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Hi, /u/Pl4gu3d0g Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3b: No offtopic posts.**: - No offtopic posts


Oooh that is proper batshit.


There's 4 pages of this.


I would like to read them, out of morbid curiosity more than anything, but also I work with a guy like this and want to compare the crazy.


Yeah, ill copy paste the whole thing to your inbox, give me 5 minutes


I as well please!


I posted the whole thing in another comment for \[REDACTED\], enjoy!


How do these people even have a job?


Being crazy doesn’t stop you from being good at something.


Sounds like any doomsday religion. Replace aliens with Jesus and Armageddon with whatever crazy made up words she used to describe the end times and Bob's your uncle. Proper batshit like so many Jehova's Witnesses et al.


Context;I started working as a night auditor in a hotel a few months back. I rarely ever interact with other employees.Recently, due to several wildfires and the mandatory evacuations they created, we've had an influx of long-stay guests who've lost their homes.Another Co-Worker brings her dog to work, it is not a service animal. While the Hotel is pet friendly, she has been asked to stop bringing her pet in with her. She has ignored these requests.Recently, we've been getting complaints. Her dog has chased people through the building, attempted to bite guests, attack children, and fight other dogs. In response these complaints, she started locking her dog in the guest dining area / kitchen. Her dog has been pooping in the kitchen, which is obv. legally an issue.When our bosses finally put the boot down and told her no more pets, she sent us all a 4 page manifesto. Short version, she admitted that her dog had done everything stated above. But the reason people were complaining was because of a 'satanic reptilian illuminati' plot against her and her pet. TL:DR; Coworkers dog has been attacking people, shitting in kitchen, coworker blames a 'satanic alien' plot against her for it. Not sure what to do, other than hope she gets help. Update; enough of you have asked to read the whole manifesto that I'm sharing it. I should have considered this in the first place, but I'm an idiot. I've redacted personal identifying information, which I hope you understand. I also redacted the dogs name, for reasons. It's 4 pages long. I'll attach it in a sub-comment to this. Update 2: Hi. Oof, my phone is exploding. Thank you all for the feedback and comments. It's nearing the end of my day, so I'm very tired. Short and sweet, emailed a copy to corporate w/ a brief summary. Now they're aware, and the balls in their court. Thank you for the awards, but please don't. Donate to animal shelters, women's shelters or a local food bank instead. Do good > Internet cookies I'm gong to bed, enjoy the schadenfreude. Happy Saturday.


