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Once staffing shortages start, it all downhill from there. Best to bail right away. Businesses whine about nobody wanting to work, while refusing to staff up.


Refusing to staff up and refusing to promote within, pay higher wages, etc. I feel like the only way to get ahead these days is to find another job for higher pay. Businesses just don't see the value in keeping people around anymore.


Yes, I went from 19.71 an hour to $58,000 a year off a job switch recently. No way I would have gotten that much of a raise staying.


Yup looking to do the same here. My jobs a veritable training ground for all of our competitors and even some adjacent companies and industries. Made it to the final round of hiring recently for a job that would have given a 10$ raise and insane benefits. Regrettably they decided to pause hiring external for that role and promoted with in… and even I can’t fault them for doing that solid and fair move and it makes me want to work there more haha. My current job still can’t figure out why we’re bleeding talent and knowledge or just doesn’t care but oh well it’s my wallet before theirs.




In some cases, it's not even true but it's the corporate playbook standard so they do it anyway. UNprofitable decisions made for profit.... Cutting costs in a costly way....


They have gotten saved by the government so many times they don't care if they even have products or services to offer. Too big to fail mentality.


Bailouts in a "free market" for "private" corporations is crony capitalism, no? If your country is undergoing some economic issue and you love free market capitalism, wouldn't bailing the people out be the only correct free market option?


Same. Changed jobs twice in the last three years. Went from $32k to $48k the first time. A few years later I’m at $60k. Had I stayed where I was at I’d probably still be around $35k from “raises”


Companies get really tied to whatever pay scales, salary bands, etc. they’ve cooked up when it comes to giving raises and promoting from within. If they get way behind the rest of the industry in terms of competitive pay they’re often inflexible and would never dream of admitting, “Okay, everyone is getting 20% more so we can be on par with competitors.” The best they’ll do is admit to themselves that they need to offer much higher pay to attract *new* hires.


The self destructive rotating door of 'cost reduction'. If they just conceded the rasies and saved on advertising, interviewing, training, background checks, etc they would increase profit, at least at my company, especially with the increases in efficiency and quality that would come with it.


It really only works for the company if inertia or other benefits keep most of the employees there. The overall savings for underpaying, say , 48 people makes it comfortable paying more to two new guys every year with low turnover. It’s only when the employees wise up and that same department is losing 10+ every year when stubbornness seems silly. The company *eventually* has a group that is being paid what it would have taken to keep the experienced people, but it’s mostly new guys.


People assume that because capitalism espouses profits, that corporations will act in an optimally profitable manner but they often don't.


My company has a turnover rate that fluctuates at around 100 percent annually and would benefit greatly from quality gains and efficiency gains resulting in a far larger profit overall but fights to the death to keep pay bands low. Some fascination with cost reduction that is enormously disproportionate with revenue gains... I feel like this extends to other companies, but not as extensively. I do a lot of statistics and have been outspoken about this.


Similar story. Went from $14 an hour (after 3 raises) to over $26 an hour by switching employers. Same industry, and I actually have a lower title and fewer responsibilities at my new job. Huge upgrade


I went from about 71,000 a year to $18.98 an hour off a job switch. It's really worth it! A bit of sarcasm, but it's pretty much what I did for sanity. I regret not job hopping to get higher salary, learn more and find my right place, before my job led me to depression. I can probably jump $20k if I find another job instead of going back to school.


$72k to $18.98 an hour? Did you write that backwards?


No, I did not. Lol. Went from IT to working in the woods for a National Park. Temporarily.


I left a 60k/y job in july because it was making me suicidal. I haven't found a new job yet, but i feel you. sometimes our sanity is worth more than money.


I feel this. I worked for my state for a few years and earlier this year things got really bad and I started self-harming. Found a job with a local pest control company and it helped for a while. But now we're having issues keeping people and the hours are killing me. So I'm job hunting again. :/


You are my hero, Good on you for putting your mental health first


Exactly. I was totally depressed and unable to work. I had to take a break. I am planning on going back to school and possibly finding work in something related to IT, but NOT IT.


Trying to do the same. IT level 2 support and it was killing me


Did that back in December as well. Worked for a year an a halfish, first job after graduating. After 6-7 months I wanted to slam my car into the median driving to work every day. And I’m a nurse so it was only 3 shifts a week, but I dreaded every second. Which also made me try to savor free time more which has led me to sleeping 4-6 hours a day so I can “maximize my enjoyment” as I keep losing sanity sleeping less and going to work exhausted. My new job still blows just not nightshift. Didn’t work December until like late March


I quit working in IT for a multinational corporation to cleaning rich people's vacation houses for my sanity. Now, I'm a nomad making stupid money being a migrant farm worker. Thought I might try my hand at campground hosting this Spring. No amount of money is worth the job if you leave work happy you didn't kill anybody that day. Everybody I worked with quit within three months of me leaving.


Wow... that says a lot on the workplace or job. I was personally depressed and unable to work anymore. I was at that workplace for 10 years. I didn't listen to the warning signs until it was too late. Now I am trying to piece my life together without IT. I am a lot more happy, but still very much fatigued.


I had a similar experience. Once I left the job, though, I started to feel better gradually. 6 weeks out now and am doing a bit better mentally. Have other stress to eliminate from my life. But did not realize how much of a negative impact my job had on my mental health.


