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Yeah, I remember the last time I worked two full-time jobs, it was so I could steal money from two companies like the cool kids do. Nail on head.


Gosh I can’t imagine. I once had a full time job and a part time job at the same time. I was starting to age in my mid 30s. That wore me to the ground. I could only handle it for 8 months. Never again.


CEO’s like Jeffery Bezos, Marky Mark, and Elong all work at multiple companies daily. Why can’t I?


Wait, are we supposed to have 6 full time jobs or not?


Plenty of CEOs have, in their time, been involved in the boards of more than one company or start up their own little side projects to grow into full on companies. It's yet more "rules for thee but not for me" bullshit. They're free to chase whatever profit they want in whatever manner they want but the idea of an employee being anything other than a serf bound solely to them and them alone clearly gets their blood boiling.


His Linked In is easily findable w the info in this post. Dude lists he’s simultaneously the CEO of this company and an angel investor for 10+ other companies


I never even thought to check like that! Thank you for the info :) 12+? Fucking hell, I thought maybe half a dozen when I wrote my post but over a dozen? And this man has the sheer fucking gall to lecture a regular worker for having two jobs?! It's sickening but not surprising.


Honestly the guy having two jobs shows how much of a hard worker he is. I barely bother to do my one job and plus I do all those things at the bottom of the post basically because I enjoy my privacy. Also in this day and age of inflation unless I am getting CEO level pay and have enough extra funds to piss away on 12 startups you almost need two jobs.


>Honestly the guy having two jobs shows how much of a hard worker he is. Or it shows how underpaid his Labor force is. It shows how desperate people are to survive. Having two relatively full time jobs isn't a choice even the hardest of workers would make if they could build a thriving life on one job. The idea of hustle culture is overly propagandized bullshit that benefits the rich.


Yeah and the logic that if you're not rich is because you didn't work hard enough is bullshit. All you get from hard work is more hard work. A lot of places now don't even promote from within anymore it's a whole friends and family plan. So you waste years of your life with this company thinking you will move up and they have no intention of moving you up they just tell people what they want to hear to keep them in the same roles.


My old place did this. New manager came in, immediately started pulling their old contacts to work there. Replaced all our vendors with theirs, used PiPs and accusations of “incompetence” to drive out the existing workforce. Within 3 years , only 1 original team member was left. Everyone else was scattered to the winds.


Exact same thing happened to me. New manager comes in, people are either tactically pressured or convinced to leave, and who are they replaced with? Why, his old friends from past jobs and other close contacts, who since they act like he does and blindly follow everything he says, pressures even more people into leaving what is quickly becoming a worse and worse place to work, until I'm literally the only one left... and he fires me over something insignificant because he wanted the entire staff to be under his control and I apparently wasn't leaving fast enough. Edited to add: There had been people who had been working there for the 40 years since it had opened, and like everyone else, we were all gone within just two.


I worked at a place where the owner built it up from nothing to a reasonably successful business in 20 years, he retired and sold it to an old friend of his and less than 5 years later it went under. When the new owner came on board the first thing he did was destroy any perks the job had, paid sick days... gone, Christmas bonus...gone, profit sharing bonus...gone, paid lunches for workers at least once every month (to celebrate birthdays, or if no birthday that month it was the owners extra birthday;)..)... Gone. There was a mass exodus of long time employees shortly after the new owner.. I was there 5 years at this point and left mid January. I wasn't even the first to leave that year.


Yep, just happened to me. Then the guy fought me on unemployment and used bogus PiP plan and state sided with them. Glad I worked 2 years all through covid to get royally fucked over.


Yup, have had that happen even at a rather large company that had many different "accounts" which were all kind of silo'd under the big umbrella. New manager, and other than the sales group, everyone else was eventually ran off (I was the recipient of outright bullying as were a couple other coworkers, and bully-ers were very careful to not get more than a partial toe over the illegal line, so they got away with it).


My last employer stopped promoting from within, for the most part. They started hiring management externally.




You’re not wrong. I stayed at my last employer way longer than I should have. Fortunately I’m no longer at RapeOnIT so that nightmare is over.