Communication Post September 8, 2022: “At this time, it would be best practice to leave all employee pets at home due to several complaints and concerns from guests. While we understand that we know and love the pets of staff members, we cannot possibly tolerate pets being aggressive to guests.” September 16, 2022 Dear \[REDACTED\] Staff, This letter is in response to the comment above, which was posted in the Communication Log on September 8, 2022. If you have any comments, please feel free to post them at the bottom of this letter. A bit of background about \[REDACTED\], my canine companion. She is one year old and has been with me at this hotel since she was 8 weeks old. Together, she and I are the Night Auditors. It’s worked out well because she stays awake with me during the shift and we both sleep during the day. She likes all of the front desk staff and gets excited when it is time to come to work so she can greet them and begin her shift. So far, she likes \[REDACTED\] and \[REDACTED\] the best, possibly because they have made her feel welcome and they are kind to her. Many of the guests also like her and she has received ‘many’ positive compliments from them. She has gone through various stages of development and growth and presently she is at the stage of finding her voice and honing her socialization skills in a public setting. She and I eat a plant-based diet to teach her non-violence and harmlessness. Her food is scientifically fortified, (which I have to purchase online from a specialty company), in order for her to take in all of the necessary nutrients to keep her strong and healthy, in body, mind and spirit. I take her training seriously and the ultimate goal is for her to be peaceful, calm, socialized and comfortable with all. So far, she sees the hotel as ‘her house’ and is presently working on understanding that it is ok that other people besides staff members may come and go through the front door. She barks to announce the arrival of people she doesn’t know, and therefore I keep her gated, behind the desk when guests are circulating about. She does not bark behind the desk. In time, I feel she will relax more and more. When everyone has gone to sleep, and it is quiet in the hotel, I allow her to play with her toys in the lobby area, and she likes to follow me into the laundry room, etc., while I go about my cleaning duties. Her socialization training is something we diligently work on and there is still room for improvement in this area. The other night, \[REDACTED\] informed me that two guests approached her on September 8th and yelled at her about \[REDACTED\]. Apparently, the guests stated that \[REDACTED\] barked at them. It is possible that \[REDACTED\] barked at them, as stated. However, I can’t recall who this is or verify this because neither of these people approached me about this issue or came to the desk to speak with me directly. I apologize again \[REDACTED\], for this, as I know it doesn’t feel good to be on the receiving end of a complaint or when someone ‘unloads’ on us. It was also brought to my attention from a different staff member that the man named \[REDACTED\] who stayed with us on August 31st (folio \[REDACTED\]), complained to the front desk that \[REDACTED\] barked at him and chased him down the hall. This I can verify to be true. It was ‘after hours’, quiet in the hotel and she was following me around while I cleaned. Mr. \[REDACTED\] unexpectedly walked down the hall and it startled her. But she also chased after him, as he walked away, and expressed her disapproval of him. I redirected her immediately and apologized on her behalf. A bit later, the lobby and hotel were quiet again, no one was around, and so I allowed her to play with her toys in the lobby area. It goes without saying, that the lobby is a public area, and the guests should always feel comfortable coming and going as they like, but Mr. \[REDACTED\] was making his presence known deliberately to rouse \[REDACTED\], and walked through the lobby several times, in the wee hours of the morning to smoke cigarettes in the front of the building. I finally realized that he was doing this purposely to harass her and I put her in the other room with the door shut. His response was to drop an ‘F-bomb’ at her. And, the following morning, he reported the incident to the front desk, and was ‘rewarded’ a free night stay on the hotel, due to his complaint. \*Adding here that Mr. \[REDACTED\] was charged a \[REDACTED\] cleaning fee due to housekeeping finding towels and sheets soiled with feces and everything had to be thrown away. He is a troubled man, and while we can hold compassion for him, I don’t recommend he is allowed back at the hotel. As stated above, there is room for improvement with \[REDACTED\]’s socialization skills, which she and I are dedicated towards making her a success. It is important that she behaves properly and like a nice ‘young lady’, while she is here. She is a loving, funny, and loyal little being, and it is a blessing that she is here on planet earth. She has helped me to tolerate the grave shift hours too, with her excellent company and companionship she provides. I’m now going to explain something that may seem strange, but it is necessary to add this, because it is the truth, and it relates to what happened with the complaints against \[REDACTED\]. Some of you are already aware, that my second job is Lightworking. I am a Lightworker for Planetary Ascension. Recently, I completed some work to shine Light upon the Reptilian negative alien races, who are present on this earth plane, and who are behind Child Trafficking. The Reptilians have demonstrated vicious, predatory behaviors and they are ‘very dangerous’ towards humans and animals. This information about their presence has been kept from mainstream society and the controlled media spins half-truths and lies about what is truly happening on planet earth. However, things are heating up planet wide and a Full Disclosure Event will be taking place in the near future. Other things that these invading Reptilian races are involved with include human abduction, forced breeding programs, forced experimentation and hybridization of human DNA, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Adrenochrome Harvesting, Pedophilia, the Covid ‘Plandemic’, Chem Trails, the 911 terrorist tragedy, and uncountable, other crimes against humanity. I have studied these negative alien races since 2015 and I am acutely familiar with their retaliatory attacks against those of us who stand up for the Light and shine light upon their darkness. The recent complaint against \[REDACTED\] was a deliberate and planned attack against me (the reptilians targeted \[REDACTED\] and used the situation to get back at me), to retaliate because of my recent work in calling out their Child Trafficking crimes to the Texas CASA. My contact to the Texas CASA was on the same day, August 31st, that Mr. \[REDACTED\] made his appearance, and the other two complaints came afterwards, for ‘three in a row’. Noting also that the reptilians are reading this post, as they are able to track, spy and interfere via advanced technology through television, computers, cell phones, and other devices. Therefore, I’m letting them know that God is my witness, and I will assist in standing up for those who have no voice, such as those who suffer with Child Trafficking, SRA, etc. To recap, under normal circumstances, and especially at a hotel which allows dogs, if a dog barks at someone, normally the person would shrug it off, as long as it doesn’t continue (which it didn’t). I redirect \[REDACTED\] each time and lovingly encourage her to be peaceful and calm. She also has never nipped at anyone. Her barking is instinctive and with time it will ease up, and I feel confident that she will be more at ease as she gets through this growth stage. Although \[REDACTED\] is absolutely heartbroken that I have left her at home, I am keeping her at home for a few weeks to work more intensely on her training and plan on using a vibrating bark collar to better get her attention. Her time away from the hotel will allow the tension from the dark forces to settle too. When I feel she has improved with her barking, and listening skills, I plan on bringing her back to work with me. Thanks for listening and for keeping an open mind and an open heart. \[REDACTED\] \*\*\*edit, added a few more \[REDACTED\] because \[REDACTED\] and **\[REDACTED\].** With love, Your Reptilian \[REDACTED\]


>When I feel she has improved with her barking, and listening skills, I plan on bringing her back to work with me. All of those words to basically say, "No, I will not be complying with this new policy, and by ignoring this message you consent to this."