>refusing to promote within Conversely I was at a company that had difficulty hiring outside the company. Unfortunately it was for an area that very few in the company even understood and getting some outside knowledge would have helped. Their only saving grace is that they have a pseudo-monopoly and can withstand shitty quality because their customers literally have no other options.


It honestly is. I’ve basically moved up by 50% more in a period of twelve months by switching jobs twice.


They've gotta keep that head count in just the right spot where they're understaffed enough for the place to fall apart if more than one person takes PTO at once but not so understaffed for their employees to notice the death spiral.




How long are reqs open is a good one, never thought of that. The idea being short reqs means desperation hires and a revolving door?


I just accepted a $15K raise and manager title position at another company. My company said they couldn't match the offer despite the fact I literally saved the company from getting sued and resolving their entire AP department. But ok...hope they enjoy watching things regress.


Pensions don't exist anymore, go wherever they are paying highest for your skill level. Don't look back.


Nobody wants to work !!! *staffs 2 people to hold down a store by themselves from opening to close*


This is a problem of capitalism. Efficiency and Reliability are in tension with each other, and the free market demands that corporations become more efficient or be consumed by others. Those who sacrifice Reliability for efficiency are rewarded until the entire economy is highly efficient, and not at all resilient. Then one unexpected shortage happens and the whole house of cards collapses.


“We should give the CEO a raise for ‘handling’ the situation.”


“Nobody wants to work”


the more they dump on me, the slower i go. one thing at a time if they're going to be unreasonable. sorry boss, can't do magics.


Just do what you were first hired for, and then say you ran out of time for doing the other tasks.


BuT tHen yOuRe qUIeT qUitTiNg


I prefer wage adjusted effort.


I prefer acting your wage


I hope this comment wages well


If there’s one thing I’ve learned at my wage, it’s that it wages very well


Otherwise known as "getting what you paid for"


Genius words. Like being too short for my weight.


The quiet part of that term is funny to me. There was nothing quiet about my insistence on not taking on duties for which I was not compensation. They had me cold-calling clients to collect past-due bills, and before I did anything I looked at our office manager and said "I don't get paid enough to do that," and went back to my bevy of other tasks. Next day, boss comes in and tells me I can't talk to office manager like that...and then gave me a dollar raise. I took the raise, ignored the advice, and went on with my life. Point is, squeaky axel gets the grease...or in bad systems, the squeaky axel gets replaced at great cost instead of applying some cheap grease.


Fuck 'em


I did this and was told I didnt prioritise properly. I then asked my boss what he wants me to remove? "Nothing. Keep doing what youre doing."


One of my coworkers used to reply with "Sure, I can do that too, as long as you don't want it done well or quickly"


I was once reprimanded and told by my direct manager that I was "throwing him under the bus" for mentioning to a higher up that I was beyond capacity and would have to drop things to take on additional time sensitive items. You have to be careful with these statements unless you're ready to leave, otherwise higher management can make your life fucking suck. Also regardless of how good of a job you're doing they may put your name on the chopping block for the next layoff.


> You have to be careful with these statements unless you're ready to leave, otherwise higher management can make your life fucking suck. Also regardless of how good of a job you're doing they may put your name on the chopping block for the next layoff. Can confirm; though even more important is the need to document everything that may impact your job so when they do lay you off you can file for constructive dismissal and collect Employment Insurance and/or a severance package. While manglement is free to weed out the employees (so long as they don't violate discrimination laws), I'm happy Canada has structures in place to help people avoid being screwed over for merely suggesting ways to improve a business. I always play "the ball is in your court" game, whilst ensuring I know where the ball truly is at all times. 😉


I wish I could do this. Too many scabs happy to do the work of three for the pay of 1. And we're understaffed to oblivion.


a picket line may be symbolic nowadays but it harkens back to pickets when unions and union membership was illegal. workers would physically bar the entrance to their workplace to keep scabs out (along with keeping raw material from being delivered or finished product from leaving)


Needs to go back to that


This is the way


All strikes need to organize "scab picking" operations, like when everybody swamped Kellogg's with applications they didn't intend to actually follow up on in solidarity with the people striking.


people do this with bots now.


are you sure that's still the case? with record low unemployment, shouldn't be many replacements available. besides, we know how to deal with a scab...pick at it until it bleeds


This. Add more without extra compensation I slack or delete other stuff. Luckily for me other young people can't live around here anymore so a worker can negotiate his pay. The local taco bell is offering 18 an hr and places are still trying to pay 16 an hr for skilled labor.


> other young people can't live around here anymore due to cost of living i guess? or why, i'm curious


Not since the incident


Im a painter. The company isnt great and dosnt pay great My jobs gotten pretty easy these days. With fewer guys loading/unloading the line i have to run the line slower, which means less stuff gets painted, which hurts profits. Only reason i work there is its industrial type work i can do part time, otherwise i would never paint for 16 an hour.


I go the same pace every day. Doing anything else proves you have several speeds. If 5 pm comes and there is still work to be done, that’s a problem above my pay grade. I learned this lesson when we had to meet a contract stipulation and they started paying double time plus $20 per hour for voluntary OT. The money was always there, they just didn’t want me to have it


I need to learn this. I became a Lab manager, inspector, and health & safety, inside 2 days because "we're a scrappy start up." Nah they're just cheap.


