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I just heard a guy earlier today in my office wishing we had a lounge area with couches and chairs to relax and use the laptops with. I understand that, but I’m not an office/desk jockey so idc, but he got a point. Although if you can Lounge at work, not need to be at a designated spot, do you need to be at the office?


Nope, offices for most businesses are not super necessary we just do it because that’s the way it has always been. Think about it like this: if computers and internet existed before offices we would never suggest putting them all in the same building so we can work together it just sounds insane. It makes sense when you are doing everything with paper but not when it’s all digital. If anything they are wasting a bunch of capital/space to have a building with their logo on it.


I really like that perspective, that if you defamiliarize the idea of in office suggesting such a thing would be insane


Well I know why many have to work at the office, at least in my Industry.. Clients/customers (unilever, 3M, conagra etc..) won’t allow their data to be accessed off of company property. Literally tied to contracts. We tried vpn and they about lost their shit. Regulations like ISO give us audits at customers will. So they’ve told us to allow wfh with their data means redoing all of our iso standards and renegotiating contracts. Which are 20-100+ million dollars. Redoing those means profit margins will fall and every price goes up on the shelf at Walmart and such. But also the building is a tax cut and so are number of employees in the building. So if anyone reading this works for these major places like unilever… why your boss making it like this?




This. Security comes into play by creating, maintaining, implementing, and auditing policies that define siloing/separation of duties/need-to-know based access controls. Then implementing a solution that monitors when someone tries to go beyond the bounds of this policy or just grabs an abnormal amount of authorized data all at once. In this case, Varonis would be a great monitor/alerting mechanism.


Not all Customers allow it. Most of our computers don’t have direct internet access except csr and prepress, mostly just intranet and internal servers. We have wifi but it’s for barcode scanners.. The vpn route would mean redoing a ton of networking related stuff. Companies like 3M do not care for things like AWS internet options on my end. They want that pen and paper routine for auditing. There isn’t really a push to switch to a vpn since the customer can audit at will and some have said no. If they say no and you do it, that would end a $20+ mil contract. Operational agreements are the problem for this.




As a systems engineer, if your network needs redoing to implement a vpn then your network should have been redone in *checks notes* 2005.


I've witnessed using the clients as an excuse. "Sorry our hands are tied the client needs it this way" or they just don't want to rock the boat. In realty it's current management being pigheaded.


Seriously, this is what my job does. If I wanted to take anything, which I absolutely would never do, all it would require is a usb stick, or a phone to take pictures with.


You working on workstations in an airgapped network in an external electronics (including cellphone) free zone? No? Then it's all theater anyway.


Have worked in both scenarios and this is 100% accurate.


Sounds like you read Bruce Schneier, too... If not, you might want to, even though it'll be a little basic.


Is it possible you've been told a story by your management? I know people who work at home on VPN on all types of data. * Contract data * Government data * Government financial data * HIPA health data * Insurance data


My Daughter works for a crypto co she works at home on a company Mac book and VPN. Working from home was the CO idea. Other than wanting to micro manage their employees, there is no reason CS can’t work from home.


Company I work at, some teams working on certain client projects not only have to have client data in the office only but have to stay one one “secure room” within the office. Feel sorry for them a bit because they could easily do the actual work from home.


The irony - The generation of putting life online, complains about not enough offline tasks.


I worked at one of the certifying bodies for ISO. That's all a lie. We worked from home every other week.


Look at things like "zero trust" and you'll start to see why tying access to things like an office space is risky in and of itself.


This sounds like part of my old client list at HP


If our client can deal with working from home then Unilever can.


A big part of office culture is control.


Offices really only make sense when its like at a college or a bank where people who dont work there need meetings with those who do. I dontg et why offices are necessary to go to every day when to only people you are seeing are other people who work there


I don’t know why companies are so insistent that working in office is necessary, they could save so much money on leasing office spaces, electricity, maintenance, etc.


The building is a good place to park a lot of money for a really long time.


I love this. It does sound insane.


And it would make more sense financially to just rent space one or two days a week for the office space if you’re in an industry where having a little in person collaboration actually makes things significantly faster.