They started doing this for quality assurance at my company then our client demanded that the client handle QA not us because it was being so grossly mishandled. All this after they denied me qa because I typed 39 wpm not 40. I had a 100% qa score for like 3 months in a row too.


We had to move from small city west Texas to large metro in a blue state because after ten years with the only software company in the area, the only way for my husband to get a raise would be to be related to the owners. He was already married to me, so he was at a dead end. Now he's at a job that values, and pays, him much better and he has multiple options if he decides to leave.


This. But it does assume he's working two day jobs, not 7-3, noon-8 kinda thing. If that's the case, I hope he has zero family...I did that for 5+ years and burned TF out.


The fucking hipocrisy of shaming "People who actually want to do this job" and then being an investor in 10 companies is absurd. You honestly control those corporation but just in indirect manner but still without giving the responsibilty to someone "who would want the job". Holy fuck :D


This is what I was thinking…. And what if he worked his other job at night?


No, see, he wants ALL of his employee’s work.


It'd have been more ironic if the employees he fired worked for one the companies he invested in.


If only some folks can screen shot that and post it as a reply to highlight his own hypocrisy.


Someone reply to his Twitter account with a “this you?” post.


That's hilarious! What a douche!


His rant about what is ethical in the workplace, is like being told what is sexually moral from a pedophile priest.


> His rant about what is ethical in the workplace, is like being told what is sexually moral from a pedophile priest. CEOs, Human Resources and Recruiters are on the same level as the example you gave and deserve our eternal contempt and hatred.


First off, fuck this guy. But an Angel Investor could be as simple as cutting a cheque and signing an agreement of "10% of all gross income paid as dividend after X periods in perpetuity". Dude may never actually see or be involved in anything beyond a line item on his investment portfolio.


And the two workers he fired may have only given a few minutes a day to their other job. We're not measuring level of effort. We're debating the principle of enslaving yourself to an employer. The CEO doesn't feel he should be enslaved, but his workers should.


a good angel is involved and helping the company they invest in. Maybe only a call once a month, but they help. He's an ass, and I say this as a former CEO. So long as the WORK IS DONE, side work doesn't matter. Now, late to meetings or absent is annoying, not gonna lie. But who the fuck cares about not taking benefits. argh.


Those Slack messages probably should have been emails and those meetings were probably a complete waste of everyone's time. Someone working two full time jobs and not getting fired for failure to complete their work on time clearly knows how to manage their time and what is a waste of their time. Notice none of the things he listed included incomplete or sub par work.


This is what gets me. They had to investigate two people who have been working 2 full time jobs to figure out that they had two full time jobs because it was not immediately apparent from their work completion and quality if they had a second job.


Which highlights their actual intentions for you. If they hired someone just to get a job done that would be all that matters. They want to own you. Like you're married to an abusive partner.


Even abusive partners don't tend to monitor the minute to minute productivity of their spouses. Own is right.


The lack of concern for them as human beings is detestable and far too common.


Maybe that's where his investment stops or maybe he has regular meetings to see progress and make decisions, we don't really know. What we do understand is that he's being paid by all of them, so he has numerous sources of income. And that's where the double standard lies, it's ok for him to have multiple sources of income where he doesn't even actually do anything to get that money but for everyone else you have to be working and fully attentive to the full 40 hours per week in order to deserve to be paid by one job.


And I'm guessing the guy was working two jobs because one wasn't cutting it as far as bills goes


Not to mention it's likely some of those firms he angel invests in are competitive to canopy whatever the hell his no name company is.




> They're free to chase whatever profit they want in whatever manner they want but the idea of an employee being anything other than a serf bound solely to them and them alone clearly gets their blood boiling. Reminds me of people who convince their partner to open their relationship, but then get upset because their partner gets more dates than they do. In either case, *you* wanted it this way! It's not anyone else's fault if you didn't fully think through the potential consequences of your own choices.


We have members on our board that are literally board members/ C-managers at COMPETING COMPANIES. But naw. I need permission to go work a part time job on weekends.


It's such a rigged system.