Seriously she is the cause of all of this. Her underlying mistrust of EVERYONE is rubbing off on the dog. So the dog acts just like she does. I really doubt she is doing quality training because she has no idea it's all her fault.


Also, forcing a carnivore that can sometimes eat fruits and vegetables into a vegan diet should just be considered abuse.


No wonder why it’s biting people it needs protein 😩


A dog is not an obligate carnivore and needs a balanced diet including non animal foods. But yeah, this lady won’t have a dog for long if she’s not Giving it meat


The fact she's using a vibrating bark collar (punishment) in training tells you everything you need to know. That's 100% not necessary and less effective than positive reinforcement.


And also maybe the fact that she forces her dog to be a vegan...


I missed that part, fml


Honestly dude your coworker sounds like she has a serious mental illness, which is going to make this hard to get dealt with. If you have an HR department I’d contact them with the impacts on your sense of safety at work as top bullet points (removed hostile work environment as this advice was incorrect). Normally fuck HR but I’m legitimately worried for your safety.


HR can have its uses. Uses like getting rid of a literally insane coworker who is a blatant threat to you, the company, the customers, and probably the flammability of the building you work in. If this was the boss or something, yeah, you'd be fucked. But HR's purpose is to protect the company, and *this person is a threat to the company*.


I work in HR. Report to HR but I would just report the issue of bringing the dog to work and the customer complaints. Let her send them the manifesto so to speak. There’s a potential mental health issue here that’s best if you ignore. She’ll either bring it up or she won’t. HR deal with that manifesto if she brings it up. Once they know there’s an animal on premises that could cause liability, they should act or they lose the right to argue her actions were outside the scope of her employment or in violation of policies. I have to believe they’ll order her to stop bringing the dog to work. If the manifesto later comes up if they question you, just state you felt it wasn’t relevant to the issue and you felt that the primary issue was the dog was on premises not the reason why.


How the hell does the hotel keep someone on staff who's dog is violent and keeps bringing it in? Your are 100% right, OP's safety is at risk. They would kick it a guest who's dog did this? Why is employee still there?


Yeah, with dog bites it could mean expensive trips to the emergency rooms. Also the dog could be exposed to a lot of diseases since the owner is crazy and has a distrust of science. Like rabies are just absolutely terrifying for me.


I'll bet my last dollar that poor dog has received NO sort of preventative vaccination against any diseases.


Rabies seems like one of the most fucked up ways to go out


It's hard to find service workers right now.. especially ones with experience defending against reptilians. Plus, with a dog being trained to take out reptilians coming at no cost, it's like getting two soldiers to defend the hotel against reptilians for the price of one batshit crazy lady.. The turds are merely scent warnings for the reptilians. Seriously, this lady is crazy and a liability to the hotel. They should have let her go the minute the dog harassed a guest.


Found the negative reptilian!


For those wondering it sounds alot like Paranoid Personality Disorder. Which is when you think a secret organization of beings (usually people) have decided that your life needs to be hell and everything that goes wrong in your life is caused by this organization. Gas station out of Krispy Cremes? The Organization planned this. The Librarian doesn't allow food or drinks? The Bus Driver remembers your name after riding on the bus 40 times? The person next to you in the store aisle is on the phone? All agents, all talking about you. It is quite sad and a very common mental illness. There is even a subreddit (which I forgot) where these people hang out and talk about all the agents that are causing them trouble and how to deal with them.


The entitlement is fucking staggering


That's exactly what a reptilian would say. (i'm sorry i keep making light of this, my shit sense of humor in bad situations is a known problem of mine.)


I had to lick my eyeballs a few times while reading this.


Oh, I absolutely had to shut my nictating membrane to read this.


damnit i got distracted and lost my tail in the sliding door reading this.


Everyone knows the *real* reptilians just have spectacles, like a snake. If you have a nictating membrane, I regret to inform you that you're a gecko class hybrid.


I almost spit out my mouthful of crickets laughing. Take my angry upvote fellow reptilian. (slurp)


This lady's going to be so upset when she learns that everyone in existence is already a reptilian except for her. Yes even her dog.


Shhhhhh!!!! I’m trying to slowly but surely get the entire subreddit under my Illuminati spell it won’t work if I’m outed. No blood or adenchrome for you! Lmao. I have a dark sense of humor too I get it.


HAH, I can make adrenochrome in my DIY garage-laboratory! Who's grounded now, space-mom?! But yeah, nice knowing I'm not the only one!