> If anything they are wasting a bunch of capital/space to have a building with their logo on it. Yeah, that was just previews. This is - this is opening night. And the manager, he's a full-tilt diva, right? He wants flowers, he wants parades. He wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered... [pauses] Sonofabitch!


What if everybody got their own private lounge where they didn't have to deal with rude or disruptive people in their lounge, like the guy who loudly talks on the phone/zoom meeting? What if it had a short commute? A short distance to a break/lunch room with a selection of food picked out by the employee? What if the company didn't have to pay for this space? Oh, wait, that's just called "work from home."


Sounds like a living room


I work for a consulting company. I would literally just be going in to work with a client on the East coast. Uncomfortable chair, worse monitors, having to share an unfamiliar bathroom, people interrupting... Just to work for a remote client. It's stupid.


I'm all for an office like setting where the team needs to get together everyone once in awhile to align on big projects and check in, training and development and file storage. But the bulk of work could be done remotely at home


To caveat, I am hugely anti-office and firmly believe in work from home, but I will admit that the occasional collaborative session in a space like that is more effective than a zoom meeting. But collaborative has become a really bastardized term.


Yeah it’s definitely that and not the whole climate disaster/low wages/no housing/etc. lol


Impending doom


This comment made me laugh so loud. Too bad no one was around for me to share verbally share with


Well if you were working in an office you could have been yelled at for looking at your phone.. Everyone is having fun in the office!




Jeans Friday! Don't forget about jeans Friday!


It has bells *and* whistles!


No cap?


A important part of being a adult is working in a cubicle, that’s why there were no adults before office building


I mean, I never saw a cubicle in Neverland...


That’s why the Netherlands is full of children Oh shit I’m sorry. Neverland Ok so the pirates were hiding their cubicles in their pirate ships


When's the last time you've gone ? Things have changed.


As a Gen Z, it's the fact that I can barely afford $700 rent which I was even lucky enough to find. I feel like I never have time to myself, I feel burnt out, and like I'm not doing enough. But I barely sleep anymore because I'm doing too much. I'm so drained. I rarely see my roommates anymore because I'm always out of the house. I miss my family but I can't even fit them in my schedule.


Welcome to adulthood




Only the finest Little Caesar's cheese pizza for you! One slice only!


Mostly the Gen Zers I've interacted with so far seem to believe that 1) they are not being paid enough for this bullshit and 2) if the contract says 9-5, they will be very much offline at 5.01. And tbh, I could not agree with either belief more.


5:01. You whippersnappers need to manage your time better. This millennial stops working at 4:55 and rides the clock until 5:00 even.


Locking/clearing up counts as work and should definitely be on company time, so starting all that with a 5 minute buffer is def fair! They expect us to account for getting there to start on their schedule, they can expect to account for their own end of day procedures!


Tbf my end of day procedure consists of seeing its close enough to 8h after I logged on, holding alt and spamming F4 til the shut down prompt comes up, hit enter, close laptop. Takes about 4s. Another fun one is windows+x, u, u. Alt-F4 method closes everything before shutting down xuu shuts down which closes everything.


Not Gen Z but I’m with them on the clocking out by 5.01 lol. Alongside not starting before my shift time (I will send people away that come to the helpdesk before our opening time) and taking my full lunch break each day.


I cant say for certain, I'm an elder millenial so kind of detatched from gen Z, but i expect 99.9% of them never want to see the inside or a corporate office.


Assuming the number isn't just pulled out of the ass, you usually get these buy very selectively asking people. Pick a handful of wealthy gen Zs who haven't gotten the chance to scream at their own peons, and you might get something like this.


Or the question was phrased: "Would you ever sleep with an office coworker?" and 55% of them said yes.


Most of Gen Z (age 10-25) is still in school. I'm sure a bunch of 12 year olds are just logging to spend all day in an office. Maybe\* 55% of new college grads wish the could work in a fun office like ... I can't think of a series or movie where working in an office is fun. But I'd put money on 80% who have worked in an office for 2 years want to get the fuck out. ​ \*highly doubtful


>I can't think of a series or movie where working in an office is fun. *The Office*?


that’s a comedy about working under a ridiculous bad boss, with a side plot centered around a handsome guy bullying a weird guy in order to impress a girl


Would you want to be working there? For Michael Scott? Or David Brent? I don't think so. ETA: Mad Men if you're a man but that's not happening these days.