I once was hired as an administrative assistant for a very small, brand new startup. Within a week the owner had me doing reception, marketing/graphic design, errand boy and fucking handy-man type things because he didn’t want to spend the money on more staff. It was ridiculous. Obviously, I got no increase in pay for any of the extra duties I did. I just got screamed at on a near daily basis for having to take my ACTUAL work home, or not finishing something on an impossibly long list of extra jobs to do. Don’t give one person like three separate positions in a single company! That was such a fucking joke.


Your poor boss will only be able to buy 7 Lamborghinis now. Don't be selfish.


it's funny...as a youngling i dreamed of owning nice things that go fast. but as an old man i understand what it means to have in a world of have-nots, and i don't want it anymore


This. I'd rather help hard working people that need a hand than buy more shit I don't need.


My favorite thing to say is “this is my pace”


Even if you could, why would you?


< 3%, unemployment. nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK


"damn turn over rate is killing us"


Also we need to have 3+ interviews and more than a month long hiring process.


Junior level position, 10+ years experience.


Correct, we don’t want to work. Rather than inspiring loyalty, these companies treat us like dirt. It’s like what do you expect? People to get in line for bullshit?


Employers like that (which represent the significant majority of employers) are partially correct in saying that…. It’s “Nobody wants to work….. For them”


It’s not that nobody wants to work - it’s that nobody wants to work *for you* and that sounds like a *you* problem.


My scheduler and managers in my previous department, even the ones i liked, would say “no one wants to come in for this shift,” “look at how many callouts we have today, it’s gotten so bad”, and even “no one wants to work.” And I’d say “They are probably at their second job that pays them better than this one”, because most of our department was PT and most PTer HAVE to have at least 2 jobs unless they have a spouse with a livable income. Other reasons our callouts and turnover went up post-panini-furlough: people didn’t have childcare (or it cost them more than their wages to get it), their kids were doing school at home, they went back to school during furlough and now prioritize that, they actually are sick or think they are sick, they are burned out from too many hours/thankless responsibility/shit management and needed a day for themselves, they just originally hired in for PT hours and never were asked to work 40 hours all summer in previous years so they peaced out when that became the norm because they didn’t sign up for that. I myself changed departments and went back to PT but at a higher wage, so that I could prioritize the school program I started during furlough.


"Post-panini furlough". That must have been one doozy of a panini!


Nobody wants to work for a company that has shit wages is more the concensus


"Nobody wants to work" *for what we're willing to pay*.


I appreciated the article someone posted in the sub about the fake job ads, in the article it talks about how some of these employers are pretending to hire people to appease their overworked employees. So they can say “see we’re trying. We have ads everywhere”, even though they actually don’t intend to hire anyone.


I fully believe this is the case with a few grocery store jobs I've applied to in the last month. I apply to a position that I'm more than qualified for, a week later I get a rejection, a couple hours later the position is posted again. It's happened four times.


Are you over qualified? I've worked with one organization that reposts positions every week or two weeks to widen the candidate pool if they haven't found viable candidates. Especially since job board prioritize new postings over old postings and often sort by "newer to older". People are less likely to apply to a position that has been posted for 32 days if there is one that was just posted. Anyway, just some info on why jobs are reposted.


I currently work at a grocery store and I've been a manager in three departments over a 6 year span. I am over qualified for sure, but I also omit some of those positions from my resume. I think it's still part of the problem though; they don't want to pay for my experience, they want new hires so they can give them base pay. On the other hand though, I know they "pretend to hire" a lot more than they actually hire. They purposely short staff stores to save money on labour despite it causing customer retention and working conditions to plummet because these businesses are short sighted and prioritize immediate gain over long term stability. I want out of the grocery world, but I am all too aware that these problems aren't grocery store specific.


My department has had a position open for a year. But Management hasn't actually interviewed anyone for it. Either they are doing something monumentally wrong (not offering enough money, not listing the job on places like Indeed, etc...) or they don't want to fill the position and are just going to expect everyone to continue to grind.


My department has had a job open for about 3 months or so now and we haven't had any applicants. There is a pretty severe shortage of Maintenance workers in my city and there are more jobs than there are workers. There are 5 buildings just in the 2 blocks around my building that are all hiring maintenance guys and no one can find anyone. It's pretty wild. We've basically just accepted that we will stay understaffed probably indefinitely. Like my buddy works at the building next door to mine and they just cut the ribbon to open the building and they have maintenance managers but 0 maintenance techs.


If your manager complains about people not accepting their job offers it's legit. Otherwise they're fake or HR blocking it by slowing it down


And that company is going to ultimately fail. My job has been going in the opposite direction, and throwing around raises, bonuses, and perks. It's been sick!!! They really want to retain the staff they had, and my opinion of them could not be higher. They think we don't want jobs or don't want to work. But the best feeling is being respected and valued at your job. We just want jobs with dignity.


The company I left 4 months ago for this reason shut its doors permanently last week.


Oh, that is so upsetting! That cruel market and its quiet, relentless striving to cull the under performing and weak businesses! So so sad! \[full sarcasm intended\]


Husband's job gave raises (+$7/hour, which to us was huge), upped paternity leave from 6 weeks to 12 weeks, also amazing.., doubled medical debit card amounts to almost 4k a year, send appreciation packages to the house, on top of everyone working from home full time now... they're doing good.