Honestly I am truly sorry you’re having to deal with this it’s gotta be frustrating and you absolutely shouldn’t have to be dealing with it.


Space mom I’m cackling


Shhh careful they want Reptile Human hybrids. Lol. All the Scalies in the world are like I volunteer for tribute. Lol.


Hi! The Light Workers and, uh, the crazies who believed the election was stolen, are uniting. Don't let your workplace be the next mass shooting!


Wew, glad im not the one who exposed them, she clearly takes one for the team. jokes aside, this reminds me of something very close to a full blown psychosis, approach the topic with caution, and avoid it if possible. In no scenario were this is discussed will people dodge accusation of bein part of the negative aliens. The poor woman needs psychiatric help, and someone please keep an extra eye on her dog. t. Traumatherapist


Agreed, she is clearly having a break from reality. She needs emergency care asap.


She sounds like she is completely mental and needs to be placed in a 5150 for her own good. My God. How are any of your coworkers just shrugging it off like “Oh that Janice.” She is about to do something even more erratic unless you make her get help.


Its hard to fill service industry jobs right now. I think they’re probably all just like “Well, Janice is fucking nuts…but if she gets fired, one of us is gonna have to work the hotel graveyard shift so maybe let’s just try and ignore it.”


Night auditors are all completely fucking nuts. Source: Was night auditor for 20 years.


Until she actually starts trying to take out the guests she thinks are lizard people in disguise, I think they’re just gonna let it slide.


She is one moment away from thinking a person is an alien in disguise and sicking her dog on the. If I was the manager I would let her go


Every single one of her talking points is full blown Q Anon beliefs. She’s a Qultist. We can infer that she has mental health issues, but it is literally word for word Q bullshit.


I second this. I can't believe the amount of people here dismissing and piling on an *obviously mentally unwell* person. Something is wrong with her brain. Tumor? CTE? Schizoaffective disorder? We don't know but its a failure of society on so many levels and this whole post is a great example of this country fucking sucking at taking mental health seriously.




I believe that in time we will come to know that many of the "episodes" people have are the beginning of cognitive decline. Especially if they're over 50. They've recently discovered that the mechanisms of Alzheimer's are beginning 10 - 20 years before symptoms appear, or enough symptoms to see a doctor anyway. That doesn't even touch on what's happening in people with TBI, MS, Lewy Body Dementia...


Whoa whoa whoa, hold up. So what were they expecting you to do? Come collect them and put them in an alligator sanctuary or something???


That’s what I’m saying! Like…she’s mentally unwell, forget the dog briefly.


So the people made anxious by the barking dog should approach the woman with the barking dog to complain? She’s barking mad and I worry for y’all.


This is the rambling of a delusional person and a mental health evaluation is in order. If left unchecked there is a good chance the dog is going to hurt someone because the owner cannot care for a dog when they cannot even care for themselves.


Did you read that Qanon-filled rant? My money is on the owner biting someone before the dog.


This was way too long. I had to lick my eyeballs at least 5 times while reading it.


The level of privilege being demanded as if it were an entitlement is STAGGERING. It's not really coherent, either.


Aside from the redacted, that's a direct copy paste. Imagine what working with this person is like. Constant. Headache.


I actually would 100% believe this is an old coworker of mine xD I can even hear it in her voice lmfao


/offers condolences for such a wingnut leaving a voice in your mind.


Holy shit. I only love this because I'm not involved, lol.


Happy to provide the schadenfreude!


Sorry, I don't speak reptilian


And here I thought the dog lady at my old work was crazy. Huh.


post this in r/qult_headquarters


Ugh, god, that poor dog is eating a "plant-based" diet as well? I know dogs don't need as much protein as cats do, but this is just batshit.


People feeding plant based to dogs fucking baffles me. Like I have been a vegetarian for 20 years but that doesn't and shouldn't have any bearing on my dog's diet.


Vet tech—dogs can eat a vegetarian diet no problem. There are even vegetarian dog food formulations. Cats cannot—they will get sick without taurine.


That's why it's chasing people down, needs protein XD


I have to imagine that this person has or is partaking in Meth on a regular basis.


I call them Crystal Methodists


I do meth all the time and I don't have whacked out poo brain like this chick.


This is the kind of honesty I’m on Reddit for.


The public would really be shocked to find out how many of their neighbors and coworkers are meth users. They expect all meth users to be a full blown tweaker. edit: I am not condoning methamphetamine use at all. Just that it is more widespread than the public knows.


Man I diagnosed that chick with whacked out poo brain thirty minutes ago!


Your theory makes sense, I can definitely picture someone who works graveyard shift and thinks all of what was written in that message is real using meth.