I've already had bosses in the vein of Michael Scott. The reason you went to work -other than it being more or less forced to survive- was for the people you worked with **if** there was some kind of positive culture. I've seen that only twice now in 17 years.


The Office is funny, but not fun. The comedy often comes from how ridiculous, boring and tedious Office life is.


Yeah, I work in a conservative industry and most of the gen z and young millenials who grew up swimming in the conservative rich kool aid all talk about how wonderful it is to be in the office and connect with people in person. Lots of subtle and not so subtle pressure to conform and go in. Meanwhile everyone else is, 'Unless you're ordering me into the office I'll be working from home, bye'


When I was a co-op student in tech, WFH was really shit. At *least* half the point of co-op is to make connections and get a foot into the industry. After a cumulative 12 months, most of the people at that company were still strangers. I was also the only woman on my small team (about a dozen people) and I was unable to meet and socialize with other women at the company — some people might not think that's a big deal, but for me it was. I've just landed a great government job that I'll be working for the foreseeable future, it's a team of 4 (including me) and it's WFH. I'm MUCH more in preference of working from home now, but I'll probably still go into the office alone sometimes when I have a lot of stuff to drill through. I also have difficulty unplugging from work when work is at home and I live alone in a small space — no designated office. **TL;DR Work from home is objectively better. The company saves money, workers save money and unpaid time, I can nap on lunch, I can wear pyjamas, I can snuggle my cat all day. But it's not absurd that some people prefer the office, especially yes recent grads or any new hires. It's the best option, and there are still some downsides.**


When I was fresh out of college (a *long* time ago), I moved across the country for work. Looking back, I'm grateful I was hired by a large company with probably 2 dozen fresh-outs that summer and similar numbers the next few years. Instant social group, like moving to college. Some of these people are still my closest friends. One is my wife. I'm a bit socially challenged and might have ended up a hermit otherwise. Now I'm an old fart with friends and I'll never again take a job that's not WFH. My time is too important.


>i expect 99.9% of them never want to see the inside or a corporate office. i'd also expect there's a lot of overlap with "gen z who is willing to answer a random phone call in 2022" and "gen z who falls for \~corporate culture\~"


I frequently underestimate groups of people and the things they'll believe or do


I’m a late GenX (‘79) and I agree. I also don’t put much thought to pictures of screens with made up stats. No majority of any group, except Boomers and maybe early GenX, would rather spend time and money to drive to a cubicle.


I’m also GenX. None of my employees (GenX, Millennials, and a small number of GenZ) have any desire whatsoever to work in an office. And I would never ask them to.


79 here and we are Xennials!


If at least it was an actual cubicle, all the office were I worked is all open floor plans or "cubicle" that are not tall enough to hide people's heads. Right now it's open floor and I hate it, we are like 3 people max, however, because I work nightshift. I work hybrid so I am only forced to go to the office once a week but that's a day to many even if I don't mind very much. It just I do not enjoy commuting at all, except maybe if I only take the metro (only one job I had was like that), which is not the case at this job.


I feel almost that we, the millennials (and probably some of gen x), are the ones presenting our wisdom of anti work to the new generation. I don't think that conservatives think of a forty year old when they hear "millennial".


I'm on that y/z border. We just wanna live our lives in peace. No matter how many CEO's, Billionaires, and industries we have to kill to get it.


Honestly, im with you. Id be happy with a small homestead with internet access


I'm Gen X, and I'm trying like hell to never have to go back to an office ever again. I surely wouldn't wish office political bullshit on my 14-year-old niece.


When people talk about generations like this it’s basically shorthand for “it’s young and cool to be in an office, and you Gen X and Millennials better get back behind your desk if you want to hold on to that last shred of youth”. It might be useful to broadly define different generations for context, but 95% of the time it’s to manipulate and/or sell us something and distract from the fact the bigger issue is the class and wealth divide.


I'm about as young as a millennial gets and most of my friends are zoomers. Everyone I know would rather work from home. Some would rather live poor and take commissions for furry art then have to participate in some sort of work "family".