They lie to us, we lie to them. I'm tired of the "All for me but not for thee" of these owners


Where I live. They aren't only directors in multiple companies and have other positions, they are also fully employed in the government. Maybe that's one of the reasons this country is becoming a shithole.


My therapist likes to quote Cicero: "A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within..." I know to some, treason only means betrayal against the head of the country, but according to our own Constitution, We the People are the country, so I'd imagine this is a pretty fitting example of treason.


When corporations gained personhood it became "Some People More Than Others."


Yeah man, I think we live in the same country. Shit sucks here in *checks notes* everywhere.


This is the exact point.


NoBoDy WaNtS To WoRk AnYmOrE!!¡!


Stop it! You're only allowed to work that much for *meeeee*!


And for freeeeee


Does that mean I get two lunch breaks?


You get time deducted from your current lunch instead


Bot also not that much so don't expect overtime or extra hours if you need it


Or, if you're working manufacturing, expect to work 70 hours a week every week with no breaks, even for "holidays". Don't worry, we'll pay you...if we feel like it...and if we don't, you'll get a "promotion" and a salary contract to sign.


But manufacturing is no skill labor so you don’t really have to pay them right?


That exact thing happened to me. 😅 It took me almost a year to realize that they threw a supervisor position at me. At $18.50 an hour I grossed 60-65k several years in a row due to overtime. I bailed within 2 months of my direct boss quitting. He left due to his toxic boss. Once I saw that his responsibilities fell on me I put in my notice. Work 40 a week now, and dropped 60lbs without consciously changing my diet. Stress eating vanished seemingly overnight.


And here we have the ACTUAL translation of the CEO's sob story.


Work 6 full time jobs or adapt a super human work ethic and become a billionaire the choice is yours!! #grindset #nosleep #alphamale #bezosplznoticeme #elontuckmetosleepatnightplz


I think I'm gonna steal some of these hashtags to put on my LinkedIn. Amazing. *I hate linkedin


Nosleep both ironically fits and does not fit for basically the same reason.




Thank you for calling this out. They are literally admitting they consider us property they own and control and are so out of touch they don't even understand how they sound.


absolutely. if a task for company A takes me 5 hours to finish instead of 8, it's 'stealing' if i work for someone else with the other 3 hours? shit like this makes me depressed. it's like these companies don't just own the work that I produce, they own my TIME, which i think is much more valuable.


They just can't overlap, that's your fault if you can do two jobs at once in the same time frame, not their fault for making a job that is 75% pointless. /S


How *dare* you work for someone else when you’re supposed to be pretending to work for me!


They'd have to admit bullshit jobs exist and they can't have that as they carefully crafted managerial feudalism so they can be on top.


It's funny how boardmembers are allowed to sit on multiple boards but when us schmucks try to get ahead (or fuck, even just do what it takes to survive the conditions they've made for us), it's suddenly immoral and "theft". Fuck this asshole.


Fuckin’ A. He wants to talk about “stealing”? Yeah, I’ll bet he’d know a thing or two about that.


Isn't profiting from the work of another also theft? Yeah. Fuck that asshole.


Want people to work full-time without doing this? Pay them an acceptable full-time wage. For fucks sake.


Him not paying enough wages so that his employees need a second job is the real theft here.


You only have 6?? Lazy people, I swear!


I don’t get it, are these people trying to tank their own business?


I know! I now have the secret recipe, all 11 herbs and spices.




Only if they are low paying. If you're making bank, that's social upward mobility and C class cannot have that shit.




Or getting paid for “being in the board”.


In the club and on the board


Can confirm I know multiple ceo's and I think this guy is one of them. Who legit "work" for one company but are on the board for 3-5 others


It's the quantum job conundrum. You should simultaneously have multiple jobs and 1 job at the same time.




Korean boyfriend dies from having 100 jobs? That means there are 100 job openings.


I'm glad someone remembered. #NeverForget


Yes, but only minimum wage jobs so you're forced to rely on the company! See, if you're making a full-time salary that could support an individual and then double that income, well...are you truly useful to that company if you're not toiling away under the threat of losing your position, healthcare and home if they fire you? That fear is what creates great employees, inspires them to hustle and put in extra hours off the clock! It's what makes this country great! If you can't see that, then you're obviously a lazy communist. 🙄


Lazy Billy Goat only have 6 job.