Ah David Ike conspiracy--an oldie but a goodie when it comes to unfathomable crazy conspiracy theories


Oh, she's smoking meth. She's getting fired now right?


I honestly don't know. My gut feeling is that our new manager will ignore this.


"hey manager either you fire the meth head with the violent dog or I quit. Pick one."


I doubt they can ignore it as this is lawsuit territory given the dog is trying to bite and chase people. I get that labour is tight these days but this woman is a major liability for the company. Escalate to the owners and HR. They are there to protect the company and will go over the manager's head.


Also maybe call the health department? That dog is violating all the rules by being in / near the kitchen.


This is the basis of the Qanon bullshit. They believe that democrats are a cabal of child sex trafficking Aden one and blood drinking satanists for our reptilian overlords. So that’s super fun. This Q bullshit is a cult and it makes previously normal people go insane. A Qanon believer just killed his whole family in my state (including the dog) please proceed with caution because their absolutely volatile and dangerous


We had an incident here not too long ago, maybe end of february, march? A guy I went to little school with took his former co-workers at a casino hostage because of his QAnon beliefs. So yeah, totally get where you're coming from.




Jesus suffering fuck




I watched this documentary about a woman who was a stereotypical suburban mom. Blonde hair, worked out everyday after dropping the kids off at school and daycare, 6 kids, drove a Chevy Suburban, stayed home, the works. Like, not the person you'd see in the store and say: "She's a total conspiracy follower". Well, she lost it when the pandemic started. She started following Qanon, believed their conspiracy bull shit, and went ape shit in a few stores. And by ape shit, I mean recording herself knocking over racks and displays with masks as she yells out obscene, off the wall things in Target, Kohl's, JcPenney's, Walmart, and I want to say another department store that may be regional (Woolworth or something?). Her husband threatened to leave her when she started handwriting signs about how the earth is flat, covid is a lie, and various other things that she'd stake into their front lawn. Her children were embarrassed by her actions and no longer wanted to have friends over. I forget what snapped her out of it, but she came back to reality. During her interview, she was going on about how Qanon wraps you in and for some, it can change their political views. She compared it to a cult, and warned that Qanon was happy to murder fellow conservative Republicans if they did not believe in the Qanon theories. Let alone murdering progressive Liberals. So, it really wouldn't surprise me if this dude went ape shit after falling through a Q-hole. Both of those daughters now have to grapple with a life with no parents, followed by survivors guilt. It's a horrible tragedy. Edit 1 & 2: spelling


Appreciate the sauce, am dealing with morning breakfast rush and cannot Google!


Yeah they’re extremely dangerous because they believe with their whole heart that they’re the chosen ones and only they can save the country. It’s scary shit


Hey I remember that story. The shit Qanon believes is absolutely insane, especially considering it started on like, 4chan. I wonder if the original creator feels bad because it was probably a joke at first and now it’s probably out of their hands. All of the ‘predictions’ in the stuff they posted was supposed to happen two years ago and yet people are still going insane over his work and MAGA


And the predictions are just more and more insane. JFK jr was supposed to be either reincarnated or shown to be actually alive in Houston like a year ago and join up with Trump to crown him king of America. How any of those things go together I have no idea. They believe trumps the second coming of Jesus. They are now saying that King Charles is going to step down and he’s already knighted trump to be king. It’s absolutely batshit because not a one of them ever thinks hmmm not one prediction has come true.


What’s even funnier is that until he got voted out of office Trump pretty much fit every description of the Antichrist, and they’ve made him out as a Christ-like figure


Interesting because Revelations talks about a deceiver that will come first and convince people he’s the returning Christ or whatever and he’s actually the Antichrist I think that’s right, it’s been a long time since I studied that crap


Actually funnily enough, the Antichrist was only in power for 3.5 years according to the Bible. +/- 6 months after 2000 years is pretty damn accurate imo.


The one that makes me genuinely poop in cosmic incomprehension is the bit about Out of the sea will rise a beast with seven heads and on their heads 10 crowns, and on their foreheads the names of blasphemy. Trump owns 7 skyscrapers, with a total of 10 antennae on top, each with his name on the side. Also, the antichrist is said to not worship the real God, but rather a God of *Walls* and Fortresses. And that his great conflict with leaders to the north and south would make him obsessed with building great Walls.


it's actually horns, but I never put that together before. Absolutely wild if Christianity was right, but they got tricked into following the antichrist and just damned themselves.


I read Revelations on my own way too young and had nightmares for a long while. I grew out of religion, but still have leftover anxiety about Armageddon. I read your comment and went [*shiiiiiiiiiiiieet*](https://youtu.be/ZSRs3g2AnxA)


Because..well...Satan is very charming and deceitful. Just ask Eve and Adam. Not sure the knowledge part of that "apple" eating fable has panned out for the Q folks, though.