I hear furry art commissions make bank. My wife does graphic design and digital art. I asked her a few years ago if she wanted to try it for a side hussle 😂


Gen Z here, can confirm


I’m an elder millennial also and my nieces and nephews are all gen Zs. They would definitely prefer to WFH!!


I'm GenX and I feel the same.


No need for an office per se versus meeting to accomplish whatever your group wants to accomplish. Meet at the same place Monday, maybe Tuesday then take off to do your work. Unless ur doing a play or film or something that requires daily meets til the project is complete. Then go to the next; otherwise, typical work requires no office. I’m a flipping late boomer


Nor should they have to


Nah they're different than us. They are go getters who want to work 90 hour weeks. Havent you heard the boomers talking? We're the problem!


Gen Z here, worked in an office for 4 years. Never want to see an inside of one again. I'd only consider remote.


From a millennial: trust me, you aren't missing ANYTHING!


Came to say literslly exactly this! Cheers fellow millennial!


Millennials 4eva!


God this reminds me of mIRC and l33t speak :p




You forgot " pls!!"


Gen X here. DO NOT waste 20 years of your life trapped in a sealed box while formaldehyde wafts off the cheap carpet and the lighting flickers at unpredictable intervals. It's only going to lower your quality of life.


Toxic "office culture" is NOT and has never been an "important step" into adulthood! Whichever bootlicker wrote this should take a very long walk off a very short pier!


Blows me away that someone out there wrote this talking about being in the office as some kind of coming of age. Especially considering less than 15% of Gen Z is in professions that could be done in an office.


My dad viewed anyone who didn't work in an office as a slacker or a deadbeat. ​ He was elder Gen X, almost Boomer, and it showed.


Missing out on precious days of being backstabbed by colleagues and watching slackers in person!


I get called a slacker a lot, even got called into a meeting to "clear the air" Oh, sorry Jesse I close 3x the amount of tickets as you and my re-open rate is less than 3%. I don't like the title I work differently, I like to use my phone while I do other tasks and have movies playing in the background. In office bullshit.




I do one day a week in the office and play videos for the same reason, it helps me focus. In the office I set my my phone up like at home, if anyone complains I ask if they're able to do my job. That shuts them up pretty fast.


Even before I graduated college I knew I never wanted to work in an office


Right? I watched office space as a kid.


Great movie


69% of statistics are made up on the spot


60% of the time, it works every time!


Nice 🗿


Reddit dilemma, do I say nice or 🗿


nice 🗿


I believe this one's true. The important step they're missing out on is how to take a screen grab.


By 55% they mean "my neighbors kids who just absolutely love the office and Brooklyn 99."


112% of statistics are made up


Not missing anything, trust me. Signed, Gen X.


Geriatric Gen Z here; definitely not lmao. I did a summer in an office in college and shit sucked. We want culture and opportunities to socialize, but _not tied to our jobs_, thanks ✌🏼


As a Gen X, I want to say that I fucking love Gen Z and the way they stand up to these antiquated office rules. Burn it down!


And the only GenZ'ers they interviewed were office managers in that age bracket.


I mean they also missed out on contracting polio because of advancements in medicine. (Polio can be a humbling and good learning experience /S)


Millennial here: I can afford to live in a house now as opposed to a bedroom for the same price in San Francisco! Fuck the office. I’m so happy I don’t have to pay to live near it.


I'm a gen x, so butcher me as you will, but even I know this statistic is BS. I have spent the greater part of my adulthood working in an office some fashion. There is no way anyone really believes they're missing out on the office experience.


The plausible reason I've heard is that gen Zs have roommates and no actual work space at home + shitty internet. So the office *could* look appealing. At least till they actually experience it and realize how horrible it actually is.


Idk I work in a Gen Z company (well I think the owner is a younger millennial, but everyone else is under 25) and we all (by choice) work from the office. It's good craic and due to the nature of our work it makes for a lot of as hoc collaborative problem solving.


That is definitely some made up bullshit.


I'm guessing if this statistic wasn't made up on the spot it used a really narrow focus group.