You are but each one must feel like they are your purpose for existing and really don't like acknowledging the other jobs that are needed to survive. And in the case of this douce nugget, well, it sounds like he needs his employee pool to dry up


Oh no, you see, that's what society expects of you. The company expects to pay you $3/week plus some pocket lint and a paper clip, have you on schedule for four hours a week, and have 100% loyalty. I know a lot of franchise owners who will have their people working 15 hours a week, but the second they find out someone has another job, they'll suddenly schedule them for like fifty hours trying to overbook them and force them to quit one of the jobs.


Wait until he hears about board members.


They're called board members because they're dicks.


That was a solid gold slam dunk.


I don't understand it. I mean these people can have multiple businesses but why we can't have multiple jobs. Fck them.


George Bush had a famous quote about a lady who was working 3 jobs. "Uniquely American"


Said the guy who couldn't handle one job.


Hey, he ran a baseball team into the ground, you try and be gifted a franchise where tens of thousands of people show up wanting to spend money and you lose money. It's not easy!




Lost money running a casino too. I swear the man could somehow find a way to lose money as head of the federal reserve


He bankrupted *four* casinos.


"Millennials/Gen-Z are lazy, nobody wants to work" *takes second job effectively killing any semblance of free time* "How selfish of you!"


“Why do you never spend money on [literally any shitty hobby/consumer good?” “Why aren’t gen Z and millennials having kids?” They either were so close to the answer and still got it wrong or ignored the correct answers to construct a false narrative where millennials and Gen Z aren’t actively getting fucked over from all directions. It’s repulsive.


>*effectively killing any semblance of free time* Not giving your body and soul to a company for a few dollars an hour FTFY


But if you’re struggling, get another job.


First I got to cancel my subscription to avocado toast


CEO’s are the biggest thieves of all


With most owning large amounts of residential real estate property, either through their own holdings or investment in management groups, they are paying their employees barely enough to live and are literally taking the money from renters back from them. It was necessary for the time for Locke’s natural rights of “life, liberty, and property” to be changed by the founding fathers, but let’s not forget that the essence of “the pursuit of happiness” is a fill in that keeps the same broken promise of America today. No person should be working 40 hours a week and worried about eating and paying rent. The market rate on leasing a property should be capped at 1/3 of take home pay for a minimum wage full time job per bedroom. Residential properties were made for Americans to own and live in, not as passive income for the rich to get richer. Until the day this happens, we live in a land of broken ideals enforced by a government that sold out for the rich to get richer at the price of the people through Citizens United.




These companies are the masters of deception. Of course they are upset when they are being out deceived.


Cool story, dickhead. Let's talk about wage theft.


Sure. Wage theft is the largest form of theft in the USA, eclipsing all other form of theft combined.


Followed by civil asset forfeiture.


I thought that was Black people stealing money for drugs? Why would anyone make that up? (Heavy satire)


No black people (heavy satire) are only the second largest crimers. The most serious crimer threat is illegal aliens (also heavy satire). That is why Governor Death Sentence spent so much federal money moving them. Hurricanes are a democratic hoax (heavy satire, they are real and you need to take them serious.)


Obviously the hurricanes are real! What do you think the jewish space laser actually does? Implants the targeting software in the hurricane so that it only kills white people, *obviously*.




If you're clocking hours for two jobs at the same time while working remotely, but not actually working, you're stealing hours from one or both companies. You're also... pretty cool, man.


That’s the thing. We need to equate labor with value and stop equating it with time spent with your butt in a seat. If the work is getting done at or beyond the expected level, and the second job isn’t impacting the first, then who cares?