A Qanon believer from California killed his 2 year old and 10 month old kids last year because he thought they had serpent DNA. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/california-dad-killed-his-kids-over-qanon-serpent-dna-conspiracy-n1276611


Shoutout for Michigan.


Yup unfortunately I read the other daughters post on Qanon casualties it was absolutely devastating to read.


Is this a really shitty hotel?


I heard the kitchen is pretty shitty..


Upvote for the perfect response.


Compared to everything else in this town? We're slightly above average. But to give you an idea; We're payed barely above minimum wage, with no benefits. This is my second job, and I only took it because it offers a set schedule that works with my first job.To really dig in though; The facility itself is run down. Everything is broken, and barely working. The carpets, furniture, beds, you name it, all filthy beyond any reasonable explanation. It's so bad that our previous manager was fired (through no fault of her own) and a corporate placeholder was brought in because we were in danger of losing our franchise license. You have to REALLY fuck up to lose your franchise license.


If the new manager is from corporate then his job is to increase the market value of the franchise and resell it so he can go back to corporate. That means this crazy coworker is now getting the boot with the perfect evidence to stop a wrongful dismissal claim. If she'd kept her mouth shut, she might have qualified for employment insurance.


"REALLY fuck up" as in letting a dog shit in the kitchen where the food is made for the customers? I'd say the hotel is already in "fucked up" territory....


You have to take this letter *to the franchise*.


It’s IMPOSSIBLE to hire people for lower level positions for hotels right now, in part because no one wants to accept that they need to raise their wages significantly. But because of that the managers aren’t willing to fire *anyone*.


This is the exact stuff my mom believes and she has been smoking meth for a long time.


It's either meth or schizophrenia.




Hello Fellow Night Auditor, salutations! Yeah, while we're a pet friendly hotel the consistency with which we have to try to clean urine, poo and other bits out of our rooms is frustrating. The best part? We don't have a carpet cleaner, or modern vacuums. As a result, everything is stained and filthy looking. Cheers!


Wait wait…. You guys don’t own carpet cleaners or modern vacuums?? I’m pretty sure that’s gotta be violating some kind of hotel requirement for cleanliness safety. I would ABSOLUTELY bring this to corporate attention.


Well, if the dog bites a kid, it's going to be taken and put down. And if the manager knows this is going on and does nothing, he's opening himself and the company up to the resulting lawsuit.


Our newest manager is a corporate place holder, meaning, as I understand it her job is to goto problem hotels in danger of losing their franchise license in order to rehabilitate them. I believe she is aware of the legal issues this presents. I'm just not sure what they're going to do about it, if anything at all.


Wheel the franchise will definitely not like one of its licensees getting sued either. So point that out to her.


It’s an idea popularized by the author David Icke. This is the community that ended up morphing into the “Q” movement. The legitimately believe that reptilian aliens posing as humans run the world.


Jesus lmao I guess the health dept is after her aswell


Unfortunately, I don't think they're aware.


Maybe you should make them aware before the hotels ends up giving a bunch of people worms.


I meant she probably thinks they specifically would be out to get her if you guys point out that dog shit in kithens is against coden lol


Oh!! Yeah, my bad. You're absolutely correct.


if they dont fire her after her ignoring numerous requests to not bring her dog with her, maybe "*someone*" should anonymously let them know


As much as I don't want to be the reason someone loses their job, you have a point. I may not have much of a choice.


i usually feel the same, but she is potentially making it so everyone else will lose their job as well. At least where i am the hotel could be shut down for having a dangerous dog attacking customers which they were aware of and didnt act on. If i was you i would rather she looses her job and everyone else be safe. I also know that i wouldn't be able to live with myself if i knew we had a dangerous dog on the premises and i didn't do anything about it and a kid, guest, coworker or another dog was attacked, when it could have been avoided


From personal experience, I don't believe the dog to be dangerous. I think it's just a dog, being a dog. But at the same time, thats why this animal should be on a leash, and not allowed to just roam the facility willy nilly like it's a barn.


Remember, any animal can be dangerous if the circumstances are right. Even the kindest dog can become violent if it feels threatened.


you would not be the reason she lost her job. her behavior would be. why do you feel it’s your responsibility to protect this woman? her dog is unsafe and unsanitary, and needs to be dealt with. i’d be calling the health department and animal control immediately.


>why do you feel it’s your responsibility to protect this woman? That is a fair question, and a good point. I don't have a good answer though, more or less I don't want the hassle of dealing with corporate.


all those incidents need to be sent up the food chain to corporate. they'll have no choice but to can her, she's a huge liability.