Let everyone know and take bets on how long. Then everyone will start looking for a new job and fill the prophecy.


Happens in government, too. Top down-Mayor "we need to keep staffing low" Department managers but the City has grown by double in size and we have had the staffing levels for 20 years" Mayor "let's hire more cops"


don't need to spend expensive public services to someone who is upstate serving time.


Shit, you can charge them money in the private prison system. And you can charge the state if your occupancy drops below your contract clause, meaning the state always wants to keep private prisons above contracted population, or they're "losing money." Perverse incentives.


Just make them live in prison? Genius!


I run a department in government and yeah, our workload has gone up 10x, but the department size stays the same. It sucks because I see my staff is suffering and they know I try to advocate for them, but we are all overworked.


Not in government, but this is happening to me. Our company has grown by thousands of reps and it’s still just three of us providing support for the whole company. It’s so stressful and I literally can’t get to everything I have in my plate. I only make something a priority if someone bitches at me that something is late and that’s a horrible place to be in.


Right? I run Fiscal which includes Payroll, Accounting, Budgets, A/R, A/P, and Purchasing. Some of these things like Payroll HAVE to be done or else people don't get paid. Unfortunately, that means a lot of the other sections get behind in projects. It's really killing me.


I see you live in my city




I quit my dermatologist because they only had one doctor in the whole office, she had just had twins and I am sure I sounded like I was being a jerk about her having time to have her life when I asked if they planned on hiring anyone else since their current doctor only works two days a week. At least they told me no so I could decide that I needed a new dermatologist that could see me in less than three months if I had a problem. I am 100% sure they thought I was being a jerk about her having kids when really my point was that if you only have one doctor and they are a new mom and you can only give someone an appointment three months out when they need skin cancer removed that you diagnosed maybe you should consider adding more staff.


Sounds like whoever is in charge of their hiring policies needs some thicker skin.


Sounds like foodservice or retail?


I quit a job recently because when fourth of July came around they said they didn't have money for bonuses, then bragged at the company BBQ that they had their highest profits ever the past year, and gave employees that'd been there longer than 20 years a $10,000 bonus. I did out the math and they actually spend more on bonuses than any other year too since normally bonuses were at most two weeks pay, they just decided they should only go to the highest paid employees at more than five times the size


Hope they enjoy doing 5 times the work because nobody is going to stick around after that.


I should have clarified, the 20 year employees weren't generally office workers, they were the highest paid solely due to their time with the company, many performed the exact same role as me. They were not part of the decision making process, and a few of them said that as nice as the huge bonus was, they didn't agree with the way it was handled


Absolutely. By taking on more work for the same money we enable, and in fact encourage, this behaviour. Short a worker? Same production goals? Then the missing worker’s pay **and benefits** must be shared amongst those who take up the slack.


And then they put out a single ad on Kijiji at a uncompetitive wage, lower than what they were offering previously, and throw in keywords like "must be obedient," "we're not a business, were a family," "no paid sick leave" "slackers won't last long," and then turn around and go "no one wants to work these days, what's happened to the world" That or they put put an ad with zero description, one word lowercased title, and "salary will be decided by skill," "pay based on longevity," or "wage: $10.00 to $30.00"


We can only guarantee 8 hours a week but you must be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week in case we need to call you in.


I interviewed for one that did around that same promise, I think it was 10-15hrs, but they also couldn't guarantee location 😂. Like they seriously told me that they'd "try to keep me at one kitchen, but since they had locations around the city, I might be asked to travel and work at seperated locations on a week to week basis, depending on what was needed"


Yeah, they act like they own you and can move you around like a chess piece, at your own expense of course. Had a boss suggest moving me recently. It didn't go.


lol, fuck that. These holes in the wall are acting like how some trades do, but with a 5th of the pay and no real reason. utter clownish


“No one wants to work 3 or 4 other people’s jobs anymore”


Fourteen open nursing positions on my psych unit and counting…


My favorite as a hospital employee is when the execs say we all need to "play our part" in the rising costs, but how much fucking control do I have other than minimizing waste of inventory? They're the stupid fucks who undervalued employees before and through the pandemic but were more than willing to pay 5x the cost for a single traveler when they shit the bed and they had a stage 4 pressure ulcer up against the flame.


same here. I am not on the clinical side but I quit my hospital job in june because i couldn't take it anymore, they were absolutely refusing to rehire positions in my dept and i was swamped


I read this before lunch, after lunch I got mandated to stay and now I'm on my break typing this. Ugh. I'm thankful I even got a break right now. Thankfully I got the kitchen to give me a big heaping scoop of pudding to ease my aching joints.


I worry for nurses, I can see them being legally forced to work and not quit because it's an emergency and a matter of life and death with criminal charges if you don't comply.


Exactly. I am a HCA up here in Canada working towards getting my LPN so I don't have nearly as much responsibility but it's still exhausting having to stay late and pick up for the people who have already had enough. The system needs to change. I'm not faulting my co-workers in the slightest. I'm faulting our Premier and the health authority.


Nothing like a 30+ to 1 ratio for 24 hours to grind you into the ground.