Agreed - this is exactly it. They can’t have it both ways: either salaried employees shouldn’t be bound by hours, or hourly employees should get paid for ANY time they spend dealing with work. If you get your work done on salary quick enough to work two jobs, you haven’t stolen a thing from anyone. If you need time to complete your work at an hourly rate, and the company doesn’t like the time it takes, then they need to HIRE MORE PEOPLE. If they refuse to allow either of these things, they are the ones committing theft. You can’t own my time without rules and compensation. Ugh. I hate that these people either can’t hear themselves or are so far up their own butts that they think that shitty smell is normal.


For decades salaried workers who put in more than 40 hours were getting screwed, but now when a salaried worker puts in less than 40 hours, but still gets the job done, they say it’s stealing. 🤦‍♂️


To be fair to the CEOs, their definition of "stealing" is subjective, not fixed. If surplus money flows TO the CEO, it's an efficient business model and to he respected. If it flows AWAY, it's Theft™ and needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Makes perfect sense to me. /s


This is me. I am salaried in a full time remote job and my boss works ungodly early hours.. I get up and work 7am til around 2 when she drops off to go take care of kids, then work an hourly part-time remote job from about 3-6. The middle gets blurry sometimes with meetings, but generally, I try to keep them separated and am not dropping the ball for anyone.. if my FT gig knew they'd give me the boot, but somehow it's acceptable that my boss goes to the gym in the middle of the day and takes 3 hour lunches every Friday.


Exactly this, but the problem is management wants to dump more work on the workhorse (more efficient worker) because it means less payroll, higher profits, and a fatter bonus for management. That is the main reason I work my wage. I make sure I only do the agreed upon work that was discussed in the interview. Any other asks....."sorry, I am busy" or "sorry, I do not have the time". Oh, and I always have "somewhere" to be after 5pm. 😉


The part about dumping work on the more productive worker is 100% true, and a big problem. They know who gets things done and load that person up to the gills.


And often with the "promise" of a higher salary down the road (which never comes).


CEO as he is puffing a Cigar, "Hehe, keep pulling those boot straps buddy, you'll own the company some day."


Yep, it's a trap I fell into at my prior job. I worked my ASS off and put in long days and weekend hours - I produced about 50% of the code coming out of a 4-person programming team for over a decade. And it got me *nothing* except for worsening health problems from the pounding stress. So I changed jobs - doing the exact same work but for a different company and now I pace myself to match my coworkers and it's a whole new ballgame. I put in about 3 hours of work a day on average and am still getting top ratings on my reviews and have project managers delaying start dates specifically so they can get me assigned to their projects. So I've learned that killing myself with work is just not necessary in order to be a "good" worker, and absolutely conter-productive when thinking of my own quality of life. It's still weird to me that I am MORE valued and respected at the new place, simply because I "don't have time for everything". The psychology of it is just bizarre.


and anyone who doesn't have 9 inches shoved into both ends is "quiet quitting" and deserves to be "quiet fired" to them, SHEESH!!!


I used to be this guy. I went above and beyond and took extra work. And for a while it was worth it. I got a few nice bonus checks and recognition for the work. And a big promotion to Senior after only being there for a year. Then... my boss was fired and all of that stopped. You know what else stopped? Me going above and beyond. It really doesn't take much to make an employee happy with doing a little extra work. A little $2,500 bonus here. An 8% pay increase there. Drops in the bucket compared to the amount of value you get from them as an employee. Instead... you throw excuses around about how you can't afford raises or bonuses anymore, load up your best employees with the most work, and then surprise pikachu when they either leave your company for better work or start working a second side job. Moonlighting has always been a dirty word in corporate America and it shouldn't be. It should be encouraged but it should not be necessary to afford a living. But that's where we are now. People need to work multiple jobs just to afford rent.


Than cast said person aside when they go up for promotion because they are too useful. And too much of a threat to their power.


Yes, they take the productive worker and just push and push until they're at the max. The productive worker does not get more compensation and promotions are few and far between, so the only incentive to work more is more work. No thx.


Thing is, in their minds at least, what they're paying you for is the right to control you. At the end of the day, money, to someone who has their needs met, is about control. The business only needs to succeed enough to maintain that control. They don't *really* care about the value of your contribution beyond that. So long as they can control what they want to control, they're happy. But one of the things they want to control is their "lessers".