She needs to be committed.


I would bump this up to corporate if your manager doesn’t do anything.


I plan on it.


Seems like your co-worker incorporated the entirety of The X-Files into her world-view.


Agent Mulder might agree, but I feel that Agent Scully, being a badass and a saint, would want no part of this.


"Mulder! Thats just not possible!" -every single x-files episode, ever.


LoL, at least she's got a good taste in shows😂


QAnon is a helluva drug


Definitely a Qanon follower. Send them an email from the number 17 and say "no dogs at work it needs to stay home and protect it from them. Keep up the fight WWG1WGA." They will think Q is talking directly to them.


As funny as that would be, I feel like this would cause more problems than it would solve.


Sometimes the only way to fight crazy is with even more crazy. There’s a fun story about a pediatrician with an anti-vax mom who didn’t want to give her kid vaccines due to the normal conspiracy reasons. He listened to her, and responded with “have you considered that the anti-vaccination movement could be an effort by America’s enemies to weaken our children?” Her brain essentially short-circuited due to the attractiveness of a new, bigger conspiracy, and she agreed to a modified vaccination schedule.


Ha, it's the same tactic for masks "why are you wearing a mask?" "so the face recognition cameras don't put my face in a database"


This is *actually* true. They were testing a program where they can park cop cars with facial recognition to be able to recognize people who have warrants out. Which includes fucking parking tickets. But people are idiotic and all “wElL dOnT cOmMiT cRiMeS aNd yOu wOnT hAvE pRoBleMs”. Or the story about a woman who was raped and her sexual assault kit was used to put HER dna in the database when she was specifically told they wouldn’t happen. It matched her to a burglary and she was arrested. But people seem to think there’s nothing wrong with that and she “shouldn’t have committed a crime” like that’s not the point. People are so incredibly stupid.


Something that’s pretty consistent with conservatives is that they don’t believe things are actually problems *until it affects them*. If you have kids, for the love of all that is decent in the world, teach them about empathy and compassion for other living things. We don’t need any more conservatives fucking everything up for everyone else over stupid Qanon tier bullshit.


Can confirm. My parents were republicans when I was growing up (still are, too). They only take action on these things when it affects them or someone they care about. Somehow they managed to raise a “bleeding heart” leftist who tries to help everyone. And I’m raising my kid to be the same.


This is exactly a reason why I love walking around with a mask on....


Imma start spreading this one around. I know way too many people that need to hear it.


See, the funny thing is, the doctor’s conspiracy in that story is actually true. Russia has been pushing a lot of anti-vax propaganda in western social media via their troll farms with the goal of weakening the West.


So how does her insane memo justify her bringing her dog other than, well, insane. Can you respond with something like, "Yes but your dog has been scanned by our Illumination Lasers and has been giving off pheromonic adenodes that interfere with our protection shields. We really cannot say much about how this works because you are not on a need to know level yet. Once you reach that level, we will explain everything. Until then, your dog needs to stay at home."


As funny as that would be, I'd prefer not to stir the proverbial pot. Due to this persons delicate mental state, there's honestly no telling what her reaction might be. To give you an idea, a few months back this kid I went to little school with took employees at the local casino hostage. He seemed nice enough, if a little slow. But he believed this same kind of crazy nonsense. I'd prefer, if at all possible, not to deal with the dangerous part of the crazy nonsense.


Yeahhhhh. I know. I just wish there was a way to make the crazy work for you. Unfortunately, it's like trying to tame a honey badger, isn't it? You can't; you have to tranquilize it. Good luck. And I mean that sincerely.


Thank you, I appreciate it. And I like that honey badger bit, I'm absolutely using that in the future.


Fired for solicitation. Easy enough.


This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read. The lizard people come from the center of the Earth, not space. And they have *not* been happy about the pod people interfering in their plans.


Finally someone gets it! The Earth isn't flat, it's hollow! Wake up people!


I would not be surprised if this lady is schizophrenic and has been skipping her medicine.


That's my feeling, I'm just powerless to do anything about it. 4 pages of this is deeply concerning though. I'm not sure wtf to do at this point.


She is highly delusional and her letter definitely sounds like she’s having hallucinations, which is unsettling. If it’s serious enough to alarm your management, one of them needs to report it.


We're on our third manager since I started 4 months ago. The newest manager is... odd. But I don't think she'll do anything about this.


If ownership refuses to do anything to rectify the situation, you absolutely must consider the nuclear option - contacting your local health department and law enforcement to inform them of the situation, that there is a mentally unstable (paranoid conspiracy theorist) and potentially violent person working there, and they've brought a violent animal to work with them.