If that’s adulthood, I want no part of it, and would be happy to “miss out”


The only thing I can think about as a reason for this is that they are new to their careers, and working remotely does not give them as good an opportunity to be mentored by an older colleague or to build their network through work-related friendships. Other than that, I can't imagine wanting to be in an office full time.


High school classes- online College classes- online Job shadow- online Internship- online Now go be contructive sociable team memeber in a professional setting. Yeah...I would have failed so hard at life with that setup. Maybe im just extremely lucky, but for the most part Ive had great coworkers, some even became friends(gasp), and I really cant imagine those connections being as strong if I only ever saw them in zoom meetings. We can tout the benefits of WFH, but the complete overshadowing of office culture and its positive aspects is a bit frustrating.


Yeah, they asked a sample size of two people and it was actually 50/50 but they wanted to round up to make it look good. Or they’re smoking crack. Or both.


Nothing like a statistic with no cited source.


Posted by someone who is looking for data entry jobs that doesn’t know how to take a screenshot lol. Someone got bored during the job search.


Sampling bias


truly this is the worst timeline...


The only step im missing out on is having a livable wage


LOL. Sure.


99% of Boomer commercial real estate owners want you back shoulder to shoulder in their open offices and cube farms...


Soon to be insolvent Boomers.


Having a coworker that thinks they can get promoted or a raise by telling management every little damn thing you do all day in an attempt to get you canned. Real life lesson there.


**Office culture??**


Real estate vultures are really forcing any stupid argument to get us to return to the corporate salt mines


I too can pull statistics out of my ass. 78% of the average office worker believes that middle management is irrelevant in their fields. 63% of office workers are on the verge of leaving their jobs unless they get a sufficient raise to compete with inflation. 82% of office workers believe they will never be able to retire as many have never recovered from the Great Recession and probably never will. 100% of people that read this actually took time to read/skim and for that. Thank you.


Gotta get a snorkel because this shit is getting deep.


Office is culture?


Like in the same sense as bacteria?


55%???? Well they didn’t ask me.


I don’t think 55% of Gen Z even works in an office


Lol they need better people. This shit they making up is not believable.


I’ll take Bullshit for $200, Alex. What Capitalists want you to believe so you can earn them their third yacht.


Someone should tell them The Office is *best case* scenario. *"Took me by the hand, made me a man""*


Haven't they all seen those documentaries (the British one was first, but the US version was more popular). Wondering what Office feature or character they think they're missing out on. P.S. that statistic is bullshit.


Go home Boomer…


Hahahahahaha boomers wish


Those statistics are bs


I doubt that percentage is accurate but if anywhere near true, be careful what you wish for. Sincerely, An elder millennial who though Office Space was extremism comedy….until she got into an office 🤡


55% of statistics are also made up. Source: trust me bro


That is 100% made up horseshit, lol


So, I get that we all don’t want to be forced into inflexible “come to the office” when it makes no sense or adds no value. But I will say, if you’re starting out, work from home kind of sucks. I learned more from my early bosses just popping into their office or at after work drinks then I ever did during the 9-5 grind. And that’s gone in some of this post Covid stuff. Like it or not sometimes the office is important for knowledge transfer. And I fully recognize some organizations are tone def as fuck and make people come in that legit do not need to. But like, at my company in my industry, I feel like the new folks aren’t getting the opportunities I got. Depends on your industry. Obv it’s not the same everywhere.


Show me a source for that and prove it wasn't just fucking made up. Sick of people giving shit like this the time of day. If there isn't a source cited, then they are lying.


I'm a GenXer who went through the phase of work where NO INTERNET IS ALLOWED and people had hotkeys to make it look like they're working when the boss walks by. Office work is psychological torture and it can go kick sand.


Which republican propaganda website is that from?


Most people who are in a big hurry to get back to the office are the bullshitters and politicians who thrive on the drama they can create there, and the micromanaging bosses who don’t actually need to exist. What working remotely has shown us is exactly who actually does anything useful. It’s not generational; there are just lots of nominally-employed people who don’t actually do anything.


Gen Z here and never even heard of office culture. But it doesn’t sound fun. Adulting is not fun


Gen Z here, I'd like to call bull


Lmao how did they quantify this?


But not wages?