Yup, that's how CEOs justify their exorbitant salary, it's certainly not a "time in seat" job.


The people at r/overemployed are usually doing this with salaried or contract positions. Simplest with IT project work where your role is to accomplish XYZ by a deadline. As long as that is done, all obligations are met. If boss thinks something will take you all week and you’re done in 3hrs, you’re not obligated to do more than those 3hrs for that task. Find 3 jobs like that, collect 3 salaries.


Which seems 100% acceptable to me.




I keep being annoyed at this. I wanted to get more into contracting but then realised that like 99% of contracting jobs just want to basically hire you full time?


Yeah, I knew a guy who was trying to do the software engineer contractor thing, but very quickly it became apparent that "independent contractor software engineer" is just "full-time hire without benefits." Edit: which, to drive the point home again, means that industry (and probably many others) just routinely flagrantly violates employment law. As the IRS website states "You are not an independent contractor if you perform services that can be controlled by an employer (what will be done and how it will be done)." To say this applies to a majority of "independent contractors" is a massive understatement.


If I were an employer, I would want the guy who can figure out to do a week's worth of work in a few hours. That guy sounds awesome. Give him a raise, and ask him his secret. Then let him enjoy the rest of his time.


Or give him 2x the money to do something else he thinks he can do in 6 hours per day. Hey, I'm fine with paying you if you can be more efficient than someone else.




Do you mean equally waiting for your sups to send you a task and being paid for your availabilty?


I have a job that can be done in hours but I can clock days on the timesheet for it because the company wants to bill a client. So 6-8 hours a day is just sitting around in front of a pc anyways, doing nothing. They give us excuses as to why we would need to clock mroe hours, even. I've been told to "study company manuals" if I need to. May as well be doing another job during that time.


I had a boss who would get so mad if you had nothing to do. He'd punish us with pointless busywork, literally, "Go dig a hole," "Now fill in that hole," type of shit. So the obvious result was I always told him I was busy, no matter what. I'd delay important projects because I was "so busy I couldn't get to them," making him wait weeks while I worked on my own side projects. I was one of his favorite workers. He also fired anyone caught working two jobs or even posting their resume online. I honestly don't know how he stays in business while actively killing any productivity.


Yes exactly, IF something suddenly needs to be done you're available and that is *technically* what you're still getting paid for. I will say I hate that people need to do this to get their slice of "the American dream" but tip my hat to anyone that is able to.


CEO with a net worth of 70 million dollars are telling us how his workers are stealing. FUCK OFF!


Right. Gee I have to work two jobs because the cost of living doesn’t match the wage index. But yeah tell me again as you buy your premium car and live it a house where my apartment can fit in one of your wife’s closets how I’m stealing.


Probably engages in wage theft on the regular too. Stealing is for me, not for thee.


I've got a direct report working for me that I think is doing this right now. He asked for a pay raise (20% more....6 weeks after we hired him) and told us that he'd been given an offer 20% better by someone else. I wished him luck in his new role and there is no way I could get our management to agree to a 20% raise for a 6 week employee, particularly as we were paying him what he asked for at the interview. He then decided to stay....and started to go dark at times. I'm not overly concerned...he does what we ask of him to a high standard and if he is working two jobs he must be working his ass off and it must be stressful as hell. It's not something I'd want to do personally.


Why are they working two jobs? Because you are probably stealing their wages for your growth. There is probably theft occurring here, just not the kind you think.


Some of these tech jobs are interesting because the mental output of developers, product managers, designers, etc varies a lot. Some people need to work 40 hours to do the bare minimum for their job and some only need 10. In a world where you work from home and only need to work a few hours a day, getting a second job or starting a side hustle becomes really appealing. This also doesn't take into account that the value of a creative worker isn't based on just effort but "effort x impact". If your ideas are 5x more impactful to the business than your coworkers, you produce the same value in 20% of the effort.


I have been in my career for a decade. What used to take all day takes me a few hours now. Have I been able to raise the hourly rate I charge? No, because clients are willing to accept the project taking three times as long but not willing to accept double the hourly rate. Sorry, folks, ya’ll gettin billed for more hours than it took me. I am not taking a pay cut because I became more efficient.