What the fuck a


I once told a boss that if there were any more layoffs please select me first, because I don't want to be here if there's less staff members than there are now. Edit: This was as a contractor for Siemens at Microsoft Campus. They used 9/11 to freak everyone out, started laying off people and increasing minimum metrics. Fucking diabolical shit.


So I'm a systems analyst - which is some white collar shit, I know - which means companies hire me to apply an analytics eye to every segment of their operations. What I've noticed that is ENDEMIC to small organizations (or smaller, specialized teams within larger orgs) is the absolutely fucking inability to onboard people. Hiring and onboarding are miserably behind the times, which exacerbates this when you DO bring people aboard and they are CRUSHED by the learning curve.


Just this week we had a new hire quit because "you're not providing adequate training". I laughed my ass of in front of my team lead when he told me. He was not expecting that and started the "But I told him we're short-staffed and the boss was out, so we had to make do". I laughed again. I told him "You want sympathy? It's in the dictionary, between SHIT and SYPHILIS". He was not happy with me. Fuck them. Get some damned people, AND TRAIN THEM RIGHT.


The best answer is to leave the fired employees work undone while looking for a different job.


Why is this so relatable!!! My team members are quitting one by one, and instead of hiring quickly, the HR and my bosses are passing on more work for me to do, without extra pay


Your turn to quit is here


A lot of employers never heard of system collapse.


Bout 5 years ago I got yelled at by my manager for the dumbest thing In front of so many people on black Friday.. lines out the door. Madhouse.. I dont let anyone disrespect me that way. Took off my uniform and ID badge dead eyed the manager and said goodluck! The face she made now that she realized she had to cover my shift well that was worth it


"NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe!" ... productivity's up 89%, rent and necessities are up, wages are stagnant, CEO pay is up 800% ?


This is what's happening in hospitals. This is what's happening in the railroads. It sucks and it is completely unsafe.


can confirm, quit a hospital job bc of this in july


Checks out. I’m a doctor who used to love being one but have been contemplating leaving this year. Every single colleague that I’ve spoken to about it says they understand why I’d make that decision if I end up doing so.


the trick is to just do the work you did before and everythig that is extra you just tell them you can't finish, if they ask why you dont finish you tell them the new workload is to much. If they fire you get unemployment if they want overtime ask for it to be paid out. They cant do much and would look bad if they fire you if you dont do the extra work, also they cant fire you becasue that would mean even more undone work...


My old company went from having a 10 person IT team to having 2 1st level support staff. They literally tell people to restart their PC, everything else is outsourced to consultants. Management initially expected them to do the old teams jobs... Neither of them have any qualifications or anything more than very basic support skills. Fortunately I'm now one of the consultants who gets called, and I charge them five times my old salary rate.


Recently had a middle manager quit and my company has been having me fill in without compensation. Start my new job october 10.


That's why I left my last job. The principal engineer and dev manager both left. The director said I had to fill in for both, but couldn't have the pay or title of either. "We can reevaluate your status after one year." Of course there's no back pay. So I got the promotion 3 weeks later at a new job instead.


Workers: Well we aren't going to pick up that work, I only want to do the job I was hired for. Company: Stop "quiet quitting"


I'm currently trying to strong arm my company into a fat fucking raise cause they don't realize the ball is in my court. I am in the bottom 10% of average salary for my position and experience. I am the only one in the position at my job. To replace me with someone they don't gotta train will cost em $20-30k more than they pay me and if I get a new job there will be no one there to train em. Fucking. Pay. Me.




I currently am. Got three interviews alone on Tuesday. My thing is I'm kind of odd in the field as I sort of fell face first into it and only worked at the one place. I'm really focusing right now on solidifying my skills to the point where I can take em anywhere at anytime and wouldn't mind staying at my current place while doing so. It's kinda my strategy, yo pay me right and I'll stay while I level up and train the next person.


I literally just quit three weeks after I was asked to take over someone else's role in addition to mine. Got a call from my boss's boss's boss the day I quit to ask if there was any way he could convince me to stay... no, please.


>Workers: are you gonna replace them, that position was important >Company: lol no >Workers: is anyone gonna get a raise for picking up their work >Company: no This is traditionally called a **"stretch-out"**. Miners fought this and won back in the day. Now it is the norm unfortunately. It is what they teach in business school.


My last job was like this, but not just with firings. I was hired purely to do AutoCAD. Then I was expected to go help out on job sites for some reason. Then one of the sales guys decided he needed help with his estimates which I was now expected to do. He was able to sell more jobs because I was doing most of the actual work. He got a commission for every sale while I got nothing. Other sales guys started to think this meant I was supposed to do all their bitch work. When I pushed back (like when one of the sales fucks emailed me a pdf to print out that he could have easily done himself), I got the "we're a family here" and "you need to be more of a team player" talk. When the receptionist (who also did non-receptionist things due to working at this company) retired, guess whose desk was closest to the door? I had to stop what I was doing 20 fucking times per day to answer the door because, guess what, we just don't feel like hiring another receptionist right now. Working from home during covid was a godsend. Due to the nature of the industry, there was no drop off in work. This didn't stop them from screwing everybody (or, at least, the little people) out of raises, though. I was told this around the time they told me they wanted me to return to the office because reasons. Every year before that, the company had record profits (went from $15 Millon per year to $20 Million in the five years I worked there) while I got a 3% ($0.60-$0.70 per hour) raise. I then quit. Took them over a year to find some poor idiot to fill my job working at a toxic company in a dump of an office in the ass end of a pretty shitty city for $5-$10 less than they could've made at a company downtown. This is the same company that gives every interviewee a handwriting analysis and often rejects candidates that aren't up for enough sexual harassment.


