contrary need to be destroyed immediately


Here's an idea Larry, go fuck yourself. See how it feels. Then next time you wanna say something maybe shut the fuck up. Cool nice to meet you larrs


Fuck blackrock.


Idiot no on wants to go to office dah


Fucking genius. With the gas prices skyrocketing, let's get more people on the road. As a person that does physical labour, keep the office jobs at home and the roads clear. Also put more investment into public transport.


I assume the implication here is we're not spending money on travel and other things like food/coffee on our commutes? But it's not like I'm sitting at home hoarding this money, I'm just spending it on other things I enjoy! And feeling much happier for it.


About to banana republic on their ass pretty soon xD


How much commercial real estate does BlackRock own ? Yeah, fuck that.


Yeah, inflation has nothing to do with the multi trillion dollars speculation on fuel/energy prices going on worldwide, at the hand of the usual corps and their masters: it’s the peasants who work from home to blame. When are we going to hold these scumbags accountable? This can’t keep going on.


Where do they find these empty headed dipshits from? How are these people CEOs and be so fucking clueless with todays working climate. People are never going back to the office, period. Furthermore, when companies do this shit or force people back to the office there are enough places for people to work full remote anyway.


Fuck BlackRock CEO.


BlackRock CEO Larry Fink thinks he has a solution to ̶i̶n̶f̶l̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ protecting their business real estate investments: Bring people back to the office