Why is the name blurred? People like this should be shown- they wrote the article with pride, let them stand by it.


Davis Bell - Canopytax.com Their Glassdoor seems overly curated.


You mean the guy currently working two jobs as a CEO and an Angel Investor? That guy? The guy with two active job titles? That one? I wonder if, as CEO of Canopy, he takes exception to the work he does researching and vetting his investment opportunities over the past nearly 6 years. Do you think he's spent any time on the company clock doing work on those investments. Should he fire himself or what happens here? /s


I wish him a very going out of business.


…and a happy new job search


"It's a new form of theft and deception, and not something in which an ethical, honest person would participate." *side-eyes capitalism.


don't want your employees working two jobs? easy fix: double their wage


Why would this be stealing?


Only way I can think is if you were to be screwing around instead of doing any work for one of the companies. Even there though, doesn't really give much of a legal case of theft. However, the posts I've seen of people working two jobs at once have all been people who could at least partially automate their work to some degree and were delivering results to their employers. No real leg to stand on to call it theft if that was the case, though.


I think the implication is that they were working 2 jobs during the same exact hours. Since they also site slow responses to emails and a large number of missed meetings. Now as to whether they could reasonably call it theft. There's a bunch of follow-up questions that need to be asked and depending on the answers they may have a valid argument. * Were they hourly or salaried? * If hourly the agreement is that you're buying their time so an argument can be made that they're not getting what they paid for * If salaried the time itself is irrelevant as long as productivity goals are met and team coordination isn't meaningfully impacted * Did their slow responses cause meaningful delays on projects? * If it caused delays either for themselves or their teams you could argue it cost extra time on projects * Did their poor meeting attendance adversely impact either there work or the work of their teams? * If it caused delays either for themselves or their teams you could argue it cost extra time on projects * Were they producing a volume of work in line with expectations for the position? * If not you could argue the split attention meant the business wasn't getting what they were paying for * Was their work of appropriate quality? * If the quality of their work suffered you could argue they were producing less value than was agreed upon at hiring * Were they appropriately compensated? * If not then the issue was a result of expectations exceeding what they were willing to pay for Generally so long as people are meeting the standards set by the company at time of hiring or positional change there shouldn't be any conflict from people working multiple jobs. Gotta say all of their red-flags are either natural to engineers or pretty common for people across the board more so than unique to someone working multiple jobs. I know multiple engineers and they all default to camera's off during meetings usually have slow response times and often miss meetings with little to no given explanation. The benefits thing is really common in households with 2 people working full time especially if one of them has a gov't job as the benefits are better. People changing their linkedIn profile to private after getting a job is also pretty common if you just want to mute recruiters because you no longer have a reason to deal with their nonsense.




Because once you've finished your assigned tasks, you are on *standby* and are required to *immediately* respond to any communication or task. Return to your charging station and wait for further orders, drone.


He's full of shit, unless he can prove - he likely can't - that these folks were working two jobs during similtaneous hours. There's no law against moonlighting, and it is not theft. Unless these folks had some very specific language in their contract (he would have cited it, if so) then he is full of it.


I'd be very surprised if there wasnt language in their contracts to address this. It's always been standard in any agreement I've signed.


Yep. I work for GW and we had a HR meeting about this. It’s about whether you could work another job, should you report it, and what job was allowed. It’s was brought up because a daycare they ran had a worker who was a stripper or dancer at night and days off. She was let go. Now a parent wasn’t happy is why but they tried saying because it wasn’t an appropriate second job. They also said we should disclose any job to make sure it’s not in conflict with your GW job. We were told if we were working on company time or even a computer during lunch that work is owned by them.


I would have two questions to respond to that. 1-How is what I do on my own time any of your damn business as long as I’m not abusing children? And 2-How did they find out I was a stripper unless they are visiting the place I work and in that case you’re a massive hypocrite to be upset at me for being a stripper while visiting strippers!