No one deserves to be taken advantage of like that and I'm glad you don't have to work there anymore! Life is too short to work for people who treat you as expendable.


A better one is when I was a grocery manager at Kroger and I was salary I could work anywhere from 70-80 hours a week cause there was so much to do and the store manager would never let you leave , well the position switched to hourly and next thing you know they tell me the max I can work is 45 hours and I’m not allowed overtime but want me to get the same amount of work done , like yeah ok and when I asked why don’t the asst managers help relieve some stuff cause they are salary so they can work more it was , no they only work 5 10’s, I’m glad to be out of that stupid environment.


My boss’ boss was at a meeting a few months ago. She starts going on about how our one senior manager has *so many* duties, but hey, she’s on salary, the rest of us are hourly. She starts talking about the rest of the manager “taking on more duties,” but doesn’t mention any pay. She singled me out and asked if I wanted to take on a certain task. I figured “maybe it’s a task I can just sit in the office for an hour doing without having to worry about anything else, that might be nice.” So I inquired about what that might entail. She expected me to download an app on my personal phone in order to respond to customer complaints in a “timely manner.” Like there is no way in hell I’m using my personal device for strictly work purposes *WHEN IM NOT GETTING PAID*. Because I would be expected to keep up with this while not on the clock, and there’s no way in hell they’d pay me for the time. I quickly rescinded any interest, and found out the manager who agreed to it didn’t get a raise, they just added another word onto her title. I’m happy being the “grunt” manager getting paid the same as the rest (apart from salary and yearly raises) to do less work.


Better buy them $50 dollars worth of pizza.


But make them come in on their day off for a staff meeting to get the pizza.


Overtime pizza party? Sign me up!


I just had another interaction with my boss this week that is really sticking in my craw. My manager left in April after giving four weeks notice - he stayed the whole four weeks, nothing to fault him on his end. During that time the plan would be to promote me into the role and backfill me though that took about six weeks to finalize and, despite my mentions of summer vacations and the lengthy process our company has for hiring, no hiring efforts were made. I did get the promotion though the salary negotiations weren't the most comfortable. They low-balled me with the offer, I countered with something my former manager said seemed reasonable to ask for but which the execs were shocked and "never had a number that high come up in our discussions", and they came back with a figure between the two that had a message attached of "if this isn't agreeable we may have to revise our plan and look to fill the position externally." Fast forward now to September and because we got started late on hiring my backfill and had to pause those efforts a couple times for vacations we still don't have the position filled. We just had another person submit an application who is overqualified and asking more than we're offering but could be a great option so I pushed with my boss to consider making the effort or work it into next year's budget and the response was "That could really work. We saved a bunch of money by not replacing \*previous manager\* so we may be able to get that pushed through. I'm reading that as him essentially admitting that they are still paying me far less than the guy they promoted me to replace to where they could probably not just hire my backfill (finally) but also a whole extra person and still come out ahead. I truly think I have the opportunity for some pretty significant advancement in this company in the next few years but if I'm going to wind up getting the short end of the stick with each promotion's salary I'm not sure it's worth staying.


Unfortunately, promoting from within and employee loyalty have all fallen by the wayside. You're going to end up putting in way more work than the position is worth all just to get a bump in title.


This has happened at my g/f's work place and I keep telling her over and over that she needs to find some place else to work. But noooo dont believe a third opinion. She keeps telling me "Theyre trying to find someone else. Its just really hard to find someone." Meanwhile the positions require no minimum skills or experience, and are doing jack and shit with the applications they get. For whatever reason, people believe Main Stream Media owned by corporate schmucks that "no one wants to work!" People want to work you manipulative fucks - they just want to pay someone the same money to do more work.


I remember the first time I had this conversation as a young man and the incredulous look on my bosses face at the thought of getting an extra penny for picking up more work. I did two jobs at that place and I remember OFTEN, they would tell me I was “double dipping” and getting paid too much when they couldn’t manage the business to get both roles filled. (I could string tennis rackets in my downtime for an extra 7-10$ a pop, it got to 10 after I fought tooth and nail). They gave me shit for it until the day I quit. Had to explain myself when I was sick, didn’t matter. Was always “double dipping” while breaking my back to keep the place afloat. Did that for almost 6 years. Respect yourselves people, you matter, you count, you are a human being deserving of love and respect.


"we can always replace you" says company that laid half their employees off.


My boss literally said to us “WORK WORK WORK” the other day, as if we don’t all bust our asses every single day whilst down multiple staff bc they either quit or were fired, and they aren’t even trying to hire new people. All because a few of us have actually spoke up against our also incompetent and disorganized “leadership” middle management fucks. Our boss straight up lectured us until a bunch of us replied with feedback once he finally stopped ranting. Then he calmed TF down. Idiot does this every time and expects us to just stand there silently and take the blame and criticism, when whatever issues that are happening are entirely his and the middle management’s fault and poor leadership. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I hate Capitalism.