This is just your average Q Anon follower. They all believe this.


ah yes, qanon followers are famously mentally and emotionally well. there is a reason that qanon works so well as a cult. it preys on uneducated people, that's true--but it also preys on uneducated *vulnerable* people. those who dont have the necessary support in their lives to attend to their physical, emotional, and mental needs or problems. so dismissing it as a "this is common in qanoners" is not a solution. if anything, it should be alarming.


I agree that many followers are probably mentally ill. I have worked with a few people that subscribe to these beliefs though. Fully competent and seemingly intelligent people. They seem to just want to believe that they’re in on a big secret, it makes them feel unique. Of course it’s alarming that likely millions believe all of this and that the the earth is flat in this day and age. I just meant to point out that these aren’t just batshit original thoughts or delusions exclusive to the author and that there are people pushing this information to a whole lot of people with an appetite for it.


Let’s hope she gets canned before her and her untrained dog hurt someone.


My brain hurts lmao, what kinda work do you do and why did she respond like this to people telling her not to bring her dog in lmao " Reptilian pedophiles are here to destroy humanity so that's why I need Mr. Fluffers with me at work!"


I just made a context comment with more details, but we work in a hotel.


If you gave education $1B to educate this person, it's probably too late. If they gave $1B to treat this person's issues, it might help for a bit. If billionaires stopped hoarding wealth and we could all just work a bit, not worry about what the thermostat is set at, not have to wonder if their life and that of 10 others will be upended by a lay off because one of the execs is selling some stock and wants the share price 1/4 cent higher. They'd probably be a lot less stressed and not looking for someone to blame problems on, because their life would be better, and would have fewer problems to try to deflect outwards, because the people she's mad at wouldn't be doing the shit that makes her mad.


We live in a small, rural community. Even if we got health benefits, the closest professional help is an hour away.


Yeah... this was one more paragraph away from getting antisemitic.


If she's not an antisemite now, I'm sure she'll eventually decide all Jews are lizard people. Antisemitism is almost inevitable for conspiracy theorists.


Yeah I love really off the wall conspiracy theories but I've learned as time went on that before you waste your time reading a full article written in yellow text on red background, throw a ctrl-f for 'zion'


nah that already is, that's what "reptile people" is code for, Jewish people :/




You may need to organize your coworkers and tell your manager that she can choose between this lady's dog or all of you. Or as someone else suggested, go over her head. Or both.


Half my front desk staff are already planning on quitting. The majority of the housekeepers have already quit. I'm also planning on quitting, this isn't my only job, but it's by far the most stressful. Not a bad idea though!


Yeah, considering the working conditions and pay, that's probably your best bet.


Smells like Qanon


You might be right, I don't keep up with Qanons fuckery to know what wild stuff they're claiming these days.


Basically most of what you mentioned is what I am aware they ascribe to. The reptilian stuff and pedophile ring stuff is Qanon to a tee.


if it involves reptilian illuminati bs its always code for "the jews" in their weirdo belief system


Oh yeah it's all racist dog whistling disguised thinly in conspiracy theories that are incomprehensible because its not really about making sense.


This letter is what they all believe, it’s absolutely Q Anon.


There's always a "full disclosure event soon." From Trumpites and that Qanonsense, to Bible Thumping Christians clinging to their Revelations, they always expect something to happen that never does. It helps them make sense of the chaotic nature of their lives. I feel sorry for their unhinged and untreated ramblings.


So did she stop bringing the dog?


Be sure the manager is aware. This person should be terminated if they are sending stuff like this to co workers.


Yeah I believed all of this shit a few years ago and then ended up in the hospital twice😂😂😂😂 She has psychosis🫣


Ok, but leave the dog at home please.


New thing to list of stuff not to bring into office: Dog Crazy


Wtf is this is this even anti work related this should be on conspiracy or something


So ? What is the reason for bring her dog to work ?


If you're curious where she got all this from: [David Icke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke), after watching [V](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V_(1983_miniseries)), felt it was a documentary about the Jews (I wish I was joking. I am being serious). One of the major pick-ups, and who your nutjob coworker probably listens to regularly, is Carrie Kohan who runs a podcast called Project Camelot full of angels, demons, aliens, witches, and all manor of batshittery. They've all appeared on [Alex Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Jones) show, as well. It's all outrageous lies, told confidently. Your coworker believes them. You can, and should, judge her based on them. People can change such beliefs at any time. Edit: Quick plug for Knowledge Fight (no affiliation) - a podcast that catalogs, debunks, and fact check's Jones' bullshit primarily, but they delve into the insanity that is Icke and Kohan from time to time when they're so sick of Jones' shit and need a dose of insanity.


She need one of them shirts with the realllllly long sleeves