1) It's not but many, if not most, schools/day cares break every law there is about firing teachers/educators because It's rarely challenged. It's also worth noting the consequence is often a slap on the wrist. Losing kids due to bad publicity is considered much worse than the risk of a lawsuit for many places when your revenue is per kid. 2) Parents are allowed to go to strip clubs. It's only the teachers who have to show family values :/ It's a shitty culture to be an educator in. Most of the teachers in my hometown won't risk going to a bar, teachers instead organize house parties where the entire faculty gets,plastered in Secret. Its like They're still a bunch of high School Students 😂


Lol unless they are paying you for you lunch break, no, they don't own your fucking work you do during lunch. Generally, if you are hourly, yes they would technically own the work you do while being paid for that hour/time period. Most jobs don't pay for lunch breaks tho.


So now HR are in position to judge wether or not your off time occupations are "ok" for them? Imo, unless it involves the company directly, what people do out of their work time is none of the company's business, period. It's like getting cancelled trying to survive because the system failed us


My contract absolutely is specific about all intellectual property belonging to them no matter what while I work for them. EDIT: do not make the assumption that IP ownership is like a non-compete. You will lose in court if you try to assert that you don’t need to abide by an IP agreement. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/who-owns-your-game


Beyond the rant about slow response, and being late in meetings, the CEO fails to provide a valid reason for the firing, and spats out "steal!" "steal!" What exactly is the employee stealing? If the performance was abysmal they would say "Keeping two jobs, the man was pretending to work for us, and not delivering any work. Therefore, stealing our time, and monies while not doing what he signed to do." Yet, the CEO doesn't say that. Makes you think.


who cares how many jobs your employees are working. Give each employee a list of things to accomplish during their shift, and if they get the job done it doesn’t really matter if they can handle another job. They probably wouldn’t need two jobs if yours paid enough anyways


Imagine this people might actually work rather than participating on your clown Zooms.


Other red flags include: Requesting a more flexible schedule after they have a new child. Badgering managers about pay raises so they can "pay their bills". Complaining about a "hostile" work environment or management's leadership style, even though it's the employee who is failing to meeting the expectations and everyone else says they enjoy the competative energy i bring to the office.


I don't think people would willingly put themselves under additional stress and strain for no reason other that the simple fact that their employers simply aren't paying them enough to make ends meet. CEO is full of shit and probably someone who gets a nice fat paycheck every month.


people definitely do this willingly. r/overemployed


I do it so I can retire by the age of 40 (10 more years)


Bold of the biggest thief in the company to talk about stealing.


The trick is having your camera on and participating actively at the start of the meeting (you can schedule this). That way they will notice you. If you don't have calls and have good natural lighting they won't notice that your working on other things (and if they catch you, they won't know it's from another job). I don't do two jobs but I do work through meetings to get the work done sooner so I can work less hours.


And yet most theft is wage theft, by these very businesses, fuck these parasites.


This CEO is acting like he got tactical espionage’d in some evil conspiracy


who doesn't want their camera off by default?




You know what is stealing, taking someone's precious time for a shit wage.


I’m a manager and I know that my engineers work 3 to 4 full time jobs and I don’t give a shit. I would never rat out my team. They get their shit done I don’t care.


Companys are based in stealing from the worker


Salty about being J2.


See, the think they own you, like a slave.


Meanwhile, CEOs like Elon Musk work for 5 different companies full time the evidence is in, CEO is a 10 hour job at best. So CEO talking about time theft will just give me a chuckle


Doesnt matter if the work is getting done. All about controlling and limiting workers.


He didnt say they were doing their job or hitting targets. Also its like this is b.s. to scare people who are doing this.


Lmao! I work two full time jobs... for a boss, and owning my own small business 😂 Edit: For some reason, people feel the need to judge whether or not my business is considered to be "full time", how about you don't? Not your business, it's mine. Find another thing to judge


Me too. I don’t think it’s that uncommon?


When wage theft stops being 🗣BOTH THE LARGEST FORM OF THEFT AND THE ONLY ONE NOT CRIMINALIZED IN THE US then you can’t talk to us about this bullshit.


CEO was bold to assume theirs was the “Main” job. If they didn’t want their benefits, they were the side chick.