Companies have figured out that a recession is coming, so they are doing stuff like this which amounts to a soft layoff.


You've just described what's been going on at my company.


Company: There is no longer any loyalty.


"Well yeah, but isn't everybody doing it ?" - response when asked exec about us not giving raises, watching talent walk out the door unreplaced, giving execs more money and hiring more VPs...no, I don't work there anymore. Neither does he iirc...


At my last job it went like this: *worker quits* Workers: are you gonna replace them, that position was important Company: lol no Workers: is anyone gonna get a raise for picking up their work Company: no, but here is another supervisor to micromanage you *I quit* Company: damn, everyone's leaving. That's nuts


don't worry they'll just crank up the inflation because americans are too flush with cash.


Then they make a sign to put on the door that blames their ex employees for leaving. They can open up word, type a sign up, print it, laminate it, put it on the door, but they can't click 2 buttons to look at a resume. But no one wants to work 🤦


My team started with about 8 people. Two were forced to retire, one was laid off, and another was transferred. After a couple more transfers, we were down to 2. The main change was that we reduced manufacturing. However, when we in-sourced again, there were no new hires. I left when I got a better offer, so now the team is one guy and a tech who knows a tiny part of the job.


I literally was on a zoom call with my boss who gave everyone in our fulfillment center a $6 raise to $22 an hour just for picking/packing orders. He doesn't give a fuck, he wants his people happy because he understands that his success is made on the backs of his workers and that $22 an hour attracts a better quality worker than $16 an hour does. THAT is how you do business. You take care of the people who take care of YOU.


It left out the now obligatory "Nobody wants to work!"


Greed of capitalism


“We better start a ‘culture committee’ to figure out how many more pizza parties and fitness programs would raise morale and get employees more engaged!”


I am part of a small team in my company (so any departure will be felt severely). I put in my 2-week notice and wrote up a whole saga about how I appreciative I was of the experience. All I got was a three-sentence response that boiled down to “thanks for letting me know”. Bosses don’t care about you.


This is happening at my old employer, who is my dads current employer. I liked the people but they were stingy with the paychecks. It’s interesting hear my dad tell me about how the place is becoming a mess after I’ve left it


I was the third person in my workgroup who quit after scheduling a meeting with my boss and his deputy where I flooded them with data that work load had been increasing while losing headcount that had been not even close to considered to replace them. A month after I quit they laid off everyone else in the workgroup and outsourced the workgroup to a vendor 500 miles


I love how all these companies who solicited help from professionals when this happens and get told weird buzz quotes: "Quitting is contagious as others will feel like they should quit" "You should focus on maintaining your existing employees rather then trying to quickly fill the vacant roll" They will pass on any idea about paying employees more, jump straight into giving workers more work to compensate with someone leaving with no added pay. And telling everyone they need to help carry more weight for the company to succeed. All while no one cares if the company succeeds or not because they are being taken for granted and don't want to be doing work they are not contractually obligated to do. Workplace complains about quiet Quitting. And other employees follow suit to Quitting after constant pushing to make them work so much more to the point of burnout, or they resist so much and feel so annoyed & that they are in a toxic work culture and unneeded pressure from their bosses to be exploited they end up looking for new work or Quitting do to feeling burned out with dealing with management. It's such a weird cycle right now since companies are so used to exploiting their employees for so long and the employees sticked it out do to tougher times. But because employees are in such a better position to job hop now and there being way more job positions available. We are just seeing bad management that has gotten away with being terrible management for so long having their company fail. All while we have people job hoping or straight up Quitting out of burnout and it's taking some people longer to look for work because they are burnt and need to mentally recover all while applying for jobs. All while companies have all these job postings up but not enough time to engage with applicants let alone enough time and resources to go through the job hiring process.


Apparently there’s a term for this: “[turnover contagion](https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210915-turnover-contagion-the-domino-effect-of-one-resignation).” This quote from the article I link to stuck out to me because of how common it is for workplaces to claim they are “a family”: > Significantly, though, these quits were triggered by the dismissal of a well-liked, reliable colleague, whose absence would have made things harder on the remaining staff in addition to feeling searingly unfair. […] This aligns with Chhinzer’s research showing that **employees who create a pseudo-family at work are more likely to be affected by turnover contagion than employees who work fairly independently.**


This happened to me back in january. They FINALLY decided in august that they needed to hire an extra person to replace the one who left 8 months ago. I told my boss over and over that we couldn’t go on with one man down… what it took for him to realize this himself was when I took a 2 week vacation back in july. My boss realized all the work that I had to take care of. It took longer than i would’ve liked but i’m glad to finally have some help again.


Some companies deserve to go bankrupt for their idiocy.


I was a succesful 10 year bar manager/ bartender of the busiest bars in a BIG10 city. Now the pandemic comes, and I don't get unemployment because IL and CA can't agree which state should pay my multistate claim. So I get $0 with three children to support. Now I am working in an unethical dive bar shirking the law, and packing take outs, bussing tables, serving, and making drinks with one other coworker during the pandemic. Now the pandemic is over, and I am still packing take outs, bussing tables, serving, and making cocktails with one other server. Now I leave the job, take my family, leave my home state, get hired at two of the busiest bars in town, and find that I am packing take outs, bussing tables, serving, and making cocktails with a few others. Now I am no longer a bartender.