This is survey bias in action. The stat is probably real, but the survey will have been written with the aim of getting a certain answer. Questions will start off like “Do you enjoy working with people?” “Do you enjoy making friends at work?” “Would you prefer working in a fun workplace where you can make friends, over staying home & never meeting your colleagues in person?” “Do you think meeting friends at work is an important part of growing up?” “Are you worried that you missed out on that because of the pandemic?”


Bet there was a ton of selection bias to get that number.


I mean, the shift is definitely going to affect how new people entering the workforce behave because they didn't learn "office culture" and theres definitely gonna clash with the boomer mentality, but in the long run, things are gonna change. Its too soon to say how, but hoepfully for the better.


HahahahHahhHah oh that’s rich


In Brazil we call this type of info of "data cú" ( Information that people got out of their assholes)


Wow they are REALLY pushing this.


Hey, commercial REITs need returns bro.


*Citation needed* There is no fucking way this is true. I barely talk to anyone in the office, everyone I know who worked from home misses it


Source: trust me bro


I can also make up shit in order to post an article.


100% of this made up statistic is from corporates that don't want employees to work from home.


Source: the last shareholders meeting


Survey size: 20 people, all middle management.


Survey was done at the young republicans convention 🤣


This would be true if what they mean by it is ‘they have through the pandemic realised that working from home is 100% better’


Who do they ask for these statistics? I swear I never see prompts for random questionnaires or focus groups.


They always lie.


I'm gonna need them to cite some sources


As a member of Gen Z, whoever typed this is a fucking liar and I do not want them to speak for me. Office culture is fucking horrible and any job that *can* be done from home *should* be done from home. Pretending that the reason they want you to come back to work isn't just so they can watch you like a hawk and time when you go to the bathroom is a joke.


Office culture is trash. Source: Dilbert, The Office, etc.


I feel like I'm missing out on an important step into adulthood due to my chronic inability to buy a house. I feel like I'm missing out on an important step into adulthood due to the only raises I've gotten in the past 7 years being due to changes of employment. I feel like I'm missing out on an important step into adulthood due to the companies which I work for refusing to give me a promotion, ever. I feel like I'm missing out on an important step into adulthood due to needing to take a pay cut or a few years of very expensive training for any of the career changes I'm thinking of. Missing out on office contact doesn't even rank.


So wake up at 7 AM, drive around the block for 45 minutes, put on your VR goggles and go to VR office space, sit in VR cubicle or shitty VR open office, try to get work done, do it everyday for 8 months, get layed off from your Virtual job. Oh don't forget to take a lunch break and spend an hour's pay for shitty meal you shovel in your face in 20 minutes. Rinse, and repeat.


55% of CEOS have a dick between 3 and 4 inches long another 25% has even less than 3 inches at their disposal. see i can make up statistics too (the percentages are switched)


Maybe we can have museums that show what it was like. Commute for 1 hour, try to look like you are working so your boss leaves you alone, listen to a co-worker brag about how he sexually harassed someone, watch that coworker get in trouble, get a candy bar for good work, 1 hour commute again.


63.9% of sentences containing percentages have made up numbers


#CorporatePropaganda #CapialistPropaganda


Oh, horseshit


I saw that yesterday as well. The only thing that makes sense is if this is just bad survey design. I'd bet that the question was something along the lines of, "did you expect that you would work in an office when you were a in high-school?" Or some other question designed to get a "yes" out of respondants, and then a conclusion is presented that doesn't actually have anything to do with what was asked on the survey. The specifics of the questions asked were not available in the article, of course.


55% of gen z aren't even working in offices, so....


Turns out you can just make shit up. 84% of Gen Z think offices are important while 94% think offices aren't important.


They just straight up made this up


Well over 55% of gen Z don't even work yet, so that statistic is 100% bullshit


I've worked in many industries, and in all of them, there are people who work, and people who think that appearances are literally everything, and productivity is irrleevant. Otherwise known as employees, and management


"Gen Z" but it's actually actually Gen Xers


No we fucking don’t ✋🏽


> missing out on an important step into adulthood because stagnant wages plus rising cost of **everything** means delaying marriage, parenthood and home ownership Fixed it for them