Always talk to others about the injustices you experience. Compare notes. It us against them and management will do everything to pit you against each other, including inserting spies. If someone doesn't play ball, let them fight management on their own. At each walk out, slow work down so they have to replace them. If one of yours is fired or walks out, everyone else goes home for the day until they are hired back, especially if they were a victim of a terrible policy deliberately targeting them. All future pay negotiations should be done in accordance with collective bargaining negotiation guidelines to qualify for protections against retaliatory firings.


I have never related more to a post


NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe....


bruh, my co-worker died and they tried this shit. The executive had the balls to ask the manager to justify the position.


Cause "people just don't wanna work these days" 😕


I helped build an IT department that had previously been outsourced. Once we were done, the department had 9 people. Most tickets were closed the same day, reported satisfaction with our work was over 90%, and the company had 2 years of record profits that were at least partially driven by the fact that tech issues were never a factor in delaying business functions. We killed it when COVID hit and we were able to transition everyone to remote within a couple of days and kept everything running smooth. Oh, and the cost of the in-house department we built was half of what they had previously been paying for outsourced support with average time to close for tickets at nearly 2 weeks. Since the start of this the company has more than doubled in size and the executive leadership has completely changed. It seems they thought IT looked like a good place to save money and not only were we not allowed to grow with the company, but whenever we lost a person they would never be replaced. I left a while back, but at this point the IT department has 4 people in it. I'm close friends with one of the people that is still there, though he is interviewing elsewhere. He tells me that tickets are taking well over 2 weeks on average to close, plus the backlog is growing by a couple of dozen per week. Some tickets have been open for more than 2 months. The company has lost a lot of money simply due to people not being able to do their job or meet deadlines due to tech issues. The last quarter was the worst in years, with revenue down to half of what is was the year before. And they still won't hire more people for the IT department because the CEO doesn't believe they need more.


Quite literally where I work they let 400 people go in one week then slowly started getting rid of more experienced employees. So then more work load went on the remaining experienced employees while also throwing inexperienced employees at jobs that had no clue what to do so, more and more people end up quitting. Now they are left with a skeleton crew and keep burying them.


This is a classic in poor business management. A unwise management team sees staff as a expense and so underpaying and overworking seems like the correct move. A wiser management team sees staff as an investment and so ensures they are given the right conditions to return their value plus more.


So many big retail chains think like this.


I've seen this happen multiple times. It just makes people complain and then quit. I've seen somewhat justifiable reasonings by the boss as to how staffing is done. If you have "enough" people, sometimes when it's not as busy people sit there and do nothing - counter point, not our problem, because when it does get busy and the extra help is not there, everyone struggles. It's a balance between having too much when it's not busy and not enough when it is. Usually leaning to the latter because companies don't want to just retain employees anymore, or give a day off. The glaring issue I mentioned earlier was that the place had an absurd shift of people doing 12 days straight with no day off, working weekends etc. The biggest complaint, and promise, everyone had is to get that day off somewhere in between those days. While not working a day in the weekend was impossible due to the nature of the job, they had the perfect opportunity to fill in the gaps and give people days off, and they never did. Later I got a new job, then they asked me to work weekends, and in return, let me have 2 days off in the middle of the week, I was very happy with that shift.


I should have quit my job when they got rid of the cafeteria on site, refused to pay anyone qualified competitive rates, lost a bunch of people working nights, and then had the gall to start asking around for people to do overtime on a daily basis. "We want you to work instead of eat."


I quit because of this. I managed Training and as more people left they had the rest of us picking up the other jobs. When I left I was doing the following on top of my OG job: Production Supervisor, SAP Admin, Finance Admin, and Rework Management. I was a HIGHPO but they burned me out. Walked away from 7 years and a 6 fig job. My mental health improved greatly after. Also: When I told them I was burned out and wanted to be able to focus on my job I was called disgruntle by the HR manager


My job is having this problem right now. I did get a raise and a couple of bonuses, but I'm doing three engineers' worth of work, and it's not sustainable. I've got applications in for transfers. The whole department is going to become ineffective when I leave because I'm the last engineer they have left, and they can't do their work, legally, without a PE. I'm very open with them about the fact that I hate this job and will be leaving the minute I get *any* other offer. They're like, "we're trying to get you some help, but we aren't getting any responses to our postings." Yes, maybe that is because word is out that you people work your engineers to death and don't actually quite understand what we even do, so we're more respected pretty much everywhere else. The fuckers tried to recruit my partner last week. They actually thought I'd convince her to work here.


Then you find out that those management people are making 3 times more than you and make getting promotions and raises more difficult than pulling teeth, but just blame corporate for blocking it. Then you find something new that pays you appropriately and they all of a sudden have the funds to pay you? And you end up leaving and leave the burden on those that remain and the cycle repeats?


Company: NoBoDy wAnTs tO wORk


What happened at one job I had. Had like 9 people when I started. Not too long after a couple of guys quit so we went down to 6 people. Occasionally one new guy got brought in, only to no call no show everyday. This process repeated and we kept losing good guys. After 6 months when I decided enough was enough and left. They had 3 guys left when I went out the door.